Every person has a huge amount qualities and talents about which he knows little. Subconsciously and involuntarily he instills insecurity in himself, which leads to daily stress and, as a result, he becomes restless. In turn, this negatively affects a person’s health, his self-esteem, and he carries this whole tangle throughout his life. To a greater extent, dissatisfaction with oneself affects not only oneself, but also has a suppressive effect on others.

It's no secret that most people like positive and happy personalities. They are easy and fun, they create opportunities without allowing fears to take over. It is difficult to imagine such a person as withdrawn or sad because they smile a lot and are sociable. New acquaintances, opportunities. From such individuals you will not hear complaints or dissatisfaction with the weather, lack of harvest, money and other whining.

Without allowing negative emotions, such people rely only on themselves, because they know about the possibilities. With such behavior, they involuntarily motivate others to work on their habits. If you want to become confident and calm, then you should learn some basic things. Let's consider what psychology, medicine and parapsychology offer.

From a psychological point of view, thinking positively is a habit that can and should be developed. There is only one miracle way: do not wait for the right moment and do not hope for a good day that will put everything in its place. You can wait your whole life and still not get it, but there are few successful days, because good and evil are around people every day. Save happy moments in memory, small victories, achievements - this is the foundation on which to rely.

Leaving your unsuccessful past alone, without returning to it mentally, is the only way to neutralize bad emotions. Negative energy will not be in demand, which means a person gives himself a chance to think about good things. Thus, something that pleases you and those around you is emitted. Like reaches out to like. Be sure that if the day does not work out, it is only thanks to you, no one is to blame for your bad thoughts.

Another way to achieve calm is the ability to relax. Not everyone has this skill, so they resort to alcohol or sedatives, which do not give a lasting effect. It is not necessary to wait for the moment when it is time to rest; you can practice it throughout the day, while cultivating a sense of calm.

Stress is tension and the less we get, the easier it will be to relax. In this situation, parapsychology comes to the rescue; there are many techniques, you can choose one of the most effective ways knowledge of Zen. I am not me and the method of contemplation. No matter how funny it may be, while you are at the boiling point of all passions and warriors, you will not be able to calm down and only a look from the outside can take you out of your own horror.

This situation is identical to the fact that you are standing on a ship, sailing away from the shore, on which something terrible and unpleasant is happening, but it no longer concerns you. How it works in practice. Elementary, imagine a situation where a dispute arose between you and your boss or between a husband and wife.

They say that in a dispute the truth is born, but in the end everyone remains with their own opinion, but the relationship is ruined.

No one is saying that it is better to remain silent and swallow the injustice that they are trying to impose on you. In this situation, it is better, without continuing the argument, to understand what can be done specifically to bring the situation to the point of absurdity. Accordingly, reduce everything to nothing.

To achieve peace, action is necessary! Notice that you act and do not wait for the situation to resolve on its own. This will be another victory of yours, which must be nurtured and cherished.

This situation will only be beneficial, because anger is controlled not by the one who is angry, but by his calm opponent.

    Find a solution.

    Do not leave anything for later if there is a need to do it now.

    Nothing happens by itself, you are responsible for your ideas and dreams.

    No people are fearless, but there are those who take a step forward.

    IN creative work There’s no need to wait for the muse, it’s better to take it and start doing it, overcoming all the “I don’t want” and “I can’t.”

    Take the initiative into your own hands and your luck will not keep you waiting long.

Medicine offers pharmacological assistance, that is, tablets, herbs that a doctor can prescribe. It would be at least unwise to neglect these means, but you shouldn’t forget about moderation either. The main thing is without fanaticism.

Self-confidence and calmness go hand in hand, they are interconnected. Therefore, when you reach a state of peace, catch yourself thinking that you did it and can do it again. When walking, a person does not think about which foot to step on; it happens automatically. Being calm is a habit that can be achieved by those who really want it.

