It has long been known that people are not the only times smart creatures populating the Earth. Throughout a person’s life, they are accompanied by furry friends who communicate in their own language, but understand us perfectly. Perhaps even better than us. Some unique species, including dolphins communicate using 3000 different words. About the same in different languages of people. However, most experts believe that we descended from primates, that is, animals. For good reasons, we need to give credit and highlight the smartest animals in the world! So...

Which animal is the smartest?

The toothed whale opens the list of the smartest animals on Earth. Many people to this day classify whales and dolphins as fish, but this is a misconception. It's about about warm-blooded animals that mysteriously roam the boundless expanses of the oceans and regularly save people, in particular sailors. Not many people know that whales often keep a great distance from each other. If you're lucky enough to catch one, you're unlikely to see a whale again anytime soon. By the way, they are able to find each other at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

It is difficult to say unequivocally which of the cephalopods is the smarter squid or octopus, but both species are distinguished by developed mental abilities. The ability of both species to hide their appearance must be properly appreciated. Camouflage experts have excellent control over every muscle. In one second, an octopus can change color and disappear from sight. To do this, it sends a certain signal to the spinal cord. With squid camouflage, things are a little different. Everyone knows about their ability to produce ink, right?

For some reason, there is a stereotype or slur that causes many people to associate dementia when they mention sheep. But in fact, the sheep is one of the smartest animals in the world. The animal is distinguished by its insight and intelligence. By the way, they can even remember people's faces. However, like animals, which is not given to all people. The intellectual abilities of this species are close to human ones. True, it is difficult to evaluate them properly because sheep are too shy.

Yes, it's a bird, but a very smart one. The smartest parrot is Bajo, a representative of the Cockatoo family. Do you know what it's about? unique ability and the difference? He can sew! Just imagine a bird that holds a needle in its beak and begins to deftly manipulate it. I'm not kidding! Professionals rate the parrot's skills at 90%. They sew better than many people, to be honest. Unfortunately, we do not know whether a parrot can thread a needle on its own.

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised to see a dog in the ranking of the smartest animals. For a long time now, people have been able to appreciate the mental abilities of their best friends. By no means, not everyone knows about all the qualities of an animal. Firstly, how brilliant they are in terms of perceiving information. This determines the ability to learn, that is, training. Secondly, dogs can distinguish between pictures. They have excellent visual memory. They count to five, just like crows.

No wonder there are legends and jokes about rats. Surely you have heard that they are the first to escape from the ship. And this phrase is not always said with the purpose of insult. In fact, it perfectly reflects the intelligence of an animal, an intelligent animal that can deceive a person. Not many people can be outwitted by bait. Unlike mice, a rat will easily bypass such a simple trap and won’t say thank you! But there are exceptions, of course!

And again there is a reason to scold us intellectuals. This time for such a smart animal as an elephant. Indeed, people underestimate the giant's abilities. In vain, because elephants are smarter than us in some matters. Scientists have found that elephants are able to control their hemispheres by turning them off one at a time. Thus. they optimize the functions they need at a certain point in time. This same skill determines the ability to reduce the time required for sleep. Elephants hardly sleep. And we spend a third of our lives resting our brains.

lives on our planet great amount beautiful animals. Scientists and specialists have been trying for a long time to determine who is the smartest among them.

10th place: rats

Humanity has been waging war against rats for centuries, but we cannot win. Some biologists are confident that gray rats have a collective intelligence that controls the actions of each individual. This hypothesis explains a lot: the speed with which gray rodents dealt with other species, and the success in their fight against people.
We may hate these gray rodents, but when you recognize their abilities, a feeling of respect automatically arises. The rat is a true superorganism, capable of living and thriving in almost any environment, the vitality of which has been developed over 50 million years.

