Aquarium shrimp are no less popular than fish or aquatic plants. A transparent container with these arthropods will be a wonderful interior decoration, but before you start them, you need to figure out how difficult they need to care for. This will largely depend on the species acquired, so it is better for beginners and experienced owners to purchase different representatives of arthropods.

Aquarium shrimp exist different types and the complexity of the content, so before purchasing it is better to study them better

general description

Although there are many types of aquarium shrimp, they all have common feature- the same body structure. They have a well-developed tail, eyes with a large viewing angle, long whiskers that perform the function of touch. Instead of claws, they have three pairs of mandibles that perform a motor function. The entire body is covered with a layer of chitin. In addition, females are usually almost one and a half times larger than males.

In all other respects, these arthropods are not similar to each other. They differ in origin and belonging to a particular family, in size, color and habitat. Therefore, there are several types of aquarium shrimp. Some do not require special care, while others can only be kept by an experienced breeder.

Types for beginners

For those who start shrimp for the first time, it is better to pay attention to attractive, but unpretentious representatives who do not need to create special living conditions. These include the following varieties:

All of these species are non-aggressive and do not cause trouble to their owner.

For experienced breeders

If you managed to successfully cope with unpretentious creatures, you can try to get shrimp that require a more careful attitude. For example, one of these types:

These decorative shrimp require professional care under the supervision of an experienced aquarist. For their maintenance, special soil treatment and the installation of a reverse osmosis system are required.

Basic conditions of detention

Shrimps in an aquarium require proper care. To ensure it, even before acquiring arthropods, you need to prepare their home and think about what they will need for a comfortable life in the future.

Choosing an aquarium

For shrimp, you need to choose a container of a suitable volume, where each representative will have about 0.5 liters of water. Of course, some species feel fine even in more cramped conditions, however, sufficient space will be a guarantee of peaceful coexistence of neighbors.

You need to calculate the volume of the aquarium based on the number of shrimp. For each shrimp 0.5 l of water

The shape of the tank is not of paramount importance, but for beginners it will be more convenient to care for a rectangular wide tank that is easy to clean. You also need to remember to close the container with a lid to avoid jumping out of its inhabitants.

The best solution would be to start a shrimp farm, that is, a special aquarium where only arthropods will be settled. If fish live in the same container, hunting for small shrimps is inevitable, so they will need a large number of hiding places such as decorations, rocks or moss.

Water treatment

Arthropods are more sensitive to water characteristics than fish. They usually do well in temperatures between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius. If the temperature rises to 32 degrees, they will die. If it drops to 15, they will stop breeding and lose mobility, but there is no mortal threat. The former behavior is quickly restored when the liquid is brought to normal temperature.

For unpretentious shrimps you can take the most common tap water. It is even good if it has a slightly increased rigidity, since the shrimp will build a shell from the elements included in it during molting. But too hard water will be uncomfortable and stop reproduction.

Most shrimp do well in 20-28C water

More demanding creatures will need water with a near neutral pH and zero hardness. This is achieved by passing the liquid through a reverse osmosis unit. After that, special salt will need to be added to the water for a comfortable life for the shrimp.

Before pouring into the aquarium, the water must settle and reach room temperature. You can change the liquid only once a week, pouring out 1/5 of it and replacing it with fresh.

Necessary equipment

As for the equipment of the aquarium, first of all you will need a compressor, since a large number of shrimp may not have enough oxygen.

If there are a lot of shrimps, you definitely need a compressor in the aquarium

Filtration systems are usually installed in aquariums where both arthropods and fish live, so the shrimp farmer can do without it. But if there are many inhabitants and few plants, then it is better to purchase an external canister or internal sponge filter. To prevent small shrimp from being sucked into it, you will need to put a sponge on the pipe of the device.

Crustaceans need illumination for the formation of daily biological rhythms. In addition, aquarium plants cannot do without light. Fluorescent or LED sources are well suited for this purpose. They will work efficiently and economically, and there will be no heating of water with them.

