But before we start, there's one thing to note interesting fact. The fact is that many, even pseudo-scientific publications, often call the centipede an insect. However, this is actually not the case. Scolopendra Not insect, its class in the classification of living organisms – labiopods.

Perhaps this mistake is so common because scolopendra is a phylum of arthropods. However, not all arthropods are insects. Just remember the same crayfish.

Giant scolopendra

First let's look at the most a bright representative these arthropods - the giant scolopendra. She is the most poisonous and dangerous centipede in the world.

The giant centipede has 23 pairs of legs and can run incredibly fast across the surface of the earth. The length of the centipede is about 20-30 cm. Its body consists of many sectors, each of which has one pair of yellow legs with claws.

The front pairs of legs are jaw-like legs equipped with poison glands. The back pair has significantly big sizes, thanks to which the centipede is able to easily and simply cling to the soil, propelling its own body forward.

Mostly they live in South America, Trinidad and Jamaica. By nature, scolopendras are predators. They actively hunt rodents, toads, lizards, snakes and even birds.

Why is scolopendra dangerous?

Scolopendras are capable of developing higher speed, thanks to which they easily manage to overtake their victims. At the moment of attack, they inject poison into the victim's body, which instantly paralyzes him.

When eating, the centipede does not rush, but eats its “lunch” slowly, periodically taking breaks to clean its legs and antennae. Sometimes such a meal can last for several hours.

Interestingly, even bat! To catch her giant scolopendra climbs to the top of the cave, where the mouse is resting at this time. Silently approaching her, she plunges her poisonous jaws into her with lightning speed, as a result of which she quickly dies.

Scolopendra bite

Scolopendras are very poisonous, especially females. And although a scolopendra bite is not fatal for people, it can cause a lot of trouble. Firstly, there is sharp pain, and secondly, swelling appears and the temperature rises. This condition can last from 2 to 48 hours.

An interesting fact is that the venom of the giant scolopendra is actively used in Chinese medicine. It is used to treat renal colic, rheumatism and skin diseases.

Scolopendras are also an exquisite delicacy in some African and Asian cultures. As a rule, they are eaten fried, after threading pieces of centipede onto a thin stick.

Amazingly, giant centipedes, which have a bad temperament, are kept by some people as pets.

Scientists believe that aggressive behavior scolopendra is obviously caused by their poor eyesight. They can barely distinguish day from night, so instinct makes them the first to attack potential enemies.

Some owners of giant centipedes allow them to crawl on their own bodies, although this is not entirely reasonable, because severe irritation can occur on the skin.

In captivity, centipedes can live for about 6-7 years. They are kept in terrariums filled with sand, where they dig holes for themselves.

Several centipedes can live in one terrarium, provided they are of different sexes. Otherwise, one centipede will sooner or later eat the other.

House scolopendra

The house scolopendra is better known as the common flycatcher. It reaches 35-60 mm in length and has a yellowish-gray or brown color.

Her body is flattened and divided into 15 parts, each of which is equipped with a pair of legs.

The last pair of legs of the flycatcher is the longest, can even be twice the length of the body and closely resembles antennae. This is why it is sometimes difficult to understand where the back is and where the front is. house scolopendra.

House scolopendra eats a fly

By nature, the common flycatcher is a predator. It catches flies (which, in fact, explains its name), cockroaches and spiders, silverfish and fleas, moths, etc.

The domestic scolopendra is usually equally active both during the day and at night. An interesting fact is that, compared to other centipedes, it moves extremely quickly, reaching speeds of up to 40 centimeters per second.

This is one of key factors, why many people are afraid of her. As the saying goes: “It’s not so scary when you spot a spider; It really gets scary when you stop seeing him.”

When moving, the flycatcher raises its body on long and thin legs. She has excellent eyesight, which combined with her lightning speed makes her an excellent hunter.

The danger of scolopendra to humans

The common flycatcher (or house scolopendra) living in an apartment does not cause any harm to food or furniture. These centipedes are not aggressive, but they can bite in self-defense.

But you should not be afraid of this, since their jaws are quite weak and are not able to pierce human skin. By the way, the bite of a domestic scolopendra is similar to a bee sting, and the venom can cause redness and swelling. Extremely in rare cases The bite site may become seriously swollen.

However, the venom of the house scolopendra is too weak to represent any serious danger for pets or (not to mention humans).

