It so happened historically that Russian tolerance played a cruel joke on our great empire. Our rulers, for the most part, were extremely tolerant of various secret organizations and societies, whose members opened branches on our territory their orders, lodges and sects, found in Russia their refuge, political asylum, or even a second

Homeland. The Russian Empire, the USSR, and then the federation always remained a kind of multinational Babylon, which, like a sponge, indiscriminately absorbed all the good and bad that was brewing in the global socio-political cauldron. At all times, and even in the era of the CPSU, Russia was flooded with secret societies and organizations, which sometimes few people knew about, and those who knew were unaware of their actual goals, structures and numbers.

It is noteworthy that the number of such structures increased in waves but steadily from year to year. Currently, in the Russian Federation, according to intelligence services and analysts, there are more than 13 thousand secret organizations and secret societies that have not been registered anywhere. These are religious organizations, various sects, religious-mystical secret societies, societies with a military bias - the Templars, the Teutons, judicial groups, the so-called themes or wemes, associations of scientists - neo-alchemists and Illuminati, civil communities of Freemasons, various political branches - Philadelphians, dissidents, Numerous mafia structures cannot be discounted.

The number of secret societies, according to some scientists, may even approach the number of official organizations, and sometimes even exceed it. It is like the crown of a tree and the roots invisible underground, going deep into the soil. Today we will talk about secret societies in modern Russia, let’s try to figure out what their goals and objectives are.

Some of the most numerous secret organizations in Russia are, of course, Freemasons The well-known official Russian Masonic lodge is just a meaningless camouflage and a kind of screen of a pseudo-organization, behind which genuine secret societies are hidden. Firstly, in the Central Federal District there is a fairly successful branch of the Grand Lodge of London, which has representations of the Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland.
Now, for the sake of secrecy, these lodges do not have the ceremonies of the original ritual - the appearance of members in ceremonial costumes, magnificent ceremonies, theatrical processions. Initially, they preached the theory of Christian chivalric Freemasonry, where the Knights of Malta and Scottish kings were the converters of pagan Freemasonry into modern Christian Freemasonry.

The largest branches exist in Yaroslavl - “Lodge of the Seven Boyars” (7500 members), in Smolensk - “Grail of the Great Spirit” (6300 members) and in Kostroma - “Order of the Little Queen” (4000 members). The principle of attitude towards religion among the members of the Lodge is formulated in a rather unique way: “This or that religion and method of worshiping a deity cannot be a reason for the exclusion of anyone from the Society of Freemasons, as long as he believes in the glorious Architect of heaven and earth and practices the sacred duties of morality."

The most serious competition for the London lodge is French Freemasonry. This lodge is more democratic and almost any Russian can join it, regardless of social status and position. There are many representatives of law enforcement agencies in this lodge, which gives it additional weight and significance. Unofficial center of FrenchThe lodge is located in Voronezh - “Younger Brothers of Voronezh” (9100 members). In general, the chaotic spread of Freemasonry in the Russian provinces, the desire of little-informed brothers to learn the basics of the Masonic legend, and the misinterpretations of home-grown masters led to the degradation of the Masonic legend itself. Although the main official goal of work in the lodge is still to build a temple of human happiness. What the members of these organizations actually do can only be guessed at, but their secret influence on the socio-political life of the regions cannot be underestimated, especially during pre-election periods.

An important role in the regional Russian politics playsRosicrucian Order. Members of the order claim that the Russian St. Andrew's Cross, depicted in the shape of an X, is their emblem, which includes the three letters that make up the word "lux" - light.
And the Rose is considered a symbol of mystery. Initially, Russian Rosicrucianism was an exponent of the occult trend in Protestantism. Their coat of arms depicts the St. Andrew's Cross with roses on the four corners, where the rose is a symbol of modesty and the cross is a symbol of the holiness of the union.

Members of the order are required to study magic and cabalistics. The order is most widespread in the Volga region (about 60 organizations) - Saratov (“Yellow Mountains” 5,500 members), Ulyanovsk (“Volga Rose of Lenin” 11,000 members). The organization has its own magical language and writing. The Rosicrucians trace their ancestry back to the biblical Moses, calling him their “brother.” With the arrival of a new Pope to the Catholic throne, the order's struggle with their longtime enemies the Jesuits is expected to intensify. The public often has doubts about the religious orthodoxy of the order and there are vehement attacks from Russian Catholics. The Rosicrucians in Russia were even suspected of having connections with the devil, witchcraft, of persuading gullible people to practice magic that was harmful to the soul, and of freethinking in general. In fact, the inherited forms of mysticism and magic sometimes served only as a shell in which the formation of new scientific ideas, the foundations of the advanced worldview of the subsequent era, and the formation of a view of nature and society that was essentially opposed to church scholasticism took place. The relationship between the order and the Freemasons in Russia is quite complex and tense due to ideological contradictions and the struggle for spheres of influence in politics. The order consists of a fairly large percentage of the Russian academic scientific community.

The Order maintains a strong position in Russia Illuminati especially in the North-Western district - Leningrad region "Vestnik Serena Zvezda" (4300 members), Vologda Region"Order of the Great Path" (1500 members), Arhangelsk region White Ford (1,500 members). In total, there are about 150,000 followers throughout the Russian Federation, members of almost 600 organizations in almost all constituent entities of the federation.

The Order has a clear structure, the strictest discipline of its members, and their ability to use a wide variety of means to achieve their goals. Members preach the ideas of philosophical materialism of encyclopedists, elitist views and even utopian communism. In many ways, advanced ideas are theoretical and abstract in nature.

