The deepest sea in Russia is the Bering Sea, named after the Danish-born Russian naval officer Vitus Bering, who explored this rough, deep northern sea in the mid-18th century. Before accepting your official name The Bering Sea was called Kamchatka or Bobrov. Its average depth is about 1600 meters. In the deepest places, a depth of 4151 meters was recorded. About half of the area is occupied by spaces with a depth of more than 500 meters, while its entire area is more than 2315 thousand square kilometers.

The Bering Sea is not only the deepest, but also the northernmost body of water in Russia. The sea becomes covered with ice in September and is cleared only by June, while ice can cover up to half the area of ​​this reservoir. IN coastal zone and bays, the ice forms impassable fields, but the open part of the sea is never completely covered with ice. The ice in the open part of the Bering Sea is in constant movement Under the influence of winds and currents, ice hummocks up to 20 meters high often form.

Despite its depth, the Bering Sea is not even among the top ten most deep seas. It belongs to the Pacific Ocean, separated from it by the Aleutian and Commander Islands, and along it runs a section of the water border between Russia and the United States. The Bering Strait connects the Bering Sea with Chukchi Sea and the Arctic Ocean.

The shallowest sea in Russia

The shallowest sea in Russia is the Azov Sea. Its average depth is only about 7 meters, the maximum does not exceed 13.5. The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest sea not only in Russia, but also in the world.

The Sea of ​​Azov belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin, is an inland sea in eastern Europe, connected by the Kerch Strait to the Black Sea, and is located between Russia and Ukraine. The Sea of ​​Azov is not only the shallowest, but also one of the most big seas in the world. Maximum length its length is 380 km, maximum width– 200 km, coastline 2686 km, surface area 37800 sq. km.

Inflow river waters in the Sea of ​​Azov it is abundant and accounts for up to 12% of the total water volume. The main influx is in its northern part, so the water there contains very little salt and easily freezes in winter. In winter, up to half the sea area is covered with ice, and ice can be carried into the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait.

In summer, due to its shallow depth, the Sea of ​​Azov quickly and evenly warms up to average temperature 24 – 26 degrees, which makes it an excellent place for relaxation and fishing.

Seas are amazing objects on our planet. Their expanses are little studied, but even the available data is enough to admire the depths, latitudes and underwater world. It is difficult to say unequivocally how many amazing treasures have been lost at the bottom of the seas, how many amazing discoveries have not yet been made by scientists, how many secrets the sources of diverse underwater and flora. However, we can build on the available data to make a rating of the deepest seas, respectively the most interesting and mysterious places on the ground.

Rating of the deepest seas on our planet

2258 meters

The deepest among inland seas Russia is Black. There is no point in saying that at some points there are likely to be more serious indicators, you understand this yourself. But the current record is 2258 meters. By the way, the record depth of the Azov Sea is only 14-16 meters. Baltic can boast of a mark of 500 meters. This is for comparison. But the Black Sea is not the largest and most amazing in Russia. Although several facts really make him admire him. It is home to the most expensive fish, containing black caviar.

Continuing the theme of Russia, it should be noted that off the eastern shores largest ocean there are 3 large seas at once:

  1. Beringovo;
  2. Okhotsk;
  3. Japanese.

Among the names presented, the most famous is, of course, the Bering Sea. It is the deepest in the territory Russian Federation. The depth is 4151 meters. The second place is occupied by Okhotsk, whose maximum depth is 3742 meters. Maximum depression Sea of ​​Japan is 3044 meters. It is likely that other results will be discovered over time. By the way, you might be interested in familiarizing yourself with the deepest depressions on our planet. In the meantime, we continue the current topic and begin to review the giants of the entire planet, and not just the Russian Federation.

7090 meters

Despite its relatively small size, we're talking about about a very deep sea located in the Atlantic Ocean. To be precise between Central and South America. The maximum depth recorded to date is 7090 meters. At the same time, on the territory Caribbean Sea there are many frigates and galleons observed. Consequently, such invariances great amount, however, as well as climbs. This place is a favorite among pirates and adventure lovers. A huge number of people every year try to discover the treasures that this amazing body of water undoubtedly stores in its depths.