It should be noted that due to their ability to destroy various insects, flytraps are considered very useful centipedes. However, they are often destroyed simply because they have an unpleasant and frightening appearance.

Crimean scolopendra

The Crimean scolopendra is also called ringed. This is a species of labiopods from the genus Centipedes, one of the most common in Southern Europe.

Crimean scolopendra

They have a golden yellow color. They live, as a rule, in the forest litter, the subsoil layer of dark, rocky and damp places. The length of the Crimean centipede is less than the giant one, and is about 10-15 cm. It is one of the smallest representatives of the Scolopendridae family.

Their venom is also not as toxic as that of closely related scolopendra species. The Crimean scolopendra is a fairly fast-running and aggressive centipede, which is by nature a predator capable of attacking.

It eats almost any animal that is no larger than itself in size, from insects to small lizards. For humans, the Crimean scolopendra, like the domestic one, is safe, although its bite can be painful.

Photo of scolopendra

Below you can see different photos giant centipede. We showed you the Crimean and domestic scolopendra in the relevant paragraphs.

Owner of this pet- a person with oddities, it cannot be otherwise.
Who dares to keep in his apartment poisonous creature, which can harm, only an abnormal person, I think so.

Scolopendra is a centipede-like, long, dark brown, sometimes greenish-tinged worm with big amount legs Huge purple, red and red scolopendras live in Australia and South America. yellow color. The limbs of centipedes are bright orange. Length - up to 15 cm. The largest representative of scolopendra lives in Australia - this is the giant scolopendra, which can grow up to 30 cm. It has even been credited with attacks on toads, lizards and chicks.

In all centipedes, one pair of legs has turned into jaws with claws, connected to poisonous glands. And the back pair has special dragging legs that help the animal cling to lumps of soil.

About 600 species of scolopendra are known. Basically, these are tropical species that are the most poisonous: even an adult can die from burns received from tropical centipedes healthy man. In Russia, scolopendras are found only in the south, but all of them are practically harmless. A lot of scolopendras live in the Crimea, the Mediterranean and Transcaucasia. Living underground, it is more agile than on the surface: it runs through the burrows of other animals or makes its own passages with the help of numerous legs. The scolopendra lives underground not only because it is more comfortable there, but because its body is deprived of any special covering and it very quickly loses moisture, which does not threaten it underground: constant humidity is maintained here. All scolopendras are thermophilic; temperatures below zero degrees can simply destroy them.

Scolopendra hunts small invertebrates - earthworms, beetles and their larvae, spiders. If it comes to the surface, it can catch wasps and flies there. But still, scolopendra gives preference to living creatures that live underground. In the process of hunting, the centipede relies only on its sense of touch - the main sense for centipedes. Their vision is poorly developed, or rather, not developed at all, because they spend most of their time underground. They only distinguish between light and dark.

The scolopendra grabs the victim with its front legs and plunges its poisonous jaws into it. Then he begins to chew, sending pieces of food into the wide throat. Scolopendra eats quite slowly and for a long time.

Scolopendras are individualists by nature and live strictly alone. Fights between them happen extremely rarely, but if this happens, then the fight is not life or death. Rivals cling to each other and freeze in this position until one of them dies.

Centipedes breed in mid-spring. Among them, the phenomenon of parthenogenesis is very common, that is, when the female herself participates in the fertilization of eggs. After a few weeks, tiny worms emerge from the laid eggs and grow very quickly. The mother guards them for several days, but then she crawls away, and each newly born scolopendra begins an independent life. By the way, compared to other insects, these centipedes are real long-livers. At least in captivity they live up to 7 years.

Scolopendras are dangerous to humans, but this danger manifests itself differently in different species. For example, a representative of blind centipedes - Scriptopus - cannot bite through the skin, as it has very weak jaws. But if you crush a centipede, its remains are very toxic. A bird that inadvertently eats a blind scolopendra dies within a few hours.

Californian green scolopendra, if disturbed, releases a substance that is very irritating to the skin. In addition, it can severely scratch the skin if it runs over the body. By the way, the ringed scolopendra, which lives on south coast, also leaves burns in the form of small red spots. True, the burn goes away after a few hours. The Vietnamese scolopendra secretes mucus with the smell of phosphorus - it causes the most severe burns and inflammation of the skin.