The management of the order displays such traits as a passion for intrigue, as a result of which the organization has made a lot of enemies in Russian political circles, which was also facilitated by extreme disdain in means, borrowed from the Jesuits and even elevated to a principle of behavior, the desire to dominate, sometimes bordering on empty vanity. The Illuminati consider the official ways to improve the social structure of Russia to be the spread of education, correct ideas about human nature and the moral revival of humanity. This education should be filled with anti-clerical and anti-corruption content. The secret order was intended to become a means of gradually realizing the Enlightenment's dream of creating a harmonious social system of freedom and equality, a world republic that would put an end to all class differences, religious oppression, monarchical despotism, wars, national enmity, and would establish principles in accordance with human nature.

The Order is very fashionable among Russian youth Templars , or templars,- officially it was called the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon and was founded in early 1118 by French crusaders in Jerusalem. This was facilitated by numerous role-playing games and reconstruction clubs historical events. The order in Russia, as well as throughout the world, is built on a military principle: the junior member of the order unquestioningly obeyed the senior. The head of the order, the grandmaster, has unlimited power. This is one of the richest Russian orders. The strongest structures of the order are represented in the Central Federal District and the Ural District - 75 organizations with more than 25,000 members. For example, in Tver, the Brothers in Spirit organization has 9,000 members, and in Tyumen, the Order of the Reconstruction of Jerusalem has attracted almost 4,000 members.

Secret mafia structures continue to enjoy enormous influence in Russia.
which have firmly merged with the official entrepreneurial activity, banks, courts and law enforcement agencies are deeply secretive communities with their own internal structure and rules that its members must strictly observe. No one has calculated the exact number of mafia organizations and their numbers, since no one is interested in this. According to the most conservative estimates, the number of mafia groups in Russia may be close to 22,000, and the number of members and supporters from 2 to 5 million people. There is a constant stubborn struggle between them at all levels for spheres of influence, both in politics and in business. The bloody showdowns of the 90s of the last century have now been replaced raider attacks, custom trials, deliberate bankruptcies, distortion of election results and much more, brought by the mafia into the mainstream of legal political and economic instruments of influence on Russian society.

Oddly enough, the American Ku Klux Klan has taken root here,based on various neo-Nazi groups and now has more than 11,000 members, only in the Moscow region. This is a secret society of zealots of racial purity. It received the name “Ku Klux Klan”, from a corruption of the Greek word “kuklos” - circle. Those entering the society took (and continue to take) an oath: “to devote heart, mind and body to the preservation of white civilization and take with them to the grave the secrets of the order.”

In order to influence the psyche of ordinary people, the Ku Klux Klan members from the very beginning began to furnish their gatherings with all kinds of rituals and sacraments. Although now Russian members do not dress in long white robes with wide sleeves, and do not put a pointed hood on their heads. There remains a tradition when, during mass gatherings, a wooden cross six meters in height is raised, then it is wrapped in rags soaked in kerosene and dug into the middle of a field outside the city.

In connection with the massive resettlement of the Kurdish population to Russia, for example, in Tambov region, the influence of representatives of the mysterious religious sect of the Yazidis spread widely.Most of them are in Iraq. They speak Kurdish, but not all ethnically belong to this people. There are also representatives of other nationalities among them.
This sect has attracted the attention of researchers since ancient times, since for them the main God is the Devil. They live very secluded lives, keeping secret their beliefs and those rituals that have a religious meaning. Yazidis do not write books about themselves. Their religion forbade them even to learn to read and write letters - this was the case, at least until recently. Now, of course, this ban does not have universal force; something has changed in the way of life of the Yazidis, in their relationships with people of other religions. Due to uncontrolled migration processes, their numbers are constantly growing. In Tambov alone there are now more than 60,000 people. The Yezidi faith reflected Zoroastrian ideas about the two principles of the world - good and evil, light and darkness. They revere the devil, but also believe in God, the bearer of good. However, they believe that God carries out all his actions through the devil, whom for some reason they represent in the image of a peacock. The Yazidis worship his image, carry his copper statuette in religious processions, fumigate it with incense, and donate gold and silver objects to the devil.

It is successfully developing in Russia and “ Church of Scientology», promoted by world cult personalities, such as actor Tom Cruise. The founder of the Church of Scientology was retired naval officer Lafayette Ron Hubbard, who brought to the teaching whole line innovative ideas that are still relevant today. In 1950, Hubbard published a book entitled Dianetics: The Modern Science of Dianetics. spiritual health." Hubbard explains the term “Dianetics” as a combination of Greek words, translated meaning “through the soul” or “through consciousness,” i.e., “the science of consciousness” or “Scientology” - “scientology.” "Dianetics", according to Hubbard himself, solves its problems without resorting to hypnosis, drugs, surgery and other artificial means.

Formally, the goal of society in Russia is considered to be “propaganda and education in the field of theology and religious philosophy in application to Scientology." The “Church” spreads the belief in the transmigration of souls and promises physical immortality. Although in the United States, Scientology leaders were accused of burglary, espionage, child abduction, and organizing smear campaigns, and on October 26, 1979, nine prominent Scientologists were found guilty in federal court of theft, conspiracy and many other crimes and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment, Scientologists and I are treated tolerantly. Their number is stable: 60-70 thousand active Russian members. Scientology's income, according to some estimates, is 70 or even 100 million dollars annually. Their positions are especially strong in Central Siberia, in the Urals and the Far East.
From year to year it strengthens its position in Russia "Ethereal Society», which originated in 1954 in the UK and has branches in many countries. Its leader was George King. Members of the society inform earthlings about many events on other planets, the movements of flying saucer fleets, and predicted hurricanes and earthquakes.

