The first serious worries for young parents are colic, which torments their newborn baby. When the suffering from tummy pain passes, the second painful process begins - teething in children. The gums of newborn babies can become inflamed and painful, which leads to anxiety in the baby and sleepless nights for parents. Special rubber toys that train the gums and special pain-relieving gels can help him. If your teething symptoms are similar to those of another disease, contact your doctor right away.

Dates and order of appearance of the first teeth

The rudiments of future teeth in babies are formed in the womb of the mother. IN modern medicine refused to indicate clear dates for the appearance of the first incisors. The development of each baby is individual, and you should not worry if someone’s teeth grow faster. Some babies erupt their first teeth at 4 months, while others do not have them until they are 1 year old or more. According to statistics, one out of two thousand newborns have already cut one or two teeth. If you have begun to worry about missing your first teeth for a long time, ask your mother when this process began for you. Babies have a very close genetic connection with their mother.

If teething occurs at different times in infants, the order in which the teeth appear is always the same. According to statistics, by the age of three a child can have 20 teeth. They will faithfully serve him until the age of six, when baby teeth begin to gradually be replaced by permanent incisors, canines and molars.

There is a certain pattern for teething in infants.

  1. The two lower central incisors emerge first. Most often this happens when the child is 4-6 months old, but it can happen either earlier or later than the specified period.
  2. The two upper incisors are then cut through the center of the upper gum.
  3. After the appearance of the central incisors, the lateral incisors begin to grow. Unlike the central pair, the lateral incisors grow first on the upper jaw and then on the lower jaw. When a baby reaches one year of age, it usually has 8 baby teeth.
  4. The fangs are in no hurry to break out and give way to the molars. The first molars appear between the ages of 1 year and 18 months. A gap is temporarily formed in place of the fangs.
  5. Once the molars have erupted, the fangs begin to appear. This occurs between the ages of one and a half to 2 years.
  6. The last molars to appear are the outermost molars. The lower pair erupts earlier (by the 30th month), and the upper pair may appear after overcoming the 3-year mark.

Once every three months, coat your baby's teeth with medical gel containing fluoride.

Children's baby teeth have a rough, porous surface. This is due to the fact that enamel contains few minerals and trace elements. The parents’ task is to monitor the baby’s oral hygiene. From time to time, baby teeth can be coated with special varnishes that accelerate the mineralization of enamel. Failure to comply with hygiene rules can lead to the development of caries in newborns.

Symptoms of growth of the first incisors, canines and molars

The process of baby teeth growing is a natural part of its full development. But even without pathologies and complications, teeth in children under one year old can cause a lot of suffering. This leads not only to sleepless nights, but also to a weakening of the child’s immunity, so it is imperative to know the rules of conduct during this difficult period. Many pediatricians advise against vaccinations and other procedures at this time.

Symptoms of teething can be primary or secondary.

Here are the main symptoms of teething in children.

  • A sharp decrease in appetite. The baby resists during feeding, and sometimes refuses to eat altogether.
  • Redness, swelling and inflammation of the gums. They look swollen.
  • Frequent crying, irritability, Bad mood. When a child is teething, sleep disturbances are noticed.
  • The baby begins to put all foreign objects into his mouth. This is due to the fact that when teeth come in, the gums itch. For these purposes, special chewing toys made from safe materials are created.
  • Increased salivation.

Due to the excessive amount of saliva produced, additional signs of teething appear.

  • When hit large quantity saliva in the throat, the baby begins to cough or wheeze. Especially in a lying position.
  • Inflammation around the mouth and even on the chest. The baby constantly rubs the flowing saliva with his hands, which over time begins to cause skin irritation and a scattering of red spots.
  • Loose stools. Diarrhea occurs due to excessive saliva entering the stomach along with food.

Main features

At the age of 4-7 months, the baby suddenly begins to be capricious and throw “scandals” at his mother. Often parents do not know what to do and begin to blame themselves for the child’s discomfort. The child’s behavior depends on his well-being, so moodiness or irritability indicate some kind of disturbance in the functioning of the small organism. Teething in infants also affects their mood. When teeth come out of the gums, itching is felt. Inflammation can spread to the entire mouth, nose and cheeks. The baby will constantly put his hands up to his face, trying to put his fist in his mouth. From this behavior one can calculate the appearance of the first incisors. Be sure to look into the baby’s mouth and examine the entire mucous membrane. If on inside Erosion, blisters or inflammation are noticeable on the lips and cheeks; this could be stomatitis. This disease initially has the same symptoms.

