Every year, every person leaves behind tons of garbage. Garbage is taken to landfills, where in most cases it rots. Moreover, this process can last for centuries. Throughout the decomposition of waste into the atmosphere, soil and groundwater stand out toxic substances. All toxins subsequently settle in the human body, causing the development of cancer and other equally serious diseases.

Meanwhile, any waste can serve secondary raw materials for the production of various products. Recycling waste allows you to benefit and save natural resources.

The scale of the problem is clear to many people. And it can only be resolved by stimulating the creation of waste processing plants. Such enterprises can solve the problem of littering and pollution environment. But first you need to understand what kind of waste can be used to obtain recyclable materials, and what the waste recycling process is.

Types of recycling

Raw materials can be processed in various ways.

One of the most popular are thermal methods. These include:

  • incineration carried out at landfills is a disposal method that allows the release of landfill territory, but causes significant damage to the environment;
  • low-temperature pyrolysis allows you to obtain heat, from which thermal and Electric Energy;
  • allows you to obtain secondary products used in the production of various building materials, including ceramic tiles.

There are other, less expensive ways to recycle waste. One of them is filling the landfill with earth. In this case, the garbage decomposes, resulting in the release of methane. It is subsequently purified and converted into natural gas.

Another method that does not require significant costs is composting.

However, this method of disposal is only suitable for organic waste. These include:

  • paper;
  • food products;
  • vegetable waste.

As a result of such processing, it is possible to obtain valuable organic fertilizer, which can be used in agriculture and on private property.

What waste is suitable for recycling?

Recycling waste improves environmental situation, as well as obtain recyclable materials suitable for further production of various products. Such products include products made of glass and metal, as well as paper and building materials.

Suitable for processing the following types waste:

  • scrap metal;
  • polymers;
  • broken glass and glass containers;
  • waste paper;
  • textile;
  • rubber, in particular car tires;
  • wood;
  • electronics;
  • mercury lamps;
  • petroleum products.

Benefits of Metal Recycling

Scrap metal is separated from other types of waste using magnetic separation, after which it is compressed, packaged and shipped to further processing to foundries.

Most often, the raw material for recycling is ferrous metal scrap, in particular cast iron. People often take cast iron bathtubs and radiators to landfills. This is where waste comes from industrial enterprises in the form of cast iron pallets, shavings and oversized pieces remaining after casting, as well as old equipment.

Meanwhile, cast iron scrap is a valuable raw material. Unlike the production of this metal, repeated melting cycles do not harm the environment.

At the same time, secondary raw materials can be used in the production of plumbing fixtures, cars, building materials and in other industries.

For industrial production Non-ferrous metals are of particular value, since their resource is limited. On the territory of Russia, technologies are used that make it possible to remelt the following types of non-ferrous metals:

  • lead;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • aluminum

Electric induction furnaces are used to melt them, which significantly saves natural resources. In addition, primary casting is accompanied by the release of sulfur gases, lead salts and heavy metals into the environment. Recycling of non-ferrous metals is free from these disadvantages, which means in a positive way affects not only the environment, but also the cost of final products.

Benefits of Polymer Recycling

The difficulty of processing raw materials, which include polymers, lies in the need to purify them. economically unprofitable, since this process costs much more expensive than production primary raw materials. This is why polymer waste, for example, plastic bottles, are used in the production of concrete products, as well as wood-polymer boards.

For example, PET bottles in which drinks are packaged are used to make raw materials for the production of insulation for jackets. In addition, these raw materials are used to manufacture the following products:

  • door panels;
  • containers;
  • pallets;
  • carpets;
  • car bumpers and grilles.

In the manufacture of all these products, recycled materials do not require purification. And since it is much cheaper than the primary one, all this directly affects the cost of the final products.

Benefits of glass recycling

Glass is the only material that can be recycled endlessly without compromising its quality. Just 1 ton of recycled glass saves more than half a ton of sand, two hundred kilograms of limestone and the same amount of soda.

By adding various additives to broken glass, manufacturers are able to produce products that have certain qualities. For example, adding boron makes it possible to produce heat-resistant cookware. And the addition of glass fiber is necessary in the manufacture of fiber optic cables.

