Program content (tasks):  educational: expand children’s ideas about nature conservation, reinforce the rules of behavior in nature; give elementary representations about the relationship between man and nature;  developing: develop imagination, imaginative perception, creativity;  educational: to form a careful and caring attitude towards the surrounding nature. Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Safety”.



Abstract of GCD on ecology

using ICT “Take care of the forest”

V middle group

Prepared and conducted:

Efimova Galina Viktorovna,

MBDOU kindergarten teacher

combined type No. 374 Samara

April 2013

Program content (tasks):

  • educational: expand children’s ideas about nature conservation, reinforce the rules of behavior in nature; give basic ideas about the relationship between man and nature;
  • developing: develop imagination, imaginative perception, creativity;
  • educational: to form a careful and caring attitude towards the surrounding nature.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Safety”.

Methods and techniques:

1) gaming;

2) visual;

3) verbal.

Equipment and materials:colored paper, glue, brushes, scissors.

ICT tools: presentation, projector, screen.

Preliminary work:examination of illustrations on the theme “Trees”, “Mushrooms” and “Berry”; learning proverbs and sayings about nature; drawing "Magic tree".

GCD move

(slide 1)

Educator: Guys, today the Old Forest Man came to our group. He is very interested in what you know about the forest. Please tell Lesovich. (children's answers). Look, which trees do you know?

(slide 2)

Children watching images different trees, call them.

Educator: That's right, all the trees guessed right! Now try to solve my riddle: “In spring they bloom, in autumn they fall” (leaves).

Didactic game“Which leaf?”

(slide 3)

Educator: What else grows in the forest? Well, of course, berries and mushrooms. Listen to the riddles of the Old Forest Man and try to solve them:

He was hidden deep

One-two-three - and he went out,

And he stands in plain sight.

White, I will find you. (boletus)

Grow on the edge

Red-haired girlfriends

Their names are...(waves)

Red ears with fox tops

They lie in the grass - for little ones they eat. (chanterelles)

Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

He grew up as colorful as Parsley,

Poisonous...(fly agaric)

(slide 4)

Educator: - Guys, we must protect the forest. Please tell me how to behave in the forest? (children's answers).

(slide 5)

Let's tell you how to behave in nature: do not pick flowers; do not kill insects; You cannot shout loudly or listen to loud music; take care of trees; after starting a fire, be sure to put it out; do not destroy birds' nests.

Physical education minute:

They raised their hands and shook them - these are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken - the wind knocks down the dew.

We wave our hands smoothly - the birds are flying towards us.

Let us show you how they sit down: their wings are folded back.

Didactic game “What is a tree made of?”

(slide 6)

The teacher asks the children to name the parts of the tree and show them in the picture.

Educator: - Children, maybe someone will remember sayings and proverbs about our nature? (children's answers).

The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests.

If there is a lot of forest, it won’t destroy it; if there is a little forest, take care; if there is no forest, plant it.

The forest is our wealth.

Groves and forests are the beauty of the whole world.

The plant is the decoration of the earth.

Educator: In our lesson we learned a lot about trees and the forest; how people should behave in nature. Don't forget that you need to protect nature.

Direct educational activities in the middle group (another environmental activity of this author).

Subject. "Ecological traffic light"

Target. Fostering an ecological culture, a conscious humane attitude towards nature, and adjusting options for interacting with it.


  1. Expand children's understanding of characteristic features winter.
  2. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature, techniques careful attitude To her.
  3. Build basic skills research activities, logical thinking, stability of attention.
  4. Learn to answer questions with an extended phrase, intonate sounds, use demonstrative speech
  5. Develop fine motor skills, imagination, creativity.
  6. Cultivate self-control, show patience, and friendly qualities.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher (concentrates the children’s attention):

In the morning the sun woke up and smiled at the guys,

We will all hold hands and smile at each other


– What time of year is it now? (Winter)

– How can you tell about winter? What is it like?

(white, cold, frosty, blizzard, windy, icy, harsh)

Game "Good and bad"

- It's good in winter. Why?

(in winter you can ride down the mountain on sleds, skis, build a snowman, meet New Year, Santa Claus comes in winter, etc.)

- It's bad in winter. Why?

(cold, frosty, dark, the polar night is in our North and the sun does not shine, cold winds often blow).

What sounds are you hearing? (rustling, birdsong, wind, and...)

Onomatopoeia exercise


The noise of the trees

Howl of the wind, etc.

Where can we hear such sounds? (in the forest, in the park...)

Slide show


(slides with image winter forest) 3-4

What can you tell about the winter forest? What is he like?

(fabulous, snowy, motionless, sleeping, enchanted, magical, dense, quiet, mysterious, big, beautiful)


- I invite you to the winter forest. Magic snowflakes will transport us.

Exercise to develop physiological breathing

Children blow on snowflakes...

Speech exercises (pure tongues)

Ma-ma-ma – it’s winter here.

Me-me-me – we are very happy about winter.

Doo-doo-doo - I'm going into the winter forest!

Dynamic pause

Movement exercise: “On the road”

Game "Ecological traffic light"

(traffic light on the easel)


– Why is there a traffic light in the forest? (So ​​that the guys follow the rules of conduct in the forest.)

  1. Red color indicates danger.
  2. Yellow warns.
  3. Green allows what needs to be done.


– What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild, forest).

