Behind last decade popularity Black Moon in astrology has reached even those who know about stellar science only from fashion magazines and morning TV programs. Novice astrologers are frantically looking for this fictitious point in natal chart to assess the scale of future evil.

The recipe for the high popularity of the Black Moon in astrology and beyond is simple to the point of disgrace and consists of several ingredients: mystery, fear, authority and turmoil. From this article you will learn what the Black Moon shows in astrology, as well as how to use it to reveal your abilities.

Why was she expelled from Paradise?

In astrology, the Black Moon is called Lilith, in honor of Adam's first wife. According to legend, the Creator created the parents of humanity from clay. The first man and woman were equal in rights to each other. But during the night of love, the only woman did not want to submit to her husband, who immediately complained to her almighty Father.

God's solution to the problem is simple. The submissive Eve is created from Adam's rib, and the first woman is expelled from Paradise. But during the night of love with his new wife, Adam still yearned for his rebellious wife, lost somewhere in the night.

After being expelled from Paradise, Lilith became the personification of evil, a demoness, she was blamed for all the problems on the male side. Especially talented ones said that ex-wife Adama kidnaps babies at night and eats them.

Black Moon in astrology

From the myth one can see the idea of ​​a split in the whole. Lilith is instinct, the rebellious nature of man, the Jungian Shadow. Eve is an attempt to conquer her nature through rationalization.

The Black Moon in astrology collects the image of everything repressed from consciousness, secret desires turned into fears, doubts, sleeping talents in the depths of the unconscious, unresolved psychological traumas that continue to act out their scenarios.

How does it work in a natal chart?

Astronomically, the Black Moon does not have physical body. This is the point of maximum removal of the lunar orbit from the Earth. The influence of the Black Moon in astrology extends to the psyche, inner world.

Many astrologers blame Lilith for all troubles and negative events. This is an exaggeration. The Black Moon does not have a physical shell, like other planets, and cannot independently create events. But on the other hand, it can create a psychological background, mood, raise fears, doubts, reveal talents, the depths of personality.

Depending on the awareness of the individual, the influence of the Black Moon in astrology manifests itself on several levels.

On low:

  • raises fears, doubts;
  • strengthens complexes, psychological blocks;
  • distorts reality;
  • either you start doing evil or you become a victim of evil.

On high:

  • unique talents are discovered;
  • unprecedented wisdom and understanding appears;
  • the ability to turn a negative situation to your advantage;
  • magical abilities are revealed.

How does the Shadow manifest?

If a person is internally asleep, unconscious, lives completely in the power of his fears and sets, then the Black Moon will bring problems. Remember, Lilith is not some foreign object that has a bad or good influence on fate. This is part of you, part of your psyche, soul.

The Black Moon in astrology manifests itself in two ways. Or the person himself creates evil, according to the sign in which this fictitious point is located. Or he becomes a victim of evil.

The task of working through is to rise above the position of the rapist and the position of the victim

If a person is conscious, accepts his nature, works on himself, resolves psychological traumas, then new opportunities and talents are revealed.

Outbursts of aggression in low Aries

In astrology, the Black Moon zodiac sign can appear distorted. For example, in Aries it can give aggression, outbursts of anger, and tyranny at a low level. At a high level - the ability to subtly and effectively defend oneself, the ability to ignite other people, to inspire.

In transits and other forecasting techniques, the Black Moon creates its own background.

Over the past decade, the popularity of the Black Moon in astrology has reached even those who know about stellar science only from fashion magazines and morning TV programs. Novice astrologers frantically search for this fictitious point in the natal chart in order to assess the scale of future evil.

The recipe for the Black Moon's high popularity in astrology consists of several ingredients: mystery, fear, authority and turmoil. But is this really so? Perhaps the Black Moon has its advantages in astrology? Let's figure it out together.

How did the first divorce on Earth end?

The Black Moon in astrology is called Lilith, in honor of Adam's first wife. According to legend, the Creator created the parents of humanity from clay. The first man and woman were equal in rights to each other. But during the night of love, the only woman did not want to submit to her husband, who immediately complained to the almighty Father.

God solves the problem quickly. From the rib of Adam, the submissive Eve is born. And the world's first wife is expelled from Paradise. But as the legends say, in the submissive and sweet embrace of Eve, Adam still yearned for his rebellious wife.

After expulsion from Paradise, Lilith became the personification of evil, a demoness. She was blamed for all the problems on the male side. Characters with vivid imaginations said that Adam's ex-wife kidnaps babies at night and eats them. But let's leave the details of the horror film genre for later.

What led to the fall of the first angel?

The myth shows the idea of ​​schism. The division into parts represents the myth of Lucifer. The First Archangel, the Bringer of Light, decides to seize the throne of heaven. But as a result of an unsuccessful attempt, he was expelled from the palace of God and forever lost his beautiful appearance. In the modern world, this idea is clearly represented in the person of Sauron in Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”.

Such myths show the division of the whole. One part is separated from the whole and turns into evil, loses its original shape.

Lilith is instinct, the rebellious nature of man, devoid of awareness. Jungian Shadow. Eve is an attempt to conquer her natural nature through rationalization. Instead of living in harmony with ourselves, we try with all our might to remake ourselves to the standards of a faceless society. Because the TV said so or new magazine.And in the end we become unhappy.

Jung argued that a person can become himself only if he unites with his Shadow, the opposite of consciousness. If he stops denying instincts, deep desires and will try to understand them.

Lilith is all that remains of the individual after the polishing of society. Forgotten needs, emotions, feelings that do not fit into the picture of society. It is a lost part of yourself.

How does it work in a natal chart?

Astronomically, Lilith does not have a physical body. This is the point of maximum removal of the lunar orbit from the Earth. The influence of the Black Moon in astrology extends to the psyche and inner world. If the psyche is traumatized, this will also affect the event level. But only as a consequence.

Astrologers blame Lilith for all troubles and negative events. This is an exaggeration. The Black Moon in astrology does not have a physical shell, like other planets, and cannot independently create events. But it creates a psychological background, mood, kindles fears, doubts, reveals talents, the depths of personality.

Depending on the person's awareness, The influence of the Black Moon in astrology manifests itself on several levels.

On low:

  • raises fears, doubts;
  • strengthens complexes, psychological blocks;
  • distorts reality;
  • either you start doing evil or you become a victim of evil.

On high:

  • unique talents are discovered;
  • unprecedented wisdom and understanding appears;
  • the ability to turn a negative situation to your advantage;
  • magical abilities are revealed.

How to negotiate with the Shadow?

The Black Moon in astrology manifests itself in two ways. Or the person himself creates evil, according to the sign in which this fictitious point is located. Or he becomes a victim of evil. Depends on the person's awareness.

The task of working through is to rise above the position of the rapist and the position of the victim.

If the personality is realized, Lilith will give unique talent, skill based on the properties of a sign or planet, with which it is in aspect.

The Black Moon in astrology personifies a dense clot of energy. Astral vortex, as esotericists say. In aspect, especially in connection Lilith gives the planet enormous power of manifestation. If a person is unconscious and cannot control the planet, then Lilith will create distortions and problems in the function of the planet.

In astrology, the Black Moon operates according to the principle: tearing open a bleeding wound. I spoil what is already spoiled. Strengthens the negativity that is already in the natal chart. By itself, this fictitious point cannot create negative events.

Lilith does not work in cards. If the House or planet is harmonious, then the fictitious point will not bring negativity. It will either show talent or it won’t show up at all. But if Lilith is manifested in the horoscope, it will stand out very clearly.

Signs negative work Black Moon in astrology:

  1. presence of Lilith in the angular Houses, especially near the cusps
  2. dispositor Lilith is smitten
  3. Lilith is conjunct a personal planet
  4. on the return of Lilith (every 9 years) comes negativity

Methods of elaboration

In astrology, the Black Moon is worked through spiritual growth and sublimation.

Let's consider the aspects of personal planets with a fictitious point.

Sun- at a low level, refusal of one’s desires, I don’t understand what I want, I’m afraid to express myself. Self-esteem is unstable: sometimes considering myself great, sometimes feeling helpless and depressed. There is no joy, no meaning in life, no motivation. Passivity.

Incredible power of materialization. All fears and doubts come true. Or desires are fulfilled too clumsily. For example: I didn’t want my husband to come home late from work, I was nervous. As a result, the husband was fired. But now he will come home on time.

Elaboration: light up the Sun, other people's desires, goals that come from Society seem to de-energize you. But truly, your desires and dreams come true with amazing speed and scale.

Moon- distorted perception of the world. Either home, or a place where you need to survive. The Universe scales and projects all fears, doubts, feelings. If I am offended, the world begins to provoke me even more into offense.

Oddities in the family dependent relationships. For example, a woman pulls on herself the brother of an alcoholic and half of the family. And they take it for granted.

Aspects with luminaries, especially conjunctions, give the power of materialization. But if the Sun and Moon are subordinate to Lilith, then the person is lost. He doesn't know who he is and where his place in life is.

Recommendation: work out and review birth programs. It often helps when a person says: “I will not live like my parents.” and unfolds 180 degrees in behavior and lifestyle. For example, if my mother was hysterical in the family, I forbid myself such behavior with loved ones.

Mercury- or I live according to the principle of a broken telephone: I say one thing, but space hears something else. Or I'm lying, I don't know why. I hurt with words, even if I don’t mean to.

