In the sandy deserts of northern Africa lives the miniature fennec fox (lat. Fennecus zerda). The weight of the animal is quite small - about 1.5 kg, and the animal is not very tall either. But what attracts attention to this fox are her ears. Occupying almost a third of the size of the animal’s entire body, they perfectly capture even the smallest rustles. It is thanks to its ears that the fenech hunts very successfully in the dark.

Fenech - description, appearance

The fennec fox has a very modest size; this fox is the smallest representative of its family. The length of its body does not exceed 35 cm, and males are usually even smaller - up to 30 cm, about the same size and the tail of the animal is 25-30 cm. Height at the withers is 18-22 cm - this is less than that of a normal domestic cat. The ears of the desert fennec fox look disproportionate to the body and are 15 cm long.

The muzzle is pointed, which is typical for all foxes, but shorter. The fennec cat's eyes are large and expressive and stand out well on the head. Ears have big size not only to capture sounds, but also to cool the animal’s body during hot times of the day. This occurs due to small blood vessels that are very close to the surface inside ears. Despite the fact that the fennec is a predator, its teeth are small. Small fangs are especially unusual.

The animals' paws are adapted to desert conditions. The foot is heavily pubescent, and this helps the desert fennec fox move without problems during the day on hot sand. In general, this wool small predator soft and thick. The color helps to camouflage: the animals are light red or fawn on top, the color of sand, and the belly fur is white. There is a tuft of black hair at the tip of the tail. The fennec fox, whose fur has not yet changed to that of an adult, is almost completely white.

In nature, animals live not so short - about 15 years. But in conditions of captivity this period can be extended for another 3-4 years due to comfortable conditions and abundance of food.

The fennec fox's desert forest habitat is not that large compared to other foxes that live on almost all continents. The largest populations of these animals are found in the Sahara Desert - from Morocco to Niger and Chad.

Unlike most fox species, fennec foxes are accustomed to living in small groups, although they still hunt alone. In desert areas they are looking for areas with dense thickets grass or shrubs to build a hole there, hidden from prying eyes. In the absence of such a plot, they settle on open area, making long and intricate underground passages.

In case of sudden danger desert foxes Fennecs can also hide in someone else’s suitable hole. There are enough similar shelters in their habitat, so prey for more large predators Fennecs become extremely rare.

IN natural conditions these foxes easily find food for themselves. And this is not accidental, since, despite the order to which they belong - predators - fennecs do not disdain other food. In addition to small rodents, chicks, lizards and some insects, desert fennec foxes feed on berries and plants that can be obtained in arid regions.

Fennec cat lifestyle

Fennecs lead predominantly night look life, only in case of emergency they get out of their holes during the day. Little foxes are very sociable creatures and easily live alongside their own kind. There are usually about 10 individuals in a “family”: an adult couple, their offspring and several fox cubs from the previous litter. They actively communicate with each other not only using body language, but also make numerous sounds - barking, howling, grumbling, etc.

The fennec fox obtains its food from sand or earth. Fortunately, their paws are adapted for this - although small, they have developed muscles. Since these foxes are nocturnal animals, their vision is adapted to seeing in the dark.

Living in arid regions has made fennecs get used to this - they for a long time can do without water at all, obtaining moisture from meat, fruits and leaves.

Fennec as a pet

Nowadays, having exotic animals at home is very fashionable. However, the domestic fennec fox is not the case when problems with keeping the animal at home will not arise. Future owners should remember that these foxes are nocturnal, so sleeping with a fennec fox at your side will be problematic. In addition, foxes themselves have a pungent odor, and if they are not trained to use a litter box (which is quite difficult), then there will always be foxes in the house. bad smell. To prevent the fennec fox from causing a lot of trouble, you need to train it like a dog. But foxes are wild animals, and it takes a very long time to learn even the simplest commands.

