Clown botia (Chromobotia macracanthus) - freshwater fish loach family. Sole representative genus Cromobotia Kottelat. Lives in natural flowing waters of Indonesia. Spends part of the year, the spawning period, in shallow streams. Object of fishing and fish farming.

Europeans are familiar with mid-19th century. Aquarists have been keeping it since the 30s of the last century.

A fish with bright colors and lively character. Botsia age in in rare cases exceeds 20 years. Leads a diurnal lifestyle, which is uncharacteristic for representatives of the genus Botia.


The body is elongated, compressed in cross section. The back is rounded, the abdomen is straight. The scales are small and vulnerable. In nature they grow up to 35–45 cm, aquarium fish clown boots - 18–25 cm.

It got its name for its body color: golden with a red tint with three black or dark gray transverse stripes. The head dark line covers the eyes, the back part of the dorsal and anal fins. IN Western countries called Tiger Loach.

The dorsal and anal fins are triangular. The caudal fin is forked. The fins of the clown loach continue the color of the body, but with a red tint. In adult individuals, the colors of the body and fins become less saturated.

The mouth is medium-sized, with four pairs of antennae for searching for prey and orienting in muddy water. Protruding spikes are hidden under the eyes.


The clown botsia fish is active during the day and is curious. Loves shelters in plants, hiding places in rock grottoes. Its lifestyle is bottom-dwelling, but it jumps out of the aquarium. Undermines aquarium equipment. Resting on the side, back, in an upright position.

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Eats aquarium shellfish. When there is a lack of plant food, it eats plants. When frightened and while eating, the spines are exposed with a characteristic click. In a stressful situation, the color fades and the fish pretends to be dead.


Long-lived, live 15–20 years.


The clownfish does not belong to the genus Botia and is distinguished by its bottom-dwelling lifestyle. The structure of the body and fins, the presence of four pairs of whiskers, spines for defense against large fish. The boys are leading night image life, food is collected at the bottom. They are gregarious, but love shelter. Not aggressive. With small scales and easily injured skin.

They eat shellfish and plants. Omnivores, require plant foods. Below we briefly describe the types of bots common in aquariums.

Morleti (Botia morleti)

English names: Mouse Loach, Cream Loach. In an aquarium, the length is 8–10 cm. The color is light brown with dark streaks. Characterized by black or dark gray line on back upper lip to the tail. In front of the caudal fin, the mark turns into a circular vertical line. The fins are transparent, sometimes with a yellow or orange tint. Tail - with dark spots. The color does not change with age.

Lives in an aquarium for 6–8 years.

Royal (Botia berdmorei)

She is Beardmore's loach, Burmese, tiger. In an aquarium it grows up to 18–20 cm. The body color is yellowish, with black or dark gray vertical stripes and spots. The fins are reddish, with dark spots.

They live 8–10 years.

Dario (Botia dario)

In other words, Bengal botsia, Geto. Size - 12–14 cm. The body is gray-black, with golden vertical stripes. The fins are transparent, the tail has black spots.

Life expectancy is 8–12 years.

Leconte (Botia lecontei)

Otherwise, silver loach. Grows up to 15 cm in length. Color depends on habitat. Changes from silver to blue-gray. In front of the caudal fin - dark ring. The fins are transparent or have a yellow or orange tint.

Lives in an aquarium for 8–9 years.

Zebra (Botia striata)

Botia striata, striped. In an aquarium it grows up to 8–9 cm. The color consists of alternating golden and dark gray or pale brown transverse stripes. Feature: reddish lips. The color of the fins matches the background of the body.

Dwarf (Botia sidthimunki)

Reticulated botia, hummingbird. Up to 4–5 cm long. The body is dark gray, black with ordered silvery spots. The abdomen is light. The fins are transparent.

They live 5–8 years.

Blue (Botia modesta)

Or botia modesta. The length in the aquarium is 14–15 cm. The body color is gray with blue or green tint. The fins are yellow or orange.

Life expectancy is 10–12 years.


Same as clown botia.

Kubotai (Botia kubotai)

She's a chess fighter. Length - 10–12 cm. Main color - dark gray with a purple tint with light spots. The color of the fins duplicates the color of the body.

They live 8–10 years.

Rostrata (Botia rostrata)

Long-snouted, two-ribbon botia. They grow up to 8–10 cm. The color is light gray with dark patterns. The fins are transparent, the dorsal and caudal fins have dark spots.

Life expectancy is 7–9 years.

Histrionica (Botia histrionica)

Or Assamese botia. They grow up to 10–12 cm. The main color background is silver. With black and brown curly stripes in the form of Y or 8ki. The fins are colorless, with dark spots.

They live 5–8 years.

Almora (Botia almorhae, Botia lohachata)

She is also a marble botsia, lohakata, in English Pakistani loach (Pakistan loach), YoYo loach. Adults are 10–15 cm long. The body is colored light silver with dark patterns. Fins are the same color as the body.

Lives in an aquarium for 6–8 years.

Emperor (Botia emperor)

Imperial battle. Up to 12–14 cm in length. Color: gray, black patterns on a yellow background. Fins in body color.

Lives 7–9 years.


  • The volume of the aquarium for one clown is from 150 liters.
  • For a flock of three individuals - from 250 liters.
  • Five fish or more - from 400 liters.