The society regularly receives information from Venus and distributes it among the inhabitants of the Earth. It began publishing the magazine “Ether Broadcasts to the Earth,” which was soon renamed “Voice of Space.” King often speaks on behalf of Jesus Christ, who lives on Venus - his “voice” was even recorded on records. Other “masters of space” also appeared, for example, “Jupiter, sector 92,” the Apostle Peter and Buddha. The messages that King has been distributing for decades both in England and the United States include the struggle between the forces of good and evil in space, finding ways to save the Earth, traveling for this purpose to mountains with mystical powers, mobilizing “ vital energy", etc. The society focused its attention on the problem of "flying saucers". On behalf of the “masters of space”, it even awards special “certificates of merit” for following their instructions. There are 11-15 thousand followers of this cult in Russia.

An international religious organization has gained scandalous fame in Russia« AUM Shinrikyo » (AUM is a sacred mantra meaning impermanence; Shinrikyo translated from Japanese is the Teaching of Truth).
AUM Shinrikyo was founded by the Japanese Chizuo Matsumoto (in Russia he is known as Shoko Asahara). Asahara’s “teaching” is a kind of cocktail of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. As the “guru” himself said, it was based on his altruistic philosophy, at the center of which is the idea of ​​“saving” all humanity, based on three principles: 1) delivering people from diseases; 2) achieving happiness in this world; 3) achieving enlightenment and liberation.

Since the founding of AUM Shinrikyo, its centers have appeared in many countries: Japan, USA, Germany, Sri Lanka, Russia, where Asahara found many of his followers. According to Asahara himself, he attached exclusively important activities to “save” Russia from the point of view of the success of “world salvation”. In Moscow he received a warm welcome. In the summer of 1992, the Russian branch of AUM Shinrikyo opened here. Then, in 1994, the Moscow religious association “Teaching of Truth AUM” was formed in Russia. AUM centers have appeared in every district of the capital. Once a week in best time Asahara broadcast on the Mayak radio station and on the 2X2 TV channel, regularly rented the Olimpiysky sports complex for two or three days, and even had security recruited from former KGB officers. The result was not long in coming: about 35 thousand people became members of AUM in Russia. There is an opinion that the Japanese received targeted money to work in Russia. And he earned this money conscientiously: the profile of an applicant to the sect was reminiscent of the profile of an applicant to an underground sabotage group. It even required you to indicate your blood type, whether you have a driver’s license, your area of ​​interest (a list of twenty-four items, including navigation, Agriculture and metallurgy). The prosecutor's office became interested in the activities of the "guru", but their trips to AUM Shinrikyo were fruitless. Matsumoto’s henchmen said that they donate money to them, there is no accounting department, and they themselves don’t know how many of their followers there are in Moscow.
The Japanese police managed to detain one of the sectarians, and with him - the most detailed arch-secret documentation about the most complex and cutting-edge process of uranium enrichment for nuclear power plants and nuclear bombs. Now the sect, after the events in the Tokyo subway, is deep underground and practically nothing is known about it.

Has enormous weight in RussiaBilderberg Club. This organization does not have such clearly defined leaders and known members. However, it includes the chairman of the US Federal Reserve, representatives of the royal families of the Netherlands and Spain, senior officials of the World Bank, as well as representatives of large corporations. The club is not a secret society as such, but it operates under the appropriate veil of secrecy when dealing with the Kremlin.

The Bilderberg Club was created in 1954, and since then it has convened its members only by exclusive invitation. As a result, a conference of various world leaders, industrial and media magnates gathers. The club's original goal was to combat the dominance of Americanism in Europe after World War II, but over the years a wider discussion has emerged to achieve mutual understanding between the two rich cultures. The controversy surrounding the activities of the Bilderberg Club is ongoing for a very clear reason: the press is not allowed there, what the members say remains unknown. The public is officially told only minor details.

This secrecy, along with heightened security at the venue, which includes armed police officers, security guards and even patrolling fighter jets in the skies, has given rise to a number of conspiracy theories about the club.

In my opinion, a refined, snickering CREATURE has misled the countries. Or this CREATURE clearly does not live in RUSSIA...=====The head of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, German Gref, teaches how to manage the population of Russia. limiting it in RIGHTS, EDUCATION and information. Within the framework of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, a business breakfast of Sberbank was held, at which its head German Gref also spoke. At the breakfast, a discussion broke out, during which Gref expressed his fears that power could end up in the hands of citizens, and then launched into discussions about Kabbalah, Conficianism and Buddhism, writes “You are saying terrible things,” - Gref told the discussion participants. - “You propose to transfer power, in fact, into the hands of the population.” He expressed fears that as soon as “people understand the basis of their self, it will become extremely difficult to manage and manipulate them.” As it turned out, the era of the widespread spread of the Internet also frightens the head of Sberbank. “How to live, how to manage a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, receive undissected information, receive it not through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines of the media unleashed on their heads? “How in such a society?” live? Your reasoning makes me a little scared, to be honest,” admits Gref. During his speech, German Gref gave a short historical and religious excursion, first recalling the history of Buddhism, and then moved on to Confucius, noting that he started as a democrat and ended up creating teachings about the division of society into strata. The Taoists, Gref continued, kept the teaching secret for centuries, because they understood that if the people were given knowledge of who they are and what they needed, it would become difficult to manipulate them. Finally, Kabbalah remained a secret teaching for many years, since those in power did not want to remove the veil from the eyes of the people and make the people self-sufficient.

The history of secret societies around the world is quite varied. They had different influence, structure, goals, financing. However, some common features can still be identified.

A secret society is a group of people united by a common goal, having general views. They are hidden from the world and try not to reveal their existence. Funding is necessary for the group to function. Ancient history and secret societies are closely related, because secret associations like the Templars had a serious influence on the political life of Europe. Medieval knightly orders received money from the church, gave loans, received funds by robbing the “infidels” during Crusades. Left-wing underground organizations were financed by their members: everyone had to make a contribution to the common cause. Islamist gangs often receive money from the coffers of Eastern powers, which try to use it for their own purposes.

