My least favorite autumn phenomenon is rain! Then all the splendor of fading nature is overshadowed by a gray sky, slush, dampness and cold dank wind. It seems that the sky has broken through... My friend, who now lives far from me, in St. Petersburg, laughs at my autumn blues, because in St. Petersburg rains are a common occurrence. Which city in Russia is the rainiest?

Where in Russia does the most rainfall occur?

For some reason, many people believe that the rainiest city is St. Petersburg. But in fact, this opinion is wrong. Yes, there is a lot of precipitation here, but nevertheless, this city is far from being in first place.

The highest precipitation rates are observed in the Far Eastern region. This primarily applies to Kuril Islands. An absolute record was set in Severo-Kurilsk. Here, about 1840 mm of precipitation usually falls annually. Scientists say that if the water coming from the sky did not evaporate and seep into the ground, but remained on the streets, then this city would short time would turn into huge swimming pool.

Rating of the rainiest regions of Russia: second place

In second place is the well-known and beloved resort city of Sochi. This city is truly one of the most “wet” cities; about 1,700 mm of various precipitation falls here annually. It is worth noting that summer here is not too humid, and the bulk of precipitation occurs in the cold season - the autumn-winter season. There is something very unpleasant here a natural phenomenon– tornadoes arising in the sea. They seem to suck water from the sea into themselves, and then, like from a bucket, water the city.

Rating of the rainiest regions of Russia: third place

This place was won by Yuzhno-Kurilsk. Here, 1250 mm is poured onto the ground during the year. Compared to the two previous leaders, it seems that this figure is not so large. But in fact, this is a lot. So, for example, in St. Petersburg - 660 mm per year, which is even less than in Moscow, where 700 mm falls.

The remaining places were distributed as follows:

  • in fourth place - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky;
  • in fifth place - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk;
  • sixth went to Moscow;
  • seventh - St. Petersburg.

So meteorologists have destroyed the stereotype about the raininess of the Northern capital, which is only at the bottom of the seven rainiest cities!

Let's look at what temperature records in the world and the places where they were recorded. In other words, this selection is 10 hottest and coldest places on earth.

To begin with, I propose to consider the coldest ones. These places are general opinion are the coldest on Earth. Brrr – I wouldn’t want to live there (:

  • Antarctica. Vostok station.

This station belongs, as you probably already guessed, to the Russians. This is where it was recorded the most cold temperature . A significant date is July 21, 1983, then there was severe frost, and the thermometer showed our planet's record -89.2 °C. And now a little more specifically about this place: the altitude is 3.5 kilometers above sea level, the station is located in the area of ​​one of the largest lakes in the world: Lake Vostok of the same name. Naturally, the lake is not on the surface, it is located under the ice at a depth of 4 kilometers.

  • Canada. Eureka station.

This research station is often called the coldest populated area in the world. -20 ° C is the average annual air temperature, and in winter it usually drops to -40 ° C. This station is intended as a meteorological station and was created in the middle of the last century.

  • Russia. Yakutia. Oymyakon.

Well, this place is already in the North: 350 km from the Arctic Circle to the south. Was recorded here lowest temperature record for Northern Hemisphere -71.2 °C (1926). This is confirmed by the memorial plaque installed after this event.

  • USA. Denali (Mount McKingley).

This one high point North America. Mount McKingley is the coldest on Earth, its height is 6,194 meters.

  • Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar.

And this is already the coldest capital. The height above sea level is 1.3 kilometers. The thermometer very rarely shows temperatures above -16 ° C in January.

Well, we visited the most “icy” places. Personally, I wanted to immediately drink a cup of hot coffee or tea, but this is not at all necessary, because then we will go with you to the hottest countries. Well, let's continue!

So, hottest places in the world.

  • Libya. El Azizia.

Al Aziziyah is only about an hour's drive from Mediterranean Sea. And despite this it is very hot there. For example, on September 13, 1922, the days were so hot that the thermometer tirelessly showed 57.8 ° C.

  • Africa. Ethiopia. Dallol.

The place is 116 meters below sea level. And it is in Dallol that it is observed record high average temperature+34.4 ° C. The area is covered with salt and is volcanic in nature, so nothing grows here and there is nothing living at all.