Water parameters

  • Water temperature: 24–29 °C.
  • Hardness: 1–5°F.
  • Acidity: pH 6–7.

To maintain water quality, replace a quarter to a third of the volume with settled water weekly. Siphon, do not allow contaminants to accumulate at the bottom.


Clowns eat plants when there is a lack of plant food. But plants maintain biological balance in the aquarium and absorb nitrates that are dangerous to fish. Choose hard-leaved Anubias and Cryptocorynes ferns. Protect the roots with pots and large stones.

Hardleaf plants grow slowly, and the leaves become overgrown with algae. But clowns eat algae with pleasure.

From excessive light, clowns hide in shelters. Plants floating on the surface will help regulate the light: riccia, salvinia, duckweed.


The most vulnerable place for injury on a clown is its antennae. Choose rounded small pebbles and sandy substrate.

Decorative elements

Place artificial shelters in the aquarium:

  • driftwood;
  • grottoes;
  • ceramic and plastic rings;
  • massive stones;
  • houses.

Design items should not have sharp elements. Clowns' skin is not resistant to injury.


  • For aquariums with a capacity of 150 liters or more, choose an external filter. Taking into account the tendency of clowns to nitrate poisoning - with a biocomponent. Productivity is calculated based on pumping 5–6 aquarium volumes per hour.
  • The compressor and sprayer are designed to create currents familiar to clowns and saturate the water with oxygen. Select productivity at the rate of 1 liter of air per hour per 1 liter of water.
  • Siphon for removing food debris and excrement of inhabitants from the bottom.
  • Heater with thermostat. Convenient submersible with a horizontal arrangement at the bottom. No need to turn off when changing water. Power: 1 W per 1 liter of water.
  • Scraper for removing algae from the walls of the aquarium.
  • A lid is required. Clowns are prone to jumping out of the container.


Diffused, luminous flux 30–40 lumens per 1 liter of water. Focus on energy-saving and cool lamps: LED, fluorescent.


Clown botia is omnivorous. It eats what it finds at the bottom and is the right size. Include 40% plant food in your diet. Otherwise, they eat the plants. A monotonous diet can lead to obesity.

Live food


  • nutrients and vitamins in natural form;
  • does not pollute the aquarium environment;
  • mobile, arouses interest.


Bloodworm is the larva of the mosquito mosquito. Rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins. Suitable for a clown with a bottom lifestyle.

The tubifex is an oligochaete worm, a bottom inhabitant of silted and polluted standing water bodies. Buries into the ground. Caught in nature is especially dangerous due to eating organic waste. The food is high in calories and is not suitable for a regular diet.

The earthworm is a land relative of the tubifex. It is considered conditionally live food, since it does not live under water for a significant time. The risk of infecting the aquarium is less, but the risk of poisoning the fish is the same.

The fry are fed “live dust”. Nauplia, the larva of Artemia, is bred at home. Will not harm the fish.

Frozen food



  • Uncollected residues pollute water;
  • it is impossible to monitor compliance with storage rules.

Thaw and rinse food before feeding. Repeated freezing is unacceptable.

Dry food


  • use of automatic feeders;
  • contains the necessary components;
  • do not require preparation.


  • spoil the water.

For clowns, it is preferable in the form of sinking tablets. Plant nutrition - tablets with spirulina.

Plant food

Blanched vegetables: cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, greens.


For fry - phytoplankton, grown at home.

Top dressing

  • Minced fish.
  • Shrimp meat.
  • Mussels.
  • Hard-boiled egg yolk.

Feed 1-2 times a day. Don't overfeed. The amount of food eaten in 5 minutes is considered sufficient. Once a week is a fasting day.


Clown loach is compatible with other fish. The exception is astronotus due to its predatory and aggressive nature. Conditionally compatible with slow slaves. Slow movers feel discomfort. It nibbles the fins of veiled-tailed fish. Eats fry, small fish and shrimp.


Breeding bots at home is difficult. A spawning aquarium and hormonal injections are required.

Sexual dimorphism

Noticeable during puberty (from 5 years). The female has a convex abdomen. The pectoral fins are less developed.


Set up a spawning aquarium with an established biological balance and a strong current. If the flow from the external filter is not enough, add a pump. Volume - from 300 liters. Water temperature - 30–32 °C. Driftwood and smooth stones are required.

The female is given a hormonal injection.

Transfer the female and 3-4 males into the aquarium. At the end of spawning, remove the bots. Unfertilized eggs white delete. The fertilized one is colorless.

The fry hatch after 17–20 hours.

Feeding with nauplii and phytoplankton begins after 3–4 days.



Chemical poisoning

Common cases include poisoning from chlorinated water and ammonia.

Chlorine poisoning is manifested by a dull color and mucus on the gills. Fussy behavior, attempts to jump out of the aquarium. If symptoms are noticed, plant the macracanthus in freshly settled water and turn on the aeration.

Ammonia poisoning occurs when there is a lack of ventilation and accumulations of waste products. The fish stay near the surface, trying to grab the air. Transplanting into fresh water is fraught with failure of the gills. Connecting biofilters and intensive air blowing will help.