An unbalanced person is a person whose emotions are excessive, harsh, too intense and unrestrained. But the label “unbalanced” is not a death sentence. How to become a balanced person?

A person who is quick-tempered, irritable, aggressive and easily wounded, too sensitive, prone to panic, and tearful will also be called unbalanced. A person who laughs uncontrollably and has too much fun is also likely to appear unstable.

Thus, imbalance– an emotional deviation from a certain central point of internal balance, harmony of feelings and emotions, calm and tranquility.

An unbalanced person is in a state of permanent anxiety, irritability, dissatisfaction with himself and the world. As a result, there are Problems:

  1. Psychosomatic in nature. Due to the fact that stress hormones are constantly released into the body, unbalanced people are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, migraines, baldness, allergies, and stomach problems.
  2. Constant quarrels and conflicts both at home and at work. As a result, trust disappears, the situation becomes uncomfortable and constantly tense.
  3. Reduced efficiency of any activity and quality of life in general. An unbalanced person cannot concentrate on tasks and goals, being at the mercy of emotions and experiences.

An unbalanced person does not control the situation and cannot cope with himself, he is controlled by emotions, but a balanced person himself controls his emotions, controls them through will and reason.

Besides, a balanced person is distinguished by the following features:

It is impossible to constantly remain in a calm and detached state; most often, both calm poise and explosive emotions are temporary and situational phenomena.

A person whose main character trait is balance, who manages to most time to remain calm, seems cool to others. He really has everything smooth inside, so he doesn’t care what happens outside, he remains impartial in almost any situation.

You need to understand that the desire to constantly remain unperturbed, regardless of the situation, is fraught with the fact that along with negative experiences, positive emotions and feelings will disappear.

Thus, equilibrium- this is not a constant stay in a state of detachment and composure, it is the ability to find a “golden mean” between cold emotional impartiality and ardor, that is, the ability to control one’s emotions.

How to stay calm in a stressful situation

Staying balanced in a calm environment is not difficult, but situations where it is difficult to control yourself are another matter. To become a balanced person, you need to learn to react calmly, think soberly and act wisely in non-standard, exciting, stressful situations. So you need to learn self-control and awareness.

When a stressful situation has arisen, need to:

  1. Realize what exactly is happening, feel and name the emotions that arise. For example: “A quarrel is brewing, I’m angry.”
  2. Collect all will and restraint from impulsive action. Tell yourself: “I can handle anger. I control her, not she controls me.” You can also recall Carlson’s phrase “Calm! Just calm!”, which, among other things, will distract and add a positive note.
  3. Think how significant will be what is happening now in an hour, a day, a year. It is much easier to destroy than to build, and a word spoken or an action taken in the heat of the moment cannot be taken back or “replayed.”

The three steps described should help reduce the intensity of emotions, balance experiences in order to approach the problem intelligently and make the right decision.

There are also special technology, capable of balancing the psyche during an unpleasant situation:

Of course, there are no universal methods. The “Resource State” technique can be used in crowded transport, but when communicating with the boss, “flying in the clouds” is unacceptable; in this case, “Outside View” and “Transformation of Reality” are better suited.

How to achieve mental balance

In order for balance to become a habit and turn into a character trait, you will have to work on yourself.

A good place to start would be to introspection:

  1. Observe yourself for a week or two and note what irritates you.
  2. Make a list of irritating factors, starting from the corner of the chest of drawers (which you always hit with your foot), ending with your own negative traits character and people with whom you should not communicate.
  3. Think about how to eliminate these irritants or how to learn to remain balanced when in contact with them.
  4. Take proactive action.

Any work to improve life begins with internal transformations. So, to become a balanced person you need develop such qualities in yourself:

  • rational thinking,
  • determination,
  • responsibility,
  • organization,
  • punctuality,
  • self-control
  • self confidence,
  • reflection (it is better to retell a stressful situation not to friends, but to yourself).