– Name the inhabitants of the winter forest.

– What do wild animals look like? (Showing pictures)

The bear is big and clumsy.

The squirrel is small and agile.

Elk – strong, mighty.

The hare is weak, cowardly.

The wolf is angry, gray.

The fox is cunning and fluffy.

Game "Whose house?"

– Name the home wild animals.

(The teacher makes sure that the students answer in an extended phrase)

The bear lives in a den.

The squirrel lives in a hollow.

The wolf lives in a den.

The hare lives under a bush.

The fox lives in a hole.

Conclusion: the forest is a native and beloved home for animals.

Dynamic pause.

Game "Fox".

Solving problem situations

Problem situation 1

Under the Christmas tree is a fox with a bandaged paw.

- What did the fox get hurt on? (bottle, tin can).

- Why did it happen? (man left trash)

Rule! You cannot throw garbage in the forest (the traffic light turns red)!

Problem situation 2

The bear growls at the noisy guys.

-Are you so noisy and won’t let me sleep?

Rule! You can’t make noise in the forest (We put a red sign at the traffic light).

Children ask the bear for forgiveness. They put him back to sleep using relaxation: Bye-bye, bye-bye, sleep, Mishutka, go to sleep...

Conclusion. In the forest, a person is a guest. It is obliged to follow certain rules so as not to disturb the lives of its inhabitants.

Problem situation 3

– Life is difficult for birds and animals in winter. How to help forest inhabitants in winter? (make a bird feeder and put food for squirrels)

Rule! Help your little brothers winter time. (“Light up” the traffic light to yellow).

It's time to go home. Let's take a photo of the beauty of the winter forest as a souvenir (The traffic light is green).

Ecological conversation “Rules of behavior in the forest”


– Take one of any cards on the table. Various actions of the children are depicted there. Tell us what you can and shouldn't do in the forest? (The cards are placed on an easel near the desired traffic light)

  1. You can't break trees! We need to treat them!
  2. We need to feed the birds.
  3. You can't litter in the forest. All trash must be collected in a bag and taken away.
  4. You can't light a fire. We need to put it out!
  5. You cannot bring forest animals home. The forest is their home.
  6. Be careful, don't make noise! The forest has its own music and extraneous noise will greatly frighten the animals.
  7. You cannot take eggs from bird nests. The bird may abandon them, and the chicks will not appear.
  8. You can take pictures of nature.

– Now you know exactly how to behave in the forest, and teach your parents.

– What did you learn new?

Productive creative activity (at tables).

Instructions. Many animals change their coats for the winter. I invite you to work in a forest studio. But don’t sew a fur coat from fur or fabric, but make it using cereal and glue.

Go to the table and choose any animal figurine. Think about what kind of cereal is suitable for your animal’s coat. What is the best material to make a bear's fur coat from? Hare's coat what colour? What grain will you make it from? What color is a squirrel's coat? (Grey)

Spread it well with glue, and then sprinkle the whole figurine with cereal and the fur coat is ready!

Practical work. The guys choose the silhouettes of animals and “insulate” their fur coats: smear them with glue and sprinkle them with cereal.

GCD using ICT

in the middle group on the topic “Take care of the forest”

Program content (tasks):

    educational: expand children’s ideas about nature conservation, reinforce the rules of behavior in nature; give basic ideas about the relationship between man and nature;

    developing: develop imagination, imaginative perception, creativity;

    educational: to form a careful and caring attitude towards the surrounding nature.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Safety”.

Methods and techniques:

1) gaming;

2) visual;

3) verbal.

Equipment and materials: colored paper, glue, brushes, scissors.

ICT tools: presentation, projector, screen.

Preliminary work: examination of illustrations on the theme “Trees”, “Mushrooms” and “Berry”; learning proverbs and sayings about nature; drawing "Magic tree".

GCD move

Educator: Guys, today the Old Forest Man came to our group. He is very interested in what you know about the forest. Please tell Lesovich. (children's answers). Look, which trees do you know?

Children look at pictures of different trees and name them.

Educator: That's right, all the trees guessed right! Now try to solve my riddle: “In spring they bloom, in autumn they fall” (leaves).

Didactic game “Which leaf?”

Educator: What else grows in the forest? Well, of course, berries and mushrooms. Listen to the riddles of the Old Forest Man and try to solve them:

He was hidden deep

One-two-three - and he went out,

And he stands in plain sight.

White, I will find you. (boletus)

Grow on the edge

red-haired girlfriends,

Their names are...(waves)

Red ears with fox tops

They lie in the grass - for little ones they eat. (chanterelles)

Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

He grew up as colorful as Parsley,

Poisonous...(fly agaric)

Educator: - Guys, we must protect the forest. Please tell me how to behave in the forest? (children's answers).

Let's tell you how to behave in nature: do not pick flowers; do not kill insects; You cannot shout loudly or listen to loud music; take care of trees; after starting a fire, be sure to put it out; do not destroy birds' nests.

Physical education minute:

They raised their hands and shook them - these are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken - the wind knocks down the dew.

We wave our hands smoothly - the birds are flying towards us.

Let us show you how they sit down: their wings are folded back.

Didactic game “What is a tree made of?”

The teacher asks the children to name the parts of the tree and show them in the picture.

