> > Sun
It most clearly affects the ninth and tenth houses.

A strong impact is felt near Zenith. Everyone knows that the Sun shines very brightly at Zenith; it is simply impossible not to notice this glow. It shines most brightly at the moment when it has not yet reached the Zenith. At such a moment, a person becomes as purposeful as possible, he clearly moves towards his goal and often achieves success in life. The activity becomes understandable and brings pleasure.

The Sun in the 10th house allows the individual to develop his creative potential. The person is bright, dynamic, and accomplishes a lot. Such a personality is simply impossible not to notice. The more he manages to achieve in life, the more cheerful and joyful a person becomes. He constantly sets new goals for himself and successfully achieves them. Most a shining example such a person is Napoleon Bonaparte. This position of the stars can be called a real gift of fate.

The house of such a person is always filled with celebration and fun. Nobody gets bored with him. A person whose Sun is in the 10th house is simply impossible to ignore and not notice. The Sun in the 5th house has enormous opportunities for the development and realization of creative ambitions.

Characteristics of the Sun

In astrological theory, which was formed by the 21st century, the Sun is considered a good planet, although ancient authors also attributed some evil traits to this luminary. In particular, the Sun is credited with the ability to “burn” planets that are in conjunction with it within an orbit from 2° to 6°. The Sun is a masculine planet, electric (i.e. giving energy), fiery, daytime. The abode of the Sun (also the throne, ruled sign, domicile) is Leo, the Sun is exiled in Aquarius (also the sign of imprisonment, exil). The exaltation of the Sun is at 19° Aries, and the fall (fall) is at 19° Libra. The sun is never retrograde average speed its movement along the ecliptic is 59'8'' per day, and thus it completes a complete circuit of the zodiac in one year. Since the Sun is a fast planet, its position in the horoscope of people born within the same year varies greatly, therefore the Sun belongs to the category of personal planets, i.e. is one of the astrological factors of differences in the characters of people.

Character of the Sun

The sun is the significator of kings

The sun has symbolized kings since the time of the oldest branch of astrology, Mundana, when heavenly omens were considered in connection with the life of a state or city, as well as in connection with the fate of the ruler. A solar eclipse (i.e., an eclipse of the king) was considered the worst sign for the king. The fear of an eclipse was so high that in Babylon, for a time close to the eclipse (before the event itself and after), the king was temporarily replaced by a figurehead, and the ruler himself hid under the name “Mr. Small man", "Mr. Farmer", etc.

According to Jan Kefer, the Sun symbolizes nobles, rulers, fathers (young), sons (and children in general), respected people, famous people, woman's husband, husband's relatives, private individuals (rentiers).

Sun in the natal horoscope

Due to its exclusivity in Western astrology and the control of the central spheres of the microcosm, the position of the Sun in the horoscope is very significant. On this basis, at the beginning of the 20th century. Alan Leo, an astrologer who had many orders for horoscopes, reduced the construction of a horoscope and its interpretation to an express analysis of the position of the Sun in the zodiac sign at the time of a person’s birth. Since the Sun goes around the entire zodiac in a year and does not go retrograde, it has become possible to create a calendar of the Sun’s transitions from sign to sign: this occurs approximately on the twentieth of every month. Thus, since the time of Alan Leo, expressions like: “According to the horoscope, he is a Libra” or: “Libra is his zodiac sign” have come into use, this means that at the moment of a person’s birth, the Sun was in Libra (for more details, see the article Horoscope) .

The position of the Sun in one of corner houses horoscope (see Houses of the horoscope), means happiness in one of four significant areas of human life:

  • Self-expression (1st house);
  • Career, profession and recognition (X house);
  • Partnership and marriage (VII house);
  • Family, home, homeland (IV house).

Symbolizing the core of personality and creative energy, the Sun is in natal horoscope indicates in which areas a person has the opportunity to maximize his creative potential, through which he can express himself.

