[:RU]Here, where, and in the Czech Republic there is no shortage of castles and palaces. Someday I even want to organize a tour of them. And, of course, Prague is no exception. One of the palaces in Prague impressed me especially.
And his name is Troy Castle. It is not so big, it is not located in the center, and, for sure, not every tourist reaches it, but there is something especially attractive in it ..

How to get there? Consider public transport, which we used. On the red metro line, line C, we got to the Nadrazi Holesovice station. Then we transferred to the bus, the stop of which is located 20 meters to the left of the subway exit. Weekend, 10 min. free buses to the zoo run from the beginning of April until the end of September. On weekdays, you can get there by bus number 112 (it was on it that we rode). You need to get off at the last stop "Zoo".


The castle is open for visits from May to October daily, except Monday, from 10:00 to 18:00.



The baroque Troja Castle country residence was built in 1679-1691. Count Sternberg. In 1763 he sells the castle to Empress Maria Theresa, who after 13 years passes it to the Institute of Noble Maidens. The castle suffered a lot during the Prussian wars.




Since 1920 it is owned by the state. Now it houses the permanent exhibition of the City Gallery of Prague, dedicated to Czech art of the 19th century.


At first, D.D. Orsi worked on the development of plans for the castle, but then the object passed to the architect J. B. Mathe. He built the palace according to the French model with three wings and also brought into it his personal impressions from the time spent in Rome. Classical Italian villas served as a model for him to follow.



Well, we're heading inside. The ticket price for an adult is around 100 kroons, students receive discounts. We passed off as students, they didn't ask for a card, they believed that we forgot it. In many places, by the way, it "rolls")). You can also purchase a "Troy card", which opens the entrance to the castle and the nearby zoo and botanical garden, it costs about 250 crowns. We were not going to the zoo, so we limited ourselves to individual tickets.


And inside just ah! Train your neck before visiting, in this castle you will spend most of the time with your head up, the painted ceilings are a real work of art.





Exhibits of the exhibition. I really liked my grandmother, she was recreated so realistically that it seems that she will now look at you and speak.



There is where to roam in the castle, 2 floors, in which there are many painted rooms, one not like the other, passages, corridors, halls.






The most impressive room of the castle is the imperial hall, completely covered with paintings! It is said that this hall has a mystery, the like of which is not found in any of the castles in Europe. It changes its shape and appearance, adjusting to the angle of view. As a result, the feeling of reality is completely lost. The secret lies in the illusory painting, which was performed by the artist Abraham Godin. To be honest, I didn't feel it



Ceiling. In the center, it’s like the “Play” button 🙂



The main theme of the murals is the glorification of the Habsburgs, in particular, the emperors: “the divine Rudolph” and “Leopold the triumphant”, the plot of the victory in 1683. over the Turks at Vienna. The total area of ​​the castle covered with murals is 4,000 m2, including the area of ​​murals in the main hall is 1,400 m2.


The Chinese halls are very peculiar; on the walls you can see a sophisticated thematic painting. In addition, a collection of ceramics is presented in these halls.




I have never seen so many murals in castles before. There is no room without them.




Looks very nice. But, as I understand it, people lived there! I can't imagine how they didn't go crazy.




The castle is surrounded by a beautiful garden-park in the French style. In 1983-1986. it underwent reconstruction. The staircase is a transition from one level of the park to another. At the bottom is a labyrinth. But we did not go there, because we also wanted to visit the Botanical Garden, which takes a lot of time to explore.


We walked a little along the top of the garden. Neatly trimmed bushes, clean, beautiful .. It's a pleasure to walk there.


The most important decoration of the entire castle complex is the staircase connecting the main hall of the castle with the garden. It was created by the Dresden sculptors Hermann brothers, in 1705 it was supplemented by Jan Brokoff's sculptures. The staircase is decorated with sculptures of ancient gods and goddesses depicting the struggle of the Atlanteans with the Titans, according to the plots of the Greek Iliad. Hence the name "Troy", which later passed not only to the castle, but to the entire region (until the 18th century it was called Ovenets).




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That's where, where, and in the Czech Republic there is no shortage of castles and palaces. Someday I even want to organize a tour of them. And, of course, Prague is no exception. One of the palaces in Prague impressed me especially.