Scolopendra cannot be called very aggressive. In defense, the centipede can jump high and move deftly, but a burn or bite can only be received when you take the insect in your hands or the centipede itself runs into the house or tent. In the latter case, the scolopendra may not be noticed and accidentally crushed. Scolopendra can run through a person’s body and not cause him any harm - it all depends on her own desire. Scolopendra uses venom sparingly and rarely bites. It is much worse with the burning mucus that remains behind the insect.

Scolopendra is an armored arthropod that belongs to the genus of labiopods, also called Chilopoda or centipede arthropods. Lives in a variety of climatic conditions, but prefers tropical climate. Various individuals can live in the desert, mountains, forests, limestone caves and many other places. In those regions where it is not too warm, the centipede grows from a centimeter to ten centimeters in size, but in the tropics an individual can reach 28 centimeters in length!

These insects live alone. Insect legs end poisonous thorns. This is precisely why scolopendra, running across a person’s body, can cause irritation. The head includes a head plate with ocelli, a pair of antennae and venomous jaws. They are located under the head, but at the same time they are part of the body. The insect's forelimbs transform into fangs, with their help the scolopendra captures the victim. Each body segment has a pair of legs. The last legs are used during reproduction or as an anchor when capturing large prey.

The color of scolopendra can be different, depending on the species, they are gray, brown, with a yellowish tint. Partially the insect may have a greenish, orange and blue tint. With age, an individual can change colors; pigmentation depends on its habitat.

Scolopendra is soft-bodied and dense in the back. The plate body is connected using a flexible membrane. The exoskeleton consists of chitin. This layer is inanimate and does not grow. To continue to grow, the centipede must undergo a molt.

Is Scolopendra an insect or not?

Scientifically: no, the scolopendra is not an insect. It belongs to the animal kingdom, a genus of labiopods from the order Scolopendra.

  • Kingdom: Animals;
  • Phylum: Arthropods;
  • Class: Labiopods;
  • Order: Scolopendra.
Scientific classification Scolopendra – Wikipedia

Varieties of centipedes and their habitat

There are a lot of varieties of centipedes, almost all of them are similar in body structure and a large number of legs. Let's consider the most known species centipedes and their habitat.

Common flycatcher (scutigera)

Scolopendra scutigera is a centipede from the order Scutigeromorpha of the labiopod class. An adult is from 35 to 60 mm in length, yellow-gray color with long striped legs.

Feeds on small insects. Lives in Southern Europe, North Africa and in the Middle East. They are also found in the territory of Ukraine, the Caucasus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, and southern Russia.

Habitat The habitat of the common flycatcher is dry fallen leaves. With the onset of cold weather, it begins to seek shelter, so it may end up in an apartment, especially in damp rooms - a bathroom, toilet, basement.

Scolopendra scutigera - the common flycatcher eats a fly on a person's hand

It is practically safe for humans, as it cannot bite through the skin of humans and pets. The maximum harm that scolopendra scutigera can cause to a person is redness and swelling of the skin; its bite is comparable to the sting of one wasp.

It also does not cause any harm to exposed food and furniture, and in some regions it is generally considered rare useful look arthropods that cannot be killed. Therefore, do not be afraid if you meet her at home, carefully pick her up with a net or other tool and send her “for a walk” outside the window.

Giant centipede - the largest centipede

The giant scolopendra lives most often in the west and north of South America, on the islands of Trinidad and Jamaica. They feed on insects in the same way as other types of centipedes, but there are known cases where giant centipedes attacked lizards, toads, mice and even birds.

The strongly built body consists of 21-23 segments of brown or red color with a pair of bright yellow legs. Poisonous jaws can cause harm to humans in the form of swelling, redness and severe pain, occasionally increased temperature, weakness and fever. For an adult, the venom of the giant scolopendra is not fatal. The poison consists of the following substances: contains acetylcholine, serotonin, histamine, lecithin, thermolysins, hyaluronidases.

Ringed scolopendra (Crimean)

The ringed scolopendra is the most common species of centipede in Southern Europe and the countries of the Mediterranean basin, including Italy, Spain, France, Turkey, Greece, and Crimea. He also lives in Northern Africa: Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco.

It is inferior in size to the giant centipede, reaching an average of 10-15 cm. The venom of the ringed centipede is also not as toxic as that of its “big brother”. A very fast and agile predator, it hunts almost all living creatures that are smaller in size - insects, lizards.