History of Secret Societies: Yakuza

Take for example the “yakuza” (the name of the Japanese mafia) - using their example you can better understand the essence of secret criminal organizations. The first yakuza appeared in the eighteenth century. The impoverished samurai searched better life in the criminal world. They organized gambling houses, brothels, and engaged in blackmail. At the same time, the top of the gangs eventually became intertwined with the establishment of feudal Japan. They paid bribes to officials and the police, for which they turned a blind eye to their activities. Often the authorities themselves resorted to the services of bandits. With their help, competitors were eliminated and peasant revolts were suppressed.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, the Yakuza almost completely controlled the entire black market in Japan. They were involved in smuggling, drug trafficking, robberies, gambling, pimping and other unpleasant matters. In the thirties, after the onset of the economic crisis, they became closer to the authorities. With the outbreak of World War II, many Yakuza members were drafted into the Imperial Army. After the surrender of Japan, the mafia world changed forever.

In the fifties, members of the "new" yakuza worked closely with the American military. In port cities, which the Americans used as rear bases, entire entertainment districts were created. There were restaurants, drug dens, and brothels there.


The history of secret societies has many references to certain symbols that conspirators used to identify each other. The Japanese yakuza have tattoos on their bodies. They can cover only those places that are not visible under clothing - up to the hands and to the ankles on the legs. Hierarchy of tattoos and their semantic meaning is a separate science. Often on general photos you can see naked gangsters showing off their tattoos. The more tattoos, the higher the status of their bearer. Tattoos were used by the first Japanese samurai conspirators to identify each other.

The gang structure is very clear and rigid. It is based on unquestioning execution of orders and recognition of the absolute rightness of the boss. To some extent, the yakuza hierarchy reflects patriarchal relations in Japanese society. At the head is the oyabun - the boss. He is the head of the gang and makes decisions alone. Next come two verticals - administrative and combat. The first is headed by saiko komon - the “administration” of the clan. They are the boss's advisors and his closest friends. Lawyers and accountants report to them. The second branch is commanded by two people - waka-gashira and syatei-gashira. They give orders to the "elder brothers", and they can resort to the help of the "younger brothers".

Medieval secret organizations

The history of secret societies in the form in which they exist today dates back to the Middle Ages, when there were a lot of all kinds of unions and orders. The most famous and popular in popular culture are Freemasons. The name of this clan often appears in various theories conspiracies and among conspiracy theorists in general. Almost any dramatic or great event that influenced the development of human civilization is associated by someone with the Freemasons.

The society of free masons appeared in the Middle Ages. It was formed among people who built temples. In that era, majestic Gothic castles could take more than a hundred years to build. Therefore, masons settled near the place of their work. Such close cohabitation throughout for long years led to the need to create special social institutions.

History of orders of secret societies: Masonic lodges

Over the years, these societies, or artels, gained significant power due to the wealth of their members. Over the next centuries, Masonic lodges began to open all over the world and no longer had any connection with construction. The rituals and tools of the first free masons (literal translation from French) began to play a symbolic role. The complex hierarchy and structure of Masonic lodges made it possible to maintain the secrecy of the brotherhood. Each lodge controlled a certain territory. The society included scientists, financiers, politicians and other people who played a significant role in public life. At different times they used their influence, changing, according to conspiracy theorists, the course of historical events. However, it is impossible to say exactly how strong this influence was. Representatives of religious and anti-capitalist organizations regularly accuse the Freemasons of plotting to control political life peace.

Secret societies in Russia

In 1810, on the territory Russian Empire The birth of Decembrism began. The ten-year history of secret societies, an essay about which was written by Nikolai Danilevsky, began in the highest circles of Russian society. Revolutionary sentiments developed primarily among the nobility and the military. One of the main reasons was dissatisfaction with the rule of Emperor Alexander. In addition, many soldiers who participated in the campaign against Napoleon appreciated the way of life in Western countries. Realizing the danger of open opposition, the conspirators created a whole network of secret societies. Groups were divided according to territorial criteria. Southern Society, Northern and so on. After some time, they got in touch with the Polish intelligentsia, who wanted to achieve independence or broad autonomy for the Kingdom of Poland.


In total, up to ten large secret organizations were operating before the uprising began. Their views differed greatly in both methods and requirements. But the main goals of the revolutionary Russian societies The nineteenth century can still be distinguished: the abolition of autocracy, the abolition of serfdom, the abolition of fifteen years of military service. After the death of Alexander the First, a difficult situation arose with the choice of an heir. The Decembrists took advantage of this and started an uprising in St. Petersburg. However, it was brutally suppressed, and the instigators were executed.

Secret societies in the East

After the journey of the famous explorer Marco Polo, the world discovered eastern history secret societies. Assassins have become widespread Western culture, although Polo wrote not only about them. Assassins are assassins who have operated in the Middle East since the sixth century. The secret society was built on the principle of a religious sect.

According to some reports, suitable young candidates were secretly drugged and then transferred to a beautiful garden. When they woke up, they saw in front of them a luxurious place with exotic plants, seductive maidens, delicious food and so on. They spent one day there, after which they were drugged again and taken home asleep. After this, they were sure that they had been to heaven, and were ready to serve the one who promised to go there after death. The Assassins were professional killers, whose services were used by the rulers of the northern principalities of Iran.

Nazi secret societies

After the end of the First World War, Germany was in extreme decline. In 1918, the German history of secret societies begins in Munich. The Nazi occult organizations made a significant contribution to Hitler's rise to power.