The effect of a crazy word: you mutter something, but it comes true. Gives an unreal talent as a science fiction writer.

Sublimates well through creative work with information.

Venus- then a passionate desire, then complete failure from money and relationships. Greed, jealousy, fears and blocks regarding finances and love.

In a partnership, the “sticking” effect: “I can’t live without him.” And after some time there is complete indifference.

Work through conscious relationship building and financial management.

Mars- strong outbursts of aggression, anger in situations where calm is necessary. And where you need to show strength - inertia, cowardice. The workaholic effect fantastic endurance alternates with bouts of honest laziness.

Sublimated through sports, especially those associated with risk or energy management. Working with anger and malice. But not a denial of aggression, and the ability to find a way out of negative feelings.

How do transits and signs of the Black Moon work in astrology?

In astrology, the Black Moon zodiac sign appears distorted. For example, in Aries at a low level it gives aggression, outbursts of anger, and tyranny. At a high level - the ability to subtly and effectively defend oneself, the ability to ignite other people, to inspire.

In transits and other forecasting techniques, the Black Moon creates an emotional background. Foreshadows events where there is the effect of turning off the head. And they are not always negative. For example, Lilith in predictive methods can indicate marriage, the birth of children, falling in love, moving, when they suddenly abandoned everything and left.

Transit manifests itself especially strongly through:

  1. crossing the House cusp;
  2. exact aspect with the planet;
  3. return (every 9 years).

The Black Moon does not have the task of creating problems or negative situations for you. This is the soul's attempt to bring your attention to locked internal programs awaiting healing.

Remember the ending of the myth: “But during the night of love with Eve, Adam yearned for the rebellious Lilith, lost somewhere in the darkness.”

I hope that you can now find a common language with the Black Moon in astrology!

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Lilith - Black Moon in the signs of the zodiac as the most important indicator of the horoscope is taken into account today by many astrologers of various schools and directions.

Lilith - Black Moon in the zodiac signs

It has already become generally known that the point called the Black Moon is nothing more than the apogee of the lunar orbit (according to another version, the second focus of the lunar orbit, which relative to the center of the Earth coincides with the projection of the apogee), making one revolution relative to the vernal equinox point 0 Aries per 8.85 years old.

Until now, most astrologers have used only one Black Moon, called Lilith or Moon Nera, which represents the average apogee of the lunar orbit, that is, a kind of mathematical idealization, the average movement of the true apogee. However, to complete the picture, it is also necessary to take into account the osculating (true, meandering) Black Moon, called Druj, which represents the true apogee.

Meaning of Lilith - Black Moon

To begin with, let's say a few words regarding the interpretation of the Black Moon in general. According to the orthodox interpretation of the Avestan School, the Black Moon is an indicator of dark karma, all evil deeds and sins of a person. Of course, this is not always correct. From the point of view of astropsychology, the Black Moon (the apogee of the lunar orbit) is the outlet of the unconscious, lunar principle in a person, beyond the control of the mind.

According to this approach, the Black Moon is the maximum of the lunar function, the strongest manifestation of the subconscious, which can overshadow the conscious, or rather, its strongest manifestation - the mind. And there is absolutely no reason to say that this is bad, since the subconscious is no less important for a person than consciousness, just as sleep is no less important for him than wakefulness.

In addition, the Black Moon is the present point of the lunar orbit, that is, it is associated with the ability to live and act in the present moment of time on an unconscious level. Is it bad?! Another thing is that for most people, the subconscious is heavily burdened with all sorts of complexes, hidden, internal, often unconscious desires that prevent a person from achieving harmony and tranquility and keep his psyche (the Moon) in constant tension.

What is the energy of Lilith - the Black Moon

And the apogee (maximum) point of the lunar orbit forces these hidden complexes and desires to come out, to manifest themselves in full force, bypassing the control of the mind and the conscious beginning. Therefore, the point of the present lunar orbit, which we call the Black Moon (in the West, astrologers use the term Dark Moon, which means Dark Moon, which is somewhat more correct in relation to its functions), cannot be indiscriminately accused of all the sins of humanity and recognized as a bearer of blackness and dirt.

Firstly, it is nothing more than an indicator, and secondly, it is an indicator of the deep (subconscious) essence of a person, the underwater part of the iceberg, which, out of fear, he does not show to anyone, even to himself. But if a person overcame this fear, saw for himself all his subconscious complexes, realized his so-called “negative karma”

[Here, the concept of karma refers to information embedded in a person’s subconscious, and, as is known from psychology, it is the most difficult given fact to correct. There are other types of karma, but this topic is too broad to discuss it in more detail here] (and through what else, if not the “Black” Moon, can he do this?!), then he already has a chance to free himself from these complexes and realize your Black Moon is truly like a point of the present on an unconscious level.

Meaning of Lilith - Black Moon

The influence of Lilith should be considered depending on its position in the Signs and Houses. Action of Lilith in signs: The Black Moon generates astral vortices that cause powerful emotions and desires that prevent consciousness from controlling its influence. The Black Moon sharply accentuates one of the polar components of the sign, while activating its involutionary properties, as a result of which it begins to dominate the other component.

This not only enhances the extremes in the manifestations of the sign, but also distorts its primary qualities. Under the influence of the Black Moon it is impossible to balance opposite properties sign - it acts on each pole in turn, and a person falls from one extreme to the other. If the Black Moon strengthens the main pole of a sign (in male signs it is active, in female signs it is passive), this leads to redundancy, excessive manifestations of the qualities of the sign.

If the Black Moon suppresses the main pole of a sign and activates the hidden one (passive in male signs, active in female ones), this in itself is a distortion of the primary zodiac qualities, their natural manifestations seem to be turned inside out. In both cases, the Black Moon enhances the involutionary manifestations of the sign.

Lilith in Aries

Aries's ability to impart concentrated aspiration to thoughts, feelings and actions turns under the influence of the Black Moon into a destructive force - for those around them, if the active pole of the sign is strengthened, and for the person himself, if the qualities of Aries become passive. If the Black Moon increases activity, then the internal impulse to action becomes so powerful that all manifestations characteristic of Aries are accompanied by an uncontrolled release of energy.

Decisiveness turns into uncontrollable pressure, sweeping away everything in its path, impulsiveness into absolute unpredictability, and autonomy and independence into the desire to impose one’s will and subjugate others. Fighting obstacles and suppressing other people's resistance gives a person inexplicable pleasure.

Under the influence of the Black Moon, egocentrism, aggressiveness, and the desire for leadership sharply increase, a feeling of permissiveness, cruelty and a tendency to violence appear, and attacks of rage and anger often occur. The world becomes an object of conquest and conquest. The Black Moon gives desires and thoughts such strength that they can be transmitted to others. It often contributes to the development of excessive sexuality. Aries is an impulse for purposeful action.

In an effort to obtain as much energy as possible, the Black Moon stimulates violent external activity, the original meaning of which is lost. Activity turns into an end in itself, does not achieve a practical result and is accompanied by huge energy costs. Since the natural manifestations of Aries are masculine, the suppression of external activity and the predominance of passivity are already a distortion of the essence of the sign.

When the Black Moon influences the passive component, all the qualities of Aries turn into their opposite. A person becomes a convenient object for manipulation - controlled, suggestible, weak-willed. Indecision, lack of initiative, lack of independence, laziness, and the desire to shift responsibility to others develop.

At the same time, unexpressed aggressiveness accumulates, which has a destructive effect on a person’s health and affects his emotional state. Sometimes this aggressiveness breaks out in outbursts of rage. This influence of the Black Moon can also cause a decrease in sexuality.

Black Moon in Taurus

Taurus is the energetic embodiment of the Aries impulse, materiality and form. Under the influence of the Black Moon, Taurus's ability to accumulate energy leads to disturbances in balanced energy exchange. Being a feminine sign, Taurus accumulates more easily than gives. When the Black Moon in Taurus enhances its natural, passive manifestation, accumulation becomes almost manic.

An irresistible craving for acquisitiveness and greed appears, a huge appetite bordering on gluttony, an addiction to money, material benefits, comfort, increased attention to the outside of things. The desire to appropriate the entire world around us gives rise to jealousy, a heightened sense of ownership, pathological affection and “obsession” with one’s feelings.

Thinking under the influence of the Black Moon in Taurus becomes inert, overly concrete, perceiving the form, and not the idea contained in it. The Black Moon in Taurus is often associated with so-called vampirism, when when people communicate, natural energy exchange is disrupted, and a person consumes someone else's energy in greater quantities than he gives.

The manifestation of the active pole of the sign by the Black Moon leads to unlimited waste of energy - physical and mental strength is wasted or out of place. Not knowing how to properly manage their funds, a person makes unnecessary purchases and throws money away.

Due to his inability to retain energy, he often falls victim to vampirism, since this energy can easily be used by others. Some people with the Black Moon in Taurus may deliberately ignore issues related to matter in one way or another. They declare disdain for money, food, clothing and amenities.

Black Moon in Gemini

Gemini is a sign that symbolizes the concrete mind. Under the influence of the Black Moon, there is often a preponderance of concrete, rational thinking over abstract thinking. A person justifies everything with the help of logic, subordinates his feelings to reason, almost losing the ability for imaginative perception. Such unevenness interferes with a comprehensive and harmonious knowledge of the world.

