Each apartment has a place where a person rests after working day, receives friends, spends time with family. The Feng Shui living room provides positive chi energy to the space of this room.

Over 1000 years ago in China, people noticed that nature had strong impact their life, its positive or negative energy affects their home. This energy is the basis of all life in the Universe. Its streams circulate continuously, permeating absolutely everything. By catching the energy flow, you can improve your health and financial condition. This is done by arranging your home in a certain way. Based on these points, the teaching of Feng Shui was created.

A living room arranged according to Feng Shui will help attract positive energy into the home and make the family happier

This teaching gives specific advice on home improvement:

  1. Do not overload the living room with furniture. Chi energy requires space; it cannot tolerate sharp corners or isolation.
  2. You can unload the room using built-in furniture. It should be placed along the walls, furniture should be on high legs.

Qi energy is a movement that fills a person with the desire to live and act

To maintain Qi energy, you should avoid sharp corners; for this you can choose furniture with rounded corners
and install furniture in a certain way

According to Feng Shui, the living room should not be overloaded with furniture

According to Feng Shui, in the hall it is enough to place furniture in the shape of an octagon. Negative energy will be neutralized.

  1. You cannot place mirrored cabinets opposite doors and stairs. Reflections in them will bring trouble to your home.
  2. A small mirror in bronze can be placed on the coffee table and turned towards the door. According to philosophical teaching, it repels the negative energy of hostile and envious guests who visit your home.
  3. The energy flow can also be disrupted by a TV set facing the window. But armchairs and chairs placed next to the windows will not be able to slow down the distribution of energy flow.

According to Feng Shui, mirrors in the living room are not placed opposite the door

According to Feng Shui, it is also undesirable to place the TV in front of a window.

A Feng Shui room in a 3-room apartment, located in the center of the home, will influence all residents.

The living room is the center of energy collection in the apartment, and also affects all residents

Chi energy is usually collected in the area where the main item is located, and in the living room a lot of space is devoted to upholstered furniture. From this the compositional line is built.

There is no need to load the room with antiques. These items contain the energy of their former owners. If a thing was passed down from ancestors who lived a long and happy life, then she will bring only positive energy to the house. But it is better to avoid such purchases in markets and stores.

Antiques retain the energy of past owners, so it is better to discard them

Important! When arranging furniture, it is necessary to avoid the formation of empty darkened corners. Negative energy will form there, and efforts to eliminate it will be in vain. You cannot create potential spaces for negativity in your living room.

According to Feng Shui, corners in the living room should not be left empty; plants, accessories, lighting fixtures, and furniture can be placed in them

Conditions for arranging furniture according to Feng Shui in the living room

Properly arranged furniture affects the harmony of family relationships. Each recreational item is placed in certain place. Upholstered furniture placed in a semicircle, going around a small oval-shaped tea table. There should be no windows behind the owner of the home; he should sit facing south.

According to Feng Shui, furniture in the living room is best placed in a semicircle around an oval table to circulate Qi energy.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, preference should be given to chairs and armchairs with armrests, but not to voluminous corners. A sitting person must see the windows, otherwise he will not be able to receive a charge of positive energy.

It is better to place armchairs and sofas so that the windows are visible

Furniture in the home should be arranged so that there are no correct geometric shapes. An octagon, a semicircle or a circle of individual furnishing elements are perfect. This is how it's filmed negative energy from household members.

Advice! If it is impossible to avoid sharp corners when arranging interior items, then they are decorated with fabric, artificial flowers and other original items.

An example of covering corners in an apartment according to Feng Shui with pieces of furniture and decor

Their benefits for the home are obvious. By decorating the interior, they evoke positive feelings and lift the spirits of the household. You need to understand that by decorating a house with exquisite things, a person changes the energy around him, activates a certain zone that weakens or strengthens the influence on life. By hanging Feng Shui paintings correctly, you can achieve happy changes, get rid of troubles and have a positive impact on your emotional state.

Energy of images

Sometimes, looking at a picture, a person feels that he is unable to look away. The phenomenon can be easily explained strong energy Images. This applies to ancient icons, works famous masters who put effort and energy into their work. The higher their potential, the stronger energy paintings.