Chinese red scolopendra

The Chinese red scolopendra lives in the territory eastern Asia and Australia. Unlike many other species of centipedes, it is less aggressive and more social, it can live in peace with its relatives in communities (most species of centipedes are solitary).

In Chinese medicine, this type of scolopendra is used to speed up healing skin diseases and damage.

California scolopendra

The California scolopendra lives in arid areas of the United States and Mexico, although other scolopendra species prefer wetter habitats.

A bite from a California scolopendra or touching its legs when disturbed can cause minor harm to a person in the form of inflammation. There have even been cases of rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure after being bitten by this centipede.

Scolopendra Lucas

Lucas's centipede, like the ringed one, lives in the southern part of Europe. Distinctive features– heart-shaped head and rusty color. The harm from contact with it is identical to most other centipedes.

Centipede lifestyle: nutrition, reproduction

Like many other centipedes, centipedes lead a real predatory image life. In the wild they feed on small invertebrates, and in some cases large individuals can eat mice, snakes, lizards, frogs and even bats!

Reproduction of centipedes begins in the second year of life. In males, a cocoon with seminal fluid, a spermatophore, is formed in the last ring of the body. At the moment of mating, the female draws fluid into her genitals, and after a few months lays eggs. One clutch can contain up to 120 larvae, not all of which survive. After a few months, the eggs hatch into larvae.

How long does Skoropendra live?

The lifespan of centipedes is about 7 years, which is quite a lot for a representative of arthropods, so they can be considered long-livers.

Centipede bite: what does it look like, is it dangerous for humans?

The bright color of centipedes indicates the poisonous nature of the insect. An insect bite can be compared to a wasp or bee sting. In terms of pain, one scolopendra bite can be equated to 20 bee stings. The poison does not lead to the death of a person, but the danger fatal outcome still exists in the option if a person is allergic to scolopendra venom.

In the photo - a scolopendra bite mark

There are many opinions in the literature about the real sizes of centipedes. By known facts The largest scolopendra is in Brazil. Its body length is 33 cm. Many claim that the bite of a giant scolopendra is fatal, but this is only known from words.

In Russia, you can meet scolopendra only in the regions - the Caucasus, Rostov region, Krasnodar region, Crimea. There are small individuals there - up to 14 cm, mostly ringed scolopendra, which goes out hunting at night and is not particularly aggressive towards humans. You can meet it completely by accident, for example, in a tent, in a sleeping bag, or while collecting firewood for a fire. In such cases, the scolopendra may begin to defend itself and bite you; its plans did not include a targeted attack on a person.

What to do if you are bitten by a scolopendra?

The sting of a scolopendra is comparable to the sting of 20 bees at the same time, it is quite painful. Scolopendra venom acts immediately, leaving the skin red and painful.

It is best to prevent the centipede from biting or touching human skin with its legs, but if this happens, follow following rules:

  • wash the area of ​​contact or damage with soap and water, disinfect with alcohol;
  • apply a sterile bandage for 12 hours, then change to a fresh one;
  • give the victim plenty to drink clean water;
  • provide peace;
  • not to accept alcoholic drinks, they speed up metabolism and the effect of poison;
  • seek help from a doctor.

Pregnant women, children, the elderly, allergy sufferers, and heart patients should urgently go to the hospital, otherwise the outcome can be tragic, even death.

Remember, scolopendra itself does not attack a person. If she notices you, she will rather try to run away with all her legs. But if she accidentally crawls under your clothes or into your tent, and you scare her, then in self-defense she will bite you.

Home keeping of scolopendra

Terrariums are used for breeding centipedes in captivity. This is a very mobile insect and at the same time aggressive. They live in captivity for up to seven years. If you have no experience in breeding centipedes, then it is best to study the literature and research all the safety precautions for their maintenance and breeding.

Scolopendra has a flexible pleural zone. Thanks to this fact, it can squeeze into the smallest cracks of any rocks and soil in order to hide securely. This centipede is the greatest escape specialist. When choosing a terrarium, pay attention to the length, width and height. Read the breeding guides, there is the most full information about such necessary things as buying a terrarium for centipedes. The soil must be moist and suitable for digging holes. There should be enough humidity, but it shouldn't be too wet.

Scolopendras are aggressive, but if you introduce crustacean woodlice, they will not touch them, since they do not perceive them as food.