The habit of the desert fennec fox to dig holes for itself brings many difficulties to its maintenance. Will have to buy for the animal big cage or even dedicate an entire room. Cover the floor with a thick layer of sand to make the animal feel more comfortable.

The temperature in the apartment should be close to the air temperature in the desert, that is, higher than usual. There should be no drafts, and desert fennec foxes are sensitive to even a slight drop. At home, they often die precisely because of a common cold.

Fennec fox - a fox with a reddish-cream shade of fur, small in size, lives in deserts North Africa. The fox can reach up to 40 cm in length and 20 cm in height. The fennec's fluffy tail can be 30 cm long, the tip of the tail is black, and the animal weighs on average 1.5 kg. Given the small size of the animal, its ears stand out very strongly, which are more than 15 cm in length. Thanks to these long ears, the fennec tree cools its body very well in the hot desert. Ears allow you to hear rustling sounds, including under a layer of sand.

Animals live family groups far from human habitations, sometimes you won’t find watering holes near their habitat. But the animals have adapted well to the long absence of water.

Because of his dislike for bright sunlight, the fennec prefers to hide in burrows and sleep during the day. As dusk approaches, animals emerge from their burrows to search for food, play, and communicate with their relatives. The fennec fox digs its own holes. When in danger, the animal quickly begins to burrow into the sand, and so skillfully that it is impossible to notice where exactly the fennec is hiding. It should be noted that the fox is distinguished by its ability to jump high and far.

For some time now, people began to tame the fennec and keep them in their homes, like an ordinary pet. Having such an exotic creature in your home is not as easy as an ordinary cat or dog, but if you really want to, you can go through all the difficulties.
At home the animal eats raw meat, small rodents, lizards, as well as fruits and vegetables. You can feed eggs, fish and grains. The animal can be walked on a leash, where it can get its own food. Of course, it's best not to do this major cities, otherwise the animal will eat something dangerous. But a walk in the forest won’t do any harm to him. Naturally not on a sunny day and better closer to dusk.

Little foxes differ in the color of their fur, namely, their fur is almost white. As they age, their coat color changes. For approximately the first two weeks of life, fox cubs feed on their mother's milk, after which they switch to other food. Already at 8-9 months, the fenech reaches sexual maturity, which means it will look for a mate. Of course, you can castrate/sterilize the animal. It is believed that such animals are calmer. If you decide to find a mate for your fennec fox, do not forget that the female gives birth to 5 to 9 fox cubs, which means they will need to be fostered as soon as they grow up.

Being nocturnal, the fennec can cause disturbances at night. But this is easy to fix; it is best to leave the animal in a separate room at night.

Fenech is a rather active animal, which means it will be cramped in a small apartment. He loves to jump, which means he can jump on cabinets or shelves; it’s better to remove anything that would be a shame to break. Otherwise, the animal does not require any special conditions. They prefer to sleep a lot of the time and love to play with people. The main thing is to raise him correctly, then he will be kind and even affectionate. It is believed that the fenech combines the appearance and habits of a cat, but he has the playfulness of a dog.

The animal can easily get along with other pets. He needs some toys that he will chew on and sharpen his teeth. Otherwise, this process will occur on leather shoes.

Each animal has its own character, depending on its upbringing. The animal gets along well with children. But do not forget that the fennec is a wild animal, even if it is raised well. Children can provoke a fox cub into aggression, just like any other animal. But unlike dogs, which have been living at home for many generations, the fennec only recently began to live in people’s homes. This means that instinct can manifest itself much more sharply. You should not leave a pet in a house where there are very small children.

Like any cat or dog, the fennec can playfully make a mess at home, but not too much. Don’t forget that the animal loves to dig, so if you don’t want to part with your favorite furniture, it’s better to small tray or a box containing sand.
It is necessary not to forget about the fennec's delicate hearing; too high a noise can damage the animal's hearing. Protect him from various loud noises.

