Among the huge community of indoor representatives of the Aroid family, the syngonium is the only plant that cannot boast of an increase in popularity in the last decade. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about this liana. Perhaps due to the rather capricious nature of the syngoniums or their similarity to many large-leaved houseplants. But no indoor liana can boast of such variability. This is one of the most modest lianas, but non-standard.

A pie with apricots made from tender shortcrust pastry with curd filling turns out to be very similar to the traditional apricot cheesecake: the thinnest layer of crumbly shortcrust pastry, moderately sweet, then a layer of apricots covered with the most delicate curd filling. To prepare this cake, you will need a so-called intermediate baking. That is, first we bake a shortbread cake, which we then fill with fruits and cottage cheese, then we bake the pie until cooked for a while.

Once upon a time, these flowers were certainly exotic novelties and delighted the public. But over time, bright annuals, which are widespread in urban landscaping and private gardens, have become familiar. Today, not everyone wants to allocate space in the garden for marigolds, zinnias and their familiar counterparts. In this article, I invite readers to get acquainted with new unusual varieties of annuals that are familiar to us, which will allow us to look at the "banal" plants in a new way.

Spicy peach jam with cinnamon, star anise and cloves. The jam is very thick, aromatic, with transparent pieces of fruit. You will have to tinker a little with the processing - you definitely need to peel off the peels from the peaches, but the jam is prepared quite quickly. For harvesting for the winter, choose ripe peaches without signs of spoilage and visible damage. You can peel off the skin with a regular vegetable scraper or, like in this recipe, scald the fruit with boiling water. Any kind of peach will do.

Before each owner of a garden plot, the question arises about improving the quality of the soil. Or - at the very beginning during the development of the site. Or after a while, because some crops grow well on the site, but others wither, get sick or refuse altogether. Or due to the fact that the yield of those crops that previously bore fruit without problems is decreasing. In such cases, they buy a car of humus, peat, black soil or manure, or go to the store for mineral fertilizers.

The solemn and strict "chamomile" gatsania are one of the largest and most original among the entire Astrov family. This plant attracts fans of geometry and modern potted patterns. And if on the streets, balconies, verandas and terraces, gating seems to be a real star, then as a houseplant it is very little unknown. Meanwhile, it is gatsaniya of all the bright and fashionable summer houses that is best adapted to growing in rooms.

Stewed beef ribs with vegetables and chanterelles is a dish that, although it will take 2-3 hours to cook, does not have to put much effort: all the ingredients are stacked in layers in a brazier, and then languish on the stove for a long time. The meat turns out to be so tender that it just falls off the ribs, and the vegetables, soaked in juices, become incredibly tasty, and perfectly complement the beef. In a word, especially without getting tired, you can cook meat with a side dish for lunch or dinner.

A kidney transplant is a complex and demanding operation in general. Even when it comes to rose buds. In this article I will tell you the whole truth about grafting roses using the budding method. You will understand why gardeners usually do not plant roses, but prefer to buy already grafted ones in the nursery. Budding is the transplantation of a bud from a varietal plant to a rosehip stock. You can transplant a kidney to any part of the trunk. And not only the rose hips. A rose can be grafted onto another rose.

The last calendar month of summer for every gardener becomes the first month of preparation for next winter. In addition to pressing problems and a bountiful harvest, you have to think about many other things. After all, preparation of the soil, and separation of flowers, and the correct laying of storage is no less important than preparing the lawn and caring for vegetables. This month in the lunar calendar is also special. The works in the ornamental garden and vegetable garden are divided into extended periods.

Traditional tea made from tea leaves is perhaps one of the most beloved drinks in the whole world. But this article will focus on the equally fashionable herbal teas. Today they have become an indispensable part of a healthy lifestyle. I will tell you about my experience: how I harvest and store mint, lavender, dill, grape and apple leaves at home, about their health benefits and rules of use. From time immemorial in Russia, they drank herbal teas.

Tomato and cucumber salad for the winter is the most delicious and simple recipe. Various types of vegetable salads are harvested on an industrial scale. In addition to a large amount of vinegar, there are also various food additives, with indices incomprehensible to an ordinary person. In a homemade salad for the winter, everything is different - the hostess regulates the acid, she also monitors sterility and pasteurization, so such preparations are incredibly popular at the festive table.

Venus shoes are today almost ousted from counters and window sills by hardy phalaenopsis. Luxuriously blooming, medium-sized and very variable, papiopedilums are orchids, the flowering of which can be admired endlessly. Both nostalgic and fashionable at the same time, for many they remain unfamiliar plants, shrouded in myths and legends. In practice, they are much friendlier than their royal reputation suggests. Pafiopedilums do not bloom without careful care.

Peach compote for winter with red plums and garden berries prepared by hot pouring. The filling can be two or three times; for reliability, you can also add sterilization if you plan to store the workpieces in the apartment. It is better to choose fruits for compote that are slightly unripe so that the slices retain their shape. And from ripe peaches and plums it is better to make jam or jam. I usually roll the compote into small jars and make it concentrated.

Tomatoes are native to Peru, where the climate is very hot and arid. How to provide native conditions for tomatoes in our climate? For example, they grow in my open field, and the summers are cool, and there are very frequent rains. At the same time, I want the bush to bear fruit until the fall, and give fruits, as they write on a bag of seeds - 10 kg per bush. In order to provide this southerner with comfortable conditions and, accordingly, a big harvest for himself, you need to be able to properly form a bush.

Spathiphyllum is a perennial plant cultivated at home for a long time. According to a beautiful legend, the goddess of love Astarte breathed into him a particle of happiness that overwhelmed her on her own wedding day. Since then, spathiphyllum has brought happiness and good luck to every girl who believes in its power.

Women's happiness is a characteristic of a plant

Spathiphyllum is popularly called “female happiness”. This plant has an unusual appearance. Spathiphyllum does not have a stem, the leaves grow directly from the soil in a small bush. The petiole is elongated. Whole leaves can be oval or lanceolate. The veins are thin, the central one is most clearly distinguished, and the lateral ones are thinner. The root system is well developed, but the roots themselves are small.

Pedicel length as petiole or slightly more. The inflorescence is an ear with a veil extending from the base (popularly called "sail"). The coverlet, like the leaves, is elliptical-oblong, it exceeds the length of the cob and looks like a leaf, only it stands out in color. The color can be from white to green. But, even if the color is green, it differs by 2-3 tones from the color of the leaves. After the plant has bloomed, the veil turns green. The ear is sessile or pedunculated. The flowers are bisexual, the seeds are smooth, slightly curved.

"Female happiness" is the second name for a flower, but few people know that, in contrast to it, "male happiness" is called anthurium.

The plant is native to the tropical regions of South America. Spathiphyllum has a wide distribution area. In the wild, it is found throughout America, in the Philippines, Sulawesi, New Guinea, New Britain, the Solomon and Moluccas, Palau. Grows in humid areas (swampy forests, near lakes, rivers). As a rule, these are terrestrial crops, but there are chemiepiphytes and epiphytes.

Types and varieties of Spathiphyllum

In some sources, the flower may be referred to as spathiphyllum. Its Latin name Spathiphyllum combines two Greek words "spathe" - "veil" and "phyllon" - "leaf". It belongs to the genus of evergreen perennial plants from the Aroid family.


Many beautiful signs and superstitions are associated with this plant. One of them says that if "female happiness" is transplanted into one pot with "male happiness", or simply put these plants next to each other, you can achieve harmony in family relationships. Unfortunately, these plants require different growing conditions, so not every hostess succeeds in such experiments.

In total, there are more than 50 species of spathiphyllum, which in turn are subdivided into 5 sections: Massowia, Amomophyllum, Dysspathiphyllum, Spathiphyllum, Chlaenophyllum, including certain species. There is also Spathiphyllum Shlechteri, which is not included in any of the sections. Indoor conditions are grown:

  • Spathiphyllum is adorable;
  • Spathiphyllum is heliconial;
  • Spathiphyllum abundantly flowering;
  • Spathiphyllum Picasso;
  • Spathiphyllum cannoli;
  • Wallis Spathiphyllum;
  • Spathiphyllum is spoon-shaped;
  • Spathiphyllum sensation and some other types.

Spathiphyllum home care

In order for an indoor flower to develop well, you need to create favorable conditions for it and properly care for it. Home care with all the nuances and subtleties is described below.

  1. Spathiphyllum is a thermophilic plant. It grows only at temperatures above +18 degrees, but it is better if the room is + 20 ... + 24 degrees of heat - this is the optimal temperature for a flower. It does not tolerate drafts well.
  2. Immediately after acquiring female happiness, you need to pay attention to the pot and the ground in which it grows. If the purchase was carried out in a store and the pot is technical, then after 2-3 weeks it needs to be transplanted. The pot is taken larger, and the earth is new.

If a woman's happiness plant was purchased from friends and grows in a normal pot in size, with good soil, then replanting it after purchase is not necessary, you can wait for next spring.

  1. You can grow female happiness in rooms with normal or high humidity.
  2. It is better to put the pot on the north side, as there will be too much light and heat on the south window. In general, this plant is valued for the fact that it is not demanding on light; it is often placed in large and small rooms with good or poor lighting - this does not play a big role. But since the leaves and petals are very delicate, they darken it from direct sunlight, otherwise burns may appear.
  3. Watering in winter is always moderate and only with settled water at room temperature. Cold or icy water can lead to disease - a real shock for the roots. In summer, abundant watering is needed, as the earth dries out quickly. The amount of watering is difficult to determine - it depends on the soil, temperature and even indoor humidity. You just need to make sure that the soil does not dry out, and that there is no stagnant water. If the water flows into the sump and there is a lot of it, the excess should be drained off immediately!

Spathiphyllum needs spraying. It is advisable to carry them out more often in spring, summer, autumn (2 times a day). But in winter they will not interfere, only less often and not with ice water. This treatment refreshes the plant, removes the top, adhering dirt and improves the color of the leaves.

  1. Feeding female happiness is extremely important if it is necessary to achieve regular, frequent and abundant flowering. Fertilizer for indoor flowering plants or universal fertilizer is used as a top dressing. They are brought in once every 1-2 weeks from spring to autumn - during the period of active development of the flower. From autumn to spring, feeding is needed infrequently - once every 4-5 weeks.
  2. After flowering, it is recommended to cut the peduncle, dry leaves are also removed. They are cut off as close to the root as possible, and the places of the cuts are powdered with crushed coal.

Why do the leaves of Spathiphyllum turn black and dry?

According to the state of spathiphyllum, it is usually easy to understand that something is missing or there are other problems.

  1. Of the pests, female happiness is most often annoyed by thrips, spider mites, mealybugs. They fight them by spraying with special preparations that can be purchased at any flower shop. For example: "ExtraFlor", "Fitoverm", "Actellik", "Bona Forte", "Iskra Zolotaya", etc.
  2. If the leaves are drooping, then the plant has little moisture.
  3. Brown specks on the leaves of female happiness indicate too much nutrients in the earth. In this case, you must either transplant the plant, or stop feeding for 2-3 weeks.


Spathiphyllum is an incredibly healthy houseplant. It cleans the air from formaldehyde and trichlorethylene, and also picks up mold spores, reduces humidity in the room.

  1. Lack of flowering for a long time indicates a lack of nutrients in the earth. A simple top dressing with universal fertilizer for indoor flowers will help to correct the situation.
  2. Why do the tips of the leaves of Spathiphyllum dry? If there is too much watering or, on the contrary, little, the edges of the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry.
  3. Why do the leaves of Spathiphyllum turn black? Blackened and dried leaves are a sign of a lack of phosphorus and nitrogen. To solve the problem, you need to purchase a good flower fertilizer (there should be a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus in the composition), and top dressing every 1 week (2-3 times).
  4. Female happiness can grow in any room, even with minimal lighting, but if you keep it in the shade all the time, the leaves will begin to shrink. So if the new leaves grow small, then you just need to move the plant to a lighter place.

How to propagate Spathiphyllum?

Spathiphyllum is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings or seeds.

  • For reproduction by dividing the bush, you need to free the female happiness from the pot, then clear the roots of clods of earth so that the roots are clearly visible. Then the roots are divided with a knife or scissors. Each small bush should have a growth point and 3-4 leaves. Ready-made bushes are planted in moist soil (a small pot is taken). In the first few days, they take root, so watering is not necessary, but regular spraying is observed to maintain the correct humidity. The first flowering of the transplanted flower can be observed after 8 months.

The reproduction procedure by dividing the bush is carried out in the spring, during transplantation, so as not to disturb the flower once again. After all, any such machinations are very stressful for him.

  • Propagation by cuttings gives good results. Cuttings in this case are leaf sockets, which often have small roots. If there are already roots, you can immediately plant the cutting in the ground, if not, you need to place the outlet in water with activated charcoal so that the roots form and only then plant in a pot.
  • Seed propagation is the most time-consuming process and does not always give results. The fact is that the seeds of this plant lose their germination very quickly - they cannot be stored. Even seeds from specialty stores do not germinate well. They must be sown immediately after harvesting, otherwise with each day of storage, the chance of getting sprouts will decrease.

After collecting good seeds, you need to sow them in a shallow container (like a plate). The land is made from equal parts of sand and peat. The temperature for germination is + 24 ... + 25 degrees, watering by spraying, and airing is carried out regularly. When strong sprouts with small leaves appear, they can be dived into separate cups.

How to transplant female happiness?

Home care for spathiphyllum is carried out daily, but the transplant is annually. It is better to select a pot by size or slightly larger, especially if the plant is developing rapidly. The material of the pot does not matter. The only thing worth considering is that a container with thin plastic is inconvenient in everyday life. It quickly deteriorates (breaks, cracks, smears out). If the flower is grown for yourself and not for sale, it is better to give preference to ceramics, hard plastic or glass.

Not every land is suitable for female happiness. It is advisable to do it yourself, if possible. For 2 parts of sod, 1 part of peat, leafy earth, sand and humus is taken. You can also add charcoal, brick chips for drainage. So that the earth does not dry out, sphagnum moss is laid on top. If it is not possible to make the land yourself, you can buy a ready-made one in a flower shop.

When the new pot and soil are ready, the flower is removed from the old container, slightly cleaned of the old soil, but carefully so as not to damage the roots. After that, a slide is made of earth in a new pot, a flower is set on it, and the roots are straightened on all sides. You cannot deepen the flower! In order for the soil to compact a little, watering is carried out, and the required amount of earth is poured on top. Watering after transplanting is stopped for about 3 days, but it is very important to spray instead of them so that the spathiphyllum does not dry out.

"Women's happiness" or spathiphyllum is a perennial evergreen thermophilic flower with an unusual appearance.

Belongs to the aroid family, prefers wet terrain. Indoor spathiphyllums are useful: they reduce the humidity in the room, clean the air from trichlorethylene, formaldehyde and take away mold spores.

They are unpretentious in care, they grow in any room, including those with low lighting. Outwardly, they resemble calla lilies.

Homeland - the tropics of South America. The flower is widespread in different countries. It grows naturally in the Philippines, New Guinea, the Moluccas, New Britain, throughout America and other parts of the world. Prefers wet terrain near lakes, rivers, swampy forests.

The flower is unusual in the shape of its bushes. Elongated, whole, pointed leaves of a lanceolate, oval shape with thin veins (the center one stands out a little more than the lateral ones) grow immediately from the ground, there is no stem, the petiole is long. The peduncle is at the root.

Inflorescence is a sessile or pedunculated yellowish cob with a veil extending from the base. It resembles leaves in shape, but exceeds the length of the cob. The color can be different: from white to green.

The green shade of the petal is not as bright as the leaves, and differs from them by a couple of tones. Flowers are bisexual. After the flowering season, the bedspread turns green. The seeds are slightly curved and smooth.

Why is the second name of spathiphyllum - "Women's happiness"?

"Women's happiness" is the second popular name for a flower. Signs and superstitions are associated with it, and there is also a legend.

Astarte, the goddess of love, was very happy on her own wedding day. This feeling overwhelmed and she breathed part of it into the flower. Since those times, the plant has brought happiness, good luck and love to all girls who believe in the miraculous power of spathiphyllum.

The opposite of "Women's happiness" is anthurium, a flower that is called "men's happiness." If you grow them nearby, you can also achieve harmony in the home and in your relationship with your husband.

What other plant has the name "Women's Happiness"?

Another beautiful houseplant has unusual abilities and pleasant energy - zamioculcas or dollar tree, aroid palm.

Grows in its natural environment, suitable for indoor cultivation. The leaves are dense, have an elliptical shape, similar to the foliage of the zamia plant.

It is believed that this female patron saint brings happiness, good luck and well-being to her mistress. It occurs naturally in Africa - prefers tropical forests.

There is only one form - Zamioculcas Zamielistny. Plants have the same care features, annual flowers.

All girls who believe in the miraculous power of zamiokulkas or spathiphyllum and have already acquired them, but have not yet met their fate, will soon get rid of loneliness forever and start a family.

Varieties, varieties of spathiphyllum

The flower has another alternative name - spathiphyllum, as the Latin name of the plant Spathiphyllum is literally read.

In nature, there are over 50 varieties of flowers, which are divided into five sections:

  1. Dysspathiphyllum;
  2. Massowia;
  3. Chlaenophyllum;
  4. Amomophyllum;
  5. Spathiphyllum;
  6. and, separately, Spathiphyllum Shlechteri.

Spathiphyllum is grown at home:

  • spoon-shaped;
  • charming;
  • profusely blooming;
  • heliconiiferous;
  • Picasso;
  • Wallis;
  • canniferous;
  • sensation and others.

Each variety has its own individual characteristics and differences. Many girls prefer to grow one of them at home.

Home care

For good optimal development, you need to regularly look after the flower correctly so that it blooms and provides favorable conditions for its growth.

Spathiphyllum loves warmth, the objective temperature for growing it in room conditions is from 20 to 24C. Poorly tolerates drafts. The plant is grown in a room with high or normal air humidity.

If the flower was purchased in a technical pot, it will need to be transplanted in a few weeks. To do this, you need to take a larger pot and good, new soil.

Spathiphyllum is not picky about light, therefore it is placed on the north side, where there is less heat and light.

The foliage and buds of the "Women's Happiness" flower are delicate and susceptible to direct sunlight. If they are not darkened, burns will appear. Grows well even in small spaces with minimal, poor lighting.


Water the plant with settled water at room temperature. In winter it is moderate, in summer it is abundant. If you pour it with cold or ice water, diseases can occur.

The amount of watering depends on the conditions in which the flower grows: room humidity, air temperature, earth.

Stagnation of water and drying out of the soil must not be allowed. If excess water flows into the pan, it is removed.

The plant needs frequent spraying during spring, summer and autumn - twice a day is optimal, less often in winter. This must be done to refresh the flower, remove dirt from it, and improve the color of the foliage.

Top dressing

For abundant flowering, the plant is fed. To do this, take a universal fertilizer. It is brought in a couple of times, from March to November.

After the flowering withers, the pedicel and dry leaves of the spathiphyllum are cut off. The place of the cut must be powdered with crushed coal. In order for the flower to bloom profusely and not get sick, it must always be properly looked after.

Why can leaves dry and blacken from spathiphyllum?

If a plant has problems or lacks some elements, the condition of the flower worsens.

This could be due to various reasons:

  • Spathiphyllum pests have started and disposal must be done with the help of special means.
  • These are thrips, mealybugs, spider mites. To eliminate them, you can buy preparations "Iskra Zolotaya", "ExtraFlor", "Bona Forte" or others with similar properties.
  • Insufficient watering - foliage becomes wilted.
  • There are a lot of nutrients in the earth. Brown spots appear on the foliage. To eliminate them, the plant is transplanted or not fed for a couple of weeks.
  • There are few nutrients in the soil. For this reason, there may be no flowering for a long time.
  • For many housewives, the tips of the leaves of the plant dry out. This is due to insufficient or excessive watering.
  • The tips of the leaves turn black - a deficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus. The problem is solved by purchasing high-quality fertilizer for indoor plants, this is a necessary and important procedure.
  • The leaves are getting smaller. This happens due to lack of sunlight.

To make the flower happy, it is important to constantly monitor so as not to overfeed, to water moderately and "Women's happiness" will grow in harmony.

Transplant and reproduction

The plant propagates by dividing the bush, seeds and cuttings.

To make the process faster, the flower is properly looked after. To do this, use a pot that is appropriate in size and good quality soil, new.

Division method

The best time to transplant, when the indoor flower reproduces optimally, is in the spring. It is freed from the pot, the roots are cleared from the earth and divided.

3-4 leaves and a growth point are left on a small bush. The finished bush is planted in a not too large pot, the soil should be moist. Then it is sprayed with moderate watering.


The stalk is a leaf rosette with roots.

If they are, they are immediately planted in the ground, when they are not present, the outlet is placed in water with activated carbon for their formation, then placed in the soil.


The most time consuming method and not always effective. Seed germination is quickly lost, not suitable for storage.

They must be sown immediately after collection in a large pot, where the earth is mixed from sand and peat in equal parts. The optimum temperature for germination is from 24 to 25 C.

Needs regular ventilation. Watering method - spraying. If separate sprouts appear, they are dived into cups one by one.

"Women's happiness" is a beautiful perennial flower for indoor growing. With his appearance in the house, happiness, love, harmony and mutual understanding are guaranteed.

Spathiphyllum flower is also called "female happiness" or female flower. Many beautiful legends and beliefs are associated with this plant. For example, if you put “female happiness” together with “male happiness”, well, or at least put it side by side, then harmonious family relations are already guaranteed. It may be true, but the growing conditions of these two plants are too different.

Spathiphyllum outwardly looks rather unusual. Its stem is missing, and the leaves grow directly from the ground. Leaves are lanceolate or oval-shaped, grow as a bush. The inflorescences are similar to an ear of white, and sometimes greenish in color.

Spathiphyllum flower (female happiness), photo

Humidity, illumination, temperature

Having acquired "female happiness", it is necessary to find a suitable place for it in the house. The plant does not like direct sunlight and may burn the leaves. Therefore, if he got a window sill, then it is necessary to protect the plant with a curtain or film, which would create a protective screen so that the sunlight is slightly diffused. The flower needs regular spraying and watering. In no case should you overdry the soil.

With a lack of moisture, the tips of the leaves at the spathiphyllum turn black and dry, photo

The watering regime for spathiphyllum is very important. In the spring and summer, he needs abundant watering. During flowering, the plant needs a lot of moisture, but this does not mean at all that it should stand in the water, as in a swamp. on the contrary, it is necessary to check whether the soil has time to dry out between waterings. It is very useful to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge. In the autumn-winter period, watering must be reduced. If it is cold on the windowsill, the water cools down quickly after irrigation and can damage the plant's root system.

The maximum temperature for keeping this indoor flower reaches 27 degrees, but this is only with abundant watering. Temperature values ​​of 18 -20 degrees are considered optimal. But at temperatures below 14 degrees, the plant begins to feel uncomfortable and freeze. You can also not expose the flower to a sharp temperature drop and hot air from the heater.

When growing this plant at home, special attention must be paid to indoor humidity. It must be high, so it will not be superfluous to even put a flower pot on a tray filled with water. The water will gradually evaporate and in this way the level of moisture that the plant needs will increase.

Fertilization and feeding

In addition to moisturizing, it is necessary to ensure that timely feeding of the flower is carried out. After all, a plant, like all living things, needs nutrients for its body. But it is also impossible to overfeed spathiphyllum, this can negatively affect the flower. "Women's happiness" most of all needs feeding during flowering. This usually happens in spring and summer. The plant is fed once a week. In winter, you should do this less often, about once every three weeks.

Transplantation and reproduction of spathiphyllum

It is better to transplant "female happiness" every year in the spring. If the pot is small, then the roots fill it completely, leaving no free space. The plant is cramped and it slows down its development. But if the pot is chosen too large, then the spathiphyllum may stop blooming altogether. Therefore, when transplanting, it is necessary to choose a container that is not much wider than the previous one. During transplantation, an earthen lump on the roots must try to preserve. The soil is selected from peat, humus and leafy ground in equal proportions. When the plant becomes old, that is, it stops growing, it can be replanted every five years.

Spathiphyllum reproduces only by dividing the bush. The easiest way to do this is during a flower transplant. It is impossible to allow damage to the bush during separation, otherwise it will not take root. If, when dividing the bush, it turned out that some part does not have roots, then you can put this plant in water. Within a month, roots should form, and the plant can be transplanted into the ground.

Video: caring for spathiphyllum (female happiness)

Diseases and pests of spathiphyllum, care and treatment

If suddenly a white cotton bloom appears on the walls of the pot or right on the surface, the plant withers, and its leaves turn pale and wither, then this means that the plant is affected by the root aphid. This pest can enter the pot along with contaminated soil or with improper watering. Waterlogged or, conversely, overdried soil is an excellent environment for an insect. The method of treatment will be watering the plant 1-2 times a week with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Sometimes, with improper care, the plant is affected by root rot. A sign of such a disease is the wilting of the plant for no apparent reason. You can save a flower if you transplant it. In this case, it is imperative to cut off the rotten roots and process them after that with Glyokladin.

There is another enemy of the "female happiness" - phytospore, which affects the root system of the flower. In this case, the roots begin to soften and gradually die off. The disease can develop when the plant is waterlogged if excess water stagnates in the pot. The treatment is the same as in the previous case, but here it is especially important to observe the conditions for proper watering when caring for a flower.

In addition, if the plant has insufficient nutrition or, conversely, it is overfed, then this is reflected in the state of "female happiness". The leaves of the plant begin to wither and turn yellow, harmful bacteria attack it. This disease is called gommosis. The leaves turn black at the edges. It is necessary to treat such a plant by removing diseased leaves, and the remaining ones should be thoroughly washed with laundry soap under warm running water.

In addition, the plant has enemies - these are pests: scale insects, spider mites, aphids, mealybugs.

If you follow such simple rules of care, then the grateful "female happiness" will certainly delight you with its beautiful flowers and healthy foliage.

Spathiphyllum is a perennial evergreen that has many species, many of which are successfully grown at home and in greenhouses. They are very unpretentious to care for and perfectly decorate the interior. Any novice florist can cope with the cultivation and breeding of such a flower.

The inflorescences of the plant resemble a young elongated ear of corn. They call it "female happiness" because of the beautiful shape of the inflorescence, similar to the bride's dress.

Common plant species

Spathiphyllum grows naturally in the Philippines and in the southern part of the United States. It also has useful properties, namely, it absorbs harmful substances (xylene, carbon monoxide, benzene) from the indoor air.

Additionally, it moisturizes and saturates it with phytoncides and charged ions, which perfectly suppress the spread of molds.

In an apartment or house, you can easily grow the following types of this beautiful plant:

  1. Adorable - elongated leaves with elongated ends. Blooms profusely with cobs of greenish-whitish bedspreads.
  2. Helikonielistny - medium-sized variety with dark green foliage of glossy sheen and wavy edges.
  3. Wallis is a short flower up to 30 cm with oblong leaves of a dark green color. Unpretentious when grown and blooms profusely.
  4. Cannoli - similar to canna leaves, a delicate smell is thinned from the flowers.
  5. Abundantly flowering - grows up to 45 cm in height. Has a white bedspread on a creamy cob. With good care, it gives bloom for a long time and abundantly.
  6. Sensation is a giant Dutch flower with ribbed dark green leaves. Grows well in the shade.
  7. Picasso is unpretentious, reproduces freely, has a bright color: white stripes on a dark green leaf.
  8. Domino stands out for its variegated foliage. Sometimes it grows up to 1.5 meters.

For home floriculture, different types of spathiphyllum are ideal. "Women's happiness" can be put in a pot even in a darkened office.

Caring for a spathiphyllum plant at home

It is very important to follow some rules for caring for a decorative flower. The following factors should be considered:

  • transfer;
  • soil quality;
  • fertilizer;
  • temperature and humidity;
  • reproduction;
  • lighting;
  • watering.

It is necessary to be guided in what to do so that the plant does not die if it starts to hurt. For example, its leaves turned black, changed color, and partially began to dry out. It should be alarming that "female happiness" does not release inflorescences for a long time.

In order for the plant to bloom on time, useful fertilizers are applied to its substrate in time in summer and spring. In the hot period, the leaves are abundantly sprayed with water and the roots are watered so that a hard earthen ball does not form, and the soil is loose.

Spathiphyllum should not be exposed to direct sunlight, especially in summer, and it is better for the plant not to stand in frequent drafts, otherwise the flower will start to hurt and become vulnerable to all kinds of diseases and pests.

Location and lighting

Spathiphyllum is a fairly light-loving plant, but the lack of constant lighting will not affect its health in any way, although it can reduce the size and worsen the shape of the leaves. It is best to keep the flower on a plant stand on the north side near the window.

It is not necessary to occupy the windowsill. The ornamental plant loves diffused light most of all. It is better to shade the windows in the summer, so that the direct scorching sunlight does not affect the flower.

Humidity and temperature

Spathiphyllum feels great at a room temperature of 15-20 ° C. In the summer season, he normally tolerates heat up to 27 degrees. In winter it tolerates up to 13 degrees, but often it is better not to water the plant at this temperature.

As for humidity, its optimal level in a room with a plant is 50-60%. But if it is normal to organize watering, then you do not need to especially monitor the humidity.

During the heating period, you can spray the flower with plain water several times a week, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, or keep a pallet with damp pebbles nearby with a pot.

Plain soft water should be defended in advance for at least 10 hours. It is ideal to water the plant with rainwater. More often, watering is carried out during flowering, but bypassing the inflorescences. After watering, be sure to pour out the water from the pot pan.

Watering spathiphyllum with cold water is harmful. Too often, the flower is also dangerous to water. Before the next moistening, the top layer of the soil substrate must dry.

Top dressing and soil

Before planting the plant, you need to prepare the substrate. It is enough to take humus, river sand, leafy soil, sphagnum peat. To ensure good drainage and optimal aeration, charcoal, brick chips or bark of coniferous trees are poured into the pot. The result is a soft soil mixture, loose and fertile.

As for feeding and fertilizing the exotic plant spathiphyllum, they are carried out in the fall once a month. Top dressing is not carried out in winter, and during the flowering period it is better to add fertilizer for home flowers several times a month.

Mineral fertilizers are diluted in settled water for irrigation. You can alternate such dressings with organic ones.

Reproduction and transplantation of spathiphyllum at home

In greenhouse conditions, the flower is propagated by dividing the main bush. Before transplanting, several leaves with roots are separated from the general accumulation. It is desirable that they be 2-3 cm in length. The delenka is transferred to a spacious pot with a loose earth mixture.

Young flowers are transplanted annually. A shallow and small pot is enough for them. Before transplanting from an old pot, the plant is well watered.

In order for the flower to grow well in a new place, it is better to remove small shoots from the sides, which take up the strength of the plant. To speed up rooting after transplantation, it is useful to spray the leaves with a solution with epin in the evening.

The next day, it is better not to water the flower, but only to spray it with plain water. Moistening of the soil is resumed after 3-4 days.

Insect pests

Sometimes a spider mite or aphid settles on the leaves of the spathiphyllum. To eliminate them, you can wipe the leaves with soapy water and add nicotine sulfate to it.

Before the procedure, it is better to cover the pot with soil with a foil so that the substrate does not get into the soil.

After a day, the substrate is washed off from the leaves and the procedure is repeated. Mealybugs and scale insects are also common insect pests. Not only soapy water helps well with them, but also tobacco infusion.

Diseases of spathiphyllum

"Women's happiness" sometimes gets sick:

How long does spathiphyllum bloom at home

The flowering period of spathiphyllum usually falls in the spring and lasts several weeks. A young plant will not bloom in the early years. Flowers appear if the flower is planted in a slightly cramped pot. Flowering in a wide and deep pot will have to wait longer until the roots grow throughout the entire earthen substrate.

With a lack of moisture and nutrients, cobs also do not appear, and the spathiphyllum plant itself is depressed, with yellowish and small leaves and a short length.

Regulate flowering by adding potassium and phosphorus to the soil.