Spring came. And now you can make plans for the summer and choose a place for your vacation. What, you don't want to wait for summer? Then arrange for yourself beach holiday in May! Moreover, the weather in Greece in May 2020 is simply excellent. And the water temperature will allow you to swim in the sea and enjoy your vacation to the fullest. So, let's find out what the weather awaits you in Greece in the month of May.

And now about the weather. At the beginning of May, the sun is already shining in full force at the resorts of Greece. The air warms up to +23 degrees. But the water is still cool and is unlikely to have time to warm up above +19 degrees. Therefore, in early May, only walruses will be able to swim in the sea! But every day the air and water will only warm up. And already on the tenth day of May you will be able to enter the sea and enjoy its warmth. The air will be hot up to +27 degrees. And the water will have time to heat up to +23 degrees.
Precipitation in May at Greek resorts is unlikely. They do not exceed 30 millimeters for the entire month. And this is very, very little and there is almost no rain. Although there are cloudy days, especially when they blow strong winds, which drive the clouds. But these same winds disperse them and give you the sun again.

In May in Greece you can not only swim and lie on the beach. In May, the country hosts the so-called Flower Festival. And at this time, millions of roses bloom simultaneously throughout the country different colors. This spectacle cannot be missed and all tourists rush to see it.

Holidays in Greece in May are also attractive. That hotel prices are very low. This is because the season is just gaining momentum and there are few tourists. And hotels want to book their rooms now and make a profit. So if you are in doubt, then cast aside all doubts and fly to Greece in May!

Greece is a country of antiquities, fur tours, tasty food, wine, bright sun and warm sea. This is one of the leading destinations that has become a favorite for many tourists. The temperature in Greece in May already reaches the optimal level for comfortable relaxation and swimming. The climate in Greece is Mediterranean and mild. The air temperature in winter usually does not drop below +10, but in summer the air is hot and dry, average temperature- +32 at low humidity of 55%. The temperature in Greece in May allows the swimming season to begin already in the middle of the month.

When does the tourist season start?

The beginning of the holiday season in this country is considered to be the month of April, but the climate becomes most favorable towards the end of spring, when it is time for guests to swim. optimal temperature. In Greece, the end of May is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the surroundings of the resort, soak up the warm sun, taste delicious Greek dishes, and all this for a reasonable, not yet inflated price.

Holidays in Greece by month

In May, the nature of the surrounding area is transformed, everything turns green and blooms. This is the most convenient period for hiking in historically important places in the country.

July and August are the hottest months, often with extreme temperatures (up to 40 degrees). At this time people flock to the resorts greatest number guests. However, for those who do not tolerate heat well, lovers moderate temperature It is better to relax on the islands at the end of spring. The temperature in Greece in May is the most favorable, and the beaches and hotels have not yet filled up big amount noisy tourists. Themselves local residents prefer to hide in summer months from the heat in the northern part of the country, in small towns located at an altitude of 500-600 m above sea level.

Due to the fact that at the end of spring in Greece it is established summer weather, the water temperature in May already reaches +19 or +20. Thanks to the soft spring weather, gentle sun and warm water, can be spent on fresh air more time than in the summer, without fear of burning or getting heatstroke. Following from this, you can plan a trip to Greece as early as May or even April, in order to have time to enjoy the mild weather and admire the local natural beauty in combination with architectural monuments and structures.

Beach and sightseeing tours in May

Beach holidays in May are very favorable for families with children: the sun is gentle, the sea is warm. But it is still important not to forget about sunscreen and a hat. What could be more pleasant than lying on a sun lounger and sipping a light, refreshing cocktail on a warm but not hot day? In May, many tourists prefer to flock to the islands of Rhodes and Crete, where picturesque local landscapes and ancient architecture will leave a vivid mark in the memory of every vacationer. Travelers will also enjoy an exciting excursion program for the Easter and May holidays with an exciting trip to the ancient sights of the country: Epidaurus, Meteora, Delphi, Mycenae, Athens and much more can be visited in less than 7 days. Thanks to experienced guides, vacationers will learn ancient history gods, they will also visit Zeus, the legendary Acropolis and the ancient theater. In addition, guests of the country can get an excellent opportunity to celebrate the bright holiday of Easter, guided by Greek traditions.