Benefits of recycling waste paper and textiles

At recycling paper, unlike primary production, does not harm the environment. At the same time, recycling enterprises manage to recover about 80% of cellulose fibers from recycled materials, which allows them to produce new batches of paper and cardboard.

The following products are made from raw materials obtained through recycling:

  • cardboard packaging;
  • toilet paper;
  • Construction Materials.

In production new paper secondary raw materials are mixed with primary ones.

Textiles and shoes are also recyclable. Moreover, some of the textiles suitable for further exploitation, cleaned, repaired and then donated to charity.

Clothes that are unwearable are also cleaned, recycled and used to make new products, such as some types of paper. Recycled raw materials are also suitable for, but in this case, secondary fibers are mixed with primary fibers.

Benefits of Rubber Recycling

When car tires burn, carcinogens are released into the atmosphere, posing a threat to human health. In addition, rubber is an excellent raw material for the production of new tires, rubber shoes, as well as building materials. Eg, crumb rubber used as an embankment on children's playgrounds and stadium paths. Rubber can also become a raw material for production if it is subjected to pyrolysis.

Benefits of wood processing

When preparing an array, the volume of waste significantly exceeds the used part. Waste suitable for recycling includes:

  • bark;
  • wood chips;
  • roots;
  • croaker;
  • branches.

Large lump waste is used for the production of paper, as well as construction materials and chemicals. Sawdust is a useful material used in the manufacture of fillers for dry closets and charcoal. In addition, they are used in agriculture as bedding for animals and birds.

And waste that has no industrial significance is subjected to high-temperature pyrolysis, during which it is possible to obtain energy.

Benefits of Recycling Electronics and Mercury Vapors

When recycling waste, old electronics are of considerable value, from which various chemical elements are obtained, including precious metals, glass and polymers.

Electronics recycling makes it possible to obtain all kinds of chemical elements

All metal obtained from the sorting process is melted in furnaces, pressed, packaged, and then sent to foundries for further processing. All remaining components undergo pyrolysis, during which they obtain energy.

Mercury lamps cause irreparable harm to the environment. That is why collection points for waste materials are organized in Russia. Subsequently, the material obtained from these products is neutralized and converted into a sorbent from which paving slabs are made. Glass bulbs are used in the manufacture of new lamps.

Waste petroleum products are primarily used for the production of motor oil and construction materials. Their recycling can significantly reduce the emission of harmful vapors into the atmosphere, as well as reduce the degree of contamination of soil and groundwater.


Modern technologies used in waste disposal make it possible to reuse more than 70% solid waste. There are many waste processing enterprises successfully operating in Russia. And each plant makes a huge contribution to environmental protection.

For this type of activity to develop successfully, it is necessary not only to organize waste collection points with special containers, but also to establish communication between recycling companies and manufacturers finished products. Otherwise, people will suffocate from the increasing volumes of garbage, and natural resources will sooner or later run out.

What is included in the concept of recyclable materials?

In practice, recycled materials are any material that can be reused. Based on their composition, the following types of recyclable materials can be distinguished:

— Waste paper — any paper, cardboard and similar products;

— Glass — any products made of glass and crystal;

— Scrap metal — divided into ferrous, non-ferrous and mixed, depending on the composition;

— Petroleum products — oil, bitumen, fuel mixtures;

— Electronics — printed circuit boards, various wires and cables, mercury and LED bulbs, rechargeable batteries;

— Plastics — any products made of plastic, from plastic bags to PVC boat hulls;

Construction waste— brick, wall elements, concrete;

— Rubber — any rubber or caoutchouc products, car tires, insulation elements;

— Wood — sawdust, trimmings, branches and leaves of trees, chipboards and MDF boards;

Biological waste- any organic waste of human and animal life, food remains.

