Does it happen that a bear is not even a bear at all? This happened to the panda. Scientists cannot agree on which class of animals the panda belongs to.

Red and giant panda

The problem is compounded by the fact that there are two very different species of panda. The familiar black and white panda is called the big panda. Big panda weighs more than 100 kilograms, has a massive body and looks like a real bear.

But another, less famous panda is very small in size, its length does not exceed 60 centimeters, it has bristly red fur and a long bushy tail. This animal, which is called the red panda, is more like a raccoon than a bear, both in size and shape of the body and tail, which is also covered with dark and light circular stripes.

After a long comparative study of both creatures, scientists decided that the small red animal and the large black and white one are close relatives. The structure of their bodies is very similar, they have common features in behavior, in food choice.

Is a panda a raccoon?

Because of this similarity, the two species of animals are called pandas. But here the consensus among scientists ends. Some scientists claim that the giant panda is a type of bear, others say that the red panda is a type of raccoon, there are still others who believe that the big and red panda form a special order of mammals - pandas. The giant panda generally confuses scientists. The panda runs at a trot, and not at a gallop, like a regular bear. The panda does not know how to growl, but bleats like a sheep. Panda doesn't fall into hibernation and doesn't eat meat.

Giant panda, or bei-shung, which means " polar bear", is a very ancient and rare animal. In its homeland, China, the panda is so revered that since the second half of the 20th century it has become national symbol Great Celestial Empire (that is, China). There, for killing this animal, a person faces the death penalty.

This funny animal was not included in any family of animals - both bears and raccoons. By the way, until recently they were attributed to the latter, but as a result various tests, including genetic ones, it has been proven that the giant panda is more closely related to clumsy bears than to raccoons.

West scientific world found out about the existence big panda quite late - only in 1869, while in Chinese literature the first mentions of these animals are found already 3000 years ago (in the Book of History and the Book of Songs).

Range and habitat

The territory inhabited by pandas is small. They are found in the mountainous regions of the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Gansu and Tibet. Although previously they also lived in Indochina and on the island. Kalimantan. Giant pandas chose dense bamboo forests as their home.

Giant panda habitat
Bamboo scaffolding

They live in mountainous areas, at an altitude of approximately 1200 to 4500 meters above sea level. m.. With the onset of winter they descend to a height of about 800 meters at sea level, where the climate is cold period year is more favorable.

These good-natured teddy bears

The size of an adult panda is quite impressive. Males are slightly larger than females. Their weight reaches 85-125 kg, while females weigh 70-100 kg. The panda's body length is 1.5-1.8 m.

The panda, unlike other bears, has enough a long tail. Its length reaches 12 cm. The whole body is covered with thick and soft fur. On a light, almost white background, there are dark areas: around the eyes in the form of “glasses”, on the hind and front legs, on the shoulders and on the ears. The tip of the tail is also black.

Black ears, glasses and paws

Despite its good-natured “plush” appearance, the panda’s paws are armed with sharp claws, and like all bears, the giant panda, in cases of attack, can seriously injure a person.

Big tail


The giant panda got its second name, “bamboo bear,” due to its diet, which consists of 99% bamboo shoots and stems. Although animal food, such as eggs and insects, periodically appears on the panda's menu. This food is the main source of protein. In addition to bamboo, bears will not refuse saffron and iris bulbs. In zoos, they are pampered with sugar cane, apples, carrots, thin rice porridge and other products.

To get enough of such low-nutrient food, pandas have to eat up to 18 kg of bamboo per day. For the same reason, they are very slow and try to move only when necessary. Pandas set off on the road only if food supplies in this area are already running low.

This bear handles its food with extraordinary dexterity. Sometimes you wonder how such thick paws can handle thin bamboo stems so masterfully. A kind of sixth “finger”, which is a modified wrist bone, helps him hold the stalk.

Paedas drink little, since most of the moisture is obtained from succulent bamboo shoots, which are almost half water. But whenever possible, they still try to quench their thirst in a small river or other body of water.