To maintain the desired temperature, you will have to get a heater. It is better if it is equipped with a thermostat that maintains the set value. But it is not always possible to completely trust the device, so sometimes you need to control the temperature set by it with a thermometer.

If there are hot days and the water in the aquarium is very hot, you will need to install a fan or refrigeration unit to reduce the temperature to acceptable values.

Waste products must be removed regularly so that the ammonia released from them does not lead to diseases of the shrimp. To do this, you will have to carefully siphon the soil.

Suitable food

Nutrition - important point in keeping aquarium shrimp. They eat everything: rudiments of algae, fish food, plant leaves. But they also need to be given boiled vegetables or special food purchased at a pet store. In the latter case, you need to pay attention to the composition. It must contain calcium, necessary for the construction of the shell. Otherwise, the shrimp may begin to eat their own shell.

Frozen brine shrimp are suitable as food for shrimp

good choice considered frozen food from bloodworms, brine shrimp or even cod meat.

It is not necessary to feed arthropods more often than 1-3 times a week, as they will eat plants in the aquarium anyway, and increased nutrition can harm them. In addition, in nature, they often go without food for 7-10 days.

Breeding rules

Reproduction occurs when the female reaches sexual maturity. At this time, she begins to secrete enzymes that attract the male. He fertilizes the eggs that appeared under her tail, and after 4-6 weeks, larvae appear from them. As soon as they hatch, they will immediately be able to feed on their own and generally lead a lifestyle characteristic of adults.

But for this process to happen, you need to create conditions for mating. Achieving puberty of the female can be accelerated by replacing the water with fresh water more often. In this case, the molting occurs faster in shrimps, which precedes the release of pheromones.

Shrimp fry immediately lead an independent lifestyle, like adults

After successful fertilization, you need to be even more attentive to the characteristics of the water. Under any unfavorable factors, the female can shed her eggs and a new generation will not appear.

It should be borne in mind that up to 40 new larvae can appear at a time, but overpopulation usually does not occur, since with a lack of space and food, large individuals begin to feed on small ones, thereby regulating their numbers.

Fish compatibility

If there is no desire to start a separate shrimp farm, you can add arthropods to snails or small non-aggressive fish. Shrimp get along well with the following species:

  • microassemblies;

Neon fish can become a good neighbor in a shrimp aquarium

However, even these fish will be interested in too small neighbors and some of the shrimp will still be eaten. This can be avoided by placing large enough arthropods with small fish so that they cannot be swallowed.

It is worth remembering that there are species that will immediately eat new neighbors, regardless of their size. These include:

Thus, slowly and monitoring the well-being of new pets, you can successfully settle them in a new place of residence.

Common Mistakes

Those who decide to start shrimp for the first time often face certain difficulties. Their pets get sick or even die, although it would seem that everything was done correctly: an aquarium was chosen, water and food were prepared, everything was purchased necessary equipment.

Aquarium shrimp can get sick and die if the water in the aquarium is too stagnant

The thing is that small arthropods are very sensitive to various components of the environment. The owner should be aware that the following factors are detrimental to them:

  1. Insufficiently settled water. Fresh liquid, in which the microflora has not yet had time to develop, is detrimental to shrimp, therefore, before the first filling, the water should stand in dark place within a few weeks.
  2. Tobacco smoke. If people smoke in a room with an aquarium, aquatic inhabitants will not live long under such conditions. Shrimps are so sensitive to odors that they can be harmed even when falling asleep with food with an unwashed hand in which a cigarette was held.
  3. Medicines and water stabilizers. Any chemical preparations, which contain the slightest traces of copper, have a detrimental effect on arthropods.

Thus, the owner may accidentally make a mistake that will lead to the death of his pets. To prevent this from happening, you need to be responsible for caring for the inhabitants of the aquarium, and then they will delight with their beauty and health.