While working on a painting, the artist fills it with strong energy, so you need to be careful when choosing it

The objects depicted on the canvases also have special energy. The child evokes warm feelings. Aivazovsky's paintings take your breath away from the beauty and majesty of the sea. Thus, each canvas carries a positive or negative charge. It depends on the personality of the artist, the story and the subject of the image. This should be taken into account when purchasing paintings.

Pictures should convey positive charge

To change your life using paintings, you must rely on the following rules:

  1. Personal sympathies. The picture should please all the people living in the house. By evoking positive emotions, the image brings good luck to a certain extent. If you don’t like reproductions depicting vegetables or fruits, then they will only cause irritation.
  2. Aggressive dying objects. They carry a negative charge, which they will give to a person, taking away positive energy.
  3. Abstract images. You can bring such a painting into your home if you really like it and evoke pleasant emotions. If this is not the case, then it is better to prefer images of a different genre.
  4. Portraits of people. It is better to refuse them. It’s bad when a portrait of a deceased relative hangs in the living room. The presence of a stranger will be felt in the house.
  5. Dried objects under glass. Flowers and butterflies are dead objects. They can only take away energy from a person, and not feed him. The exception is straw and wood, which will give a positive charge and strength.
  6. Amber panel. They are very favorable for the living room according to Feng Shui, they carry healing energy.

To maintain healthy energy, it is better to refuse portraits and images of deceased people

It is also better not to use dead plants, insects and animals to decorate your home according to Feng Shui.

To attract happiness, you can buy a picture of fish in the water. Goldfish are a symbol of prosperity, and carp give a positive attitude. Posters with birds and horses will bring good luck. Panels with white peonies help in short term find a loved one.

Goldfish are a symbol of wealth and prosperity

Feng Shui images of horses and birds bring good luck

Feng Shui zones by cardinal directions

For optimal distribution of qi energy in the living room, you need to know the purpose of each zone of space. They are distinguished with orientation to the cardinal directions:

  1. In the east and southeast they dominate green color and a tree. This is the family area where family photos should be.
  2. In the west there is metal of golden and silver shades. It is advisable to place a TV and other electrical appliances in this part of the room.
  3. The south is dominated by red or Orange color, as well as fire. A fireplace or floor lamp would be appropriate in this area.
  4. The north corresponds to the element of water, blue, black and purple. It is advisable to place an aquarium here.
  5. The southwest is associated with shades of brown, terracotta and yellow. This is the love zone where there should be paired items.

If there is no sector in the room, then you need to hang pictures with landscapes and roads going beyond the horizon.

Advice! For such paintings you should use only a wooden frame, which can be painted gold, silver or green.

According to Feng Shui, paintings for the living room are best placed within frames

Each guest leaves his own energetic trace in the room, so different energies always intersect there. That is why paramount importance should be given to the arrangement of interior items and decorative elements. Only then will there always be positive energy in the house.

I like

Feng Shui is an ancient philosophical system that helps direct the flow of energy to achieve the best space for human habitation. The idea is to promote a positive and peaceful mind for those living under the influence of environment. Feng Shui literally means “wind and water” in Chinese. From the very beginning, it was a system of knowledge dealing with the study of climate changes associated with nature and the stars.

IN Chinese culture Almost everything in the physical world is saturated with “vital energy”, which is called “qi”. the site offers you 12 useful tips, how to decorate the interior according to Feng Shui.

1. Light

If you decide to decorate your interior according to Feng Shui, then you should pay attention to the light. He is an excellent generator of natural energy. Light especially helps designers in dark or indoors. If you want to light up dark rooms artificially, you can use candles and warm colors, such as orange and yellow.

2. Paint and color

When decorating your interior according to Feng Shui, try to keep the walls always clear, and if you are thinking about the color of the walls, then use cool colors in those rooms where direct air flows sunlight, and warm colors – where there is no sunny daylight.

3. Decorations

Choose pleasant decorations for your home or room that will make you happier and will not convey any negative feelings. Avoid collecting antiques, as the energy of the people who previously owned these things will enter your home.