Giant pandas are good tree climbers, but prefer to lead a terrestrial lifestyle. They are also good swimmers. They are active at any time of the day. It takes up to 12 hours a day to search for and chew food.

IN winter time, for a short period they can fall into a state reminiscent of hibernation, but real bear hibernation you can't call it.

Each individual, be it a female or a male, has its own territory, which is tirelessly guarded, especially by females.

Playing pandas

Giant pandas prefer to live alone and pair up only for the period of mating and raising offspring.

They communicate with each other using various sounds, although at first glance it seems that these are rather silent animals. A friendly greeting to a “comrade” is expressed in a kind of bleating, irritation - in a roar or a loud hum. The cubs, in order to attract their mother, begin to whine and squeal. Showing teeth while quickly opening and closing teeth means that it is better not to approach the panda, as it expresses dissatisfaction and threat.


Giant pandas give birth to 1-2 cubs. If two are born, then often natural conditions habitat, the female chooses only one, more strong baby, and begins to look after him. The second one dies. Zoos have developed their own tactics for this case.

Female with cub
One week old

The workers take the “refuser” and then after a couple of days switch the cubs’ places. And this replacement continues throughout the entire feeding period. Thus, zoo workers manage to raise 2 cubs. After all, there are VERY FEW of these animals left in the world – no more than 1600 individuals.

The breeding season begins in spring. After mating, the development of the embryo may not begin immediately, but after a certain time - 1.5-4 months. This feature is unique defense mechanism for kids, because they can be born in the most favorable climatic period. The average length of pregnancy is approximately 135 days.

Newborn babies are blind and helpless. After birth, the mother helps the baby find the nipple. For the first few days, the female does not leave the baby for a minute. At week 47, milk feeding stops and the cubs begin to switch to adult food. Until they are 1.5 years old, they are with their mother, who happily takes part in their games.

5 month old giant panda cub

Puberty in bamboo bears occurs at 5-7 years. Life expectancy in captivity is quite long - up to 26 years, while in nature they live only up to 14-16 years.


Panda and man

Due to their extreme small numbers, giant pandas are not only listed in the IUCN Red List, but are also protected by all sorts of strict laws (especially in China).

Previously, pandas were exterminated because of their valuable fur, but now this is not worth even thinking about. In nature natural enemies they have little - only leopards and red wolves, but they are already rare in those parts. The main reason for the gradual decline in their numbers is the disappearance of their natural habitat, i.e. bamboo groves and forests. This occurs either due to human intervention or natural reasons.

Bamboo grows for about 20-25 years, after flowering and seeds appear, it dies. Thus, entire forests “die out” at once. New shoots from seeds will begin to appear only after 2-3 years. Therefore, for many animals that are entirely dependent on bamboo, such periods are disastrous.

The giant panda is very popular. She is the main character of various animated films and is depicted in emblems and symbols. various organization, a shining example of which the World Fund is wildlife(WWF).

A soft and kind animal, the panda is similar in appearance to a bear. The main differences from bears are the panda's long tail and the structure of its teeth.

In the photo of the panda you can see a white head, the eyes around are painted in black circles, dark fur on the limbs, and black ears. Thanks to this color, the animal is camouflaged.

Pandas are reclusive by nature, in the absence of... favorable conditions do not reproduce.


Where do pandas live? The animals' natural habitat is dense bamboo thickets in the countries of Far Asia. In winter, they go into semi-hibernation.

It’s not easy to buy such a pet for home or a zoo, because cute bears are very expensive, and registration is also required large quantity papers In addition, they are included in the Red Book lists.

Features of character and life

This bear is very lazy. To the point that he is too lazy to even mate, look for a mate, and care for them.

As a result, the animal population is greatly reduced. In captivity, they can reproduce if conditions are favorable.

Pandas lead a reclusive lifestyle. It is very rare to meet couples. Animals mate only during the mating season to prolong the race.

Often the male may not find a mate; this is due to the fact that bamboo forests are being intensively cut down. The mating season lasts only three days. The lifespan of animals in captivity is no more than 30 years.