Shrimp in the aquarium perform an exclusively aesthetic function. They can eat various organic residues, cleaning the bottom, as well as algae. Caring for them at home is relatively easy. However, in order to maintain a bright color and active behavior of animals, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of keeping. Also, shrimp may not get along with all types of aquarium fish.

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    In nature, the aquarium shrimp lives in almost all salt and fresh water bodies of the world. All individuals of this species are from different regions Asia. Shrimps are crustaceans of the arthropod type and have mandibles that capture and hold food.

    Freshwater fish differ in size and color variations, but their body structure is identical. Long antennae provide good sense of smell and touch. Rotating eyes in different directions cause a wide view.

    The head of the shrimp is fused to the anterior thoracic segments, which provide reliable protection in the form of a shell. Animals move along the bottom with the help of walking legs. Shrimp have a well-developed tail, which helps them perform jumping movements when escaping predators.

    Size decorative variety is 2–15 cm. On average, such aquatic inhabitants live 1.5 years.


    These animals are represented great variety types. The most unusual and popular shrimp:

    Type of shrimp Description
    The most picky type in terms of care. These crustaceans can live in water of any hardness. They are omnivores. The tail and cephalothorax are one color, and the rest of the body is another. Grow up to an average of 2.5 cm
    It has about 200 subspecies, differing from each other in color. The most common shrimps are yellow, blue, black. A feature of this species is the presence of a second pair of limbs big size. It is most pronounced in males. Average body length - 5–8 cm
    This species is whimsical to the conditions of detention. Feature is the presence of front paws white color. This shrimp has a very attractive shade, the main color is red of various saturation. The shell is covered with randomly arranged white dots.
    This species is distinguished by shyness and a long habituation to a change of scenery. His body can be red, white or black. This is the smallest shrimp of all aquarium species, which is only 1.2 cm long
    Unpretentious in content view. These crustaceans are not shy and do not hide during the day. They are excellent cleaners of debris in the aquarium, clearing it of particles of algae and leftover food. Their body is transparent, but can acquire different shades depending on the food consumed and the conditions of detention. Grow up to 5 cm long

    Caring for these crustaceans at home is simple, but some species are capricious and present special requirements to your content.

    The aquarium for shrimps can be chosen in any size. In order not to be mistaken, the capacity is purchased at the rate of one individual per liter of water. If the crustaceans are large, then 2 or 4 liters will be needed.

    The optimum water temperature should be + 17 ... + 30 degrees. Permissible and more low temperature, but in this case, the pets will become inactive. With sudden temperature changes, it life cycle is greatly reduced, the crustacean may die.

    In order for the animals in the aquarium to develop normally, the water must be changed every week. You can add ordinary tap water, but it must be separated and at room temperature. The liquid must be saturated with oxygen using compressors and aerators.

    Chemical preparations, such as water stabilizers, must not be used for the aquarium. Many of them contain copper sulfate and other impurities with copper, to which freshwater shrimp are very sensitive.

    It is important that the tank contains live ornamental plants in which crustaceans will hide if necessary. Cladophora, pistia, hornwort, Javanese moss are used as landscaping.

    The aquarium must be equipped with a special lid, because some species crawl out of it. In the air, the shrimp lives only a few minutes.


    Animals eat absolutely everything. Most of the time they spend in search of food, rummaging through the plants and the bottom. They eat plaque on stones and leaves, food leftovers after fish, they can even eat their own shell, shed after molting.

    Shrimp can be fed with dry fish flakes or catfish tablets with spirulina. Food should be varied. Remains of food are removed from the aquarium after 1-2 hours, as they contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in the water.

    The favorite food of ornamental shrimp is the tubifex. You can use pieces of meat (without fat). It is best to purchase special food designed specifically for aquarium shrimp, in which all substances are properly balanced. To save them from death, you need to choose the right neighbors for them.