One of the rare symptoms is diarrhea. Abnormal stool is associated with big amount swallowed saliva. If your baby’s diarrhea is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and does not go away for more than a day, do not hesitate to go to the hospital. This may not be due to tooth growth, but to a serious viral disease, causing disorder Gastrointestinal tract. Only a hospital will be able to determine the cause of diarrhea.

Examine the baby's oral cavity for wounds, blisters and inflammation: teething can be confused with the development of stomatitis.

When a baby's incisors, molars or fangs emerge, body temperature can rise to 38.5 degrees. This is due to inflammation of the tissues of the oral mucosa. It is very important not to confuse the symptoms viral disease with teething symptoms in infants. A sharp increase in temperature should pass within a day. The body's strongest reaction is to molars.

Teeth eruption disorders

The process of eruption of the first incisors occurs differently for each baby and in at different ages. Teeth in children under one year of age cause discomfort, sometimes pain, but this process must occur. It is important that primary incisors, canines and molars grow without disturbances caused by diseases suffered by the child in the first months of life. This can also be affected by illnesses of the mother during pregnancy.

  • Delayed eruption.

If your baby is already a year old and his teeth are still not growing, you should worry. This may be due to a jaw deformity that has resulted in insufficient space. In this case, an experienced doctor can help you after x-ray and individual examination.

  • Enamel hypoplasia.

This problem is visible visually, so you can find out about it without visiting a pediatric dentist. Milk teeth are covered with grooves and dark brown or beige spots on top. Having noticed such a pathology, you urgently need to take the child to the dentist, otherwise neither the incisors nor the molars will last until the age of six, when the time comes for them to be replaced. Sooner or later, hypoplasia will lead to the development of caries. The baby should value his health. Teach him to use a toothbrush. This needs to be done at an early age.

  • Violation of the order of eruption.

Although there are no strict rules regarding the timing of teeth appearance in infants, the order of their growth is certain. The lower central incisors emerge first, then the upper ones emerge. The two upper lateral incisors then erupt, followed by a pair of lower lateral incisors. In children, the eye teeth (the second name for canines) erupt behind the incisors. At approximately 30-36 months of age, the molars begin to grow. In case of any violation of the described procedure, you should immediately contact the dentist or consult with your pediatrician. Due to disruption of order, changes can occur in the entire dentition. In addition, this is fraught with early loss of baby teeth.

Helping your baby cut his first teeth

When a baby's first incisors emerge, he often cries and is capricious due to unpleasant sensations. What can I do to help him get through this period easier? You can easily understand from a child's behavior that something is bothering him. The task of parents is to relieve pain and discomfort by noticing signs of teething in infants. How to do it?

  1. Give your baby a special chew ring. Before doing this, put it in the refrigerator. Cold will help relieve swelling and inflammation of the gums. Can give big piece apple or carrot, a large bread crust will do. Small objects may be swallowed by a child. The “crunching” of carrots greatly relieves pain if molars are growing.
  2. When your gums itch due to teeth creeping in, you need to do a special massage. Gentle, slow movements of the fingers from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth soothe the baby. You can wash your hands thoroughly and massage the inflamed area of ​​the gum in a circular motion. Don't press too hard, it should feel like stroking.
  3. If neither massage nor chewing exercises affect your baby's capricious behavior, buy pain-relieving cooling gels for children. This remedy will come in handy during the period when the first incisors and last molars are emerging.
  4. Irritation and rashes around the mouth and chest from saliva are signs of teething. To protect your skin, use rich baby creams.

When a baby is teething, the symptoms can be completely different. The task of parents is to understand in time the cause of the baby’s discomfort and everyone possible ways relieve pain and itching of gums. It is necessary to monitor whether all the teeth are growing in the correct order and whether there are any visible damage to the enamel. At proper care Neither small incisors nor large molars will cause discomfort to the child.

Teething in a child has its own characteristics in each individual case. Of course, there are established norms for the timing and order of teething, but still, they may have some differences in different children. Sometimes the teething of the upper teeth causes a lot of trouble for the child and parents. Let's look at what problems occur when teething in children's upper teeth, as they grow, and how these problems can be dealt with.

How do children cut their upper teeth?