4. Living room

Arrange your living room according to Feng Shui so that it is easy to communicate with each other. Source Have a good mood in the living room there is good and high quality furniture.

5. Cleanliness

6. Plants

Interior decoration according to Feng Shui with plants bright colors will bring joy, which will allow you to connect with the energy of the earth. And the pleasant aroma of flowers will purify the air in your home.

7. Music

Music, especially instrumental and mantric music, will fill your home with positive energy.

8. Mirrors

Mirrors allow you to change the energy supply. If you know how to use this, then decorate your interior with beautiful mirrors according to Feng Shui.

9. Cleaning

Cleanse your home with frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, lavender. This will confirm and anchor all the energy in your home.

10. Bedroom

In the interior, according to Feng Shui, the head of the bed should not be under the window, and the bed should also be far from the front door.

11. Hallway

In the hallway you can place house plants, paintings or photographs of joyful family events that will warmly welcome your visitors.

12. Kitchen

Do not place a table in the center of the kitchen, as this may encourage negative energy to persist.

Feng Shui in the interior: advice from oriental masters

An ancient Chinese teaching tells how to achieve harmony when arranging a home and apartment.

Achieving balance

The name of Taoist philosophy translates as “wind and water.” Theoretically, this is a search for harmony in oneself and the world around us. In practice, these are recommendations that are followed during the construction, repair and redevelopment of housing. The main task is to activate the flow of positive Qi energy and protect the room from negative Sha.

Organization of space in interior design according to Feng Shui

The house is divided into sectors that are most favorable by geographical location:

1. North - zone career growth and personal achievements, the best place for home office.
2. Northeast - wisdom and knowledge, well suited for a library, arranging a child's and adult's workplace.
3. The East is the zone of family and health. There is a living room or kitchen here.
4. Southeast - associated with wealth. The Chinese advise placing a closet or safe on this side, desk with a laptop.
5. South - represents self-realization and glory. Also perfect for an office.
6. South-West - close connection with marriage and love, home interior Feng Shui considers this place ideal for the bedroom.
7. The West is the kingdom of children and creativity. It is better to organize a room for a child here.
8. North-West - travel and home helpers. In this side it is worth highlighting a storage room with sports equipment and household appliances.

Feng Shui in the kitchen interior

Basic rules apply to the location of the kitchen and the finishing of the internal surfaces:

  • A favorable location is considered to be on the east, south or southeast side of the house, where there is a lot of sun. In the north it is extremely undesirable.
  • In the case of an open plan, you should not allocate the center of the apartment to the kitchen area.
  • There is only one door leading into the room. If there are more of them, the energy balance will be disrupted.
  • The entrance to the kitchen should not be visible from the hallway so that Qi does not leak out.
  • The proximity to the bathroom will have a negative impact.
  • The ceiling needs to be single-level, without artificial beams and suspended structures that crush it.
  • Feng Shui also recommends avoiding podiums and steps in kitchen design.

There are two ways to correct non-compliance with these tips: keep the kitchen door constantly closed or hang a “wind chime” on the passage, which will prevent favorable energy from escaping and at the same time protect the kitchen from negative intrusions from the outside.

Organization of space

The peculiarity of the room is in the presence of two contending elements: fire and water. To avoid related conflicts and discord, kitchen interior design according to Feng Shui advises to allocate three zones in the layout: stove, refrigerator, kitchen sink.

Household appliances need to be distributed into sectors taking into account the elements. For example, a microwave oven should not be installed next to a sink or refrigerator.

Kitchen furniture according to the rules

The space under the ceiling should be freed up as much as possible so as not to interfere with the movement of Qi. Therefore, it is better to do without upper hanging cabinets and replace them with open shelves or cabinets with transparent or mirrored doors. Smooth rounded lines, without sharp corners, are welcome in furniture.

In Chinese teaching, the table as an object is associated with solidity and permanence. Therefore, glass countertops in the interior of the kitchen according to Feng Shui are unacceptable, in as a last resort The transparent surface should be covered with a thick tablecloth.

The best shapes for a dining table are round and oval. In rectangular and square models, angles directed towards people carry a harmful energy charge.