Red pandas

These bears have a reddish tint of fur mixed with black. Their sizes are much smaller than those of their black relatives. They live in bamboo forests. They are nocturnal animals. And during the daytime they rest in their hollows.

It is difficult for bears to move on the ground. But they move easily along tree branches, especially when looking for food or when they are in danger. They communicate with each other using sounds similar to birdsong.

A photo of a panda animal can bring a smile and tenderness to everyone, since they are cute and clumsy.


What do pandas eat? An adult searches for food for more than 12 hours a day. The basis of the bears' diet is young bamboo stems.

If there are no young bamboo shoots, old, tough shoots may also be eaten. During the course of a day, an adult eats about 25 kilograms of bamboo.

With the help of powerful teeth they can chew even the toughest bamboo stems. Such food is low-calorie, so the panda eats almost the whole day. For a long time, such a product was considered the basis of the animal diet.

Since they are reclusive, their lifestyle and diet are little studied. But later they were seen in intestinal tract dead animal bones. Scientists have made the assumption that sometimes animals do not hesitate to eat carrion.

If difficulties arise with food, pandas can eat grape vines, leaves and stems not only of bamboo, but also of other trees and shrubs.

Features of reproduction

The mating season for pandas lasts only 36 hours. If during this time the male manages to find a female to mate with, after a while the female gives birth to one or two small and blind cubs. After 30 days, they gradually begin to see the world around them.

After three to four weeks, the babies’ naked bodies gradually begin to become covered with fur, after which they become almost similar to adults.

The body weight of a newborn baby is no more than two hundred grams. At the same time, he is completely unadapted to life, absolutely helpless.

After two months, the body weight of the panda cub reaches almost four kilograms, and the body weight adult varies from 20 to 150 kilograms. Before giving birth to children, the expectant mother begins to actively build a home for them. If two babies are born, usually only one of them survives.

The mother continues to care for the child throughout the year, since the baby is completely helpless. In captivity, the lifespan of animals is about 30 years. Given favorable conditions, they reproduce successfully, even in captivity.

How long these cute bears live in nature has not yet been determined. According to scientists, average duration life in natural environment habitat is also about 20 years.

Pandas have their own character, prudence, and they are noble. In China, these animals are considered a sacred symbol.

The animal is noble, even slightly arrogant. It attracts many and evokes emotion. These cute bears are a species whose population is currently in significant decline.

Therefore, people themselves must make as much effort as possible to preserve these animals, create conditions for them in which they can live normally. To do this, it is necessary to prevent the total deforestation of bamboo forests.

Panda photo

There is probably no animal that could easily win the hearts of many people so quickly. Soft in appearance, characterized by clumsiness and associated with comfort, panda animal for a long time has misled many scientists.

to his appearance they are very reminiscent, the only difference between them is the structure of the teeth and the presence of a rather long tail. Until recently, this animal was considered large.

But simple peasants from China, who had their eye on pandas for a long time, still managed to convince the world that they were a kind of bear. They really look like bear cubs with a black and white color, which is very difficult to confuse with someone else.

A white head with black circles around the eyes, black sleeves and collar, black ears and a black tail play the role of camouflage, and maybe even protection. Despite the massiveness of the body, the panda's limbs are small.

This is the most secretive animal that leads a reclusive lifestyle, therefore it has been studied least of all, and what kind of animal is panda No one can say for sure. Reproduction in captivity is rare. Now this animal is listed in Krasnaya. In China, the panda is a national treasure.

Features and habitat of the panda

Bamboo forests, their dense thickets in China, the lands of the islands of Kalimantan and Indonesia attract pandas because these are the places that are suitable for hermits and in such places there are no problems with food.

In winter, the panda can sometimes fall into a half-sleep, but most often it behaves as in other seasons. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can see this wonderful animal in the zoo, but this doesn't happen often because buy panda animal not so simple.

According to unofficial data panda price animal costs about $10,000. But in order to take her out of the country, a lot of paperwork must be completed, otherwise she faces imprisonment of five years or more.