    Fish compatibility:

    Aquarium shrimp are able to get along well even with those fish that can attack them. To do this, a large number of plants are planted in the aquarium, decorations are made from the bark and branches of trees, large and small stones are laid out at the bottom. Thanks to this, crustaceans find shelter for themselves where predators cannot reach.

Modern aquarists have long gone beyond the traditional keeping of fish. Today, in artificial reservoirs, more and more often you can find other aquatic life- turtles, frogs, crustaceans, snails. Even a shrimp can no longer be called a rare aquarium inhabitant. This diversity is impressive, but only if the company is chosen correctly, and everyone coexists peacefully with each other. Interest is caused by all unusual creatures, and aquarium shrimp- not an exception. Who do these crustaceans get along with, and how difficult are they to keep?

Shrimp in nature

You can meet these crustaceans all over the world - they live in both fresh and salt water. However, there are many varieties of shrimp, and each of them has its own habitat:

Virtually all successfully domesticated shrimp come from various Asian regions. Shrimps are crustaceans and belong to the phylum Arthropoda. But, unlike marine crustaceans, they have mandibles, thanks to which creatures not only move, but also capture and hold food.

In addition, aquarium shrimp have five pairs legs and quite bulky tail, which helps them escape from enemies. After all, with the help of it, individuals can move quickly and spasmodically. Aquarium shrimp have a very modest size, but at the same time they have an excellent sense of smell and touch, which are provided by elongated antennae.

Besides, eyes these creatures can rotate, contributing to an expanded field of view - it is difficult for enemies to catch these big-eyed inhabitants by surprise. Yes, and in search of food such unusual organs vision helps a lot. Oral system in shrimp it is quite complex: it includes three jaws, the task of which is to grind food, as well as the jaws that hold food at the mouth. Other limbs help these arthropods grab food and crawl. Size individuals depends on their gender, it varies within 3-8 cm.

Shrimp Features

Most freshwater shrimp are omnivorous creatures whose diet is based on lower aquatic vegetation. In addition to being omnivorous, they are distinguished by high endurance.

It is most interesting to observe shrimps during the daytime, when they are most active - then the crustaceans quickly move along the ground surface, looking for food, and they are also able to deftly crawl along the leaves of plants.

When the shrimp senses danger, it starts to move quickly, making jerky movements due to the contraction of the tail. These creatures are prone to regular molting, they shed their armored shell, consisting of chitinous plates. During this period - 2-3 days before molting and 1-2 days after, shrimps do not eat.

When shrimp are freed from the old cover, they hide in secluded places - plants, under pebbles or in grottoes, and for good reason - their soft tissues are left without a hard shell that performs protective functions.

After shedding the "skin" in crustaceans, damaged or lost limbs are restored. Regeneration processes in young animals are the most intense, while in adults they are slow, gradual.

Maintenance of aquarium shrimp

Freshwater crustaceans do not need special conditions, even a beginner can keep and care for them. For one and a half dozen individuals, a 10-15-liter tank is enough. However, it should be borne in mind that these crustaceans are quite prolific, and sooner or later the number of inhabitants will increase, which means that it is better to immediately place them in a larger aquarium.

These creatures look most impressive against the background of black soil, but here you can also focus on your own taste. The most suitable are following conditions content of aquarium shrimp:

  1. Water temperature– 24°-25°С. Although shrimp can live if this parameter drops to 15 ° C or rises to 30 ° C, it is still better not to test the inhabitants for viability.
  2. Heating– not required if the temperature in the house does not fall below 17°C.
  3. Aeration is essential- Crustaceans are very sensitive to the lack of oxygen in the water.
  4. Live vegetation required- it is best to plant Java moss in the tank, its shrimp are used as a hiding place and for cleaning. Beginners are advised to start with unpretentious plants - pistia or hornwort.
  5. Water must be filtered- it is only necessary to put a nylon multilayer mesh on the end of the filter. If the device creates a strong current, then it can be reduced with the help of special nozzles.
  6. Lighting- Shrimp usually do not need additional light sources, but moderate lighting is necessary for plants - for growth and development.

