First of all, it is worth understanding that no matter what method you use, it is highly desirable to have your own website. Ideally, online advertising should lead to a website where you, using all the creativity and tricks, will turn the visitor into a potential client.

If you do not have your own site on the Internet, then you will have to agree with the rules for posting on other people’s sites, have a very limited opportunities(or pay extra) and compete with other companies.

A website is an analogue of a physical office/shop/showcase on the Internet. And all other sites on the Internet where you can collect clients are an analogue of billboards/newspapers/leaflets, etc. When a potential client learns about the company, he needs to come to you or go to your website to get to know him better.

On this moment, the most effective methods for finding and attracting clients are:

  • Website promotion in search engines
  • contextual advertising
  • Email newsletters and email marketing
  • Partnership programs
  • Internet PR and reputation management

Let's look at each in more detail.

Website promotion

The essence of website promotion is to collect all possible phrases that your customers enter into the search bar and make sure that your website can be found using these phrases.

To do this, phrases must be carefully filtered, grouped, and based on the groups, a site structure must be created (or figured out how to apply it to an existing structure). Then, all pages must be optimized for search engines so that search engines can easily find these pages and understand exactly what search phrases they correspond to (optimization includes working with meta tags, page layout, text formatting, image design, etc.).

It would seem that everything is simple, but... Since there are a lot of sites on each topic, search engines use a certain algorithm to rank some sites above others. Guessing how the search engine algorithm works and trying to make the perfect page to rank 1st is the main task of SEO. To successfully solve it, you need to be able to analyze dozens of sites that are already in first place, identify patterns and use them.

Thanks to successful promotion, potential customers can easily find your website. The more visitors to the site, the more calls to the company. .

contextual advertising

There are more quick way get a client. It is not necessary to promote the site, you can simply buy advertising in search engines. You can pay to display advertisements in response to phrases people enter. But usually, it is much more expensive and as soon as you stop paying, the traffic to your site ends.

Contextual advertising also requires professional knowledge and experience. You need to choose the right phrases to display advertising, and indicate phrases for which advertising should not be shown. In words everything is very simple, but in practice people waste large sums of money. In contextual advertising it is very important know exactly in what case your ad is shown.

If we compare contextual advertising and SEO in the long term, then SEO is more profitable. For example, you can spend 180 thousand rubles/year on SEO and have hundreds of visitors per day from search results. On the other side, average cost visitor in competitive niches 100-200 rub. 100 people per day can cost you 10,000 rubles/day or 300,000 rubles/month.

Promotion on social networks

This method is most suitable for answering the question “how to find clients via the Internet.” Because the principle by which social networks work allows you to find potential clients according to specified parameters: city, age, gender, interests.

I don't like the idea of ​​creating and maintaining my own group to find a client, because... it takes time and only makes sense for some types of businesses. The groups “Selling Cement” and “Ritual Monuments” look very funny, what are they talking about there? But targeted advertising in in social networks- a good tool.

Email newsletters

At worst, it's spam. Databases of electronic mailboxes are sold on the Internet (or can be found for free). For example: all companies in a certain city, users of some portal or service, etc. You can order mailing to these addresses. If you contact a competent specialist, then the newsletter will not end up in the spam folder, and given big size base, you can count on sales. This method works, tested.

The second way is email marketing. This means that you pre-collect mailboxes potential clients (at exhibitions, during the first sale, in exchange for some product, etc.) and then periodically send them letters with interesting information and promotional offers.

It is worth adding that email marketing is the most effective online sales channel. But it requires high skill. Moreover, skill is needed not only to maintain clients’ interest in letters, but also to quickly and efficiently large quantities collect mail addresses.

Partnership programs

If you don't want to do any of the above, then affiliate marketing is available to you. You decide how much you are willing to pay for a sale or client request and go to specialized sites to attract partners.

Partners use all their capabilities (including the methods listed in this article). to attract clients to you, and you pay them for it. If you have a clear and interesting product with a good margin, then this method is very good.

The most common way: + .

It can be quite difficult for new businessmen to gain the trust of consumers. They have to go through hundreds of cold calls and meetings with people who have no idea who they are or what they do. Users of the discussion service Quora, popular among residents of the Valley, are discussing how to quickly create a base of regular customers.

More enthusiasm

“I was fortunate to start a business with an experienced sales director. And it was unfortunate that he was completely hopeless. At one meeting with a potential client, he admitted that he was not particularly tech-savvy and did not use email. I had to learn to sell myself.