Examples of using different types recyclable materials

When used in technological processes For various mechanisms, there is a need for a material that could be used to remove residual lubricants and fuel, apply solvents, or wipe a dirty tool, but where should this material go then? The answer is quite simple - by processing recyclable rags, we end up with a mixture organic matter(oils, solvents, fuels, etc.), which goes to the oil refinery for splitting into useful substances, and crushed cotton mass, suitable for the production of paper, filter elements and other products. The processes for separating petroleum products from the cotton base are quite simple, but at the same time, the company’s costs for paying environmental fees charged for the disposal of oily rags in landfills are significantly reduced. This is not to mention the fact that dumping or burning rags leads to very serious ecosystem disorders. The organic components of oils are not fully decomposed by nature; fabric impregnated with petroleum products forms an airtight layer, under which the processes of anaerobic fermentation of other organic waste begin, which produces very toxic alcohols and aldehydes. When burned, heavy soot settles on vegetation and soil, causing many problems for wildlife. A woodworking plant can pay fees for the disposal of sawdust and shavings, spend money on removing and storing them on site, or can supply equipment that produces MDF boards from waste and receive additional benefits. The practice of many entrepreneurs who have implemented such equipment has shown that its payback period is very short, and the profit is significant. Basically, economic efficiency waste recycling has been proven at enterprises in almost any industry.

In this material:

Recycling is a business that has recently become in demand. It pays for itself quickly and brings good profits, which is why many beginning entrepreneurs choose it. By organizing a business in this direction, you can earn money and improve the environmental situation in your city or region.

Raw materials for recycling can be collected for free in garbage chutes or purchased for next to nothing. In this case, business development costs are significantly reduced. Despite the fact that this type of activity is not taken seriously by many entrepreneurs, it is considered quite profitable and profitable. In conditions modern economy the development of this type of business will be very successful.

Before starting recycling activities, it is necessary to carefully study the entire waste component of the area, determine which raw materials can be processed and in which case the benefits will be best. Having assessed the prospects, they draw up a business plan and only then begin activities. You should not immediately take on the processing of raw materials; collecting waste and then delivering it to recycling sites will also be profitable. To begin with, you can open collection points for bottles, waste paper, and metal. If the business is successful, you can open your own processing plant.

Recyclable materials for business

Absolutely any thing can be made from recycled materials: plastic containers, paper packaging, fabrics and many other items. To make a profit in the recycling industry, you need to decide what type of waste will be processed. This choice depends on the location, the amount of demand for recycled items, and the possibility of transportation to other areas.

The following main types of waste are distinguished:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • metal;
  • polyethylene;
  • waste paper;
  • organic raw materials.

Absolutely any waste can be recycled, including organic waste, which can be beneficially used to create fertilizer. You can use plastic, plastic and polyethylene items:

  • plastic bottles and cans;
  • polyethylene packaging;
  • film.

When processed, they again turn into plastic and polyethylene. All recycling activities will be based on several points:

  • collection plastic waste and their sorting;
  • creation of flex - polymer flakes, which are the raw material for finished products;
  • production of the finished product.

The sorting stage is necessary to separate all waste into white and colored, and remove parts not made of plastic.

To create a flex you need:

  • crushing in a special device;
  • purification of the mass in a steam boiler;
  • polishing in a special unit;
  • rinsing and washing;
  • drying in a special chamber.

The resulting raw materials are sent further for the manufacture of various products: bottles, brushes, films and even paving slabs. Purchasing a specialized recycling line for plastic waste is expensive, and the business itself requires special preparation and fairly detailed planning, which includes all costs and ways to recoup the business.

There will be less costs if you purchase a mini-plant.

To transport a small structure, a 6-meter container is sufficient, which can be transported by truck.

Waste paper and glass as recyclable materials

Despite the long existence of recycling activities paper waste, it has not lost its significance even today. Only the production volume has become slightly smaller. Not everyone wants to do this, because the main problem is the difficulty in collecting raw materials, a lot of which is thrown away, but little is processed. In accordance with state standards, paper waste is divided into grades, which determine its cost and the price of the finished product after processing.

Business on recyclable materials is profitable and troublesome at the same time. Glass waste can also be used for recycling. It is possible to accept not only whole bottles, but also broken glass. The raw materials will be used in construction, food and other industries, so this kind of business is not just profitable, but promising.