9th place: octopuses

Octopus is one of the smartest sea ​​creatures. They know how to play, distinguish various shapes and patterns (such as colored light bulbs), solve puzzles, navigate mazes, and have short-term and long-term memory. As a sign of respect for the intelligence of octopuses, some countries in the world have even passed laws requiring the use of anesthesia before performing operations on them.
Octopuses are very curious, which is usually associated with intelligence. In nature, they sometimes build their shelter houses from stones - this also indicates a certain intellectual level.
Various experiments show that octopuses excellent memory. And the “intelligence” of an animal is primarily determined by the ability of its brain to remember experiences. When everything is in order with memory, the next step is intelligence, which helps to draw conclusions from the experience gained.

8th place: pigeons

Pigeons in large quantities can be found in all major cities, and most of us consider these birds to be “bad” creatures that get under our feet. But numerous scientific experiments show that these are very smart birds. For example, pigeons can remember and recognize hundreds of different images over many years.
A group of scientists from the Japanese Keio University showed through experiments that rock pigeons are able to recognize themselves in the mirror better than small children. Before these studies, it was believed that only humans, primates, dolphins and elephants had such abilities.
The useful skills of pigeons have always been valued. For example, these birds' ability to find their way home and fly quickly made it possible to use them to transmit mail.

7th place: squirrels

One of the widely known distinctive features protein is their ability to store nuts for the winter. Squirrels do not hibernate and must find up to 3,000 hidden nuts to survive. They bury some types of nuts in the ground, others hide them in tree hollows. This work requires incredible effort.
Thanks to their phenomenal memory, squirrels can remember the location of a nut 2 months after they buried it. Fantastic!
Squirrels also have their own thieves, who decide not to get nuts, but wait and watch from ambush until other squirrels begin burying their winter food. But for every action there is a counteraction. If the squirrel notices that they are starting to follow it, it pretends to bury the food. While the thief is wasting time on an empty hole, the squirrel transfers his nut to another, more secret place. Isn't this the best proof that squirrels have intelligence?
Research shows that squirrels have excellent spatial orientation, and even from the ground they can see which hole leads to the nuts. Squirrels without hesitation fit into the desired hole leading to food.

6th place: pigs

Some scientists claim that a pig's intelligence is roughly equivalent to that of a three-year-old child. Due to their high intelligence, pigs are highly susceptible to stress. Piglets are very attached to their mothers, and if they are separated, especially in early age, they experience this very painfully: the piglet does not eat well and loses a lot of weight. It is not for nothing that Academician Pavlov stated that the pig is the most nervous of the animals surrounding humans.
In terms of learning ability, pigs are at least at the level of cats and dogs, and often surpass them. Even Charles Darwin believed that pigs were at least as intelligent as dogs.
Various studies have been conducted on intelligence among pigs. In one test, the feeder was connected to a computer. A cursor was displayed on the monitor screen, which could be moved using a joystick. Also, a special area was shown on the monitor: if you hit it with the cursor, the feeder automatically opens and food pours out. Amazingly, the pigs were excellent at controlling the joystick with their snout and moving the cursor in Right place! Dogs cannot repeat this experiment and are inferior to pigs in intelligence.

5th place: crows

Crows are incredibly intelligent animals. Scientists believe that their ability to analytical thinking is not inferior to similar abilities of higher primates.
Crows understand better than many people what red and green lights mean when crossing the street. Crows living in the city collect nuts from trees and place them on the roadway under the wheels of passing cars to open the shells. Then they wait patiently, waiting for the necessary light, return to the road and take their shelled nuts. An impressive example of innovation in the animal kingdom! The important thing is not that the crows learned to do this, but something else is important. This method was first observed in crows about 12 years ago in Tokyo. After this, all the crows in the area adopted this method. Crows learn from each other - that's a fact!
Another example from Sweden. Researchers noticed that crows wait for fishermen to cast their fishing rods into the water, and when they move away, the crows fly in, reel in the fishing rod and eat the fish that was bait.

