Rabbits and hares are very similar in appearance. Moreover, they belong to the same order - lagomorphs (and not rodents, as some mistakenly believe). For both of them, activity usually appears at dusk. Both of them feed on grass, tree bark, vegetables - depending on your luck. They escape from common enemies - predatory animals, birds, humans. Defense techniques for hares and rabbits are also similar - jumping, abrupt change directions; If necessary, they can kick or bite hard. However, there are differences here too: hares, as you know, are excellent runners, and rabbits run slower because hind legs theirs is much shorter than that of hares. Instead of running away at the sight of danger, they prefer to freeze. But if necessary, they can also strike, and as quickly as a hare, so catching a rabbit is not so easy.

Despite all their external similarities, rabbits and hares are strikingly different in biology - so much so that they do not even interbreed, that is, they cannot produce offspring from each other. This is also determined genetically: hares have 24 pairs of chromosomes in their chromosome set, while rabbits have only 22.

Many people believe that the difference between hares and rabbits is that rabbits are domestic animals, while hares are wild animals. This is wrong. Domestic rabbits are the result of domestication of wild ones, which still live in Europe, North America and South-East Asia. By the way, all attempts to tame hares ended in failure.

Brown hare and European wild rabbit
  • Hares are not tied to a specific territory; they do not build burrows. Rabbits dig holes and can live in the same hole for a long time.
  • Rabbits live in colonies, with females giving birth to their young in burrows. Hares prefer to live alone - they become sociable only during the mating season.
  • The legs and ears of rabbits are shorter than those of hares. Rabbits, as we said above, run slower than hares: if a hare is capable of speeds of up to 50-70 km/h, then a rabbit is only 20-25 km/h.
  • Hares have a seasonal molt: in winter the color of hares is white, in summer it is darker. Rabbits also molt twice a year, but their color does not change during molting.
  • Hares and rabbits differ in the process of reproduction. Rabbits breed all year round, and hares - only during the period favorable for reproduction (it varies depending on the habitat; in Europe it is March-September). The pregnancy of a hare lasts up to 45 days, and a female rabbit - 1.5 less: up to 32 days (about 4 weeks).
  • Bunnies are born with with open eyes, hearing, covered with fluff, fully formed, can almost immediately consume food from adult animals. Already on the 5-7th day they can nibble grass. Rabbits are born completely helpless - blind, deaf, naked and feed only on mother's milk for up to 4 weeks. They become ready for independent life only on the 25th day.
  • The mother rabbit carefully looks after her children. The hare comes to feed the bunnies once a day, or even may not appear for 4 days in a row! But if the rabbits are discovered by someone else's nursing hare, she will feed them. The mother rabbit feeds and cares only for her babies; even in captivity, it is usually not possible to provide the mother rabbit with other people's rabbits. Having smelled someone else's scent, the female rabbit usually eats the offspring!

What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit. Someone will say that hares and rabbits are the same thing, only the former are wild, and the latter have been domesticated. It's not like that at all. Both hare and rabbit can be wild. What is the difference between a rabbit and a hare? And what do they have in common? There is also a misconception that both of these animals are rodents. Despite the fact that the rabbit and hare belong to the class of lagomorphs, they have many differences. And people have known about these differences for a long time, it’s not for nothing that these animals are different languages are called differently.

In English: rabbit = rabbit, hare = hare

One of the most significant differences The difference between rabbits and hares is that rabbits have been domesticated and hares have not. Although both of these animals exist in conditions wildlife, people do not keep hares as pets or livestock. For the most part, hares and rabbits are distinguished by their appearance, body big hare more streamlined and sinewy, with large hind legs and feet and very big ears that stick straight out of your head. There are many varieties of hares among the most famous in Northern and South America, as well as the mountain hare, known for changing the color of its coat with the seasons as camouflage.

Another difference between a hare and a rabbit is reproduction. Hares are born sighted and fully formed, and can almost immediately consume food from adult animals. Hares do not care for their babies, they only feed them; Moreover, hares feed not necessarily their own cubs, but simply any they come across. If a mother feeds someone else's baby, she can only hope that another hare will feed her little hare. With the rabbit it's different; baby rabbits are born naked, helpless with eyes closed. The female rabbit feeds and cares only for her babies; even in captivity, it is usually not possible to provide the female rabbit with other babies. Sensing someone else's scent, the female rabbit usually eats the offspring.