The following will help you stay balanced throughout the day: actions and conditions:

  • keeping the daily routine,
  • alternation of mental and physical labor,
  • refusal bad habits(alcohol especially “shatters” the psyche),
  • limiting the flow of negative information,
  • use of anti-stress techniques,
  • communication with positive-minded people,
  • interior in calm colors (blue, green, light yellow, light brown colors balance the psyche),
  • the presence of living plants and animals in the room,
  • walks in the open air,
  • proper rest and sleep.

Of course, there are people who, due to their innate characteristics, are more balanced than others, but in general, the ability to remain calm is formed like any other skill.

It is important to accept your emotional reactions as given, because they are natural. Even the calmest and most reserved person can one day become seriously angry and flare up, but the hottest and most explosive person can learn to restrain himself and remain calm.

They say that all diseases are caused by nerves. We will not be so categorical: not all of them. But some for sure. And in general, without any obvious illnesses, vanity and imbalance can ruin your mood, character, life... Of course, sometimes it is simply impossible to remain unperturbed. We are all living people, not robots programmed to unemotionally perform practical tasks. We may all be dissatisfied, irritated and even enraged by certain life circumstances, unpleasant people, own good luck.

But it depends only on us how we express our attitude towards them. Especially in the case when our reaction will not affect the realities anyway. This fact outrages you even more, and now you are already indignant. Instead of further development conflict, we suggest you take a deep breath and try to become more balanced and calm. Moreover, it is easier than it seems.

Calm, just calm
Absolutely cold-blooded perception is far from The best way live a bright life interesting life. But the other extreme - excessive ardor - negates all the pleasures that you could receive from the world around you. And the solution, as usual, is located approximately in the middle, in “no man's” territory. And it lies in balance, in the reasonable use of endurance and excitement, patience and resistance, indifference and passion. In addition, it is equally important to independently control your own emotions and express them only in the form, when and where appropriate. One of the main disadvantages of being overly hot is that you don't control your emotions, but your emotions control you. This automatically makes any tense situation in need of resolution not just uncontrollable, but truly unpredictable. In addition, temper has other negative consequences:

  • When you are overstimulated, your body produces stress hormones: adrenaline and cortisol. Once in the blood, they provoke higher speed blood circulation due to increased heart rate. All this is fraught with an increase blood pressure, arrhythmia, tachycardia and migraines.
  • Psychosomatics is the connection of the nervous system with all other organs and the manifestation of mental disorders in different parts bodies. Gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, allergies, hair loss and much more can easily be the result of an unbalanced psyche.
  • Close people are not always to blame for your bad mood or a sudden outburst of anger. However, by expressively demonstrating your dissatisfaction, you are slowly but surely destroying the foundation of trust and psychological comfort on which both friendly and family relationships are built.
  • Even on strangers irritation makes an unpleasant impression. Perhaps in the heat of the moment you will declare that you are not interested in the opinions of strangers. But among them there may be those who are important to you. And anyway, why do you need a reputation for being hysterical?
So, this information about the dangers of hassle should already motivate you to work on your character. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to immediately become perfectly balanced and calm, because both temperament and habits are stubborn things. But it’s worth trying, especially since we're talking about about your own health.

How to become a calm person
How to look calmly at the world raging around you, far from perfection and energy balance? Why not! In the end, each of us lives in our own, subjective world, and you are quite capable of making it the way you want. Comfortable, cozy and rational. But you have to start with yourself. Will you be able to overcome own shortcomings– you will get harmony, calmness and strong nerves to boot. The action plan is:

  1. Consistency. It is generally accepted that precision is the courtesy of kings. Let us add that accuracy is also the key to internal balance, its cause and effect at the same time. You may not be punctual to the point of pedantry, but you must put things in order in your own life. Understanding what, why and when is happening to you gives you incomparable peace and confidence. And for this you just need to streamline your daily routine, fall asleep and wake up at approximately the same time, and not deplete your body with strict starvation diets, excessive amounts of work and a complete lack of days off. Find time for exercise and quiet time. All this will bring stability (or at least such a feeling) into your life and eliminate most of the reasons for hassle.
  2. Nutrition. Yours nervous system needs to building material no less than other tissues and organs. Nerve cells do not recover only if they have nothing to “feed” on. And for nutrition they need vitamins (mainly groups B, D, E) and minerals (magnesium, potassium, sulfur). The body reacts to their lack fatigue, chronic fatigue, irritability. If you notice that you literally have no strength to restrain negative emotions, try eating more whole grain cereals, seafood, fruits and greens, supplementing them with a complex of vitamins. Instead of black tea, drink green tea, as well as decoctions of mint, lemon balm, and chamomile. Alcohol, coffee and too spicy foods excite nervous reactions, so their amount should be reduced or completely abandoned.
  3. It has been noticed that after training, athletes feel physical fatigue and emotional uplift. Thus, the emphasis seems to shift, and the body takes on the main burden, allowing the psyche to rest and “reboot.” Those who regularly work out in the gym are really not prone to outbursts of anger. There is also such a phenomenon as “runner’s euphoria”: after a 30-40-minute run, your mood noticeably improves, and the world is seen in bright colors. Finally, yoga, bodyflex and other practices aimed at creating internal balance perfectly calm you down and teach you how to control yourself in any situation. In general, choose the method that is more effective for you personally.
  4. Rest. The importance of rest as such for the nervous system is undeniable. It is also obvious that different ways leisure activities have different effects on the psyche. If you notice yourself excessive irritability and a tendency to outbursts of anger, then you should not overuse bungee jumping, snowboarding and other extreme entertainment. It is better to give preference to calm and relaxing activities, spend more time outside the city, take a walk in the forest or along the river bank. On weekends, look less at the TV screen and more often at water surface, horizon and tree crowns. Green color calms and Fresh air puts you in a good mood.
  5. Hobbies. Start a hobby that requires measured, unhurried actions: painting, growing flowers (in pots or in a flowerbed), needlework. Listen and read classics, watch good, funny and high-quality films. Avoid gloomy and flashy colors in clothing and interior design. Get a pet that will evoke positive emotions and, with its presence, will reconcile you with the imperfections of those around you.
  6. A positive example. The environment inevitably, although not always clearly, influences our behavior. To become calmer, communicate mainly with good-natured and positive-minded people. When you feel like you’re about to explode and you don’t see any other way out of the situation, imagine what a person who is an example of prudence would do in your place. Copy his imaginary behavior once, twice, and so on, until comprehension and control over emotions become a habit. If possible, attend trainings, master classes and lectures by psychologists and other specialists who are simply interesting to you.
  7. Debts. Sometimes we ourselves don’t know what kind of annoyance is gnawing at us from the inside. It is not possible to formulate it and identify the source of irritation, but it leaves an imprint on all words and actions. As a rule, the reason turns out to be the burden of accumulated and unfulfilled promises, planned and unfinished tasks, tasks set and not completed. completed tasks. Try to finally distribute these “debts” to yourself and those around you - it is possible that thinking and living after that will become freer, simpler and calmer.
  8. Information filter. Facilities mass media have long been nicknamed the fourth estate for their ability to influence the thoughts, actions and emotional state of recipients. In order not to be a thoughtless perceiving mass, consciously filter out obviously false, negative and biased data entering your inner world from outside. Find out news from trusted sources, and don’t even look at the rest, so as not to get upset again. Instead, focus on constructive facts: educational books and films, quality literary works and so on.
  9. Voice. The human voice influences emotional responses much more powerfully than one might imagine. Its volume, timbre, tonality cause certain reactions both in those around us and in ourselves. To take advantage of this natural tool, make a special effort to speak softer and slower than usual. You will notice that in such a voice you do not want to speak harsh, rude words; it encourages you to comprehend what is being said. They will begin to listen to you, and you yourself will begin to enjoy what, how, when and to whom you say.
It is impossible to change temperament, but it is possible to adjust character. The listed techniques really help you become calm and balanced, but only if you sincerely want it. Otherwise, even such correct and pacifying actions will not cause anything other than another burst of irritation. But in reality it turns out that aggressors are trying to get attention, understanding, and love from others in this way. So love yourself in order to take care of yourself, your nerves and health. Radiate in the world calmness and confidence. It’s much more pleasant than being offended and angry - you’ll see.