Basically, for all types of centipedes, a temperature of 27 degrees is suitable. If you're starting special kind, consult a specialist regarding temperature and storage conditions.

At home, it is advisable to feed scolopendra with grasshoppers or mealworms; overfeeding is not recommended. Usually they are fed 1-2 times a week. Scolopendra up to 15 cm in size will be satisfied with 5 crickets. Lack of appetite may mean that the insect is not hungry or is preparing for another molt.

Scolopendras are not the most pleasant creatures. And no one is safe from meeting them. Many species of these arthropods are poisonous, and some have adapted to live very close to us - in apartments.


Scientists have counted 8,000 species of various scolopendras living in the most different corners planets. These centipedes are the only arthropods in which the legs of the first segment are not intended for walking. It's about about special appendages, the so-called forcipules, which have poisonous claws.

That's why they appearance causes people a well-deserved fear. Writers and screenwriters turn to the image of centipedes to make their works more creepy. Eg, American writer William Seward Burroughs in the novels "Cities of the Red Night", "The Space of Dead Roads" and " Western Lands", called centipede an absolute evil. The movie "King Kong" (2005) shows how huge centipedes attacked travelers.

Poisonous creature

Depending on the species and age, a scolopendra bite can have a variety of consequences for a person, including death. Moreover, females are more poisonous than males.

Fortunately, deadly centipedes are not found in Russia. But scolopendras, which live in the Crimea, in particular on Tarkhankut, can indeed sting very painfully.

“A centipede about thirteen centimeters crawled into my sneaker at Cape Sarych,” said local Alexander. - I tore off my shoes in an instant from the pain without untying the laces. A bee bite compared to a scolopendra is about the same as a mosquito bite compared to a wasp. The temperature remained high for two days.”

Is it a centipede?

How many legs does the centipede, sometimes called the centipede, actually have? Judging by the name, which has taken root among the common people, forty. Meanwhile, depending on the species, these arthropods can have from 15 to 171 body segments and the same number of pairs of legs. However, in any case, they always have an odd number of pairs of legs, so in reality centipedes do not occur in nature.


By nature, all centipedes are predators. Small - feed on other invertebrates, mollusks and annelids. More large species, living in the tropics, are able to eat a frog and even small birds. Having attacked the victim, centipedes wrap themselves around the prey and wait for the poison to begin to act. Only after this do they start eating.

Even those centipedes that live in our homes - Scutigera coleoptrata - are also predators, and they feed on flies, cockroaches, spiders, bedbugs and other domestic insects. They are often called common flycatchers. These are, as a rule, four-centimeter, 15-segmented centipedes that run very quickly from people. They can only be removed with sticky traps or by eliminating moisture in the house.

Long-lived arthropods

Compared to most other arthropods, centipedes are long-lived. There are many species that live for two to three years. This is also surprising because centipedes grow throughout their lives, unlike other insects in which growth stops with puberty.

One more unique ability these creatures are regenerating lost legs, for example, after a bird attack. True, new pairs grow after molting. In this case, the regenerated legs are shorter than the old legs.

Loving mothers

Usually arthropod insects, with rare exceptions, are irresponsible parents. It is believed that maternal love is inherent in more developed animals.

However, scientists were surprised to discover that scolopendras have maternal instinct. For example, the soil scolopendra Geophilomorpha and the tropical centipede species Scolopendromorpha guard the egg mass until the larvae emerge. However, here too scolopendras have amazing properties, practically not found in the rest of the animal world. Some of them reproduce without the participation of a male - that is, parthenogenetically. These are the centipedes that live in Crimea.

Giant scolopendras

On the islands of Jamaica and Trinidad, as well as in some places in South America, there live giant centipedes, which can have a length of 26 cm. However, a thirty-centimeter centipede was found in Australia. It is known about these insects that they eat for a very long time so as not to harm themselves by overeating and often take breaks in the process of devouring the victim. After eating, these centipedes carefully clean their jaws with their antennae.


Genus: Scolopendra

Family: Scolopendridae

Squad: Scolopendraceae

Class: Labiopods

Type: Arthropods

Kingdom: Animals

Scolopendra looks quite intimidating, but for humans it is not great danger. She moves quickly and gracefully, and can jump and move laterally and backward.

Scolopendra has several names - common flycatcher, centipede, long-legged arachnid, scutigera. The order Scutigera includes approximately 100 species that are common in southern latitudes.

