The common piranha (lat. Pygocentrus nattereri, as well as Natterer's piranha, red-bellied piranha, red piranha) is a fish that already has its own history, because it has been kept in aquariums for more than 60 years. This is the most common type of piranha and is widely found in nature, especially in the Amazon and Orinoco.

The red-bellied piranha looks luxurious when it becomes sexually mature. Its back is steel-colored, the rest of its body is silver, and its belly, throat, and anal fin are bright red. This is one of the largest piranhas, reaching up to 33 cm, although in an aquarium it is usually smaller. In nature, they live in packs of 20 or more individuals, thus making it easier for them to hunt without becoming victims themselves. The red piranha is considered the most ferocious of all piranha species found in nature.

Although it is not picky about feeding and is quite hardy, it is recommended only for experienced aquarists to keep it. It's really predatory fish with very sharp teeth. Most of the bites of aquarists happened due to negligence, but still it is better not to stick your hands into the aquarium again. In addition, it is very demanding on water quality.

Piranhas aquarium fish predatory and certainly not suitable for the role in community aquarium. They can live alone in an aquarium, but it is better to keep them in a flock. However, even in a formed group, cases of aggression and cannibalism are not uncommon. As a rule, the largest and most dominant fish leads the school. She takes best places and the first one eats. Any attempts to challenge the current state of affairs end in a fight or even injury to the opponent. You can try the content with others large species from those related to her, for example, with, while he is a teenager.
An aquarium of 150 liters is enough for one piranha, but a larger one is needed for a flock. They eat a lot and greedily, leaving behind a lot of waste, and a powerful external filter is needed.

The common predatory piranha or Natterer's piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri formerly, Serrasalmus nattereri and Rooseveltiella nattereri) was first described in 1858 by Kner. There is a huge amount of controversy over the scientific name of piranha, and it is possible that it will still change, but in this moment We settled on P. nattereri.
Piranha is found throughout South America: Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Uruguay. Lives in the Amazon, Orinoco, Parana and countless other small rivers.

Lives in rivers, tributaries, small rivulets. Also in large lakes, ponds, flooded forests and plains. They hunt in packs of 20 to 30 individuals. They feed on everything they can eat: fish, snails, plants, invertebrates, amphibians.


Piranhas grow up to 33 cm in length, but this is in nature, and in an aquarium they are much smaller. The normal lifespan of a piranha is about 10 years, but cases have been recorded when they lived for more than 20.

The piranha has a powerful, dense, laterally compressed body. They are very easy to identify by their head with a massive lower jaw. Add a powerful tail and a body covered in scales, and you have the perfect portrait of a fast, active killer.

Mature piranhas are luxurious in their coloring. Body color can vary, but is generally steel or gray, the sides are silver, and the belly, throat and anal fin are bright red. Some also have a golden tint on the sides. Juvenile piranhas are paler, with a silvery color.

Difficulty in content

Piranha is unpretentious in food and is quite easy to keep in an aquarium. However, not recommended for inexperienced aquarists. They are predatory, they are large, even it is better to maintain the aquarium with caution; there have been cases when piranhas injured their owners, for example, during transplantation.


In nature, piranhas eat a very varied diet, or rather not even that - what they catch. As a rule, these are fish, shellfish, invertebrates, amphibians, fruits, and seeds. But, gathering in flocks of more than a hundred, they can also attack large animals, such as a heron or capybara. Despite their scary reputation, in nature piranhas are more likely to be scavengers and insect hunters. They show aggression during times of hunger, drought and large flocks, which are collected not for hunting, but for protection from predators. Only weakened and sick animals become prey for piranhas.

Aquarium piranhas eat protein foods - fish, fish fillets, frozen shrimp, squid meat, heart, earthworms and crawlers, sometimes even live mice. But it is not recommended to feed piranhas with mammalian meat, as it is poorly digested by fish and leads to obesity. Please note that there will be a lot of food leftovers after them, and when they rot, they can seriously poison the water.


The question of whether piranha can live with other species of fish is perhaps the most controversial. Some say that this is impossible, others successfully keep piranhas with very small fish. Most likely, it all depends on many factors: how big the aquarium is, how many plants, the number of piranhas, their nature, how densely they feed, and others. The easiest way to keep piranhas is with large species:,. The last two get along well with them, as they live in lower layers, and are protected by bone plates.
You can try other fish, but it depends on your luck. Some piranhas do not touch anyone for years, others...

