Thousands and tens of thousands of fish species live in the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes of the Earth. Many of them amaze people with their unusual abilities or fantastic appearance.

Among the fish there are real record holders for the largest; We included them in our top 10 largest fish in the world. Of course, whales were not included in our top list, because a whale is not a fish, but a mammal. When compiling the rating, we decided to take into account both the body length of the fish and its mass.

Otherwise, this fish is called belt fish. It is found in the warm waters of all oceans except the Arctic. This funny name is explained by its appearance: a large fin resembling a crown grows on its head, and the giant is usually found in schools of herring.

Body herring king resembles a ribbon. Its length is about three and a half meters (although there are individuals of five, six and even eleven meters), height - 25 cm, and thickness - 5 cm. The largest belt fish is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, its length is 11 m, and its weight is 272 kg.

The meat is usually not eaten, although it is not poisonous.

9 Common catfish

One of the largest freshwater fish lives in all European reservoirs of Russia, except the Northern Arctic Ocean. The body length of a catfish can reach 5 meters; The weight of such a fish will be at least 400 kg. It is a valuable game fish; There are complex fairy tales, proverbs and riddles about catfish (for example, “There are no two catfish in one pool”).

This is thick brown fish(sometimes also black, light yellow and even albino) with a wonderful mustache; Catfish have no scales.

Catfish feed not only on plankton and crustaceans, but also on live fish, shellfish, and can catch waterfowl or small domestic animals.

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There are known cases of catfish attacking humans.

8 Atlantic blue marlin

True to their name, these beauties live in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Particularly common in the tropics. The female marlin is a quarter larger than the male of the same species and reaches a length of five meters; the heaviest fish caught weighed 818 kg.

Marlin meat is considered valuable because it is quite fatty and is especially appreciated by fans of Japanese cuisine. That's why too many marlin are caught for cooking gourmet dishes, and nowadays marlins are endangered.

Blue marlin has a blue or blue color with silvery sides, on the head there is a kind of “spear”, very long and strong (its length is up to 20% of the body). Despite their frightening appearance, marlins are not very aggressive, however, few people have a desire to get involved with this fish. The only enemies of marlin are large sharks. He himself hunts for shellfish, squid, and mackerel.

Interestingly, the image of this fish adorns the coat of arms of the Bahamas.

7 Moonfish

Finding out what the biggest fish in the world is, we learned about this amazing creature, like a moon fish. It belongs to the pufferfish. With a relatively short length of 3.3 m, it weighs more than two tons. Moon fish prefers warm waters oceans, feeds on jellyfish and algae.

Moonfish swim poorly because they do not have a swim bladder. To turn, they are forced to spit out a powerful stream of water from their mouth; the moon can make small turns with the help of its fins; they don't have a tail.

And moon fish can “talk”: make strange sounds with their teeth. The fish's mouth ends in a beak.

The meat of the moon fish cannot be eaten: although it is not poisonous, it tastes unpleasant. Despite the outlandish appearance, sunfish are rarely kept in aquariums: they sometimes break when they hit the glass.

6 Huge Tiger Shark

Tiger sharks are often called leopard sharks: their exquisite coloration resembles both big cats. These live dangerous predators in tropical or subtropical waters; There are especially many of them in the Pacific Ocean.

It is interesting that these fish are viviparous, sometimes they bring eighty small sharks at once.

Tiger sharks, reaching five and a half meters in length, are dangerous even to humans, although the basis of their diet is fish, sea ​​snakes, cephalopods, turtles - yes, everything that comes into the sea!

These predators have a huge mouth, and each tooth is equipped with a jagged blade that can cut through a turtle's shell. Females are larger than males and can reach a weight of one and a half tons with a length of more than five meters. There is information that there are tiger sharks 9 m in length, but they are not confirmed.

Dangerous predators often attack people. Fortunately, in most cases, victims manage to survive. There are especially many attacks in Hawaii.

However, sharks themselves suffer a lot from humans. Tiger sharks are caught for their meat, as well as their skin and fins; Sometimes they are kept in aquariums, but in captivity sharks do not live very long.

5 The white shark is a huge fish

This one of the most large sharks often called a man-eating shark. It is found in all oceans of the earth except the Arctic Ocean. The largest white shark caught was more than 6 m long and weighed about two tons. However, they claim that a shark more than seven meters long was caught off the coast of Australia.

Naturally, these are predators. White sharks mainly eat marine mammals, but will not refuse other food. Unlike other sharks, whites usually hunt during the day.