Educator: - Children, maybe someone will remember sayings and proverbs about our nature? (children's answers).

The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests.

If there is a lot of forest, it won’t destroy it; if there is a little forest, take care; if there is no forest, plant it.

The forest is our wealth.

Groves and forests are the beauty of the whole world.

The plant is the decoration of the earth.

Educator: In our lesson we learned a lot about trees and the forest; how people should behave in nature. Don't forget that you need to protect nature.

Let's give a gift to the Old Forest Man so that he remembers us. I invite you all to do a collective work “Trees in our forest” together.

Team work (application) - “Trees in our forest.”

Educator: - Thank you, Old Forest Man, for your story about the trees and the forest. And so that you never forget us, we want to give you our “forest”. Goodbye, come see us again!

From October 13 to October 23, 2014, the municipal environmental campaign “Week for the Protection of Animals - 2014” was held at MBDOU Kindergarten No. 1 “Cornflower”.

Purpose environmental action was - unite the efforts of adults and children to preserve rare and endangered species of animals of their native land, teach the younger generation to act in defense of nature.

As part of the annual event, numerous educational events were planned and carried out at MBDOU. The events were attended by pupils, their parents and preschool employees. In the groups, book corners were decorated, in which illustrations, encyclopedias about animal life, and fiction about animals were selected. The teachers drew and sculpted together with the children.

With pupils in all age groups: were carried out conversations on topics aimed at the development and formation of cognitive interest in the world around us. “What animals living in our forests do you know?”, “How do animals prepare for winter?”, “Red Book” Nizhny Novgorod region”, “My favorite pet”, “How to protect animals”, “Beavers - what are they?”, “They are alive, they need to be protected and protected” - with presentations prepared by teachers M.S. Parshina, O. Novikova. A., Smirnova O.V.

Children listened to audio recordings “Sounds of Nature”; "Morning in the forest" - junior group. middle group. We learned the songs of the muses. Dubravina Y. “Forest Music”, music. Ptichkina E. “Take care of forests, rivers and lakes...”

During the week, groups held exhibitions of artistic and productive activities: Modeling - junior group “Mushrooms for a squirrel”, middle group “Funny hedgehog”; preparatory group"Gossip Fox"; drawing - junior group “Balls for a kitten”; middle group "Owl"; “Family Kindergarten” “Let’s help the lynx find its lynx spots”; preparatory group “Forest Animals”.

In the middle group, teacher Smirnova O.V. was with the childrena poster “Take care of wild animals” was madecreative collective application.At the first stage of work, children created a living environmentwild animals: painted and cut out trees, bushes, mushrooms. At the second stage, the teacher prepared pictures depicting wild animals, which the children, together with the teacher, cut out and pasted - “settled” them in the forest. By directly participating in the creation of the poster, the children felt involved in the activities of people to protect wild animals. They realized the inextricable connection between man and nature, their responsibility for the life of every living creature on earth.

In parents' corners Reminders “October 13-23 - Municipal action “Animal Week - 2014” were posted.

We took an active part in preparations for the educational event “Animal Protection Week” parents of pupils. Together with the children, they made “Wild Animals” models with forest animals to enrich the group’s educational environment. The same was done different ways(drawing, application) creative works for vernissage: senior group "Animal World".

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Ecological project in the middle group
"Forest around us"
Project participants: middle school children, teacher, parents
Type of project: short-term from 02.1.08. – 10.08. 2016
Relevance. Lay down love for the Motherland, for native land, to my native
nature, people can only be seen in younger age. Then change
worldview, change a person’s ideas and views on
the environment is extraordinarily complex. That is why it is important to timely
develop the ecological consciousness of a small personality.
Target. To deepen children's knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants, to educate
desire to preserve and protect our native nature.
Objectives: Expand and deepen knowledge about the forest, its inhabitants,
develop curiosity and a culture of behavior in nature.
Teach children to establish and understand cause and effect
connections between natural phenomena.
To give children knowledge about the ecological culture of our region.
Expected outcome: Children understand the need
careful and caring attitude towards nature, based on its
moral, aesthetic and practical significance for a person.
Mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them in
practical activities.
Preparatory stage
Select fiction and methodological literature;
Prepare illustrations with images of our flora and fauna
Pick up riddles and poems about trees.
Main stage.
Form of work
Conversation about the forest
Contents of the activity
Strengthen children's knowledge about
trees, shrubs growing in
forest; consolidate children's knowledge about
wild animals, birds,
insects living in our
forests; consolidate children's knowledge about
berries, mushrooms growing in forests,
medicinal plants
Expand children's understanding of
flora and fauna.
Develop observation skills
analyze, compare,
highlight characteristic
essential features of objects
and natural phenomena
Cultivate love for family
edge and the ability to lead correctly
yourself in nature
Continuing children's education
Trip to
forest kingdom"

working with paper, performing
various applications
ways; training to work with
literature about
forest: N. Sladkov
hiding places"; YU.
puzzles"; :
"Trees in
forest", "In the forest";
Dmitrieva “Who
"In the forest
Observation of
trees on
game, "Which
sheet? »
"From what
tree leaf? »
Outdoor game
"Find a Pair"
"Leaf Fall"
Introduce children to stories about
nature. Learn to answer
content questions.
Develop memory, attention,
cognitive interests of children.
Cultivate love for family
Learn to use different
types of techniques: palm printing and
crumpled paper, imprint
cork, drawing with a stick in
images of trees, foliage,
birds, grass; practice in
image over the entire surface
Remind me of trees growing
Location on. Learn to distinguish them by
appearance trunk, crown,
leaves. Develop logical
Improve knowledge
distinguish tree leaves, teach
form adjectives,
develop oral speech, attention,
Learn to make pairs of leaves according to
one sign specified
adults, consolidate knowledge about
shape, color and size, develop
auditory and visual perception.
Collaboration with family. Consultations for parents: “In alliance with
Exhibition of parents "The forest is our beauty"