Oxygen deficiency

Occurs in a crowded aquarium with a lack of plants and aeration. Symptoms are similar to ammonia poisoning. Long-term - causes the death of macracanthus. A nitrate test reveals the exact cause.

Peptic ulcer

Develops with bacterial infection of open skin injuries. Spots appear that turn into inflammation and ulcers. Treated with antibiotics: Sera Baktopur, Sera Baktopur direct, ectol, tsifran. The disease is not contagious: pathogens are always in the aquarium. For treatment, place the fish in a separate aquarium.

The botia fish grows up to 20cm, so it needs a spacious aquarium.

Aquarists love the Clown Botia fish for its bright colors. appearance and strong individuality. Aquarists who are planning to have such pets should know that these fish need a fairly spacious aquarium, because they grow quite large - about 20 centimeters. You also need to take into account another Additional information to provide the fish comfortable conditions accommodation.

Habitat in the natural environment and description

This fish was originally described by ichthyologist Peter Blacker in 1852. Its homeland is considered south-eastern part Asia, namely the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo. In 2004, this fish species was identified as a separate species.

They usually live in rivers all the time and migrate only for the spawning period. They are able to live both in stagnant bodies of water and in places with flow. More often, representatives of this species gather in flocks. When the monsoon season arrives, clowns may move to flooded areas in the plains. The fish is doing well in clean water, and polluted, but it all depends on the area.

Basically, the diet of this species consists of insects and their larvae, but food of plant origin will also be to the taste of the bot.

Many sources report that The size of a clown fish is approximately 30 centimeters. However, in the wild there can be individuals reaching 40 centimeters. The lifespan of fish can be up to twenty years. In some regions it is caught as a commercial species and eaten.

The clown botsia fish is very beautiful. Her body is elongated and slightly compressed from the sides. The mouth is directed downwards and has four pairs of antennae. In addition, under the eyes of the fish there are spines, with the help of which it protects itself from predatory fish species, pointing its weapon at the enemy. But this can also be dangerous for the clown himself: when caught, he can get caught in the net with his spikes, so it’s better to use Plastic container.

The lifespan of the botia fish is up to 20 years.

The freshwater clownfish is elegant and has a bright yellow and orange body color, on which there are three wide black stripes. Because of this feature, in England this fish is called tiger loach. One strip passes over the eyes, the second - in front of the dorsal fin, the third - along part of the dorsal fin and captures not most behind him. The overall coloring looks very beautiful, however, the fish looks brighter in at a young age, then her color fades a little, but she still remains attractive.

Content Features

If you know certain rules of care, it is not difficult to keep the botia at home. It is quite hardy, but it is not recommended for beginners to start it, because large and quite active individuals require stable water parameters. In addition, the clown loachia has very small scales, which makes these pets sensitive to diseases and drug treatment.

The botia fish has very small scales, which is why it is sensitive to diseases.

As already mentioned, bots are omnivores. You can feed them:

  • live food;
  • frozen;
  • dry

Bots will be especially grateful for tableted and frozen food, because they prefer to feed from the bottom. Feeding problems usually do not arise, but to keep pets healthy, they should be fed a variety of foods. Fish are capable of making clicking sounds when they are happy, and therefore it is not difficult to understand which food they like best.

Clown botia can also eat snails. Therefore, if they appear in the aquarium a large number of, then you can get this fish.

The negative aspect of keeping bot fish is their ability to gnaw through plants. If you add plant foods (salad, cucumbers or zucchini) to your diet, you can reduce the craving to eat algae. It is better that the “vegetarian” share in the diet is approximately 40%.

Necessary conditions in the aquarium

Basically, aquarium fish, clown bots, prefer to spend most of their time at the bottom of the aquarium, but when they get used to it enough, they can rise to the middle layer.

Clowns are quite tall, and since they should be kept in a flock, the aquarium size will need to be quite large. You should choose at least 250 liters. Minimal amount There are 3 fish for such an aquarium, but it is better to have more. It follows from this that a flock of 5 fish will require an aquarium with a capacity of about 400 liters. You should also consider the following parameters:

  • hardness of water;
  • temperature;
  • pH level.

It is recommended to breed botia in flocks of 3 individuals per aquarium.

It is better that the water is soft - from 5 to 1 dGH, and pH - 6.0−6.5. The water temperature should be maintained between 24-30 degrees. In addition, the aquarium should be equipped with several secluded places where the fish could hide if they get scared or if a conflict occurs. It is better to choose soft soil and use sand or fine gravel for it.

You should not start a botia immediately after installing the aquarium: the conditions there are too unstable, the water parameters change quite often, and clowns do not like this. They like current and lots of dissolved oxygen. To do this, use a powerful external filter and change the water regularly.

It should be noted that clowns can jump high, so the aquarium must have a lid. As for the design, it can be anything.

Clowns are quite funny and can do amazing things. For example, sleep lying on your side or on your back. At first you might think that the fish died, but this is not so. This is the norm for them. Sometimes it may seem that the fish has disappeared, and then it suddenly crawls out of some crevice.

Compatibility with other fish

These are quite large individuals, but at the same time very active, so the compatibility of the clown loach with other small fish will not be the best. Bots can be planted in community aquarium, but only with friends “in size”. You should not place them together with those individuals that have long fins, because the loachfish can tear them off.