Third place in the ranking of the deepest on the planet belongs to the Banda Sea. The depth is 7440 meters. A unique spring of rich underwater world is located off the coast of Indonesia. Another sea that is part of the Pacific Ocean. We are talking about a volcanic zone, as well as an island of volcanic origin. Talking about underwater world The following inhabitants should be highlighted:

  1. rare dolphins;
  2. jellyfish;
  3. various nautiluses;
  4. sea ​​octopuses;
  5. squid;
  6. large stingrays and amazing sea snakes.

Naturally, the most unique species live at the very bottom.

The second place in the ranking of the deepest goes to the Coral Sea, also located in Pacific Ocean. Most of off the Philippine archipelago. At the same time, experts believe that the deepest ocean trench belongs to Coral, it is called Mariana. Let's talk about it in more detail below. As for the depth of the Coral Sea, it exceeds 4 kilometers. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to accurately name the maximum level, because the above value is observed in many zones.

The deepest sea on the planet- Philippine, and its depth is 9140 meters. That is twice as much as its closest competitors. It is also located in the Pacific Ocean, from which we can draw a reasonable conclusion - the deepest sea bodies of water are located in the Pacific Ocean. The greatest coverage is observed in Australia and off the coast of New Guinea. For this sea characteristic difference is the presence of many islands, the largest of which is a large and at the same time unique barrier reef. There are a huge number of crabs, crayfish, and flying fish in the water. Unique inhabitants also include starfish, urchins and turtles.

As promised, we can say that the deepest place is Mariana Trench, of all those registered today, of course. It is a kind of trench assigned to the territory of the Philippine Sea. It is a leader because the depth is 10265 meters. However, even without this unique place Filipino is the deepest.
Thus, we examined the most unique seas of Russia and the world as a whole. The conclusion is this: the deepest places in the Pacific Ocean, while on the territory of the Russian Federation the Bering Sea is deeper than the rest!

Do you remember from the course school geography how many seas wash our big country? My daughter is a schoolgirl, so I am, so to speak, going through the course of study in the second round. Recently, she and I were preparing a report on geography, and we just touched on the topic of the seas.

Russia can safely boast of the number of seas washed by it. There are as many as 12 of them. Most of all, of course, I hear about Azov and Black Sea, since these are resort vacation spots where my family and I go almost every year. But the deepest sea in Russia is not in the south. We will talk about the Bering Sea. It is not only the deepest in the country, but also the northernmost. Its size is quite impressive, but its depth is even more impressive. The Bering Sea is also one of the deepest seas in the entire world. It’s hard to imagine, but its maximum depth is 5500 m. As much as 5.5 kilometers, can you imagine? And its average depth is 1640 m. Since the sea is northern, there is no question beach holidays This is not the point here. The water temperature in this sea is summer time reaches only 7-8 degrees.

The Bering Sea is one of the ten largest seas in the world:

  • Philippine Sea - depth 11022 m.
  • Coral Sea – 9174 m.
  • Tasman Sea – 6015 m.
  • Weddell Sea – 6820 m.
  • Caribbean Sea – 7090 m.
  • Mediterranean Sea – 5121 m.
  • Bering Sea – 5500 m.
  • Sea of ​​Okhotsk – 3521 m.
  • Barents Sea – 600 m.
  • Norwegian Sea – 3970 m.

It’s very difficult for me to imagine how there can be such a depth under the water column? The depth of 5500 m is half the maximum depth of the deepest sea in the world. But, nevertheless, if we compare, for example, with Black Sea coast, and even more so with the coast of the Azov Sea, which is called the shallowest sea, then this value seems simply unrealistic.

Russia is very lucky: it is washed by as many as 12 seas. These include the resort towns Chernoye and Azovskoye, and the completely inhospitable Japanese, Okhotskoye, Beringovo, Laptev and others. They are all different, have a certain depth, area, temperature, characteristic flora and fauna. But the deepest of them is only one. Do you know which one?

