Magnificent and unique. There are really incredible specimens that amaze with their age, size, extraordinary appearance and legendary fate. Choose only ten of the most amazing trees in the world is very difficult, but, unfortunately, we are limited by the scope of this article. Among the plants remained silent witnesses global tragedies, ups and downs of entire civilizations, wars, climate change. These wise huge creatures- the largest and oldest trees - have been reaching for the sun for thousands of years and quietly contemplating the restless world around.

Giant trees can be found on almost all continents. They impress and amaze with their size. Being close to this unusual plant- a real miracle, reminding people of how small their role is compared to the vast world.

pando tree

Pando, nicknamed the Trembling Giant, strikes the imagination with the area occupied by the territory, age and weight ... Indeed, this is the most a big tree in the world! Pando Grove is a colossal forest of fifty thousand aspen poplar trunks, which, surprisingly, is one plant with a single root system. All trees are parts of a gigantic living organism that weighs 6,600 tons and covers an area of ​​43 hectares. The age of the Giant Pando is estimated by researchers at 80 thousand years. This unique forest tree grows in the USA, not far from the Colorado Plateau, Utah.

Sequoia General Sherman

Sequoia General Sherman - the largest tree in the world in terms of volume from free-standing, its age is 2000 years. The girth of the trunk of the ancient giant is almost 25 meters, and the crown is 33 meters. In height, this sequoia has already reached almost 85 meters, and it still continues to grow. One can only guess what it will be like in, say, a thousand years. A giant sequoia grows in the Sierra Nevada, USA.

Tule tree

Thule is the largest tree in the world in terms of trunk girth. There is a curiosity in the immediate vicinity of the city of Oaxaca, Mexico. Circle giant plant- 58 meters at the foot, and age - from one and a half to six thousand years. It was once thought that these were as many as three trees, but recent DNA analysis has disproved this assumption.


In the Redwoods area (USA, California), the largest tree in the world grows in height, which already reaches 115 meters. They named him Hyperion. The location of the giant is carefully hidden. Scientists fear that frequent visits could destroy the ecosystem around and damage the health of the plant, which, according to very modest assumptions, is already 800 years old.

Great Banyan

The great banyan is a tree consisting of many interlacing trunks and has the largest crown in the world (its circumference is about 350 meters). It grows in India, the city of Howrah. The age of the Great Banyan is estimated at 250 years. This plant of the species Ficus benghalensis (Ficus Bengal) is more like a small grove, and all because of huge amount roots protruding from the ground, and clones that have separated from the main trunk.


The name of the biblical prophet was given to one very ancient tree of the long-lived pine species, according to other sources - spinous intermountain. The long-lived plant is almost 5 thousand years old. Outwardly, it is practically unremarkable, but scientists believe that this is the oldest tree in the world. To protect the rarity from vandals, I had to hide its exact location. It is only known that this is the Inyo National Forest, USA, California.

Hundred horse chestnut

The oldest chestnut tree that grows on the slope of Etna is about 3 thousand years old. Among its "relatives" it is considered the largest. This plant is even associated with a beautiful legend about Giovanna of Aragon, the Queen of Naples, who, together with a hundred knights guarding her and their fighting horses, was able to wait out the rain under a spreading dense crown.

dragon tree

On the island of Tenerife there is a Dragon Tree, unique in its appearance. Scientists still cannot accurately determine its age, because this miracle of nature does not have a trunk as such. The tree is held together by the finest interweaving of many stems, which firmly cling to each other and form something like a column. Above this makeshift trunk there is a dense canopy of leaves. The plant releases a resinous sap when the leaves and bark are cut from it, which the locals call dragon's blood. The tree is considered healing and is actively used in folk medicine.

Piranji tree

In the vicinity of the city of Natal (Brazil) you can find unusual tree cashew, which, as a result of a long-standing mutation, has grown by as much as 2 hectares in 127 years of life. As soon as a branch that has bent to the ground touches the soil, it takes root and turns into another trunk of this single forest. Farmers claim that this magnificent tree produces more than 80,000 fruits every year.