In the circle of its flock, each individual behaves peacefully. As a rule, a special hierarchy develops among the members of the “family” of bots, where the dominant male certainly stands out.

Reproduction process

The clown bot fish is quite difficult to breed. home aquarium. Only a few reports have been received of such spawning, but even so, most of the eggs remained unfertilized. Those fish that go on sale are bred using gonadotropic drugs on farms in South-East Asia. It is quite difficult to do this at home, which is most likely the main reason for the rare spawning.

It is a very common practice for fry to be caught in the wild and then raised to the required size, and then the individual is sent for sale. Therefore, it is possible that the aquarium pet once lived in the vastness of distant countries.

How often does life in a home aquarium become bright and varied when new resident. Almost always, such a positive effect is brought by the clown botia - a fish that has its own character and is loved by many aquarists.

A little history

The history of this aquarium inhabitant goes back to the distant 18th century. Discovered in 1852 in the waters of Kalimantan and Sumatra, for its extraordinary appearance it received the name makracanth, which means “clown”. His behavior is truly distinguished by his cheerful disposition, and his appearance is a confirmation of his natural originality.

Over time, specimens were brought to Europe, where they won well-deserved love.

A little later (in 1865), Botia modesta was described. It gained its fame thanks to the rivers of Cambodia and Vietnam, as well as Thailand and Laos. The gray representative of the species, often acquiring green or blue shades, does not leave anyone indifferent to this day.

Since 1912, the lochakata botia, a reticulated representative of the loach family, has appeared on the aquarium Olympus. Her homeland is India, Nepal, Pakistan. But today it is a frequent guest of our Russian aquariums.

The year 1920 is known as the date of description of another worthy representative - Botius striata. This striped beast has a second name of Russian origin - zebra botsia. Black and yellow stripes made it recognizable among other battles.

The same year gave aquarium gourmets a marble botia. Its discovery is the work of Narayan Rao, who drew attention to the unusual striped color skin: dark, vertical strokes on a silver background.

Almost all varieties of bots have a long history. Specimens that have survived to this day are capable of changing their characteristics depending on the conditions of detention. However, they all have the same quality: expressive appearance and cheerful disposition.

Character traits

The size of a fish cannot be its constant characteristic. Growing in nature up to 40cm, in artificial conditions it rarely reaches more than 20-25cm (marble - no more than 7cm). It grows in the first two years of life, then growth stops and the size does not change.

The tendency to live in a school requires conditions such as a large aquarium (from 250 liters). The exception is the dwarf version of the fish.

Many types of bots are colored. In a certain way of lighting, they may appear pink or blue, but the pattern on the body is always present.

The number of individuals should be limited to a minimum of four to five. Collective games are the norm for them. Swimming in a flock and creating streams of water around them, they enjoy freedom and choose their own entertainment. The fighting dogs enjoy “hide and seek” and chases; they like to hide in thickets and unexpectedly scare their fellows.

The clown botsia fish can also exhibit extraordinary actions, for example, sleep on the bottom on its side or swim slowly in the middle or on the surface of the water surface with its belly up.

The body is elongated and laterally flattened. The mouth is turned downwards, surrounded at the edges by four unusual antennae, giving the specimens, especially the striata, a resemblance to catfishes. These mustaches are " weakness» fish. They often get injured in this place, because they want to try everything with such a tactile organ.

In addition to the antennae, thin and weak scales (rather, a specific mucous coating) are potentially dangerous for injury. It is this that makes fish susceptible to diseases, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, infections, and injuries from other fish.

Under the eyes there are two protective spikes with which the fish tends to defend itself in case of danger. IN calm state the spines may not be noticeable. However, when irritated or in the event of danger, the spines appear in a noticeable manner.

Characteristic features also include almost transparent fins. True, the lohakat has black dots on them (similar to those located on its mesh), while the dorsal modesta can have bright shades. Kubotai (chess fighting dog) boasts light fins decorated with bluish-black stripes.

Botia is an aquarium fish that is more nocturnal. This must be taken into account when creating a feeding regimen. She should not enter into night games hungry: she should be fed at the end daylight hours. The exception is the same kubatae and histrionics - they frolic during the day and feel naturally safe.

About the conditions of detention

You can get an emotional and beautiful aquarium “friend” by providing the necessary conditions for its maintenance and proper care. In order for the warrior to feel confident and not experience a shortage of anything, the following is necessary:

  • stable water parameters;
  • special food recommended for feeding bottom-dwelling fish;
  • suitable design and plant green decoration of the water house;
  • sandy soft soil;
  • diffuse and low lighting;
  • aeration;
  • intensive filtration;
  • regularly replacing a third of the available water.

Botsia is a clown, the content of which does not differ from the classic ones. She demands:

  • water temperature in the range 24 o -30 o C;
  • soft environment with a pH of 6-6.5;
  • intensive saturation of water with oxygen (using powerful pumps).

And tiger botia does not accept nitrate impurities in water.

However, there are also such nuances as the need to cover the aquarium with a lid: common feature is the ability to jump out.

The nature of the royal fighting dog has a tendency to hide. Therefore, in her aquarium the presence large number grottoes, stones and rocky similarities are necessary.

In general, bots are fish with a peaceful character. They are compatible with any non-aggressive species if their living conditions are organized correctly. True, the dwarf sidhimunok does not need to be at risk of being eaten large species fish
What is the diet?