The shark's color is white only in the belly area, and its back and sides are gray. Three rows of serrated teeth make it easy to tear off a piece of any prey. Oddly enough, the bite force of this hunter is small and almost three times less than that of the Nile crocodile.

This predator is considered the most dangerous for people: over twenty years, almost 140 cases of fish attacks on humans have been recorded; 29 people died. However, people are not the favorite prey of sharks.

4 Freshwater Beluga

Beluga is the largest freshwater fish. It is part of the sturgeon family and is listed in the Red Book. She lives in the rivers and Caspian, Black and Seas of Azov(depending on the time of year and life cycle).

Its length is usually more than 4 m, and its weight is about one and a half tons, although a beluga nine meters long and weighing 2 tons has been described.

This fish is a predator; feeds on mollusks and small fish.

At the moment there are not many individuals of this species left. Of course, this is explained by the fact that belugas often interbreed with closely related sturgeons (sterlet, etc.). But the main danger is man. Because of their tender meat and delicious-tasting caviar, beluga whales often become the prey of poachers. A kilogram of beluga caviar cost seven thousand euros on the black market ten years ago.

3 Manta rays are the largest of the rays

Manta rays are the largest of the rays. After all, the span of some of them can be 9 meters, and as for the mass, it is not small either - 3 tons.

This creature is unique in that it is the only vertebrate that has three pairs of functioning limbs.

Manta rays can be found in all warm oceans from temperate to tropical latitudes. These swim amazing fish, making peculiar flapping movements of its fins, as if with wings. Sometimes they jump out of the water and even do somersaults. The reasons for such actions are unknown.

And again, a representative of the shark family appears in our ranking. Otherwise they are called blue sharks. Registered most big size females of this species are 9.8 m. But, according to unconfirmed reports, they can reach 15 m. The largest recorded weight is 4 tons

Despite their terrifying size, giant sharks are not at all dangerous to people. Often divers swim right next to it, and the only thing people should be afraid of is the sharp growths on the scales.

Feeds giant shark plankton. She simply opens her mouth and water passes through her, leaving up to 500 kg of food in her stomach

1 Whale shark is the largest fish

See photos of the largest fish in the world. This whale shark, the size of which can reach even twenty meters! Slow and peaceful, she feeds exclusively on plankton and does not pay any attention to people who may swim around her, touch her and even ride on her back.

The largest fish in the world, the whale shark, is a very rare species, because for a long time they were commercial fish. And now they are hunted by poachers.

The whale shark has a peculiar flattened muzzle, and in its wide mouth there are up to fifteen thousand small one and a half centimeter teeth. Strangely, the liver of this fish is much smaller than that of other sharks (in a giant shark, for example, the liver makes up one fifth of its total weight, this gives it buoyancy).

The whale shark prefers water with a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees and even cooler. Most of these fish are found near Taiwan and the eastern coast of Africa.

A big fish is a source of pride for every fisherman.
But what can we say about a fish that is larger than a human? This is the ultimate dream for every avid fisherman!

10. Taimen

Taimen is a large fish from the salmon family, which is why it is often called “Russian salmon”. Its habitat is large rivers and lakes of Siberia, Far East and Altai. The predator is capable of reaching 1 m or more in length and up to 55-60 kg in weight. This species is famous for its aggressive and merciless character. It is believed that taimen are capable of feeding on their own young. For this freshwater species there are no food restrictions. Russian salmon eats literally everything that comes its way.

9. Catfish

Catfish is a large freshwater scaleless fish. It lives in lakes and rivers of the European part of Russia, as well as in Europe and the Aral Sea basin. IN good conditions this species grows up to 5 m in length and at the same time gains weight up to 300-400 kg. Despite large dimensions, the body of catfish is extremely flexible. This allows the active nocturnal predator to quickly obtain food. There is a misconception that this species feeds only on carrion or spoiled food. But that's not true. In fact, the main food for catfish are fry, small crustaceans and aquatic insects. And then, such a diet in freshwater fish is only at an early stage of development. Later it is replenished with live fish, various shellfish and other freshwater animals. There are even cases where the largest catfish have attacked small pets and waterfowl.