  • Libya. Dashti-Lut Desert.

It was in this desert that it was recorded highest temperature on the Earth's surface +70 ° C. This is a record!! Here Maximum temperature!! By the way, about the date: they were able to record such a temperature here twice: in 2004 and in 2005. This desert is one of the driest places on the planet. There is also nothing living here, including even bacteria. Just imagine: not even bacteria can survive there! But the dunes there are like in a fairy tale: they reach 500 meters in height and are the most beautiful!

  • USA. California. Death Valley.

This desert belongs to the second record for the most high temperature : +56.7 ° C. The average summer temperature here is approximately +47 ° C. Death Valley is the driest place in the USA, it is surrounded by mountains and is located 86 meters below sea level.

  • Thailand. Bangkok.

The average annual temperature in this city is +28 ° C. The hottest time here is from March to May - the average temperature in these months is +34 ° C, and if you also take into account that the humidity is 90%, then this is in general (in vain I drank a cup of hot coffee all still (=).

Let's summarize. We visited amazing places: it was in them that they were recorded temperature records, the lowest and the highest. Personally, I realized for myself: there is no need for extremes; and it turns out that I am quite happy with the climate of the place where I live, it can be both cold and hot here, but in moderation compared to the places listed above.

Many people think that London is the rainiest place in the world. This is wrong. In fact, England is not the rainiest country even in Europe. For comparison, the annual precipitation rate in Moscow is 691 millimeters, in London - 599 mm. Below is a list of the ten rainiest places on Earth, but several regions claim the title due to differing data from different meteorological services.

Kikori, Papua New Guinea

Kikori is a settlement located in the delta of the river of the same name on the island New Guinea. The region is notable for its diverse ecosystem, dense forests and complex network of rivers. The average annual precipitation here is about 5 840 mm.

Andagoya, Colombia

Andagoya is a town in western Colombia. Known for its equatorial and humid climate, With same temperatures throughout almost the entire year. The average annual precipitation here is 6,817 mm. It usually rains at night.

Henderson Lake, British Columbia

Henderson Lake is a lake with an area of ​​14.94 square meters. km. It is located in southwestern Canada, 3,700 km west of the capital Ottawa, on Vancouver Island in the province of British Columbia. On average, rain falls annually in the vicinity of the lake. 6,903 mm precipitation.

Bellenden Ker Range, Australia

The Bellenden Ker Range, also known as the Wooroonooran Range, is a coastal mountain range located in the far north of Queensland, 2 thousand km from the Australian capital of Canberra. It stretches for 65 km and is the wettest area on the mainland. The annual precipitation here exceeds 8 312 mm.

Quibdo, Colombia

Quibdo is a city located on the Atrato River in western Colombia. Known as the most rainy place V Latin America and one of the wettest regions of our planet. On average it falls here 8,989 mm precipitation per year.

Debunja, Cameroon

Debunja is a village in the Fako department, Cameroon. It is located on the southwestern slope of the active Cameroon volcano, in the southwestern region of the republic. This village with average annual rainfall 10,299 mm ranked fifth in our ranking.

Waialeale, USA

Waialeale is a volcano located in the very center of the island of Kauai. Hawaiian Islands. On its slopes the average rainfall is 11,684 mm precipitation, and special climatic conditions promote the development of lush vegetation. Because of frequent rains, the top of the volcano is almost always hidden either in thick fog or haze.

Cherrapunji, India

Cherrapunji is a small town in the Indian state of Meghalaya. It is located on the Shillong plateau, north of the border from Bangladesh at an altitude of 1313 m above sea level. Along with the village of Mavsynram and the city of Lloro, it is the rainiest and damp place on the ground. It falls here every year 11,777 mm precipitation.

Mawsynram, India

Mawsynram is a settlement located at an altitude of 1400 m above sea level in northeast India, 16 km west of Cherrapunji. This village, together with the city of Lloro and Cherrapunji, is considered the rainiest place in the world. It falls here every year 11,872 mm precipitation.

Lloro, Colombia

Lloro is a municipality and city in Colombia. Estimates based on records meteorological station established in the city, this area holds the absolute record for the amount of precipitation in the whole world - on average 13,300 mm in year.

