Until recently, upon discovery low-quality goods or after expiration date leaders trading enterprises, as a rule, were simply provided to the organization department consumer market a report that these goods were destroyed in such and such a way.

The lack of control over commercial enterprises has led to many organizations being negligent in this procedure, and some companies destroying products in violation of environmental legislation. There were cases when the goods were not destroyed at all, but were sent for sale. Over time, this phenomenon became so widespread that the state could not stand aside.

On July 1, 2002, the New Code regarding administrative violations came into force. Working conditions for trading enterprises have become more stringent. Destruction and disposal of low-quality or expired products must be carried out under control Federal Bodies Supervision. They are required to confirm that the goods were indeed destroyed and in an environmentally friendly manner.

For many companies, product destruction has become a whole problem. If earlier it was possible to get rid of products easily and simply, without burdening yourself with unnecessary difficulties and responsibilities, today the state has forced all owners of commercial enterprises to think carefully about this issue. And a solution was found!

Garbage disposal and waste disposal from the Mekhuborka company

Human health safety is a primary task that all enterprises and organizations must address. At the same time, a by-product of human activity is waste, which is very important to dispose of, and correctly. The Mekhuborka company provides services for waste disposal, goods of inadequate quality, as well as counterfeit products. According to the Trademark Law, the copyright holder can use the trademark and prohibit others from using it. A new measure of liability for violation of standards has been introduced - the destruction of counterfeit products, that is, products manufactured in violation of copyright. Destruction and disposal of this garbage is carried out at the expense of the violator.

Many organizations choose Mekhuborka as a partner and here’s why:

We do the whole cycle waste disposal, regardless of origin (organic, industrial, medical, chemical, inorganic, household);

Availability of equipment for fast and high-quality waste disposal;

Availability of all necessary documentation;

We are ready to organize the entire cycle of work, from cleaning and garbage removal to its disposal;

Affordable prices for all types of work.

How waste is destroyed

The main problem that companies face when it comes to recycling food waste, is their high humidity(about 80%). Such garbage turns sour very quickly, becoming a source of reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. Moreover, food waste is an excellent “food” for cockroaches, flies and small rodents. A competent waste disposal in compliance with all applicable standards and requirements.

Shredding food waste that contains high percent liquid phase, produced together with fibrous materials (paper, wood chip waste, cardboard). The result is a product in the form of sludge. This way waste disposal allows you to minimize the release of volatile substances, as well as increase the level of safety during waste storage. If the liquid level is too high, sorbents (peat, glaucoma, etc.) are also used during the recycling process to absorb it.

The Mekhuborka company applies the best world experience in its work, using advanced resource-saving methods and waste-free technologies waste disposal. All recyclable waste is completely destroyed, excluding its placement on special training grounds. This allows us to minimize the level of environmental pollution.

We provide a full package of permits, including permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority. A representative of the customer can be present during the destruction of goods or order photo and film documentation.

Garbage disposal problem

One of global problems humanity is the production of waste, which is growing all over the world at a rate that is outpacing its processing, neutralization and disposal.

Every year in Russian Federation More than 7 billion tons of household, agricultural, industrial and other types of waste are generated. The volume of generation of solid household waste (hereinafter referred to as MSW) in populated areas Russian Federation is 150 million m3 (30 million tons) per year. The bulk of solid waste is stored at landfills various types and numerous landfills. About 85% of waste ends up in landfills, only 5% of waste is recycled, and approximately 10% of waste is lost during transportation. The accumulation of waste causes enormous environmental, economic and social damage.

The negative impacts of waste also manifest themselves in increased morbidity among people, deterioration of their living conditions, and decreased productivity. natural resources. Increasingly, situations arise when symptoms of specific pathologies caused by the chronic effect of low concentrations of technogenic pollutants are discovered. This action is related to the transfer harmful substances from external environment(waste dumps) in internal environment body, followed by a more or less long-term retention of some of these substances and their gradual accumulation.

In this regard, the problem of waste disposal in order to prevent negative influence on ecology, economics and social sphere region.

Types of waste

Waste from natural materials :

· Food (rotting) waste.

· Waste from medical, medical, research organizations, including surgery, dentistry and veterinary medical institutions.

Industrial waste:

· Metal waste.

· Waste from spent chemical power sources.

· Broken glass and glassware.

· Waste polymer materials synthetic chemistry, including rubber and rubber-technical products and all wrapping materials and polymer containers made from synthetic chemical products.

· Radioactive waste.

Garbage disposal methods:

· Waste removal and disposal

Thermal destruction of waste

The first SME designed for the destruction of household waste was built in Great Britain in 1876.

Waste collection and disposal

Disposal of waste in landfills and landfills is the most used method in our country, but, alas, not the most expedient to use.

International experience in solving the waste problem

IN general view Pollution is the presence in the environment of harmful substances that disrupt the functioning of ecological systems or their individual elements and reduce the quality of the environment from the point of view of human habitation or economic activity.