8. Nile perch

You can find Nile perch in rivers, lakes and ponds tropical Africa. It is especially common in the Ethiopian region. The body of the restive predator reaches a length of 1-2 meters and a weight of 200 kg or more. Nile perch eats crustaceans and different types fish

7. Beluga

Beluga belongs to the sturgeon family. This large fish lives in the depths of the Azov, Black and Caspian seas. Beluga can weigh a ton. Moreover, its body length will be more than 4 meters. True long-livers belong to this species. The predator can live up to 100 years. In food, beluga prefers such types of fish as herring, gobies, sprat, etc. The fish also likes to eat shellfish, and sometimes hunts seal pups - pups.

6. White sturgeon

The white sturgeon is the largest fish native to North America and ranks sixth in our ranking of the largest fish in the world. It is distributed in fresh waters from the Aleutian Islands to central California. The predator grows up to 6 m in length and can gain a weight of 800 kg. This type of large fish is extremely aggressive. The white sturgeon mainly lives on the bottom. The predator feeds on mollusks, worms, and fish.

5. Paddlefish

The paddlefish is a huge freshwater fish that lives primarily in the Mississippi River. Representatives of this species can also be found in a number of big rivers that fall into Gulf of Mexico. The predatory paddlefish does not pose a threat to humans. However, he loves to eat individuals of his own species or other fish. And yet most of those who belong to this species are herbivores. They prefer to eat only grasses and plants that usually grow in the depths of fresh water. The maximum recorded body length of a paddlefish is 221 cm. The largest fish can gain weight up to 90 kg. Average duration The life of a paddlefish is 55 years.

4. Carp

Carp is a very large omnivorous fish. This species lives in almost all freshwater reservoirs, reservoirs, rivers and lakes. At the same time, carp prefers to inhabit quiet, stagnant waters with a hard clayey and slightly silted bottom. The largest individuals are believed to live in Thailand. Carp can reach a weight of more than one hundred kilograms. Typically, fish of this species live about 15-20 years. The diet of carp includes small fish. Predators also love to feast on the eggs of other fish, crustaceans, worms, and insect larvae. When hunting, it is common for this species to kill a large number of small fish, because carp constantly needs food, since it is a stomachless fish.

3. Stingray

Third place on our list of the ten largest freshwater fish in the world is the stingray. Scat is beautiful predatory fish, which can be found in tropical seas, in the waters of the Arctic and Antarctica, as well as in fresh water bodies. Fish of this species are most common in Asia. Stingrays inhabit both shallow and deep water. The most gigantic individuals reach up to 7-8 m in length. In this case, the stingray can gain weight up to 600 kg. Eating large fish preferably echinoderms, crayfish, molluscs and small fish.

2. Giant Mekong catfish

The giant Mekong catfish lives in the fresh waters of Thailand. It is considered the largest representative of its species and is therefore often considered and studied separately from its relatives. The body width of the giant Mekong catfish sometimes reaches more than 2.5 m. Weight Limit this type of fish - 600 kg. The giant Mekong catfish feeds on live fish and small freshwater animals.

1. Alligator Gar

The alligator Gar (shell pike) is considered a real monster. This giant fish with an exotic appearance, it has been living in the fresh waters of rivers in the southeastern United States of America for more than 100 million years. This species is named for its elongated snout and double row of fangs. Alligator Gar has the ability to spend time on land, but not more than 2 hours. The weight of the fish can reach 166 kg. Three meters is the usual length for individuals of this species. The Gar alligator is known for its ferocious and bloodthirsty nature. It feeds on smaller fish, but repeated cases of predator attacks on people have been recorded.

10th place. Som.

Freshwater fish. It can grow up to 5 meters and weigh up to 400 kg. It lives at the bottom of a reservoir and can lie motionless for a long time. Feeds for the most part carrion, but was seen attacking a person.

9th place. Mako shark.

Other names: blue-gray herring, black-snout. The length of the largest representative is 4.5 meters. These sharks weigh mostly 450-500 kg. Lives off the coast of Turkey. Dangerous for humans.

8th place. Atlantic blue or blue marlin.

It can reach a length of five meters (but 20% due to the spear) and 820 kg. Lives in the Atlantic Ocean. Eats fish. Due to its large size and tasty “meat,” it is a desirable prey for fishermen.

7th place. Moonfish.

Reaches 4.3 meters and 2.3 tons in weight. In length it “loses” to other fish, but in weight it is quite competitive. Habitat - Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Does not pose a danger to humans. Very clumsy and slow. Able to lie at the surface of the water for a long time. Other names are sunfish, “round fool”, because its entire weight accounts for only 4 g of brain.