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Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption "The wettest place in the world." It's hard to disagree, isn't it?

When asked where the wettest place on Earth is, smart people can smugly answer that it’s in the Mariana Trench.

Yes, in the western part Pacific Ocean, in the deepest place on our planet, where there is more than 10,000 meters of water above your head, it is really wet. But if we're discussing the planet's wettest place on land, the answer may be more difficult, the correspondent notes.

Currently, the Guinness Book of Records gives the palm to the village of Mosinram in India. Moisture brought from the Bay of Bengal, from the northeast Indian Ocean, gathers over a plateau at an altitude of over 1491 m, in the Eastern Khasi Mountains, from where the plains of Bangladesh are visible.

The consequence of such condensation is an astonishing average amount of precipitation per year - more than 11871 mm. The tallest monument in the world, the 30-meter statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro would be knee-deep in water in such rains.

It is not surprising that this region has lush vegetation, many waterfalls and bizarre caves carved by water into the limestone.

Illustration copyright Daniel J. Rao Alamy

Just over 10 km to the east on the slopes of the Assam Mountains lies the town of Cherrapunji, traditionally called Sohra by locals, which is known as the second rainiest place on the planet.

It is inferior to Mosinram in terms of average annual rainfall by only 100 mm, but it has plenty of other titles and records. It was here that the wettest month and wettest year on record were recorded.

In July 1861, precipitation here was 9300 mm. Since August last year, Cherrapunji has held the record for total annual rainfall of 26,470 mm.

Both of these extremely rainy localities are located in the state of Meghalaya, whose name translates as the abode of clouds.

Illustration copyright Getty Image caption Living in the rain that almost never stops...

Local residents always carry unusual huge umbrellas woven from reeds, called “knups”.

They cover the entire body from the rain, allowing owners to carry out daily activities, mainly repairing roads and buildings destroyed by the rain. Or go get some food.

Farming in the region is impossible due to heavy rains, so produce from less rainy areas is sold in covered markets under waterproof canopies.

Illustration copyright Getty Image caption This is what Mosinram looks like. A sad sight...

Another significant challenge is maintaining bridges in tropical rainforests, where traditional building materials rot quickly. Local residents found an ingenious solution - to tie thin tree roots to each other. The bridge consists of a bamboo frame, which is tied with the roots of rubber trees.

After 6-8 years, the bamboo rots, and what remains is a “living bridge” of roots that are already able to support the weight of a person. Over time, such a structure only gets stronger and can withstand bad weather perfectly.

Indian rubber trees ( Ficuselastica) They are distinguished by strong flexible secondary roots growing from the tree trunk.

Local residents throw hollowed out betel tree trunks across streams and rivers, using them as guides for the fine rubbery roots.

Illustration copyright National Geographic Image Collection Alamy

As soon as the roots reach the soil on the other side, they begin to harden and become stronger.

It takes about ten years to create a living bridge, but then such structures can last for centuries. The oldest bridge in the region is known to be over 500 years old.

Although settlements in the Khasi Mountains hold the historical rainiest record, it has recently been suggested that the rainiest place in the world may not be there at all.

There are two main contenders, both in Colombia. However, technically they cannot be compared with the Indian champions.

Lloro is a city in northwestern Colombia, in the province of Chocó. On a farm near the city, the recorded average annual rainfall between 1952 and 1954 was 13,473 mm.

This is much higher than at Mosinram, but the measurements were made using outdated instruments and therefore cannot claim an officially recognized record.

Illustration copyright Christian Werthenbach Alamy

Meteorological historian Christopher S. Burt says another city on the other side of the Andes could also boast record rainfall.

“In fact, the wettest place on Earth is Puerto Lopez in Colombia, where the average annual rainfall is 12,892 mm,” he says.

But Burt points out that while rainfall has been continuously recorded for 50 years in the area, there is a lack of data for several months in the middle of that period.

This means that rainfall data for Puerto Lopez are considered discontinuous and cannot be compared with other areas of the world that have 30 years of continuous records.

“Despite this, since the data has been recorded for so long and there are so many years without missing data, I can confidently say that in Puerto Lopez it usually falls more precipitation on average per year than in Mosinram,” says Bert.