Feng Shui living room interior

The main room should occupy the largest room. If the layout does not allow, it is expanded with the help of mirrors. The desired geometry is a rectangle or square, because... a non-standard configuration will disrupt the flow of Qi.
Favorable orientation - east, south or southwest.

  • Furniture should be arranged to create as few sharp corners and protrusions as possible. Angles directed towards the table or the entrance to the room are especially dangerous in terms of energy. Draperies, flowers, and climbing plants will help disguise such areas.
  • It is better if the sofa group forms a square, oval, octagonal composition and occupies a place in the middle of the room. But you shouldn’t place it in an L-shape.
  • Those sitting on armchairs and a sofa should be able to clearly see the interlocutor and the center of the room. Furniture should be turned with its back not towards windows and doors, but towards the walls.
  • Chairs installed very close to the door will block the penetration of Qi into the room, so it is better not to occupy the area near the doorway.
  • As in the kitchen, to decorate the living room according to Feng Shui, it is important to choose a round or oval coffee table or dining table (if the seating area is adjacent to the dining room).
  • Isolating a room from other rooms with a blind door is not good: Qi will stagnate. Another option is not suitable when there are several doors in the living room: so positive energy dissipates quickly. You can delay it if you cover the doorways with drapery.

The main rule is that the arrangement of furniture should not interfere vital energy Qi. Instead of bulky, massive objects, it is better to use elegant, neat shapes. Cabinets, racks, and slides should not be placed near door or window openings; this will limit access to favorable flows from the outside. The optimal place is along solid walls and in the corners of the room. Doors and stairs should not be reflected in mirrored cabinet fronts.

For a sofa group, Feng Shui in the living room interior advises choosing models with legs so that energy can circulate freely under the chairs and contribute to a good rest.

Feng Shui bedroom interior

The area of ​​the bedroom should always be smaller than the living room, because... By eastern philosophy is associated with Yin, and the living room with Yang.

Planning principles

You need to recuperate in a calm environment, so the bedroom is located away from the front door. It is believed that such proximity leads to private diseases.

You cannot designate a room for sleeping at the end of the corridor or perpendicular to it. If there are several bedrooms, they should be placed on the same side of the corridor, and not opposite each other. When it is not possible to follow this rule technical reasons, next to the opposite rooms you need to hang bells (they will destroy the confrontation of energies).

Feng Shui in the bedroom interior does not recommend arranging a bedchamber next to the kitchen. But if there is no choice, then you cannot move a stove and a bed to a common wall at the same time.

Household members will feel depressed when the room windows overlook a pond. In interior decoration It is also worth abandoning manifestations of the water element: an aquarium, a fountain, paintings with seas and rivers.

The room should have a square or rectangular shape. A triangular or L-shaped layout will throw off the balance.

Correct placement of the bed

1. The bed should not be positioned with the foot of the bed facing the doorway.
2. It is unacceptable that the headboard or footboard of the bed faces the window.
3. The bed should not be placed in a straight line between the window and the door, otherwise the smooth flow of Qi will turn into chaotic.
4. Bedroom design according to the teachings of Feng Shui does not recommend installing the bed in a corner or under ceiling beams. It is important to ensure that the rest of the cabinet furniture does not point its sharp corners at the sleeping area - this is perceived as energy arrows.
5. Sleeping people should not be reflected in the mirror.

It is strictly forbidden to buy a used bed, because... it retains the aura of its previous owners. A rectangular back carries a healthy and strong charge, but its corners should be rounded. But a backrest with crossbars will probably bring bad luck.

People often hang huge paintings above their beds, bookshelves, photos. In the interior of a room, according to Feng Shui, only paintings with positive and calm scenes are acceptable - no storms, battles, dark forests. Photos of deceased relatives are not allowed in the bedroom; you can only hang your own.

Mirror in the interior feng shui

In the Eastern tradition, it is a powerful magnet that can attract energy with both positive and negative charges.

Be sure to hang at least one mirror the size of full height. Moreover, such that there is still space left above the top of the head - a symbol of a career and replenishment of the family budget.