The lower front incisors are the first to cut in babies. Then, after about a month, children's upper front teeth appear. This usually occurs at 7-10 months. For some children, deviations in terms of 3-4 months are possible. Sometimes the order of teething may be different, and children's upper front teeth may appear before the lower ones. After the front teeth, babies usually grow lateral incisors (lower and upper), then molars (premolars), canines, and second molars (molars). As a rule, the eruption of teeth of each type begins with the teeth of the lower jaw, only the canines erupt first on the upper jaw. Although, we should not forget that for some children this order may be disrupted, which, however, is normal.

Parents are often concerned about how their children's upper teeth are cutting. The fact is that the child’s upper gum is denser. Therefore, the process of teething is often more difficult than in the lower jaw. It may be accompanied by fever, diarrhea, and sometimes cough and runny nose.

The first sign that a child is cutting teeth, including the upper teeth, is increased drooling. In addition, during this period the baby puts everything into his mouth to “scratch” his gums. Parents can help him, ease his suffering. The inflamed area of ​​the child's gum is lubricated with a special gel or drops, which have a cooling effect and reduce pain in the gum. You can moisten inflamed gums with a decoction of medicinal herbs such as sage, chamomile, and calendula.

An increase in body temperature is a fairly common symptom of teething in children. This is especially typical for the time when the first upper tooth “climbs”. A child’s body temperature can rise to 37.7-38ºС. This is due to the fact that in the baby’s gum there is inflammatory process and intensive production occurs biologically active substances. Some children experience a significant increase in temperature when teething their upper teeth - up to 39ºC and higher. In this case, the child is given antipyretic medications, preferably paracetamol-based (Nurofen, Efferalgan). If the baby has a high temperature for more than 3-4 days, it rises to high values, it must be shown to a doctor. In case when high temperature the child develops convulsions, his skin turns pale, his breathing quickens, you need to call a doctor immediately.

The eruption of upper teeth in children is often accompanied by diarrhea. The appearance of diarrhea during the eruption of the upper canines is especially characteristic. This condition can be observed in a child for 2-3 days. In this case, the stool has a watery consistency, diarrhea repeats 2-3 times a day. It is important that there is no bloody or other inclusions in the baby's stool, as this may indicate development infectious disease. Teething diarrhea does not require any treatment; it goes away on its own after a few days. You just need to make sure that your baby gets enough fluids. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe the child Regidron solution and, if necessary, take medications containing beneficial bacteria.

In some children, the teething of the upper teeth may be accompanied by a wet cough, which worsens when lying down. A runny nose may also occur. These manifestations do not pose a threat to the baby’s health and disappear after 3-5 days. If the cough and runny nose do not go away on their own or are accompanied by other symptoms, the child should be shown to a pediatrician.

How do children's upper teeth grow?

Proper growth of the upper teeth is very important for the formation of a child’s bite.

For a baby to have a correct bite, the upper front teeth need to slightly overlap the lower ones and be in close contact with them. In this case, there should be a tight closure in the area of ​​the lateral upper and lower teeth. In addition, it is important that there are no large gaps, the so-called three, between the upper front teeth.

One of the common problems with the growth of upper teeth in children can be improper positioning or formation of the tooth. Also, in some cases, one or more teeth may not erupt. In such a situation, parents should definitely seek help from a doctor, since such a condition may indicate a serious illness or deviation in the child’s development.

Another quite common problem in the growth of upper teeth in children is increased wear of baby teeth. As a result of this process, the crowns of the teeth become short. As a rule, tooth wear occurs with bruxism (grinding teeth during sleep). This pathology is dangerous because when the crowns are worn away, a decrease in the height of the bite is formed. Therefore, permanent teeth will be able to erupt to the height that the height of baby teeth allows them to reach. Thus, the child's bite will be reduced. If parents notice that their baby's baby teeth are wearing away, they should urgently show him to the dentist. Typically, a doctor can stop this process. To do this, you can use special mouth guards or trainers. An orthodontic mouthguard is a removable structure in the form of an overlay on the teeth, which is made of a special material. An orthodontic trainer is a mouthguard (usually silicone) that is worn on both rows of teeth. With the help of trainers, a child’s correct bite is formed.

Parents should understand that the way children's upper teeth grow often depends on genetic predisposition. Therefore, if adults have problems with tooth growth, they should very carefully monitor this process in their children.