Particular attention should be paid to water quality, as aquarium shrimp immediately react to changes in its chemical composition. For replacement, you can use only clean, well-settled water. It is enough just to add some water containing chlorine once, and the crustaceans will begin to get sick and die.

In addition, it is important to avoid the appearance of any chemical impurity in environment. Do not use in a room where there is a shrimp tank, sprays and fresheners. It is advisable to regularly ventilate the room. Also, shrimp do not tolerate an increase in the concentration of nitrogenous components very well.

Who do shrimp get along with?

Various aquarium inhabitants love to feast on these small crustaceans, while the shrimp themselves are peaceful, friendly and unobtrusive. In order not to endanger them, one should seriously approach the issue of selecting neighbors. It is best to plant shrimp with small, non-aggressive fish - neon, guppies or zebrafish. They also feel good in the company of snails - both of them will not be attacked.

Mode and diet of shrimp feeding

Shrimp are omnivorous and most They spend their waking hours searching for food. They are real nurses. underwater world- they eat dead areas of plants, the remains of other inhabitants (if any) and even microscopic particles of feed that have settled on the ground. In general, everything that you can profit from.

The main shrimp menu is already in the tank, it is enough for the owner to feed his wards a couple of times a day. More often than not, this is not recommended. You should not give food to crustaceans on the day of water changes, feeling hungry, they are more resistant to stressful situations and other undesirable changes.

Shrimp will eat any food that is offered to them. It can be both dry daphnia and concentrated, balanced branded diets. Some manufacturers produce special menus for shrimp, they meet all the needs of these unusual creatures and are considered the best option. It is advisable to alternate food so that the inhabitants get everything they need, and their menu is varied.

How to care for a shrimp?

Caring for such a tank is practically no different from servicing a tank in which fish live:

  • water is replaced weekly, approximately 30-35% of the total volume;
  • soil siphon is performed 1-2 times a week, a fairly easy procedure;
  • biological debris - snail shells, dead plants, etc. should be removed as they appear.

Any activities related to the invasion of the shrimp habitat should be carried out as carefully as possible - these creatures are smaller than most fish, and they can be accidentally crushed or even killed. Otherwise, there are no particular difficulties.

Breeding aquarium shrimp

In the matter of reproduction, shrimp are completely independent - they do not need help and special conditions. If they are well looked after, individuals who have reached puberty will soon begin to produce numerous offspring. If the female is ready to breed, she gives a signal to the males in the form of pheromone secretions. And then you can watch a real race - the males begin to rush sharply around the tank in search of the alleged "bride".

The male can spend more than one hour to find a female, and the duration of mating is no more than a second. After fertilization, a “saddle” is formed in the female in the back area - in cherry shrimps it is yellow color, for the special - gray. In fact, it is the eggs that shine through at a certain stage of development.

After the molt of the female occurs, and the eggs are under the abdomen. And after 21-28 days fry appear. Young animals do not require special care, the kids immediately eat what their parents eat. They hide in dense vegetation and swim, making jerks.

Far from all shrimp are easy to breed, and if there are no problems with cherry neocardines and specialty neocardines, then in order to obtain offspring from Amano and filter feeders, it is worth gaining knowledge and experience.

Diseases of aquarium shrimp

Another threat is pathogenic fungi, from which even those individuals that live in clean water that meets all the required parameters are not immune. Fungi gradually deprive the individual of nutrients, poison the body with toxic toxins. In this case, the risks of death of the inhabitant are very high.

Also, shrimp can suffer from viral, intractable infections. Whatever the shrimp gets sick, the affected individuals should be removed from the common tank to a separate tank and the water changed.

freshwater shrimp- beings with unusual appearance, thin, graceful and at the same time quite dexterous. And if you provide them with decent conditions, they will become wonderful inhabitants of the aquarium, attracting attention and not letting the owner get bored.