Solar correspondences



  • Abraham Ben Ezra. Book of judgments about the stars. Per. from Spanish by K. Dmitrieva - M.: World of Urania, - 2003. - 240 p. ISBN 5-900191-49-4
  • Jan Kefer. Practical astrology or the art of foresight and confrontation with fate - Donetsk: “Vezha”, - 2006. - 492 p. ISBN 5-85-273-253-4
  • K. Zhilinski. History of astrology - M.: Profit Style Publishing House, - 2007. - 304 p. ISBN 5-98857-074-7

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Sun (astrology)” is in other dictionaries:

    Sun: The Sun is the central and only star of our Solar System. The Sun (astrology) The Sun is one of the fountains of the Peterhof Palace and Park Ensemble. The sun is one of the figures often used in heraldry. The sun ... ... Wikipedia

    astrology- ASTROLOGY (from the Greek astron stars and logos doctrine) the doctrine of the connection between location heavenly bodies And historical events, the destinies of people and nations. A. arose in ancient times, developed during the European Middle Ages,... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

    Illustration from the 15th century Book of Hours of the Duke of Berry, depicting the connection of the signs of the Zodiac with the Hippocratic temperaments in accordance with “hotness, coldness” and “wetness, dryness” ... Wikipedia

    ASTROLOGY- [Greek ἀστρολογία], the most common type of mantika (fortune telling), consisting in the interpretation of the relative positions of celestial bodies at certain points in time. A. in ancient world A. originated in Mesopotamia in the 3rd millennium BC, its early history… … Orthodox Encyclopedia

    An imaginary science that tried to predict the future of individuals and humanity from observations of the positions of the stars in the sky. Almost all peoples who have reached some degree scientific knowledge about heaven, we meet A. as a necessary transitional... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    Discipline offering general concept of the universe, based on the assumption of the existence of correspondences between the movements of the celestial bodies (Sun, Moon and planets) and events in earthly life. Archaic period. The emergence of astrology is associated with... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

    Astrologia and Astronomia. In classical times, the Romans called the study of the stars astrologia; Subsequently, astrologers, based on the position of the stars, foreshadowed the fate of people, and astronomi calculated the movements and relationships of the heavenly bodies one to another and to... ...

    Astrologia (and Astronomia). In classical times, the Romans called the study of the stars astrologia; Subsequently, astrologers, based on the position of the stars, foreshadowed the fate of people, and astronomi calculated the movements and relationships of the celestial bodies of one... Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

    Astrology- (ΆΣΤΡΟΝ luminary, ΛΌΓΟΣ science) in ancient times, humanity, having deviated from the true knowledge of God into the darkness of paganism, worshiped the stars and luminaries, which is known as astrolatry, or Sabeism. Later people… … Complete Orthodox Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ASTROLOGY- 1) the science of planetary motion; 2) a system of symbols based on the idea of ​​the special influence of planets and constellations on people’s lives and natural processes. It was valued as a science in all known archaic civilizations. Only in ancient Greece... ... Symbols, signs, emblems. Encyclopedia


  • When the Sun Returns. Birthday astrology. How to work with solar return charts, Tsypin P.. The book contains the material necessary for working with solar return charts. The methodological composition of the book is distinguished by the completeness and detail of the presentation of algorithms for working with...

The glyph (graphic symbol) of the Sun is a point in the center of a circle. This sign symbolizes a person’s desire for self-knowledge. Circle - an ancient symbol unity, integrity and infinity. It also means endless life cycle. A person has a natural need for self-realization, self-discovery. These searches lead him to the idea that essentially he cannot be anyone else, but only himself. He can choose the method by which this is achieved himself. The dot in the center of the circle reminds a person that he is part of the whole, a drop in the ocean. He realizes that the existence of this drop is not accidental and is not without meaning. Everything that exists is interdependent, including man himself, who is a thinking being chosen to fulfill his destiny.

Glyph is the ancient Egyptian equivalent of the word "sign".

The angel turns the wheel of fortune: in this continuous movement, each of the planets rises and falls in turn.

Planets. general characteristics

Zodiac signs represent the background of planetary activity. The activating force is the planet, but the sign creates only the background of this activity. Signs are sometimes called fields of energy within which planets express their character.

The planets are the most important elements horoscope interpretations. They define motivation for activity, giving rise to impulses. Since the symbolic meaning given to planets in astrology is closely associated with Greek and Roman mythological characters, the planets bear their names. For example, the mythological god of war Mars gave the name and character to the planet Mars, symbolizing aggression and strength.

The zodiac sign colors the motivation for activity this person.

When a planet, during its journey through the Zodiac, falls into a particular sign of this belt, it colors its action.

The position of the planet in a sign symbolizes the predisposition factor of a given person.

Predisposition factors (all planetary positions) are influenced by different life situations. Predisposition factors determined by the position of planets and signs, as well as the mutual dependence of individual factors reflected in “aspects”, together create a general predisposition. The house (field of vital activity) in which the planet is located in a given sign indicates the life situation through which this predisposition is expressed.

The last two factors will be discussed in the following lessons.