The result of breeding bots clearly depends on the nature of feeding. They can safely be called eaters of all types of food, including dry, frozen, artificial and live. For example, the tiger eats so much that it is prone to obesity. Therefore, its appearance largely depends on the accuracy of feeding.

A peculiarity of keeping marbled and red-finned loaches during the breeding season is their feeding of plant foods, which are quite light and healthy. Aquatic vegetation and even snails living in its greenery are used.

It is worth adding bloodworms, coretra, tubifex, and brine shrimp to the menu.

One of the most beautiful bots, the beardmore, will retain its brightness and attractiveness if it is fed correctly. The balance of the food set should be based on the number of fish, their age, and period of life. So, the fry should be fed more often, be sure to add plant foods: finely chopped cucumber, zucchini, spinach. It is also possible to use special tablets.

Fish pick up food from the bottom, so it is logical to use sinking granules.

They love to eat snails.

By observing the behavior of fish during feeding, you can objectively assess how much they like the food. If yes, then you can clearly hear a characteristic loud clicking sound. For example, the clown loachfish expresses its pleasure when it eats chopped shrimp. True, such sounds often frighten neighbors in the aquarium, especially small individuals.

The duration of feeding should not exceed 20 minutes. This is exactly the amount of time needed for full saturation. Uneaten remains will most likely become limp and settle to the bottom, creating the preconditions for rotting processes.

About reproduction

For example, Beardmore requires the presence of a gonadotropic hormone to reproduce the reproduction process under artificial conditions. According to available information, this is how the functioning of the gonads is regulated.

Describing the process of reproduction of offspring as a whole, we should dwell on the nuances:

  1. the size of the spawning tank is not less than 150 l;
  2. fresh water is required and powerful current(possibly created by special equipment);
  3. water parameters: temperature 29-32 o C, pH 6.7-7.0
  4. periodic temperature changes;
  5. the presence of three males per female;
  6. plant food for producers and special, improved food for fry.

The preparatory process begins with seating the female and male in different aquariums and feeding them mainly with plant foods.

At this time, a volumetric spawning tank is prepared, into which a separator mesh is laid.

At the bottom, it is desirable to have stones with smooth surfaces and driftwood.

After complete preparation, the spawners are placed in the spawning tank and carefully monitored. The female lays 4-6 thousand eggs. After swelling, the size of the eggs is 2-2.5 mm.

The incubation period must be at least 18 hours. At this time, the water temperature cannot drop below 28 o C.

From the moment the fry appear, the “parents” should be removed, preventing them from eating their offspring. And the fry will have to be carefully looked after. Their diet requires:

  • Small rotifers;
  • Cyclops;
  • Euglena green and other natural ingredients.

They eat from the fourth day of their life. If nutrition is organized correctly, in a month their size will be one and a half cm.

How to determine whether eggs have been fertilized? Look at it carefully: fertilized eggs become transparent. Those that are whitish in color should be removed from the aquarium as failed. They will pollute the aquarium ecology.

The process of reproduction of bots in artificial conditions is rarely seen. Many aquarists have an idea about it only from videos or photos on the Internet.

Botsia are not cheap fish, so it is better to immediately begin to indulge their whims.

For example, in interior design it is better to eliminate all cracks and narrow openings as much as possible. Otherwise, they will certainly want to squeeze in and will not always be able to get back out.

It is desirable to have vegetation that floats freely in the water column and on its surface. So, the bots will happily hide in elodea and cryptocoryne, and, if desired, they will feast on them.

Bright artificial light is not desirable for these species. They are afraid of him and are constantly in a state of stress. Lighting must be organized so that the rays fall scatteredly, without forming concentrated light spots.

Particular attention to the soil. The peculiarity of the scales, or, more precisely, its complete absence, dictate the requirements for the quality of the bottom and design elements. You need the most smooth and soft surfaces, no sharp corners and stones, and floating algae.

Artificially created water world– it’s always interesting. And when it is inhabited by such inhabitants as the Botians, it is also responsible. Fish with a good, positive character are potential prey for predators and night hunters. Therefore, it is unacceptable to leave the maintenance of such an aquarium to chance. After all, not to mention justification high price, their well-being is the focus that is so important for aquarium enthusiasts.

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Botsia Clown or Botia Macracanthus (Chromobotia macracanthus) Bleeker, 1852

The genus Chromobotia takes its name from the Greek word chromosome, meaning "color" and the regional Asian word Botia, meaning "warrior" or "soldier", the species epithet Macracanthus comes from the Greek word macros, meaning "large" and the Latin word acanthus, which means "thorny", referring to the large spines under each eye of the fish, which in its normal state are folded into a kind of pouch in the skin and are invisible. But in case of fear or some kind of stressful situation, the spike extends like a knife blade. You need to be careful when fishing, as it often happens that fish try to defend themselves with their spines and can get entangled in the net of the net. And just pricking your arm with these thorns can be quite painful. In nature, these thorns protect the bots from attacks by predators, in particular birds. Once swallowed, they are able to force them to regurgitate and remember such prey forever.