Despite the fact that I was not a salesman in the classical sense, with slicked hair and a sharp suit, I was full of enthusiasm, and it turned out that it meant much more than appearance. People buy from people. They can become infected with your inspiration, and precise execution of the order will help make these customers permanent.

People are impressed by big names
so a project for a well-known company may entail
new orders are coming

When your business doesn't have a reputation, people have to trust you. As a student, I made a social network for my university for free. Thousands of users registered in it - many found out that I make websites. Creating free projects at the beginning of a business is very useful: they greatly increase the trust rating of the company.

By the way, mentioning that I made a website for a university brought me additional points in negotiations: people are impressed by big names, so a project for a well-known company can lead to new orders.”

- Oliver Emberton, founder of Silktide

Find the right clients

“When we started, we tried to make sure that everyone new client gave us access to the largest number potential customers. First, we found such a company or association, made it Best offer, created a service for it. Then other associations paid attention to us - we put together a package of proposals, went on a small sales tour and signed new agreements. We continued this pattern until we became one of the largest suppliers in the country. Even during the crisis, we continued to grow thanks to this system. By the way, that first client has remained with us for 10 years.”

- Farhad Meher-Homji, Founder of Brightlabs

Stand out from your competitors

“To find new clients, you need to write a marketing plan. To do this, you need to study the market in which you operate, find out whether in the next five years a product may appear that will make your offer uninteresting. In addition, you need to write a plan for sales and revenue from them. Decide in advance how you will interact with customers.

It is also worth considering all the risks. Find out how they work
your competitors and play on their weak points

You also need to look at your offer from the buyer's perspective. If you are not sure about the pricing policy, stick to these rules. High prices Many people associate them with excellent quality and service, and low ones with tolerable quality and minimal service. Make sure your quality is higher than your competitors if your prices are high. And if the quality is so-so, lower your prices.

It is also worth considering all the risks. Find out how your competitors operate and play on their weaknesses. If you open a restaurant opposite a popular establishment, it is worth working during the hours when it is closed and developing a delivery service. If there are no analogues of the product on the market, this is also dangerous, since you will have to create a market yourself. Business is also influenced by various trends and seasonal factors. You need to find the main risk for your business and try to minimize it.”

- Ken Larson, business consultant

Hire people with connections

“You need to find a person with great connections and a circle of acquaintances in your field. Many companies fail when trying to attract their first customer. Personal connections help to find it. In addition, familiar people listen to the offer with great interest and more easily agree to the purchase. And you also need to be prepared to spend some money to attract a client. It may be a small amount, but it will show how interested you are.”

- Scott England, Sales Evangelist

Emphasize individuality

“Attracting your first client is like flirting in a bar. Your business should have an identity, its own brand and distinctive features that will help set you apart from other fish in the ocean of business. Even if you offer the same service as everyone else, you must have some ace up your sleeve.”

- Alexis Trinidad, Blogger Outreach Director

When you become well known in your business, clients will constantly come to you instead of having to look for them. When there is a lot of work, there will not be much need to try to sell your services.

But what to do if you're just starting out? Before clients start calling, there may be problems with what to do all day. This perfect time to make yourself known.

Don't focus on freelancing sites

If you have nothing to do all day, it can be tempting to browse freelancing sites like eLance, Guru or Freelancer. I mean, there's a ton of clients offering work there, right?

In reality, such sites can create a lot of problems for freelancers and should therefore be approached with caution. Hours spent on sites, participating in competitions and low (sometimes too low) pay compared to the real cost. It's much better to spend this time promoting your name.

Lights up everywhere and always

The reason clients started finding me was because I seemed to be wherever they were all the time. I left comments on the blogs they visited. Then I started writing for these blogs. I tweeted useful articles and advice throughout the day and started writing my own blog with unique articles.

People often ask me how I manage to be online so much. In fact, I'm often offline after work or on the weekends, but I still tweet. My Twitter account is connected to Facebook, my website, LinkedIn and several other social networks, so it seems that I am always and everywhere. This way the client will remember you, consider you an expert and come back with the job.

Optimize your portfolio

I have many interests and hobbies. When I created my first portfolio website, I posted everything I did there: print design, web design, logos, layout, photographs and drawings. The funny thing is that I didn't get any work, although I had a lot of talents. The clients couldn't understand what I was doing. Now I have a simple portfolio with best projects in one area - layout. And clients can tell exactly what I do.