Under the influence of the Black Moon on the passive pole of the sign, the need to perceive information sharply increases. A person intensively absorbs it from the surrounding space, informational “omnivorousness” arises. There is a need to constantly communicate with someone, talk endlessly on the phone, watch TV, read, and all this is done almost indiscriminately, solely for the sake of obtaining some information.

Developing special shape vampirism, in which a person is fueled by the energy of other people’s words and thoughts. Strengthening the passive component of Gemini reduces the ability for objective, logical thinking. A person has difficulty concretizing ideas and thinks mainly in images. This action of the Black Moon often creates problems with the transformation of information.

Trying to express a thought in words, a person experiences enormous difficulties and loses a large amount of energy. Under the influence of the Black Moon, a person becomes suggestible, perceives other people's thoughts and words as his own, and therefore easily becomes infected with all sorts of ideas.

Black Moon in Cancer

Cancer symbolizes motherhood, homeland, family traditions, parents' house, family. It is associated with hereditary predispositions, unconscious beliefs, and childhood impressions. Its qualities are rooting, deepening, receptivity, isolation. The Black Moon in Cancer testifies to the hereditary nature of the distortions caused by it, about their deep roots in the subconscious.

She weighs down ancestral karma, complicates relationships with parents and introduces unexpected and often tragic circumstances into family life. If the Black Moon acts on the active component of the sign, all thoughts and affairs of a person are focused on household duties and raising children. But under the influence of the Black Moon, caring for children becomes excessive and intrusive.

It happens that a person wants to realize family life their ambitions associated with the thirst for power. He strives to become the head of the family, subjugate all members and enjoys the power he receives. He is conservative, aggressively defends ancestral traditions, stands to the death for his mistakes, without admitting that he is wrong. Sometimes the Black Moon in Cancer indicates service to the homeland or involvement in national history.

If the Black Moon affects the passive component of the sign, all family matters and responsibilities weigh on a person, he tries to avoid fulfilling them, but this rarely succeeds. The Black Moon makes the emotional life unstable, a person with early age haunted by obsessive fears and phobias, unpleasant premonitions, he has difficulty adapting to new conditions.

In childhood it often happens to experience psychological trauma, which leaves a mark for the rest of one’s life. The Black Moon aggravates to the limit the tearfulness, touchiness, and vindictiveness characteristic of Cancer. It increases appetite, addiction to refined food, and can cause stomach diseases. Under the influence of the Black Moon, a person becomes weak-willed, indecisive, lazy, he needs to sway for a long time before he starts doing anything, and sometimes things don’t get done at all or it doesn’t end with a practical result.

Disorganization, scatteredness, and indiscipline are increasing. Thinking is overly influenced by emotions and subjective, while a person is easily influenced by the subconscious and suggestions.

The Black Moon distorts the idea of ​​motherhood. It causes hostility towards children, reluctance or impossibility to have them. Often people with the Black Moon in Cancer do not feel attached to their roots, neglect family traditions, and strive to emigrate.

Black Moon in Leo

Leo is creativity and creation. He is characterized by nobility, generosity, constancy, leadership, self-affirmation, pride, independence and selflessness. The influence of the Black Moon on the active component of the sign turns Leo’s characteristic need for respect and attention to one’s person into an obsession.

The constant desire to stand out gives rise to excessive demonstrativeness in behavior, boasting, and love of flattery. Self-love becomes painful, selfishness, individualism and the desire for leadership sharply increase. Under the influence of the Black Moon in Leo, a person considers himself the “center of the universe” around which all life is concentrated. He strives for power, tries to subjugate others to his will.

Active manifestations of the Black Moon can give a person the ability to manipulate others and instill in them his ideas. The Black Moon enhances self-will; it also extends to creativity - a person wants to become equal to God himself and create something of his own. It is these distortions creativity gave rise to such unnatural phenomena as experiments related to the cloning of living beings.

If the Black Moon affects the passive component of a sign, its qualities seem to be turned inside out. A person loses his individuality, becomes suggestible, controlled, and weak-willed. He strives to disappear into the crowd, avoids the attention of others, is not confident in himself, suffers from low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem.

The Black Moon can practically deprive a person of imagination and creativity. If he still tries to show his creative potential, he fails to find an adequate way of self-expression; all forms of creativity turn out to be borrowed. The Black Moon can so influence Leo’s ability to enter into character that, having almost lost his individuality, a person spends his entire life using other people’s masks, plays roles that are not typical for him, and becomes obsequious and hypocritical.

Black Moon in Virgo

Virgo is associated with the ability to analyze and detail; it symbolizes order, methodicalness, and rationality. If the Black Moon in Virgo enhances active manifestations, practicality and prudence are sharply expressed in a person. Logical, analytical thinking dominates the image, intuition is ignored, everything that is irrational is rejected.

Virgo's ability to detail is brought to the point of absurdity by the Black Moon - a person gets carried away with the unimportant, “making a molehill out of a molehill,” subjects to the most detailed analysis that which should not be divided into parts, gets confused in the little things, behind which the main thing is lost. Under the influence of the Black Moon, a person can become a dry pedant.

Often unbearable criticism develops - a person criticizes literally everything he encounters, he is constantly dissatisfied with everything, looks at life skeptically and joylessly. Sometimes, under the influence of the Black Moon, a person is so passionate about establishing cleanliness and order that he literally blows away every speck of dust from the objects around him, spending time and energy on this that were intended for something completely different.

A person with a Black Moon in Virgo may awaken into a mania for taking care of his health, he begins to follow unimaginable diets, and run to doctors. If the Black Moon in Virgo affects the passive component of the sign, a person almost loses the ability to analyze, notice little things and details, considering them unimportant.

He thinks mainly in images, having difficulty giving them concrete outlines. Under the influence of the Black Moon, it may be difficult for a person to maintain cleanliness and order; chaos and confusion always reign around him. The Black Moon prevents you from taking a critical look at what is happening around you.

There appears optionality, indiscipline, dishonesty, and neglect of personal hygiene and health care. The Black Moon in Virgo often causes various obsessive states and fears, especially those related to illnesses and doctors.

Black Moon in Libra

Libra symbolizes harmony, balance, choice. If the Black Moon in Libra strengthens the active pole of the sign, a person strives with all his might for leadership in relations with partners, tries to control them, and take the initiative into his own hands, which is often inappropriate. Under the influence of the Black Moon, the selectivity characteristic of Libra becomes excessive.

A person sees imperfection in everything, his demands on others are too high and often unfair. The choice, including partners, is made on the basis only of external impressions or belonging to the elite, the value system is based on a subjective aesthetic criterion, goals and aspirations are determined by considerations of prestige. The Black Moon distorts ideas about justice.

A person knows how to attract people to his side in order to then use them for selfish gain. If the Black Moon acts on the passive component of the sign, a person has difficulty making a choice and constantly fluctuates from one decision to another. In relationships with partners, he is dependent, not independent, easily obeys and agrees with everything that is told to him, seeks to shift responsibility to others, or, in as a last resort, share it with someone.

The Black Moon deprives a person of his own point of view, he completely relies on the opinions of others, his tastes, ideas about beauty and harmony are determined by his environment. A person becomes suggestible and controllable. The Black Moon often promotes a marriage of convenience; a person seeks to improve his financial situation thanks to a partner or even exist at his expense.

Black Moon in Scorpio

The sign of Scorpio is associated with transformation, leading to a transition to a different state. It symbolizes crisis, death, conception and birth. The influence of the Black Moon on the active pole of the sign immeasurably increases willfulness and perseverance in achieving the goal. If a person wants to achieve something, a huge inner strength Scorpio, which has become crushing under the influence of the Black Moon, rushes outward and sweeps away all obstacles in its path.

The Black Moon gives rise to the desire to change the world around you according to your will, endows you with the ability to suggest, the ability to subjugate people and manipulate them. A person loves thrills, risks, creates critical situations around himself, and draws others into them. He is completely immune to a worldview different from his own and knows how to impose his opinion on others.

The Black Moon makes the emotional state unstable, which manifests itself in unexpected aggressive attacks and fits of rage. The Black Moon in Scorpio often involves people in practicing magic. This action of the Black Moon increases interest in everything related to sex, promotes the development of hypersexuality and sexual perversions, and can give a tendency to violence.

If the Black Moon strengthens the passive component of the sign, the person becomes weak-willed and suggestible. Often he finds himself a victim of various kinds of manipulations, psychological effects, magic, sexual harassment and violence. Under the influence of the Black Moon, feelings of ownership and jealousy become manic, and rancor worsens.

The Black Moon increases Scorpio's ability to absorb energy, which can lead to disruption of natural energy exchange and the development of vampirism. Often it reduces sexuality and contributes to the development of sexual coldness. In both cases, the Black Moon in Scorpio may be the cause various diseases genital organs, complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

Black Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius symbolizes the search for purpose, worldview, social and spiritual guidelines. It is associated with the desire for improvement, expansion of consciousness, and abstract thinking. If the Black Moon affects the active component of a sign, all its qualities acquire the character of expansion. A person with a Black Moon in Sagittarius seems to fill the entire space around him; it is difficult not to notice him.

The desire for improvement under the influence of the Black Moon becomes uncontrollable, high aspirations completely absorb a person and he neglects everyday matters and everyday responsibilities. A person is born with a desire to constantly teach someone, he persistently gives everyone “valuable” advice, shares his life experiences, which are often of no interest to anyone.