Glass goes through several stages during processing:

  • primary sorting by color and grade;
  • purification from foreign impurities;
  • splitting up;
  • repeated cleansing;
  • remelting

To open a business you need:

  • different-sized sieves;
  • crushing device;
  • conveyor design;
  • melting furnace;
  • air vehicles.

Automation of the line allows you to get by with a small number of employees; the cost of purchasing equipment will quickly be justified.

Metal processing business

The metal products processing industry is still well developed. Any metal is accepted for smelting: copper, iron, aluminum, etc. Organizing a business for accepting scrap metal requires minimum quantity actions:

  • creation of a reception point;
  • acquisition of necessary structures: gas cutting device and press;
  • sales of scrap metal to foundries.

Those who do not want to recycle waste, but want to open a business in this area, have no choice but to open a recycling collection point. After collection, the products are sent for processing.

Every day people send a lot of waste to the trash, most of which could end up being recycled. These large monetary losses, coupled with environmental pollution, can be eliminated by opening a recycling business. A little competition in the market for secondary processing of raw materials will allow you to earn a decent profit. The main thing is to decide where to start and how to lead production to generate income. A carefully developed business plan will help you achieve these goals.

Order a business plan

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When we talk about secondary raw materials, we usually talk about such material resources, which can be reused. This can be consumer or production waste that occurs in the national economy. It is important to understand that not all waste can become secondary raw materials and not all recycled materials are used products.

The classification of secondary raw materials is clear and simple. Conventionally, it can be divided into several separate groups:

1. Secondary raw materials, which can be used as a complete or partial replacement for primary raw materials.

2. Waste acting as a starting product for the production of primary raw materials.

3. Waste in the form of used raw materials, which during the processing process can be used in a fundamentally new technological cycle.

4. Waste that serves as a source for ore raw materials and the extraction of various metals.

Waste paper as secondary raw material

Recycled materials such as old newspapers, notebooks, magazines, books, cardboard boxes, packaging and much more are commonly called waste paper. Waste paper used as recyclable material is usually used to make insulation, roofing, packaging materials, and paper. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in paper production waste paper takes up 40% of the raw materials, since cellulose and wood are more expensive materials in this type of business.

Types of waste paper (what kind it is)

On the territory of the Russian Federation, enterprises that collect and process secondary raw materials accept unsorted waste paper. Only later will it be sorted taking into account the type and brand of waste paper. The highest quality waste paper is considered to be grade “A” waste paper. Waste paper of lower quality will be considered waste of classes “B” and “C”.

Waste paper recycling technology

Recycling waste paper has certain difficulties and, as a rule, is carried out using wet technology. Processing is carried out in several stages.

1. Dissolution of waste paper

Dissolution of waste paper into individual fibers produced in a humid environment in special equipment called pulpers. Certain hydromechanical forces make it possible to completely shred waste paper into individual pieces and then into fibers.

2. The waste paper mass is completely cleared of foreign impurities

The waste paper mass, which after dissolution turns into a suspension, is passed through a sieve in a pulper. After this, all coarse inclusions in the waste paper mass and heavy impurities are removed from it. At the same time, light impurities can be pulled out in the form of a rope.

3. Removal of waste paper and its fine cleaning

Purified waste paper pulp may contain plant fibers, and not just pieces of waste paper. That is why it is sent for subsequent final release, where even more fine cleaning will be carried out.

What is produced from waste paper?

There is a world great amount products made from collected waste paper. We will try to list their most popular types.

1. Ecowool. Today, ecowool is not often used in production and construction, since the current production of this product is too small. Nevertheless, in the future this particular material will be in demand in the construction market, in the world of thermal insulation materials.

2. Paper fiber boards. Such slabs are often used during construction and repair work on interior decoration rooms. They are slabs of carefully dried, compressed waste paper.

3. Roofing materials made from waste paper are environmentally friendly and inexpensive materials. This direction in the construction market is only gaining momentum, but has serious prospects for its development in the future.

4. Packaging materials are the most popular products obtained in the process of recycling waste paper. It is packaging examples that are considered the most a clear example saving quite valuable and environmentally important raw materials.