Write, write, write and write again!

Clients want to know they are being taken care of by the best in the business. If they had to choose between a freelancer they've never heard of and one who has written on several popular blogs and published a book, who do you think they'll consider an expert?

You don't have to write a book, but blogging is a fantastic way to get your name out there. Most sites will even pay for articles - and this great way for additional income.

Old Fashioned Marketing

Social media won't make you rich or solve all your marketing problems. Sometimes a little good old-fashioned marketing can be the best source of new clients.
  • Job boards - Job board sites are different from freelancing sites because they only contain short description companies and what they want to do. Such clients are often willing to pay fair money than on freelance sites.
  • Cold Emails - The best way to generate clients in the early days was by sending them cold emails. I simply Googled the type of client I needed and sent them a pre-prepared proposal. I still get orders from this even though I stopped sending emails over a year ago.
  • Personal Networking - I know most of us freelancers are hermits, but attending events is a great way to find local clients. Conferences like Barcamp and Podcamp are simply fun to attend and networking with other freelancers is invaluable.

Finding clients from RSS feeds

On most social sites you can subscribe to RSS feeds and they can be super helpful for finding new clients.

For example, if you go to Twitter and search for “looking for freelancer,” what messages will be displayed? What other phrases might be useful for finding clients?

You'll see an RSS button for every search you make on Twitter, so it's a good idea to subscribe to them to keep track of your potential clients' posts.

In addition, almost all message boards usually have mailing lists. By subscribing to them, you will save valuable time and never miss out. useful messages and there will be no need to visit different sites every day.

Tell everyone what you do

When you're just starting out, let everyone you know know what you're doing. Chances are that someone knows someone who needs your services. So be sure to let everyone know you're in business.

Post information about yourself wherever you can

There are literally thousands of sites that will allow you to post your name and a link to their site. Not only is this good practice for exchanging links for SEO, it also brings us back to the idea of ​​shining a light everywhere. Here are some ideas:
  • CSS Galleries

Why are there jobs for beginners when there are professionals?

— Beginning specialists charge less than professionals.
- Customers with small projects and small budgets often turn to newcomers. They pay little, but they are also willing to take risks.
- Newcomers are more open and ready to learn, they have more enthusiasm, and they approach their work more responsibly.
- Often, novice specialists can do the work more professionally, since everything changes very quickly on the Internet, and they have the most current knowledge.

First customer: how to find a customer, even if you are still a beginner?

1. Publics: “Cerebro”, “Smshchiki”, “Internet marketing from A to Z”, etc.

2. Acquaintances and friends. As it turned out, one of the most effective ways. Think carefully about all your friends - most likely, among them there are business owners who may need your services.

3. Employers and partners with past work. When a person leaves his job, he often stops communicating with former employers, but in vain - among them may be your potential customers.

4. Forums for entrepreneurs. Search for any entrepreneur forums (business forums, startup forums, forums for restaurant owners/builders, forums in your city, etc.). Register, find topics in your area of ​​expertise and answer questions there. T How will you secure your status as an expert?, And customers will begin to turn to you for services.

5. Internet exchanges:,, work at home (community on Facebook), Startup Woman, mama lancer (LJ). The method is not very working. There are a lot of freeloaders on freelance exchanges who want, like, 1000 subscribers for 500 rubles. or website for 1000 rubles. good money You can’t raise money on the freelance exchange. I myself started with freelance exchanges, and if you are completely new and without a portfolio, then you need to write 50 letters a day to get an order.

6. Write on your pages on social networks that you are looking for a customer. Among your friends and subscribers, there may well be those who need a specialist for the project. And it will be even better if you design your profile on social networks in a representative manner. And you will begin publish your cases and achievements. This will help a lot, If set up promotional posts for your case. For example, you promoted a beauty salon and drive traffic to all beauty salon owners.

7. Organizations/companies whose services you use. These could be online stores where you buy goods, or the authors of newsletters that you subscribe to, or the presenters of trainings that you took.

9. Companies that send you invitations to groups. But it must be taken into account that they are probably have a small budget times use free way promotion. It is better to choose companies that are already investing in advertising. But, nevertheless, the method works, especially for beginners.