The tree of Life

In the very center of the Bahrain desert, in the midst of the hot sands, without any signs of vegetation, for the past 400 years, a lone acacia has been rising, which is called the Tree of Life. No one can say for sure how this plant can exist for several centuries without visible sources of life-giving moisture and normal soil. Some argue that this acacia comes from the mythical Eden and has a special power.

All listed in our article are the most big trees in the world deserve to be included in the Guinness Book of Records. Each of them has something to brag about: some amaze with their height, others with their age or wondrous beauty, others with incredible stamina and desire to survive. But they all have one thing in common overall quality- these giants support in people the ability to wonder at the wonders of our incomparable planet.

The flora of our planet is very diverse and rich. It has hundreds of thousands of species of living organisms. The most common plants in our world are gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Some of the plants are truly amazing in size, both in height and in thickness. Their lifespan is hundreds of years and one can only imagine what they have seen in their lifetime. We have prepared for you a list that includes the biggest and tall trees in the world.

All ten of the largest and tallest trees grow in the United States, and they are all single species This is an evergreen sequoia.

These trees are conifers and are relatives of the common cypress. They grow in one place on the planet - on the Pacific coast of the United States. Sequoias are so amazing and huge that each of the record trees has its own name.

1: Hyperion

The height of this tree is 115.61 meters. It was discovered and measured in 2006, it turned out that this is the most tall plant on the planet. This sequoia also grows in Redwood Park, where exactly it grows is hidden from tourists. It is believed that the age of this giant is 700-800 years.

2: Helios

In second place is another giant, which belongs to the same species. The height of this sequoia is 114.58 meters, and the trunk has a diameter of 4.96 meters. Until 2006, Helios was considered the highest on the planet, but then a tree was found that is higher than it and it is it that is at the first number on our list. Helios is located in Redwood Park, California.

3: Icarus

This is another American sequoia that grows in the same area. The height of this tree is 113.14 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is 3.78 meters. This tree was discovered only in 2006. Its location is hidden from tourists.

4: Stratosphere Giant

Fourth place is occupied by the sequoia, which has a very appropriate name - the Giant of the Stratosphere. The height of this tree is 113.11 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is 5.18 meters. This plant is located in Humboldt Park.

5: National Geographic Society

In fifth place is the sequoia, which has a rather long name: National Geographic Society. It is native to Redwood Creek. Until 1995, this sequoia was considered the tallest tree in the world. But at the moment, even larger giants have been found.

The height of this tree is 112.71 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is 4.39 meters.

6: Orion

This is an evergreen Sequoia (Sequoia sempervirene), which grows in Redwood Park, all in the same California. The height of the tree is 112.63 meters and the diameter of the trunk is 4.33 meters.

7: Lauralyn

8: Rockefeller

This is also a sequoia, which is located in the Humboldt National Park in the USA. Its height is 112.6 meters, and the exact diameter of the trunk, unfortunately, is unknown.

9: Paradox

Sequoia evergreen (Sequoia sempervirene). This plant is also located on the west coast of the United States, in the state of California. The height of this tree is 112.56 meters and the diameter is 3.9 meters.

10: Mendocino Tree

Sequoia evergreen (Sequoia sempervirene). This tree is located in California, USA.

The height of this giant is 112.20 meters, and the diameter is 4.19 meters. The exact location of this tree is hidden so that tourists do not harm it.

11: Baobab

We have described to you the tallest trees in the world, in this regard, the sequoia has no competitors. But, if we talk about plant giants, then it is worth mentioning the baobab. This is the thickest and most massive tree in the world. Baobabs grow in Africa, their height is small - about 18-25 meters, but the diameter of the trunk can reach 10 meters. Explain such weird look this tree is very simple. The baobab has very porous wood and accumulates water in it during the rainy season. Then uses this stock during a drought. This tree has a huge crown, its diameter can reach forty meters. The wood of the tree is very loose and easily destroyed by fungal diseases. Huge hollows are obtained, which Africans use for their own purposes.