Immediately after the animal appears in the house, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to it in order to quickly tame and educate it. You should not shout at the animal, he is very shy and this will not help him good upbringing. Due to the fact that the fennec’s homeland is a hot country, it is necessary to ensure that the house is warm. If an animal catches a cold, it will be difficult to cure it, and sometimes it is not possible to save a fennec cat.

On average, the fennec lives from ten years; if treated well, the animal can live more than 15 years.

Most importantly, the animal, like any pet, loves attention to itself.

Knowing all the features of the fennec cat, everyone can decide for themselves whether they are able to provide a full education for the animal and take good care of it. All the difficulties more than pay off when you see this cute eared fox playing.

The fennec fox is a tiny fox that lives in the deserts of North Africa. The name of the animal comes from the Arabic fanak - “fox”. The weight of the chanterelle is about 1.5 kg, its body length is 30-40 cm, not including the tail. The tail of fennecs is very long - up to 30 cm.

Fennec fox in nature

Where the fennecfish lives, it always stands heatwave. Their special ears, 15 cm long, help cool the animal’s body and protect it from the heat. And the fluff on the animal’s feet allows it to run on hot sand.

Fenech prefers to live in thickets of grass or small bushes. They serve the fox both as shelter and as a source of food. Animals dig holes for themselves big amount moves and live in families. Fenechs are nocturnal.

The fennec fox, or steppe fox, feeds on the roots and fruits of plants, insects, and small vertebrates. An animal can be without water for a very long time; it gets the necessary liquid from the berries and plants it eats. In addition, fennecs are very thrifty; they always have food in stock.

At 8-9 months, fennecs reach puberty. These foxes breed once a year. A fennec cub weighs only 50 grams at birth. Until the puppies are two weeks old, the mother remains with them in the den, and the male brings them food. Each pair of fennecs settles in a separate area; these animals are monogamous.

Fenech habitats: Central Sahara, Sinai and Arabian Peninsulas, northern Morocco, as well as Sudan and Niger.

Fenech is the only fox that can be kept at home. But keeping a pet fennec is much more difficult than keeping a dog or cat.

These animals are nocturnal, so at night they can cause disturbances to their owners, that is, at night it is better to leave the fennec in a separate room.

Fennec foxes get along well and calmly with other pets at home. But, since the fennec is still a wild animal, and he began to live with people only recently, sometimes other domestic animals can provoke the fox cub into aggression. For the same reason, you should not get a fennec cat if you have very small children at home. But cats and fennec foxes can even play together.

These foxes are very active and need a lot of space, so a small apartment is not suitable for them. The ideal would be a spacious enclosure or a separate room in which the living conditions of the fox cub will be as close to natural as possible. Don’t forget about the Fenech’s keen hearing. High noise can damage the animal's hearing, so it is necessary to protect it from loud sounds.

Also, the house where the fox lives should be very warm, because it comes from hot places. If a fennec catches a cold, it is very difficult to cure it, and sometimes it can die due to a cold.

On average, fennecs live 10-15 years. If treated well and proper care this beautiful fox can live longer.

Fennec cat care

It is better to take a fennec cat into your home as a small child and start raising it right away. You should not shout at the fox or make sudden movements in front of him. These foxes are very shy. They are difficult to train; their natural instincts will always dominate. But they quickly get used to the tray.

When getting a fox cub at home, many do not know what the fennec fox eats outside the wild. You can feed them minced meat (cereals + lean meat), sometimes pamper them with insects and mice. You can also feed dry kitten food. It is better not to give food from the table to foxes.

Take care in advance of toys that can be chewed. Otherwise, the fennec will begin to chew furniture and wires. He will also appreciate a small container of sand.

Fenechs need to be vaccinated on time. All vaccines used for dogs are suitable.

Who are you? A lovely miracle of nature!!!