Conversation about the forest
Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about trees and shrubs growing in
forest; consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals, birds, insects
living in our forests; consolidate children's knowledge about what grows in forests
berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants.
Educational field "Fiction": reading
fiction about the forest: N. Sladkov “Forest hiding places”; YU.
Dmitriev " Forest mysteries"; reading fiction about
wild animals: D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Tale about a hare - long ears,
slanted eyes, short tail"; M. Prishvin “Squirrel Memory”.
Educational field “Communication”: develop vocabulary
children's stock, enriching it with the names of trees, bushes, wild
animals, insects, birds, plants and mushrooms growing in the forest; full
and answer questions accurately.
Educational field "Physical culture": physical education lesson
“We are in the forest” - children imagine themselves as trees.
Educational activity “Artistic creativity”:
drawing pictures “The forest is our friend.”
Preliminary work; reading fiction about
forest, oh wild birds oh and animals.
Developmental environment: reproduction of paintings “Forest”; pictures of trees and
shrubs growing in the forest (spruce, pine, oak, rowan, aspen, birch,
juniper, maple); pictures of wild animals and birds living in
forest (wolf, fox, hare, hedgehog, wild boar, elk, squirrel, owl, woodpecker); pictures
medicinal plants, mushrooms, flowers growing in the forest; game
Buratino character.
Progress of direct educational activities.
Pinocchio: Hello guys. Today I'm going on an excursion to
forest. I saw a lot of trees behind your kindergarten - that means there is a forest there.
Educator: Guys, have you seen the forest behind the kindergarten? (children “no”).
You and I need to tell Pinocchio how to recognize the forest. Otherwise he won't
finds and will not know what a real forest looks like.
Today I have prepared pictures for you various trees,
shrubs, plants, flowers, as well as pictures of wild animals,

birds. Let's use these pictures to create a forest for Pinocchio.
What trees and shrubs grow in the forest? (children - birch, fir tree, pine,
oak, maple, rowan). What grows in the forest? (children - berries, mushrooms, flowers,
medicinal plants).
Pinocchio: How great! Well, thank you very much guys. Nice forest at
we got it. He is so beautiful, there is a lot in him different plants,
trees. And the air is so clean... (Pinocchio dreams).
Educator: Guys, tell me, did our forest turn out to be Pinocchio? (children -
"No"). What should you do to create a forest? (children are needed in the forest
insects). Guys, what insects live in the forest? (children are mosquitoes,
mites, bugs). Let's put insects in our forest.
Pinocchio: Well, now the forest is ready. Thank you, I went for a walk.
Educator: Guys, let's explain, Pinocchio, what will happen if
Only insects will live in the forest.
(children - insects will destroy the forest. They will eat all the leaves, tree roots)
Pinocchio: What should we do? I don't want ours to die because of insects.
wonderful forest. We need to save it. Well, how to do this?
Educator: Guys, so that insects do not destroy the forest, whoever needs it
settle in the forest, who will fight the insects? (children in the forest
you need to house birds that will eat insects). And how are you
What kind of birds do you think live in the forest? (children - owl, woodpecker, nuthatch.)
Pinocchio: Okay, now we’re in the forest. Birds sing, butterflies fly...
Good that wild animals live in a zoo. Now you can safely go to
walk in the forest!
Educator: Are the Buratino guys right? (children - no). Tell him
what wild animals live in the forest? (children answer and show
pictures of wild animals - bear, fox, hare, elk, wild boar, wolf, hedgehog).
Well, what kind of forest do we have now? (children - yes). Do you understand now
Pinocchio, what is a forest?
Pinocchio: I understand, but now I won’t go for a walk in the forest. There now
so many insects, wild animals, will bite me again... Take them all away
insects and animals then I will go into the forest.
Educator: Well, it might actually remove insects and wild
animals? Shall we help Pinocchio? (children prove that insects are needed
so that birds and animals feed on them; but wild animals cannot
to live among us they need to live in the forest).
Pinocchio: Well then, let's cut down all the trees, it's so dark in the forest
I became afraid of getting lost. (children explain that the forest should be cut down
it is impossible, since the forest is a home for wild birds, animals, and insects. A
if the forest is cut down, then all the inhabitants of the forest will die).
Well, now I understand. Thank you very much guys, now I know that
such a forest. But now I still won’t go for a walk in the forest! Nothing there
nothing interesting!
Educator: Is this so guys? (children - no). Why do people love the forest?
(children - it’s quiet in the forest, you can take a walk in the forest and get some fresh breath
air. There are a lot of mushrooms, berries, and medicinal plants in the forest. In the forest
you can watch the animals).
Well done guys, I see you learned a lot about the forest today.
Buratino: Thank you very much guys. Now I know what a forest is and
I won’t be afraid to go into the forest.