In astrology we take into account 10 celestial bodies. These are the Sun, Moon and 8 planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They symbolize the dynamics of forces in human life.

Sun and moon are called the “luminaries” of the horoscope and symbolize respectively: the day side (self-awareness) and the night side (the ability to gain experience and our spiritual world).

Mercury(observation and understanding). Venus(affection ~ love) and Mars(destruction of ties and conquest) are called individual planets because they largely determine the temperament AND individual predisposition of a person.

Jupiter(spiritual maturation) and Saturn(limitation, consciousness and realization) are transitional planets. Saturn is the guard on the border between consciousness and subconscious. Thanks to this planet, a person comprehends hitherto unknown aspects of his own personality, which allows him to lead a fuller and richer life.

Uranus, Neptune And Pluto, called the outer planets (since they were discovered only in the 18th-20th centuries thanks to new technical capabilities and do not belong to the classical composition), as well as planets connecting generations, symbolize collective, social values ​​and feelings. Their energy influences entire generations, guides events and changes high level, which always influences a person’s life to a certain extent.

Man has long expressed his vision of the world in sculpture, painting, dreams, fantasies and, above all, in myths. In myths we find deep symbolic meaning encoded by man. Over the centuries, many myths related to the Sun have been created. Myths about this celestial body occupied an important place in the culture and religions of many peoples.

One of the Greek myths, for example, tells of Helios, the highest god of light (consciousness), who owned two palaces: one in the east, the other in the west. According to this myth, Helios left his “eastern” palace every morning in a chariot drawn by four horses. After a day's travel across the sky, he stopped in the evening at his "western" palace. At night he covered the same distance, sailing in a large boat on the waters of the Ocean, which flooded the entire earth. The next morning, having reached the palace in the east, he again harnessed his chariot to once again set off on his journey to the west.

The sun has symbolized religious feelings in many cultures.

Thanks to the light and heat of the Sun, life on Earth is possible. The sun could be compared to the heart, without which our existence is impossible. The sun is the star around which the Earth revolves, and the heart is the pump that regulates blood circulation in the body. The sun and the heart symbolize the strength of the spirit, and the Sun is the energy thanks to which the strength of the spirit can develop. Willpower is present in each of the 12 zodiac signs. varying degrees, which depends on the position of the Sun in a particular sign.

The Sun rules the sign of Leo and the fifth house.

This zodiac sign or house is directly influenced by the planet. It gives them a special flavor.

The position of the Sun in the horoscope gives us an understanding of the life plans of a given person, since the Sun is their carrier. It also symbolizes everything divine, masculine and associated with the personality of the father.

The sun is both the point of beginning and end. It uses the energy of all the planets, demonstrating its power. The sun is love and the power of life, a symbol of warmth, a symbol of a person’s self-awareness, which serves as the frame of his individuality. The Sun in the signs of the Zodiac determines the area of ​​activity in which a person wants to indicate his presence on Earth.

The Sun in a favorable position releases a sense of dignity, self-confidence, independence, willpower, creativity, leadership traits and authority.

The Sun in an unfavorable position can cause insecurity, dependence on others, selfishness, insolence, and sometimes a tendency towards delusions of grandeur and arrogance. IN public life people with a strong Sun can be recognized by the fact that they are always in the center of events, they are admired and respected. The sun symbolizes everything that radiates pride and splendor: lions, llamas, gold and diamonds, kings and queens.

Physical aspects

The energy of the Sun straightens your back, makes your gaze open, and your step confident. Thanks to her, your eyes shine, your hair shines, your body becomes flexible. The sun owns our heart and back. Moreover, it dominates our willpower, which is the seat of our self-awareness. Planets with which the Sun creates harmonious aspects receive additional energy and creative talent.

Below are the dates indicating the beginning of the Sun's stay in the corresponding signs of the Zodiac:

Astrology. Exercise

Is there a typical “Sun person” in your circle? Try to describe his/her personality.

Horoscope example:

K.G. Jung, a well-known specialist in the field of psychiatry.

Place of birth: Kessville, Switzerland, 47°36"N, 9°20"E duty.

Jung's birth occurred at a time when the Sun was in its own sign, namely Leo. Jung was a strong man, full of creative energy. His life goal was to discover the true personality of man in the process of its formation. Jung first experimented on himself and later used his theory in treating patients. As a doctor, he was a very responsive and spontaneous person. He always enjoyed recognition among students.