Clown botia belongs to the loach family (Cobitidae) and the order Cyprinidae. Why they called it the clown botia is most likely because of its playful behavior and striped coloring. The homeland of clowns is the island of Borneo (Kalimantan) and Sumatra. They live in rivers for most of the year, with the exception of the annual spawning season, when adults rush upstream during the rainy season from December to February, during the maximum rise in river water levels. Migrating upstream of rivers during this period, fish spawn among reeds in the swampy upper reaches, and then return back, making a journey of 200-300 km. Information about maximum size varies up to 40-50 cm. But these parameters should be considered as a very rare size even in the wild. The more normal (aquarium) size of an adult fish ranges from 15 to 26 cm, the size of clownfish is greatly influenced by the volume of the aquarium. It is believed that clowns live for 20 years or more.

Adult females have more full belly and larger than males.

It is better to have an aquarium for Clown Botia with large area bottom, soil preferably with a fraction size of 2-4 mm (well rounded) or sand. Since the bots love to dig in the ground (for hours, moving stones with the help of four pairs of whiskers) in the hope of unearthing a snail. The aquarium should have enough shelters, and quite wide ones, since clowns like to huddle in them in twos and threes, and then watch with curiosity from it everything that happens around them. Shelters can be different and made of any material, the main thing is that there are no sharp edges and corners so that the fish cannot get hurt. You shouldn’t pay too much attention to the scratches that your pets will constantly have; if the water levels are good, they will heal quickly. Clowns love the current, and if you arrange it closer to the bottom, they will not keep you waiting long and will thank you by “riding” on it. It is advisable to keep rigid-leaved plants in the aquarium, for example Anubias, Cryptocrines, various ferns, Echinodorus, some types of Hygrophila, and nymphea also goes well with them.

Optimal water parameters pH: 6-7, dH: 4-12. Nitrate-free, well-filtered and aerated water; once a week it is necessary to change 25% of the water in the aquarium. Temperature 24-30°C. Optimal 26-27°C. An increase in temperature up to 30 degrees is tolerated normally, provided there is good aeration. The lighting should not be bright, but the opposite is also possible.

Fish destroy snails, including ground melania. They are carnivorous by nature, but can also feed on plant foods, including aquatic plants with soft leaves. Eating in an aquarium is not difficult. Fish are omnivores and eat any type of food. They enjoy eating high-quality chips, granules, and tablets from leading dry food manufacturers. They will be happy with live or frozen bloodworms, carriage and tubifex. Be sure to add plant foods to your diet: special tablets, cucumber, lettuce, spinach and peeled zucchini.

Clowns, like many fighting creatures, can make guttural sounds similar to clicking or clicking. It is advisable to keep clown bots in a group of at least 5-6 individuals. Many sources say that keeping them in smaller numbers leads to increased aggression and greater secrecy. In the first year of life, clowns quickly reach 8-10 cm in length, then growth slows down and this then occurs spasmodically. A very cheerful and cheerful fish, it can spend hours near the viewing glass, amazing with its dances, begging for food. It is interesting that the entire flock, young and old, is involved in this dance, and occupies the entire aquarium in area, both in length and in height, the spectacle is very beautiful and unforgettable.

Their cheerful and hooligan character will decorate any aquarium. The beauty of a group of different ages is especially emphasized; it is advisable to replenish the flock with young people at least once a year.

Another feature of clowns that cannot be ignored is the ability to swim in all positions; the fish have a very high speed; their skillful maneuvering between objects is amazing. They also have excellent reverse movement, which prevents them from getting stuck in shelters. There is no need to sound the alarm when you see your pet literally squeezed into a gap in a position that seems inexplicable to you. Clowns sleep in every position they can think of. It is imperative to keep shelters in the aquarium; through ones are best suited for this.

Overwhelming majority Clown loach (Chromobotia macracanthus) for sale, caught in the wild. Every year about 20 million fish are exported from Indonesia. Due to the fact that clown loach had to be caught with great interruptions in time (due to the rainy season, which affects the flow of fish), the market weakened for a while. Fish practically disappeared from mass sales in the fall and early winter. However, this problem has now been resolved and steps have been taken to ensure a permanent supply of these loaches. They began to keep the bots in special cages; large structures and reservoirs were built right in their habitats, as well as in cities, and conditions were created for keeping the fish. Also appeared additional opportunity in the rearing of juveniles, since larger individuals have a higher cost. For Indonesian fishermen, income from the sale of clown loach is in some cases almost one of the ways to feed their family.

Clown fishing is quite varied. But I would like to talk about one of them in more detail. To make the “tackle,” hollow bamboo is taken, then it is dried for two months (since, according to local fishermen, the smell from fresh bamboo repels fish). After drying, the bamboo is cut into pieces up to about two meters (depending on the depth of the catch site), and a hole is made in each segment of the bamboo.

The finished tackle is loaded with a stone on one side (so that the bamboo does not float up), the other end is tied to tree branches hanging over the water. The main fishing usually occurs at night, as clowns look for shelter and swim into bamboo segments, through holes, following their habit (hiding in all sorts of cracks). After several hours, the snares are checked and shaken out into prepared dishes. There are different variations on this method of fishing, but the basic principle remains the same, built on the instinct of the fish.

IN Lately They began to catch “larvae,” newly hatched fry of the bots. Clownfish spawn in flood fields. After the flood, the water rushes back into the rivers, carrying with it a large number of fry, and this is where they are caught, blocking the channels with peculiar “fences”.