The most famous esoteric secret society is Thule. Its members were wealthy and respected Germans. Their meetings were held in expensive hotels. The structure and method of organization quite noticeably copied the Masonic style. Thule members actively studied Germanic mythology. Based on Greek myths, they believed that the ancient Aryans lived in a certain northern country.

And the Nazis considered themselves descendants of these people. They were racists, but initially positioned themselves as an apolitical society. It was to them that Hitler came when he created his party. With the help of the organization's money and connections, Hitler managed to popularize his party. But the occult alienated many of the workers on whom the Nazis relied. Therefore, gradually the Workers' Party began to seize power. First, they completely subjugated the newspaper, published with Thule money, and after coming to the Reichstag, they imprisoned many prominent occult figures.


How closely the top of the Third Reich was connected with Thule is unknown. In the film "The History of Secret Societies" Bruce Burgess partially reveals this topic, but from a conspiracy point of view. For many decades, there have been myths that the Nazis allegedly patronized a certain group of researchers who were looking for ancient artifacts to increase Hitler's power.

Secret organizations - the plots of countless films and books are dedicated to them; they are capable of awakening endless curiosity in mere mortals who are not privy to all the horrors that are happening behind the scenes. closed doors. Conspiracy theorists believe that these societies do no good, while their leaders continue to remain silent about their deeds, thereby spurring the emergence of more more rumors Today the main task for ordinary person is to separate the wheat from the chaff, in other words, it is important to distinguish between what is the fruit of the imagination of theorists and the grains of truth.

Since most of our knowledge about such organizations is based on films, television shows and books, their reliability is highly questionable. We often do not have at our disposal even basic information that could confirm or refute the very fact of the existence of many secret societies. The rumors about the members of these communities and their activities are sometimes so surprising and disturbing that it is difficult to imagine that it could be true.

In this article, we tried to select the most reliable information, clearing it of gossip and rumors, and present it to your judgment. Meet: ten of the most mysterious organizations and communities on our planet.

10. Opus Dei

If you've read or watched The Da Vinci Code, then you probably already know what we're talking about. Opus Dei is a secret society dedicated to protecting the secrets of the Catholic Church and the supposed lineage of Jesus Christ. In fact, Opus Dei was created in 1928 with the blessing of the Pope. Members of this community believe that every person should lead a holy lifestyle, including celibacy. This community has been criticized for being too strict in its principles, although none of the atrocities attributed to them have been officially confirmed. Moreover, the Catholic Church itself prohibits the creation of any secret societies, as well as participation in them.

9. Bilderberg Club

Bilderberg Club - quite interesting organization, whose existence is not denied by anyone; moreover, they even publicly announce the topics of their meetings. Unfortunately, ordinary visitors are strictly prohibited from entering there. The first meeting of this club took place in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands. The guest list is usually quite exclusive and includes the most powerful people on the planet - from senior IMF officials to EU presidents and leaders. All guests are guaranteed the highest level of security and anonymity. Everything that was said at the meetings, as well as who said it, remains a secret.

As for reality, it is much less exciting. The group meets to discuss world problems and issues in an informal setting. Participants can freely share information obtained here, leaving only its source unknown.

8. Rosicrucians

The Rosicrucian Society is believed by many to have been founded in the 1600s by a group of German Protestants who dreamed of changing political map Europe. Since this society was organized by a group of Protestants, it was considered dangerous - the vast majority of the population of Europe professed Catholicism. At that time, the secrecy of society was the only way to protect against persecution by catholic church. The Rosicrucians exist in our time - several groups of this secret society are scattered in different parts of the globe and each of them claims the right to be considered the ancestor of this movement. Members of this community typically include religious leaders and philosophers.

7. Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Also known as the Golden Dawn, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was founded in the late 19th century. Its members studied the occult, paranormal phenomena and metaphysics. The organization was considered a magical order; its circles included such famous personalities as Bram Stoker, author of the famous book “Dracula”. Today there are several groups that follow this order, but it is reliably known that none of them has a direct connection with the original order. Members of the order are still required to undergo a special initiation ritual that will move them from the so-called "outer circles" to the "inner circles." According to Llewellyn's Encyclopedia, today more people than ever before have access to the Order of the Golden Dawn. Many of them call themselves "practicing Golden Dawn magicians."

6. Knights of the Golden Circle

At one time, this organization was a real secret society, many believe that it still exists to this day. The Knights of the Golden Circle were supporters of the slave system. The organization itself was founded in the mid-19th century and was highly active before and during the American Civil War. Initially, the society wanted to annex the so-called “golden circle” of lands located in Mexico in order to subsequently divide it into 25 slave states. The mere suggestion that you could be a member of this society could land you in prison at that time. Some historians believe that after the end of the Civil War, the community went underground. For some time there were rumors that the circle was going to finance a second civil war, but they turned out to be empty. Some sources state that the group ceased to exist in 1916.

5. Ordo Templi Orientis

Ordo Templi Orientis or as it is briefly called O.T.O. is an international brotherhood based on religious unity. The group was created following the example of the Freemasons, and its most famous member was the British writer and occultist Aleister Crowley, who was also the leader of the community. When you think of secret societies, you probably think of typical movie anti-heroes armed with daggers and wearing capes. This image came to us precisely from the Ordo Templi Orientis. The rite of passage, as well as brotherly ties, were highly valued here. The entire existence of the group was reduced to the practice of the occult, which, according to some sources, continues to this day. Here, too, over time, smaller groups have appeared that constantly compete with each other and try to prove their belonging to the original family of the founders of the order.