What time should you choose to travel?

Yet best time for a trip - this is the beginning of autumn or the end of spring, because the temperature in Greece in May is quite favorable comfortable rest- you don’t have to languish in the heat, wanting to get into a room with air conditioning as quickly as possible. This is the best time for lovers of long walks, excursions and hikes. Greece - amazing country, where you can plunge into the world of antiquity and learn more about the culture of the peoples who once lived here.

In the Mediterranean, warmth comes with the beginning calendar spring: already in March the sun warms up, precipitation falls much less often, and the air temperature rises daily. So the weather in Greece in May is quite suitable for officially opening tourist season, which will last until mid-October. We’ll discuss the autumn closure another time, but today we’ll talk about the beginning high season: we’ll tell you what Greece looks like in May, where to go for the long May holidays, what to see and what type of vacation to expect. In general, we will tell you everything you wanted to know about the weather and holidays in Greece in May this year.

Let's start with a description of the island resort area, because... many will prefer to relax in Greece on islands surrounded on all sides by sea waters. Local resorts boast an innumerable number of beaches, dozens of cultural attractions and amazing beauty nature, blooming and smelling pleasantly in spring. The only question is how favorable the weather in Greece in May is to travelers. Of course, you can’t accurately predict the forecast, but archival data and reviews from tourists will help you decide on the best place to vacation in Greece in May for a beach, excursion or entertainment pastime.


Russians often associate Greece with Crete during the May holidays: the country’s largest island simply outshines others in popularity. Indeed, it is simply impossible for travelers to Crete not to fall in love. Dozens of resorts, hundreds of beaches, ancient monuments, entertainment for every taste, nature reserves and the caves leave an indelible impression on the memory.

What is the weather like in Crete, Greece at the beginning of May! During the daytime, the average temperature is +23°C, and hot days even reach records of +30°C. It’s not for nothing that May is called little summer in Crete. But the fact that it’s still spring outside is reminiscent of the still rather weak warming of the water. On average, the temperature values ​​of sea waters stop at +20°C, and high waves on the north coast of the island add to the problems. The south of Crete is calmer and warmer ( water +22°С), but it’s still too early to swim and spend the whole day on the beach.

But for excursions and sightseeing, May and June are considered best period per year. While there is no summer heat and tourist excitement, walking in the fresh air and exploring architectural monuments is a pleasure. Moreover, May is a hot time for flowering, so cities and villages are buried in the bright inflorescences and smells of orchards or olive groves.


The famous volcanic island with superb panoramic views is no less famous than Crete. As already noted, near the Aegean Sea of ​​Greece in May the temperature reaches only +20°C, so it’s too early to start a beach holiday in Santorini. However, if you really want to splash around in sea ​​waves, we recommend looking for cozy small bays where the waters are a couple of degrees warmer. And it’s even better to come at the end of May, when the sea is almost summer-like warmer.

But this island is no longer valued for its beaches, but for the extraordinary beauty of the area, and nothing can stop you from enjoying it. On a May day in Santorini the sun often shines and daytime temperatures reach +23°C. There is practically no rain, except for minor precipitation on a single cloudy day.

Rhodes and Kos

The eastern region, where the Dodecanese archipelago is located, is the most warm place Greece. At the beginning of May the sun is hot at +22°C, and by the end of the month the thermometer is already showing +28°C. The water temperature is also relatively high: in May the coast of eastern Greece warms up to +24°C. At the same time, there are 85% of sunny days in the month, and it rains only 2-3 times.

In terms of temperatures, Rhodes is the warmest island of Greece in May, but on Kos there is less precipitation ( 1-2 rainy days). Rhodes again wins in terms of the number of attractions and beaches, but it is also 5 times larger in area than Kos, so the comparison is not entirely correct. In general, both islands have monuments of antiquity, the Byzantine period and the times of knightly rule, as well as spacious beaches. Therefore, eastern Greece in May is definitely worth the attention of tourists.