The first report of natural spontaneous spawning of these fish, problematic in breeding, dates back to 1996. And the breeding of various bots, including Chromobotia macracanthus, using hormonal injections using methods developed in Russia, has been practiced for quite some time in the Czech Republic, Poland and South Asia. A message appeared on one of the sites that in October 2007, Colin Dunlop from Scotland observed and photographed one of the first reliable cases of Chromobotia macracanthus spawning in his aquarium. A group of one female and three males aged 4-5 years and ranging from 14 to 20 cm in length took part in mating. Spawning was preceded by unusual activity fish in the middle layers of water - three males began to actively chase a large female. Noticing this behavior, Dunlop transplanted the entire group from a 1100 liter aquarium into a small (90x45x45 cm) spawning tank, with a plastic mesh on the bottom and several plastic pipes as shelters. The water, just like in the main aquarium, had a very low pH value of 4.5. Soon the female (the largest individual in the group) spawned several hundred eggs, after which all the fish disappeared into the pipes. The aquarist’s joy was immeasurable; unfortunately, only a couple of dozen eggs out of several hundred were fertilized. The aquarist believes that long-term keeping of fish at a low pH value (4.5-5.5) and relatively low, 20-25°C, temperature in the spawning tank led to success. And Dunlop considers such a small percentage of fertilization to be his mistake - there was no need to transplant the fish into the nursery.

One of the options for small aquarium pets is the marbled botia fish. The full name of this minke whale is lohachata or netted botia (Botia lohachata Chaudhuri, Botia almorhae). Let's talk in more detail about the features of the botia and the rules for caring for it.


IN natural environment The habitat of the reticulated bot can be found in the stormy high-mountain waters of the rivers of the East: in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal. It is interesting that this fish first appeared in an aquarium only in 1912, and in a European aquarium - in 1956.


Many people note that in appearance the botia resembles a catfish, although it has no connection with catfish. Its biological order is Cyprinidae, its family is Loaches.

The body of the fish is elongated and straight, Males are much slimmer, while females have a more sloping abdomen and are generally much larger. Length - 10–12 cm, can reach 16 cm, but in an aquarium it usually does not exceed 7–8 cm. Average duration The lifespan of a fish is 5–8 years.

Important! When it comes to eye spikes, you have to be careful. Despite their rare demonstration, one should not discount the law of meanness. When carrying fish in a plastic bag, a frightened vertebrate can easily pierce it. The situation can be prevented by placing the botia in two plastic bags.

In addition to the immediately noticeable antennae near the mouth, bots also have spines in the bags under the eyes. They are only shown in emergency situation, this is a kind of “ace in the hole” for the fighters. Even in fights with other fish, they rarely show them, so many fish breeders do not even suspect this secret weapon their pets.

There are no scales, the surface of the body is smooth. The color is silver, with a black mesh pattern over the entire surface of the body. Because of him, the second name of the fish came about - mesh boot. Fish within a species can have different contrasts, some are very pale. This is a normal situation and does not indicate any disorders in the body. In addition, the color of fry and adults changes as they grow, the mesh becomes richer and more distinct.


Botsiya - bottom fish, which means an addiction to being at the bottom of the aquarium, an interest in all sorts of snags, houses and other shelters.

If you breed several fish of the same or different species, then the presence of secluded places will reduce the likelihood of pet fights. However, when creating grottoes and thickets, remember that the loaches are very omnivorous - probably, the algae will soon be “composted” by insatiable fish, for which it is better to be mentally prepared right away.

Soil and requirements for the aquarium

Experienced fish breeders recommend placing these fish in aquariums of at least 100 liters in volume. Bots are active guys until old age, so in small quantities they can die. Decor, plants, and the presence of all kinds of shelters are very important for these fish.

As for the soil, there is one rule: take sand or other soft, highly dispersed filling. Like any loach, marbled loaches have the habit of burrowing into the sand and rubbing against it in every possible way, wiping off mucus from the surface of the body. The fish can easily get scratched on the rock bottom and damage its antennae.

Water and lighting

In general, bots are considered strong and unpretentious fish, but you shouldn’t relax. Their natural environment is turbulent mountain streams. That is why constant aeration and water filtration as an imitation of water in a mountain river are very important for them. And once a week it is recommended to change about 1/5–1/3 of the water.

Recommended water hardness is up to 12°, pH 6.0–7.0, but fluctuations of 5.0–8.0 can be allowed. As for temperature, fish can normally exist in the temperature range from 19 to 30 °C, but 25 °C is still considered ideal. If your aquarium is above ideal temperature, you should increase aeration so as not to reduce the amount of oxygen in the water. Lighting that is diffused and weak is suitable.


In principle, the maintenance and care of bots is straightforward. Regular water changes, proper initial filling of the aquarium, company for entertainment and diet for the body - these are all the difficulties. By the way, the point about the reproduction of individuals is placed at the end of the article for good reason. Probably, the reproduction of these fish in an aquarium is the greatest difficulty in caring for them.

Did you know? What is interesting is the reaction of marbled fish to changes in pressure in the aquarium. The larger the volume of the aquarium, the deeper the bottom desired by the bot is, and the higher the pressure on the individual there will be. And the higher the pressure, the more active the fish becomes and the more spontaneously it can spawn.