And his name is Troy Castle. It is not so big, it is not located in the center, and, for sure, not every tourist reaches it, but there is something especially attractive in it ..

How to get there? Consider public transport, which we used. On the red metro line, line C, we got to the Nadrazi Holesovice station. Then we transferred to the bus, the stop of which is located 20 meters to the left of the subway exit. Weekend, 10 min. free buses to the zoo run from the beginning of April until the end of September. On weekdays, you can get there by bus number 112 (it was on it that we rode). You need to get off at the last stop "Zoo".


The castle is open for visits from May to October daily, except Monday, from 10:00 to 18:00.



The baroque Troja Castle country residence was built in 1679-1691. Count Sternberg. In 1763 he sells the castle to Empress Maria Theresa, who after 13 years passes it to the Institute of Noble Maidens. The castle suffered a lot during the Prussian wars.




Since 1920 it is owned by the state. Now it houses the permanent exhibition of the City Gallery of Prague, dedicated to Czech art of the 19th century.


At first, D.D. Orsi worked on the development of plans for the castle, but then the object passed to the architect J. B. Mathe. He built the palace according to the French model with three wings and also brought into it his personal impressions from the time spent in Rome. Classical Italian villas served as a model for him to follow.



Well, we're heading inside. The ticket price for an adult is around 100 kroons, students receive discounts. We passed off as students, they didn't ask for a card, they believed that we forgot it. In many places, by the way, it "rolls")). You can also purchase the "Troy Card", which opens the entrance to the castle and the nearby zoo and botanical garden, it costs about 250 crowns. We were not going to the zoo, so we limited ourselves to individual tickets.


And inside just ah! Train your neck before visiting, in this castle you will spend most of the time with your head up, the painted ceilings are a real work of art.





Exhibits of the exhibition. I really liked my grandmother, she was recreated so realistically that it seems that she will now look at you and speak.



There is where to roam in the castle, 2 floors, in which there are many painted rooms, one not like the other, passages, corridors, halls.






The most impressive room of the castle is the imperial hall, completely covered with paintings! It is said that this hall has a mystery, the like of which is not found in any of the castles in Europe. It changes its shape and appearance, adjusting to the angle of view. As a result, the feeling of reality is completely lost. The secret lies in the illusory painting, which was performed by the artist Abraham Godin. To be honest, I didn't feel it



Ceiling. It's like the "Play" button in the center :)



The main theme of the murals is the glorification of the Habsburgs, in particular, the emperors: "the divine Rudolf" and "Leopold the triumphant", the plot of the victory in 1683. over the Turks at Vienna. The total area of ​​the castle covered with murals is 4,000 m2, including the area of ​​murals in the main hall is 1,400 m2.


The Chinese halls are very peculiar; on the walls you can see a sophisticated thematic painting. In addition, a collection of ceramics is presented in these halls.




I have never seen so many murals in castles before. There is no room without them.




Looks very nice. But, as I understand it, people lived there! I can't imagine how they didn't go crazy.




The castle is surrounded by a beautiful garden-park in the French style. In 1983-1986. it underwent reconstruction. The staircase is a transition from one level of the park to another. At the bottom is a labyrinth. But we did not go there, because we also wanted to visit the Botanical Garden, which takes a lot of time to explore.


We walked a little along the top of the garden. Neatly trimmed bushes, clean, beautiful .. It's a pleasure to walk there.


The most important decoration of the entire castle complex is the staircase connecting the main hall of the castle with the garden. It was created by the Dresden sculptors Hermann brothers, in 1705 it was supplemented by Jan Brokoff's sculptures. The staircase is decorated with sculptures of ancient gods and goddesses depicting the struggle of the Atlanteans with the Titans, according to the plots of the Greek Iliad. Hence the name "Troy", which later passed not only to the castle, but to the entire region (until the 18th century it was called Ovenets).




The next post will be very bright and flowery, we will go to the Troy Botanical Garden.

Hello friends. Quiet and peaceful area of ​​Troja (Troja) is located on the banks of the Vltava River. If you are tired of city attractions and the bustle of the big city, come here to relax and join the beauty. What to see in this green corner of Prague, we will now tell you.

Administrative district of Prague 7. Historical district of Troja.

Troy grew out of an ancient settlement near Prague. One of the key dates in the history of the region is January 1, 1922. Then it was included in Greater Prague as an independent administrative unit and became known as Prague-Troy.