Educator: To consolidate your knowledge about the forest, I offer you
draw your forest. Draw the trees that grow in the forest, birds,
animals, insects living in the forest. And when you finish drawing we will
We will create an exhibition of your drawings.
(after the children finish drawing, we hang them on the board and
We are organizing an exhibition of drawings).
Educator: What great fellows you guys are. And so we can finish
our direct educational activities
Let's exercise with you, let's feel ourselves
trees that grow in the forest:
My roots are deeply rooted in the ground (the children stand in one place).
My trunk, my branches reach for the sun (raise your hands up)
These are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, hands shaken - the wind knocks down the dew (children
shake hands).
We wave our hands smoothly - these are birds flying towards us (children wave their hands)
We’ll show them how they sit down; we’ll fold our wings back (the children crouch and
hide their hands behind their backs)
Educator: Well done guys. Everyone tried their best today, good
were engaged and listened carefully. Did you enjoy the excursion to the forest?
(children - yes). Did you like our walk through the forest, Pinocchio?
Buratino: Yes, I really liked it. Thank you guys. I am today
I learned a lot of interesting things. See you guys again. GOODBYE
Lesson notes on the use of non-traditional techniques in
"In the forest kingdom"
Goal: learn to use different kinds technician: palm print and
crumpled paper, imprinting with a cork, drawing with a stick in
images of trees, foliage, birds, grass; practice in the image
over the entire surface of the sheet.
- bring up aesthetic attitude to nature and its depiction in
- continue to introduce children to non-traditional techniques
- develop fine motor skills of fingers.
Equipment: tabletop puppet show, Baba Yaga doll and
Lesovichok, A4 paper, gouache different colors, crumpled
paper, sticks, corks, napkins.
Progress of direct educational activities:
V.: Hello, guys. I am the Queen. And Queen, what kingdom are you
find out by solving the riddle.
Dresses up in summer
And in winter he undresses.
(Children's answers)
- That's right, forest. So, Queen, what kingdom am I?

(Children's answers)
- Yes, forest.
- Guys, what do you think is in my forest kingdom?
(Children's answers)
- What trees do you know?
(Children's answers)
- Yes, my kingdom is rich. Guys, I didn’t come to visit you alone.
Let's see with whom. They really asked for you. (Opens
screen, Baba Yaga and Lesovichok are sitting)
- Baba Yaga:
I am Baba-Yozhka, a bone leg.
She fell from the stove and broke her leg.
But I still wanted to come to you. I've heard a lot about you, everything
so smart, so smart.
- Old man Lesovichok:
And I am the Old Man - Lesovichok,
Who destroys nature
I'm strict with that.
And who respects the forest,
Doesn't hurt plants
Helps animals
He is a welcome guest
It happens in the forest.
- Guys, you met my friends from the forest kingdom. A
look what forest they live in? What trees surround them?
There's a girl standing there
Oh, elegant
Everything is slim,
Everything is fine.
White sewn with black
She's wearing a sundress.
The wind rushes towards her,
Scratching her curls.
And this tree can't sleep,
It always trembles
Afraid of everything.
A beauty stands in the forest
Slender and green
Needles like little fingers
She left it.
(Christmas tree)
- Guys, we will now draw the same unusual fairy tale
forest. But in front of such a big and difficult work Let's rest first.
Physical education minute:
Hands raised and waved -
These are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, hands shaken -
The wind blows away the dew.
Let's wave our hands smoothly -
These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down:
The wings were folded back.
- Guys, look what we have on our tables. There is paint, but
no tassels. What are we going to draw with? (Children's answers)
- In order to draw tree trunks, I will dip my palm in
paint and press it tightly to the sheet, spreading my fingers wide.
Look how many tree trunks you got right away?
- Now I’ll wipe my palm with a damp napkin.
Guys, look, the trees are without leaves. To draw foliage I
I'll use crumpled paper. Look, I dipped it in paint
and joined the tree trunks. The trees became bright, with lush
And guys, I’ll draw the grass with my finger. I'll dip it in green paint and apply it
spots on paper. After work, I wipe my finger with a napkin. And so that
The picture was bright, I’ll draw more birds. For this I will
use a regular cork. I'll dip it in blue paint and I'll be
print. Look how beautiful the birds are! Our picture is ready.
- Shall we get to work? Where do we start?
Get started. (I turn on the music, the children do the work)
- Guys, we are finishing our work.
Tell me, how can I draw tree trunks? (Palm)
Grass? (Fingers)
Foliage? (Crumpled paper)
And print the birds with a stencil.
Goodbye, old forest,
Full of fabulous wonders.
You and I became friends
It's time for us to go home now.
Baba Yaga: What wonderful pictures you guys have created!
Old man - Lesovichok: Baba Yaga, you and I will definitely try
draw the same ones. And now it's time for us to go home. Goodbye!
Lesson summary “Journey to the Forest Kingdom”
Goal: To expand children's knowledge about the forest.
Objectives: Expand children’s understanding of plants and animals
world. Develop the ability to observe, analyze, compare,
highlight characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena
To cultivate love for one’s native land and the ability to behave correctly in
Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication,
Preliminary work: Looking at pictures of
forests, trees, forest mushrooms, berries and flowers, animals, insects and
birds, comparison and identification of their characteristic features.
Conversations “Forest and health”, “Who cares about the forest”. Guessing
riddles, memorizing proverbs about the forest. Tree observation and
insects while walking. Drawing, sculpting and appliqué on
forest theme. Reading stories: Verzilina “Trees in the Forest”, “In
forest"; Dmitriev "Who guards the clearing."
Progress of the lesson:
All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other
I will smile at you, and you smile at each other, so that we have everything
the day was in a good mood
Guys, today we will talk about mysterious kingdom
state, and what kind of kingdom this is you have to guess.
In spring and summer it is green, in autumn it is golden, in winter it is white. There
you can hear birds singing, people go there with baskets for
mushrooms, there is fresh, cool air. Can you guess what it is? (forest)
That's right guys, today we'll talk about the forest. What is this?
forest? The forest is a place where many flowers, mushrooms, herbs, berries and,
of course trees.
Guys, grandfather the forester sent us a magical picture of the forest so that
you admired the mysterious forest beauty and all the wealth
(show blank screen)
Do you see anything in the picture? (no) But I said that this is
unusual picture, magical. You can see her only when
you imagine the forest in your imagination. From your imagination
the picture will come to life.
Let's try, so what grows in the forest? (children's answers)
(children name what grows in the forest and their answers appear on the screen)
Let's say hello to the forest.
Hello forest, green Forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about in the leaves on a dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering at dawn, covered in dew, like silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, don’t hide it: you can see that we are our own.
The forest is part of the nature of our entire earth, and trees, grass, mushrooms,
berries, insects, birds and animals are part of the forest. For more
learn about the forest, what is included in the concept of “forest” and so that everything is fine
remember, today we will create a map of the word “forest”.
So, in the very center we place for now only one, the most important
a picture, a picture of a forest, and then gradually others will appear
pictures on our map.
The forest is the home of the forester’s grandfather, he lives in it, takes care of it and
protects him. In the forest next door live a wide variety of
plants and animals. The house begins with a corridor (hallway), forest
starts from the edge. The edge of the forest is a corridor. There is little at the edge
trees, but a lot of sun. We enter the forest and walk along soft,
motley, multi-colored carpet. What kind of carpet is this, who guessed?
That's right, it's grass, flowers. Each forest dweller has his own
separate rooms, their homes. Also for forest dwellers, the forest is
dining room
The forest feeds its inhabitants. There are many animals, birds and insects in the forest.
They feed various parts plants: leaves, fruits,
bark, buds, roots, grass, berries and mushrooms. Lesnik and
forest dwellers are not at all bored in the forest, because the whole forest is filled with
music and singing. Where do you think the music in the forest comes from?
That's right, bird voices and singing, buzzing, squeaking and chirping
insects - all this is forest music. Well, what if grandfather the forester gets tired
and wants to sit down, or some mushroom picker wants to rest, on