Often a person’s self-esteem is incredibly inflated; he may consider himself the chosen conductor of a great idea. The Black Moon gives him the ability to infect others with his ideas and he strives to widely disseminate his views and beliefs among people. Often such activities are intrusive or even violent. The Black Moon in Sagittarius gives rise to extreme intolerance towards a different worldview, fanaticism.

In the sphere of the mind, the active action of the Black Moon causes the predominance of abstract thinking, makes it difficult to concretize ideas, and it can be difficult for a person to find suitable words to express his thoughts. If the Black Moon strengthens the passive component of the sign, the person becomes suggestible, his worldview, religious beliefs and social guidelines are dictated by the environment.

He blindly follows the ethics and morals accepted in society, without thinking about his motives. Under the influence of the Black Moon, a person suffers from low self-esteem, does not have his own opinion, completely relying on someone else’s, which everyone considers authoritative. He tends to idealize his teachers and mentors, imitates them, strives to find an object of worship or an ideal to serve.

Such a person is easy to control; he can become a fanatical fighter for an idea inspired from outside. Often the Black Moon in Sagittarius predetermines the nature of higher education or makes it difficult to obtain it. It can cause in a person an unquenchable thirst for acquiring knowledge for the sake of expanding his horizons, then the person almost mechanically absorbs information, the qualities of Sagittarius are replaced by the distorted qualities of Gemini.

Acting on the passive pole, it significantly reduces the ability for figurative, abstract thinking, which causes the predominance of the concrete mind and, as a consequence, unevenness in the development of the human mind.

Black Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn is associated with achieving a goal, position in society, career, power. The influence of the Black Moon on the active component of the sign immeasurably enhances individualism and egocentrism. A person cannot submit to someone else’s will and strives for power with all his might. Managing people, suppressing others and imposing one’s will turns into an end in itself.

The will to realize any plan is so strong that a person does not stop at any obstacles on the way to his cherished goal. Ambitious aspirations force a person to devote all his time and energy to doing successful career, occupy a position that provides high social status. If life circumstances do not allow a person to realize his ambitions, he becomes a domestic tyrant and revels in power over family members.

The Black Moon in Capricorn can distort the understanding of a sense of responsibility and duty. Its active action forces a person to feel responsible for literally everything, and sometimes to take on someone else’s responsibility. As a result, responsibilities begin to weigh unbearably; a person feels like a slave to his debt, but is unable to free himself from it.

If the Black Moon affects the passive component of the sign, the person does not know how to achieve the goal, the slightest obstacle does not allow him to achieve practical results, he easily gives up plans and does not strive for a career, power or social position. A person for whom the Black Moon acts in this way gives the impression of being completely devoid of ambition.

He becomes controlled and can only obey someone else’s will and follow instructions. Under the influence of the Black Moon, a person’s ideas about a sense of duty become vague. He is afraid and avoids taking on even small responsibilities or does not fulfill his obligations.

Passive manifestations of the Black Moon in Capricorn often lead to a loss of the ability to differentiate concepts, clearly formulate thoughts, and concentrate. The boundaries of one’s own personality become blurred, a person does not distinguish his thoughts from those of others and is easily suggestible. Regardless of the type of action, the Black Moon can make thinking too limited and conservative; in the case of active action, a person imposes his attitudes on others, in the case of passive action, he lives within the strict framework of stereotypes determined by the environment.

In childhood, there is likely to be a strict, too traditional upbringing and suppression on the part of parents; subsequently, you may encounter tough, authoritarian bosses, conflicts occur at work, and an unexpected loss of reputation or social position is possible.

Black Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius symbolizes freedom, independence, breaking down boundaries, transformation and reform. If the Black Moon affects the active component of the sign, the person organically cannot tolerate any pressure and restrictions. Any, even weak, attempt at coercion is regarded as violence and causes violent indignation.

Under the influence of the Black Moon, the unpredictability of Aquarius reaches its apogee - often a person himself does not know what will come into his head in the next minute. He is characterized by unexpected and sharp changes in mood, a deliberate claim to originality is felt in his judgments, and he often deliberately commits extraordinary actions in order to shock others and demonstrate to them his disdain for established norms of behavior.

The desire to free oneself from conventions and restrictions, distorted by the Black Moon, can lead to an asocial lifestyle and even involve one in criminal activity. Sometimes a person can become the author of social reforms and transformations, but due to the influence of the Black Moon they are utopian in nature or generally absurd.

The Black Moon in Aquarius contributes to the creation of newfangled theories that deny timeless universal values, declaring the laws of ethics and morality to limit individual freedom. A person avoids responsibility in any way, does not want to take on any obligations, or tie himself to legal marriage.

The influence of the Black Moon on the passive component of the sign can block Aquarius’ ability to destroy boundaries. Then the opposite quality of Capricorn will appear in a distorted form, associated with the establishment of all kinds of boundaries, which leads to dogmatism and conservatism, narrowing and crystallization of consciousness, complicates intuitive knowledge, and gives rise to unnecessary self-restraints, complexes and emotional blocks.

Black Moon in Pisces

Pisces symbolizes religiosity, altruism, willingness to sacrifice oneself, compassion and empathy. If the Black Moon strengthens the active pole of a sign, a person constantly strives to help someone, but the Black Moon distorts the very concept of what this help should be. Therefore, a person’s actions are often too intrusive and inappropriate, pity and sympathy are aroused by people who really do not deserve it, and those who really need support are left unattended.

The Black Moon in Pisces forces a person to constantly sacrifice himself for the sake of others, but precisely when it is not only unnecessary, but, on the contrary, can cause harm. A person can become a participant and even an organizer of some dubious religious sect.

He is inclined to preach to others his ideas about God and love for all things, distorted by the Black Moon, imposing his understanding of the ideas of humility, compassion and self-denial, and can deliberately lead others into temptations and enticements. If the Black Moon affects the passive pole of a sign, a person does not understand the reasons for his actions, becomes overly suggestible, can easily be influenced on a subconscious level, and is often deceived by his intuition.

A person becomes an adherent of indoctrinated beliefs, views dictated by society. Often the Black Moon in Pisces does not allow one to get closer to true religiosity; a person can even be a convinced atheist. It prevents you from penetrating the depths of the unconscious and hearing the voice of your higher self.

The Black Moon can also influence in such a way that a person avoids helping others; the very idea of ​​altruistic sacrifice is deeply alien to him. If circumstances force him to empathize with the suffering of others, this causes a deep psychological crisis in him. The Black Moon causes indiscipline and involves you in temptations and enticements.

In the sphere of the mind, it can cause such a significant preponderance of imaginative thinking and intuition over logical thinking that a person has difficulty concretizing and perceiving factual material. The Black Moon enhances the instability of the emotional state characteristic of Pisces. It can cause mental disorders and diseases, and often contributes to the development of alcoholism.

In moments of total bad luck, we often think about karma - retribution for past sins. But most often we perceive this word only as a figure of speech. Meanwhile, in karmic astrology there is a fictitious planet Black Moon (or Lilith) characterizing that in past life you did something wrong and you are paying for it now. If you tend to believe that there are no past lives, Lilith can be seen as the darkest and most unconscious problem in your subconscious.

Black Moon is in everyone's horoscope. Shecharacterizes the suppressed, shadow side of our personality, painful experience, is associated with our psychological complexes, as well as unfulfilled sexual desires,defines karmic debts from past lives and indicates that it can become a source of problems in the present.

According to Pavel Globa, by the position of the Black Moon in the horoscope, one can determine “where a person’s defense against dark forces is weak, where the “devil’s tail” is laid for him, on which he can slip,” and by what methods he will be tempted. And also how a person can confront his dark self, what protection he should choose.

Depending on the location of the Black Moon in our horoscope, we can determine where our fears and complexes are, where we need to look for our illusions and misconceptions, where we may be wrong. The Black Moon is our weak link, by which throughout our lives we are tested for strength and purity of thoughts.

Lilith is not only a source of temptation, but also a source of strength, our hidden reserve. If Lilith forms some kind of configuration with other planets in the horoscope, you may have strong magnetism and your personality will be very attractive to large quantity of people. For many representatives of show business, Lilith occupies a prominent position in the horoscope.

Study Lilith in your natal chart to understand what defense mechanisms you use to hide your emotional defeat or hide something.

Lilith in Aries

August 7, 1931 – May 2, 1932
June 12, 1940
March 7, 1941
April 17, 1949
January 10, 1950
February 20th
November 17, 1958
December 27, 1966
September 22, 1967
November 1, 1975
July 28, 1976
September 7, 1984
June 2, 1985
July 13, 1993
April 8, 1994
May 18, 2002
– February 11, 2003

The real embodiment of the energy of Aries - an aggressor and a warrior. This is the karma of a soldier, and in the most severe cases, of a murderer. Her dark side– destruction, chaos, conflict. In this life, it can manifest itself in two ways: people with this position of Lilith can be brave to the point of recklessness or incredibly cowardly. They may not use their physical strength or suppress others psychologically. Their distinguishing feature– tendency to anger and unmotivated aggression. In the opposite case, these are people with a victim complex. They say about such people: “Guilty without guilt.”

The path to purifying karma is to work through the energy of Mars. If Mars is too active, you should strive to control your anger, despotism, self-centeredness, arrogance and develop patience, gentleness, peacefulness and tolerance. If the energy of Mars is suppressed, learn to make your own decisions and defend them, stop looking for those to blame, take responsibility for yourself.