Maintenance and care in the aquarium

The aquarium fish piranha lives in all layers of water. An aquarium with a volume of 150 liters can contain no more than one fish. Considering that it is recommended to keep piranhas in schools of 4 or more individuals, the volume for such a school is needed from 300 liters or more. Oddly enough, piranhas are quite shy, and in order for them to feel more comfortable, the aquarium needs places where they can hide. In this case, it is better to use driftwood or other decorative items, since piranha plants can be damaged.

The most important thing in keeping piranhas is always pure water. Check ammonia and nitrate levels weekly using tests, and change the water weekly as well.

It is important that the aquarium has a powerful external filter and regular water changes. This is all due to the fact that they are extremely wasteful while eating, and eat protein foods that quickly rot. The filter needs to be washed regularly, and this should be done more often than in other aquariums. The best way to understand when the time has come - these are, again, tests. Don't forget that when washing filter materials, you need to use water from the aquarium!

The most important (and fun!) thing about keeping piranhas is to observe. Watch your pets, study, understand, and after a while you will no longer need to be afraid for them. You will see all problems at the inception stage.

Sex differences

It is extremely difficult to distinguish females from males in piranhas. Visually, this can only be done through long-term observations of behavior, especially before spawning. Males at this time are most colored bright colors, and the female’s abdomen becomes rounder from the eggs.


First of all, the aquarium should be in a quiet place where no one will disturb the fish. Further, the fish must be compatible (a long-established school, with a developed hierarchy). For successful spawning, you need very clean water - a minimum of ammonia and nitrates, pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 28 C, and a large aquarium in which the couple can distinguish their own territory.

A pair ready for spawning chooses a spawning site, which it aggressively guards. The piranhas' coloration darkens and they begin to build a nest on the bottom, uprooting plants and moving rocks. Here the female will mark the eggs, which the male will quickly fertilize. After spawning, the male will guard the eggs and attack anyone who approaches it.

The eggs are orange in color and will hatch in 2-3 days. The larva will feed from the yolk sac for another couple of days, after which it will swim. From this moment the fry is placed in a nursery aquarium. Be careful, the male can even attack an object while protecting the fry.

Already as a fry, piranhas are very greedy for food. You need to feed them with Artemia naupilia for the first days, and then add flakes, bloodworms, daphnia, etc. The fry should be fed frequently, two to three times a day. The juveniles grow very quickly, reaching a centimeter within a month.

May 29, 2014 admin

The common piranha is called Pygocentrus nattereri in Latin. This fish is also called red piranha. Aquarists have been interested in them for quite some time. Therefore, we can say that the red piranha has its own history in this aspect. This species is the most common among other piranhas. A lot of them swim in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers.

When the fish grows up, it looks very attractive. She has a steel coloring on her back and the rest of her body is silver. And the throat and stomach are red. The anal fin of the fish has the same color. Among all piranhas, this is one of the largest representatives. In nature, it can grow up to 33 cm, but when aquarium maintenance they are smaller in size.

In nature, they gather in flocks of about 20 individuals. This allows them to hunt more efficiently and not be attacked by larger predators. The red-bellied piranha is the most ferocious of all.

It is unpretentious in food and can live in different conditions. But those who have some experience in this matter should start it in their aquarium. If you are not careful, it can bite hard. In addition, when maintaining them, it is necessary to maintain good quality water.

Since this fish is a ferocious predator, it is advisable not to let anyone move in with her. You can place one fish in the aquarium, but they will feel better in a school. And here it is important to note that even within a group they can show aggression. There are often cases of cannibalism. The largest piranha leads the pack. She is the first to start eating. If some piranha challenges its leadership, a fight may break out. They often hurt each other. They can only coexist with their own kind. For example, with such major representatives, like a black pacu, and then only in adolescence.

If you want to keep only one piranha, you can get by with an aquarium volume of 150 liters. But a school of piranhas needs a larger volume. It is very important that the filter is very powerful. Piranhas eat a lot and leave a lot of waste behind.

Habitat in nature

The first description of the red piranha dates back to 1858. Kner described them. Today there is a lot of debate about what scientific name assign to this fish. Now scientists have chosen Pygocentrus nattereri.

You can meet her throughout the territory South America. There is a lot of it in countries such as Brazil, Peru, Colombia. Great amount piranhas in the Amazon, Parana and many other rivers.