Garbage disposal is one of the most important problems modern civilization. It is especially difficult to dispose of unorganized waste. So far humanity has come up with three fundamental different ways waste disposal:

organization of landfills

recycling of waste

waste incineration

However, none of them can be considered absolutely acceptable.

Recycling waste is the most resource-saving way, but is not always profitable both economically and environmentally. There are a number of problems here.

The first problem is that before garbage can be used, it must be sorted. Paper, iron, broken glass must be kept separately. Obviously, it is almost impossible to sort waste that has already been sent to a landfill - there are no such machines, and people work very slowly, and this is harmful to their health. Therefore, waste must be sorted the moment it is thrown away. This means that each person should have separate buckets for food waste, paper, plastic, etc. This approach takes root in villages, but it is difficult to introduce such ideas in cities. Although in many foreign countries Separate containers have already appeared on the streets for different types garbage

Separate collection of different categories of waste determines the efficiency and cost of recycling individual components. The most inconvenient waste to dispose of is mixed waste, which contains a mixture of biodegradable wet food waste, plastics, metals, glass, etc. Components.

The second problem is the delivery of waste to the recycling site. If there is a lot of waste and consumers of its processed products, then many factories capable of processing waste of this type can be built. Then, for example, broken glass collected from surrounding landfills will be processed at numerous glass factories. What about electric light bulbs? Each light bulb contains several tens of milligrams of molybdenum and tungsten - rare and valuable metals. Recycling these metals requires high temperatures. To maintain high temperatures, a large-volume reactor is required. Therefore, in every city you cannot build a plant that produces light bulbs, and, accordingly, processes molybdenum and tungsten. Thus, in order to recycle molybdenum and tungsten, you need to go around all the garbage dumps, collect several discarded light bulbs from each and take them far away. So it turns out that recycling light bulbs, for all its apparent attractiveness, is an expensive task. For the same reason, you should not organize centralized garbage collection for reuse in villages and towns.

The third problem is that garbage is a fundamentally non-standard raw material. Each new batch waste received for recycling will differ markedly from the previous one in a number of parameters. Therefore, waste cannot be used as a raw material for the production of high-quality products.

The fourth problem is that taking waste to a landfill is the cheapest, but at the same time short-sighted way of disposing of it. He is short-sighted primarily because garbage remains garbage. Landfills around cities occupy huge areas. Toxic substances that end up in landfills penetrate into The groundwater, which are often used as sources of drinking water, are dispersed by the winds throughout the surrounding area and thereby cause damage to the environment. In addition, as a result of rotting processes without air access, various gases are formed, which also do not refresh the atmosphere around the landfill. Some rotting products can spontaneously ignite, which is why fires regularly occur in landfills, releasing soot, phenol, benzopyrene and other toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Recycling is the reuse or return into circulation of industrial waste or garbage. The most common are secondary, tertiary, etc. recycling on one scale or another of materials such as glass, paper, aluminum, iron, fabrics and different kinds plastic. Also with ancient times used in agriculture organic agricultural and household waste.

It is advisable to recycle most metals. Unnecessary or damaged items, so-called scrap metal, are handed over to recycling collection points for subsequent melting. Particularly profitable is the processing of non-ferrous metals, common technical alloys and some ferrous metals.

Proper waste disposal is a huge step towards improving the environment.

There is more than one way to recycle waste.

The main task of each method is to complete the task without allowing the spread of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. At the same time, it is necessary to minimize the harmful substances released during disposal itself.

Let's look at waste disposal options and evaluate how effective each of them is.

Disposal of waste at landfills

Landfills serve to collect and process waste naturally. Many of them have a very simple and understandable recycling system: as soon as a certain amount of garbage is collected, it is buried. Not only is this method outdated, it is a time bomb, because there are materials that do not decompose for decades.

Those few testing sites that have production workshops at their disposal operate as follows: arriving cars are registered at the checkpoint. The volume of the body is also measured there to determine the cost of disposal; radiation levels are measured. If it exceeds acceptable standards, the car is not allowed through.

From the checkpoint, the car is sent to the waste sorting workshop. Sorting occurs manually: a machine feeds garbage onto a conveyor belt, and workers from there select bottles, paper, etc. The sorted materials are placed in containers without a bottom, from which the garbage goes directly into the cage and under the press. When the process is completed, the remaining waste (not included in any of the categories) is also compacted and taken directly to the landfill. Since long-decomposing materials have been sorted, the remaining waste can be covered with soil.

Plastic bottles, cardboard and some other waste are purchased by enterprises for production. For example, from plastic bottles and containers, nets for vegetables are made from glass bottles and fragments - new products, made of cardboard - toilet paper.

Materials accepted at landfills:

  • Household waste from residential buildings, institutions, enterprises engaged in the trade of industrial and food products.
  • Waste construction organizations, which can be equated to municipal solid waste.
  • May be accepted industrial waste 4 hazard classes, if their quantity does not exceed a third of the accepted waste.