Theoretically, Lohakata loachata is carnivorous, but, as practice shows, it is difficult to find a more omnivorous one. These gluttons eat so much that one of the most important tips for fish farmers is to control the amount they eat. This is more difficult to do than it seems if you have several species of fish living in your aquarium - the bots will finish eating after everyone, and especially young and zealous ones can eat together with other fish, taking away food along the way.

Important! If your marbled pets suddenly think that you are not feeding them enough, they will begin to eat algae in the aquarium, sort through the soil in search of food, and generally show dissatisfaction with hungry days. Plants still cannot be saved after fighting, but fish may become obese, so do not be fooled by provocations and feed the extortionists on schedule.

They eat any type of food, any flavor and in any form. Even if you are a fan of artificial feeding, you should still occasionally give your pets live prey - it improves the color of the fish and helps maintain the contrast of the stripes even with age. Among natural products, they also tend to eat everything: bloodworms (both live and frozen), coretra, brine shrimp, tubifex, other invertebrates and even snails.

By the way, experts recommend adding variety to your diet with the help of plant products such as greens, pumpkin peel, rolled oats or special herbal supplements. Among other things, such an addition will give the aquarium plants a chance to remain gastronomically unattractive to the bots.


The compatibility of marbled bots with other fish is high. Firstly, bots are very peaceful and social; they are not recommended to be left in an aquarium in flocks of less than 5 individuals. Secondly, the fish is very active and curious, so more often it pesters other individuals than they pester it. She loves to look into other people's hiding places, constantly swims in all directions, can start digging right next to other fish and perform other playful antics.

Did you know? Boys are not just social, they have their own hierarchical structure and patriarchy. If these fish gather in schools, then the leader will be the alpha male, who will control the territory and get into conflicts with other fish. Despite the obvious presence of a leader, this does not make the warriors any less calm and good-natured.

Skirmishes are not excluded, but the larger the aquarium and the more decor it has, the more activities for active vertebrates.

So this fish will easily get along with any other fish, if it, in turn, does not show aggression and frighten its marbled brothers.

Character and lifestyle

The reticulated botia is gregarious, friendly, and peaceful. To some extent, the fish is shy, but its curiosity is higher than fear. In principle, it is not prone to clashes with other inhabitants of the aquarium, but with limited space it can “run into rudeness” from its neighbors. Boredom due to an empty aquarium and fights over food when the fish are underfed can also cause conflicts. They are usually active during the day and sleep at night.

By the way, despite the strategic importance of various nooks and crannies, people sleep there extremely rarely. In general, bots, up to a very advanced age, are reminiscent of active, restless children. So they fall asleep accordingly - where they are tired, they lie down. They need labyrinths and grottoes exclusively for games and communication.


Breeding marbled borer - a task with an asterisk. Until recently, no one bred them at home. Today, although this task remains difficult, it has become feasible.

To obtain botia fry, follow these steps:

  • Parent preparation. We separate potential parents into different aquariums and approach the issue of reproduction responsibly. The fish diet should consist mainly of vegetable complementary foods, with a minimum of feed and live additives. It is also worth carrying out special injections of gonadotropic hormones that stimulate the fish for this very mating. Instead of injections, stimulation can be used in the form of regular changes of water and temperature fluctuations of 23–26 °C.
  • Aquarium preparation. We take an aquarium where we will spawn. Its volume should be about 150 liters. We also immediately find a second aquarium where we will transfer the parents after mating. We place a separation net on the bottom of the spawning aquarium - the eggs laid by the female will fall to the bottom. This is done so that the female does not accidentally eat her brood, as happens from time to time. Together with the mesh, you need to use large decorative elements such as smooth stones or driftwood. Filling the aquarium warm water(28–30 °C), with water hardness 6–7° and pH 7.0. We set up a strong current using filters and aeration.

  • Pairing. We place the fish there and wait for spawning. The mating process for bots is as follows. Males hold female pectoral fins under the belly, and the couple rises to the very surface of the water. This is where mating occurs and the subsequent release of eggs. The process is long - on average, the female lays 3–5 thousand eggs per litter. As soon as spawning has occurred, the fish are removed to another aquarium.
  • Incubation. The color of the eggs should be grayish-green. White eggs are unfertilized and should be removed and discarded. Fertilized ones swell and become about 2 mm in diameter. The incubation process usually takes 16–18 hours, and the temperature in the aquarium does not need to be reduced. Around the caviar you need to sprinkle food - dry food, crushed in a mortar to the size of flour. The larvae will gradually begin to hatch, but until they get stronger, they will hide in the nooks and crannies of the aquarium.
  • Raising fry. Somewhere on the 3rd–5th day, the fry can be fed not only with food crushed into dust, but also with invertebrates such as brine shrimp and rotifers. Babies will gradually grow and by the age of one month, as a rule, will reach 1–1.5 cm in length. At this age, you can already try to move them into the aquarium with other fish.
Don’t worry if the resulting babies are not marbled, but striped. Typically, the color stripes of bots begin to converge into a pattern only in adolescence.

These are outwardly simple, but very charismatic aquarium fish called Lohakata botia. Being the most common type of botia, marble is still not so simple and definitely not boring.