They also live in small rivers. They can also be found in a pond or lake. They gather in packs to hunt more efficiently. The flock consists of 20-30 individuals. In general, piranha eats everything that is suitable for it. These are both fish and plants.


In nature, it can have a length of about 32 cm. When kept in an aquarium, these fish are much smaller in size. On average they live 10 years. But there have been cases where representatives of the species lived much longer.

Their body is powerful, laterally flattened. You can recognize this fish by powerful jaw and tail.

Adults have very beautiful colors. Color may vary slightly. Most piranhas are steel-colored. The sides are cast in a silver color. The anal fin of this fish is red in color. Juveniles are not so bright, they are pale silver.

Content issues

This fish eats almost everything. When kept in an aquarium, no special problems arise. But before starting it, it’s better to practice on simpler fish. It is important to remember that piranha is quite large predator. Even when maintaining an aquarium, extreme care should be taken. When transplanting fish, you can get seriously injured.


In nature, these fish eat absolutely any food. They eat everything they catch. These include fish, various shellfish, and even amphibians. They can also eat plant foods - seeds, fruits. If they gather in a large flock, they will even attack large prey. Thanks to this, they have earned a reputation as cruel predators. But in nature, they most often feed on carrion and catch insects. They can show particular aggressiveness during drought, when it becomes difficult to get food. When gathering in flocks, they defend themselves very aggressively from attack.

The main food of piranhas is protein. They can be given frozen fish seafood, worms, they can eat a mouse. But you shouldn’t feed representatives of that species meat. This will cause obesity. It is important that the water is thoroughly cleaned as piranhas leave behind a lot of food residue.


Experts argue a lot about whether it is possible to add any other fish to the piranha. Some argue that this should absolutely not be done. Others even add small fish to them, which successfully live there. It all depends on the conditions. The volume of the aquarium, the amount of algae, the number and nature of the fish are important. You can add large fish to them, for example, singing catfish or black pacu.

If there great desire add some fish to the piranha, then you can try. They may not touch them at all, or they may dine on them right away.

If you plan to keep no more than one piranha, then you need to purchase a 150 liter aquarium. If you want them to live in a pack, then you need to buy at least 4 piranhas. To do this you will need a 300 liter aquarium. The larger it is, the better the fish will feel. It is important to provide them with places where they can hide. It's strange, but they are shy. The best shelter for them will be snags and caves.

It is necessary to change the water, use a filter, and control the nitrate content to ensure maximum water purity.

Protein food, the remains of which remain after each feeding of these fish, quickly deteriorates. This leads to water becoming polluted at a high rate. The filter requires more frequent cleaning than when keeping any other fish.

The most interesting thing about keeping fish of this species is observing them. When you study them, you will stop worrying about them. You will be able to identify any emerging problem in time.

Sex differences

In appearance they are practically no different. To understand what gender a piranha belongs to, you need to watch it for a long time. Before spawning, the male becomes brighter. The female's abdomen becomes fuller.


It is important that the aquarium is located in a quiet place where the piranhas will not be disturbed. In order for fish to be compatible with each other, they must belong to an established school. It is necessary that the water is clean and warm. The couple should have plenty of space so they can mark their territory.

First, the couple selects a place and jealously guards it. They acquire a darker color and begin to build a nest. The female lays eggs. The male fertilizes her and begins to protect her.

Caviar has Orange color. It begins to hatch within a few days. After another two days, the fry begin to swim out and need to be transplanted. The fry grow very rapidly and immediately begin to eat a lot.

Video: Red Bellied Piranha

Aquarium piranhas are popular due to the numerous rumors and myths that float around them. They became famous as bloodthirsty and cruel predators. Introduced in the middle of the last century from the Amazon and Orinoco. There are many less popular species, including herbivores.

In nature, pygocentrus nattereri grows up to 35 cm, in an aquarium up to 25 cm, and lives in large lakes, rivers, small ponds and flooded forests. It lives in flocks of 20–30 individuals; in nature, this tactic simplifies hunting. A group of piranhas can tear their prey to pieces. They attack more often in case of danger. There are species whose average size does not exceed 15 cm.


The body is long, laterally flattened. The jaw is convex, there are sharp large teeth. The tail is powerful. The body color is predominantly silver-gray with shimmering dots, and the belly is red. Juveniles are different from adults.