6th place. Kaluga.

It can grow up to 6 meters in length and one ton in weight. Lives in Siberian rivers of Russia. Belongs to the sturgeon family. Due to mass harvesting for caviar, it was endangered and is listed in the International Red Book.

5th place is shared by the white and tiger sharks.

White shark

It can reach six meters in length and almost two tons of weight. The most aggressive shark in relation to people. Lives off the coast South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, California, Brazil, Cuba. Preys mostly on marine mammals.
Tiger shark

The maximum length is 6.3 meters, weight is just over one and a half tons. Lives in the Caribbean Sea, approx. Hawaiian Islands, off the coast of Florida. Dangerous for people. Very voracious, eats marine life, having smaller sizes. There are known cases of attacks on their relatives and weak whales.

4th place is shared by the Greenland shark and the giant sea ​​Devil(manta ray).

Greenland polar shark.

Length - 7.3 meters, weight up to one and a half tons. This shark almost never meets people, as it lives in cold latitudes. Mainly feeds on fish, but can attack seals and eat carrion. Due to their slow metabolism, these sharks are sometimes over 100 years old. Raw shark meat is poisonous.

Manta ray.

The largest of the stingrays. Some representatives reach seven meters in length and 2.5 tons of weight. Lives in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans. It feeds on small fish and plankton. It is viviparous, giving birth to 1, rarely 2 cubs.

3rd place. Beluga.

There were nine-meter specimens weighing up to one and a half tons. It lives in the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas, but can enter fresh waters, therefore it is a leader among freshwater fish. Belongs to the sturgeon family. Due to massive fishing for caviar, it is endangered.

2nd place. Giant shark.

The length of the body can reach up to 15 meters (but on average 9 m), weight - 9 tons. Lives in temperate ocean waters. Feeds on plankton and does not pay attention to people. But you should not touch them, as you can get hurt by the sharp scales.

1 place. Whale shark.

Some individuals reach twenty meters in length and weigh 34 tons. Does not pose a danger to people. Feeds on plankton. You can safely touch her, and some drivers have even ridden on her back. Lives in subtropical and tropical waters, often found off the coast of Australia, Cuba, the Philippines, and California.

If you are asked to answer the question “What is the biggest fish in the world”? What will you answer? Most likely "Whale".

And you will be wrong. After all, these are not fish, but mammals. So what is the correct answer to this question?

This is a whale shark. This fish was first described in 1828. The species is actually the largest on the entire planet. On average, such a thug reaches 10 meters in length, sometimes even more. But in nature you can find larger specimens, up to 20 meters.

Riding a shark

However, even though it is called a shark, you should not be afraid of it. The species consumes only plankton, and these are small fish, squid and crustaceans. Horror is caused by the fact that the whale shark almost always swims with its mouth open, and all the prey ends up there by chance. True, it is strained using a special straining apparatus. By the way, only whale sharks and largemouth and basking sharks have it.

In the expanses of water, the fish moves slowly and impressively. Rarely does a whale shark reach a speed of more than five kilometers per hour. She is also famous for her apathetic and lethargic character. Therefore, it does not pose any danger to people. Some divers often touch it with their hands, and the bravest ones ride on its back.

This harmless shark is found mainly in tropical latitudes of the World Ocean. And it is almost impossible to find one copy. Fish live in schools, some even report that they have observed entire groups of several hundred. Whale sharks swim in search of plankton, so they can migrate quite far. It is worth noting that now the giant fish has been little studied, but scientists and researchers are using every opportunity to learn as much as possible about this species. Now they have even begun to involve satellites in research. It is not known for certain how many years such a shark lives, scientists suggest that up to 60 years, mature age they reach it at about 30 years of age.

The whale shark, unfortunately, is considered a rare and almost endangered species. Special thanks for this should be said to poachers, fishermen of the Southern and South-East Asia. Here whale shark meat is eaten. And, despite the fact that the catch of the species is under the strictest prohibition, poachers do not pay attention to this. Meanwhile, natural reproduction sharks walk slowly, this is due to the peculiarity of their structure. Scientists cannot calculate the total number of fish of this species on the planet. The whale shark is listed in the Red Book of the World.

Moon in water

The biggest bone fish In the world, the fish is considered to be the sunfish. Its name speaks for itself. The fish's body shape is similar to a circle, which is why it was named accordingly. On average, such a resident water depths grows up to three meters and weighs one and a half tons. And if you believe the famous Guinness Book of Records, then in 1908, near the coast of Australia, fishermen caught a specimen weighing 2235 kilograms and 4 meters 26 centimeters long.