The character and lifestyle of a panda

The panda is considered a painfully lazy bear. Lazy even to the point that she is too lazy to reproduce. As a result, their birth rate decreases, and the population decreases accordingly. Chinese animal lovers are trying to resolve this issue in order to establish the breeding of pandas in captivity, and this is in their Lately It works out a little.

These animals prefer solitude. In the wild, pandas are very rarely found in pairs. Only during mating season they steam to prolong their lineage.

But there are often cases that a male panda simply does not find his female due to the fact that bamboo forests are cut down, and their mating season lasts only three days. The result is deplorable - there are fewer and fewer pandas every year.

Little is known about how these animals behave in the wild due to their reclusive lifestyle. Their life expectancy in captivity is about 25-30 years. Animal red panda is a relative of the common panda. Nepal, India, China are the countries in which they mainly live. Animals differ in color and size.

The photo shows a red panda

Red-black in color and slightly smaller in size. A little more cat With its fiery color, this animal attracts special attention. Bamboo scaffolding with temperate climate is what red pandas prefer.

They prefer to lead night image life, and during the day, curled up and covering themselves with their tail, they sleep in their hollow. Both animals move on the ground with difficulty, but in search of food and, hearing danger, they move very quickly through the trees. Animals in a state of calm are characterized by sounds reminiscent of birds chirping.

Panda animal photo involuntarily makes a person burst into a smile, to such an extent this is a sweet and gentle creature. The photo with them is cheerful and realistic.


The panda spends more than 13 hours a day searching for food. This animal feeds mainly on young bamboo shoots, but if they are not available, it does not refuse old bamboo stems. In a day medium panda can eat about 25 kg of bamboo.

Thanks to her strong and powerful teeth, she can handle tough bamboo. It's not very high-calorie product nutrition, so the panda has to chew it almost constantly. For a long time everyone believed that bamboo was the only food for this animal.

But later they began to notice bones in the stomachs of dead pandas. It was concluded that the panda is a predator; sometimes it can even feed on carrion. There are times when specific problems arise with food, the animal eats vines, bark, leaves, tree stems, as well as some plant roots. Animal world panda Few understand. They do not allow anyone into their small little world, hide it from prying eyes and lead a reclusive life.

Reproduction and lifespan

After the mating season, one or two small, blind and completely helpless panda cubs are born. Only after a month do their eyes open and the animal can see.

21 days after its birth, the baby gradually acquires a coat of fur, and finally its color becomes very similar to its relatives. Its weight is very tiny - on average 180 grams.

Closer to two months, the baby already weighs 4 kilograms, while the weight of an adult animal ranges from 17 to 160 kg. Literally before giving birth, the female panda begins to seriously engage in the construction of a hollow.

Of the two babies, most often one survives and remains with its mother for a year, due to its helplessness. To great joy animal little panda reproduces well in captivity and lives approximately 25-30 years.

Pictured is a panda

The specific lifespan of a panda in the wild is unknown. Scientists say that it does not exceed the life expectancy of a panda in captivity and is estimated at approximately 20 years.

Giant panda animal interesting and not quite ordinary, which has its own character and prudence. The panda is very sedate and noble. Therefore, for the Chinese it is a sacred symbol of the country.

Looking at her, one gets the impression that she knows all the secrets of the world, the panda behaves so arrogantly, calmly and with dignity. This animal attracts many people with its beauty and originality. You can admire it endlessly and with tenderness.

The panda is currently on the verge of extinction. People need to make every effort to create conditions so that this does not happen. We cannot allow this kind and intelligent animal to disappear from the face of the earth.

They need to live in their environment and reproduce without outside interference. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically address the issue of the condition of bamboo forests, otherwise it may be too late.

Squad - Predators

Family - Bearish

Genus/Species - Ailuropoda melanoleuca. Giant panda or bamboo bear

Basic data:


Body length: male - 150 cm, female slightly smaller.

Tail length: up to 16 cm.

Shoulder height: 60-70 cm.

Weight: up to 150 kg, females are smaller.


Puberty: from 6-7 years old.

Mating season: most likely March-May.

Pregnancy: 97-163 days.