Lilith in Taurus

If your date of birth was during:

May 3, 1932 – January 26, 1933
March 8
December 2, 1941
January 11
October 6, 1950
November 17, 1958
August 12, 1959
September 22, 1967
June 17, 1968
July 28, 1976
April 23, 1977
June 2, 1985
February 25, 1986
April 8, 1994
January 2, 1995
12th of February
– November 7, 2003

The energy of Venus is carnal love, pleasures, sybaritism, which take exaggerated forms. A person with this position of the Black Moon in a past life could overindulge in earthly joys, be prone to numerous love affairs, gluttony, hoarding, deification of things, and cruelty to animals. In this life, karmic debts manifest themselves through the loss of love, wealth, peace of mind or well-being, neck diseases, and shouldering other people's problems. Such a person may have an unpleasant appearance and lack of success with the opposite sex. He may be pathologically jealous or greedy.
Working through karma means not repeating past mistakes, recognizing the beauty of the world, developing sacrificial love, kindness, and respect for all forms of life.

Lilith in Gemini

If your date of birth was during:

January 27 – October 22, 1933
December 3, 1941
August 27, 1942
October 7, 1950
July 3, 1951
August 13, 1959
May 9, 1960
June 17, 1968
March 13, 1969
April 23, 1977
January 16, 1978
February 26
November 23, 1986
January 2
September 28, 1995
November 8, 2003
– August 2, 2004

With this position of Lilith, a person’s karmic debts are associated with the dark energy of Mercury - deception, theft, superficiality, intrigue, nihilism, talkativeness and broken promises. In a past life, these were speculators and swindlers, counterfeiters, dishonest traders, gossips and intriguers. In the present, such people may be subject to the same temptations or, conversely, become victims of deception. These are classic scapegoats responsible for the machinations of others. Such people are often set up.
Working through karma consists of striving for truth and impartiality. A person is strictly prohibited from being cunning, dodging, being hypocritical, or intriguing. Otherwise, it’s easy to fall into a hole that you dug for someone else.

Lilith in Cancer

If your date of birth was during:

October 23, 1933 – July 18, 1934
August 28, 1942
May 24, 1943
July 3, 1951
March 29, 1952
March 14th
December 8, 1969
January 17
October 13, 1978
November 23, 1986
August 18, 1987
September 29, 1995
– July 24, 1996

This is the dark karma of the family. Very often, people with this position of Lilith in past incarnations committed betrayals towards their loved ones, nation, country or religion (to the energy information field in which they were born). In real life, such a person can become a cosmopolitan in the worst sense of the word and constantly change family, environment, countries and religions. He is deprived of responsibility to those around him; he needs constant energy replenishment from strangers. The classic version of Ivan, who does not remember his kinship. Such people become the most zealous critics of the existing system, government, way of life, etc. Lilith in Cancer is also associated with the karma of a coward: fearing being destroyed, such a person chose the path of betrayal.
It is important to develop courage in this life, not to be influenced by your fears and to get rid of the tendency to dramatize everything. To multiply the best qualities of the Moon - gentleness, understanding, forgiveness, wisdom.

Lilith in Leo
If your date of birth was during:

July 18, 1934 – April 13, 1935
May 25, 1943
February 17, 1944
30th of March
December 23, 1952
1st of February
October 28, 1961
December 8, 1969
September 2, 1970
October 14, 1978
July 9, 1979
August 19, 1987
May 14, 1988
July 25, 1996
– March 19, 1997
A curse associated with selfishness and pride. In their previous incarnation, such people had great power, which they used for their own purposes. These are the arbiters of the destinies of others, no matter whether we are talking about an entire nation or one family. At the same time, these are people who are accustomed to “acting,” that is, constantly pretending, putting on various masks. In this life, a person pays by becoming completely dependent on others or gravitating towards luxury, while not wanting to do anything to achieve it (he believes that he is entitled to all this “by birthright”). He has great difficulty enduring those who, as it seems to him, are brighter and more brilliant than him (jealousy and envy). The task of this life is to break free from the power of your ego, learn to give love, become generous, learn self-sacrifice, be open and honest, strive for modesty. Otherwise, life can turn into a meaningless theater, a vanity fair.

Lilith in Virgo

If your date of birth was during:

April 14, 1935 – January 8, 1936
February 17
November 13, 1944
December 24, 1952
September 18, 1953
October 29, 1961
July 15, 1962
September 3, 1970
May 30, 1971
July 10, 1979
April 5, 1980
May 15, 1988
February 8, 1989
20th of March
– December 14, 1997

This position of Lilith is associated with duty and service. Karmic indicators: in the previous incarnation a person was overly pragmatic, petty, logic won over feelings. This is Thomas the unbeliever, who needs proof of even divine phenomena. In real life, a person can either avoid any work altogether, or become a slave to it, a workaholic for whom nothing matters except his work. The Black Moon also indicates pedantry, criticism, the karma of a truth-seeker, a know-it-all, and sometimes an informer and an unprincipled careerist. Also characteristic is a desire for sterile cleanliness or total sloppiness.
In this life, it is important to achieve order at the level of thoughts, body and feelings. We must strive not to delegate our problems to others, but to solve them ourselves. Learn forgiveness, understanding, generosity.

Lilith in Libra

If your date of birth was during:

January 8 - October 4, 1936
November 14, 1944
August 8, 1945
September 18, 1953
June 14, 1954
July 16, 1962
April 19, 1963
May 30, 1971
February 23, 1972
5th of April
December 29, 1980
February 8
November 3, 1989
December 14, 1997
– September 9, 1998

The main problem of people with this position of the Black Moon is the lack of peace, harmony and balance. In a past life, such a person could consciously or unconsciously become a traitor: stand on the sidelines, hesitate when making a decision when it was necessary to act to save someone or something. Because of his indecisiveness, he could betray his loved ones or have problems with the law. The symbol of this situation is a judge who makes a wrong verdict and thereby ruins someone’s fate. A classic example from literature is Katyusha Maslova. In this life it is necessary to avoid formalism and dogmatism. Clearly realize that in addition to the letter of the law, there is also the highest justice. The karmic task is to seek the truth and follow it. Otherwise, you yourself may face unfair accusations, betrayal, hypocrisy and sycophancy.

Lilith in Scorpio

If your date of birth was during:

October 5, 1936 – June 29, 1937
August 1, 1945
May 5, 1946
June 14, 1954
March 10, 1955
April 20, 1963
January 13, 1964
February 23
November 19, 1972
December 29, 1980
September 24, 1981
November 4, 1989
August 2, 1990
September 10, 1998
– June 5, 1999
A person with this position of the Black Moon lives by passions and emotions. Scorpio corresponds to the eighth house - the house of death, the occult, sex. Karmic debts are usually associated with black magic, sexual perversion, and aggression. In this life you must avoid dangerous situations and professions (military, stuntmen, firefighters, etc.), under no circumstances come into contact with crime, avoid everything related to mysticism and esotericism. You should not engage in psychoanalysis - it can plunge you into the abyss of your dark self. “Go to the bright side” - this applies to your home (it should be light and sunny; dark, gloomy houses are contraindicated for you), and the choice of color in clothes (black, brown colors are prohibited). You need to learn to enjoy life, perceive the world as it is, find harmony and beauty in simple everyday things.

Lilith in Sagittarius

If your date of birth was during:

June 30, 1937 – March 26, 1938
May 5, 1946
January 29, 1947
10th of March
December 4, 1955
January 14
October 20, 1964
November 20, 1972
August 14, 1973
September 24, 1981
June 20, 1982
August 3, 1990
April 30, 1991
June 6, 1999
– March 3, 2000

Karmic problems are associated with religion and spiritual quests. This position of the Black Moon speaks either of an overly materialistic nature, devoid of any faith, or of a person who has made faith the meaning of his life. These are the fathers of the Inquisition, who burned dissenters at the stake, and the crusaders, who spread Christianity with fire and sword; on the other hand, these are atheists who destroy churches. This is also an aspect of prophets and false prophets. But since Sagittarius also patronizes travelers, this situation is typical for those whose element was robbery and robbery - from pirates to noble Robin Hoods.
In this life, a person must get rid of false authorities, understand the meaning of true respect and follow the covenant “Do not make for yourself an idol.” It is necessary to get rid of the “inner despot” and learn respect and tolerance.

Lilith in Capricorn

If your date of birth was during:

March 27 – December 20, 1938
January 30
October 25, 1947
December 5, 1955
September 1, 1956
October 20, 1964
July 5, 1965
August 15, 1973
May 12, 1974
June 20, 1982
March 16, 1983
May 1, 1991
January 21, 1992
March, 3rd
– November 27, 2000

A characteristic indicator of this position of the Black Moon is a tendency towards melancholy and depression. This is where the energy of Saturn comes into play - the planet of limitation, inertia, cold, old age, loneliness and solitude. Such a person exaggerates his illnesses, often thinks about death, and ages before his time. He is characterized by pessimism, fatalism and extreme frugality, a tendency to relive his failures for a long time - to “saw sawdust.” He is vindictive and remembers grievances for many years. His house is gradually turning into a cemetery of unnecessary things.
There is a wonderful English proverb, teach me to laugh, save my soul - “he who laughs is saved.” And this is the main task of a person with Lilith in Capricorn - to learn to joke, forgive and laugh. Be optimistic and look into tomorrow with delight, not fear.