10. Companies that place contextual advertising. Enter a topic that interests you in the search and write to those companies that appeared in the advertising block. This method is one of the most popular from contextual advertising specialists.

11. Targeting (and retargeting) on ​​VKontakte, Facebook or Odnoklassniki. The same - enter the topic you would like to work with, write to the owner of the business or company.

12. Companies that advertise on Avito. In the advertisements you can see that the advertisement is given by a company or store, and not an individual. Tested Avito, did not work out. Clients do not understand the adequate price of the proposed project.

13. Inactive groups or groups with a small number of publications. In the VKontakte search, enter a topic that interests you, look for inactive groups and write to their owners, offer your services.

Business groups in social networks are groups on the topic of business, the participants of which are business owners or those who are planning to become one.

15. Instagram - hashtags. Write in the search something in the style of #furniturenovosibirsk, #beauty salonirkutsk. There will be many accounts of companies and stores that You can write. Besides, You can offer your services to people who promote themselves through Instagram- photographers, stylists, etc.

Advice: sign your photo with the hashtag #city (#Moscow, #Khabarovsk, etc.). They will start knocking on your door companies and stores from your city.

16. DoubleGIS (2GIS) is an electronic catalog of organizations combined with a city map. Not a very effective way. On April 6, I opened an individual entrepreneur, registered there, within 2 months not a single proposal.

17. I tried it recently new way. I joined a group on Facebook There are a lot of entrepreneurs in it and they are looking for contractors. If you look at the posts, then you can find clients there.

Https:// I recently joined here, left my resume, one client wrote, I wrote to another directly, started working with them. there are good vacancies here.

19. Write your case studies on projects and publish them in large SMM publics. You will be noticed immediately clients will contact you.

Expert commentary in major marketing communities.

Advice: Don’t try all the ways to find customers at once. Choose 1-2 methods, but use them to the fullest. Most likely, more methods will not be needed.

How to make the customer choose you?

- Be honest. Say it straight out you are a beginner specialist, Take the course at the Remote Workers Training Center. Tell us about the experience and reputation of the training center of the remote employee training center, and that the work on the project will be supervised by an experienced trainer-practitioner.
- Rest assured. Here You will receive the necessary knowledge and support, Don’t lose face in front of the customer. Your work will be checked at every stage, but it will not be done for you.
- Be generous. Do free consultation to your customer and generously share information - the customer will appreciate it.

How much to ask?

Even if you are a beginner, don't take the job for free. Appreciate your work - and your customers will appreciate you. It's better to ask for a little than nothing at all. Raising the price tag from 0 to 5000 is harder than, for example, from 2000 to 5000.

And you shouldn’t negotiate terms when the customer pays you an advertising budget, and you work for him for it free or for a percentage of sales. Nothing good will come of this.

How and to whom do customers refer other customers?

- Customers prefer to recommend those specialists, which are not only perform their work efficiently, but also love their clients, they love what they do, and are ready to hurt themselves so that the client feels good.
- Customers recommend specialists who know their topic “excellently” and can on it advise. If you have a favorite topic (for example, yoga) and have already worked with it, share the results and useful tips with other entrepreneurs and from the same sphere. Them Your experience may be very useful, they will turn to you for cooperation, and will recommend to colleagues from related fields, which can also apply your advice (for example, fitness, legal centers).
- Make a portfolio with screenshots of projects and a graph showing the growth dynamics of group members, as well as describing the results in numbers. This way, customers will see that You are a serious specialist and are ready to be responsible for the results of their work. Collect certificates and video reviews from clients. Certificates with seals give a lot of confidence.

You will need

  • – analysis of the market of advertisers and their interest in advertising;
  • – analysis of competitors’ performance over the past few months;
  • – data on young companies that entered the market in the last year.



  • how to find a sales manager


Give as many answers as possible to the question of who your potential clients serve. For example, your company sells sweets wholesale, but not directly to, but through small wholesalers. So who do these wholesalers serve? The more answers you find, the faster you will reach your potential clients.

Assign to promising sales channels. Representatives of sales channels can be Retail Stores, schools, canteens and other retail outlets. After all, your wholesalers deliver to them. Retail is easier to find than wholesale. Therefore, go to retail, make appointments with those who. You are interested in senior sales and other positions. The main thing is that they communicate with their suppliers.