Photo of aquarium shrimp

Video about aquarium shrimp

Aquarium shrimp, unfortunately, are still rare inhabitants of domestic water bodies, since the majority of aquarists mistakenly consider them difficult to keep and breed.

And in vain! Shrimp in the aquarium behave peacefully and get along well with most types of fish and snails, which are traditionally bred by our lovers, introducing diversity, new colors and exoticism, giving the water picture a unique look.

Shrimps can be kept separately, or together with fish and snails

Habitat in nature and characteristics

In the natural environment, the aquarium shrimp lives in virtually all water bodies, both in salt water and fresh water. But you need to understand that any species has its own specific deposit. For example, cute red-nosed shrimp live in Venezuelan rivers. Fans can be found in the cool fresh waters of Panama, and Amano lives only in the cool mountain streams of eastern Asia.

Shrimp belong to crustacean arthropods. However, if we compare them with their marine counterparts, then they have jaws, which are assigned not only motor functions, but with the help of them, the shrimp can hold and capture prey. They have 5 pairs of legs and an exceptionally powerful tail, with which they, in the event of a threat from other unfriendly aquatic inhabitants, are saved by making sudden movements.

Despite their small size, the aquarium shrimp has an excellent sense of smell and touch, which is possible due to the work of movable antennae that look like antennae. The eyes of the shrimp rotate, which guarantees it a wide viewing range, and this is what makes it possible for it to quickly detect the enemy, as well as find food.

The mouth has a rather complex shape and is composed of 3 jaws that grind the food and jaws, with the help of which the shrimp can hold food near the mouth. During bottom movement and capture of food by shrimps, other limbs are used.

The length of the body of a shrimp depends on their gender and species, however, even the largest individuals rarely grow more than eight centimeters.

Aquarium maintenance

Aquarium shrimp will not cause many problems to their owner, and caring for them is no more difficult than for the most ordinary fish. But so that they can delight you with their amazing color and cheerful behavior every day, you need to organize appropriate conditions for them and know some rules. Separate types more demanding and need extra care.

Video "How shrimp behave in an aquarium"

After looking at the photo, watch a video that shows the life of shrimp in an aquarium.

Shrimp can live in both large and small aquariums. Calculating how many individuals can be settled in your aquarium is easy. If you keep and breed small breed shrimp, then proceed from the ratio of 1l. for one individual. But if you decide to get large ones, then there are already slightly different numbers, namely about 3 liters per individual.

The temperature should be between 17-30 degrees. In some cases, its reduction is acceptable, but you should know that in this case your wards will become inactive. A sharp or frequent decrease or increase in temperature can affect their health, and if this happens systematically, they will simply die.

Periodic (about once a week) water change is a prerequisite for the normal life of your pets. Before adding water, you need to let it settle and warm up. Adding directly from the tap is not recommended.

Need to be controlled from time to time chemical composition water. Basic and very important condition, this is the prevention of the presence of copper, which negatively affects the health and well-being of not only fry, but also already large individuals. The water must be hard, because when molting, shrimps need elements that are only in such water.

The equipment is the same as the content common fish, i.e. you will need:

  • compressor;
  • filter;
  • lamp.

Vegetation should be given special attention, especially if there are other inhabitants in the aquarium, from which aquarium shrimps can hide from any aggression.

Before you populate the aquarium, make sure that the following plants are planted and take root in it:

  • java moss;
  • hornwort;
  • pistia;
  • cladaphora, etc.

Shrimp soil is an important point that should be given special attention. For beginners, we advise not to experiment. It is better to purchase a special one at the pet store. It contains optimally selected components that are equally useful for both the shrimp themselves and for plants.


Almost all types of shrimp that are kept in aquariums have a good appetite and are not particularly demanding on food. They eat with great pleasure both food for fish and food intended for them. If for some reason you do not have food at hand, you should not especially worry, your wards will feast on aquatic vegetation.