He always loved to be in the center of things and willingly passed on his knowledge to his listeners. He often treated his patients using dream analysis. To do this, I delved into every new dream and each new experience that allowed him to begin treating this patient. He listened carefully to all the stories of his patients and respected each one as a person. He demanded the same attitude towards himself. Over time, C. G. Jung was recognized as a well-deserved authority in psychiatry, and after his death (in 1963) this opinion was further strengthened. As befits a true Leo, he became a leader in some areas of psychotherapy.


The planets move in elliptical orbits around the Sun, which is the center of our solar system.

IN modern world man attaches to the planets the meaning that he once attributed to the gods who preside over the planets. The closest planet to the Sun is Mercury. Mythology describes Mercury as a messenger god, conveying messages from the highest god to other gods or people. Mercury symbolizes a person's communication abilities.

Venus, the second planet of our solar system, bears the name of the goddess of love. Venus was famous for her beauty and innocence. Thanks to her, a person is able to feel love.

Third planet - Earth. This the only planet solar system in which life exists as we know it.

Rotating around the Earth Moon known to us all. The Moon is the guardian who ensures the peace of our nights. It symbolizes the energy of guardianship and parental care.

Mars, the god of war, is the fourth planet. It symbolizes strength and enterprise.

The biggest and most beautiful planet is Jupiter. This is the name of the most important god in Roman mythology. Jupiter symbolizes faith in goodness and shows us the meaning of life.

Saturn surrounded by a characteristic ring. This planet, bearing the name of the god of time and harvest, symbolizes the limited capabilities of man and awakens a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

Uranus, like Neptune and Pluto, is invisible from Earth with the naked eye. It is named after greek god sky of Uranus. Symbolizes individualism and public interests of a person.

Neptune, bearing the name of the god of the sea, is a planet that symbolizes the descent into the world of the deep, the land of secrets, regardless of whether this happens in a physical or spiritual sense. This planet provides cosmic communication for all creatures living on Earth.

Pluto was the god of the underworld, death and transformation (transformation). This last planet symbolizes the primal energy and supernatural forces sleeping within every person.

Each planet has certain connections with any sign of the Zodiac, determined by its specific features. As a result, in some of them it can manifest itself in the most optimal way.

If a planet is in the sign it rules (owns), we say that it is manager this sign.

Until the second half of the 19th century V. In astrology and astronomy, 7 planets were known. They are called classical planets. These include the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The last three planets of the solar system (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) were discovered in 1781, 1846 and 1930, respectively.

The discovery of a new planet in an astrological sense means that our consciousness is enriched with a new type of energy or life force.

Before 1780, 5 of the 7 classical planets ruled two signs.

Currently, only Mercury and Venus rule two signs.

When a planet is in its own sign (for example, Mars in Aries), its influence is strongest.

If a planet is in a sign opposite to that which it owns, its strength is weakened to the greatest extent, since it must manifest its energy against an unknown background opposite to its character. When, for example, Mars - the planet symbolizing energy, aggression and interest in one's own personality - is in Libra, the sign symbolizing balance, compromise and interest in another person (i.e. in opposition to Aries), its spontaneous expression of energy is blocked through the background (through the sign in which it is located).

If a planet is in the sign opposite to the one it rules, we say that the planet is in exile.

There are also situations in which planets feel so good that they outgrow their own capabilities and act in an ennobled, “higher” way. We say then that the planet is in exaltation. For example, Mars is exalted in Capricorn. The energetic and impulsive nature of Mars is enhanced in Capricorn, releasing idle productive and creative forces.

The opposite of exaltation is the least favorable position of the planet, i.e. position in fall. The planet is then in the sign opposite to that of its exaltation.

The above rule applies only to classical planets. If we're talking about about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, we cannot yet say with complete certainty which signs “serve” them and which do not. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the following scheme:

Astrology. Exercise.

What does the discovery of new planets mean in a psychological sense?

Examples of interpretations

When a planet moves into another sign, the color of the motives for action changes. The motives of the Sun's action express the discovery of oneself, the desire for independence and independence, creativity and vitality. In the descriptions below you will notice how with the entry of the Sun into each new sign the coloring of the motives for action also changes.

Sun in Aries: You are an energetic person full of ideas. You are more willing to work alone, because then you are not annoyed by the fact that others work slower than you. You are unusually interested in your own personality, you strive for independence, and it does not bother you that others sometimes disagree with you.