Fenech is the most amazing animal of the fox family. Fenech got its name from the Arabic fanak, which means “fox”. Scientific name Fenech "Vulpes zerda" (Vulpes means belonging to the genus of foxes, zerda comes from the Greek word xeros, meaning "dry" and indicates the habitat of the fenech - the desert of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula).

The fenech's homeland is the deserts of Africa (they are most common in the Sahara), which determines the animal's lifestyle and habits. They can also be found in the north - from Morocco to the Sinai and Arabian Peninsulas, and in the south - to Niger, Chad and Sudan.

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However, not all scientists agree that the fennec cat belongs to the genus of foxes, pointing out differences in the structure and behavior of fennec foxes from other foxes. For example, fennec foxes have only 32 pairs of chromosomes, while other fox species have between 35 and 39. Fennec foxes do not have the musk glands characteristic of foxes. Foxes lead a solitary lifestyle, while fennec foxes are social animals. Based on these differences, some scientists classify the fennec tree into a special genus - “Fennecus”.

Fennec inhabits sandy deserts, where it prefers to stay in thickets of grass and sparse bushes, which provide it with shelter and food. He lives in holes with a large number of secret passages, which he digs himself. The presence of grasses and other low-growing vegetation is important, as fennecs use it for resting, shelter from enemies and arranging their den. This is practically the only carnivore of the Sahara that lives permanently away from water sources. The emergence of new human settlements in desert habitats, such as in southern Morocco, leads to the extinction of the fennec tree in these areas.

The fennec is smaller in size than a domestic cat. Height at the withers is 18-22 cm, body length - 30-40 cm, tail - up to 30 cm, it weighs up to 1.5 kg. The fennec's ears are the largest among predators in relation to the size of the head; they reach 15 cm in length. Such big ears The fennec cat needs them not only because he has to learn from the slightest rustle in the sand about the movements of his main prey - insects and small vertebrates.

Fennec ears are an excellent source of thermoregulation: blood vessels located in the ears and located close to the skin, allow fennec cats to remove excess heat from the body, which is vital in the hot desert climate. Another means of adapting the fennec to desert conditions is the feet covered with hair, which allows the fennec to move easily and silently on the hot sand.

The color of the fennec fur is most suitable for camouflage against the background of desert sands: the fur of the fennec is reddish or fawn on top, white below. Young fennecs are almost white. Fennec, like others wild foxes, no sweat glands. Fenech can go for a long time without water, getting liquid from food. Fennec buds are adapted to limit water loss.

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In deserts, the fennec prefers to stay in thickets of grass and sparse bushes, which provide it with shelter and food. Fenechs live in holes with a large number of secret passages, which they dig themselves. Fenechs usually live in family groups, the number of individuals in which reaches up to ten. Fennecs hunt alone, like other representatives of the fox family. When hunting, fennec cats can jump forward 120 centimeters and up to 70 centimeters in height. Fenechs are practically omnivorous. In addition to insects and small vertebrates, fennec cats feed on carrion, plant roots, fruits and bird eggs.

Famous English writer Mine Reed in the story "Young Hunters" describes how the fennec was able to break an ostrich egg: " How will the fennec get to the contents of the eggs when he finds them? Their shell is thick and strong. To break an egg, you need to hit it hard with something hard object; How will the fennec, so weak and small, manage to punch a hole in the egg? This was a mystery to everyone, especially to the naturalist Hans. Hans was well acquainted with fennec cats. He often saw them in captivity. I knew a little about their anatomy. He knew that their skulls lacked the groove to which the temporal muscles are attached) and that, consequently, their jaws were weak - much weaker than those of common fox. This means that a fennec cat is unable to crack an ostrich egg. He cannot break an egg with his claws, because, although he lives in a hot zone, the soles of his paws are covered soft wool like a fox. This one is his amazing feature has not yet been explained in any way by naturalists.