The hare is an animal that is practically not attached to the territory; it does not build burrows; the rabbit, on the contrary, is very territorial, uses the same hole for a long time, improving it year after year, adding additional passages and rooms. Due to the burrow life, ears and hind limbs the rabbit's is shorter. A rabbit runs slower than a hare, but is also nimble.

The rabbit also differs from the hare in that it is easily tamed. All attempts to domesticate the hare came to nothing. The rabbit, on the contrary, reproduces well in captivity, quickly gets used to people, in addition, it is more fertile than the hare.

For all their external similarities, rabbits and hares are strikingly different in biology - so much so that they don’t even interbreed, that is, they cannot produce offspring from each other. This is also determined genetically: hares have 24 pairs of chromosomes in their chromosome set, while rabbits have only 22.

Many people believe that the difference between hares and rabbits is that rabbits are domestic animals, while hares are wild animals. This is wrong. Domestic rabbits are the result of the domestication of wild ones, which still live in Europe, North America and southeast Asia. By the way, all attempts to tame hares ended in failure.

Hares have a seasonal molt: in winter the color of hares is white, in summer it is darker. Rabbits also molt twice a year, but their color does not change during molting.

Hares and rabbits differ in the process of reproduction. Rabbits breed all year round, while hares breed only during the period favorable for breeding (it varies depending on the habitat; in Europe this is March-September). The pregnancy of a hare lasts up to 45 days, and a female rabbit - 1.5 less: up to 32 days (about 4 weeks).


The hare is not a rare eared animal in our forests. Also, many owners start families of rabbits. It should be noted that these two species of animals are completely different, although they belong to the order Lagomorpha. Do you know the difference between a hare and a rabbit? The similarities and differences between them are determined by appearance, habitat, and taste preferences. Some people think that the hare is just a wild animal, and the rabbit is a domesticated animal. We invite you to understand more thoroughly how a hare differs from a rabbit, the characteristics and characteristic lifestyle of each of them.

Main differences between animals

In fact, the difference between the two eared animals is big. Even at school, they explain to children how a hare differs from a rabbit in appearance, in terms of life processes, and specific habits. Being wild animals, hares can live in different areas: in the tundra, near the equator, in places with trees and shrubs. Here they have a place to hide from enemies and something to eat. Exploring the oceans and new lands, Europeans brought hares to many countries of the world.

Regarding rabbits, it should be noted that there are already more than 20 species of them. Most of all they fill North America and Africa. In Europe this is also a very common animal species. There are no wild rabbits found on the Eurasian continent.

What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit in appearance?

The appearance of the hare-like order was influenced by the lifestyle they lead. What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit? Similarities and differences are also observed in appearance. Similarities - long ears, small tail, shape of teeth, powerful hind limbs. This leads to the fact that animals are often confused. Many people are interested in the difference between a hare and a rabbit, their features appearance what are they? If you look closely at these eared animals, you can see the following differences:

  • An adult hare is a larger animal than a rabbit.
  • In the winter, hares can change their fur color to match the color of the snow, and in the summer they turn gray again.
  • The limbs of the two animals are significantly different.
  • Hares have strong and long legs because they need to run and jump a lot. Rabbits don’t need this, because they are always in a limited area.
  • Hares are famous for their large ears; rabbits have shorter, more delicate and compact ears.


What type of life do eared animals lead, and how does a rabbit differ from a hare in this regard? Hares are solitary by nature. Individuals of this species living together are not found in nature. Females and males come together only during mating, after which they scatter. Hares don't have permanent place residence, they change it all the time. They find great pleasure in exploring new territories and moving from one place to another. Hares are afraid of people and avoid them. Hares breed under bushes or fallen branches because they do not have permanent housing.

Rabbits lead a sedentary life. They build their own “houses” or dig holes. Here they live with their family, gradually improving their home. Over time, they develop many moves in the form of labyrinths. Rabbits leave their apartments only forcibly when danger is imminent.