Bering Sea

It was named in honor of Vitus Bering, who was the first to explore this inhospitable body of water. Previously, its names were more “speaking” - Bobrovoe, Kamchatsky, but the more official Beringovo took root.

It is located in the northern part of Russia and belongs to the Pacific Ocean. Here lies one of the sections of the water border of our country with the United States.

The sea has quite a significant size, covering an area of ​​more than 2,315 thousand square kilometers. But its main feature is its depth. On average, it is 1612 meters, at some points reaching a value of 4151 meters, which makes it the deepest in Russia. It’s interesting that it doesn’t even make it into the top ten in the world standings.

The Bering Sea is not only the deepest, but also the northernmost. Ice appears already in September and finally disappears by June. Moreover, in the middle of winter, up to half of its area can be hidden under the crust. In some places, for example, the Gulf of Lawrence, the ice does not disappear for years.

This is probably somehow connected, but the second deepest sea in Russia is located south of the Bering Sea, but north of the Japanese Sea, the bronze champion. In any case, it has the second deepest water area. The average depth is estimated at 821 meters, while the maximum reaches 3916. Therefore, it is noticeably inferior to the Japanese one in terms of average depth, but surpasses it in terms of maximum depth.

There are almost no islands in this sea, but there is Sakhalin, one of the largest islands in Russia. And it has a seismically active zone with all the ensuing consequences: active, dormant and extinct volcanoes, as well as regular earthquakes. If you are unlucky and the epicenter is located under water, you can quite admire the tsunami. Preferably from afar.

Japanese Sea

It is located significantly south of the Bering Sea, and accordingly has warmer waters, as well as a variety of marine life and vegetation. Four states benefit from its gifts: two Koreas, Japan and Russia. Moreover, this sea is special for Russia, since it is the third deepest. On average it is 1753 meters, which is already impressive; in some places the seabed drops to 3542 meters.

Interesting story with its name. In Korean, it is called Eastern, and both states unanimously (at least in some ways they are in solidarity) insist on renaming it, arguing that it was the Celestial Empire that imposed the name “Sea of ​​Japan” on the public. Japan replies that this is what is accepted in most countries of the world (with the exception of Korea). Russia in this confrontation takes the place of a curious and attentive spectator.

By the way, it was in the Sea of ​​Japan that a liner with hundreds of rare animals on board crashed in the film “Radio Day”. Fortunately, everyone was saved.

And purely, for contrast, the Sea of ​​Azov. We weren’t very lucky with the deep ones, but the shallowest sea in the world is located in Russia. True, on its other bank is Ukraine, but this does not make a significant difference. Laurels of the owner himself shallow sea It can easily be divided into two.

So what, if it’s shallow, it’s warm and personal

The average depth of this sea is only about 7 meters. The maximum is about 14, and even then, near specially dug shipping channels. Otherwise, ships simply cannot approach many Azov ports; they begin to scrape their bottoms across the sand. The area is appropriate, 39 thousand square kilometers.

Some scientists are still perplexed why THIS was called the sea. In their opinion, the definition of “deep-water bay of the Black Sea” would be more suitable for it. But while scientists argue, this geographical wonder continues to attract tourists who want to splash around in its muddy, but very warm waters.

The world's oceans are the most amazing and least studied object on our planet. How many mysteries it contains, and how many discoveries remain to be made by people studying the deepest seas and oceans on our planet.

The deepest seas in the world

The Pacific Ocean has broken all records for depth and is home to four of the six deepest seas in the world. If you line up the seas by depth, both by height, in meters and kilometers, then their leaders are: the Philippine Sea and the Coral Sea, followed by the Banda Sea, the Caribbean Sea, the Weddell Sea and the Tasman Sea.

In first place is the Philippine Sea. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, near the Philippine archipelago. It is to this sea that the deepest oceanic trench is attributed - the Mariana Trench, thus the greatest depth of the Philippine Sea is 11022 meters. Even the average depth of this sea is more than 4 km, while the depth of the Sea of ​​Azov, for example, does not exceed 14 meters.