4th place: elephants

Elephants are animals that are good at showing their emotions, both positive and negative. Their “facial expressions” consist of movements of the head, ears and trunk, with which the elephant can express all sorts of, often subtle, shades of good or bad mood.
Elephants are extremely caring and sensitive to other members of their group, as well as other animal species, which is considered a very advanced form of intelligence. For example, elephants feel very deeply the loss of someone from the herd. They may gather near dead body for several days. There have been recorded cases of “funerals” when elephants covered their dead comrades with a layer of vegetation.
Elephants have incredibly good memories. Elephants remember a person who treated them well or badly all their lives. There are many examples when the owner offended the elephant, and only years later the elephant took revenge on him, and sometimes even killed him.

3rd place: orangutans

Apes are considered the most intelligent creatures on Earth after humans. Of course, people are biased in this matter, but mental capabilities great apes hard to deny.
Orangutans are highly cultured and strong social connections. Females stay with their children for many years, teaching them everything they need to survive in the forest. For example, orangutans cleverly use leaves as umbrellas from the rain, or remember places where different time years the trees bear fruit. By the age of 10 years, an orangutan can taste and identify more than 200 species of different edible plants.
Great apes, such as chimpanzees and orangutans, are able to recognize themselves in the mirror, while most animals react to their image in the mirror as if they were another individual.
If intelligence is defined as the ability to decide various problems, then orangutans in this sense have no equal in the animal world.

2nd place: dolphins

Like other most intelligent animals, female dolphins stay with their children throughout for long years, passing on your knowledge and experience to them. Much of dolphin behavior is passed down through generations.
Dolphins can use tools, which we know is a sign of intelligence. Thus, researchers observed a female dolphin who taught her dolphins to look for food by first wearing a sea ​​sponge so as not to get hurt or burned by the stone fish, which has poisonous thorns on the back.
Dolphins are very social animals. They are characterized by self-awareness and division into separate individuals, who, moreover, think about the future. Research shows that dolphin "society" is complex social structure and consists of individuals who cooperate with each other to solve complex problems, obtain food, etc. In addition, dolphins pass on new behavioral traits and acquired skills to each other.
Dolphins have very well developed imitation behavior. They easily remember and repeat the actions of both their brothers and other individuals from the animal world.

1st place: chimpanzee

These apes are leaders in tool use. Thus, during observations of chimpanzees in the savannah in southeastern Senegal, more than 20 cases of these animals using 26 different tools, from stone hammers to sticks for picking out termites, were recorded.

But the most amazing thing was to watch the production and use of half-meter copies. The chimpanzees not only broke off branches of the required length and thickness, but also cleared them of leaves and smaller branches, peeled off the bark, and sometimes even sharpened the tip of the tool with their teeth.

Another impressive example of the presence of intelligence in chimpanzees. When scientists set the monkeys the task of getting a nut from the bottom of a firmly fixed plastic test tube, some of the monkeys (14 out of 43 individuals) guessed that if they put water in their mouths from a tap and spit it out into a narrow neck, the nut would rise to the surface. 7 chimpanzees completed this task to a victorious end and got to the nut. In addition to chimpanzees, researchers working at an ape sanctuary in Uganda and at the Leipzig Zoo conducted similar experiments on gorillas. However, none of the gorillas managed to lift the nut to the surface by transferring water in their mouth from the tap to the test tube.
Moreover, chimpanzees turned out to be smarter than children in this matter. Scientists conducted the same experiment with several groups of children: 24 four-year-old children and the same number of six and eight years old. Only instead of a tap, the children were given watering cans so that they would not have to carry water with their mouths. The four-year-old children performed worse than the chimpanzees: only two out of 24 completed the task. The highest success rate, as expected, was found in 8-year-old children: 14 out of 24.

We know that primates are highly trainable. It turns out that in addition to them, pigs are quite smart, dogs understand humans very well, and dolphins confirm their mental abilities.

Pigs are smart animals

Among domestic animals, the smartest, no matter how surprising it may seem, are pigs. Their level of intelligence is comparable to that of dogs and cats. Moreover, by performing certain tasks, pigs confirm that they are superior in mental abilities to cats and dogs.

They quickly understand how a mirror works and enjoy looking at their reflection. However, scientists cannot answer whether pigs identify their reflection with themselves, as monkeys do, or not.