If shrimp are kept separately, then feed them only with food that is specialized for them. Nowadays, this is not a problem; it is inexpensive, it lasts for a long time and it is sold in almost all pet stores.

However, it should be noted that some lovers feed their wards with chopped zucchini, peppers, lettuce and even pasta.

There is no need to overfeed your wards. This does not particularly affect their health, but in this case they become inactive and cease to fulfill their duties of cleaning the aquarium. Many advise feeding shrimp no more than 2 times a week.


Fish and shrimp look very good, and the compatibility of shrimp with other inhabitants is simply wonderful. They are friendly in nature. But in this lies greatest danger primarily for themselves. Very often, aggressive fish species can, if not eat, then pretty pat these peace-loving creatures. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right neighbors for them.

The best option would be to keep shrimp with small fish, ideal:

  • neon;
  • guppawns;
  • zebrafish.

A great option is keeping shrimp with snails. In this case, both one and the other will remain safe and sound.

Breeds with which joint keeping is dangerous:

  • barbus;
  • scalar;
  • cichlids;
  • swordsmen.

However, as many amateurs say, if there is a lot of vegetation or decorative elements in the aquarium, then you can keep shrimps even with those who are not averse to eating them.

Before you go shopping for these wonderful aquarium inhabitants, you need to know that some of the species mate with each other. As a result, an incomprehensible look will come out, which will have a fuzzy color and most likely will not differ in any way. good health, nor the possibility of further normal reproduction. As a result, this must be taken care of in advance and only those species that cannot have offspring are acquired. Carefully study or even scan the table we offer, which clearly indicates the compatibility of shrimp.

In this table, plus means that mating is likely, and minus that it is impossible. If plus and minus are indicated simultaneously in one cell, this means that at present it has not been studied.


In an aquarium shrimp, reproduction is absolutely real, but only if they are kept separately from fish. Otherwise, the latter will eat fry with great pleasure. Apart from this, experts advise breeding only those breeds that do not have a larval phase. Since in this case the fry that appear will be one to one similar to the adults of this species and will eat the same food, and care for them will be similar.

However, including shrimp, which have a normal larval phase, they do not need to organize special conditions. Because during reproduction, the female releases a specific substance that attracts males. When fertilization is completed, a saddle with eggs appears on the back of the female, after a week it will move to the bottom of the abdomen, and after three or four weeks fry are born.


If you place your wards in an aquarium with crystal clean water and you will comply with all the required conditions, it is possible that they will not pick up some kind of fungus, which is fraught with their death. Fungi that infect an individual begin to suck out nutrients from it and poison the body with toxins. In addition to shrimp fungi, ordinary viruses can also affect, which are also difficult to treat.

If a disease is detected in one of the individuals, it must be immediately isolated. The water in the aquarium changes completely. Further, it is advisable to consult with more experienced aquarists in order to accurately establish the diagnosis, the causes of the disease and what measures should be taken in relation to other individuals.

After reading the material we offer and looking at the photo, be sure to watch this video, which tells how to keep and breed aquarium shrimp.

They can feed on plaque from the walls of the aquarium, eat dead algae leaves, even eat dirt from the filter. They are not afraid to be left without food for several days and even weeks.

Types of ornamental shrimp for home keeping:

  • Cherry. They are also called cardinals. The raspberry shade is visible through clear glass. They perfectly complement the interior of any room.
  • Greens. This species is almost imperceptible in thickets of algae.
  • Blue. The royal colors make them a nice addition to an aquarium.
  • Blue. Exotic color diversifies the fauna among fish.
  • Red. The bright colors make them unique.
  • Transparent. This species is called Amano and can be attributed to the Far Eastern variety.

There is also Macrobrachium- a type of shrimp that is bred for the preparation of delicacies. They reach a length of 20 centimeters. Ordinary ones do not exceed 5 centimeters in size.