There are volcanoes at the bottom of the Philippine Sea. Because of enormous depth Marine life here are not fully studied, mainly those that are found in surface and coastal waters. It is known that in the Philippine Sea they live sea ​​turtles, dolphins, swordfish, various shellfish. In addition, there are a lot of sharks that are dangerous to humans, including tiger and gray sharks. But the large deep-sea inhabitants of the Mariana Trench are definitely predators, and what kind of ones at that! Most of all they look like monsters with many teeth and huge jaws. Not everyone has eyes deep sea fish, and if there are, then they are not at all similar to those familiar to us, because at the bottom of the depression there is complete darkness. But many have very developed organs that detect sounds. There are also simple organisms there that have existed for billions of years.

The second place is occupied by the Coral Sea, with a depth of 9140 meters, one of the most beautiful seas in the world. This sea is also located in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of New Guinea and Australia. The Coral Sea is characterized by a large number of islands, and of course, many coral reefs. The most famous of them is the Great Barrier Reef. Among the inhabitants of the Coral Sea - sea ​​stars, hedgehogs and turtles, flying fish, a lot of various types shrimp, crustaceans and crabs.

Third place rightfully belongs to the not very large, but very deep (up to 7440 meters) Banda Sea. It is located off the coast of Indonesia, and also belongs to the Pacific Ocean. This is a volcanic zone and the islands in the Banda Sea are of volcanic origin. This sea is home to dolphins, squids, jellyfish, octopuses, nautiluses, sharks, stingrays, and even sea snakes.

The Caribbean Sea is in fourth place in the depth ranking. It is located in the Atlantic Ocean between the South and Central America. The depth of this sea is 7090 meters, and among the depressions and rises at the bottom lie sunken frigates and galleons. The search for sunken treasure continues to this day, and many countries dispute the ownership of these treasures.

How deep is the Black Sea?

The Black Sea is not the deepest sea in the world, but among the inland seas of our country it ranks first - its greatest depth is 2258 meters. Compared with Sea of ​​Azov, whose depth is only about 14 meters, or the Baltic (500 meters the greatest distance to the bottom), the Black Sea is very deep. It also differs from other seas in our country in that part of its shores are mountains (Caucasus, South coast Crimea), which go into the water at a steep angle. Because of this, the bottom slope in these places is greater. But there is also shallow water - this is the northwestern part of the Black Sea.

The deepest sea in Russia

Russia is a huge country, and its shores are washed by many seas, but most of them are in the North and East of the country. But near the Northern seas Arctic Ocean there is no such depth and size as the seas of the Pacific Ocean, located off the eastern coast of our country. This is explained by the structure earth's crust in those places. Three seas are located in the Pacific Ocean in eastern Russia: the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the most northern of them - the Bering Sea. They are separated from the ocean itself by islands (Kuril, Japanese and Aleutian).

Next come the ocean depressions, including one of the deepest in the world - the Kuril-Kamchatka depression with a depth of 9717 meters. If we arrange these seas in order of decreasing depth, we get the following: the leader will be the Bering Sea with a maximum depth of 4151 meters. Then comes the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, its depth is 3916 meters. And on last place will be the Sea of ​​Japan, since it, although slightly, is inferior to the Okhotsk Sea, its maximum depth is only 3742 meters. As you can see, the deepest Russian sea - the Bering Sea - is far behind world leaders.

However, this is not all the most interesting things that can be said about the deepest sea in Russia..

Which sea is the deepest in the world?

There is no clear answer to this question, because depth can be assessed in different ways. Usually they still take it for comparison maximum depth, but you can also consider the average depth of the sea. Or the depth of most of the sea. True, no matter how deep the sea is, it still cannot be compared with the ocean depressions. Greatest depth was measured in the Mariana Trench - 11022 meters.

It is essentially a deep-sea trench, and the name of the depression is given after the Mariana Islands located nearby. And, since the Mariana Trench is now classified as Philippine Sea, then it became the leader in depth among all the seas on the planet. True, even without this depression, the Philippine Sea is the deepest in the world, maximum distance to the bottom, according to some sources, it is 10,265 meters.
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