Parents of infants always anxiously await the arrival of the moment when their beloved child will have a baby.

Largest quantity Teething of the upper (especially) teeth can cause trouble for all family members.

The process differs in each specific case. Minor deviations from the standard timing and order in which teeth come in are considered acceptable and should not cause serious concern.

Timing of appearance of upper teeth

The process of the appearance of the upper teeth begins at 6-12 months and ends with eruption at the age of 2-3 years. At first, the formation of the central and lateral incisors is noted, followed by the cutting of the upper canines and molars.

The timing of the eruption of the upper and lower teeth (incisors, canines and molars) is as follows:

One tooth can erupt within 2 days or a whole month. In some cases, the upper and lower teeth are cut at the same time, and the whole process is accompanied by a pronounced toothache. Children can change beyond recognition and become excessively irritable and whiny. This period of child development will require maximum patience and calm from parents.

Correct and timely formation of teeth indicates a healthy state of the body. In some cases, late eruption is noted. A significant delay can be observed due to prematurity, rickets, dysfunction of the endocrine system, and malnutrition. This situation is fraught with digestive disorders and untimely development of the baby’s organs.

What does the birth of a new tooth look like?

It is important for parents to remember that the appearance of teeth in children is largely determined by heredity. Each child has an individual process.

In pediatrics, there are several of the most common rapid eruption of new teeth (in most cases, the upper ones are more painful and painful):

The photo shows a characteristic appearance upper gums, during the period when the incisors erupt

  • soreness in oral cavity, often the cause of incessant whining;
  • excessive salivation, leading to saliva flowing out of the mouth and redness on the baby’s skin;
  • , normally not exceeding 3-4 repetitions during the day;
  • cough caused by a large amount of saliva;
  • exacerbation of the sucking reflex, attempts to bite, gnaw various items;
  • , loss of appetite (up to 38.5 °C);
  • ear pain.

The process of teething tends to become more active at night, which causes restless sleep and children's “songs.”

If several symptoms occur simultaneously or the body temperature rises above 38.5 °C, it is necessary to call a local doctor at home to exclude the development of infection.

The child’s atypical behavior causes confusion and anxiety among others. A self-examination of the oral cavity may reveal red, swollen gums and small bruises.

Complications can include ARVI, bronchitis, intestinal diseases, and irritation in various parts of the body. Many of them are the body's response to a weakened immune system.

Photo - a selection that shows the appearance of children's gums during the eruption of the upper teeth:

Swollen gums in a baby are a normal process, in which there is no need to panic or sound the alarm.

Help and child care

The baby’s well-being during the period of teething of the upper teeth requires the closest attention from adults. All family members must carefully maintain cleanliness in the room, treat children's dishes and toys, and monitor the hygiene of the baby himself.

There is order in the house great importance. When dust and dirt get into a child’s mouth, an inflammatory process begins to develop quite quickly.

Pediatricians suggest modern means designed to alleviate the condition of children. These are:

After teething you will need a special one. Children under 2 years old can brush their teeth with a special one. Closer to two years, it is recommended to use such preventive gels and pastes as the Weleda children's line, SPLAT Junior, and SPLAT Magic Foam.

With a competent approach, difficulties and discomfort can be minimized and the condition of your beloved child can be significantly alleviated.

Why is teething so painful?

For a child, each new tooth does not go unnoticed. The most difficult period is considered to be the formation, causing increased pain and irritability.

Such unpleasant sensations are associated with the peculiarities of the manifestation of each tooth - as it develops, it makes its way through the gums, which causes pain in it.

When breastfeeding or bottle feeding, blood rushes to inflamed and swollen gums, thereby exacerbating their sensitivity. The child feels significant discomfort while eating, so he may refuse to eat.

Such sensations are new to babies, and as a result they experience strong emotions. Self-selecting remedies to relieve symptoms may not be successful. The best solution would be to seek help from a pediatrician.

Teething is a natural and inevitable process that largely affects general health child. Parents should be aware that the intensity of symptoms gradually weakens with each new tooth. Subsequently, eruption does not cause significant difficulties until the appearance.

Greetings to those who decided to take a couple of minutes of their time to go through the pages of this site. Today we will touch upon a topic that was, is and will be relevant exactly as long as people exist on Earth.