Difficult character

Piranha is dangerous to many other tankmates. Can severely bite an inattentive owner. When kept alone or in pairs in an aquarium, piranhas are shy, react to sudden movements and loud sounds. They feel more confident in a flock of 10 individuals. The group develops a hierarchy, with the dominant individual getting the best pieces of food. There are cases of cannibalism, when a weak and sick individual is eaten.


At home, piranhas live 10–15 years. A record number of 28 years was recorded for the red pacu.


The most popular species are the common piranha and the red-bellied piranha. The piranha family has 16 genera and almost 100 species.

Redfin mile

The color of myloplus rubripinnis is silver, the anal fin is bright red, and the tail is translucent. There are varieties with a reddish belly and red-gold spots on the body. In an aquarium it grows up to 15 cm, in nature - up to 25 cm.

Brown pacu

The average size of a pacu is 70 cm, the body is colored in dark, gray and brown tones. The teeth are square, reminiscent of human teeth. Schooling in this species is less pronounced. Suitable for single living.

Red pacu

This is a herbivorous species, also known as the red-bellied and red-breasted pacu, the two-toothed colossoma, and the vegetarian piranha. In aquarium the average size 60 cm. Peaceful and shy fish. It is possible to keep them with many species of comparable size or alone.


The silvery body is laterally compressed, with a greenish tint on the back. The gill covers have a red spot, the first rays of the fins are elongated and transparent. The tail is forked. The lower jaw is massive. Predatory view.


The body of the fish is elongated. The color of the scales is silver with a black border on the tail and red on the sides.

Natterer's piranha is named after an Australian scientist, known as "saikanga", and the Latin name is Pygocentrus nattereri, a synonym is Serrasalmus nattereri. The body is disc-shaped, reaches 35 cm in length. The color is bright, bluish, the abdomen and fins are bright red, and there is a wide blue stripe on the dark tail.

Lunar Metinnis

These piranhas tall body and light silver color, with a red spot on the gill covers. Herbivorous species. Grows up to 25 cm.

Metinnis silver

The piranha is known as the silver dollar because of its resemblance to a coin. Latin name metynnis argenteus ahl. The size of the silver metinnis is small - 10–15 cm. Males have a veil anal fin, females have a straight one.

Metinnis vulgaris

The abdomen of Metinnis is silvery-white with blue and greenish tints, the fins are transparent. The body is round, strongly flattened laterally. Grows up to 15 cm. Known as mirror fish.

Piranha is an expensive fish; most species require high-quality live food, expensive equipment and a huge aquarium. Not recommended for beginners.


Each individual accounts for at least 120 liters. Place a small group of 4 individuals in a 500-liter aquarium. A school of fish will require an aquarium gigantic size volume of thousands of liters.

Water parameters

Needs to be supported comfortable temperature in the aquarium and monitor the cleanliness of the water. The liquid should not be cold or too warm. The feeding method of predators implies rapid water pollution. Some aquarists change 30–50% of the liquid weekly, others change 10–15% of the total water volume.


IN natural conditions The piranha biotope is full of dense vegetation. Fish in an aquarium can damage plants. Place greens that don't require a lot of light:

  1. Java moss;
  2. ferns;
  3. Anubias;
  4. blue.


Provide plenty of hiding places to make timid predators feel comfortable. Leave room for free swimming. Piranhas love shelter in the form of:

  1. plants;
  2. caves;
  3. grottos;
  4. driftwood


Place sand or fine gravel at the bottom.

Siphon the soil at least once a week, thoroughly cleaning the entire bottom.


Equip your aquarium:

  1. Filter. Large capacity will require multiple devices. Give preference to an external filter.
  2. Compressor. The device will provide oxygen saturation of the water.
  3. Thermometer and heater. Monitor the temperature in the aquarium and maintain it at a level that is comfortable for your pets. In hot weather, a cooler or ice containers placed in water will help cool the water.


Choose moderate lighting that suits plants and fish. Too bright light causes stress for piranhas. To prevent the appearance of algae, select light in the blue and red spectrum, excluding yellow. Don't let it hit sunlight on the walls of the aquarium. Place the tank at least 1.5 meters from the window. Make sure that the lamp does not overheat the liquid.

What to feed

Feed the animals once a day. A portion of food should be eaten within a couple of minutes, then the piranha will not overeat, and the water will not be contaminated with uneaten food. Provide food commensurate with the jaws of the fish; the piranha ignores food that is too small. Piranhas differ greatly in the type of food they eat. However, occasionally predators need plant nutrition, just as vegetarians sometimes need variety in the form of live food.