Anxiety, stress, and imbalance have become frequent companions of modern man. Leads to similar conditions huge stream negative information, the sources of which are primarily television and the Internet. In addition, household and work troubles disrupt the state of balance. All these factors negatively affect the psyche. and balanced, how to cope with stressful situations? We will tell you about effective ways to help you learn to control your emotions.

Signs of disturbance

How does this condition manifest itself? Here are the main signs:

  • frequent mood changes for no reason;
  • unreasonable irritability;
  • manifestation of aggression;
  • decreased attention, perseverance;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • insomnia.

Have you discovered any symptom or several at once? Calm, just calm: our advice will help you cope with them.

Why control emotions?

Let's think about how often each of us utters such phrases: “I acted so rashly,” “I couldn’t contain my emotions,” and the like? In fact, people tend to justify their own actions by their inability to control their behavior. But such intemperance leads to destruction social contacts person, in particular, negatively affects family relationships, hinders professional fulfillment and career growth, as well as personal development. Therefore, one of the secrets successful person you can call it calm - only calm will help you find the right decision in critical situations and confidently take the necessary measures.

How to develop such a quality in yourself? Where to begin? Below we will tell you

Psychology considers the concept of balance as the ability to respond to external stimuli. Thus, by learning to correctly perceive factors of different types and strengths, it is possible to achieve the ability to control one’s own emotions. How can you stop taking the troubles that arise in life too close to your heart? Below we offer several effective ways solving such a problem.

Complete rest

How does he rest? modern man after heavy Most often devotes no more than 5-6 hours to sleep, while at least 8 hours are necessary for health. In addition, the noise of the city bustle and highways does not allow you to fully restore your strength, and pressing problems do not allow you to relax and fall into a deep, sound sleep. IN last years There has been a significant increase in various disorders of the nervous system - people more often began to suffer from insomnia, insomia, and postsomic disorders (a feeling of weakness and fatigue after rest). Of course, the lack of proper rest contributes to the development of irritability and excessive emotionality. How to become calm and balanced if you have trouble sleeping? Here are some effective recommendations:

  • You shouldn’t watch TV or surf the Internet right before bed; it’s better to read a book;
  • drink tea with mint and honey - this is a tasty and healthy drink, which also helps to cope with irritation and nervousness;
  • take a hot bath with the herbs of sage, lemon balm, oregano, chamomile - such a pleasant procedure will not only relieve fatigue, but also calm the nervous system and set the body up for the upcoming rest;
  • it is recommended to avoid the use strong tea and coffee;
  • don't forget about a daily walk in the park - fresh air will refresh you and picturesque landscape will calm down.

Is it worth holding back your emotions?

A leisurely stroll along a picturesque alley or relaxing in a comfortable chair with a cup of aromatic herbal tea- this is certainly a useful pastime for calming the nervous system. But is it worth suppressing emotions when the situation encourages their active manifestation? According to psychologists, such containment of negativity within oneself only aggravates a person’s mental state. Experts recommend dealing with accumulated emotions with the help of hobbies. Each person chooses an activity based on his interests, but psychologists consider art therapy, sports (including extreme sports), and various dance styles to be the most effective hobbies.

Self-control diary

Experts recommend a method such as psychological control to patients who complain of incontinence and imbalance. Its essence lies in observing the reactions that occur in a person to any external stimuli. To do this, psychologists suggest keeping a diary in which it is recommended to note various conflict situations and the reaction of the subject to them. After which the recordings, together with a specialist, must be analyzed, determined and, if possible, eliminated the root cause of incontinence.