4. Order of the Dragon

The Order of the Dragon included a community of knights and soldiers noble blood who devoted their entire lives to defending Christianity. They destroyed everyone who went against Christ. The order was founded in 1408 by Sigismund, King of Hungary, who later became Emperor of Europe. One of the most famous members of this order was Vlad II Dracula, the father of Vlad the Impaler, who inspired Bram Stoker's novel Dracula.

3. Freemasonry

Masons are most often accused of participating in and creating world conspiracies. The very idea of ​​Freemasonry arose when four small groups of masons came together to create the Masonic Grand Lodge. The Masons brought the concept of conspiracy and the use of passwords to a new level (passwords were originally used by stonemasons so that they could quickly find work when moving to a new city). They say that Masons stick together and help each other, no matter where they are in the world. This fact means that all high-ranking officials have excellent connections around the world.

2. Skull and Bones

The Order of Skull and Bones isn't as bad as you might think. It is actually a student body at Yale University, originally known as the Brotherhood of Death. There is just one fact that cannot be denied - the fraternity is famous for some of the most educated and successful graduates in the world. Both President Bush were members of this fraternity, and all the other graduates achieved heights in their fields, having received their: be it career, fame, fortune or success in politics. The Brotherhood meets every Thursday and Sunday in a building code-named "The Tomb" and is believed to seek to form a group of future world leaders and CIA agents. The community itself was founded in 1832, allowing only the elite into its company.

1. Illuminati

The Illuminati is the main mystery and mystery of our time, full of contradictory facts. Although all evidence indicates that there is currently no such order left in the world, this may not be true. The Order of the Bavarian Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. The purpose of creating this society was the desire to counteract the abuse of government power, the desire to keep the influence of religion away from politics and the desire to expand the rights of women. The current version of the Illuminati, as described by conspiracy theorists, is a powerful mechanism for controlling the world's banking systems and government. High-ranking celebrities are usually associated with the society, but again, at this time there is no obvious evidence that the Illuminati society is still active. Here you have only two options to choose from: either they are hidden too well, or they really no longer exist.

And precisely because the collection of secret information is a very important activity, in many countries of the world secret agencies play a very important role. Failures in covert missions can lead to dire consequences (the 9/11 attack is one such example), while successful missions help the country avoid many tragedies.

We present to your attention the ten best, in our opinion, secret world agencies of our time. Please note that these are current agencies (sorry KGB fans).

Number 10 – KSRS (Canada)

The Canadian Secret Intelligence Service (CSRS) was formed in 1984 from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Like the CIA and MI6, the CRS was formed as a civilian agency with no ties to the military or police. Canadian secret agents worked both inside and outside the country.

They tried to monitor and prevent threats to Canada's security. KRSC came under criticism after the 1985 shooting down of Air India Flight 182 carrying 280 Canadian citizens. KSRS officials said several strategic errors resulted in the loss of black box data. To date, no one has been held accountable for this incident.

What to be proud of: From 1988 to 1994, CRPF agent Grant Bristow was infiltrated into the Canadian movement white supremacy and became chief of security for the Heritage Front, the most prominent white supremacist organization in Canada. Bristow's activities led to several arrests and prevented several "acts of retaliation." His cover was blown in 1994 by a Toronto journalist.

Number 9 – ACPA (Australia)

The Australian Secret Intelligence Agency (ASRA) was formed in 1952. His responsibilities included collecting classified information, counterintelligence, and especially countering other intelligence services in the world.

Most recently, the Australian government published a contested claim that allows ASRA to cooperate with other organizations (like the CIA) in various paramilitary operations, but does not require ASRA agents to personally participate in them.

ACPA has been criticized on several occasions, including one incident in 1994 when it was accused of keeping the personal files of thousands of Australian citizens secret.

What you can be "proud of": In 1983, during a training operation at the Sheraton Hotel (Melbourne), an ordinary low-profile agency attracted unwanted public attention. What began as a test of the organization's readiness to rescue a foreign secret service agent turned into a "total release."
The agents participating in the training put pressure on hotel employees and guests, and used physical force on the hotel manager, thereby fulfilling “their mission.”

Number 8 – PIA (India)

Agency foreign intelligence India's Research and Analysis Unit (IAF) was formed in 1968 as a result of a major lack of intelligence required during the wars with Pakistan and China.

Unlike most Western agencies, the PIA was formed as one of the divisions of the Indian federal cabinet and does not bear any responsibility to the Indian Parliament. Much of the PIA's attention lately has been focused on India's neighbor Pakistan.

During the Kargil War in Kashmir in 1999, the PIA established links between Pakistani intelligence and terrorist groups and also infiltrated almost all paramilitary forces in the Kashmir valley.

Something to be proud of: PIA played a significant role in the formation of Bangladesh in 1971. The agency helped raise a wave of irritation with the ruling regime among the population of Bangladesh (then this country was part of Pakistan and was called East Pakistan), which led to the formation of the guerrilla army of Bangladesh.
The FIA ​​undercover infiltrated East Pakistan and carried out a number of secret operations, which helped defeat the Pakistani army.

Number 7 – MOSSAD (Israel)

Israel's extremely active intelligence agency (MOSSAD) is involved in intelligence gathering, counter-terrorism and various covert operations.

The director of the agency answers directly to the head of state - the prime minister. MOSSAD is a civilian service and its members do not have any military ranks, although most have served in the Israeli military (this is mandatory).
The most famous unit of MOSSAD is the "Department special operations" or "Metsada". Metsada is responsible for several assassinations, military operations, sabotage and psychological warfare.

What to be proud of: In 1960, Mossad agents learned that Adolf Eichmann, a famous Nazi criminal, lived in Argentina under the name Ricardo Klement. He was kidnapped from the country by a group of Mossad agents and transported to Israel, where he was convicted and executed.