All mirrors in Feng Shui interior design need to be framed so that energy is not lost. Distributing reflective surfaces evenly throughout the home will help the smooth circular movement of Qi.

  • In the hallway, a mirror cannot be hung opposite the front door, the passage to the bathroom, or on the stairs.

This risks the fact that Qi will not stay in the apartment, and the residents will face illness and financial problems. It is beneficial if the mirror reflects “wind music” or a flower from the entrance area.
In a cramped hallway, where the eye immediately rests on the opposite blank wall, it is better to place a mirror there, but slightly offset relative to the entrance arch. The mirrored facades of the wardrobe will create a “corridor”; Qi will easily penetrate through it into the interior space of the home.

  • It is a categorical taboo to place a mirror plane on the front door itself, because Qi will not be able to enter the home at all.

Feng Shui interior with mirrors recommends installing them on the front of the bathroom door.

  • When decorating a bedroom, you will have to abandon reflective ceilings.

The bed should not be visible in the mirror. The best place for him - a dressing table in the corner of the room. A round mirror calms and balances currents, while frames with corners, on the contrary, attract currents that interfere with sleep.

  • In the design of the dining room oriental masters It is recommended to install the mirror so that the set dining table is reflected in it. This will attract wealth to the family.

  • Mirrors in Feng Shui living room interiors should be placed opposite the windows if the house has a beautiful view.

This technique will fill the home with natural harmony.

  • In the bathroom, you can activate positive energy by placing two mirrors opposite each other: with inside doors and on the wall.

But using mirror tiles is not good, because... it is associated with a cracked surface.

Eastern sages are convinced: mirrors should be smooth, without decorative elements, inscriptions, or drawings (they distort information). And the most important interior items in Feng Shui are Bagua mirrors. These are round talismans framed by a ring of trigrams. Their task is to attract negative energy and neutralize it with the help of natural elements.

Harmonious colors in feng shui design

The use of some colors and the exclusion of others will create an energetic balance in the design.

  • Red

Activity, strength, passion, symbol of well-being. Together with gold, it attracts people into the house and apartment. money luck. Combining with blue and black (Water element) is undesirable. will show himself with the best side in sports rooms, creative work. It must be used with caution: according to Feng Shui, an excess of color in the interior will turn order into chaos and provoke outbursts of anger.

  • Orange

The energy of red plus the good nature of yellow, the result is a charge of creativity and well-being. Stimulates the mind, imagination, improves memory, and improves communication. Recommended for decorating a living room, children's room, and in public interiors - for offices and reception areas.

  • Gold

A symbol of honor and respect. Deepen positive emotions and self-esteem. It is believed that they attract money.

  • White

Purity of thoughts, carefree and innocence. Inspires the desire for knowledge, exact sciences, and learning crafts. feng shui is an association with sun rays, attracting Qi to the home. However, you cannot create completely white rooms; they are cold and cause anxiety.

  • Blue

Associated with water and heaven. Calms, pacifies, encourages exploration of the world and introspection. It sharpens a person’s spirituality and intuition. Ideal for designing a meditation corner. It is not necessary to paint the entire room blue; in the interior of an apartment, according to Feng Shui, one item with a blue tint will suffice.

  • Green

Spring and development. Softens emotions, heals the effects of stress. Well suited for decorating a bedroom, a nursery, in an office - for decorating a recreation room. The combination of red+gold+green brings wealth into the home.

  • Violet

Spiritual development, heightened sensory perception. Depending on the mood of the beholder, it gives him peace or charges him with energy. Helps you concentrate and achieve material wealth.

  • Yellow

I have worked with investors, homeowners and design agencies who adapt the concept to Feng Shui design to take into account, if not all, then at least the basic rules. Each of them puts forward such contradictory demands that you no longer know whether they are guided by Feng Shui. After all, Feng Shui is not recognized by science here, no approved standards education, and under the guise of science, myths and superstitions develop.

Therefore, I decided to turn to a specialist at the intersection of two professions - Feng Shui and interior design with a sufficient degree of expertise. The first one who came to mind is Vitaly Dyachenko, founder of the Feng Shui Laboratory, author of the book . While still teaching, he also guides clients around the world. And now he shares his vision of the relationship between Feng Shui and interior design, trying to dot all the i’s.