Feed carnivorous piranha species:

  1. small aquarium fish;
  2. squid;
  3. shrimp;
  4. beef heart;
  5. baby frogs;
  6. little mice.

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Once a week, give predators a fasting day. Make sure that all the inhabitants of the aquarium are well-fed, because in case of malnutrition, mutual oppression or eating of other species will begin. Serve mammalian meat as a supplement to the diet, do not abuse it.


Unlike predatory species, herbivores take dry food. The basis of the diet are:

  1. zucchini;
  2. lettuce leaves;
  3. aquarium plants;
  4. spinach;
  5. nettle;
  6. cucumbers

Feed with tubifex and bloodworms. Animal feed should not exceed 20% of the diet.


Keep the big ones predatory piranhas in a species aquarium. Despite the aggressive nature, it is possible to live with large catfish such as plecostomus and pterygoplichthys. Small fish will become prey for piranhas. Mix herbivorous peaceful piranhas with comparable species, for example, representatives of the characin family, giant gouramis or shark barbs. Make sure that the water parameters are suitable for different fish.


Piranhas can be bred in an aquarium, but creating the necessary conditions difficult. The volume of the spawning aquarium starts from 200 liters. During the spawning period, it is necessary to monitor the purity of the water and the stability of parameters. Feed the future parents a high protein animal feed to prepare for spawning.

Sex differences

Sexual maturity occurs at 1.5 years. It is difficult to determine the sex of the fish. Closer to spawning, the males acquire an intense color, and the female’s abdomen becomes rounded from the eggs.


Piranhas take care of their young. The fish choose a place to lay eggs and carefully guard the eggs. Depending on the type and individual characteristics Females have 500–15,000 eggs in their clutch. Incubation period lasts 2–15 days. At this time, the male piranha may attack the female, so remove the female.


Hatched fry grow unevenly, sort the young by size and place larger and smaller piranhas. Starter food - Artemia nauplii, later feed:


Piranhas are hardy and rarely get sick. In poor conditions they are susceptible to:

  1. poisoning;
  2. oodiniumosis;
  3. ichthyophthyriasis;
  4. “cotton wool disease”;
  5. tuberculosis.

Against most diseases effective drugs can be purchased at a pet store. Before treating fish, read the instructions and determine the causes of the disease. Adjust the conditions of detention: check the water for nitrates and other dangerous compounds, provide the piranhas with a balanced diet and make sure that the water parameters are correct. home aquarium suitable for fish.

Precautionary measures

  1. Don't put your hand into an aquarium with hungry fish. Try to interfere less in the lives of your pets.
  2. Do not place the aquarium too low if there are children in the house.
  3. Do not chase fish or provoke them into aggression. Remember that aggression peaks during the breeding season.


When purchasing fish, make sure the predators are healthy. Pisces must be active, without injuries or impaired coordination of movements. Give preference to specialized stores and trusted breeders. Purchase and check all equipment in advance, start the aquarium before settling the piranhas. For the first hours after relocation, do not feed the fish, do not turn on the lights or equipment, and allow the pets to get used to their new home.

The common piranha has many different names - red-bellied, red or Natterera. If you apply one of these names to domestic piranha– you can’t go wrong. The first predators appeared in the aquariums of exotic lovers more than 65 years ago. They were brought to our country in the middle of the last century from the waters of the Amazon and Orinoco.

It is worth noting that the most beautiful appearance in aquarium piranha it becomes at the moment of full puberty. The photo clearly shows the play of colors from the steel back, to the silver body and red belly, throat and anal fin. The red-bellied reaches about 30 centimeters in length wildlife and 25 in an aquarium. IN natural environment they live in flocks. Minimal amount individuals in one group have 20 tails. They unite to facilitate the search for food. Piranhas are fierce predators, so they choose a prey and attack it in a flock. This species is considered the most ferocious of the inhabitants of the planet's waters.

Despite the fact that piranhas are not difficult to care for and are quite hardy, they are best kept by an experienced aquarist. Don't underestimate her sharp fangs and deadly grip. Inexperienced breeders can get into trouble with her through ignorance and carelessness. Under no circumstances should you place an aquarium with predators low if you have small children.