Make a list of your potential clients. You will have this list when you ask one question in your sales channels - who supplies them? To communicate with you, you can explain the situation as follows. You bring the goods they need to the city, but you don’t work with retail because your volumes are too large. But if they recommend their good suppliers, they will be able to receive your goods through them. At the same time, you will find out who supplies the most goods to specific outlets.

Please clarify who on the list is not your company. The list you received needs to be worked on further. Your company already works with some wholesalers and there is nothing for you. And some of the wholesalers remained outside the scope of attention of your company. Talk to your boss - why don't you work with them? Perhaps the relationship was broken and it is better not to resume it. Either way, you need a relationship history before you go there.

Repeat all the steps from the beginning, do this continuously. The most important is step 1. If you don't lose sight of him, then one day you will be able to unexpectedly reach out to good people in your company. clients.


Whenever possible, go to meetings with samples of your product. But don't try to argue with retail representatives about the properties and health benefits of your products. Don't pay too much attention to their words. On the one hand, through them you will have a good understanding of the market situation. On the other hand, they may have standard reaction to a new company, they simply begin to refuse. So listen to them, but don’t argue, because these are not your clients.

Helpful advice

Don't be afraid to go retail. If you justify this step, they will meet you halfway.


  • How psychologists look for clients in 2019
  • how to find clients in 2019

You have successfully passed all stages of the interview and received the position of sales manager. Ask your boss if there is a list of potential clients. If yes, then the task becomes easier. But, most likely, you will be offered to create your own client base. Where to begin?


Participate in seminars, conferences, exhibitions. Before the event, try to find out from the organizers who is planning to attend - this way you can collect information about potential clients in advance. Stock up on a sufficient number of business cards, make them, prepare a special one. If there is an opportunity to give a presentation or participate in round table- Amazing! Your task is to make yourself known to as many people as possible.

Use recommendations from your clients. After concluding a deal, ask the client to recommend new customers - perhaps his neighbors or friends will want to use your service? Give a discount or a small gift as a bonus.

Helpful advice

To enter data about clients and record the history of negotiations, it is convenient to use the appropriate software(CRM system). Free single-user versions of some CRM systems can be found on the Internet.


  • Where and how to look for your client


Nowadays, a good sales manager is in great demand in the labor market. A competent manager understands that a specialist in this field is able to regularly bring tangible profits to the company. What is the direct activity sales manager?

In different companies, the functionality of a sales manager is not always the same. This depends on the job descriptions developed at each specific enterprise, as well as on strategic plans management and management methods of the organization.

But more often than not, especially in small businesses, a sales manager performs many functions. It not only answers inboxes phone calls and letters from potential clients, but also, as a rule, is engaged in searching for new customers and building close business relationships with them. Those. he expands the company's customer base, performing the functional responsibilities of a development and customer service manager.

In addition, the sales manager often independently meets with a representative of the customer company, draws up an agreement, and issues invoices for the supply of goods or services. Next, he controls the process of transferring money from counterparties to the company’s current account. If funds from customers do not arrive, the sales manager has to call and find out what is causing the delay. Thus, the sales manager sometimes performs a limited set of accounting and control functions.

The main role of a sales manager, of course, is related to the sale of goods or services. In each company, managers are assigned a monthly sales plan. The plan is necessary for the company to be able to pay rent, taxes to the budget, salaries of office workers and other current expenses of the enterprise. As a rule, money earned from sales in excess of the plan forms the income of the selling manager.

Therefore, a manager who knows how to sell and win over clients brings enormous benefits to the enterprise. In addition, due to his skills, such a specialist can receive monthly high income. Thus, a first-class sales manager will always enjoy well-deserved authority among his superiors.

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There are many pitfalls in the realtor profession, one of which is huge competition. But there are also ways to overcome them. One of these ways is to attract more clients and the most effective results come from recommendations from former customers who were grateful for the service provided, as well as good word of mouth among friends, relatives, and former colleagues.

You will need

  • Notebook;
  • telephone;
  • Business Cards;
  • Flyers.


Buy a newspaper with advertisements, go to the website or housing rental agency, post advertisements on nearby information stands and start working. Under no circumstances wait for work to find you; look for clients yourself. Systematically, call every day for advertisements for those wishing to rent or sell an apartment, and those seeking to rent or buy housing. Help the buyer and seller find each other. Don't be lazy. Set yourself a specific time to work and work.

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Don't forget that at first you will have to work 17 hours a day. Don’t be lazy, the most important thing in attracting clients is diligence.