With proper collection of waste paper and its adequate use on packaging materials, a considerable amount of wood is saved. Annually due to production packaging materials(cardboard boxes, paper and corrugated cardboard packaging, paper wrappers, etc.) you can save up to one and a half thousand hectares of forest. By the way, micro-corrugated cardboard packaging, which has virtually no disadvantages, is made from waste paper by simply machining recycled materials in warm water.

Corrugated cardboard packaging has certain advantages due to its low weight and good strength. When using cardboard with corrugated paper, the resistance of such packaging to tearing increases several times both across and along the sheet.

5. Office paper. In the printing industry, this area of ​​waste paper recycling plays a particularly important role, as it allows for significant savings.

Ecology and waste paper

The huge amount of paper that is thrown away every day from offices, shops, and homes can be used for environmental benefit. As a result of the development of recycling of secondary raw materials and its proper use, we can save a huge number of trees. For statistics: by recycling just 1 ton of waste paper, we protect about 10 trees, and also save more than 20 thousand liters of water, thousands of kilowatts of electricity, and protect the environment from the emission of 1700 kg of carbon dioxide!

The collection and subsequent processing of waste paper makes it possible to open up more and more new opportunities for using unnecessary paper and paper raw materials, saving a lot of resources and money.

Secondary raw materials are products and materials, after their primary use, they can be used in production as raw materials. Recycled raw materials can be divided according to several criteria:

  • application (unused or used);
  • technologies (allowing or not allowing processing);
  • state of aggregation(gaseous, liquid, solid);
  • chemical composition(inorganic or organic);
  • toxicity (non-poisonous or poisonous);
  • place of use;
  • by place of generation (production and consumption waste);
  • size of volumes, etc.

Types of waste processed

According to the “Sanitary Rules for Collection, Storage, Transportation and primary processing secondary raw materials", as well as based on established practice, secondary raw materials are divided into the following types:

  • liquid waste;
  • waste containing mercury;
  • batteries;
  • rubber;
  • instruments and other equipment containing precious metals;
  • substandard and expired products;
  • medical waste;
  • textiles and footwear;
  • waste paper;
  • glass;
  • animal bones;
  • concrete and concrete production waste;
  • hard polymer materials;
  • radioactive waste.

Polymer materials

Recycled polymer materials are used in the manufacture wide range products: from car parts to bottles. Production from recycled plastics allows you to meet market needs, reduce environmental pollution, and reduce production costs.

Concrete production waste

When working with concrete mixtures, fresh concrete remains in concrete trucks, mixers, pumps, machines, containers and forms. All this equipment is cleaned with water. Waste water includes:

  • liquid chemical additives;
  • cement laitance and water;
  • inert fillers.

Radioactive waste

Radioactive waste is waste that includes isotopes chemical elements, not applicable in the existing condition. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has formulated the basic principles for radioactive waste management:

  • Installation safety;
  • Ecosystem protection;
  • Health protection;
  • Protection regardless of national borders;
  • Interdependence of Education radioactive waste and handling them;
  • Legal support at the national level;
  • Comprehensive production control;
  • Protection of future generations;
  • Responsibility of future generations.

Shoes and textiles

Perhaps the oldest type of waste that has been recycled is textiles. Since time immemorial, ragpickers' carts have traveled all over the world. The rags were sorted to separate what could still serve the poor, and the actual waste that went into recycling. The fabrics were used to make paper back in China. The recipe was brought to Europe by Marco Polo during his first visit to the Middle Kingdom. Fabrics of different composition are subject to different processing. So, denim and other cotton waste is used in paper production. The fabric is crushed and soaked, and further production differs little from the use of cellulose, but does not cause damage to the Earth's biosphere.

Shoes are sorted according to a similar principle, taking into account the type of material with which they are sent for recycling.

Batteries and accumulators

Batteries and accumulators are recycled regardless of whether they can be recharged or the remaining charge of the battery. There are several specialized battery recycling plants in Europe according to the following classification:

  • alkaline;
  • nickel-cadmium;
  • nickel metal hydride;
  • lithium-ion.

The effectiveness of the processing process is determined by the ratio of the incoming and resulting material. It is taken into account that the final result is influenced by the composition of the material and its combination with other substances and materials.