Vitaly Dyachenko remotely guides his clients from Ukraine even while staying in India for six months.

Feng Shui design and five elements

The greatest number of difficulties arise due to a lack of knowledge in the field of Feng Shui, says Mr. Dyachenko. - This subject is understood in a very unique way: entire fundamental concepts are taken out of context and, in addition, are interpreted erroneously. Most designers, not to mention ordinary apartment owners, are not even familiar with the basics of Feng Shui. Instead of what is important, their attention switches to symbolism.

I remember how a person born in the year of the Earth Ox completely refused to use wood trim in his house. The designer moaned: metal embossing was required on the walls, stone on the floor, and a bed with a metal frame in the bedroom. “The tree destroys the Earth,” the client said.

He simply took the concept of the Five Elements out of context. I had to include sarcasm: “If you were born in the year of Fire, for which Water is harmful, does this mean that you are forbidden to drink water and take a shower?” - Mr. Dyachenko gives an example of an incorrect interpretation.

The five elements are energies that influence cognitive functions, thinking and perception of information. This corresponds to the types of temperament in psychology such as choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic. Depending on the element you belong to, you have a certain type of reaction. nervous system. This means that it requires its own lighting and type of activity. Some of us are slow and thoughtful, others are fussy and sociable, and others are creative.

These five feng shui elements do not come from furniture and interior design. Creates them natural landscape: natural contours of land and water, energy from different directions of the world. So, in the north it is cold and humid, in the south it is hot and moving. So the Wood element is not produced by a wooden floor. Therefore, when building a housefrom a Feng Shui point of view, decorative materials should be the last thing you worry about. Humanity has not invented anything better than brick, glass, wood and metal, and we are not going anywhere from them.

I ask Mr. Dyachenko to shed some light on the Ba Gua mirrors that New Age Feng Shui is based on.

This is spiritualism, esotericism, if you like,” he answers. - Three pillars of Feng Shui - location, direction and time. We do not live in Space, in a vacuum, there is natural energy around us, it cannot be created artificially with the help of talismans. Feng Shui is all about the ability to adapt your home to these flows of qi energy.

Frogs on coins, dragon statues, crystals - these are Chinese folk tales, anything, but not Feng Shui. In the book Skeptical Feng Shui or working on mistakes I debunk all these myths. Any decorative items are used exclusively for a good mood. Their roots should be sought not in Feng Shui, but in psychology.

- What can you say about the address, house number, floor? Does, say, the name of the street “Honey” or “Fallen Heroes” influence us?

And the number assigned to the house does not produce chi energy,” he smiles. - If you feel emotional upliftment or depression, the reason lies in cultural heritage, not in Feng Shui. It's like with the color of the walls; they have more of a psychological effect. That is why, in the case of color schemes, we recommend the one in which you will be comfortable living and working.

Practical and technical requirements, rules of ergonomics and usability. Thus, one client, on the advice of his Feng Shui master, wanted to build a dining room made of heavy stone on the roof of a penthouse. Thank God, a smart architect came along and insisted on using light but durable materials. If the walls could not bear the load, that “feng shui”the structure could crack throughout the house.

This is an example where a client and his consultant, instead of common sense followed clean water symbolism. The recommendation to make a massive penthouse has nothing to do with Feng Shui. Very often, instead of the main thing, attention is paid to the unimportant.

- What was really important?

Living room, front door, bedroom and kitchen. We spend a lot of time in the bedroom and receive the energies of this room. Entrance door -like a gate for the entry of qi. What difference does it make what the door number is if there is simply no energy flowing into it? That's what's important. And the person even worries about the elevator. But it’s not the elevator that conducts energy into the house, but main entrance into the building. Worrying about everything is a direct path to paranoia.

A door is so important in Feng Shui that occasionally you have to turn the corner of the door frame on the wall. True, such a solution is rarely used, at most in 5% of cases. As a rule, this is prompted by difficulties with the health of the owners. But the cardinal method of solving the problem is to move the main entrance.