Sun in Taurus: You are unusually patient and work slowly to get to the bottom of things as thoroughly as possible. You love convenience and comfort. Sometimes you are overcome by terrible laziness. Then it is difficult for you to force yourself to do what you planned. Essentially, you are a balanced person who does not get angry very quickly.

Sun in Gemini: Your sharp mind allows you to quickly find the answer to any question. However, your interest in this problem does not last long. What you know quickly becomes boring to you. Most willingly, you would replace all the familiar elements of life with new, and therefore more interesting ones. Given your tendency to change moods quickly, you are never sad or unhappy for long.

Sun in the sign Cancer: You are a very emotional person, sensitive to subtle forms of interpersonal communication. You need emotional support from others. When you receive it, you can surround others with true love and care. If, however, this condition is not met, you hide in your “shell”. becoming insecure and withdrawn.

Sun in Leo sign: Are you a man strong will, full of ideas and initiatives. You are willing to be in the center of things. Thanks to your spontaneity and warmth, your colleagues love you. If you want to be respected by others, value sincerity and openness. You like to focus the attention of those around you and readily accept compliments.

Sun in Virgo: Everything you do, you do carefully. Love order. Expect others to perform daily duties with the same level of care as you. If this is not done, you will be disappointed. You should pay attention to ensure that this (sometimes too harsh) criticism is not perceived poorly by those around you. On the other hand, you are willing to help others. You enjoy being needed by people.

Sun in the sign of Libra: You are willing to be in company and try to be like everyone else. You worry about how others like you. Love everything that is beautiful. Lack of beauty has a repulsive effect on you. Making a decision often requires significant effort on your part because you always see two sides of the coin. You can be an excellent mediator in conflict situations.

Sun in Scorpio: You live very intensely, full of deep emotions that are difficult for you to express in words. Therefore, you often withdraw into yourself, experiencing your feelings alone. Your feelings for others are often very intense, ranging from deep love to hatred. You don't allow anyone to play with your feelings. You respond to your offenders with extraordinary bitterness (Scorpio is an avid fighter).

Sun in Sagittarius: You are very active and full of energy, so you spend a lot of time outside the home. It is difficult for you to accept the restrictions of the “adult” world. Are you striving for absolute freedom, which allows you to be friends with any randomly selected person. Your interest in literature and travel stems from a desire to know the world.

Sun in Capricorn: You approach life much more seriously than your peers. You have a lot to answer for and want to be taken seriously. You are a proponent of the theory that happiness must be earned. You are quite ambitious, and, as a truly practical person, you value only specific results.

Sun in Aquarius: Every new idea or you accept the event as a challenge. You are a typical "free spirit", a true individualist, but you feel the need to share life with others. You are guided by sincerity and a sense of justice; you make sure that every person around you is treated with the necessary attention and respect. You are not easily persuaded to change your mind. Sometimes you are too persistent in your stubbornness.

Sun in Pisces: Due to your special emotionality and impressionability, you quickly adopt the mood and feelings of others. Therefore, it is difficult for you to communicate with people who are sad, unhappy, or irritable. You are very easy to hurt. You try to help others to the best of your ability. Communication with people helps you avoid loneliness.

Since the Sun is very closely related to the Moon, a summary of information about these two celestial bodies will be presented in a single summary - in the next lesson.

The illustrations shown are just a few examples. different provisions Sun in the horoscope.

29.04.2016 16:00

Continuing the article about Individuality, let’s try to figure out how to work on the Sun.

First, read the article Answer the questions thoughtfully and seriously. They will help you understand how much solar principles are revealed in you, how much you understand your Sun.

Working out or correcting the qualities of the Sun is a question about our calling. This is a task associated with finding your individual purpose. This has nothing to do with the profession if the Sun is not the significator of the corresponding houses in natal chart. You can do completely different things in the outer World, but follow the inner Path, your to the inner Sun. The unprocessed Sun manifests itself as the absence of its own opinion, its life position. This serious problem for so many modern people who borrow other people's beliefs and attitudes. And they live based on the authoritative opinions of respected people.

Another striking theme in the karmic potential of the Sun is the theme of selfishness and selfish love. The characteristic of the Sun is luminosity, the spread of creative energy outward. But the Light falls on everything equally, it is not selective. The sun doesn't care what happens to its rays - it just shines. If the Sun is weakened and disharmonious, a person unconsciously closes the source of his spiritual “I”, fearing that his strength will not be enough, his feelings will not be understood. It behaves not like a candle illuminating everything around, but selectively, as if pocket flashlight. There is a direct connection here with a sense of self-confidence. A strong, well-developed Sun does not need external source. Such people simply act as if they have the right to be themselves, even if the whole world is against them. This is a genuine opportunity to make decisions, and not live like a leaf in the wind.