12: Banyan

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On our planet there is a huge variety unique trees, some of them amaze with their colossal size, others with their unusual appearance, and the third - the number of years lived. And when we see trees that are noticeably different from the usual ones, we have no doubt that our Mother Earth is actually an amazing creator of the eternal and beautiful. Do you know what is the tallest tree in the world? Not? Then our article will be of interest to you.

The tallest coniferous tree on earth

The title of the highest tree on our planet belongs to the evergreen coniferous tree - sequoia. This tree was discovered in 2006 by naturalists Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor, who gave it the name Hyperion. For security reasons, its exact location has not been released, but it is known that the tree is located in California. national park Redwood on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains. According to the latest data, the height of Hyperion is 115 m 24 cm (for comparison, the height of a modern 22-storey building is 70 m), the diameter of the trunk is 11 m, and its approximate age- 700-800 years.

Sequoias are very tall and, at the same time, not very powerful conifers, with thick, fibrous bark that is resistant to combustion. Their height can reach more than 100 m, and the diameter of the trunk - more than 10 m. Average duration The life of this living organism is about 4 thousand years, although it is known that the oldest tree of this species existed on earth around 4484 years. To date, such trees can only be found in California or Southern Oregon. Most giant sequoias is located in California's Sequoia National Park, where you can also find the largest in terms of wood volume and the oldest tree on the planet - General Sherman (its height is 83 m, the trunk circumference at the base is about 32 m, and its age is about 3 thousand years).

The tallest deciduous tree in the world

The title of the tallest deciduous tree rightfully belongs to the giant eucalyptus, which grows in the dense foxes of Tasmania. Its height is 101 m, and the length of the trunk at the base is 40 m. The expert assessing it concluded that the age of this tree, which was called the Centurion, is about 400 years old. The giant unquestioningly got into the Guinness Book of Records, but not only as the highest deciduous tree on earth, but also as the tallest tree among flowering ones.

Other tallest trees in the world

From time to time, this title is transferred to another, new discovery of ecologists among the highest creations of nature. Thus, not so long ago, the tallest tree in the world was the California sequoia called Helios, whose height reaches 114.69 m. However, she did not hold this title for long, literally three months later Hyperion was discovered. The third place in the list of leaders discovered in the 21st century is occupied by the sequoia Icarus, with a height of 113.14 m. No less honorable fourth place belongs to the sequoia Giant of the Stratosphere, which was discovered in 2000 with a height of 112.34 m, however the tree continues to grow and already in 2010 its height was 113.11 m.

The tallest tree in Russia

According to some data, the tallest tree in Russia is considered to be an 18-meter cedar with a trunk circumference of more than 3 m, which was found in Siberian region Kuzbass. It's coniferous evergreen tree, which is also considered one of the most beautiful long-lived trees in Siberia. However, this is far from its maximum height. It is known that the Siberian cedar can reach 40 meters in height and 2 meters in trunk diameter.

Trees on planet Earth appeared long before the emergence of mankind, later people wood has been widely used in Everyday life for construction and other economic purposes. These representatives of the flora differ from each other in height, shape, habitats, and for many centuries they have not ceased to amaze with their diversity. It is possible that many have thought about the name of the tallest or largest tree in the world, then the information below will be of interest to the reader.

General characteristics of giant plants

Examples giant size eucalyptus, sequoia and fir trees predominate, individual specimens can reach a height of several tens of meters. Growth is influenced by many factors, the main of which are considered average temperature for the year and its fluctuations, the distance to the ocean and the elevation of growth above sea level.

High record holder

The absolute winner in this category is the Hyperion tree - it grows in state park Redwood in California.

In 2015, the height of the tallest tree in the world was recorded at 115.61 m, after which it received the title of the tallest tree on Earth that is currently growing. Belongs to the genus sequoia evergreen ( Sequoia sempervirens) of the Cypress family, the maximum age of which is up to 2000 years.