If none of the inhabitants of the house is under the influence (special calculations are made for this), then such extreme measures are not necessary. When I come to visit friends, the most frequently asked question“Is everything correct according to Feng Shui?” But without calculations and analysis I can’t say anything.

Feng Shui in the interior

- What to do if a Feng Shui master recommends expensive redevelopment?

Always ask for the reason.Sometimes you have to convert the bedroom into a kitchen or increase the area of ​​the corridor at the expense of the bathroom. The location of the rooms and how critical it is depends on the façade direction of the house and energy flows. It matters how the house fits into the overall landscape. Living rooms are created where they can receive energy. The developer does not take these standards into account.

- Which case was the most difficult?

Let me see. I was once consulting a client in Bombay. The Indian version of Feng Shui, Vastu, is widespread in India, so there were no difficulties with this. But a cultural component was added: it was necessary to fit an altar with statues of gods in a suitable place.

The Ganesh Temple in Mumbai (Dadar district, Nana Nani Dada Dadi park) was built according to all the rules of Vastu - the Indian equivalent of Feng Shui. That is why it is so cozy, and the parish never ceases to see visitors.

According to Dyachenko, the principles of placing an altar are well described in the Vastu system. It should be located where the house receives living, active Qi energy. And, naturally, the altar cannot be placed in the bedroom, but only in the living room or even in a special room for prayer. Whether this room is suitable for an altar depends greatly on the layout, ventilation and chi flow.

“In Bombay this is difficult, the cost of living space can reach up to 20 thousand dollars per square, houses are built close to each other to create natural shade.If, upon entering a bare apartment “after the builders,” the bedroom resembles an underground parking lot, will you want to sleep there? This also applies to the altar,” exclaims Dyachenko.

- If the family is rich, could the coming and going servants or animals sleep in that room?

The maid's room should simply be in a quiet place. The main thing is that your staff can rest and recover after work. But there is no need to worry too much about animals. They don’t care about your Feng Shui: they themselves find the place where they feel comfortable.

With a cat or dog it’s clear. What about the fish? Some hobbyists have them so expensive that they would hate to see some seahorse die due to bad feng shui.

The fashion for fish in Feng Shui dates back to ancient times, when there was no electricity; they were kept in aquariums to maintain water mobility.

Visible water that is constantly flowing and moving will stimulate, activate and accumulate certain types of chi energy. It’s like acupuncture for the home,” explains Dyachenko. - Depending on the situation, not only the place where the aquarium is installed matters, but also the period for which it is installed.But the number and breed of fish in Feng Shui does not matter.

- People often talk about ceiling beams. Do they create a feng shui problem if, for example, you sit or sleep under them?

It depends on the distance from you to the beam. If they are taller than half a meter above you, there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, the situation can easily be corrected by a suspended ceiling.

- Do you think that it is simply impossible to have good Feng Shui in a well-designed house?

No! - he declares and says that his consulting bureau cooperates with big amount independent interior designers and architects. And they all go through a rigorous process that involves:

  1. Access to land plot. Here recommendations are developed, the pros and cons are weighed, and attention is drawn to contradictions.
  2. A meeting with the property owner, and if required, with an interior designer and architect, where a presentation is made, questions and objections are collected.
  3. Implementation of recommendations.

The splendor and poverty of midday Bombay: modern on the horizon shopping centers and the line of the new metro, below are slums. This will influence the feng shui of the apartment, even on the 17th floor.

A Feng Shui consultant must remind you that the exterior influences 70% of Feng Shui, and the interior has only a third of the importance. The shapes of the surrounding landscape, such as the hills and water that you see in front of you, are paramount front door. You may have a perfect interior from a feng shui perspective, but if you live in a slum area where the chi is stagnant, it is not good.

And I’ll emphasize again: always ask your consultant why he gives this or that recommendation, what the idea is.