Breeding comparison

The method of reproduction of these hare-like animals also differs. The reproduction of hares depends largely on weather conditions, therefore it is impossible to accurately predict the timing of their reproduction. In the European part, the breeding period can vary from March to September. Hares are characterized by high fertility. By the age of one year they have already gone through puberty. Hares can give birth four times in a year. 2-4 babies can appear at a time.

Rabbit breeding has its own characteristics. They can give birth to offspring all year round, because they live in housing adapted for this and in comfortable climatic conditions.

The intrauterine development of the animal fetus differs in timing. A hare carries her cubs for 45 days, and a female rabbit for 28-32 days (four weeks).

Rabbits are born blind, deaf, and naked. The female rabbit feeds them with milk for up to 30 days. Only after 25 days do the babies become independent. The rabbits appear almost fully formed, they can hear, see, and are covered with down. They only need a few days to adapt to independent living. Immediately after birth, they consume the food of adults.

Care of offspring

The attitude of females towards their offspring is very important point in the characteristics of these two hare-like species. Since baby hares do not need maternal care after birth, female hares do not show special care for their offspring. The babies lie for several days without moving, and then jump in search of food. Within a few hours after birth, the hare abandons her child to the mercy of fate. What about breastfeeding? Hares have one unique feature- cubs appear on the nearest territory of all females at the same time. Any female can feed other people's hungry rabbits with milk. A hare cannot identify her babies by smell, as other animals do. This is the main difference between a hare and a rabbit.

The process of preparing for childbirth in female rabbits begins in advance. They make a special nest from their fluff for future offspring. Maternal instinct they are much more developed; females take great care of newborn babies. The female rabbit does not allow other people's cubs to approach her, she identifies them by smell. Sometimes it can even eat other people's offspring.

Comparison of character and behavior

Even wild rabbits are characterized by a calm disposition and are easy to tame. This was the main reason why these long-eared carrot lovers became pets. They have become the favorite pets of many rabbit breeders. They are also bred by connoisseurs of fluffy beauty, because today special decorative types rabbits.

Is it possible to tame a hare? All attempts to do this were in vain. Captivity is unbearable for them. These are real wild animals and forest dwellers. Any attempts to tame hares led to their flight. But the valuable fur and tasty meat of hares have always attracted people. Many amateurs hunt these eared runners.

Hares are characterized by special endurance and strength. They have a quick reaction, they quickly hide from danger thanks to their fast running. One can only envy the hare’s sense of smell, vision and hearing. They are also called twilight animals. During the day they hide somewhere, and at night they stay awake in search of food.

Rabbits are more trusting, although they behave warily. Sensing a threat, they freeze and look around. Then they try to somehow notify their relatives of the danger. These may be peculiar sounds or paws hitting the ground. Rabbits run away from predatory animals in a zigzag manner and take refuge in a pre-dug hole.

Do rabbits and hares interbreed?

Many people wonder what happens if you cross a hare with a rabbit. The answer here is clear - it is impossible. Outwardly, these eared animals are very similar, but genetically they are completely different. Externally similar anatomy is not proof that you can get a hybrid of these two animals. Different types rabbits have never been associated with interbreeding with hares.

Genetics does not allow these animals to be crossed: hares have 24 pairs of chromosomes, and rabbits have 22. There has never been a scientist who was able to cross a rabbit and a hare. All efforts have so far been in vain and ineffective. one might even say that the likelihood of such a hybrid is even less than that of monkeys with humans. If hares are placed in the same room with rabbits, then nothing will happen except a hostile attitude.

What is the difference between rabbit meat and hare meat?

The differences between rabbit and hare meat are significant. It has different taste and color. There are also differences in preparation. The meat of a hare is dark red, because this animal is hunted, and the blood does not have time to drain. Rabbit meat is pinkish in color because after slaughter it is hung to drain the blood.

Before cooking, hare meat must be soaked and marinated; this is not necessary for rabbits. Hare meat is game, so some people find it tastier.

How is a hare different from a rabbit?

The rabbit and the hare are brothers. After all, both of them are representatives of the order Lagomorpha. Visually, these animals are very similar, and there are many similarities in their habits. But still they are such distant relatives that they are not able to interbreed with each other. This means that they have more differences than kinship.