this case in the forest there are chairs - stumps, large stumps can
serve as a table, soft moss as a bed. So it turns out that the forest
very similar to our house.
And the forester also calls his forest house multi-story. How are you
do you think why? (children's answers)
The top floor is the most tall trees, pines and oaks,
on the lower floor there are rowan and birch trees, even lower on the floor there are
bushes, and the lowest floor contains herbs, flowers, berries and mushrooms
Guys, here we are saying that there are a lot of trees in the forest and they are located
on different floors, and you know the names of the trees, how they
are they called?
Listen and guess riddles about trees.
What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round? (Christmas tree)
I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.
Very straight I grow in height (pine)
Russian beauty,
We all really like it.
She is white, slim,
Clothes are green (birch)
Turned green in spring
Then she got tanned
Fall has come,
The red torch was lit (rowan)
I have become tall and mighty,
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels -
It’s okay that my fruit is small. (Oak)
(guess appears on the screen)
Well done guys, you know a lot of trees. Trees are part of the forest
does this mean we will place them around the forest picture? (children's answers)
(working with the “semantic field” map)
There is a forest where only fir trees, pines and spruces grow. What kind of forest is this?
(coniferous) What kind of forest is it where birches, rowan trees, maples, and aspens grow?
What's the difference? conifer tree from deciduous? (children's answers)
What kind of forest is this, where both conifers and deciduous trees mixed up?
Bushes and trees, leaves on branches.
This is a deciduous forest, remember, kids.
There is oak in it, birches, lindens, mountain ash,
hazel, rose hips, ash, aspen.
If there are needles instead of leaves,
Then call this forest coniferous.
If there are both foliage and needles,
Spruce and aspen trees grow nearby,
That forest is called mixed, friends -
Here are all the trees from “A” to “Z”.
Guys, I’ll tell you a pleasant secret, grandfather forester sent you not
only his wonderful picture of the forest, and he also sends greetings to you from