Helpful advice

Think about the text of the contract concluded with clients in advance. Be confident when interacting with people. Try to look successful.

Tip 7: Job description customer service manager

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Tip 8: What qualities does a sales manager have?

Sales Manager - key person in any company engaged in the sale of goods. But, of course, different qualities may be in demand in different companies - in one, the candidate for this vacancy will need the ability to quickly adapt to the situation and take effective management decisions, enthusiasm and initiative, in the other - the ability to work in a team, communication skills and tolerance. But there is, of course, general qualities, which a sales manager will need in any workplace.


Of course, the sales manager must have professional knowledge and master sales techniques, in effective ways making transactions. But this is not enough - one of the main qualities of such a specialist should be the desire for new knowledge and self-education. This is especially necessary for those who sell technically complex goods, machines and equipment. In conditions of fierce competition, buyers will prefer a seller who can technically competently answer all questions regarding his product, carry out comparative analysis and give your informed recommendations. And if at the same time the seller is able to change the technologies and sales methods that were once developed, adapting them to the realities of today’s situation, this alone will be a guarantee of success.

A good professional in this field should be able to focus on customers and be interested in maintaining good relationships with them, but without extremes. A seller who is too helpful will not be able to insist on his own in negotiations with the buyer, and one who is not interested in good relations, will repel you with its aggressiveness and intransigence. A professional will always be able to achieve his goal, while the buyer will remain in full confidence that this transaction is beneficial for him personally. Positive Relationships with customers and colleagues implies the presence of such qualities as the ability to listen and hear, receptivity and understanding of the needs of the interlocutor.

One of the important qualities of a sales manager is the ability to be convincing and inspire trust. The buyer should have the impression that this is an honest, open and reliable seller. Through trust in the seller, the buyer also develops trust in the company, due to which repeat transactions are made and good recommendations.

Of course, activity and energy will not hurt in this profession, because the more contacts you have with potential buyers and clients, the higher the level of sales will be, even in terms of sales. The amount of effort spent on selling a product directly affects the results. Self-confidence and success also leave an imprint on how the manager behaves and on how customers react to his words. If he is intrinsically motivated to succeed, sales results will be higher. Exactly this intrinsic motivation is the catalyst that helps develop all other qualities and effectively use them in work.

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Video on the topic


Helpful advice

A sales manager is an employee who is involved in presenting products, attracting clients, and concluding deals. He is not only the engine, but also the face of the company. Good specialist in sales – worth its weight in gold.


A sales professional can make very good money. Let's consider the advantages of this profession. The main advantage of this profession is that you can sell anything. This can be a variety of goods or services. You will have the opportunity to choose what you would like to sell, the sale of which brings you pleasure. Your professional knowledge will always be in good shape and replenished, as you will have to constantly improve your level of education and skill. Knowledge about the product, the market, competitors. The higher they are, the easier it will be to sell. Your schedule will most likely be irregular. This means that you can create your own daily routine. Regulate the number of calls, transactions, meetings. You will generate your own income. Since the earnings of a sales manager depend directly on the quantity and quality of sales.

As for the disadvantages of the profession, here they are. Heavy load, extreme work dynamics. High degree responsibility. These are, perhaps, all the disadvantages.

Sales manager is a fairly popular profession, but popularity always has a second side to the coin. There is a widespread belief that people in this field are unprofessional. That sales is for those who didn’t have a normal career. This is an alternate airfield, which they reserve for themselves in case they fail to land at some company in their specialty. That anyone can work here, even people without education. The opinion is that this profession does not require specific knowledge and skills. That sales manager is a profession without a career. The main skill that you need to have is the ability to “sell” an unnecessary product. Only a person who is not honest can achieve success.

But in fact, the real truth is that finding a good sales manager is very difficult. Personnel officers know this, and if there is an open vacancy at the company, they will have to work hard in the selection process. Historically, when receiving an education, a person often changes his career and goes to work in a completely different field. A true sales manager must be both by vocation and education. His experience and skills should be recommended from other firms. Personal base and connections are established. The desire to work for the benefit of the company and personal interest are the main indicators. A good sales manager is interested in the future percentage of the deal, not a fixed salary. And if you meet all the criteria, then good earnings and your career growth is guaranteed.

A sales manager is not a salesperson, but the face of the company. It is this person who represents the company hundreds of times a day by phone and through Email. The income of the entire company depends on how the manager presents the product.