The moonfish has a very unusual body. It is striking in that it is both short and tall. Sea Dweller therefore it has a rather strange appearance. The dorsal, caudal and anal fins are connected to each other. As for the skin of the fish, it is quite thick and difficult to pierce. Experienced sailors say that even a harpoon fired at a fish most often bounces off rather than piercing the skin. This is why the sunfish is so rarely interested in its “neighbors” predators, fish such as sharks or killer whales.

Complete fool

The sea creature is as slow as the whale shark. Unusual shape does not allow her to maintain a vertical position under water. Therefore, the moonfish most often lies on its side, like, for example, a flounder.

It's funny, but the fish don't seem to be interested in what's going on around them at all. Even if the creature is pulled onto the deck of the ship, it will not resist and will not even try to jump back into the water. Scientists believe that this behavior is to blame small brain, which weighs only 4 grams. That is why the fish is sometimes called a “complete fool”.

The sunfish is found in the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. It happens that she is seen off the coast of Iceland, England, Norway or in the Sea of ​​Japan. This fish is quite prolific; it can lay up to three hundred million eggs at a time. True, only a small part survives from this darkness. By the way, the sunfish's diet is limited to plankton, jellyfish larvae, ctenophores and eels.


However, there are other giant fish. For example, the beluga, an inhabitant of the Caspian Sea, enters the fresh waters of rivers to spawn. The creature can grow up to 9 meters in length and weighs one and a half tons. But the largest freshwater fish is the arapaima. She lives in the Amazon. A fish with a body length of 4.5 meters weighs up to 4 centners.

There is no need to ignore the smallest fish. At the same time, she is the smallest vertebrate animal on the planet. Pandaka goby is its name. This aquatic miracle lives in lakes in the Philippines. The tiny creature has a body length of only one centimeter.

Diving filming

Another amazing record holder among vertebrates. This is a thread fish, it has an amazing body width to length ratio. The “worm” grows up to one and a half meters, and this is with a thickness of only two centimeters. It turns out that the body length of the thread fish exceeds 75 times the width.

And in conclusion, it’s worth remembering once again about whales. Not all of their representatives are distinguished by impressive dimensions. For example, the piebald dolphin or Commerson's dolphin is very small. It is only 120-150 centimeters in length and weighs 20-30 kilograms. This animal lives in the south of the Atlantic Ocean. But the largest killer whale dolphin is not impressive in its size. It grows up to 8-9 meters.

About whales

By the way, dolphins and whales are also a kind of record. These are the only mammals that never go onto land. Seals, walruses and a number of other pinnipeds make it to the shore, at least for a while. This happens when it is time to start procreation.

But whales can jump out of the water with a deafening noise, unless they get excited. And then they immediately return to their native element.
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Although the fauna of the Earth's oceans has not yet been fully studied, it is still possible to identify the largest fish in the world. In the depths of the oceans and seas, lakes and rivers live representatives of many species of a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The top ten largest fish include giant fish, whose habitat occupies a significant part of the planet’s water space. Half of the top 10 places were rightfully taken by sharks. But there are five more species of fish of considerable size. They are able to compete in size with terrifying predators.

At the first place - largest representative fish on Earth - the whale shark. Documented known length– 14 meters. Weight ranges from 10 to 12 tons. Such impressive data does not frighten divers. Diving enthusiasts will find it fun to ride on the broad back of a shark. After all, fish are not dangerous because their food is plankton and small organisms. She swallows large amounts of water along with food, opening her mouth wide. The shark's mouth is located in the middle of its head, which makes the fish look like a whale. Hence the name. A representative of the ocean fauna lives near the Philippine Islands and Cuba. It can also be seen off the west coast North America, in the Caribbean Sea, as well as off the coast of Australia.

The second largest shark is the giant shark. The sedentary giants can be 9 meters long and weigh 9 tons. They float on the surface of the ocean with open mouth, thus collecting food. Despite impressive size, the giant shark has natural enemies. The most dangerous are white and tiger sharks, as well as killer whale. Ocean fish migrates throughout the year. In winter, it lives far from the shore and at depth, and in summer it swims closer to the mainland and rises closer to the surface. The giant sea predator does not pose any danger to humans. But it is undesirable to touch it - you can get hurt by its sharp scales.