Among the main attractions of Troy are:

  • Troy Park;
  • Prague Zoo;
  • Restaurant "Saint Clara";


Troja Castle was the first country residence in Prague. This is a prime example of baroque architecture. In addition to architecture and decor features, the castle is famous for its collection of paintings by Czech artists of the 19th century and the wine museum.

The castle is surrounded by a garden or Troy Park. The main decoration of this garden and park complex is fountains and a labyrinth of shrubs.

Not far from the palace there is also a botanical garden.

The zoo was opened in 1931. Now it occupies a huge territory - as many as 60 hectares. More than four thousand representatives of the animal world live here, many of the species contained here are listed in the Red Book.

For animals, here are simply ideal living conditions, as close as possible to natural ones. And, I must say, not only animals feel comfortable on the territory of the zoo. Amusements, playgrounds are equipped here for children, cognitive mini-lectures are often held.

On the territory of the Prague Zoo there is a cafe with a dedicated safe play area for children. You can sit quietly in a cafe and watch the children play.

Lovers of outdoor recreation will love the botanical garden. More precisely, this is a whole complex where a huge number of exotic rare plants grow.

Here you will get acquainted with the landscape culture of Turkey, the Mediterranean garden, the Japanese garden and, just imagine, with 80 varieties of grapes presented in the part of the garden called "Saint Clara's Vineyard".

The Botanical Garden is an amazing place, here you can even travel to the tropics, thanks to the Fata Morgana greenhouse.

The entire exposition of the greenhouse is divided into three parts: highlands, tropics, semi-desert, each of them with its own climate, with its own flora.

Another green area is Stromovka Park, one of the largest parks in Prague. It was founded in the XIII century.

Then it was called the Royal Reserve. Now this place is perfect for measured walks, for relaxing under the shade of trees, for outdoor activities.

In good weather, there are many cyclists and rollerbladers. Ducks are considered the real stars of the park.

You can have a good rest in the restaurant "Saint Clara". It is located on the territory of a cave of natural origin. There is delicious food, fine wine and an unusual atmosphere.

How to get there

By bus number 112 from the station Nadrazi Holesovice.

Address: Prague 7-Troja, CzechRepublic

Troy area on the map

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After the bustle of the city of Prague, Troja Castle with a wonderful garden and labyrinth park is just a godsend, a piece of sunny Italy on the outskirts of the capital! Inside the palace, the paintings on the ceilings and walls are striking. With the Troja card you can visit the zoo, the botanical garden with a greenhouse and the Troja castle.

Troja Castle (Trojský zámek), photo by Enrique Vergara

Troja Castle (Trojský zámek) or Troja Castle (Zámek Troja) is an elegant baroque palace, the first summer residence in Prague. It is located in the Troy region, next to the Vltava.

Sternberk Summer Country Palace

The building was built in 1679-1685 by order of Count Vaclav Vojtech Sternberk, a representative of one of the most influential Czech noble families. The authors of the project were Giovanni Domenico Orsi, and later Jean-Baptiste Matei, the builder was Silvestro Carlone. The classic villas of Italy served as a role model.

In the Hall of the Emperors, photo by Andrei Valimareanu

Ceiling and wall frescoes, photo by Baron Migs

The castle was painted by the artists Carpoforo Tencalla, Francesco Marchetti and his son Giovanni. The ceiling and wall frescoes of the main hall (called Habsburg or Imperial) were created by the Flemish artists Abraham and Isaac Godyn in 1688-92. They are distinguished by the visual effect of three-dimensional space, depict the victory over the Turks at the Battle of Vienna and glorify the Habsburg dynasty. Among them, the ceiling on the theme of the apotheosis of the Habsburgs is the most famous.

Three halls in the northeastern part of the first floor of the castle, the so-called Chinese rooms, are decorated with wall paintings with oriental motifs by an unknown artist, probably the second half of the 18th century. Also in these halls is a collection of ceramics.

Front staircase, photo by Jaroslav Novák

A spectacular two-flight staircase connecting the main hall of the castle with the garden was built in 1703. The moldings were made by Herman from Dresden. The sculptures depict the battle of the Titans with ancient gods and allegories of the daily, annual and continental periods. Hence the name of the castle of Troy, which subsequently passed to the entire area. Geri Halliwell, an ex-member of the Spice Girls, filmed the video on the stairs.