Piranhas are not suitable for multi-fish aquariums. They prefer the company of “their own”, but tragic cases cannot be ruled out there either. If you look closely at the habits, you can find the leader. He is always the first to eat, takes the best places, shows who is boss in the home aquarium, and, most often, is the largest in size. It is not uncommon for fights to occur during clarifications. Aggression and cannibalism are possible. The only option with whom you can try to settle a piranha is a black pacu, provided that the latter has not reached sexual maturity and is considered a teenager.

One piranha will live in an aquarium, but it is better to have several individuals at once. For large fish It is necessary to choose the correct displacement of the aquarium. Each individual requires approximately 150 liters of water; this same parameter should be taken into account if you decide to settle in artificial reservoir several fish. Piranhas are very voracious and, as a result, produce a lot of waste, so be careful about the choice of filter and its power. Active killers live in aquariums for at least 10 years, this should be taken into account before organizing an aquarium.

Water requirements:

  • 150 liters per individual;
  • A large number of shelters;
  • The purest water and daily replacement of parts;
  • Powerful filter with active filter element.

Carefully monitor the behavior of your pets and regularly do tests to determine the ammonia content of the water.


In their natural environment, these fish eat whatever they can catch, so the diet of piranhas is incredibly varied. It may include other fish, shellfish, various invertebrates, fruits and seeds from the surface, and amphibians. Officially confirmed facts are that a flock of more than a hundred individuals can attack large vertebrates, for example, capybaras. Most often, corpses and insects end up in their teeth. They become aggressive in times of hunger, drought, or constant attacks. The predator chooses sick and weak animals to attack.

Piranhas living in an aquarium happily eat foods such as:

  • Fish.
  • Shrimp.
  • Squid.
  • Earthworms.
  • Heart.
  • Crawls.
  • Mice.

Beginning aquarists sometimes start feeding their fish with mammalian meat, but this should not be done, since the abundance of such food will inevitably lead to obesity and indigestion. In addition, undigested meat will come out and rot, severely polluting the aqua.


To distinguish a male from a female you will have to try. The only way– observation. The behavior of piranhas in a regular aquarium becomes characteristic before spawning begins. The males become much brighter, as can be seen in the photo, and the female’s body becomes rounded due to the accumulation of eggs in the abdomen.

To create a spawning tank, select quiet place. Despite all their aggressiveness, these fish are quite shy. You only need to contain compatible fish who have been “familiar” for a long time and have gotten used to each other.

Requirements for the spawner:

  • Pure water;
  • Hardness from 6.5 to 7.5;
  • Temperature is about 27-29 degrees;
  • Sufficient volume.

At the beginning of spawning, the pair will find a place convenient for laying eggs. After that, they aggressively guard the place they like. Now you will notice how the color darkens and a small nest appears at the bottom. After fertilization occurs, the male will fiercely defend the clutch from others.

The eggs have a rich orange color. She will hatch on the third knock. After this, the larva will lie for another couple of days, and the fry will appear. Now you need to carefully catch the tadpole. Do this with a cage with a long handle, because the male guarding the clutch can attack any approaching object.

Piranhas in an aquarium need company.

The most common aquarium piranhas are the following types:

  • common piranha;
  • red pacu;
  • metinnis lunarum and vulgaris.

These species are calmer in nature than their counterparts living in the natural environment.

Pisces need space to move. For every 2–3 cm of body adult you need 7–8 liters of water. Therefore, purchase aquariums of 100 liters or more to keep a school of piranhas. If they do not have enough space, they attack their fellow creatures. It is difficult to get offspring in an aquarium. This requires very soft, acidic water.

Piranhas are school predators. Therefore, get 6–8 individuals at once. Loneliness makes them fearful and shortens their life expectancy.

Place driftwood in the aquarium, make caves and shelters from stones, and plant dense vegetation. Piranhas need places to hide.

Piranhas are temperature sensitive. It should be between 24–28 C. Therefore, purchase a water heater and a thermometer. Prolonged exposure to cold or very warm water leads to illness and death. Also provide high-quality filtration and powerful aeration.

What to feed a piranha in an aquarium

Fish are unpretentious in food. However, they should not be overfed. To keep the water clean, remove any uneaten food after feeding. Piranhas are fed once a day for only 2-3 minutes.

Suitable for food:

  • tadpoles;
  • shrimps;
  • earthworms;
  • frozen fish;
  • beef.

Cut meat and fish into pieces. Also make minced fish and add carrots and spinach to it.

Don't feed piranhas freshwater fish to prevent parasites from appearing. Also, you should not give exclusively beef meat. It disrupts metabolism and will lead to loss of color.