Structural features

Centipedes breathe using tracheas. To maintain moisture during breathing, the spiracles lead into the air sacs, and from them the trachea originates.

The scolopendra's body integument also protects it from moisture loss, since it is covered with an epicuticle, which is flexible and able to repel moisture. Exoskeleton This arthropod consists of chitin and sclerotin.

The flycatcher also has simple eyes in large quantities and closely adjacent to each other. It is characterized by the presence of 15 pairs of articulated legs of pronounced length, which makes it the fastest among the scutigers and allows it to move along vertical surfaces.

In the domestic scolopendra, the hind pair of legs can exceed the length of the body in length. In front of the scutigera there are long antennae in the shape of whips - they perform olfactory and tactile functions. They consist of 500-600 segments.

The front legs are turned into jaws, with their help the scolopendra captures prey and injects poison into its body. However, the jaws of this scutigera are not strong enough, so it cannot bite through human skin, and its poison is of low toxicity.

The centipede is not aggressive towards humans.

If scolopendra, or scutigera, has settled in the house, then you can be sure that flies and cockroaches will soon stop bothering the owners.

A domestic scolopendra can live in secluded corners of your home, and at night it can crawl onto your pillow.

Body length adult reaches 60 mm. Scolopendra is yellowish-gray or brown in color, also has three red-violet or bluish stripes along the body, and the legs are also striped.

The body is flattened and divided into 15 segments, each of which has a pair of legs.


The flycatcher is a predator and can hunt cockroaches, flies, termites, silverfish, fleas, spiders, and moths. She moves very quickly, her movement speed can be up to 40 cm per second. Excellent eyesight makes it an excellent night hunter.

All centipedes (and there are about a hundred species) have a similar body structure, divided into segments. However, the species differ in size and color.

Scuteger jaws – great helper when hunting

Scolopendras often hunt at night, but can also hunt during the day. At night they eat sleeping insects, and during the daytime they hide in shelters.

When hunting, the centipede knocks down the prey with its legs, after which it captures it with them. In some cases, she catches several insects, eating one and holding the rest with her feet.

When trying to catch a skutiger, it may sacrifice its legs in order to escape. The latter can grow back partially or completely. In autumn, scolopendra can move into residential buildings.

The house centipede is not dangerous to humans

The black centipede is another representative of the scutiger order.

Features of reproduction

Scootigers breed in the warm season, when conditions are most favorable. The mating behavior of scolopendras is quite interesting.

Before contact, the female and male must feel each other using their antennae. Otherwise, the female may perceive the male as a victim and attack him.

The method of fertilization in centipedes is external-internal. It is important that the female must capture the male’s spermatophore as soon as possible so that it is in the air for a split second. To do this, the male pushes the female towards the spermatophore.

Flycatcher egg laying

Babies develop very quickly

The female lays eggs one at a time, but in total - about 60. After this, she covers the clutch with a sticky substance for protection. After hatching, it can be noted that the young individual differs from the adult in the number of pairs of legs - it has only 4 of them.

The number of pairs of legs increases with each molt to a final number of 15 pairs. In total, the scolopendra passes through five successive molts. The lifespan of flycatchers ranges from 3 to 7 years.

The material should not be thin plastic so that they do not chew their way out. In addition, it is important to use optimal lighting.

It should be borne in mind that centipedes are extremely fond of making holes. Therefore, the bottom of the terrarium needs to be covered with something. You can mix peat, vermiculite and soil (10/20/70), this composition is suitable for tropical species, or you can mix sand and soil in half - for desert varieties.

The temperature in the terrarium should be about 22 degrees during the day and 19 at night. You need to arrange shelters in the terrarium. It is necessary to spray the terrarium periodically to create humidity. There should always be a drinking bowl with settled water in the container.

Since centipedes are hunters, in captivity it is necessary to feed them grasshoppers, crickets, and for the giant variety of this centipede, mice may also be required. Feeding should be done once or twice a week. If the animal does not eat, it is likely that shedding will occur soon.

Giant scolopendra in natural conditions

Before molting, the centipede's color darkens. The molting process lasts from minutes to hours, which is determined by the size of the individual. After molting, animals are quite defenseless, since their exoskeleton becomes soft and vulnerable.