It's damp in this Colombian city all year round due to its location in the foothills of the Northern Andes, which stretch along the western coast of the country.

"Here tropical moisture from the Pacific Ocean is constantly flowing into the surf zone... the mountains block the path of this flow, and as a result, it rains almost constantly over Puerto Lopez. I think on average 320 days a year it's raining. Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the year,” Burt explains.

Opinions differ regarding the average precipitation and the likelihood of getting wet in the rain. For example, you'll likely get wet in Mosinram, but you're even more likely to leave Puerto Lopez with squelchy boots.

Until recently, the record for the wettest two-day period was held by Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, where a tropical cyclone swept through. The question arose: is Reunion the sole champion in such a single meteorological phenomenon?

Illustration copyright Hemis Alamy Image caption Reunion Island. A day without rain

In the spring of 2014, a panel of experts from the World Meteorological Organization concluded that the two-day record for wet weather belongs to Cherrapunji, which recorded a staggering 2,493 mm of rainfall on June 15-16, 1995.

This brings us back to the state of Meghalaya, which has earned its reputation as a rainy region thanks to its legendary monsoons. It is the predominant seasonal wind pattern that brings extreme rainfall to south and southeast Asia each year.

Due to monsoons, almost 90% of record annual precipitation Mosinrama can fall within six months, from May to October. The most rainy month July is considered with its record 3500 mm.

But in dry times winter months From December to February there is very little rainfall.

And when local residents lack drinking water, the title of the wettest place on Earth sounds like a mocking paradox.

World weather records

1.1 Absolute maximum air temperatures by continent

1.2 Absolute minimum air temperatures by continent

1.3 Other temperature records

The most low temperature in the atmosphere (-143 °C) was recorded at an altitude of 80 - 96 km during a night observation of clouds over Kronogard, Sweden, from July 27 to August 7, 1963;

Lowest average annual temperature registered in 1958 in Antarctica, near the South Pole (-57.8 °C);

The highest average annual air temperature (for the period: October 1960 - November 1966) is +34.4 °C in Dallol, Ethiopia;

The lowest average monthly air temperature (-75.3 °C) was recorded at Vostok station, Antarctica in August 1987;

The largest average annual temperature amplitude is observed in Verkhoyansk, Russia and is 61.9 °C, the absolute amplitude in this place is 107.1 °C;

The most even climate is observed in the town of Garapan on the island of Saipan (Mariana Islands), Pacific Ocean. For 9 years from 1927 to 1935. the lowest temperature here was +19.6 °C on January 30, 1934, and the highest was on September 9, 1931 (+31.4 °C), which gives a difference of only 11.8 °C. According to other data, the record holder for the minimum temperature amplitude is the Fernando de Noronha islands off the coast of Brazil. There from 1911 to 1966. the lowest temperature was recorded on November 17, 1913 (+18.6 °C), and the highest was on March 2, 1965 (+32 °C), which is a temperature difference of only 13.4 °C;

The most dramatic warmings:

In 2 minutes at 27.2 °C. In Spearfish, South Dakota, on January 22, 1943 at 7:30 am the temperature was -20 °C, and just 2 minutes later the temperature rose to +7.2 °C! So sudden warming was caused by a sudden warm wind - Chinook;
In 12 hours at 46.1 °C. In the town of Granville, North Dakota (USA) on February 21, 1918, during the day the air temperature rose from -36.1 °C to +10 °C;

The most intense cold snaps:

In 27 minutes at 32.2 °C. In Spearfish, South Dakota on January 22, 1943, at 9 a.m. the air temperature was +12.2 °C, and at 9:27 it dropped to -20.0 °C;
During the day at 55.6 °C. In the town of Browning, Montana (USA), during January 23-24, 1916, the temperature dropped from +6.7 °C to -48.9 °C;

In Marble Bar, Western Australia, temperatures exceeded 100 °F (+37.8 °C) for 160 days from October 31, 1923 to April 7, 1924;

The highest dew point (+35 °C) was recorded at 15:00 on July 8, 2003 in the town of Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The air temperature at this time was +42.2 °C. With a wind of 1 m/s, effective temperature reached +115 °C!