Lilith in Aquarius

If your date of birth was during:

December 20, 1938 – September 15, 1939
October 26, 1947
July 23, 1948
September 1, 1956
May 27, 1957
July 6, 1965
April 1, 1966
May 12, 1974
February 4, 1975
March 17
December 12, 1983
January 22
October 17, 1992
November 28, 2000
– August 22, 2001

The karmic aspect associated with a misunderstanding of the word “freedom”. In a past life, such a person could lead a too free lifestyle, trampling generally accepted norms, or be a strangler of freedoms for others. This aspect is also associated with friends and friendship, and in real life it can result in inharmonious relationships - either complete dependence on others, or too free treatment of friends, or their complete absence. Uranian programs are also expressed in the implementation of the karma of a rebel, revolutionary or scientific genius. You can be far ahead of your time and become the laughing stock of the crowd or deny any scientific progress.
In this life, it is important to develop an adequate attitude towards freedom, not to betray or exceed what is permissible. Choose your friends carefully. Also, be somewhat wary of virtual reality, which can become a substitute for the real world.

Lilith in Pisces

If your date of birth was during:

November 10, 1930 – August 6, 1931
September 16, 1939
June 12, 1940
May 27, 1957
February 20, 1958
April 1
December 27, 1966
February 5th
October 31, 1975
December 12, 1983
September 7, 1984
October 18, 1992
July 13, 1993
August 23, 2001
– May 17, 2002

Aspect of mystics, saints and sinners. It concerns everything related to the soul and spirituality. Such people are prone to sacrifice, but often become victims themselves. Otherwise, they are eternal whiners and crybabies, forcing others to deal with their problems, while things are going quite well for them. But these can also be classic “vests” and “magic wands” who work for free as psychoanalysts and good offices for their many acquaintances. But among people with this position of the Black Moon there are individuals who float thoughtlessly through life, equally indifferent to good and evil.
In this life, you should use the energy of Pisces correctly - compassion, helpfulness and mercy. But all this should not take exaggerated forms. Be careful with alcohol, smoking, narcotic substances, excessive consumption of drugs.

The Black Moon or Lilith speaks about the moral and ethical problems of a person, about the amount of his bad deeds that are associated with past incarnations, where and in what way a person’s protection from Evil is weak, where he can slip, how a person must pay karmic debts and for what he will punished.
Lilith is associated with the Moon and shows dark hidden states that can become apparent, and a person, knowing his temptations from the Black Moon, must consciously avoid them.

All information related to Lilith enhances the fatality of the horoscope and events in people's lives. Through the Black Moon, rock manifests itself as compliance with the Dark Principle.

Psychologically, it determines a person’s bad inclinations and, having a circulation cycle of nine years, is especially intensified in years that are multiples of nine: at nine years, eighteen years, twenty-seven, thirty-six, forty-five, fifty-four, sixty-three, seventy-two, eighty-one. These are all years of awareness, years of special control, when you can slide down, years of special temptation.

By the age of 63, a person is obliged to make a final choice between Good and Evil.

Lilith determines the extent of evil that a person can commit in this life, shows the lowest path that a person can descend and go through in life. However, this total indicator of our secret sins and complexes can be changed by our conscious and independent development.

Manifestations of the Black Moon in life events are periods in our lives when unhealthy impulses manifest themselves in us, when we commit unmotivated actions, when we become susceptible to seduction. A time of eclipse of reason, when a person does not know what he is doing.

In counterbalance to the influence of the Black Moon, a person must develop self-defense.

It is important to pay attention to the element in which Lilith is located in the horoscope. This element is dangerous for humans.

Depending on the level of human development, the ability to control oneself and the degree of self-awareness, there are three levels of manifestation of the Black Moon. How it will manifest itself depends on the spiritual development of a person, on his work on himself.

FIRST LEVEL - a person receives pleasure and satisfaction from his dark actions, and receives nourishment and support from Lilith. According to the sign and house of Lilith in the horoscope, one can see where a person is drawn, his vicious attractions. By the strength and position of Lilith, one can tell how great the danger of a fall is, in what form it is possible, and the very degree of the fall. This is the active level. Passion stronger than will and reason, may even contradict the program of life.

Since Lilith in the Sign is given for certain deeds in past lives, the Zodiac sign will show in what form Black Karma has accumulated. A person is drawn to the same place and the worst way is to succumb to all temptations and repeat the same thing in this life

SECOND LEVEL - a person himself does not follow the path of temptation. already realizes that this is a sin, that he is being seduced by the Devil and refuses to move along the path of Lilith, at her call. This is the path of repentance and redemption, i.e. a person must be punished for everything he has done, and he receives punishment in the same form in which he sinned. Here a person must repent, i.e. to extinguish the processes that he set in motion in a past life. As punishment, a person attracts all kinds of evil spirits to himself in accordance with his dark Karma.

Accidents line up in a certain system, irreversible, fatal situations develop. The ancients believed that this path was better, since it was possible to work out karma and, having suffered, leave the circle of incarnations.

There is also a borderline level between these two - and such people are usually fatalists.

THIRD LEVEL - makes it possible to see evil and not fall into the abyss, to have a clear idea of ​​what is objectively bad. A person has already paid off his karmic debt, gone through everything, and he already has a clear division of Evil and Good. Immunity to the temptations of Evil is acquired, and evil is rejected from such people. A person immediately distinguishes situations corresponding to Evil, and thanks to this, these situations are repelled from him. Such rejection and repulsion of Evil requires developed self-awareness and independent thinking of a person. That is, a person has worked out his sins.

On Earth, a person can be born with the first or second level of manifestation of the Black Moon. It is believed that if a person died repentant, then in the next incarnation he will be born with the second level of the Black Moon. You can be born with the first level of manifestation of Lilith and already in this life abandon the path of Evil and move to the second level. When a person changes, the Black Moon stops influencing him at the first level and moves to the second, and the person begins to receive retribution for all his dark deeds. When he atones for his guilt and is internally transformed, he can move to the third level. As far as is known, people are not born with the third level, although a person can move from the second level to the third very early, even in childhood. If you have a weak Lilith, it means that you have already worked on yourself in past lives, and during one life you can go through all three levels. The speed of transition depends on the intensity of a person’s spiritual work. The same is true with repentance, that is, in what form you will atone for your guilt also depends on your spiritual level. The higher your spiritual level, and the harder you work on yourself, the more compressed your time is and the faster the transition from one level to another occurs. These things do not follow from the cosmogram and horoscope; they belong to the sphere of free will. And even when you reach the third level, you must always remember that the temptation still remains. If you weaken introspection and spiritual work, then the Black Moon may begin to manifest itself again, but only in more subtle spheres and forms. That is, there is always a danger of moving from the third level back to the first, as soon as you weaken your attention and work on yourself. Therefore, a person always needs to be extremely careful regarding problems associated with the Black Moon. They cannot be worked out once and for all so that they do not manifest themselves on an unconscious level, without control, mechanically. Constant self-observation is imperative, it is necessary to constantly keep them in the field of consciousness. Of course, it cannot be said that at the third level the Black Moon is a “temptation”; it is rather an indicator; a person immediately sees potential Evil that has not yet manifested itself in the form and in those areas of life that correspond to the zodiac sign where the person has the Black Moon .

Lilith also shows what our enemies will be.

On a consciously chosen Light path, if immunity to temptations and vices has already been developed, instructions are given through Lilith about what still needs to be worked out.

Using a horoscope, you can determine which path is easier to follow, but you cannot determine which path a person will actually take. With a prosperous horoscope, the manifestations of Lilith are less noticeable.


Lilith is in the abode of Mars and Pluto, in the sign of exaltation of the Sun, in the element of fire.

She is very strong here. In past incarnations, the karma of a killer was accumulated, a warrior who killed beyond the performance of his military duty, looted, and enjoyed violence. With a weak Black Moon, there may simply be a tendency towards rudeness and rudeness.

At the first level in this life, one again has the urge to be rude, use force, and kill. Following these desires pushes you onto the harmful path of worsening Karma and does not provide redemption.

At the second level of Lilith’s manifestation in this life there is no conscious “evil creativity”.

Circumstances punish for what was done in the past - in any case, a lot of obstacles arise, rudeness, rudeness from others, a desire to interfere, and attempts at beating are possible.

Fears, obsessions, fear of being killed may appear, cowardice appears, and a morbid attraction to sharp objects, fire, and firearms.

If you respond to rudeness with rudeness, you can attract open enemies, even murderers, while remaining defenseless, since the previous sign - Pisces - has a water element.

You should avoid activity, pressure, increased physical dynamics, impetuosity, and do not come into contact with cold and firearms, fire, sharp objects.

Commandment: do not kill, do not be rude, develop fearlessness.

At the third level, it is possible to immediately distinguish between murderers and rapists, and to see situations where Evil can manifest itself in the form of violence. It turns out that such situations pass by and do not affect the person.


In exile with Mars and Pluto, in the abode of Venus and Chiron, in the sign of exaltation of the Moon, in the element of Earth. The standing is weakened. Acquired dark karma is associated with greed, possessiveness, hoarding, feeding at the expense of others, and vampirism.

According to the first level of manifestation of Lilith, one observes greed, misery, stinginess, jealousy, that is, possessiveness in love, repetition of previous vices. Money, no matter how it is acquired, will turn to dust, since this money is from the devil. Accumulations do not bring any benefit, disappear.
In the worst case, Lilith gives you the opportunity to feed yourself at someone else’s expense, materially and energetically, and live from it.