his forest inhabitants and brought from them various entertaining games -
Let's collect a bouquet for glory,
Lush and big:
Yellow leaf, scarlet leaf, golden leaf!
We walk around in friendly circles,
We will find the leaf you need.
Teacher: “One, two, three - look and find the leaf!”
(showing a picture of a tree from which you need to find a leaf)
Guys, as you and I now know, trees are the upper floors of the forest.
Let's remember what's on the bottom floor? (children's answers)
That's right, flowers, berries, and mushrooms grow on the lower floor. You can
Should I name the flowers you know that grow in the forest? What about berries? (children
Animals, birds and insects are the inhabitants of the forest kingdom, they are all friends
neighbors with a friend and live on different floors. Who lives on the lower
floor among grass and flowers? You can see fluttering above the flowers
butterflies and working bees. What other insects can be found in
forest? (children's answers)
Guys, why are insects needed in the forest? (children's answers)
Insects are also part of the forest
Physical exercise.
We sat down under a bush,
To find the fungus.
We got up. They pulled the back.
We walk along the path again.
Now let's turn the knobs
It's like we're clearing away the clouds.
We drive them back and forth
Twelve times in a row.
We squat lower, deeper,
Like a frog in a warm puddle.
Jump - and there is no mosquito!
Here's a fun game.
Relaxed and frolicked
And they sat down on the chairs.
Now it's time to open another envelope and see what
there. Let's take the envelope from the bee and see what game she gives us.
Game "Four Wheel"
(the teacher says four words, the children name the extra word)
Berry, flowers, cucumbers, mushrooms
Lily of the valley, forget-me-not, aster, snowdrop
Burrow, den, kennel, hollow
Bear, goat, fox, elk
Spider, hare, magpie, pike
Bee, hedgehog, eagle owl, butterfly
Guys, what dangerous neighbors for insects live on the upper floors?
forests? (birds) What are the birds that live in the forest called? (forest)
Do you know what benefits birds bring to the forest? (protect trees from
harmful insects)

There are birds called forest orderlies, they save trees
from harmful insects. What kind of bird is this? (woodpecker) (show on screen)
What is the peculiarity of an owl? (hunts mice at night)
Guys, which bird in the forest is the most chatty? (magpie)
What other forest birds do you see on the screen? (children's answers)
How do you think forest birds– is this part of the forest? Well done!)
Guys, there are still inhabitants in the forest, they have four paws, tails and
teeth, their body is covered with hair, they are predators and herbivores. ABOUT
Who am I talking to? (about wild animals) Let me call you
some animal, and you tell me its signs, i.e. what
distinguishes it from other animals (The hare is long-eared, cowardly,
white or gray, bouncy short-tailed; fox - red, cunning,
sharp-faced, cheat, etc.)
Every animal has a big forest house own apartment.
The fox has a hole, the squirrel has a hollow, the wolf has a lair, the bear has a den,
a hare has a hole, a hedgehog has a hole. Where do you think the elk lives, because he
so huge? (children's answers)
Guys, the moose lives in dead wood. Deadwood is the place where it lies
there are a lot of fallen trees, and he lives among these fallen trees
Animals live in their apartments as families and raise offspring. What
such offspring? (cubs) All animals take care of their young:
feed, protect, teach various forest sciences, where to get food, how
to escape from the enemy, where is it better to arrange your housing, for whom and how
hunt. You cannot live in the forest without this knowledge and skills.
You and I have the last envelope left, which means the last game.
This envelope is from a bunny, he invites us to play the game “Forest
(Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center with the ball. Take turns
The teacher throws a ball to each child and names the animal,
the child throws the ball back and names the offspring of this animal)
Summary of the lesson. And so, guys, the forest is a large multi-story building. IN
there is a place for all forest dwellers. The forest feeds its inhabitants,
protects against strong wind, scorching sun, clean in the forest
fragrant air. The owner of this entire huge forest kingdom is
grandfather forester. He keeps order in the forest, cleanliness, protects
forest from poachers and fires.
Guys, who are the poachers? (children's answers)
If you know the rules of conduct in the forest, then grandfather the forester will always
you will be glad.
Do you know how to behave in the forest, and what not to do? (answers
And this is spoken about in proverbs.
“Groves and forests – the beauty of the whole world”
“If there is a lot of forest, don’t destroy it; if there is a little forest, take care; if there is no forest, plant it.”
“The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests”
“The forest is not a school, but it teaches everyone”
But grandfather forester always says these words to all people.
I only like the one who protects the forest world,
The one who does not break the branches, the one who does not scare away the bird,
The fly agaric will not knock down and the fire will not light,
Who always, always respects silence in the forest.

Dense forest, goodbye!
We are glad to be friends with you,
Good forest,
Mighty forest
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
And I suggest giving grandfather the forester a gift too. We will send
our drawings for him.
Didactic games
“What would happen if they disappeared from the forest...”
The teacher suggests removing insects from the forest:
- What would happen to the rest of the residents? What if the birds disappeared?
What if the berries disappeared? What if there were no mushrooms? What if they left
forest hares?
It turns out that it was no coincidence that the forest gathered its inhabitants together. All
forest plants and animals are related to each other. They are each other without
friend will not be able to get by.
Didactic game “I recognize a tree”
The adult invites the kids to name the trees he is talking about
Which tree has white bark and is one of the first to turn yellow? (Birch)
Which tree's leaves resemble a crow's foot? (Maple)
Which tree is compared to a Cossack, a hero? (Oak)
From which tree do bees collect honey in summer? (From the linden tree)
What tree has needles instead of leaves? (Fur tree, pine tree)
Didactic game “Which sheet? »
Objectives: improve knowledge of distinguishing the leaves of three trees,
learn to form adjectives, develop oral speech, attention,
Progress of the game: children sit in a circle and pass the basket to each other. By
queues take out a leaf, say which tree it comes from and form
adjective. For example: this is a leaf from a birch tree - a birch leaf.
Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from? »
Objectives: improve the ability to differentiate trees according to their
trunks and leaves, develop attention, observation, memory,
Attributes: three different trunks drawn on separate sheets
trees, autumn leaves these trees.
Progress of the game: leaves lie scattered around the drawings of tree trunks.
Children must place the leaves on their tree.
Outdoor games:
Outdoor game "Falling Leaves"
Objectives: improve the ability to perform movements according to text
poems, develop memory, attention.
Progress of the game: children hold their piece of paper in their hand and stand in a circle. Along the way
reading the poem, they wave the leaves and throw them up at the end,
imitating leaf fall.
The wind is blowing,
Blowing, blowing,
Yellow leaves
Picks it from the tree.