The most important quality What a manager needs is communication skills. You need to find contact with any client. In order to be a communicator, you need to master and competently use sales techniques. It is necessary to maintain contact with the client until the products are shipped. You need to clearly know what you are selling and convey to the client all the benefits of the product and cooperation with your company.

Regardless of the direction of the company, a manager must look presentable, speak competently, have foresight and be able to resolve conflicts. In addition, the manager must clearly know the theory of sales and have his own customer base. He must be able to apply the acquired knowledge, thoroughly remember his product and its features.

The manager needs to study competing firms and their weak sides to point them out to the client and win them over to your side. Sales specialists need to not only independently study professional literature, but also be sure to attend all trainings and advanced training courses.

A manager must respect his work, he must want to sell. If there is no desire to achieve high results in sales, then other qualities will not help in your work. A person in such a job must be hardworking, active, efficient and stress-resistant.

A good manager must be prepared for failure. Not all concluded agreements and negotiations will result in successful transactions. It is important not to take a bad result to heart and always be open to new deals; you should not get hung up on one client.

To achieve success in sales, you need to exercise, no matter how strange it may sound. After all, sports competitions are comparable to the sales process. Managers also struggle for results. A specialist who is actively involved in sports behaves much more assertively. The athlete will not be broken by fleeting failures, and he will move on.

The manager needs to instill trust in the client. To do this, you don't need to lie to your clients. You need to be honest about delivery times, product quality, etc. It is honesty that will allow you to build reliable and long-term relationships with the client, which will bring good profit to the company.

The position of sales manager is one of the most common vacancies on the market. However, there are no uniform working conditions and wages in this area. A representative of this profession may earn very little and have no prospects career growth, but can make a fortune for himself and secure a future.


Choose a company where career growth is theoretically possible. In a small organization it is difficult to grow further than to head of department. In large corporations, you may have completely different prospects, unless, of course, you plan to devote your entire life exclusively to sales. For example, it is very profitable to get a job in a distributor company famous brands. If we're talking about about a brand with a federal or national name, then a representative office in a specific region opens not only sales departments, but also other divisions related to development, marketing, and finance. You must clearly understand where you want to grow next, and whether it will be possible to realize your career ambitions in a particular company.

When applying for a job, start from the products you will have to work with. There is an opinion that a good manager is able to sell anything. But if you still do not consider yourself to be a genius, it is better to initially choose an area with more popular goods for which demand has already been formed. These can be car dealerships selling popular brands, or shops household appliances and electronics. Such purchases are made by people based on their needs, so you don’t have to worry about the flow of customers. However, your working conditions and tasks will be different. You will need to maintain the sales plan, try to increase total amount receipt by offering related products, getting rid of unclaimed items and much more. This is where your persuasion skills, ability to work with clients and identify their needs, and thorough knowledge of products will come in handy.

Study the terms of payment. Situations often occur when a potential job seems objectively profitable: excellent products, career prospects, large sales volumes. However, this does not mean that you will have significant actual earnings. For example, your employer may set sales targets that are too high, and if you fail to meet them, money will be deducted from your salary. The percentage itself may be too small, and in the end you will not receive a large amount in your hands. Try to get inside information by talking to someone who has already worked for the company.


Be careful with companies that recruit salespeople or network marketing employees under the guise of sales managers. In the vast majority of cases, you will be faced with the need to invest your money, invite your friends into the company by fraudulent means, and also sell low-quality and unnecessary goods at an inflated price.

Every company, regardless of its size, has a sales manager position. After all, it is the sales manager who attracts new customers to the company, and also works with existing customers. As a rule, a sales manager's salary consists of a constant part - salary, and also includes bonuses and percentages on sales.


IN different regions the average salary is from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. In Moscow, the average salary of a sales manager is about 40-50 thousand rubles. Salaries for sales managers vary because the system of remuneration for employees in each individual company is different.

One option to find out what salary a sales manager receives in a particular region is this: analyze the amount of salary offered by employers to sales managers on job sites. Also, information about the size of a manager’s salary can be obtained from such sources as: Employment Center, recruitment agencies and others.