Number of cubs: 1-2.


Habits: Giant pandas (look at the photo) are solitary animals.

Food: mostly thin sprouts and partly bamboo roots, tree bark, flowers, mushrooms, berries, fish, small rodents, eggs.


The giant panda is classified as a special subfamily in the bear family; its closest relatives are other representatives of the family.

For for long years Scientists argued about where to classify the giant panda - to the bear or raccoon family. In 16 characteristics it is close to bears and only in 5 - to raccoons, and another 12 characteristics are unique to it alone. The big panda is classified as a bear, while the small panda belongs to the raccoon family.


Male and female giant pandas are found only on a short time during the mating period. The female's pregnancy lasts five months. Cubs are born most often in January. Each time the female gives birth to one baby. The baby is born in a nest made of bamboo. If a female gives birth to twins, only one baby survives. The panda cub is small: its length is 15 cm, and its weight is about 15.6 g. The newborn is blind and helpless. At first it is pure white, but after a month it already acquires the coloration of an adult bear.


Despite the fact that the giant panda belongs to the order of carnivores, this animal feeds mainly plant foods. The diet of the giant panda includes thin shoots and partially roots of bamboo, as well as other plants and tubers. If bamboo is the only available food source, the panda may spend half the day eating. Bamboo contains few nutrients, so the animal eats about 20 kg of green mass per day to get enough. That's why the giant panda is also called the bamboo bear. Giant pandas destroy bird nests, eat their eggs, and catch insects and rodents.


The Chinese call the giant panda “Yi Xion Mao,” which means “big cat bear.” Emperors kept pandas in their palaces because they believed they could protect against misfortune. Giant pandas are solitary animals. They devote most of the day to eating, and rest for the rest of the time. To shelter from bad weather and enemies, unlike brown bears, leopards or other animals, pandas climb trees. When resting, giant pandas settle down on the ground without making shelter for themselves. The bamboo thickets are dense, so the panda is reliably protected from danger on the ground. The giant panda lives in areas with a cold climate, in mountainous areas. Thick fur protects it from the cold.


The giant panda became famous in Western world only in 1869. For the first time, naturalists observed a panda in the wild only in 1913. Formerly a man was the most serious enemy of the giant panda. People are to blame for the catastrophic decline in the numbers of these animals. It is people who destroy their places of residence: where there used to be bamboo forests, today numerous settlements or fields are cultivated or pastures are formed. As a result of rash human actions after the death of the bamboo forests, giant pandas were doomed to starvation, since they were unable to get through the fields and villages in their path to the young bamboo groves. The giant panda, the symbol of the World Conservation Fund, is under strict protection. There is practically no hunting for giant pandas. But sometimes these animals fall into traps set for other animals. People plant trees so that pandas can move from forest to forest along forest corridors. To preserve these rare animals, reservations are created.


The giant panda differs from its relatives in its food preferences. Carnivores use their incisors to tear and shred meat, while the giant panda uses its incisors to tear down bamboo shoots. Oddly enough, it is very difficult for the giant panda, which eats almost exclusively plants, to digest bamboo. Therefore, most of the absorbed plant matter quickly passes through the body, and the panda has to eat great amount shoots of this plant to obtain the necessary nutrients.


The giant panda or bamboo bear is on the verge of extinction. There are about 700 pandas left in the wild, and about 120 more in zoos. The image of a giant panda adorns the emblem International Union nature conservation.

This bear-like creature (body length 120-180 cm, weight 75-160 kg) lives in the mountain bamboo forests of China at an altitude of 2600 - 3500 m above sea level. It feeds mainly on bamboo fruits and roots, other plants and small animals. Once every two years, the female gives birth to 1-2 cubs, which are born blind and weigh about 2 kg.


  • Often a giant panda devotes 12 to 16 hours a day to eating. Most of The green mass she absorbs quickly passes through her digestive tract.
  • The panda is distinguished from bears by its rather long (12-16 cm) tail. With its help, she marks the territory with the secretion of the anal glands.
  • Giant pandas do not hibernate. In bad weather, animals hide in tree hollows or rock crevices.
  • The giant panda is the symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
  • Pandas were first described by Father Armand David in 1869 when he discovered them in China. By that time, nothing was known about this animal in the Western world.
  • Pandas have strong molars.