The leaves were filled with sunshine.
The leaves are soaked in the sun.
Filled up, heavy
And they flew with the wind.
Leaves are falling, falling,
In our garden the leaves are falling...
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.
Outdoor game “Find a pair”
Objectives: learn to make pairs of leaves based on one characteristic,
indicated by an adult, consolidate knowledge about shape, color and size,
develop auditory and visual perception.
Progress of the game: children stand in a circle, in the center are leaves (their number is according to
number of children and the leaves were selected so that it was possible
make pairs of leaves). Children walk in a circle saying: “One, two, three.”
- Take the sheet quickly! "Everyone takes a piece of paper. The teacher says:
“Find yourself a pair - a leaf of the same color. "(Other tasks:
make a pair - leaves from the same tree, or leaves that differ
size: large and small, or leaves of the same size from one
Consultation for parents
"In union with nature"
Fostering children’s correct attitude towards nature, the ability to carefully
treat animal beings, can be fully
carried out in the preschool period only if the system
work in kindergarten combined with the impact on the child in the family.
The wonderful teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Man has always been
and remains a son of nature, and that which makes him related to nature must
used to introduce him to the wealth of spiritual culture.
The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with
limitless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in
nature is the source of children's intelligence. All children are by nature
inquisitive. Their range of interests is very wide. Among the questions
which they ask us adults, there are also those that are caused
various phenomena, objects of nature. To better understand everything
living things that surround us, parents need to be in the field, meadow more often,
in the forest, by the river, in the park, to be able to see beauty in everything and notice everything
interesting. How the first leaves bloom, why spruce in winter
very green, but others had fallen leaves. It depends on us adults
whether the child will be inquisitive, how his speech develops. How
bigger baby saw and understood, the brighter and more figurative his speech, the more
he communicates more willingly with peers, it is easier to come into contact with
adults. The ability to express one’s thoughts helps one to learn better
school. He will actually make sure that not a single phenomenon arises
without cause, on its own, and nothing disappears without a trace. In progress
systematic targeted observations, the child learns
think and answer the questions “Why? »
And even though such work is complex, arduous, but as a result, in
consciousness of a child with early childhood the foundations are being laid
curiosity, inquisitiveness, ability to think logically, do
inferences, conclusions.

Children love to go to the forest with adults, don’t forget to take him
say hello: “Hello forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!
", and leaving to say goodbye to him:
The sun hides in the fog
The dense forest, goodbye!
You protected us from the heat
Gave me health and fresh strength
And he treated me to a treat.
We must always remind children that only those who see and hear much
walks slowly, steps silently, then he will see a lot, how
the leaves are rustling, there is dew on the grass, the little squirrel is enjoying a sweet
strawberries, and the birds feed their chicks, and here is a hedgehog with
hedgehogs. Play the game “Forest Smells” with your children. Suggest
first, the children should smell what strawberries, moss, mint leaves smell like,
chamomile, etc. First take 2-3 plants, and then
more, the children will smell it and then find out with closed
What kind of plant does it smell like? Remember the riddles, little poems
about plants, signs.
Swept an anthill - observe the life of the ants, what they are like
friendly, piled on the caterpillar in a heap, dragging it to their house -
They are the ones who clear the forest of pests. Treat them with sugar or
candy and watch how they love sweets.
You can go to the forest different time year and admire it, notice
problems and fix them. Remove dry branches on the path and tie them up
broken branch, plant a tree.
Those parents who, while walking, do the right thing
treat nature and the child. “Look how beautiful it is! ", "Which
today is white, fluffy snow! ", "What do you think it's like?
cloud! " etc.
The ability to see and understand another living being, subtle movement
the soul of a child, depends on interest in plants, animals - on the degree
development of observation and moral feelings. This is where it starts
responsibility for all life on the planet. When we adults talk
(don’t tear, don’t trample, don’t break, don’t touch, etc.) needs to be explained
why “Don’t tear.” To expand and consolidate knowledge about ecology
it is necessary to look at the pictures, observe the plant and
the animal world, read fiction.
We must always remember to all adults and children that the Earth is a common
our home, a person living in this house should be kind, take care,
so that all living things feel good.
"Our planet Earth,
Very generous and rich
Mountains, forests and fields
Home is our dear friends!
Let's save the planet together.
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's raise clouds and smoke above it.
We won’t let anyone offend her.
We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us kinder.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers,
You and I need such a planet.”