Within two weeks, the exoskeleton hardens. During this period, you should be careful with feeding: some insects can damage the centipede.

Reproduction in captivity

Reproduction of scolopendra in captivity is quite a difficult matter. Individuals can reach sexual maturity at 1-4 years. It is quite difficult to determine the sex of an individual. Some advise paying attention to the terminal pair of legs - in males they are longer, and in females they are thicker.

You should also observe the interaction of individuals that are in the same container: creatures of the same sex will show aggression, while creatures of different sexes usually behave passively.

After mating, the female lays eggs, during which time it is necessary to place the terrarium in dark place and leave the animal alone: ​​if the individual feels threatened, it may eat the eggs.

After 5-6 weeks, you can observe the emergence of protonymphs from the eggs, and then, also after the same time, their first molt occurs, after which it is necessary to remove them from the mother.

Feeding should be done with insects that are at least half the size. Small centipedes should be fed with dead insects twice a week; as the individual grows, it should be given small-sized crickets and grasshoppers.

The house flycatcher is scary, but not dangerous. Despite the name, it is not a pet, but can simply live in an apartment, along with other insects such as cockroaches. Large, “beautiful” species of scolopendra are usually taken as a pet.

Scolopendra diseases

When breeding these insects, you may encounter the following diseases:

  1. Dehydration. To prevent this, it is necessary to spray the terrarium and keep an open container of water in it.
  2. Infestation with ticks. To eliminate them, you need to move the individual to a dry place, place a small vessel with water there, the ticks will die.
  3. Mycoses. They arise due to excess moisture and appear in the form of black dots on the legs of the centipede. To get rid of pathology, you should adjust the humidity in the terrarium.

Thus, breeding centipedes in captivity is, although a simple task, quite troublesome. You should take into account the feeding, reproduction, and molting characteristics of centipedes: then these creatures will be comfortable in a terrarium.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the contents of the container where centipedes will live: different types this animal is preferred different conditions. It is important to choose the optimal composition of the mixture in the terrarium; you should also pay attention to humidity and temperature.

Feeding should be carried out no more than twice a week, and in the period after molting, give the scolopendra only small insects that cannot damage its unprotected exoskeleton.

All representatives of the scutiger order love moisture.

Danger to humans

If a flycatcher lives in an apartment or house, it will not harm anyone food products, no furniture. Scolopendras are not characterized by aggressive behavior; they can bite a person only in self-defense.

The bite of a domestic scolopendra is not dangerous - their venom is quite weak, the bite site hurts much less than, for example, with a bee sting.

The poison of this arthropod does not pose a serious danger to pets - cats or dogs. Due to their ability to destroy insects, centipedes are useful to humans, but many decide to destroy them, since centipedes have a rather unpleasant appearance.

In some countries, scolopendras, on the contrary, are protected.

However, if you have a scolopendra as a pet, then you should not let it out, much less have contact with it. The fact is that large individuals have strong mandibles that can kill even a rodent such as a rat or.

Such individuals are truly dangerous to human health, so they must be isolated in a terrarium.

Features of the giant scolopendra

The body length of the giant scolopendra is about 26 cm, it is common in South America, on the islands of Trinidad and Jamaica. The giant scolopendra can attack lizards, birds, toads and mice.

The poison is more active in females. Some people mistakenly believe that scolopendra venom is fatal to humans, but this is not the case.

The body of a giant individual includes 21-23 segments, its color is copper-red or brown, each segment has a pair of bright yellow legs. One pair of legs is transformed into jaws and has claws that are connected to glands that secrete poison.

The hind pair is represented by dragging legs, necessary to facilitate the movement of arthropods in earthen passages.

The appearance of the giant scolopendra is quite intriguing

Scolopendra grabs the victim with the help of the front pair of legs, injects poison into it and chews it. Digestion of food is carried out under the influence of strong enzymes.

Scolopendra venom contains substances such as thermolysins, histamine, hyaluronidase, lecithin, serotonin, and acetylcholine. When a person is bitten, local swelling and painful sensations, which last for 1-2 hours.

If the individual is quite large, symptoms may remain for several days, with fever and deterioration in general somatic condition.

Scolopendra: A pet that makes you shiver

Scolopendra is a fairly common arthropod and belongs to the order Skutiger. The lifestyle of this centipede involves hunting flies, cockroaches and other insects. The flycatcher does not pose a danger to humans.