In 1763, the castle was bought by Maria Theresa and placed in it the institute of noble maidens. From 1776 to 1922, the object changed several owners. The last was Alois Svoboda, an entrepreneur and philanthropist. He transferred the Troy Castle, together with the land plot, to the ownership of the city, but with the condition that they be used exclusively for public purposes. Thus, a zoo and a botanical garden were created on the castle grounds. The palace after the restoration of 1977-1989 was opened for public access.


Castle Park, photo by Enrique Vergara

The castle is surrounded by an extensive French garden with a fountain in the center; with a small natural labyrinth, decorated with fountains, terracotta vases; with many ornamental and fruit trees; with a greenhouse where busts of emperors are installed.

In addition to the palace and the garden, the castle complex also includes vineyards, several agricultural buildings, including a stable; Chapel of St. Clara, which is currently part of the Botanical Garden.

Troy Castle today

The palace and park are open to visitors. The palace exhibits paintings by Czech artists of the 19th century from the collection of the Prague Gallery. There is a wine museum in the basement. The premises of the castle are used for weddings, celebrations and concerts.

Working hours

April - October:
Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun 10:00 – 18:00;
Fri 13:00 – 18:00;
Mon - day off;
November - March: closed.

Entrance ticket

Full - 120 Kč;
children from 10 years old, students - 60 Kč;
pensioner over 65 years old – 30 Kč;
family – 250 Kč.

Before visiting, check the time and prices on the website.

How to get there?

Take the metro to the Nadrazi Holesovice station, and then take bus 112 to the Zoologická zahrada stop.

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Everything is very simple - look not only on booking.com. I prefer the RoomGuru search engine. He searches for discounts simultaneously on Booking and 70 other booking sites.

This is Troy Castle. It is said that it was built to recreate the atmosphere of the eternal city of Rome and the perfect illusion of a magnificent suburban estate full of art in the midst of endless gardens, surrounded by vineyards and a roaring river. There can be no shadow of doubt that this plan was successful down to the smallest detail. It is enough to sit here on a sunny day and enjoy the heavenly tranquility « in the arms" of one of the most luxurious residences of its time.

Staircase to heaven

At Troja Castle, your attention will be drawn at first sight by the majestic staircase, which later gave it its name. Its stucco decoration depicts the battle of the Titans with ancient gods, allegories « Day", « Nights" and « Continents". It is possible that this beautiful staircase will seem familiar to you. Most likely, because ex-Spice Girl member Jerry Halliwell filmed a video clip here. Inside the castle, be sure to look at its magnificent artistic decoration and the famous works of Czech artists of the 19th century, which are presented within these walls by one of the expositions of the Prague Gallery.

On the boat to the zoo!

Would you like to be in the African savannah, tropical jungle or the ice kingdom of Antarctica for a while? If so, don't miss a visit to the nearby Prague Zoo, one of the most beautiful in the world. This is primarily due to the exceptional location, which includes natural cliffs, slopes and plains, as well as modern displays that perfectly replicate the natural habitat of animals. Have a great day « in society" of elephants, hippos, gorillas, giraffes, zebras, polar bears, red pandas and Komodo monitor lizards. Here you can see more than four thousand animals of 700 species. Don't miss the unique spectacle of herds of African quadrupeds roaming freely across the vast expanses, visiting a corner of the Indonesian jungle full of monkeys, or the opportunity to ride the cable car from the bottom level of the zoo to the top. To make your day at the Prague Zoo memorable, you'd better come here on a special pleasure boat, which departs every day from the Raszynova Quay in summer. You can conveniently get to Troy in a few minutes by bus from the Holesovice railway station, which lies not far from the center of Prague.

Relax in the world of flowers

Do you love the subtle scent of exotic plants, blooming gardens and walks among colorful flowers? In this case, you should visit the Prague Botanical Garden, spread out on a hill above the Troja Castle. Sit for a while in the beautiful Japanese garden, smell the romantic irises, or watch the moths flutter overhead in the magical greenhouse « Fata Morgana". All this with magnificent views of Prague and the surrounding vineyards of St. Clara, where grapes were grown already in the time of Emperor Charles IV. You can end your wonderful day in Troy with a tasting of the local selection of wines.