Macrobrachium can be kept at home in a large aquarium as fresh food. Catch and prepare a salad or other gourmet dishes from them.

Note! Shrimps do not get along with all types of ordinary aquarium fish.

How long do shrimp live? The life span of small crustaceans usually does not exceed a year, but can be up to two years.

Before placing the shrimp after buying into a community aquarium, they need to be given some time by keeping them separate.

No one knows where they were brought from and what diseases they may suffer from.

Care and feed

For small shrimp closed space fit nano aquarium. Its volume may not exceed three liters.

Breeding at home freshwater species. Caring for these aquarium inhabitants is quite simple.

  1. Provide clean water in aquarium. Temperature 18-26 degrees Celsius.
  2. Must have filter for water and aerator. Shrimps absorb oxygen more than other inhabitants of the aquarium. It is its lack that may be the answer to the question - why do shrimp die.
  3. There must be rocky ground at the bottom, imitating natural environment habitat.
  4. Plants like floating, and growing at the bottom. It is very convenient for crustaceans to hide in them.
  5. Driftwood and other decorative items, in which the shrimp can make themselves a refuge.

The filter must be very fine, otherwise small newborn shrimp may accidentally fall into it, like a trap.

Important! There should be no narrow gaps in the space of the aquarium, otherwise crustaceans can get stuck there and die.

Sometimes it seems to the owners that the shrimp are gone, while they are disguised at the bottom or in the thickets. When changing the water in the aquarium, you need to be careful. It is better to count the exact number of unusual inhabitants.

What to feed? Food for crustaceans:

  • Small boiled vegetables that settle to the bottom.
  • Special food Tera Crusta Menu.
  • Any fish food that settles over time.

In nutrition, shrimp are unpretentious. But the temperature of the water must be carefully monitored. A daily swing of just 7 degrees will wipe out all crustaceans.

They need to be fed no more than once a week. Sometimes it's good to go on a hunger strike.

Reproduction, how to transplant, how to lay eggs

Only those species that live in maritime climate. This is not even caviar, but larvae. Such individuals are not suitable for home keeping.

Freshwater shrimp are viviparous. The duration of pregnancy does not exceed one month. About 30 pieces are born at a time.


  1. When the female reaches sexual maturity, she releases a specific liquid into the water that attracts males.
  2. Males rush around the aquarium, which is noticeable from the outside.
  3. After are born little cubs, which are very small. They are attached to the ground or float freely in the water.

    There is a high risk that they can get into the water treatment system and get stuck in the filter.

Cubs survive on their own starting to feed on pollution. These are orderlies and reservoirs and an aquarium.
Shrimps breed at home regularly: both in winter and summer.

We need to control their reproduction, Otherwise, they will develop into geometric progression, filling all free space.

Note! What do babies eat? Shrimps can even feed on their own shells that have fallen off after molting.

How to transplant crustaceans? In order to catch a shrimp, you need to take a clean transparent vessel. Lower it into the aquarium and gently catch the shrimp with streams of water. They cannot be caught with sap.

Limbs can be damaged and injured. And it should be carried in rigid containers with water and algae. For them to have somewhere to hide.

Compatibility with other fish

To keep the shrimp in community aquarium, you need to know exactly what species of fish they get along with. For most, they serve as food.

And small cubs are an enviable delicacy even for the most harmless fish. Shrimp themselves are not averse to profiting from fish caviar.

After the shrimp gave birth, from the fish better get rid of, replanting them in a separate place. Small crustaceans are excellent food for fish.

Note! In order not to wonder - who eats shrimp in an aquarium, it is better to either keep them in different places or not claim to increase the number of crustaceans.

The compatibility of already adult shrimp and small fish is quite satisfactory. They get along great together. But the kids will be easy prey.

The community aquarium has not yet become commonplace. Not all pet stores stock shrimp for sale. Their price starts from 100 rubles and may vary depending on the type of crustaceans.

Some have to wait long time while making orders.

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