On the third line of the rating is the manta ray. This representative underwater world can reach 10 meters, but average individuals are rarely more than 5 meters. The vertebrate animal has three pairs of limbs and weighs 3 tons. Habitats are quite common. These are waters of tropical, subtropical, and temperate latitudes. The stingray can descend below a kilometer into the ocean. The width of the mouth is one meter. While collecting plankton, manta rays can travel long distances. In winter, stingrays swim deep into the ocean, and in spring they return to shallow waters. The fish loves to jump out of the water, sometimes doing a real somersault. From time to time, several individuals jump at once, creating a fascinating spectacle.

Fourth place went to herself big fish from the ray-finned family. The tail of the moonfish atrophied, the shape of the body began to resemble a disk. That's why it got that name. But the Germans called underwater inhabitant unusual looking"sunfish" Its habitat is all oceans except the Arctic Ocean. The round fish is 4 meters long and weighs just over two tons.

The closest relative of the underwater “moon” is the puffer fish. The slow-moving sunfish cannot develop sufficient speed to hunt larger fish. This explains the method of feeding - suction of zooplankton with water. The representative of the ray-finned species has special skin with a thick subcutaneous layer. That's why natural enemies Sunfish, killer whales and sharks, having immobilized the prey, can hardly tear it apart.

The largest representative takes fifth place in the ranking cartilaginous fish. The white shark is the first animal in the top 10, representing real danger for a person. It is she, according to statistics, who commits the largest number of attacks on humans, unlike other underwater inhabitants. Carcharodon became widely known thanks to Steven Spielberg and his film Jaws. The weight of the “star” of American cinema is 2 tons, and its length is 6 meters. Despite its impressive parameters, the predator is agile and dexterous. She hunts seals and also sea ​​lions. Carcharodon lives off the coast of Australia and nearby islands. This shark can also be seen off the coast of Brazil, California and South Africa.

The sixth place in the top 10 is firmly occupied by the largest representative of the sturgeon family. Beluga caviar is highly prized due to its useful properties and taste. Therefore, fish were caught in uncontrolled quantities for some time, and the population quickly declined. The species of this individual was on the verge of extinction. Because of this, the beluga was deservedly included in the Red Book. Weight itself big representative sturgeon is one and a half tons, and the length, according to unofficial data, reaches 9 meters. Freshwater fish live up to 100 years. It spawns in rivers and then returns to the ocean. A beluga hunts for small fish. The river giant is not dangerous for humans.

Arctic shark lives in the cold waters of the Atlantic. The length of the predator is just over 7 meters, and its weight is one and a half tons. But the average parameters are more modest - length 4.5 meters and weight half a ton. A polar shark hunts seals. Due to their habitat in cold waters, these predators have a slow metabolism, so they can live more than 100 years. The Atlantic resident is one of the most cold-loving fish on Earth. No attack on a person was recorded due to low temperatures habitats. Therefore, we can conditionally call the shark harmless to humans.

The eighth place in the ranking is occupied by the tiger shark. This is the most numerous species sea ​​predators on Earth, which is why their habitat is widespread. The tiger shark can be seen near the Hawaiian Islands, in the Caribbean Sea, as well as in many other bodies of water around the world. The predator is quite voracious; it hunts for all sea inhabitants that are smaller in size. While searching for food, it can swim close to the shore, so it is dangerous for humans. Sometimes it even attacks whales that are sick and cannot fend for themselves. Length tiger shark sometimes it is 6 meters. The weight of the predator is just over one and a half tons.

Ninth place in the top 10 goes to Kaluga. The length of the sturgeon representative is 6 meters, and it weighs about a ton. The freshwater giant lives in the Amur basin, but only in temperate climatic zone. It is sometimes confused with the beluga. This is not surprising - the fish are each other's closest relatives. Kaluga is distinguished by the number of rays on its fin. There are no more than 60 of them. At one time, Kaluga was on the verge of extinction, so it was listed in the Red Book. Now the population is gradually increasing.

The top ten ranking is completed by one of the most beautiful fish on Earth - blue marlin. The largest bony fish in the world. The largest individual grows up to 5 meters, and the marlin weighs 800 kg. The size of the spear is one fifth of the length of the entire fish. blue marlin uses a spear while hunting. Forages for food in a school of fish. There he wounds his prey, and then returns back and calmly feasts on the fruits of the hunt. The meat of blue Atlantic marlin is nutritious and tasty, so this fish is often the target of fishing.