1.4 Water temperature

On August 8, 1920, the USS Titat recorded a temperature of 100 °F (+37.8 °C) in the Red Sea. The water temperature in the Persian Gulf in July-August usually stays around +31 °C, and on August 5, 1924 it reached a value of +35.6 °C (according to measurements from the Frankenfels ship);

The hottest river is a tributary of the Amu Darya, Tairsu. Once on this river the temperature of the surface layer of water was recorded at +45.2 °C. On the Tiligul River in the Odessa region, which flows into the Tiligulsky estuary, a temperature of 39.4°C was recorded near the village of Novo-Ukrainka. And the Caspian Sea can be considered the hottest lake. On Biryucha Spit the water temperature was recorded at +37.2 °C.

2.1 Highest average annual precipitation by continent

2.2 Lowest average annual precipitation by continent

2.3 Maximum amount precipitation for different periods of time

On Mount Waialeale in the Hawaiian Islands, there are on average 330 - 360 rainy days a year;

In Arica (Chile) for 14 years - from October 1903 to January 1918, not a single rain was recorded;

The driest uninhabited place on Earth is located in Antarctica - the Dry Valleys. As calculations show, in this place There has been no precipitation at all for the last 2 million years

2.4 Hail

Large hail fell in Coffeyville, Kansas, USA on September 3, 1970. The diameter of the hailstones reached 14 cm and weighed 750 g. By calculation, it was established that the hailstones crashed into the ground at a speed of about 47 m/s;

Officially, the world's heaviest hailstone fell in Gopalganj, Bangladesh on April 14, 1986. Its mass was 1.02 kg;

On April 30, 1888, the deadliest hailstorm of all time occurred in the Indian regions of Moradabad and Beheri. human history. Then 246 people died;

In Europe, the heaviest hailstone is considered to have fallen during a thunderstorm in Strasbourg, France on August 11, 1958, weighing 971 grams;

A hailstone with a maximum diameter of 20 cm was discovered in Vivian, South Dakota, USA on July 23, 2010;

There is information that on May 30, 1879, in Kansas, USA, during the passage of a tornado, hailstones up to 38 cm in diameter were observed. As they fell to the ground, holes were formed measuring 43 x 51 cm;

According to eyewitnesses, in April 1981, hailstones weighing 7 kg were observed in Guangdong Province (China). As a result of this hailstorm, 5 people. about 10,500 buildings were killed and destroyed;

On May 11, 1894, in the town of Bovina, Mississippi, USA, a hailstone was discovered, inside of which there was... a turtle measuring 15 x 20 cm;

In the city of Sheki, Azerbaijan, in 1850, the world's largest large hail: individual hailstones weighed about 10 kg. This event was recorded in the journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, published in Tbilisi;

In western Kenya, the Kericho region (where extensive tea plantations are located) experiences an average of 132 hail days per year;

In 1965, hail fell in the Kislovodsk region, covering the surface of the earth in some places with a layer of 75 centimeters;

July 6, 1958 in the village of Achikulak Stavropol Territory hailstones weighing up to 2 kilograms 200 grams fell. Houses and trees were damaged by the hail, and 90 lambs were killed in the field;

On August 9, 1843, a hailstorm of incredible force and size hit eastern England (from Oxford to Norfolk). Were registered ice blocks up to 25 cm in diameter, and the layer of hail on the ground in some places reached 1.5 meters;

In 1961, a 3 kg hailstone killed an elephant in northern India;

In October 1985, in the state of Sergipe (Brazil), hailstones killed 20 people and left more than 4,000 homeless. In some places the thickness of the hail layer exceeded 1.5 meters.

2.5 Snow

On the slopes of Mount Rainier in Washington state, a total of 16.6 m of snow falls on average per year. And in one year from February 19, 1971 to February 18, 1972, 31.11 m of snow fell in the Paradise region (altitude 1646 m above sea level), which is an absolute altitude record snow cover ;

The record snow cover thickness of 11.46 m was recorded in March 1911 in Tamarac, pcs. California, USA;

On February 14, 1927, on Mount Ibuki in Japan (Honshu Island), the height of the snow cover was measured to be 11.8 meters! ;

In just 19 hours on April 5–6, 1959, 1.7 m of snow fell at Bessans station in the French Alps;