Number 6 – FSRC (Germany)

The predecessor agency of Germany's Federal Intelligence and Counterintelligence Service (FSERK) was formed before World War II and was intended to monitor the Soviet Union.
Currently, the agency is a kind of “early warning system” for the German government about the emergence of potential threats to the country’s security (tapping of telephone conversations and electronic surveillance of the international communications service).

The annual budget of the FSRC is very large and exceeds 430 million euros. FSRC has been embroiled in several recent internal scandals involving wiretapping and surveillance of journalists, and they have also used reporters as spies.

Something to be proud of: During the Iraq War in 2003, the German government refused to provide US President George W. Bush with military units to participate in the coalition. At the same time, two FSRC agents distinguished themselves by handing over copies of the Baghdad defense plans that were developed by Saddam Hussein a month before the invasion.

Number 5 – MSR (Pakistan)

Poor coordination between the Army, Navy and Air Force during the Indo-Pakistan War in 1947 led to the formation of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) a year later. Since then, the agency's influence has steadily grown, thanks to the influence of Pakistani leaders.

Since 9/11, MSI has worked extensively with the CIA to prevent terrorist attacks by both Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, as well as Pakistan's homegrown terrorists. The MSR is a deceptively active and powerful agency, known for its style of waging "stealth" wars.

Something to be proud of: In 1980, the MSI foiled an attempted plot against the President of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, during a national parade.

The conspirators, who included high-ranking military commanders, planned to carry out a bloody coup in the country and replace the existing rule with an extremist Islamic government. The MSI arrested the alleged plotters and their supporters before the planned coup began.

Number 4 – GDVB (France)

The General Directorate of External Security (GDVB) was formed relatively recently, in 1982, to replace the external counterintelligence service SDECE. The Directorate is responsible for collecting classified information and carrying out preventive measures to detect and find the activities of agents from other countries of the world directed against the interests of France.

Although the agency is low profile, this did not stop them from bombing the GREENPEACE fleet, which protested against France's nuclear tests. Thanks to the activity law enforcement New Zealand's conspiracy was exposed. Two GDVB agents were arrested and found guilty of the death of a journalist who drowned in that incident.

What you can be proud of: The GDVB Agency quickly demonstrated what it is worth. In the 80s, a group of Soviet spies was exposed, collecting information about technical developments of Western countries for the USSR. This is still the largest group of secret industrial espionage agents ever uncovered in Europe or the United States.

Number 3 – GRU (Russia)

When we think of Russian intelligence, we usually think of the KGB. However, the KGB was dissolved by Boris Yeltsin in 1995, while the even older Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) continued to operate despite the fall of the USSR. The GRU was formed in 1918 by Vladimir Lenin, and dealt with all matters of military intelligence.

Since that time, the GRU has taken part in many significant anti-national uprisings in Eastern Europe. According to the former agent, the GRU has created a number of secret weapons warehouses in the United States that are accessible to Russian special agents.

What you can be proud of: The activities of the GRU are not very noticeable. But it is believed that it was involved in the assassination attempt former president Chechnya Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, who lived in Qatar until 2004 and was accused of collaborating with al-Qaeda. The assassination attempt took place in the Qatari capital, Doha, with a direct bomb hitting the car in which the president was sitting.

Number 2 – MI6 (UK)

The Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6, was formed just before World War I to monitor the activities of the Imperial German government. Over the years, MI6 has been involved in every significant conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Even before the terrorist attacks of September 11, MI6 actively collaborated with its American counterparts and shared classified intelligence, as well as taking an active part in covert operations. MI6, with the assistance of the CIA, took part in the overthrow of several ruling regimes around the world, the most famous of which were the revolutions in the Congo in 1961 and Iran in 1953.

Something to be proud of: 007 stories aside, MI6's most successful recent operation was the hostage rescue in Lebanon in the 1980s. In particular, thanks to MI6 agents, a serious internal conflict arose within Lebanese parliamentary groups, which made it no longer possible to hold the hostages.

Number 1 – CIA (USA)

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was founded in 1947. The agency's activities include the following three main functions:
1) Obtaining and analyzing information about foreigners,
2) Propaganda and public relations,
3) Secret operations related to the security of the president.

During the Cold War, the CIA was given greater freedom of action because the American government believed that such freedom was necessary to successfully confront the KGB.
As a result, the CIA was involved in many successful operations and failed attempts to eliminate unnecessary leaders of countries. The most famous among them were operations in Chile and Congo (successful), as well as in Cuba (unsuccessfully).

What to be proud of: Bay of Pigs Invasion may be the most significant, but BLUEBIRD (the James Bourne films starring Matt Damon) is more shocking. From 1951 to 1953, the CIA conducted experiments related to human mind control, which involved research into the process of creating a new human personality (or several) and replacing memories. For this purpose, electrodes were placed in a person's brain, which made it possible to control his behavior using remote transmitters, and electric shock treatment was used to erase his memory.

Shh...quiet. It's a secret

As you already understand, intelligence is not only an exact science. In it, while there are successful operations, there are also failures. Intelligence gathering and covert operations are extremely risky, requiring a lot of luck in addition to sound calculation (often everything is based on guesswork).

And failures, such as the unsuccessful attempts to eliminate Fidel Castro in the 60s, only confirm the fact that operations do not always go as smoothly as in the James Bond films.

Considering the pace of Russia's revival, soon this list will be modified ;).

There are a large number of large organizations in the world, the nature of which most people know almost nothing about. And, as we know, everything unknown or known, but not completely, always causes a lot of rumors and speculation. Therefore, secret societies that prefer to remain in the shadows are credited with organizing universal conspiracies and communicating with otherworldly forces.

In fact, most of these “interest circles” are much more harmless than they are trying to make us believe, although among them there are some that actually influenced world history. We decided to study the history of the 10 most famous and powerful secret organizations to figure out when they finally appeared and why and whether they still exist.