It is known that pigs quickly get used to a certain daily routine. They sense time and begin to worry shortly before feeding. They are also easy to train. The pig can be called one of the cleanest animals. If there is a clean, dry place, it will never lie on a dirty one. In the United States, it is not uncommon to see pigs as pets.

Understanding dogs

It is known that the dog was domesticated approximately ten thousand years ago. Dogs are called the most understanding animals. They are able to distinguish two hundred and fifty words and gestures, understand counting to five, and are even capable of performing simple mathematical operations.

Sometimes it seems that the dog understands literally everything that the owner tells it, but this is an illusion. In fact, she does not understand, but perceives our speech. Knowing more than two hundred words, this animal is not able to understand them in a sentence, or to link the meaning of several such words into one whole. Man's friend is able to catch emotional coloring what was said, understand the intonation.

A dog's mind lags behind a human's by a huge distance, however, the feelings of this animal are the same as those of a human. When making a decision, the dog is primarily guided by its feelings. It is known that the more the owner and the dog are emotionally connected, the more it “understands” its owner.

How intelligent are dolphins?

Much has been written about dolphins and their intelligence. It is believed that they are the smartest animals. In the mid-twentieth century, when their study and training began, the results obtained surprised researchers, trainers and scientists. Some have expressed the opinion that their intelligence is comparable to that of a human being.

It is known that the average weight of the human brain is one kilogram four hundred grams, and average weight the brain of an adult dolphin is one kilogram, seven hundred grams. Their brains have twice as many convolutions, but their cubic centimeter There are far fewer neurons than in the primate brain. The dolphin never sleeps completely. In this his brain is completely unique. Either his left or his right hemisphere sleeps, alternately.

Dolphins have a very Difficult language. Man has recently learned to partially understand it. Like people, dolphins live social life. In order to teach her children all the features of life in dolphin society, the female takes care of them for several years after birth.

What can monkeys learn?

Among the ten most intelligent animals on the planet, the first six places are occupied by primates - gibbons, chimpanzees, orangutans, monkeys, baboons and gorillas. This list was compiled by biologist Edward Wilson. The most intelligent among primates, in his opinion, is the chimpanzee.

Primates have very complex and large brains. They are capable of building a complex culture, and even have some control over their environment. As a result of long-term observations, it became clear that all primates communicate freely with members of their own species, which indicates the development of certain language skills.

Experiments aimed at discovering what can be taught to monkeys have yielded many interesting findings. Those primates who were not afraid of snakes were taught to be afraid of them. To do this, they were forced to listen to terrible and loud sounds sounds made by snakes. The most amazing thing is that the monkeys, who were not afraid of snakes, but observed the fear of other monkeys, also began to be afraid of them.

Scientists have proven that a monkey, like a human, can be taught to swim well. It is known that monkeys such as chimpanzees enthusiastically imitate humans. They can easily learn to eat with a knife and fork.

Many species of primates are able to learn to speak sign language, which is used by deaf and mute people. They can master several dozen characters in just a few months.

The smartest animal in the world

There are several opinions regarding which animal in the world is the smartest. Opinions were divided. Most often, monkeys are considered the smartest, with chimpanzees and gorilla in first place. But the abilities of orangutans have not yet been sufficiently studied, however, there is an assumption that they may well displace even chimpanzees.

Another opinion is that the smartest animal is the dolphin. There are grounds for such a conclusion. Firstly, they have twice as many convolutions in the cerebral cortex as humans. Well, secondly, dolphins can control their brains much more better than man. After all, none of the living beings is able to force either the right or the left hemisphere to work.

But the smartest person in the world turned out to be a woman...
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Animals often surprise people with their intelligence. This is not surprising, because nature itself exists based on a clear logic, and all its parts are interconnected. But some representatives of the fauna are so amazing with their mental abilities that they become the object of research by scientists. We offer the TOP 11 most intelligent animals that live on planet Earth.