At the second level, punishments for sins come in the form of constant financial difficulties, debts, loss of savings, and fear of hunger. Efforts to provide for oneself in old age for fear of being sick or abandoned do not bring any benefit; savings are lost or wasted. In the worst case, there may be a lack of digestion of food at a purely physiological level. Loss of health occurs (Taurus is associated with health).
The Black Moon here is associated with deprivation of energy. Redemption can be illnesses or weakened energy. But you need to know that not every illness or suffering can be atonement, a way to pay for sins.
There is a danger of falling into an earthquake zone and being covered with earth.

Commandment: do not hoard, do not be greedy, do not be jealous.

At the third level, liberation is given from all types of material dependence, financial matters are resolved as if by themselves, but this does not mean that there will be a lot of money - as much as is necessary for life and development, so much will come. There is no thirst for accumulation, no fear of poverty, old age or illness if humility and understanding are developed that everything comes and goes according to the will of God.


Lilith is in the monastery of Mercury and Proserpina, in the sign of exaltation of Proserpina, in the element of air.
Dark karma is associated with theft, denunciations, deception, slander, gossip, and fraud.
In this life, you should avoid deception, theft, kleptomania, watch your speech, do not say too much, do not harm with words, do not gossip and do not slander.

According to the first level, a person enjoys deception, theft, gossip, slander, various distortions of information, fraud, and enmity with close relatives and neighbors.

At the second level, punishment and atonement are bullying from brothers and sisters, relatives, and neighbors. Deceptions, slander, intrigues due to envy haunt a person. An Oedipus complex may develop. An indicator of the correctness of the Path and spiritual growth is the absence of bitterness and forgiveness of the guilty.
The threat from the elements is the danger of suffocation, or a plane crash, as well as gas poisoning.

Commandment: do not repay evil for evil, gossip for gossip, deception for deception, etc.

When you move to the third level, such situations begin to push away from you. You can immediately spot scammers, gossips, and deceivers. It is impossible to deceive you, you see the deception. If someone tries to spread gossip or rumors about you, then no one believes them, it does not stick to you.


Lilith in Cancer is in the abode of the Moon, in the sign of exaltation of Jupiter and Selena.

This is a very difficult situation, because in past lives some crime was committed against the family or traditions, perhaps betrayal or desecration, insult to parents. Therefore, there may be a generational curse - “Ancestral Karma”. A curse can be implemented through heredity, through genetic information.

On the second level or on the “middle” path, walls press on a person own home, family members and household members strike. Misfortunes can come through parents, parents are enemies, they bully. This can lead to vagrancy, homelessness, and therefore uncertainty and suspiciousness. And sometimes fears, persecution mania, aggravated Oedipus complex, homosexuality. All vicious attractions must be burned out with a hot iron, we must get to the roots, the origins and causes of such states, clean it all out, then the sins will be worked out.

Sometimes a person again experiences a generational curse, but this must be perceived as atonement for the sins of a past life. Possible bad relationships with one’s family, non-recognition in the homeland, bullying.
This is one of the indicators of forced emigration, when a person is thrown out of his home, his native country. Here a person must go through this and not become embittered, such is his price in life.
Fear of drowning or fear of poisoning may develop. There are indeed dangers from water, ranging from periodic floods in the house to poisoning by liquids and drowning.

Commandment: return to basics, be more part of the family, honor and respect your elders.

When you move to the third level, you are given a vision of situations related to pollution and desecration of traditions; you can immediately distinguish traitors and desecrators of traditions. There is extreme attentiveness to one’s relationships with parents, with the Motherland, with occult sources.
There appears a desire to choose pure sources of traditions, the ability to distinguish defiled teachings from pure occult traditions, and a sense of these differences


The Black Moon is in the abode of the Sun, in the sign of exaltation of Pluto, in the fire element.

The cases recorded in the dark karma counter related to the following: in a past life, the measure of power was exceeded, a person could be an egocentric, a poser, could corrupt others with vicious creativity, torment his loved ones, seduce or torment children, could be a child killer.

At the first level, parvenus, upstarts, and impostors appear. He is drawn to creating vulgar, corrupting works. Repeating previous mistakes, a person may experience a vicious attraction to children, an upstart complex, unsatisfied vanity, and envy of everyone who is talented.

When Uranus is strong, gambling attracts.
In most cases, this gives life as a closed system without feedback.

At the second level of Lilith’s manifestation, following the path of redemption, a person himself experiences suffering from strong, powerful people, insidious and vengeful opponents. Upstarts with unsatisfied vanity will envy you and bully you out of envy, especially if you are a talented and creative person. This situation gives rise to unhappy love, this is retribution for the fact that in a past life you hurt your loved ones. Big problems with children are possible: children do not accept, they cause harm.
You have to take the blows from your opponents, you shouldn’t be upset because of unhappy love, you need to raise your children, give everything to them and not expect gratitude, since they did a lot of bad things in a past life.

The threat from the element of Fire is the danger of fire, weapons, sunstroke, strokes.

Commandment: do not climb into power, do not strive for fame, give everything to your children and do not expect gratitude.

At the third level, with high awareness and spiritual work, life situations are somewhat normalized - relationships with children are leveled out, the desire to get out and be in the center of attention disappears. You begin to closely monitor your life position in relation to people and power. Situations involving abuse of power are not provoked, there is no reason to commit violence against loved ones or children. These situations just pass by.

At the third level, you immediately distinguish people who are vicious creators or child killers.


Lilith is in exile along with Jupiter and Neptune, in the abode of Mercury and Proserpina, in the sign of exaltation of Mercury, in the element of Earth.

Position associated with the desecration of Purity, the “fallen” Virgo. Past sins - sycophancy, servility, bureaucracy, freeloading, petty tyranny of dependent people, perhaps there was a violation of the Hippocratic oath, or the doctor left the patient without help in the past incarnation.

On the first level in this life, such people are distinguished by serviceism, careerism, lackeyism and lackey psychology. In their value system, intelligence and information are above all, and behind this the human element is lost. Friends and surroundings are selected below their level.

At the second level, on the middle path, your bosses will harass you, pile on you with a lot of small tasks and hard, tedious work. They will also scold you for this, no one respects you, they constantly emphasize your stupidity and incompetence, rub you off, point out your low rank, and catch you in small things. Lots of small obstacles.
Every nine years all sorts of scum piles up. May be poor health, diseases, and you always come across unscrupulous and unqualified doctors who bring misfortune.
You should be wary of suspicion about your health. Avoid penny-pinching. Don't be afraid that someone might be smarter. Avoid pedants, those who like to “teach life.”
A senseless waste of money, inevitable in this position of Lilith, is the repayment of karmic debts.
Potential enemies: these are colleagues, doctors. The threat from the elements is the danger from earthquakes, subways.

Commandment: work, be patient, do not become embittered, bear your cross, do your duty, care for the sick.

At the third level, with high self-control, all these vicious situations begin to push away from you. You see and distinguish bureaucrats, lackeys, unscrupulous people, charlatan doctors, people who violate their duty.
Immunity is created against this, and you do not fall into the space of these situations.


Lilith is in the abode of Venus and Chiron, in the sign of exaltation of Saturn, in the element of Air.

The dark karma you collected in past lives is associated with violations of justice, or the fight against justice. Perhaps you were an unjust judge, a traitor, violated contractual obligations to partners, or were a pimp, a traitor, a gigolo, an intriguer.

At the first level of self-awareness, this is the same traitor, scoundrel, seducer, clingy, double-dealer, intriguer. His lot in this life is litigiousness, unreliability, squabbles, eternal showdowns, pitting everyone against each other in everything, dark secret affairs. Usually there is no personal opinion. Constant hesitation, using other people for selfish purposes, and at the same time advocating for justice - all this only aggravates karma.

At the second level and the path of redemption, you can be dragged through the courts, you can be imprisoned innocently. Poor relationships with partners, which can become a source of unhappiness. Because you have been unfaithful in the past, your husband or wife will cheat on you. Exposures and dirty stories threaten during marital cohabitation. Surrounded by vile and unreliable people, often haunted by an abundance of meaningless papers.
Tensions with the law, legal problems, many difficult situations, false accusations. They may steal often. A bad marriage, the marriage partner may inform, try to pin down or imprison. Big problems with society, under no circumstances should you get involved in social activities, avoid noise and publicity. We must be wary of work-related injuries, electricity, air travel, this is a threat from the elements. There is a danger of going to jail.

Commandment: be fair to other people, improve family relationships, do not intrigue, do not judge people.

At the third level, if you are constantly very attentive to justice and do not break your word, then you will see unreliable people and situations, and there will be no clashes with the law. Family relationships are stabilizing. Here you need to work a lot on yourself and carefully monitor - justice is a delicate matter and if there is a violation, you can move from the third level to the first, but in a more sophisticated form.
In this situation, you cannot calm down, as it is very easy to break down.


Lilith is in the daytime abode of Pluto and Mars, in the sign of exaltation of Uranus, in the element of Water.

This is a very strong position for Lilith. It says that in a past life you went through all the vices - there is nowhere to try. This was a man who crossed all boundaries, believed that everything was allowed to him, hated everyone, took revenge on everyone, seduced everyone. This could be a black magician who abused his knowledge, deliberately using Cosmic Law to cause harm, for black purposes.