The heaviest one-day snowfall was recorded in Silver Lake, PC. Colorado, April 14-15, 1921, when 1.93 m of snow fell in 24 hours;

In 2 days (December 29-30) 1955, 3.1 meters of snow fell in the area of ​​Mile Camp 47 (Alaska);

The largest snowflake was recorded during a snowfall in the town of Fort Keogh. Montana (USA) January 28, 1887. Its diameter was 38 cm, and its thickness reached 20 cm;

Top 5 most thunderstorm places on Earth

The small village of Kifuka in DR Congo (Africa) is the place with the maximum thunderstorm activity in the entire World. Here, every year there are an average of 158 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes per 1 km 2 of territory;

On average, about 2,000 thunderstorms thunder on Earth every second and about 100 lightning flashes every second; per day this figure is about 8.6 million flashes, and per year reaches 3.14 10 9 lightning;

The most powerful lightning recorded by instruments on July 31, 1947 at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, is considered to be the most powerful. The current reached 345,000 A;

The longest lightning strike was observed on October 13, 2001 between Dallas and Fort Worth (Texas). Its length was 193 km (120 mi);

According to unofficial data, during satellite observations of a strong thunderstorm in the area Japanese Islands, the instruments recorded a lightning flash with a power of 10-13 W. Such super-powerful discharges are called “super lightning”;

The deadliest strike of all time was a lightning strike on June 26, 1807 in the town of Kirchberg, Luxembourg. On that day, due to a lightning strike, a powerful explosion occurred in a small gunpowder factory, resulting in the death of 300 people;

4.1 Tropical cyclones

The greatest distance – 13,280 km – was covered during the existence of Typhoon “John” in 1994 in the Pacific Ocean. This typhoon also holds the world record for duration of existence - 31 days (from August 10 to September 10);

The highest horizontal pressure gradient was recorded in tropical cyclone Tracy (near Darwin, Australia) on December 24, 1974 and amounted to 5.5 hPa/1 km. Also, a gradient of 5 hPa/1 km was observed in Hurricane Inez in North Atlantic September 28, 1966;

Typhoon Type is considered the largest in the northwest Pacific Ocean. On October 12, 1979, a storm wind with a speed of more than 17 m/s was observed within a radius of 1110 km from the center;

Tropical Storm Marco occurred on October 7, 2008, and is considered the smallest tropical cyclone. Gulf of Mexico. The zone of storm winds (more than 17 m/s) extended only 16 km from the center. Thus, it is 69 times smaller than Typhoon Type!

The highest surge wave was observed during the passage of cyclone “Mahina” off the coast of Australia (Queensland) in March 1899. Its height was 13 meters;

The largest “eye of the storm” - 90 km in diameter was observed near tropical cyclone "Kerry" (Coral Sea, February 21, 1979), and the smallest - 6.7 km was recorded near cyclone "Tracy" on December 24, 1974;

The fastest intensification was observed during Typhoon Forest in September 1983 in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Then, within 24 hours, the pressure in the center of the typhoon dropped by 100 hPa from 976 to 876 hPa, i.e. at a rate of 4.2 hPa/hour;

The highest surface wind speeds were observed in Cyclone Olivia on April 10, 1996, on Barrow Island, Australia. Then for 3 seconds the wind blew at a speed of 113.2 m/s (407 km/h);

According to unofficial data, stable maximum speed wind in 1 minute in super typhoon “Nancy” on September 12, 1961 was 345 km/h (96 m/s);

The deadliest was tropical cyclone Bhola, which hit Bangladesh on November 12, 1970. According to various estimates, it claimed the lives of 300 to 500 thousand people;

The warmest “eye of the storm” was observed during Typhoon Nora (October 1973) in the western Pacific Ocean. The air temperature at 700 hPa (altitude about 3 km) reached 30 °C;

The most costly was Hurricane Katrina, which hit the United States in August 2005 as a Category 3 hurricane. The damage from it amounted to 108 billion dollars;

Typhoon Nancy (West Pacific) was continuously at maximum Category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale for 5.5 days from September 9 to 14, 1961;

On December 26, 2001, tropical storm Vamei (South China Sea) formed at just 1.4°N. from the equator.