Rat - very smart, but not the most attractive to Western cultures animal. Laboratory rats, which are often used in research, are capable of detecting shortest paths, loopholes and exits from labyrinths developed by the best scientific minds of our time. IN Chinese culture The rat is revered for its cunning and resourcefulness. And for good reason, because rats have successfully colonized all continents of the Earth, except Antarctica. On the other hand, perhaps their indifference to the cold, lifeless and snowy desert further proves their intelligence.


The octopus is one of the most intelligent and unusual sea creatures. This animal is still poorly understood, but scientists are constantly discovering new and impressive abilities. Octopuses play, solve problems, can screw and unscrew the lid of a jar, navigate mazes, and have decent short-term memory. But how is an animal that belongs to the same class as the snail capable of such intellectual feats? This mystery has yet to be solved.


Pigeons live all over the world. They live in large cities, and are mostly considered simple pests, and not particularly smart. However, this ubiquitous bird is actually quite smart. Pigeons have often been the subject of countless scientific experiments, so there is a lot of data about their intellectual abilities. For example, pigeons can recognize hundreds of images even after years of seeing them. They can also recognize themselves in a mirror, remember sequences of actions, and see subtle differences between two objects. Pretty impressive for a simple pest!


The stubbornness and good memory of squirrels have made them the enemies of gardeners around the world. Squirrels display an impressive array of tricks and strategies that help them survive. Firstly, being forest dwellers, they perfectly learned to survive in the human world: take food from feeders, raid gardens, and so on. They also make large reserves of food in different places, and then find caches many months later (though only a small part, but thanks to their forgetfulness, tree seeds spread throughout the forest). In addition, squirrels can deliberately deceive potential thieves by pretending that they are hiding food. According to researchers, this indicates an advanced level of intelligence.


Pigs don't have the best reputation for being gluttons and messy people, but they are actually very intelligent animals. They can be as trainable as cats and dogs, and the craze for pigs as pets is sweeping the world. Another one of them distinguishing feature- ability to adapt to different environmental conditions. Unlike most other ungulates, which eat only grass, the diet of pigs and their relatives can include anything, including worms and small vertebrates. Therefore, pigs easily compete with native species wherever they find themselves. Not best news for these native species, but still further proof that the phrase “pig intelligence” is not an insult.


We are all told how important it is to cross the street when the light is green. The crows don't seem to know about this worse than people. “City” birds collect nuts from trees and then place them on the road under the wheels of cars so that they open the shells. Then they patiently wait for the cars to pass and the light turns green again, and return to the track to collect the loot. Crows communicate with each other in complex dialects and also play games with each other. Some scientists even believe that crows are smarter than primates.


Contrary to popular belief, elephants are not just lumbering giants with big ears and good memory. In fact, they are quite elegant, well-mannered and curious. For example, elephants clean their food and use various tools to wildlife, and can also follow human commands in captivity. Elephants are also extremely caring and sensitive to other members of their group and, most importantly, to other species, which is considered a highly developed form of intelligence.


Apes are considered the most intelligent creatures after humans. Of course, people are biased in this matter, but the intellectual abilities of our " younger brothers"It's hard to deny. Among the great apes, orangutans stand out as especially gifted. They have an advanced culture and communication system, many of them using tools in the wild. Orangutans live in widespread communities and form strong social bonds that may be key to their advanced cognitive skills. Females stay with their babies for many years, teaching them everything they need to survive in the forest.


Dolphins are extremely social animals. They are happy to join people who are surfing, water skiing or other sea activities. Dolphins have their own complex “language” that people have only just begun to unravel. Dolphins use tools in their natural environment and can learn an impressive array of behavioral commands from human trainers. Like many of the smartest animals on Earth, females raise their young for several years, passing on all their knowledge.


Another representative of the great apes can create and use tools, organize collective hunts, and also decide complex problems in non-trivial ways. Chimpanzees can also learn sign language to communicate with people and even remember name signs for people they haven't seen for years. But perhaps the most amazing feature The chimpanzee's ability to use symbols to represent objects and to combine symbols into sequences to convey a complex idea. Such intellectual abilities help chimpanzees maintain complex hierarchical structures in social groups.