On the first level, when man walking by itself the low way, and Lilith in Scorpio gives the most powerful temptations, then a person becomes a sexual maniac, a sadist, a criminal, a mafioso.
Such a life is universal hatred and universal revenge. Such people have a very strong craving for black magic.

At the second level, when a person follows the middle path and pays off debts, he is haunted by the fear of death and the desire to commit suicide. A person becomes an object of hatred and revenge. Criminals, rapists, and sexual maniacs are attracted. Both women and men are at risk of rape. Life in constant fear. There is a danger of falling under the rule of the mafia or becoming a victim of black magic.
With this position of Lilith, people are characterized by constant vigilance.
In life, a fatal passion or love threatens, leading to fatal consequences.
A partner leads to death, for men it is a meeting with a “fatal” woman, for a woman vice in any form is very attractive. To avoid all dangers, she needs to have magical protection and learn how to do it.
These people are often forced to have low surroundings. There are blackmailers around, harassing them for a long time and secretly, a lot of crazy people. The danger comes from criminals, robbers, rapists. There is a threat of explosions; you cannot work as a sapper, especially with evil Uranus. There is a danger of drowning.
Children under 9 years old, that is, before the first return of Lilith to her place in the horoscope, need to be taught the concepts of Good and Evil and the necessary information about safety, about what they may encounter. Otherwise they will absorb vice like a sponge. Monstrous stories can happen to children, like retribution for a past life.

Commandment: purify yourself, be reborn, remove the stigma.

At the third level of development, you immediately see maniacs, rapists and perverts, sadists, black magicians. You know how to distance yourself from them. Avoid situations of violence and seduction, do not attract black magic influence.


Lilith is in the abode of Jupiter and Neptune, in the sign of exaltation of Chiron, in the element of Fire.

The Dark Karma counter in this position indicates the following mistakes in a past life: a person could be a false teacher, a false prophet, a major adventurer, an impostor teacher, could instill an ideology of vice, or undermine ideological foundations. All this is connected with the corruption of souls.

On the first, lowest level spiritual awareness, the same trends continue - you can strive for fame, honors, positions, power at any cost. This position is also associated with pouting and swaggering.
In this state, you can easily succumb to ideological seduction and confuse others. There is a tendency to attribute one's shortcomings to others, but always consider oneself to be right. This includes contempt for everyone, suppression and misplaced ambitions. This is a pop figure, an impostor teacher, and a runaway student of an esoteric school who has appropriated the merits of others.

At the second level, when purification and redemption occurs, you can suffer from false teachers and get lost in ideological deceptions. It is tense with questions of religion, Hamlet’s questions constantly arise, constant and fundamental hesitations torment, and confusion in contradictions interferes.
It is difficult to gain authority for yourself, no one listens to you, everyone despises you. Fate beckons a person with something, and then takes everything away. Man is doomed to long, difficult roads and vagrancy.
With such a position of Lilith in the horoscope, it is better not to delve into the sphere of ideology, but one must be a student, a novice. The craving for long trips, foreigners, out-of-towners, and adventurers should be avoided.
Don't get involved in adventures. We must try to be a mediator, a guide, and not a carrier of ideas.
Usually these are people who are rejected by the official ideology. In relation to the elements defiled by Lilith, there is a danger from fire.

Commandment: do not teach, do not mentor, reach for religion, do not wander.

At the third level, when you have worked through all this, you instantly see false teachers, careerists, ambitious people, and strive to avoid an authoritarian position
Such a person will try not to speak, but to remain silent, watch his thoughts, and not get involved in ideology. Such a person has developed humility.


Lilith is in exaltation along with Mars in the abode of Saturn and Uranus, in the element of Earth.

One of the most powerful and insidious positions.
In a past life, a person committed difficult deeds associated with despotism, oppression of people, was a fascist, sacrificed everyone to himself, walked towards the goal, not disdaining anything, trampling on everything sacred. Such standing is associated with cynicism, merciless torment, and deceit in achieving the goal.

At the first level, when there is still no desire for Good, and a person follows the path of Evil, he repeats all the mistakes of the past - he abuses petty power, makes everyone scapegoats for his own atrocities, suppresses and considers them nonentities. At this stage, it can be very difficult to discern the true essence of such a person: with internal coldness, outwardly these people are very affectionate, seductive and it is completely unclear what they can do in the next moment. Deep down, this man mocks everyone.
They are characterized by cruelty, cold cynicism, prudence, criminality of plans with external restraint and secrecy. Possible father complex.
They are very cunning in achieving their goals, since the earthly element of Capricorn gives perseverance and perseverance.

At the second level, on the middle path, experiencing punishment for your sins, you yourself sometimes turn into a “scapegoat” - the crimes of others, the sins of an entire people, can be blamed on you and sacrificed. Sometimes you yourself can voluntarily take on someone else's guilt.
Often such people attract criminals and can become victims of bullying and slander.
Perhaps this position of Lilith is realized in the image of a cruel boss.
Lilith will also manifest itself in situations in which you are used as a thing, as a mechanism, mocked, despised, considered a nonentity. The threat from the elements of the Earth in event manifestations is the danger of falling from a height, landslides, transport, subway. Evil comes from bosses, even small ones.

Commandment: accept the role of an innocent victim, maintain your dignity, go towards the goal, choosing your means carefully.

At the third level, following the Light Path, you already clearly distinguish between fascists, rapists, despots, and know how to get out of such situations. Somehow it turns out that if someone wanted to blame you, nothing will come of it. Bosses also cannot make life difficult; somehow they fail to touch or offend you. That is, not only does a vision of people come who carry exactly this Evil and you yourself know how to get out of these situations, but life somehow develops in such a way that such troubles bypass you.
All this, of course, is the unity of external and internal, that is, by working through the Black Moon within yourself, you avoid such situations, and they themselves repel you.
A person living according to a high program will most carefully monitor and determine whether he has chosen sufficiently worthy means to achieve the goal, whether the means he has chosen can cause at least some desecration of the goal.


Lilith is in the monastery of Uranus and Saturn, in the sign of exaltation of Neptune, in the element of Air.

Past dark karma was acquired by a person through violation of freedom. In a past life, a person deprived others of freedom - in order to achieve his own freedom, he loved it too much and achieved it by any means, using it to harm others. He destroyed their prospects for development, broke their faith, undermined the spiritual foundation in people, and this is worse than blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - one of the most negative manifestations Black Moon.
Perhaps you were an anarchist, a sharper, a destroyer of other people's plans, a desecrator of sacred things, a Herostratus.

According to the first level of development, following the path of Evil, you again allow sacrilege, take pleasure in destruction, and laugh at holy things. These are cynics, detractors, incestuous people, traitors. There is a repetition of previous mistakes, there is no awareness, no work on oneself, no desire to become better and cleaner.

At the second level of Lilith’s manifestation, if you have taken the path of redemption and punishment, that is, working through the Black Moon, you will be betrayed, deprived of your freedom, and may be put in prison.
All plans are destroyed, everything comes at the wrong time, you are deprived of development prospects, they don’t care about you. They destroy faith and deceive. Boredom and constant loneliness overcome. It is often impossible to distinguish between good and evil. Having conquered Evil in small things, a person is deluded by the idea that he has completely defeated Evil, and, scattered about the little things, forgets about the big things. For such people, there is nothing stable at all - as soon as something stabilizes, it immediately begins to collapse.
Seduction by freedom, lack of initiative, and, consequently, a disregard for people.
You should be wary of deceivers and speculators; you should not borrow or lend. Evil comes from unreliable people. Hazard - danger from electricity and drugs.

Commandment: do not mix good and evil, do not hibernate, do not make long-term plans.

At the third level, when you reach a high spiritual level of development, with constant self-control, you get rid of situations associated with unreliability, deprivation of freedom, and bad adventurism on the external and internal plane. On the one hand, you recognize such people, on the other, you acquire magical protection from Evil.
Here, increased attention should be directed to non-betrayal, support of friends, correct use the freedom you have been given to separate Good and Evil.


Lilith is in the abode of Neptune and Jupiter, in the sign of exaltation of Venus, in the element of Water.

As in all Water signs, Lilith manifests itself especially strongly in Pisces. It is associated with temptation, subtle intoxication, abuse of authority through spiritualism, and access to subtle planes.

Dark karma is defined as follows: in a past life a person could have been a spy, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a criminal, a violator of commandments, a black magician, or a secret killer.

At the first level, when a person unconsciously or consciously chooses Evil, he becomes a coward, a spy, a traitor, a drug addict, a black magician, and an abuser of hypnosis.

On a low path of development, such people are subject to suggestions, illusions, all bad habits and vices, fears, madness, and drugs.

At the second level, on the path of redemption of Karma, you are secretly taking revenge, or you may have hard work in secret organizations. People with unstable mental health have nightmares in their sleep and the possibility of schizophrenia.

This position also predisposes to damage, the evil eye, memory loss, and there may be hallucinations.

This is a pitiful, helpless man floating at the mercy of the waves.

One should beware of a vicious society, secret and hidden enemies who come in the guise of friends, as well as revenge and hypnosis. Danger comes from any liquids - in the form of drowning, poisoning and alcoholism.

There is a danger of the influence of black magic. Characterized by sleepwalking and hallucinations.

At the third level, after working through one’s vices and painful habits, which are best overcome in solitude, immunity from black magicians and seducers arises.

Situations related to secret societies, secret organizations, black occultism are distinguished and avoided.