Castaneda has an example of such a life position; he calls it “the path with the heart.” All roads in life end the same way. But alone life choice, one path “makes traveling along it pleasant, as long as you walk along it, you are one with it. The other way will make you curse your life. One path makes you strong, the other weakens you.” The sun is associated with the heart, with the heart chakra, incorrect use solar energy leads to disorders in the functioning of this important muscle. The Sun is the central object of our Microcosmos, and its elaboration is one of the main tasks. When we get to this level, things appear in life. true meaning and real goals. We actually discover for ourselves what we have to do.

The harmonious Sun gives internal stability and spiritual independence, good vital energy, inner dignity and independence, honesty, decency, powerful creative potential and diverse talents.

A disharmonious Sun gives a strong need to be special that a person goes to great lengths to appear special. This is vanity, a tendency to tinsel and pomp, to external effects, to self-affirmation at the expense of other people.

Where and how is the Sun felt in a person’s life?

The solar influence is felt by a person when he says “I want” in the sense of “I intend to achieve”; however, the Sun concerns not only the nature of such human initiatives, but also the circumstances of his life in which they arise. The position of the Sun in the horoscope shows:

  • what external circumstances require the inclusion of his will;
  • what situations force him to show initiative and activity.

The principle of will (Sun) must be distinguished from the principle of action and manifestation of energy (Mars); the (solar) initiative itself may not result in any external or internal actions; however, the Sun is primary: if a person lives submitting to someone else’s will or initiative, he will not be able to realize his personality and fulfill his karmic program.

Working out the Sun - let it lead to freedom

The elaboration of the Sun is associated with an increase in true free will, which is illusory at the two lower levels of development of the solar principle, and at the third and fourth it gradually becomes the freedom of creative participation in the process of evolution of the Universe.

Levels of development of the Sun

Level one

At the first (lowest) level of elaboration of the Sun, a person perceives himself as a single whole and does not divide his life into separate actions. He does not distinguish conscious solar impulses from unconscious lunar impulses. For him, the two meanings of the words “want” and “intend” merge into one. At this level, a person is a puppet of karma and his own subconscious; his actions are not conscious, and his will is dictated by the egregor and subconscious.

Level two

Here a person is already able to distinguish between his needs and intentions, and if he does not yet precisely highlight, then at least emphasizes his will and initiative in the general flow of life. This allows him to meaningfully approach the problem of finding his place in the world and correct behavior in life situations, because his will is now partially controlled by him, and he can (to some extent) consciously limit his needs if they conflict with his intentions (balancing the solar and lunar principles). However, even at this level, a person remains a puppet of karma, since his will is completely controlled by the egregor.

Level three

A person realizes in himself the highest and lowest beginning, interpreting them either psychologically (that is, recognizing and feeling the presence of subconscious programs of various levels in oneself), or religiously (that is, feeling the opportunity to follow more or less spiritual path, closer to God or further from Him), and gets the opportunity (at least partially) to consciously choose the egregor he will serve. Now the will dictated to the person by the egregor does not pass his attention: having caught the corresponding impulse, he says: " But I do this according to the direct command of God“, - and is usually very proud to have received such an honor.

Level four

A person partially sees the karmic consequences of his acts of will and begins to understand the structure of karma, karmic programs and egregors associated with them, as well as his own subconscious. Here his will sharply increases and the requirements for precision and subtlety of influence on the world increase. At some point, the nature of volitional acts changes qualitatively, which increasingly become conscious acts (then the egregor, through the person, receives the most accurate information and the possibility of the most subtle influence on the situation).

Levels of human power over the world and oneself

The solar principle of will continues with the principle of power, which should be understood in two senses: external and internal, that is, power over the world and over oneself. The levels of a person’s power over the world and over himself are interconnected and are largely determined by his level of vision, which, in turn, is closely related to the evolutionary level. We can distinguish four levels of power that a person successively receives as he progresses. evolutionary development and which are directly related to his elaboration of the Sun (see above).

First level

At the first level of elaboration, a person is a slave to his desires. Here the level of power over oneself is negligible and there is no vision of the subconscious motivations of one’s internal impulses and desires. Accordingly, such a person has very little power over the outside world, since he cannot think through or implement a single serious decision, being unable to resist the chaos of his subconscious, which will certainly at some point lead him astray from any chosen direction movements. Such people do not take a serious part in karmic programs (because they are unreliable) or are completely controlled by the egregor. At this level, the inner life is invisible to the person himself, and the external picture of the world is illusory.