The raven (not to be confused with the crow) is perhaps the smartest bird in the world. These birds are able to assess the consequences of their actions for the future, can plan ahead, decide complex tasks have an excellent memory and logical thinking. Crows are able to distinguish different textures of materials (sand, wood, glass, etc.), know the quality of each material and draw their own conclusions from this. For example, during one experiment, a raven could not reach the water in a narrow vessel with its beak and began throwing objects into it to make the water level rise. At the same time, the bird was only interested in heavy objects that are actually capable of displacing liquid, and it ignored polystyrene foam and wood.

It is impossible to determine exactly how much smarter one animal is than another; IQ tests for animals have not yet been invented :) But it is definitely possible to make a reliable list of the smartest animals, without trying to claim that some of them are smarter and some are dumber .

So, let's list all the animals that are in the top ten smartest. If anyone disagrees, or has something to say, please contribute to the discussion) Meet the smartest animals


The primate family includes humans, as well as chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, baboons, gibbons and monkeys. These animals, excluding humans, occupy the top six spots on biologist Edward Wilson's list of the ten most intelligent animals; in first place - chimpanzees).

Primates have large, complex brains, they can build complex cultures, and they have some degree of control over their environment. They can communicate with animals of their own species and have developed certain language skills.


Dolphin intelligence

There is an opinion that they are dolphins. When dolphins began to be studied and trained in the middle of the last century, the first results of this work seemed so unusual, and even surprising (they talked about it a lot, wrote and made films) that gradually a legend about the unusual high intelligence dolphins; one could often hear that they were no more stupid than a person, only their minds were different. The brain of an adult dolphin weighs about 1,700 grams, while that of a human weighs 1,400. A dolphin has twice as many convolutions in the cerebral cortex. At the same time, there are relatively few neurons per cubic millimeter of its substance (less than in the brain of primates). The results of studies on the behavior and physiology of the brain of dolphins are very contradictory. Some put their ability to learn at about the level of a dog and show that dolphins are very far from chimpanzees. Research on the communication methods of dolphins, on the contrary, leads to the conclusion that we have not yet come close to understanding this form of life in natural conditions and comparing the level of intelligence of dolphins and chimpanzees is simply incorrect. One property of the dolphin brain is completely unique: it never really sleeps. They sleep - alternately - then left, then right hemisphere brain The dolphin needs to come to the surface from time to time to breathe. At night, the waking halves of the brain are responsible for this in turn. It is known that British intelligence used dolphins as saboteurs during the war.


The dog is an omnivorous mammal from the canine family, domesticated more than 10 thousand years ago. Dogs are able to understand 250 words and gestures, count to five, and also perform simple mathematical operations.

Dog best friend person, always nearby, always giving a paw and wagging his tail). It is worth mentioning that the smartest dog breed is the poodle.


Cats are one of the smartest animals

A friend of mine had a cat, and it was a very clean one. And they taught him to go to the toilet, but not just to go, but also to flush himself! It took a long time to adjust the button to make it move smoothly.
And one day the owner noticed that the cat, who had come in to do his business, did not come out for a long time. Looking into the toilet, she was shocked.
The cat (for half an hour) pressed the drain with his paw, listened and pressed again.


Mice and rats, previously used only as experimental animals, are now gaining increasing popularity as pets, especially among young people. Therefore, these animals are increasingly becoming patients in veterinary clinics.

Rats are very smart animals (among the 10 smartest animals) with a life expectancy of 2.5-3 years.

You should never harm a rat or its offspring. They are vindictive. Their urine may contain certain elements that can harm humans. But only when it is released is when the rat takes revenge. Rats catch waves. This can be observed when they look intently at one point, and their head moves in different directions (left, right). Rats are very playful, they love to frolic with their owner. They are very active, but tend to be more active at night.