The Illuminati most often refers to the “Order of the Illuminati” of Professor Adam Weishaupt, which existed in the 1700s. His task was the comprehensive improvement of the church and the achievement of general prosperity. The ruler of Bavaria, Karl Theodor, called the Illuminati one of the branches of the illegal community of Freemasons and announced criminal prosecution of members of the society, putting an end to history in 1787. Officially, the order ceased to exist, but it is believed that its remaining members did not abandon their cause and simply went underground. The Illuminati is credited with organizing the Great French Revolution, the assassination attempt on John F. Kennedy, and the influence on world politics in modern world.

Opus Dei

The organization was founded in 1928 by Catholic priest Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer. From Latin, the name of the society is translated as “The Work of God,” and what they do is help them find the path to holiness without renouncing everyday life. Most of its members are ordinary people: businessmen, workers, teachers, housewives who appearance are no different from their colleagues. And although the organization does not hide the location of its headquarters, it receives a wide variety of criticism. Due to the closed nature of the community, some Catholic priests consider it dangerous; in addition, Opus Dei is often associated with the use of practices that are characteristic of sects. All this creates a certain aura of mystery around the society, due to which it is often attributed to some kind of secret Catholic society. Adding fuel to the fire of speculation and rumors was Dan Brown, who portrayed Opus Dei in The Da Vinci Code as a secret sect hiding important information.


The official name of the order is “The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.” This is a modern offshoot of Freemasonry and is not related to the Poor Knights of Christ, founded by a group of knights in 1119. But the order was made after his example in order to preserve the spirit of this organization. The Order is part of the York Rite and for membership it is necessary to be exclusively a Christian who has completed all the degrees of the Royal Arch, and in some jurisdictions also the degrees of the Crypt.

Black hand

The South Slavic secret nationalist organization appeared in 1911. According to one version, it arose as an offshoot of the People's Defense group, which sought to unite all Slavic peoples. The organization's goal was to fight for the liberation of the Serbs who were under the rule of Austria-Hungary. It included Serbian army officers and some government officials. The Black Hand was associated with a group of terrorists who killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whose death sparked the outbreak of the First World War. In 1917, by order of the King of Serbia, Alexander I Karageorgievich, the organization was liquidated, and its head, Colonel Dragutin Dmitrievich, and his entourage were shot.


The Neo-Ismaili Nizari organization was formed in the 11th century. The society was founded by Hassan ibn Shabbat. Their internal system was built on a strict hierarchy, where the transition to the next level was accompanied by mystical rituals. In the ideology of the sect, the main role was given to anti-feudal, communist and national liberation motives. The assassins have firmly established the reputation of hired killers without fear or reproach, always carrying out their orders. It is believed that the sect ceased to exist in 1256, after the fortresses of Alamut and Meymundiz were taken. According to other sources, some assassins managed to escape and founded a caste of hereditary killers in India. The traditions of assassins were most clearly preserved in the actions of terrorist Muslim sects such as Jihad and Hezbollah, and especially in the fidayeen units.

Thule Society

This occult political German society included all those who later became Hitler's closest advisers. The official name of the organization was the Group for the Study of German Antiquity. They were engaged in researching the origin of the Aryan race. Thule, a mythical northern country from ancient Greek legends, was considered by Nazi mystics to be the capital of ancient Hyperborea. All participants in society viewed the Aryans as a superior race that had lived since the prehistoric era and Atlantis, and the inhabitants of that same Thule were the descendants of the Aryans who managed to escape from Atlantis. Another part of society, which did not believe so much in all sorts of mystical tales, was more interested in the fight against Jews, communists and freemasons. In 1919, Thule members created political organization"German Workers' Party", of which Adolf Hitler became a member. The Thule Society existed until 1933.

Knights of the Golden Ring

In the 1850s and 1860s, a paramilitary organization, the Knights of the Golden Ring, operated in the Midwestern United States. The society was created by Southern sympathizers who wanted to create states where slavery would be legal. The intended territory of action was to be Mexico, Central America and islands of the Caribbean. The most famous members of the organization were Abraham Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth and the outlaw Jesse James. After the arrest of the leaders and the confiscation of weapons by the government in 1864, the organization ceased to exist.

Sons of Liberty

The organization was founded in 1765 by Samuel Adams. The goal of the society members was to fight for self-determination of the North American colonies. Their motto was “No taxes without representation.” The policy of public resistance included the distribution of thematic pamphlets, protests and open violent actions against the British authorities, for which their activities were equated with criminality and began to be persecuted. After the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766, the organization dissolved itself.

Skull and Bones

This is one of the oldest student secret societies in the United States. It arose in 1832 at the instigation of Yale University Secretary William Russell, who decided, together with 14 like-minded people, to create a secret fraternity. They accepted into their club only people from the American aristocracy, Anglo-Saxon origin and Protestant religion. Rumor has it that the only requirement for entry these days is that the candidate must be a leader in his or her own campus. The society included US presidents, senators, judges Supreme Court, because of which it began to be considered a kind of underground group uniting the political elite. Society meetings are held twice a week, but what is discussed and done at them remains a closely guarded secret.


The official date of the emergence of Freemasonry is considered to be 1717, but there are documents dating back to 1300 years in which Freemasons are already mentioned. Masonic meetings are held in a ritual form, and candidates for regular Freemasonry must believe in a Supreme Being. The Masons themselves say that their goal is moral improvement, the development and preservation of fraternal friendship and charity. It is believed that the community strives to achieve political influence worldwide. The most famous members of the society were Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, James Buchanan, Bob Dole, Henry Ford, Ben Franklin and many others. In total, about 5 million people around the world are members of the society.