Second level

At the second level of elaboration of the Sun, a person gains insignificant power over himself, at first, mainly through primitive suppression or repression of certain subconscious programs. Due to this, he has the opportunity to set himself life goals and carry out quite complex and time-consuming programs, during the implementation of which he has the opportunity to create, and at the end there is a feeling of increased power over the world. Often at the same time, the position in the administrative (military, political) hierarchy also increases. A characteristic feature of self-awareness at this stage is:

  • separation of egoistic programs of the subconscious from the program for achieving a certain external goal, towards which all human will is directed;
  • absolute and uncritical acceptance of this external goal as part of the deep essence of a given person; he treats it as fate, an imperatively expressed fate.

In fact, the egregor sets this goal for a person, but retains a certain freedom of action (and creativity) for him. life path and leaving the fight against lower subconscious programs to the person himself. At this level, there is still no power over the subtle world, with the exception of the subtle layer that directly concerns the basic activity of a person. But there is a feeling of a karmic program as a sequence of rather long and difficult actions that must be performed in order to achieve something significant in the outside world. There is still no feeling of the law of karma as a universal connectedness of events and thoughts at this level, but some individual insights and reading of information from subtle plans (spontaneous vague prediction of the future, etc.) are possible. At this level, a person can be entrusted with a separate karmic program (and given an area for its implementation), but the egregor does not ask for his conscious consent to participate in it, instead implanting the corresponding goal into the depths of the subconscious.

Third level

At the third level, a person begins to understand the nature of power; it begins to dawn on him that his entire psyche is interconnected: lower programs are necessary for the normal functioning of higher ones, and the perceived higher goals and ideals are by no means such in reality, but are only intermediate stages in his life, and, moreover, are not his personal property, but generated with the participation of the egregor and within the framework of the general evolutionary development program, as well as many more private karmic programs relating to his environment. At this level, a person receives the first hint of implementing power and, to some extent, consciously forms his ideals and higher goals. At the same time, there comes a feeling of connection between the inner and outer world and the keys to methods of influencing external world by internal work, which fundamentally changes the nature of human power over the world; knowledge about the magical power of thought is gradually formed.

Fourth level

At the fourth level of elaboration of the Sun, a person gains access to the depths of the subconscious and begins to understand the intricacies of the karmic programs operating around him. At this level, he already really sees the action of the principle “knowledge is power”, which allows him, with minor (energy) influences, to make very big changes both in the external and in subtle world. In other words, a person receives conscious magical power over the world and can, on his own initiative, interfere in the karma of other people, groups, influence any egregors, change subtle structures, etc. True, the return blows of karma hit him (in case of careless influences) much stronger.

Strong Sun in the horoscope

The Sun rules Leo: that is, the will controls energy and is the source of strength. A strong Sun gives a person whose direct will is very difficult to resist, even if it is not supported by any additional circumstances. Leo also gives the Sun the quality of stability, stability in the presence of both external and internal interference.

The Sun culminates in Aries: the development of the solar principle gives a person new energetic capabilities, which, however, require comprehension and mastery, that is, they need to be learned to manage again, otherwise they quickly dry up. Controlling powerful forces requires great attention, subtlety and flexibility.

The sun symbolizes the father, the paternal figure and the main, most imperative (leaving no choice), karmic programs ahead of a person in this life. These programs will give him will, courage, and perseverance, but they also require the same, otherwise a person breaks down and burns, that is, he loses his independent existence, becoming someone else’s appendage or being turned off from the flow of life.

A person whose Sun is stronger than the other planets is highly authoritarian; already in childhood he instinctively respected authorities, sought to imitate them and, perhaps, studied biographies outstanding people in order to achieve the same victories and heights. His ambition does not remain fruitless, even if he does not achieve significant positions or results: in any case, he enjoys the respect of others for a certain inner strength, which may not be expressed explicitly, but is intuitively felt by everyone; one feels that if a person has not achieved much, it is only because the tasks he set for himself turned out to be too difficult.

Since the Sun is a planet of external manifestation, therefore the goals and objectives towards which the will of the Sun person is directed are always of a concrete and practical nature, they are clearly visible.