With such a body structure and weakness, Hans argued, it is as difficult for a fennec to get the contents of an ostrich egg as it is to penetrate the middle of a cannonball. Blackie said from hearsay that the fennec feeds on the white and yolk of ostrich eggs, but how he does this, the bushman had never seen and could not explain. However, the young people did not remain unknown for long. A few minutes later the fenech himself revealed his secret to the astonished hunters. (...) He stood with his back to them, and the front part of his body seemed raised, as if his paws were resting on something. This "something" was an ostrich egg. Fennec rolled him in front of him along the sand, pushing him alternately with one paw and then with the other. These uniform movements of his were reminiscent of the movements of the unfortunate slaves in the fulling mills, with the only difference being that the fennec’s labor was not forced. But why did the fenech roll the egg? Did he really think about rolling him to his hole? This would not be an easy job, since his underground dwelling, no doubt, was not at all in the neighborhood. However, rolling the egg into his house was not at all the fennec’s intention. He was going to have lunch right there, or at least nearby.

The spectators soon saw where his table was set. They remembered one curious story about Kaama, which they had once heard and now, looking at the efforts of the Fenech, they immediately guessed why he was doing all this. Three or four yards from the fennec's muzzle lay a small stone, only about twelve inches high, but that was apparently enough for the fennec, because he rolled the egg right on it. A little later the hunters became convinced that their guess was correct. When there were three feet left between the fennec muzzle and the stone, he suddenly fast jump forward, dragging the egg with your paws. The hard shell hit an even harder stone, a distinct “crack!” sound was heard, and, looking more closely, the young people saw that the egg was broken into pieces. The fennec cat's breakfast was in front of him, and he immediately began to eat".

Fennecs breed once a year. The mating season takes place in January-February. Pregnancy lasts about 50 days. In March-April, the female gives birth to two to six cubs. Fennec puppies weigh only 50 grams at birth. The mother remains with the cubs in the den until they are two weeks old, when their eyes open. The male brings food, but does not enter the den, because the female is very aggressive at this time and drives him away from the puppies. At the age of 5 weeks, the cubs first leave the den and wander around the surrounding area, but only at the age of 3 months do they begin to travel long distances.

The average lifespan of a fennec cat is 12 years.

The main enemies of fennecs in nature are caracals and desert eagle owls. However, few people have seen how other animals managed to catch fennec foxes. People are much more dangerous for fennecs. Fennec foxes are killed for their fur and are also captured and sold as pets. There is a misconception that the fennec fox is the only tamed representative of the fox order. However, this is not so: there is a breed of domestic foxes bred at the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics from silver-black foxes.

Fenechs can go without water for a long time, obtaining liquid from meat, berries and leaves.

The fenech's hole is a system of extensive tunnels and cavities, and is equipped with several emergency entrances, thanks to which the fenech can escape unnoticed when an enemy tries to overtake him in the hole.

Fenech is depicted on the Algerian coin - the dinar.

Met by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in African desert Fenech became the prototype of the fox from the fairy tale “The Little Prince”.

The fennec fox is the only fox that can be kept indoors, but taming it requires a lot of effort. In Russia, such chanterelles are rarely found as pets. For a normal existence, this animal needs quite a lot of space - it should be either a very spacious enclosure, or (ideally) a whole room equipped for a fox cub. If you decide to keep a fennec at home, like a cat or a dog, then get ready for the fact that at night the animal’s natural instincts will manifest itself, and it will persistently dig holes in walls and sofas, rush around tables, throwing things on the floor, and make an incredible noise. Fennec will happily chew electric wires, and if he finds a bag with something loose, it will be incredible luck for him; the animal will definitely gnaw through the bag and steal the contents throughout the house.

How difficult it will be to tame an animal depends primarily on the age at which you take it. At first, a new pet needs to be given maximum attention, try hand-feeding, and under no circumstances shout at the animal or make sudden movements, since the fennec is a very timid animal. Be sure to ensure that the animal does not become hypothermic, since colds in Fennec foxes are very difficult to treat and often lead to fatal outcome, therefore, in winter, the fox can only be kept in a heated room.