The eruption of upper teeth is a process that is familiar to everyone. It's long, painful and unpleasant. And the worst thing is that you have to go through it twice. First, baby teeth are cut, then permanent teeth. But you can’t argue with nature, and no one wants to walk without teeth. Even a five year old child.

When and how do the upper teeth cut?

Teeth, including the upper ones, are not cut all at once. They have certain deadlines. But they begin to torment long before they pass through the bone and pierce the soft tissue of the gums. This is how the human body works. But there's no point in blaming nature or higher intelligence who made it all up. You need to think about what to do to alleviate the condition in the process.

  1. From approximately the sixth to the ninth month, the lower (first) incisors erupt. The process is accompanied by a lot of unpleasant sensations.
  2. From the seventh to the tenth month of life, the upper (first) incisors appear in the baby's mouth. The consequences are the same.
  3. From the ninth month to one year, the upper and lower second incisors appear in the mouth.
  4. Lastly, at the age of one and a half to two years, the upper and lower canines are cut.

What accompanies the eruption of baby teeth?

A list of “suffering, pain and sleepless nights for parents,” and also constant visits to doctors, buying a bunch of necessary and unnecessary medications... But I want to write about what you really need to know.

Teething is a painful process

The fact that the child will be hurt is clear even without me. When a piece of bone protrudes through the gums, it is difficult not to notice this process. The gums immediately begin to become inflamed, and bacteria multiply in the mouth. If we talk about other teething of the upper teeth, it is worth remembering that this condition is often accompanied by a significant increase in temperature. The child may lose appetite. Still, how can you eat normally when your mouth hurts?

Children immediately begin to put their hands and various objects into their mouths, which always ends with another classic childhood problem - .

In general, stomatitis and gingivitis (inflamed gums) are classics of the genre during this period. Dysbacteriosis following this process can lead to intestinal problems. Hence - diarrhea and vomiting.

If inflammation of the gums during teething of the upper teeth can be eliminated by rinsing with decoctions of chamomile, sage and others natural remedies, then they relieve pain weakly.

Relieving teething symptoms

Medicines that can be given to a child

When children develop a fever, they are usually given paracetamol. Only now there is a whole stack of scientific articles with authoritative sources that talk about how dangerous this drug is for babies. It is associated with the appearance of asthma symptoms, breathing problems and many other complications. To risk? Of course, I am not a doctor, but I would not conduct such experiments on my child.

The second thing that mothers and fathers usually think about, as well as pediatricians, is how to relieve pain. The process of teething the upper teeth in infants is too painful.

In 9 cases out of 10, medications prescribed to children may contain lidocaine.

Why you shouldn't use them, there are also a lot of articles, including a report American organization for testing products and medicines. If we simplify everything to the point of banality, then this is what comes out. No gel can quickly absorb and stay on wet gums. As a result, part of the substance ends up under the tongue, and part is swallowed. The baby begins to drool because his tongue is numb, and after swallowing the anesthetic, he may encounter more greater danger– penetration of the substance into the pharynx and respiratory tract.

As soon as the swallowing reflex is blocked or breathing problems arise... I won’t continue further, because it’s scary to even think about it. Therefore, let’s ask what is the safest to use.

Cholisal is often recommended. It is less harmful, but the instructions clearly state that children under one year of age should be used with caution. Mundizal has the same composition, only it is produced by a different company.

The popular Dentinox gel also contains lidocaine.

If you want something less harmful, there is, for example, Dentokind. It is homeopathic with chamomile and belladonna. Relieves inflammation and generally has a “calming” effect. When teething in children's upper teeth less than a year oldgreat option. If you combine this remedy with regular rinsing of your mouth with solutions of soda, chlorhexidine and iodinol, you can achieve significant relief, and at the same time get rid of accompanying stomatitis. Overall, the recipe is simple and affordable.

However, no matter how confident you are in yourself, your knowledge and the help of the omniscient Google, do not neglect the help of an experienced pediatrician and pediatric dentist.

There are a lot of products that only doctors and pharmacists know about, but you and I have never even heard of. It's worth trying your luck. Suddenly they will prescribe you something that is not very expensive and at the same time quite effective.

So, if your child’s temperature starts to rise, loss of appetite, problems with normal sleep and digestion, don’t play know-it-all, but call the doctor or take your baby to the clinic. This makes it much more likely that you will resolve the issue faster and safer for your health.

Video - Timing of teething in babies