Raven is an avian genius, the smartest bird. A virtuoso in terms of theft, he steals everything that is bad and not very bad. Crows are not only petty thieves, but also kidnappers of chicks. They often gather in flocks in order to take possession of prey that is inaccessible to each bird individually. For example, one crow teases a poor bird, while another one steals the egg right from under it, and if the birds are weak, then the kidnapper simply throws them out of the nest. The crow is well acquainted with gravity. When she fails to break a shell or nut with her beak, she rises into the sky and throws them onto a hard surface (stone, asphalt). This also means that the feathered geniuses are well versed in the properties of the soil and can distinguish soft sand from stone. Crows can also count to five, but individuals of this species have problems with further counting. Crows build nests in the spring, and then they drag everything that glitters there. There you can find medallions, gold-plated items, and copper wire. There was a case when an avian genius furnished his home with the manuscript of a dissertation. Crows make nests from dry branches, wool, grass, rags; a male and a female take part in this important task. Typically, a crow's clutch contains four to five eggs, colored bluish-green.

Crow chicks easily become tame and when interacting with humans, they increase their level of intelligence. They can take off a guest's hat and bring a fork or spoon to the table. The owner of a tame crow needs to hide valuables very well, since it is almost impossible to wean this bird from stealing.


Squirrels are considered smart animals, in populated areas They are able to feed from bird feeders, dig up planted plants in search of seeds and take up residence in rooms such as attics.

Squirrels can be trained for hand feeding. Since they are designed to hide excess food, they will take from you as much as you offer. If a person begins to feed a squirrel, it will return to him in a day for a new portion. Squirrels living in parks and gardens within the city have long learned that humans are a source of food.

These red animals are smarter than many people think. Scientists in laboratory conditions tried to take away food from squirrels. And, I must say, we encountered desperate resistance from the tailed ones. This characterizes squirrels as animals that know how to stand up for themselves and their “property.” Unfortunately, this valuable quality is not inherent in all “reasonable people”.


Like many other animal species, pigs have an excellent sense of time. This is especially evident before feeding: literally a few minutes before it, the animals begin to worry and look in the direction of the appearance of the feed dispenser. Paradoxically, the “intelligence” of these animals sometimes serves as a brake on the successful development of pig breeding. Animals living on farms do not like deviations from the established order. Even clapping your hands causes an immediate reaction from piglets throughout the pigsty - the animals immediately refuse food, become wary and seem to freeze in anticipation of something unknown and scary. Only some animals begin to engage in the same activity after 30 - 40 seconds, and the majority experience anxiety for another 2 - 3 minutes. It is no coincidence that the winner Nobel Prize Academician I.P. Pavlov noted that “the most nervous animal around us is the pig.”


The octopus leads a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, living among stones, rocks and algae. On Far East The favorite hiding place of its juveniles is the empty shells of the sea scallop. During the day it is less active than at night, so it is considered a nocturnal animal. Timid, when a diver or scuba diver approaches, he usually hides under stones. He keeps his home clean: he sweeps it with a stream of water from a funnel, and puts scraps outside in a garbage heap. It drags into the hole everything it finds at the bottom: the main thing is that the entrance is narrow and wide inside. It even lives in boxes, cans, tires and rubber boots. When enemies approach, it flees, hiding in rock crevices and under stones. Octopuses have protective device- autotomy: a tentacle grabbed by an enemy can come off due to strong contraction of the muscles, which in this case tear themselves apart. The most “smart” among all invertebrates: amenable to training, has good memory, distinguishes geometric figures - small square distinguishes from a larger one a rectangle placed vertically, from a rectangle placed horizontally, a circle from a square, a rhombus from a triangle. Recognizes people, gets used to those who feed them. If you spend enough time with an octopus, it becomes tame. We train well. It winters in deeper waters and moves to shallow waters in the summer.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a ship carrying expensive Korean porcelain sank off the coast of Japan. The entire cargo ended up at the bottom, and at such a depth that the divers could not reach it. Almost a hundred years later, a fisherman came up with the idea of ​​using octopuses to lift porcelain from the bottom. Ropes were tied to the octopuses and lowered. After a short period of time, when the octopus found refuge in one of the vases, the rope was pulled. The octopus tenaciously grabbed onto what it considered its shelter, and it, along with its cargo, was lifted up.