The ancient teaching of Feng Shui previously helped only the residents of China, but the dissemination of this secret knowledge allowed many Europeans to significantly change their lives. One of the main aspects of this science, accessible to everyone, is the correct organization of space. According to Feng Shui, it is the appropriate arrangement of things and special objects in an apartment or office that affects a person’s success or failure in various areas. Correct placement furniture can affect the entire life of the home owner, change it for the better. But to achieve positive result you need to understand the foundations of this ancient teaching, realize own desires and learn organize space correctly.

How to determine Feng Shui zones in an apartment?

To begin, you will need an accurate your house plan. Apply it to every room. It is advisable to maintain proportions, in this case you can use the plan as a model for arranging interior items. The second item you will need is compass. You can do without it, since modern smartphones can determine the location and can point to the north. And the most important item on the list is Bagua grid. It is given below.

An octagon is made up of nine zones, equal in size (eight around the perimeter and the central zone). According to legend, the Bagua grid was placed by the gods on the back of the turtle to give people knowledge about the correct interaction with the world and the use of Qi energy.

In fact, all zones of the Bagua grid are responsible for specific areas of a person’s life: love, health, success at work, wealth and others. And the activation of each zone should have a beneficial effect on the fate and life of all residents of the apartment. But how do you determine where a specific zone is?

For this mark north on the plan(check with a compass). He will become Starting point your work on the transformation of the apartment. After this, the entire area must be divided into nine parts, focusing on the Bagua grid. Of course, in a typical apartment it is impossible to get a 100% match with the original. This will require a custom-built house. But feng shui allows for errors. Main - do not confuse zones and arrange them correctly.

Feng Shui wealth zone in the apartment

This very important area is located in the southeast, between the health zone and the glory zone. You can activate it different ways. But the main features are a combination of and, as well as the presence of a small tree. It is this item that is necessary for the correct direction of Qi energy.

To improve your financial condition, place items from precious metals or stones. Silver candlesticks or Jewelry in this part of the house they will find their place. Great option to design a wealth zone - aquarium with fish. The fish themselves symbolize success, so the result will not take long to arrive. If you do not want to take responsibility for such "pets", then use small fountain. Water is useful even without inhabitants. It attracts Qi energy into the house. Look photos of apartments according to feng shui to choose for yourself best option design of this zone.

Money trees, so popular in the East, fully comply with the rules of Feng Shui. Don't forget about small figurines, made in red and green colors, they will also enhance the overall effect. The wealth zone does not tolerate twilight, take care of good lighting.

Feng Shui love zone in the apartment

In the southwest is zone of love and marriage, which is important not only for single people, but also for those who are already in a relationship. Contrary to popular belief, this zone corresponds to yellow . So it’s best to decorate it in these sunny and festive shades. Feng Shui teaches how to properly direct Qi energy, so in this zone there should be special items. Those who are looking for a partner and aiming for a new relationship should get rid of all things that evoke sad memories. In the love zone there must be photo of a couple in love, as well as things related to romance. These could be valentines, heart-shaped boxes, love notes or Stuffed Toys. You can even store your favorite related movie in the love zone. Such little things will help bring the moment of meeting your future partner closer and improve your personal life.

If you already have a loved one, then yours should definitely be in this zone. joint photo. It is best to complement it with two candles of red and white, they symbolize man and woman. Actively used paired figurines swans and ducks, butterflies and doves. This is where you should store all items related to your intimate life. Oils and aphrodisiacs, erotic magazines and toys for adults - this has a place in the love zone.

Feng Shui colors in the apartment

It has its own special meaning, its own qualities and its own merits. One of the most famous and often found in interiors created according to Feng Shui is Red color. Its peculiarity is that it stimulates Qi energy and attracts it. But you need to use it very carefully. As an accent, red is suitable for those places where the energy is weakening. An excess of this color can lead to outbursts of aggression, irritability and rapid exhaustion.

Green color traditionally associated with youth and rapid growth. It is often used in . But it is also perfect for a bedroom or living room, those rooms where apartment owners relax and unwind.

But maturity is associated with sunny yellow, which is especially good for apartments that lack good natural light. Designers do not recommend using saturated color, as it has a negative impact on the human psyche. It is better to stick to light and golden shades.

Pick up perfect option This short video will help you arrange your apartment according to the rules of Feng Shui: