Who can say which animals in the world are the most beautiful? Beauty is a subjective concept. Some people like graceful antelopes, some like cute pandas, and others admire the power of rhinoceroses, who seem to be dressed in knightly armor. Some people are disgusted by the sight of snakes, while others find charming plasticity and flexibility in their movement. Therefore, who would dare to approve the list of the most beautiful animals on Earth, narrowing their circle to a few dozen according to their own taste?

In the article we will make a brief overview of those animals that are generally recognized as beauties. Most will agree with this list, but, of course, the list below is not an axiom.

Representatives of the cat family

Nature has endowed all cats with beauty, agility, grace and elegance. But first on the list, of course, is the one who is called the king of beasts.

Amazing beast- a lion. A strong, beautiful, confident animal behaves with truly royal grace. His movements are free and relaxed. Despite impressive size he steps softly, creeps up silently, attacks with lightning speed. Few in the animal world are able to withstand the strength and agility of a lion. No wonder he bears the title of the most dangerous predator African savannas.

His long mane is a symbol of power. The more magnificent it is, the more high status at a lion's pride. The color of the animal can be different: from light yellow to dark brown; white lions are occasionally found in nature.

Irbis (snow leopard) is a legend of the Altai Mountains. This majestic animal has a harmonious physique, beautiful soft and thick fur of a grayish-smoky shade, decorated with dark spots. Prefers solitude and leads an ascetic lifestyle. The harsh terrain of its habitat - the snow-covered slopes of the Caucasus ranges, the Himalayas, Altai, Tien Shan, Pamir - corresponds to the tough temperament of the snow leopard.

Panther is an amazing black cat with not a single light hair on its body. Her movements are very flexible, she moves silently, easily climbs the highest branches of trees and balances on them, her ability to jump from a standstill to a height of up to 5 meters is simply breathtaking.

The largest ones amaze the imagination with their beauty and power. wild cats– tigers, the rare golden tigers and white Bengal tigers with bright blue eyes look especially impressive. See them in natural environment- incredible luck. Tigers are brave animals; they are very jealous of their territory and fiercely defend its borders.

And how graceful is the cheetah, the fastest representative of the animal world! His body is slender, lean, consists only of muscles, completely without fat deposits. Its excellent aerodynamics allow it to reach speeds of up to 130 km per hour! That is, a cheetah can overtake a car.

A cautious jaguar, a cunning lynx, a light and flexible leopard, a long-legged serval - nature has endowed them all with plasticity, grace, and charm. And who can argue with the fact that domestic cats are amazingly cute and cute creatures? In addition to beauty, they have elegance, plasticity and charm.

By eastern legend, Allah created the horse with the words: “May no creature compare with you!” Indeed, fast, strong, proud and beautiful horses will leave few people indifferent. Regardless of breed and color, all horses have a strong-willed character, are distinguished by endurance, agility and charisma, they are full of expression. Large lively eyes, luxurious mane, muscular body, long slender legs make the horse a worthy contender for the title “The most beautiful animals in the world.” They can come in very different colors. Bay, red, dun, roan, white, dappled, black, silver, brown and more than a dozen colors can delight the eyes of lovers of these animals.

The purebred Akhal-Teke breed is considered the standard of riding horses. The magnificent ones can compete with them Arabian horses, the cost of which reaches 400 thousand dollars per foal. In Russia, preference is given to impeccably built Oryol trotters, Americans respect paint horses and Morgan horses, the French love chic Percherons, the Spaniards think not prettier than the breed Paso Fino, and the presentable Hanoverian breed has won German hearts.


"Antelope" translated from Greek means "horned animal." There are about 80 species of antelope in the world - impalas, gazelles, elands, miniature duikers and tiny dik-diks, which look like cute toys. Antelopes are graceful creatures. They have an elongated neck, long thin legs, beautiful horns different shapes. They can be twisted with a screw, smooth and sharp, like sabers, or wide, like blades. They also differ in color. There are red, brown, dark gray or completely black antelopes. What do all antelopes have in common that makes them one of the most beautiful animals in the world? These are the eyes. Huge, shiny, almond-shaped, framed by thick black eyelashes. The Greeks called these animals “charming” and “clear-eyed”.

These animals can reach speeds of up to 100 km per hour, jump well, making giant leaps up to 10 meters in length and up to 3 meters in height, have excellent hearing and acute vision.


Here you can talk and talk. There is a lot in the world amazing birds with bright, magnificent plumage, which are a real decoration of forests, steppes and reservoirs.

Of course, the Swan Princess immediately comes to mind. This bird has a long, gracefully curved neck, elegant plumage, and aristocratic posture. Graceful swans evoke a feeling of admiration; they have long been a symbol of purity, tenderness, and fidelity.

It’s hard not to remember gorgeous peacocks or exotic birds of paradise. The bright and colorful plumage of mandarin duck drakes is amazing. Nature decorated the feathers of this little bird with all the colors of the rainbow! The same bright colors she gave the parrots a macaw, a cockatoo, a rosella, budgies.

The golden and diamond pheasants earn their names for the bright yellow and sparkling diamond feathers that adorn them.

The crowned crane and the pink flamingo are completely different, but each of these birds deserves to be called one of the most beautiful on the planet.

And some are fascinated by miniature hummingbirds - perky birds with a shiny green back, a reddish-brown belly and a yellow rump.


It is not for nothing that in all Russian fairy tales she is called the “Red Beauty”. Indeed, fox fur is amazingly beautiful. It is shiny, of pure shades - from red to silver, brown and black. This is a small animal with an elegant body, low thin paws, an elongated cunning muzzle with sharp ears. Its main advantage is its long fluffy tail. Fox fur coats are very expensive.

By the way, the arctic fox is a polar or arctic fox. Has a very beautiful white or blue-tinged outfit. The Arctic fox is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful animals on the planet.

“Listen: far, far away, on Lake Chad, an exquisite giraffe wanders,” these are the words of the Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov. Many will agree that giraffes are unusually beautiful and graceful animals. They are unlike any other representatives of the fauna. Very Long neck, high nervous legs, spotted skin make them unique creatures. But what captivates them most is their expressive Brown eyes framed by long black eyelashes.

This exotic animal can easily look into the windows of the second floor of a residential building, as its height reaches six meters.

These pets are very cute! Well, who will remain indifferent to these fluffies? There are many different breeds domestic rabbits - decorative Angora with long snow-white hair, Rex breed with big sad eyes, nice lion's head rabbits, intelligent hermelines, colored dwarfs, moths and many others. They differ in size and color, as well as purpose (for economic purposes or decorative for the soul), but any rabbit evokes affection with its defenseless appearance and cute face.


An unexpected transition from cute fluffy bunnies to cold-blooded reptiles. But in nature there are very beautiful snakes, simply with an amazing skin color. For example, the rainbow boa constrictor is strikingly colorful. The main background of its color is brown-red and fawn with light spots along the back. But in the sun, the scales of the rainbow boa shimmer with unimaginable shades, surprising with its strong shine and richness of colors.

Another beauty is the collared snake. As you can see in the picture, Mother Nature painted her with gray, yellow, red and blue colors, and hung an orange ornament on her neck (hence the name). This snake is a real fashionista!

The striated royal viper, coral adder, grass-green lasher and mamba have very bright skins. A King Cobra loves to show off her amazing hood, which she inflates every time she senses danger or is preparing to attack.

Beauty has many facets and shades, secrets and mysteries. Beautiful means harmonious, attracting attention. What kind of animals are not found on our planet! Some stun with their size, some amaze with their habits and way of life, and there are also those that amaze with their fantastic coloring. The beauty of the animal world is special. She needs to be seen and heard. Natural beauty- the most correct one. Some animals are mesmerizing with their appearance. Which ones are the most beautiful? We invite you to find out.

The most beautiful animals in the world. Find out the top 10 most beautiful animals in the world:

1. Arctic fox or polar fox

Just look at this snow-white and incredibly soft fur. Unfortunately, these cute little foxes are used to make fur coats, which are some of the most expensive. In general, the Arctic fox is a mammal belonging to the canine family. Weight polar fox ranges from 3-3.5 to 9 kilograms.

The body length can reach 50-70 centimeters, the tail length usually does not exceed 30 centimeters. Males are larger than females. The muzzle of the polar fox is elongated, and the ears are slightly rounded. The arctic fox is a predator. And watching how he hunts is incredibly interesting, because in order to catch prey, you first need to detect it under the thickness of the snow, and then overtake and grab it.

2. Akhal-Teke horse

Photos of this gorgeous horse are surprising and amazing. But those who have seen such an animal in person know that it is an incredible sight. In general, the Akhal-Teke is the most ancient breed of horse, one of the few purebreds not mixed with other breeds.

The stallion is tall, strong, has a wide muscular chest and high and long withers. The head is both majestic and sophisticated due to the combination of a wide and convex forehead and an elongated jaw.

The Akhal-Teke horse of the rare and noble Isabella color is especially beautiful. The ivory shade literally shimmers in the light. Among other things, these animals are very smart and vulnerable, so they require special care.

3. Amur tiger

This subspecies is considered endangered and is listed in the Red Book. This animal is at once majestic, graceful, beautiful and strikes fear into anyone who sees it. Amur tiger larger than its counterparts of other subspecies and has thicker and longer hair.

Color in winter time usually orange, the stripes are black, and the belly is often white. If you look at just one paw of an Amur tiger, it may seem that he can kill anyone with it. And if such an animal opens its mouth with a terrifying look sharp teeth, it will become even worse. But still, the appearance of this tiger is fascinating and impressive.

4. Dolphin

If you look into the eyes of a dolphin, it may seem that he understands everything and even tries to talk to people. Surprisingly, such an animal belongs to the order Cetacea and is a mammal. Dolphins have a small head, the muzzle is often pointed, the body is elongated, and there is a fin on the back.

The dolphin is a predator, but feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish. These animals have always been friendly to humans; cases of attacks on people are rare. Dolphins are very smart and quite easy to train. In addition, these animals are used to treat various serious diseases, especially in children.

5. Lynx

Lynx is a type of mammal. There are several subspecies, and each of them is distinguished by its mesmerizing and unusual beauty. Outwardly, this animal resembles very much big cat. The lynx has the same muzzle shape, the same paws and tail.

But the dimensions are, of course, much larger. Thus, an adult can have a length from 80 to 120 centimeters and a weight of 20-25 kilograms. Distinctive feature this kind of tassels on the ears. The lynx is a predator; it can survive in almost any conditions, as it swims well, moves along rocks and climbs trees. This is an incredibly beautiful and strong animal.

6. Arctic wolf

The Arctic wolf is also very beautiful and stately. Its coat is white-gray, its muzzle is elongated, its paws are powerful and wide. This animal lives throughout almost the entire Arctic, as well as in the tundra. The only thing such a wolf avoids is vast territories covered with ice.

This unique animal is not only very beautiful, but also incredibly resilient and strong. So, the polar wolf may not see sunlight and warmth for months, remaining hungry for weeks. Among other things, these animals withstand incredible low temperatures. And since the wolf lives in an area where it is not so easy to find food, it can eat almost anything.

7. Polar bear

The polar bear is one of the largest mammalian predators. The bear differs from the brown bear by its almost flat head (especially in the frontal part) and long neck. Weight adult can reach 450 kilograms, and the length at the withers is 2.5 meters. Just imagine the size of this animal!

The color of a white polar bear's fur can vary from milky to yellowish (this happens in the summer due to the abundance of sunlight). These animals are excellent swimmers (they even have membranes) and are skilled and dexterous hunters. Large claws allow the polar bear not only not to slide on the ice, but also to hold its prey.

8. Snow leopard or snow leopard

Snow Leopard is a fairly large predatory mammal from the cat family. The snow leopard's legs are relatively short, the head is small, the body is long and very flexible, and the tail is so long that it can match the length of the body.

The snow leopard has a smoky color, with amazing solid or ring-shaped spots scattered throughout its body. The length of the body without a tail is about 120 centimeters, the length of the tail reaches a meter, and the height at the withers is 60-70 centimeters. The coat is long, soft, but at the same time very dense and thick, which allows the animal to protect itself from adverse environmental conditions.

9. Fox

It is not for nothing that such an animal is a character in many fairy tales and cartoons. The beauty of this cunning animal is mesmerizing: fluffy and a long tail, pointed muzzle, red fluffy and long hair, beautiful shiny eyes. By the way, the fox belongs to the canine family, so it is a close relative of dogs.

There are several subspecies of foxes, but each of them is beautiful in its own way. Such an animal adapts quite quickly even to the most unfavorable conditions, so foxes are found everywhere: in America, Europe, Asia and even Africa. Chanterelles, by the way, are very smart. They have excellent hearing and excellent memory, and also very observant and sharp-sighted.

10. Black Panther

Panthers are also often found in films and cartoons. You can look at this graceful animal endlessly: black iridescent fur, beautifully built body, long paws and sparkling eyes. A panther is a mammal of prey from the cat family.

These large cats usually live in forests and jungles. Surprisingly, the panther is not a separate species, but the result of some mutations. Thus, both a leopard and a jaguar can be called a panther. The fact is that the body of such animals contains an excess amount of melanin pigment, which gives the coat a black color.

Top 10 most beautiful animals in the world on our website, beautiful wild animals, description with photos and videos. So, let's begin:

1. The Arctic fox (polar fox) is a predatory mammal of the canine family with an elongated muzzle and rounded ears. He has snow-white and very soft fur. Such a beautiful dog weighs between 3-9 kg, and reaches a length of 70 cm. Plus a tail of about 30 cm. Males are larger than females.

Video: An arctic fox deceived Yakut hunters by pretending to be dead.

2. The Akhal-Teke horse is the most ancient breed of horse, a purebred, luxurious animal. Tall stallions have a wide, muscular chest and high, long withers. The head looks majestic and sophisticated due to the combination of a wide and convex forehead and an elongated jaw. In addition, these horses are smart, vulnerable and require special care.

Video: Akhal-Teke horse breed.

3. The Amur tiger is a representative of the Red Book. Majestic, graceful, beautiful, but at the same time those who see him are afraid of this predator. The owner of thick, long hair. In winter it is orange with black stripes. The belly is white.

Amur tiger vs boar

4. Dolphin is an intelligent cetacean mammal. It has a small head, a pointed muzzle, and an elongated body with a dorsal fin.

The dolphin is a predator that feeds on crustaceans, mollusks and small fish. He is friendly with people and easy to train. They are used to treat severe childhood diseases.

The Complete 2015 SeaWorld "Blue Horizons" Dolphin Show

5. Lynx is a type of predatory mammal that looks like a huge cat. Adult lynx length 80-120 cm, weight about 20-25 kg. A distinctive feature of the lynx is the tufts on its ears. This beautiful, strong animal can swim perfectly, move over rocks and climb trees.

Domestic cat - lynx Button

6. The Arctic wolf (lives in the Arctic and tundra) has white-gray fur, an elongated muzzle, and powerful wide paws. It is distinguished by rare strength and endurance. Able to withstand very low temperatures. It eats what it finds.

Arctic White Wolf howls for the audience

Howling Wolves - Heulende Wolfe

7. Polar bear – large predator, differing from the brown one by its flat head and long neck. Adult bears grow up to 450 kg, length at the withers is 2.5 m. The color of the coat varies from milky (in winter) to yellowish (in summer). They swim well and are skilled hunters. It does not slip on ice and perfectly holds prey thanks to its large claws.

TV presenter was almost eaten by a polar bear

8. The snow leopard (irbis) is a large predatory mammal of the cat family. Has short legs, small head, long flexible body and a tail almost the same length. It has a smoky coloration with solid or ring-shaped spots. Grows in length up to 120 cm (+ 1 m tail). It has a long, soft, but dense and thick coat.

Irbis is a legend snowy mountains(Film by Ivan Usanov).

9. The fox is the owner of a fluffy, long tail, a pointed muzzle, red and fluffy long hair, as well as beautiful shiny eyes.

How a fox catches mice in deep snow

Happy fox rejoices at the meeting!

10. The black panther is a graceful predator with black iridescent fur. It has a beautifully built body and long legs. Habitats: forest and jungle.

How to play Black Panther


For the first time it became known about white lions in the 20th century; before that there were only legends about a mythical beast living in South Africa. But this species was rarely seen; it was only in the 1970s that White Lions began to be specially bred in captivity. This was done for shooting, because such a trophy was considered very rare and expensive.
White lions are very large and beautiful, but few people know that the white color means the disease leucism, which makes their color white. This is why white lions cannot be called albinos, because the very pigmentation of their skin and eyes is fine.

2 Amur tiger

The Amur tiger is considered one of the most rare species The tiger is a northern tiger for which the cold climate is convenient. It lives in the southeast of Russia along the Amur River in Khabarovsk, and it was named after the river. The tiger can also be called the Ussuri tiger, in honor of another river, also in Khabarovsk, or the Far Eastern tiger.
The Amur tiger differs from other subspecies in its large size and thick hair, as well as he lighter shade. This is the only subspecies of tiger that has a fat layer on its belly of about 5 centimeters. They also see 5 times better in the dark than humans and hunt more often at night than during the day.

3 Black Panther

Black Panther They call Leopard and Jaguar which have a mutation in the black gene. Or rather, the predominance of black over other colors due to “melanism”. Both the black leopard and the black jaguar are equally beautiful and attractive with their unusual appearance.
Black panthers live in southern and southeastern Asia. By the way, they cannot be called a separate subspecies, since the Black Jaguar and the Black Leopard are different, individual species. Back at the beginning of the 20th century, there was very rare meet such a cat, but now there are a lot of such beautiful animals in the world.

4 Arctic wolf

The polar wolf lives throughout the Arctic and Tundra. In some Polar regions there is no light for 5 months and wolves can easily endure months without light and weeks without food.
The most amazing thing is that they adapt to harsh conditions better than any other species of wolves. Polar wolves inhabit one of the most barren areas on Earth. Where in April the temperature very rarely rises above −30 °C.

5 Snow Leopard

The snow leopard, also known as the snow leopard, belongs to the cat family and is found in central Asia. The snow leopard has several unique differences from other felines. It has a flexible and long body, short legs, a small head and a long tail. Also has long hair, which protects it even from the most severe frosts.
Back in the 20th century, the Snow Leopard was included in the Red Book of Russia and other protection documents of other countries. This species is considered endangered due to habitat difficulties and low species density. Scientists still haven't explored many aspects of these leopards.

6 Dolphin

Few people know, but these beautiful creatures, dolphins, belong to the family of the suborder of toothed whales, cetacean mammals. Which are not only harmless to people, but are also ready to help in emergency situations. This is because their brains have empathy and social intelligence.
The average life expectancy of a Dolphin is 25 years. They communicate using sound impulses and ultrasound; the supply of sound signals is about 14,000 thousand. The amazing thing is that they use some sounds as needed. For example, when communicating with a person, unique signals are used that can be easily perceived by the human ear.

7 Big Panda

Big panda, Very cute creature, which is a mammal from the bear family with a peculiar coat color. Most of these creatures live in the mountainous regions of China. And somewhere in the middle of the 20th century, the panda became a symbol for China.
On average, a panda reaches 1.5 meters and weighs 100 kg. Unlike other bears, the panda has a long tail, about 10 cm. The body is covered with thick white fur with black spots around the eyes, black ears and black paws. Hind legs have sharp claws, and on the soles of each toe there are well-developed bare pads for holding smooth bamboo stems.

8 Lemur

Lemurs are found only in Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. They lead predominantly night look life, they usually sleep during the day. They are also divisible by 65 various types, there are dwarf ones weighing 30 grams, and there are large ones that weigh up to 10 kg.
Lemurs are a unique group of animals, because with their species diversity they live only on two islands. Thus, all lemurs are endemic and very vulnerable. The places where lemurs usually live are Various types forests and jungles.

9 Orca

Orca - marine mammal which is difficult to train by people. It is amazing beautiful creature can pose a threat to humans, the British call it “Killer Whale”, due to its membership in the cetacean family, as well as the danger from them. By the way, very interesting fact that Orca is correctly spelled with an “o”, but in almost all sources they write “Orca” (confusing with the name of birds).
Killer whales are the largest carnivorous dolphins, which differ from others in their black and white color. The white spots on the sides are just above the eyes (the white spots are not the eyes). In addition, they have massive teeth, up to 13 cm long, adapted for tearing large prey. They live throughout the world's oceans and there are species that are completely black or completely white, which looks amazing.

10 Bird of Paradise

The bird of paradise (Paradisedae) is a relative of our crow and there are both small and large species. There are currently more than 50 different species of these beautiful birds, which live in Australia, except for one, which lives on the island of Madagascar.
All species of bird of paradise have a strong beak, sometimes long, and a short and straight tail or a long stepped tail. The feathers are dark, but some species have bright colors depending on their habitat. Males are generally brighter in color than females and it is amazing to watch these birds dance with their magnificent plumage.

Here I have collected photos of the most beautiful animals on the planet, in my opinion.

This is of course my opinion, but I think it turned out well))

1. Mandarin duck

The mandarin duck is a small duck weighing 0.4-0.7 kg. It is difficult to confuse her with other ducks thanks to unusual shape body and plumage color. The male has a crest on his head and is more brightly colored than the female.

2. Flamingo

Flamingos are flocking wading birds. Flamingos are common in Africa, the Caucasus (Azerbaijan), Southeast and Central Asia, as well as in South and Central America. Colonies pink flamingo also exist in southern Spain, France and Sardinia.

3. Giant Panda

The panda or bamboo bear is a mammal native to central China. The giant panda lives in mountainous regions such as Sichuan and Tibet. Since the second half of the 20th century, the panda has become something of a national emblem of China. There are about 1,600 of these bears left.

4. Polar bear

The polar bear is the largest terrestrial representative of mammals of the order of carnivores. Its length reaches 3 m, weight up to 800 kg. Polar bear They are distinguished from other bears by their long neck and flat head. His skin is black. The color of the fur coat varies from white to yellowish; In summer, the fur may turn yellow due to constant exposure to sunlight.

5. Bony-tongued fish

One of the most famous representatives squad - living in South America arapaima (Arapaima gigas), one of the largest freshwater fish, which can reach 4.5 meters in length.

6. Jellyfish

Scyphoid or scyphojellyfish - class marine organisms from the type of cnidarians. The group includes a relatively small number of species - about 200.

7. Leopard

View carnivorous mammals of the cat family, one of the four representatives of the panther genus. In the 20th century, it was included in the IUCN Red Book, the Red Book of Russia, as well as in the protection documents of other countries.

8. Bengal tiger

A subspecies of tiger, it lives in Northern and Central India, Nepal and Burma, as well as in the vicinity of the mouth of the Ganges River and in Bangladesh. According to WWF, there are about 2,000 royal bengal tiger V wildlife, including 1411 in India, 450 in Bangladesh, Nepal 150, 100 in Bhutan, as well as in Myanmar and China.

9. Mandarin duck

The mandarin duck is a small, brightly colored fish from the lyre family of the perciforme order. Popular as aquarium fish. Natural environment habitat of the mandarin ki - in the western part Pacific Ocean extending approximately from the Ryukyu Islands south to Australia. Its other trade names are “green mandarin fish,” “striped mandarin fish,” or “psychedelic fish.”

10. Horned goat

The name of this species comes from the shape of the horns, twisting like a corkscrew or screw. Males have a dewlap of elongated dark hair on their neck and chest.


Salps are a class of free-swimming marine animals of the tunicate subtype. They live mainly in surface waters ocean (to a depth of several hundred meters).

12. Magellanic penguins

The Magellanic penguin is a species of penguin of the spectacled penguin genus. The species is named after Ferdinando Magellan, who discovered the habitats of penguins.

13. Sabellidae

Sabellidae are a family of sessile polychaete worms. Distributed in benthic communities of all oceans. With the help of skin glands, representatives of this group build tubes, the walls of which, as a rule, include particles of bottom sediment.

14. Cyprida morpho

Wingspan 100 - 150 mm. The color of the male is bright blue, sometimes bluish. The female has a wide gray-brown border, decorated with small white spots, running along the outer edge of both wings.

15. Snow leopard

The snow leopard is a mammal of the cat family. Despite the external similarity with the leopard, the relationship between it and the snow leopard is not very close, and besides, the size of the snow leopard is noticeably smaller. It is estimated that 3500-7000 snow leopards exists in the wild. The snow leopard lives in the mountains of the Himalayas, Hindu Kush, Pamir, Tien Shan, Altai and adjacent mountain ranges.

16. Blue whale

Weighing up to 150 tons and length up to 33 meters blue whale is the largest known animal that has ever lived on Earth. It was distributed from the Arctic to the Antarctic (almost throughout the entire World Ocean except for small seas). Almost exterminated as a result of whaling. Listed in the IUCN Red List with the status of “endangered”.

17. Horses

Horses are the only one modern gender of the equine family of the equid order. Female horses are called mares, males are called stallions. The word “horse” is of Turkic origin and was borrowed by the Slavs from the nomads of the southern Russian steppes.


Llamas are, along with camels and vicuñas, one of the three genera of the camelid family. Found exclusively in South America. It is domesticated ca. 1000 BC Incas in what is now Peru

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia.

ZY Can you suggest other animals? We will be happy to make a new rating)))