The cost of fennec is high. In Russia, the price of a domestic fennec fawn ranges from 25 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. However, even if you have enough money to buy a fennec, you will also have to create living conditions for it that are as close to natural as possible, otherwise the fennec will dig a much-needed hole for itself in your sofa. Pet fennec You need at least a spacious enclosure, ideally a whole room, always with heating.

Every year, domesticated exotic animals are becoming more and more common, among which the African fox, the fennec fox, is in particular demand. This is the smallest representative of the canine family, the only one who can live in apartment conditions with appropriate upbringing.


The size of the animal does not exceed the size of the most ordinary cat; with a weight of 1.5 kilograms, the height at the withers is 18-22 centimeters, and the length is 30-40 centimeters. The pointed muzzle is crowned with huge ears, which, in addition to hearing, perform the function of thermoregulation, which allows the fox to carry high temperatures. Cubs white, but adults acquire a red or fawn shade of silky fur.

Home maintenance and care.

Fenech as a pet is considered quite unpretentious and easy to keep. Thanks to their flexible and affectionate nature, foxes are easy to find mutual language not only with all family members, but also with pets. The only thing you need to remember is that the fennec is a nocturnal animal. At night, your pet's hunting instincts may awaken. So, miniature foxes can start digging holes, rushing around the apartment, throwing things off the table, chewing wires, etc. Therefore, owners need to be patient and have an action plan in place for such a case. For example, you can allocate either a spacious enclosure or an entire room for your pet to live in. It should be noted that fennecs are easily tamed to the tray.

It is important to remember that this animal does not tolerate drafts very well and low temperatures. When a fennec catches a cold, it becomes very seriously ill, which can be fatal. Therefore, pets need to be vaccinated, which will prevent a number of dangerous infectious diseases.

Foxes are practically omnivorous. At home, they need, first of all, meat products: minced lean meat, rodents and insects purchased from pet stores. Fruits and vegetables will be useful. Fennecs are able to go without water for a long time, extracting liquid from plant products.

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Work experience: 5 years. Specialization: all areas of jurisprudence.

To avoid problems, food for fox cubs should be balanced, rich in various vitamins and minerals. You can use dog food for food; the little fox will not refuse it. As a special treat, fennec cats prefer insects and small rodents, dates and figs.The original habitat of the animals is the desert. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to equip the animal’s enclosure with a separate place with sand, where the fennec will feel at home.When arranging an enclosure, you need to take into account that fennecs are quite noisy animals. They have a very shrill voice, and most time they communicate with each other through sound. Therefore, the enclosure should be located in a well-insulated room, in which there is fairly good sound insulation.Fennec cats have unique hearing, capable of detecting even the slightest movements in a room. Because of this feature, you need to carefully protect their hearing. The animals are unusually shy, any loud noise or screaming will become stressful for little fox. Due to a stressful situation, some individuals can become aggressive and emit a specific unpleasant aroma.If there are small children in the house, you need to protect them as much as possible from communicating with fennec cats. Awkward movements, noise and improper handling of the animal will cause aggressive behavior, which is fraught with danger for the child.Experts recommend that your animal be vaccinated against rabies at least once a year. However, finding a specialist who understands exotic animals and understands the characteristics of the animal is extremely difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of this issue in advance.

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Miniature foxes breed once a year. During the breeding season, which usually occurs in February, males can become very aggressive and begin to mark their territory. The pregnancy itself lasts about 50 days, so in the spring from 2 to 6 cubs are born, weighing no more than 50 grams. Because the female is very aggressive for two weeks, until the cubs open their eyes, she needs to organize a special place, reminiscent of a hole, so that she feels comfortable. Five-week-old cubs begin to explore the world on their own, but only at 3 months are they ready to leave their family. Fennecs reach sexual maturity at 6-9 months. The animals live 10-12 years.