Corfu and Ionian Islands

If you decide to spend 3-4 days of the May holidays on the Greek islands of the Ionian Sea, then it is better not to count on a beach holiday. Western Greece offers the coolest May, especially if we're talking about about the beginning of the month, when daytime temperatures barely reach +19°C, and at night they completely drop to +15°C. In addition sea ​​waters They warm up weakly, and underwater currents additionally cool them. As a result, the average water temperature off the coast is barely +19°C. So, for swimming and sunbathing, it is better to fly to the Ionian Sea in June or July, at the same time you will escape the heat and stuffiness that reigns in other regions of Greece during this period.

Well, then what to do on the island of Corfu in May? Relax in a measured, cultural and active way. Hotels in Greece offer excellent holidays in May: sunbathing on the terraces and swimming in the pool, cosmetic procedures, games and entertainment await guests of local resorts. Lovers active rest will find something to do in sports and entertainment centers. And for lovers of sights and beautiful views It’s worth going on field trips around Kerkyra or going on sea cruises. A ferry service connects Corfu with neighboring Kefalonia and several resorts in Italy.

May weather in mainland Greece

Good weather in Greece in May also prevails over the mainland. Basically, the mainland is no less sunny, warm and dry than the islands, although there are exceptions. But for this purpose, we will look at the main resorts of mainland Greece to find out where it is warmer and better to relax in May.


Many tourists, when asked where to go to Greece in May, will answer “Athens” without hesitation. The capital city is attractive for its cultural attractions, shopping, interesting entertainment and comfortable hotels. Thanks to high level tourist infrastructure, your holiday in Athens will be carefree and exciting.

First of all, we recommend visiting the architectural complex on the Acropolis, as well as the neighboring ancient temples and the Agora. To visit a city with a preserved heritage that is nearly 3 thousand years old and not see it is like a crime. Further special attention is paid to museums, as well as city blocks and streets. Believe me, the color and originality of Athens never ceases to impress even those who have visited this city more than once.

As for the weather, it is sunny, but with temperature changes. During the day in Athens the air warms up to +26°, and at night the thermometer drops to +20°C. Sea in coastal zone at the beginning of the month it is cool (+18°C), and closer to summer it already warms up to +21°C. So if you come to capital Greece at the end of May, you can sunbathe and swim on the suburban beaches.


Most of the vacationers, along with Athens, spend the May holidays in Greece on the Peloponnese Peninsula, fortunately it is located only 200 km from the capital.

The Peloponnese is a storehouse of wealth from the ancient period. The peninsula is home to world-famous ancient cities: Olympia, Sparta, Corinth and Argos. Of particular note are the Lion Gate in Mycenae and the ancient theater in Epidaurus, which has survived to this day almost in its original form. People also travel to the Peloponnese from mainland Greece in order to admire the Corinth Canal, which cut off the peninsula from the mainland.

The Peloponnese weather is very attractive in May: during the day the thermometer shows +25°C, and in the evenings it cools down pleasantly to +15°C. The sea off the coast of the peninsula warms up to +20°C, and the rains are short-lived and fall no more than 3 times a month. In general, in May the weather in Greece allows you to comfortably drive around the Peloponnese and explore everything historical values. During hotter times of the year ( July August) Stuffiness, heat and seasonal price increases will prevent you from enjoying the local beauties.


A series of May holidays can also be spent in the “northern capital” of Greece – Thessaloniki. During the month, daytime temperatures here remain at +25°C, and nighttime temperatures stay at +15°C. There are no strong winds, but gloomy clouds and high humidity, because in May there are up to 5 rainy days in Thessaloniki. Wherein sunny days occupy 75% of the month's duration.

If we talk about what to see in Thessaloniki, we can highlight the Turkish White Tower, the Roman Agora, the Triumphal Arch, ancient Dion and the thermal baths located near the city. It is also worth paying attention to visiting local museums, entertainment centers, clubs and shops. By the way, shopping in Thessaloniki is considered one of the best in Greece.


And not far from Thessaloniki there is another resort town in Greece - the Halkidiki peninsula. It is famous for its bizarre shapes coastline: the territory resembles a brush with 3 peninsula fingers. Two “fingers”, Cassandra and Sithonia

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May Greece pleases tourists with sunny, sometimes even hot weather and the beginning of... swimming season. On the mainland the air warms up to 21.4°C, and on the islands - up to 20.3°C on average. The water temperature rises to 20 degrees. You can happily bask under gentle sun and even swim in the crystal clean water Aegean or Mediterranean Sea.