Waste, the import of which is prohibited to the landfill:

  • Construction waste of hazard class 4, which contains asbestos, ash, slag.
  • Industrial waste 1, 2, 3 hazard classes.
  • Radioactive waste.
  • Landfills are constructed in accordance with strict sanitary standards and only in those areas where the risk of human infection by bacteria through air or water is minimized. The occupied space is designed to last approximately 20 years.


This processing method is familiar to gardeners who use rotted organic materials to fertilize plants. Waste composting is a disposal method based on the natural decomposition of organic materials.

Today there is a known method for composting even an unsorted stream of household waste.

It is quite possible to obtain compost from garbage, which could later be used in agriculture. Many factories were built in the USSR, but they stopped functioning due to large quantity heavy metals in garbage.

Today, composting technologies in Russia come down to the fermentation of unsorted waste in bioreactors.

The resulting product cannot be used in agriculture, so it is used right there in landfills - it is used to cover waste.

This disposal method is considered effective provided that the plant is equipped with high-tech equipment. Metals, batteries, and plastic are first removed from the waste.

Advantages of waste incineration:

  • less unpleasant odors;
  • the number of harmful bacteria and emissions is reduced;
  • the resulting mass does not attract rodents and birds;
  • It is possible to obtain energy (thermal and electrical) during combustion.


  • expensive construction and operation waste incineration plants;
  • construction takes at least 5 years;
  • When burning waste, harmful substances are released into the atmosphere;
  • Incineration ash is toxic and cannot be stored in conventional landfills. This requires special storage facilities.

Due to a lack of city budgets, inconsistency with waste processing companies and other reasons, the production of waste incineration plants has not yet been established in Russia.

Pyrolysis, its types and advantages

Pyrolysis is the burning of waste in special chambers that prevent the access of oxygen.. There are two types:

  • High temperature - the combustion temperature in the furnace is over 900°C.
  • Low temperature - from 450 to 900°C.

When comparing conventional combustion as a method of waste disposal and low-temperature pyrolysis, the following advantages of the second method can be identified:

  • obtaining pyrolysis oils, which are subsequently used in the production of plastics;
  • release of pyrolysis gas, which is obtained in sufficient quantities to ensure the production of energy resources;
  • stands out minimal amount harmful substances;
  • Pyrolysis plants process almost all types of household waste, but the waste must first be sorted.

High-temperature pyrolysis, in turn, has advantages over low-temperature pyrolysis:

  • no need to sort waste;
  • the mass of ash residue is much less, and it can be used for industrial and construction purposes;
  • at combustion temperatures above 900°C they decompose hazardous substances without getting into environment;
  • The resulting pyrolysis oils do not require purification, since they have a sufficient degree of purity.

Each waste recycling method has advantages, but it all depends on the cost of the installations: the more efficient and profitable the recycling method, the more expensive its installation and the longer the payback period. Despite these shortcomings, the state is striving to implement projects for efficient and safe waste recycling, realizing that these technologies are the future.

IN different countries There are various methods of waste disposal. Conventionally, they can be classified into several groups. There are three approaches to waste disposal.

  1. Liquidation is the most common method, when waste is isolated and gradually destroyed. This method includes the rapid removal of construction waste to landfills, specially designated solid waste areas, dumping waste into reservoirs, mines, etc.
  2. The partial disposal method involves pre-processing waste and separating recyclables for recycling. The remaining waste is burned or destroyed in another way.
  3. Recycling. With this method, they try to use the garbage completely. Recyclable materials, flammable components, organic matter. The remaining materials are burned to produce steam or energy.

How is garbage destroyed abroad?

IN Lately Foreign countries have begun to actively introduce new technologies for waste disposal. The emphasis is on mechanizing the processes for extracting waste components.

Waste disposal in Italy - solid waste separation

For example, in Italy, several local companies have developed a method for separating solid waste. Thus, in Rome, garbage is collected in plastic bags. First of all, waste is removed from them, and then, using a grate screen, they are divided into three fractions. The largest waste is sent for magnetic separation, and the remainder is burned. Small waste is processed in a composter. Experts try to extract as much waste materials as possible. Food waste is transported to animal feed production plants. After processing, drying and sterilization, organic materials are mixed with corn flour, vitamins and microelements are added, and then granulated. This creates a product suitable for feeding ruminants.

Waste recycling in Sweden

In Sweden, a special waste processing plant was built in the city of Strömstad. All solid waste is transported here. The resulting waste is crushed and then sorted using a cylindrical screen. Small waste is mixed into containers with sediment Wastewater and left for a while on a special area, and then stacked.

Waste disposal in Holland

There is also a waste recycling plant in Holland that produces great amount paper, metal, plastic and organics for composting.

Waste disposal in Germany

German specialists use the technology of separating non-ferrous metals from waste using a Foucault current. Companies use effective technological equipment, performing waste treatment.

Garbage removal in England and the USA

These countries are conducting an experiment: food waste is sent to companies that extract cellulose for the production of ethyl alcohol. This method allows for better disinfection of waste and reduces the number of landfills.