In addition to keeping a diary, there are other ways of self-control. For example, such as meditation, breathing exercises and others. In addition, the inability to control emotions can be hidden under the guise of humor and positive attitude to others.


Systematic self-analysis will also help you learn to control the manifestation negative emotions. Experts recommend devoting a few minutes every day to thinking and understanding the actions and reactions of others to them. It is important that nothing around disturbs you - self-analysis should be carried out in silence and in comfortable conditions for the person. Psychologists recommend considering yourself from the outside - only in this case can you achieve an objective assessment, after which it is possible to make correct conclusions. It is recommended to write down the most significant judgments for a person that were formulated as a result of self-analysis - this will increase the effectiveness of self-analysis as a way to achieve balance.

In addition to what has already been said, we will share simple, but effective advice How to become calm and balanced:

  1. Create comfort around you. When a person is uncomfortable in any room, irritation and aggressiveness arise. Therefore, it is so important to correctly create the interior not only at home, but also at work. You should be guided by the principle: “You don’t need what is expensive, but what you like.”
  2. Minimize communication with people who have a negative attitude towards the world around them and often complain about life.
  3. Determine your own priorities and set a clear goal.
  4. Practice time management - time control will reduce the likelihood of critical situations occurring and streamline daily affairs.
  5. Don't leave unfinished tasks.

If you don’t know how to become calm and balanced, you should seek professional help from specialists, in particular a psychologist and neurologist.

How sometimes everyone lacks peace of mind. How much easier it would be to endure adversity if you learned to approach everything less emotionally and demandingly. Someone who knows how to control himself and looks calm no matter what happens is much more protected from negative consequences in his life than someone who is used to reacting too violently to everything. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to learn to be more calm and restrained than usual, or rather, become calmer. And this can be done at any age.

All diseases are caused by nerves

You can increasingly hear the phrase that all diseases are caused by nerves. Whether this is true, or just a simplified view of existing problems, does not matter. After all, in fact, it is precisely how balanced a person is that can protect him not only from possible problems with psychological health, but also with physical health. Judge for yourself whether constant irritation, anger, hatred or breakdowns that end in screaming and scandals can have a beneficial effect on the psyche or the body as a whole.

In some cases, shouting out is the only way release accumulated tension. But what is it like to hear this for those who are nearby, and the state of health after something like this leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is much safer not to bring yourself to such a state. And this can be helped not only by discussing problems as soon as they arise on the horizon, but also by taking a calmer attitude towards them.

Learn to let go

Not everything that people worry about is as dangerous and should cause anger and indignation as it seems at first glance. Of course, most will immediately remember a lot of reasons why they cannot be calm. Lack of money, problems in your personal life, difficulties at work, nervous atmosphere on TV, and a lot of other small and big troubles that poison life.

Of course, they are difficult to avoid. To do this you need to be patient and put in some effort. But who said that the speed of their resolution depends on how much a person is nervous and worried. Quite the contrary, the more irritated and indignant he is, the more difficult it is to concentrate and deal with what is preventing him from living. And sometimes it makes it impossible. Because in anger, people do not notice clues, do not hear reasonable advice, are unable to ask for help, they only torment themselves and those around them, wasting their strength and energy.

Our energy is not limitless, it requires careful attitude and time for recovery, and such powerful emotions They use it up very quickly. And there is no longer any strength left to analyze the available information and take certain actions. Therefore, remember, being calm is not only necessary to protect your health, but also to make it easier to solve the most difficult issues. And this must be realized.

Change your attitude towards what is happening

But even with ready plan, what you should do to be more calm, but without understanding what benefit it will bring, very soon you will give up on everything and everything will return to normal. As you know, success can be achieved only by understanding why you need to endure all the difficulties that will have to be overcome on the way to your goal.