List of most intense tropical cyclones in different regions Earth

4.2 Smerchi (Tornado)

The maximum officially recorded wind speed of the tornado (about 135 m/s) was remotely measured using a mobile Doppler radar on May 3, 1999, near Oklahoma City at an altitude of 32 meters above the ground. This value is a world record for surface wind speed;

The tallest waterspout, information about which is reliable, was observed on May 16, 1898 at Eden, pcs. New South Wales, Australia. Using a theodolite, its height was determined - 1528 m;

The widest tornado in the world was an EF5 tornado that occurred near El Reno, Oklahoma (USA) on May 31, 2013. Its width reached 4180 meters;

Largest quantity tornadoes per month in the USA - 758 were recorded in April 2011;

The largest number of tornadoes in a year in the United States (1,819) was recorded in 2004;

The deadliest was the tornado that struck the cities of Saturia and Manikgank Sadar, Bangladesh on April 26, 1989. It took the lives of 1,300 people and injured more than 12,000;

A record number of tornadoes per day - 148 - swept across the southern and midwestern states of the United States on April 3-4, 1974;

The most costly tornado was the one that hit Joplin, Missouri on May 22, 2011. The total damage is estimated at $2.8 billion;

The highest mountain tornado was registered on July 7, 2004 in national park in California (USA). The height of the area where it touched the surface is 3658 m;

The highest speed of movement (117 km/h) was recorded in the Tri-State Tornado on March 18, 1925;

4.3 Other wind records

The strongest gust of wind on record (without the influence of a tornado or tropical cyclone) occurred on April 12, 1934 at Mount Washington (elevation 1917 meters) in New Hampshire. On that day, instruments noted a wind speed of 103 m/s;

Most windy place In the world, Port Martin (Antarctica) is considered, where the average annual wind speed is 17 m/s. The highest average annual wind speed in this place was recorded in 1995 and amounted to 22.4 m/s. The highest monthly average wind speed was also recorded here - 29.1 m/s (in March 1951) and the daily average - 48.3 m/s (March 21 - 22, 1951).

5.1 Atmospheric pressure

The highest atmospheric pressure is earth's surface, normalized to sea level, was recorded on December 19, 2001 in Tosontsengel (Mongolia) and amounted to 1084.8 hPa. The height of this point is 1725 m above sea level. On the plain high pressure was recorded in Agata (Russia) on December 31, 1968 - 1083.3 hPa;

The lowest pressure on Earth was recorded in Typhoon "Tip" in the northwest Pacific Ocean on October 12, 1979 - 870 hPa. In an extratropical cyclone, the lowest pressure (914 hPa) was recorded in the storm "Braer" in the north Atlantic on January 10, 1993;

The sharpest drop in pressure was observed during the passage of an EF4 tornado near Manchester, South Dakota (USA) on June 24, 2003. Using a special setup, a pressure jump of 100 hPa was measured for about 40 seconds (from 950 to 850 hPa). The value of 850 hPa can be considered the lowest pressure on the Earth's surface during meteorological observations.

5.2 Sunshine

The sunniest place is considered to be the town of Yuma, Arizona (USA), where the average annual sunshine is 4019 hours out of 4456 possible;

In St. Petersburg, pcs. Florida, USA, from February 9, 1967 to March 17, 1969 there were 768 absolutely sunny days contract

5.3 Ice

A severe ice storm swept through the southeastern regions of Canada and the northeastern United States from January 4 to January 10, 1998. Then 44 people died, almost 1000 towers of high-voltage power lines were toppled. The thickness of ice deposits in some places reached 12 cm! The total damage is estimated at 5-7 billion dollars.

5.4 Rainbow

The city of Sheffield (UK) had the most persistent rainbow: on March 14, 1994, the rainbow was visible for 6 hours: from 09:00 in the morning to 15:00 in the afternoon.

5.5 Fog

The foggiest place in the world is considered to be the area of ​​the Grand Banks of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic. Another record foggy place is Argentia (Newfoundland, Canada) - 206 days a year with fog.

5.6 Dampness

The Prince Edward Islands in the southern Indian Ocean are the wettest and cloudiest place on earth. The average annual sunshine here is only 800 - 1300 hours, and it rains about 320 days a year.

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