The record holder was discovered in August 2006, when 2 naturalist botanists, Michael Taylor and Chris Atkins, decided to take measurements from this specimen. It turned out that its height then was 115.55 m, and in 2015 the diameter of the trunk at the level of 1.4 m from the ground was 4.84 m. Experts estimate the volume of wood at 502 cubic meters, relative to age, figures are given in the range of 700-800 years.

Outwardly, it looks strictly and concisely - a conical crown and a slender trunk. The bark is thick, has a red-brown hue, its width can vary up to 30 cm.

The management of the national park decided not to disclose the exact place where this greatest attraction grows, out of fear that a lively flow of tourists from all over the world could cause irreparable damage to the natural ecosystem surrounding Hyperion.

Specialists during a recent examination of the upper part of the trunk noticed damage caused by woodpeckers. Unfortunately, they do not allow Hyperion to grow further, growth can only continue in width, so the other participants in the ten tallest trees have every chance to soon overtake the current winner of this category.

According to Wikipedia, there are now 15 modern trees over 110 m high.

Huge giant

"General Sherman" is the name of the largest tree in the world, which is considered to be a representative of the giant sequoiadendron.

It grows in the American Sequoia Grove in California, has the nomination "The largest in terms of volume and mass that grows on Earth today."

This is the heaviest living form of life, which has truly colossal parameters, and the annual growth in width, according to experts, is 1.5 cm:

  • height - 83.8 m;
  • trunk circumference at ground level - 31.3 m;
  • diameter at the base - 11.1 m;
  • crown span (average value) - 32.5 m;
  • total weight - 1910 tons;
  • barrel weight - 1121 tons;
  • barrel volume - 1487 cubic meters;
  • age - within 2300-2700 years (according to Wikipedia). However, there are a number of versions proving that it is no more than 2000 years old.

In 1879, the botanist James Wolverton named this giant tree after William Tecumseh Sherman, the famous US general, under whose leadership he happened to serve for several years. Later, in 1931, experts found that this particular specimen is considered the most powerful in the world.

The "Giant Forest" where this titular winner has grown for millennia is now popular tourist place, where you can take great pictures for memory against the backdrop of a huge sequoia.

Researchers have established Interesting Facts, which say that it is possible to build a house with 6 rooms from the wood of "General Sherman", and the volume of oxygen that it forms is almost 120 kg per year, which is enough for 3-4 people.

January 2006 for a huge trunk was marked by the loss of a large branch, the diameter of which was equal to 2 m, and the length was almost 30 m. When it fell, it ruined the fence and the road. None of the park staff saw the incident, it is believed that this is a protection from unfavorable weather conditions. But, even having lost this part, the tree still holds its title further.

Giants in Russia

It is difficult to say exactly which tree is the tallest in Russia, because the country does not have an official register of botanical winners. However, on the territory of the federation, forests occupy a significant part of the land, so almost every region or region has something to surprise in terms of flora record holders.

The highest representatives of the country

Fir - evergreen conifer tree of the Pine family, widely found in the taiga of Siberia, can reach a height of 60-100 m and a diameter of 1.5-2 m. It has a straight trunk and many branches, starting from the very base. Also included in the high category are Siberian cedars, which can be just below 40 m tall.

The Krasnodar Territory is known for the Nordmann fir found here, some representatives of this species can grow up to 80 m at favorable conditions environment.

In other areas, common spruce grows, some specimens are known with a height of about 60 m.

The pride of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, located in the city of Yalta, is the sequoia, which today has already grown to 38 m, but is much behind in growth compared to its eponymous representatives of the genus in California.

Many gardeners and botanists consider the magnolia kobus, which is located on the territory of the Botanical Garden of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, to be the tallest tree in Moscow. This is the only such representative of the species in the capital, which annually pleases garden visitors with its flowering. Today, his height is 6 m.

Maximum circumference

Not far from Lake Baikal, in the area of ​​the Sayan foothills, there is a unique area where poplars with a trunk diameter of about 6 m are found. Since there is no official information about which thick tree in Russia, we can safely assume that the cedar growing here can claim this title. It is over 250 years old, diameter measurements showed 7.4 m.

What is the tallest tree in the world