It is impossible to turn into a reasonable and calm person in a click. Everyone has their own character, attitude to life and mental characteristics. Some people are more excitable, while others have been endowed by nature with a strong nervous system and are difficult to anger. And no one can change this. We can only change our attitude towards what is happening in our lives and look at it from a different angle.

When you feel ready to achieve your goal, you realize that you really need it, then it’s time to change. Until that happens, don't waste your time. Otherwise, you will give up even more, and you will decide once and for all that nothing can be changed. Few people endure unsuccessful attempts. They give strength to only a few and force them to try again and again until they succeed. desired result. Everyone else is not used to giving their best and retreats immediately after the first failure, and no longer strives to change their lives.

Determine what type of people you are, and choose the moment when you can become calmer, and not receive another argument that this is impossible, and life will not let you relax for a minute.

Take time for yourself

When you realize that you are ready, start by setting aside time for yourself when no one can disturb you. Even if it’s only 15 minutes a day, it should belong exclusively to you. Don't let anyone invade your personal space and distract you. Given the existing workload, think about what you need to do to protect yourself from calls, requests or conversations, what you need to say to others or where to go so that no one disturbs you. And try to ensure that these 15 minutes are not only 2-3 times a week, but daily. And over time, it is advisable to increase this time. Take this time for yourself. It seems that this is unattainable, but you can be alone with yourself when you listen to music, read a book or watch TV. You just need to learn to disconnect from external stimuli.

In addition, this will allow you to be distracted even at a time when the boss decided to vent his anger, and a passenger in a crowded transport or a driver in a neighboring car showed his upbringing, but it turned out to be below the plinth. In general, you need to train yourself not to pay attention to those who mean nothing in your life.

Make comments

There is no point in overreacting to rude behavior. It is enough to make a remark so that they do not become even more impudent from impunity, but do this only if they cannot harm you and really did it on purpose, and not out of stupidity.

Get rid of irritants

It is better to get rid of those who are not intelligent at all as quickly as possible. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try to evoke a feeling of peace, you cannot resist nature. And if someone or something really annoys you, there is one way: stop communicating and seeing each other, and do not watch such programs, do not read materials or narrow-minded and offensive comments.

Be sure to identify a list of irritants and start eliminating them from your life. Those that cannot be removed will have to be turned into something that will no longer have a negative effect.

Your reaction is your health!

Remember, not everything can be changed, but you can always change your attitude towards it. When someone is very annoying, imagine him in a stupid position, remember funny story with his participation or naked. Our dissatisfaction is often caused by the fact that we take everyone and everything too seriously. Bring some humor into your life. Laughter prolongs life.

Compared to real tragedies, the stupid behavior of another does not deserve attention at all. The same applies to lack of money and problems in relationships. After all, you should look for a way to correct the situation, and not use them as a reason for worry.

Constant thoughts that “Everything is lost Senya” will not resolve on their own, but you will waste time and the situation will become even more complicated. So get used to reacting to difficulties in life as a challenge that you are able to overcome once they arise, and not as an irritant.

The main thing is to believe!

Believe that you can do anything. It's unlikely you would have lived to see today, if they were absolutely helpless and unable to deal with any difficulties. This means you have no reason to be nervous. Show everything you are capable of, prove to yourself that you know how to be calm and collected when necessary, and everything else is too small and insignificant for you to continue to worry about any reason.

Also, don't try to solve all the world's problems. And be sure to sleep as much as you need; it’s better to stop watching TV series than to spend an extra hour sleeping. A tired nervous system is much more difficult to cope with stress. And, of course, engage in sports that give you pleasure, not forgetting about proper rest, which improves your mood. Haste and excessive stress are catalysts for poor and nervous health. Without proper rest, no nervous system, no matter how strong it is, will be able to cope with external stimuli.

Whatever you want to correct in yourself, the main thing is to understand why it is necessary. And then no one can stop you from achieving what you want. And having become much calmer than before, you will be surprised to notice how life around you no longer seems so nervous and difficult. You will find many things in it that will delight you and fill you with hope.