Running ability

Both animals flee from danger or predators. But if hares are known as very nimble, fast, playful, then rabbits are very inferior to them in speed. And the manner of movement is also very different. The former are excellent sprinters, while the latter are much slower. They do not run, but simply move quickly or jump. Having noticed the danger, rabbits may freeze in place from fear. The reason for this difference is obvious: hares have strong and long hind legs, while rabbits have short legs and are not suitable for running.

Attention! average speed a hare is 70 km/h, a wild rabbit is 54 km/h, a domestic rabbit is 20 km/h.

External distinctive features

First of all, rabbits look much more massive because they weigh much more. The average domestic animal weighs 9-10 kg. A hare, for example, weighs 4-6 kg, and white hare weighs no more than 5 kg. It is easy to distinguish animals by the length of their ears: in rabbits they are much narrower and shorter.

During seasonal molting Hares change the color of their fur coat. They are white in winter and dark in summer. Rabbits also molt twice a year, but the animal's color remains the same. Rabbits - both wild and domestic - are more massive in body constitution. But the hares are elongated and skinny.

Features of behavior

Many people believe that rabbits exist only in domesticated form. But that's not true. Wild rabbits also live in nature. And there they actively dig holes. But hares are not tied to a specific habitat; they often change their sleeping quarters and move around different territories. Wild rabbits are assigned to a specific area and are reluctant to leave it.

Difference in reproduction

Rabbits are very prolific animals; they give birth all year round. Hares are very dependent on their living conditions, so they mate only during favorable periods, when there is plenty of food and the climate allows them to raise babies. In our latitudes, hares traditionally give birth from late spring to early autumn. Duration of pregnancy:

  1. Female rabbits remain pregnant for 30-32 days.
  2. Hares carry babies for 44-45 days.

Rabbit and hare

A significant difference is also noticeable in children. Rabbits are born blind and naked. They are still attached to their mother for a long time. And the hares are born sighted, with short fur. Little bunnies are very independent and start leading early adult life without mom.

As we can see, even though hares and rabbits only seem to be close relatives. In fact, they are very different from each other. And their similarities are very slight.

Domestic hare: video

The main difference between hares and rabbits.

Both hares and rabbits belong to the lagomorph family. Fundamental difference hares from rabbits is that rabbits are domesticated animals, and hares are wild. That is, a rabbit is simply a domesticated hare? Well actually yes! It is unlikely that you will be able to meet domestic hare. Of course, there are similarities between hares and rabbits. They are very similar in appearance, they have the same food preferences and habits. But these are completely different animals.

What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit?

Hares by nature are solitary animals; they can very rarely be found in pairs or flocks. Hares live wherever they need to. Rabbits dig holes for themselves and live in them in large families.

So how are rabbits different from hares?? Externally, hares and rabbits are very similar, they have long ears, strong paws, short tail and sharp, strong front incisors. But due to their different lifestyles, hares are much larger than rabbits. The legs of hares are much stronger and more muscular than those of rabbits. This is due to the fact that the hare runs around a lot, constantly searching for prey.

During their life, rabbits do not change the color of their fur, but a hare does. Most often, the hare is white in winter, and in summer it can change color to gray.

Hares also differ from rabbits in that they reproduce differently. Rabbits can reproduce year-round; pregnancy in female rabbits lasts about 30 days. The rabbits are born blind and helpless, and feed only on their mother's milk for two weeks. The female rabbit is attached to her offspring. And it is very difficult for her to plant other people’s cubs; she can be aggressive towards them.

Hares breed only from mid-spring to mid-autumn, and their pregnancy lasts about 45 days. Bunnies are born immediately sighted and with fur. They are quite capable of eating adult food right away. A hare can easily give birth under any bush and abandon them there. Or maybe he can calmly feed and give birth to strangers’ bunnies.

Scientists tried to crossbreed a hare with a rabbit, but their attempts were unsuccessful.

It is much more difficult to tame a hare than a rabbit. No matter how many people try to domesticate hares, it’s all to no avail; they still run away into the forest. We can observe domestic rabbits on any farm.