If you came not only to spend time on the beach, but also to get acquainted with the national traditions of Greece, then May is a very busy month with local holidays.

The Flower Festival is celebrated on the first day of May, associated with Demeter - ancient Greek goddess fertility. And Rhodes celebrates it in the fourth week of May on the streets of the city.

Another important holiday May is the day of resistance to the Hitler regime. In all major cities On May 20, massive celebrations take place, and a joyful atmosphere reigns everywhere.

If you are interested in the original traditions of Greece, you must see Pirovassia - the ritual of walking on hot coals in the village of Ayia Eleni. In the evening, residents sing and dance to the accompaniment of lyres and drums, and in the morning of the next day, May 21, they go to the sacred well for a blessing. After this, an animal is sacrificed, a fire is lit, and everyone begins to dance around it. Actually, when the fire burns out, the worshipers begin to walk on the coals. This is a fascinating sight!

Greece in May will captivate you with its weather and unique traditions!

Athens Crete Corfu
average daily temperature +25°C +24°C +23°C
average night temperature +15°C +14°C +13°C
sundial in a day 10 10 9
rainy days 5 2 5
sea ​​water temperature +19°C +22°C +17°C
* Weather in Greece - May

It is believed that the weather in Greece in May is still far from resort weather, this is primarily due to the fact that the water in the seas does not warm up to acceptable levels. Thus, the average temperature of the Aegean Sea is about 19°C, and colder water off the coast of Corfu (not higher than seventeen degrees).

True, according to statements experienced tourists, during this period you can still find places for swimming. For example, the sea off the coast of Crete warms up to 22°C. Moreover, relatively warm water off the coast of the island of Elafonisos, which is located southeast of the Peloponnese. It is quite shallow here, so the water has time to warm up.

However, the weather in Greece in May already allows you to get a good tan, since most of the country is very warm. So, in Athens during the day it is about 25°C, and at night it is not lower than fifteen degrees; the same meanings are characteristic of the Peloponnese. In the northern part of the mainland (in Thessaloniki, for example) it is a little cooler, but without sunscreen also indispensable: during the day it’s about 24 degrees, at night - twelve degrees.

Of the islands, Corfu can be called the “coolest”, where during the day the temperature is no higher than 23°C. However, in Rhodes, Santorini, Mykonos it is only a little warmer - during the day no higher than 24 degrees, and at night about fifteen. In a word, to make your vacation comfortable, light clothes and shoes will be useful during the day, and a jacket or thin sweater in the evening and at night.

There is little rain in Greece at the end of spring, but it is still possible. If you create a kind of “raininess rating” during this period, then the top line will be occupied by Thessaloniki, the north of the Chalkidiki peninsula and the island of Thassos, where total number rainy days - about ten. In “second place” are the centers of Greece, Athens and Corfu, there are five days with precipitation. The Aegean islands (Rhodes, Mykonos, Santorini and others) and Crete (here, as a rule, there are no more than two days of precipitation) close the list.

The month begins with the familiar Workers' Day for Russians, which is celebrated on May 1. The weather in Greece in May is conducive to outdoor recreation, so many city residents go on picnics. The holiday has a romantic character: it is also a flower festival, when local residents collect flowers, weave wreaths from them and hang them on balconies or doors.

Another holiday celebrated in Greece in May is called Anastenaria (or the festival of walking on fire). Participants in this unforgettable and somewhat mystical spectacle, rooted in pagan traditions, dance rhythmically on hot coals to specific music without feeling pain. You can see similar rituals in the north of the country, in small villages - Langadas, Meliki Verrias and others.

In addition, when vacationing in Greece in May, you can visit for free famous museums(including at night), since on May 18, here, as in many other countries, International Museum Day is celebrated. Among the institutions that usually take part in the action are the Archaeological Museums in Athens, Delphi and Thessaloniki, the Acropolis Museum in Athens, the Palace of Knossos in Crete, Olympia and others.