The life of a person with a strong Sun can be scheduled by egregor by the hour, or maybe by the minute. In any case, he constantly takes part in very tough karmic programs, over which at a low and medium evolutionary level he has no control (he will say: circumstances are always stronger than me), and at a high evolutionary level he himself turns out to be quite tough. This is the usual situation for the so-called powerful of the world this: dictators, rulers, big bosses, in a word, leaders of communities with a tough egregor. At a low level it may be a servant, religiously observing the will of his master and pushing his dog around; at a high level of evolutionary development sunny man he can be anyone: a psychologist, a writer, a preacher, a saint, but he will still broadcast the will of his egregor, and you can either accept it and follow him, or go in a completely different direction: there is no third option here.

Weak Sun in the horoscope

The weak position of the Sun does not mean a low evolutionary level of man. A weak Sun means that a person is not expected to participate in imperative karmic programs. However, at the same time, his level of elaboration of the Sun can be as high as desired, and he can take part in as responsible and intense programs as desired, but his role in them will not be too important: the egregor does not watch him very closely. At a low evolutionary and energetic level, this means not so much weakness of will, but rather indifference to what is happening and internal irresponsibility. The person is not connected to any egregor. It is difficult for such a person to create a significant obstacle to the karmic programs going on around him and he almost never has the intention to do this; but he lives in relative safety from the return blows of karma.

At a higher evolutionary level, a weak Sun means greater freedom of life and creativity and the absence of external incentives for their constructive use; here, the tense aspects of other planets, especially the dispositor of the Sun, help to some extent, indirectly activating the will. However, it should be understood that at a sufficiently high evolutionary level, a person no longer needs to be pushed towards spiritual development and cosmic cooperation.

Sun with harmonious aspects

The harmonious Sun means that a person is the favorite of his superiors, subordinates and egregors. It is natural for him to submit to authorities (he always comes across those who are not too harsh) and to lead his subordinates rather softly, while he is often lucky in life, and obviously wrong or risky ideas practically do not touch him. The Sun (along with Mars and Saturn) is a fairly rigid planet, so the harmonious aspects of the Sun do not mean a threat to a person’s passivity: he will fulfill all his karmic obligations, but he will not have the desire to turn himself inside out and do everything possible in unbearable conditions; he will wait out the last ones calmly, knowing that they are short-lived.

At a higher evolutionary level, the harmonious Sun gives great creative abilities, which are constantly realized throughout a person’s life path; this is a person capable of anything and capable of being involved in everything that happens around him; however, not everything interests him. But he quickly understands what interests him, and talent or even a divine presence is felt in all his activities; It’s another matter that he won’t do anything unnecessary.

Sun with inharmonious aspects

The afflicted Sun means high trust of fate in a person: he was included in a simultaneously strong and disharmonious karmic program and they really hope that he:

  • will not be offended by this;
  • will understand his karmic program;
  • will fulfill its program or, at least, make it more harmonious.

In practice this means troubles, restrictions and deprivations, starting with early childhood, a bad relationship with a father or stepfather, or the absence of a father figure, which is difficult to experience.

In such cases, there are two options:

  • bitterness towards life, accompanied by a narrowing of consciousness, an increase in egoism and a subsequent limitation of karmic responsibility;
  • a person tries to expand consciousness and contrast the cruelty of fate with gentleness and kindness, to pay good for evil. This path often leads to self-actualization, a person finds his place in a rather difficult life and avoids bitterness.

At a higher evolutionary level, a person, reflecting on his bitter experience, after some time begins to understand that fate requires something quite definite from him in every situation, which often does not coincide with what he wants, but is not always exactly what he wants contradicts. Further, he understands that his first volitional impulse in any situation is, as a rule, false, but contains a rational grain that should be discovered, and it is this that leads to its harmonious resolution.

What does a person with a Sun affliction need to learn?

A person with an afflicted Sun needs to learn not only to block his inappropriate and untimely initiative, but also to find a way to transform it into an acceptable and adequate one. To do this, it is necessary to take an impersonal position, that is, to objectively assess the situation and oneself in it, which is quite difficult, given the strong ambitions of the affected Sun.

In another embodiment of the program of the affected Sun, a person with sufficient energy enters the service of a hard egregor (this is called “selling the soul to the devil”) and broadcasts the disharmonious program through himself, becoming a black teacher. Then he begins to be tormented by the thirst for power, hatred and thirst for destruction, which he realizes through his students or subjects. This is a version of a despot or dictator, endowed with a certain power in the vicinity of his karmic program and almost completely deprived of free will - a puppet of his egregor.

The article uses materials from the authors:

K. Daragan

A. Underwater

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