Undoubtedly, the final salary of a sales manager depends on the employee bonus system established in the Regulations on the remuneration of employees of the organization. IN this system, as a rule, includes a labor efficiency coefficient that determines the benefit that the employee brought to the company. In the case of a sales manager, the number of sales he made per month or other reporting period is taken into account, as well as the number of new clients he attracted to the company. Therefore, this coefficient constitutes the variable part wages sales manager

The fixed part of a sales manager’s salary includes the tariff rate (official salary), which in the regions ranges from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. In Moscow, the salary of a sales manager is about 30 thousand rubles.

However, each enterprise has developed its own personnel motivation system, which also depends on the company’s field of activity. For example, a manager may sell an insurance service to a company, or may sell a product - cars. Consequently, regardless of the fact that the goals of both managers are the same, their sales plan is different.

The work of sales managers is considered highly paid because it involves emotional and intellectual stress. A sales manager needs to have a number of personal and professional qualities in order to successfully sell the company's product. These requirements include: stress resistance, communication skills, competent speech, pleasant appearance, determination. It is recommended that applicants for the position of sales manager indicate these qualities in their resume.

Steve Jobs's career Apple very unusual, as, probably, is the very personality of this person. Being the founding father of Apple, Steve for a long time was as if in the shadows. If, of course, genius even knows, shadow. One way or another, the 22-year-old, always shaggy and dirty Jobs was clearly not suitable for the position of chief executive of a reputable company. Even he himself admitted this. Therefore, when the question of an executive director arose, Steve suggested the well-known director of a computer company, John Sculley, for this position.

Almost two years new Executive Director tolerated Jobs' presence in the company. After all, the latter was extremely independent and undisciplined. He openly expressed his opinions and argued with his boss. In 1984, Scali's patience ran out and he fired Jobs. Steve later spoke about this dismissal as the most useful event in his life. And then there was only resentment, anger and disappointment. After this, Jobs founded his own, not very successful company, which was sold to Apple a few years later. And when Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy in the early 90s, it was finally headed by

Steve Jobs also well understood that the success of his corporation is the merit not of him alone, but of thousands of engineers, programmers, designers and attached great value improving your team. He realized that only at the expense of some, even the most high technology, you won't achieve much success. You need to create great components, and then package them well. To do this you need to have a creative approach to everything and good taste.

The computer genius was the first to come to the conclusion that design should not be auxiliary, but integral part main function production process. “The problem with Microsoft is that they have no taste. Absolutely no taste. They don't think creatively. Their product has no culture,” Jobs said and emphasized that a real product should be tasty. “We will make such icons on the screen that you will want to lick them,” he once joked.

Primary training

As soon as a newcomer appears in the sales department, he should be brought up to date. First, it is necessary to conduct an introductory briefing, demonstrate to the employee the structure of the department, management or department, and the entire company as a whole. The sales manager must see the whole picture and know which department employees he should contact in this or that case.

If your company has any instructions and regulations, it is necessary to familiarize the newcomer with them. Sometimes it depends on how accurately and accurately sales managers act. overall efficiency. Of course, the sales manager needs to be taught what he should offer to clients. Provide training on products or services that your company specializes in. It is better to first give the basics and identify the main points of the price list, otherwise a beginner may get confused.

You also need to conduct training in sales technology. Organize trainings for the manager on the stages of sales, detailing each of them. Be sure to include an active component in the training to check how the employee has mastered the material and to give him the opportunity to pre-practice his sales skills. This can be done through tests or business role-playing games.

Upon completion of training you will receive feedback from an employee. This way you will understand what he has learned and what he still doesn’t know. Thanks to feedback from a training program participant, you will be able to draw conclusions about where your system is especially effective and where it is lacking. weak spots that need to be improved or supplemented.

Periodic training

Training for sales managers does not end with probationary period. Throughout labor activity they can and should improve their level of professionalism. Of course, the best simulator for this is practice. But training events will also not be superfluous. Moreover, at the trainings, businessmen have the opportunity to exchange personal experience, which is very useful.

After a sales manager has worked for your company for some time, he should have some questions and requests for training. If he encounters difficulties when communicating with clients or while interacting with colleagues, you must help him.

Trainings should be conducted from time to time, for example, once every six months. You can determine topics based on the specifics of your company’s activities or based on the results of monitoring the work of merchants. For example, you can cover topics such as effective telephone sales, working with objections, voice management, customizing for the client, time management, and so on.

Remember that trainings give sales managers more than just knowledge and skills. Participants in such active learning receive a powerful charge of energy, drive and enthusiasm. Therefore, you should not neglect staff training.