Approximately every 50 years, bamboo forests in a certain area bloom, produce seeds and die. This phenomenon in last time observed in 1983. However, giant pandas often die of starvation because they cannot cross human-inhabited areas and fields to reach young bamboo forests.

- Habitat of the giant panda


The giant panda lives in the mountain forests of southern China. It is found in the northern and central regions of Sichuan Province, in the mountains surrounding southern part Gansu, and in the mountains southern border Shaanxi Province.


The giant panda is one of the rarest and very little studied large animals. Total number of pandas, by different sources, ranges from 200 to 900 individuals.

Giant panda or bamboo bear. Video (00:00:58)

Panda eats, has fun, walks. Panda, fun walks. Video (00:01:50)

The Chinese name (?? xiongmao xiongmao) means "cat bear".
Pandas at the San Diego Zoo.
Giant panda or bamboo bear. Pandas live in the mountainous regions of central China: Sichuan and Tibet.
The panda reaches 1.2-1.5 m in length and weighs from 30 to 160 kg. Unlike other bears, it has a rather long tail of 10-15 cm. The body is massive, covered with thick white fur with black spots around the eyes (“spectacles”), black ears and black paws. Short thick hind legs have sharp claws. Pandas are carnivorous animals, but their diet is overwhelmingly vegetarian. In fact, they only eat bamboo. An adult panda eats up to 30 kg of bamboo and shoots per day. Leasing giant pandas to zoos in the United States and Japan was an important part of Chinese diplomacy in the 1970s. Since 1984, China has offered pandas to other countries on 10-year leases. Standard rental terms include rent 1 million US dollars per year and providing guarantees that all cubs born during the rental period are the property of the PRC.

A giant panda takes water treatments. Video (00:01:15)

Edinburgh Zoo, giant panda named Tian Tian feels completely calm in the pool with cold water. Big brave panda, nothing to say.

The giant panda is a bear, a predator, but feeds mainly on bamboo. Listed in the International Red Book as an endangered species of animals.

PANDA decides to escape! Video (00:01:27)

The panda or bamboo bear no longer wants to be locked up and decides to escape. The little panda with great effort overcomes all the difficulties in his path, but at the very last moment everything breaks down. Want to know more? Then watch something new funny video about the adventure of these funny animals!

Chinese giant panda reserve Chengdu. Video (00:02:31)

The wild panda, the unofficial symbol of China and the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), is facing extinction within three generations due to deforestation and infrastructure construction, the Global Times wrote on Monday, citing WWF expert Fan Zhiyong. According to the expert, the habitat of the panda, also known as the "bamboo bear", is constantly shrinking due to the cutting down of bamboo forests and the construction of infrastructure projects such as highways and hydroelectric dams. Thus, from 1975 to 1985, the habitat area of ​​pandas in China “shrank” from 29.5 thousand to 13 thousand square kilometers. “In addition, roads make it difficult for pandas to migrate, which prevents mating between animals from different groups and normal renewal of the gene pool," Fan said. "The problem of inbreeding arises - this entails the birth of weak offspring, often incapable of reproductive activity," the expert believes. Currently, 239 pandas live in captivity in China, another 1.59 thousand live in bamboo groves of the Chinese provinces of Gansu, Sichuan and Shaanxi.

Is the giant panda dangerous for humans? Video (00:00:34)

People started to gasp and gasp. The big panda walked with a determined gait straight towards the people. Only at the very end of the video it became clear that there was glass between them :)
The giant panda is a predator. Reaches 160 kg weight. Male giant pandas (they are larger and heavier than females) can reach 1.8 meters in length.
So decide for yourself whether it’s worth the risk?! There are known cases of panda attacks on humans. Most likely, these cases
provoked by the man himself. The giant panda is considered a very calm animal and unless you ask for it yourself, it is unlikely to show any aggression.