Once upon a time, wild and warlike animals lived on Earth. They had quite impressive size. Most of them died out as a result of sharp climate change, but close relatives of some have survived to this day, they live in modern world and are an integral part of the terrestrial fauna. American bison - bright to that example. Bison belong to the bovid family of the artiodactyl order and are representatives of the bison genus.

Based on the findings of scientists, bison appeared on our planet as separate view about five million years ago. How did they manage to survive all the cataclysms on planet Earth and continue their existence? Most likely, the fact is that they were very large (twice as large as modern bison), lived in numerous herds and their population was so large that it gave them an advantage in the struggle for survival.

The modern bison population is represented by two species: the forest bison (it is very similar to) and the steppe bison.

Appearance of American bison

The growth of the animal is about two meters. The length of the body is about three meters. With such dimensions, bison also have a corresponding mass, it reaches 1.2 tons (the weight of a male, the weight of a female is about 700 kilograms).

The hairline of the animal is very thick, the coat is colored in gray tones with a shade of brown, however, there are also light red individuals and dark brown ones.

The head of this mammal deserves special attention - it is very massive. a very stern look to the bison is given by a wide forehead and powerful curved horns. The head is attached to a short, strong neck, and a hump is visible on the back of the bison's neck, this feature is its distinguishing feature. The tail is not very long, at the end there is a tassel. To withstand such a massive body, nature provided for the bison to have very strong and strong legs.

Distribution of wild bison

The main territory of the buffalo (as the Americans call bison) is considered to be the territory of the continent of North America, mainly the server and western part of the Missouri River.

American bison lifestyle

Despite their size and outward clumsiness, bison are able to run very fast. What is even more amazing: bison are excellent swimmers!

Listen to the voice of the American bison

Buffalo are classic herd animals, they do not see their existence without huge number relatives nearby. Every herd has its leaders. This role is played by the oldest and most experienced males, the whole herd obeys them unquestioningly.

Thanks to their abundant wool, bison perfectly tolerate even very coldy(minus 30 degrees).

The life of bison in the wild lasts about 20-25 years.

What do bison eat?

The forest species of these animals consumes grass, moss, branches of shrubs, lichens as food. As for the steppe bison, the basis of their diet is herbaceous plants. One animal can eat about 25 kilograms of grass!

bison breeding

The mating season for these animals is from July to September. One male begins to collect small harems for himself. Having gathered several females around him, the male begins fertilization.

Pregnancy of females lasts approximately 9 months, after which one calf is born. For the first year of its life, a bison cub feeds on mother's milk.

Bison - large wild bull, widely known for its physical strength and size. Belongs to the subfamily of the bovine family of bovids. The closest relative of the bison is the bison, with which it is often confused due to its external resemblance.

Bison (Bison bison).

In size, the largest individuals of bison are superior to bison; in terms of body weight, male bison are the largest ungulates on Earth. The weight of bulls can reach 1.2 tons, the height at the withers is 1.9 m, the body length is 2.5-3 m, the weight of cows differs little from the weight of female bison and does not exceed 700 kg. The proportions of the body and coloration of the bison are also very similar to the bison, so at first glance it is difficult to distinguish between these two species. main feature bison - a very steep and high withers, forming a kind of hump in the shoulders, as well as a low head and a very wide forehead. The horns of these animals are short and curved at the ends inward. In addition, the front part of the bison's body is more overgrown with hair, which visually enlarges this beast even more. Especially long wool grows in a bison on the shoulders, lower neck and chin, forming a kind of beard. The color of animals varies from almost black to brown. On the shoulders, the hair is always a little lighter, even lighter, almost yellow calf wool. It is extremely rare to find bison of an abnormally light color, they look almost white. American Indians considered such animals sacred.

Bison live in North America, in the north their range covers the southern provinces of Canada, in the south it reaches the central states of the United States. There are plains and forest bison. The first subspecies prefers to inhabit southern part range and is found mainly in the prairies, the second lives in the north and enters sparse forests. In the past, both subspecies of bison made grandiose seasonal migrations, with the advent of frost, they migrated to the south and grazed on the plains, where the wind blows away the snow and facilitates the extraction of food. To give an idea of ​​the scale of these movements, it is enough to say that Manhattan Island in New York arose on the site of a shallow formed by the carcasses of bison that drowned while crossing the Hudson. Now the habitats of these animals are artificially limited national parks, therefore, they do not make migrations, which does not prevent them from successfully wintering in protected areas.

A herd of bison swims across the river.

In general, bison are calm and balanced animals, but in case of anxiety they can show aggression. If the forces are unequal, they run away. Despite the huge body weight, these ungulates are capable of speeds up to 50 km / h, that is, they run on a par with a horse. While running, they often exchange short sounds that resemble a cross between snoring and grunting, in normal times they make a low low.

A female bison licks her calf.

The breeding season for bison runs from May to September. During this period, herds form large clusters, males join groups of females and start fierce battles among themselves. The bulls converge nose to nose and begin to butt, resting their foreheads. From the outside, their movements look heavy and slow, but in reality they are full of strength. To an opponent who did not have time to dodge, the bison is capable of inflicting serious wounds, sometimes with lethal outcome. Pregnancy lasts 9 months, before giving birth, the cow leaves the herd and calves in a secluded place. Occasionally, a female can give birth in a herd, in which case relatives show interest in a newborn and lick it with their tongues. Bison reach puberty at 3-5 years, and live up to 20-25. In nature, they have practically no enemies. In some forest areas, bison are occasionally attacked by wolves. In the event of an attack by predators, females surround the young and run ahead, while males cover the herd from the rear. Sometimes bison enter the water to protect themselves from wolves.

A pack of wolves slowly approached a group of bison, as the ungulates, confident in their strength, are in no hurry to run away. Young animals decided to get away from the approaching predators, and the most big bull turned to meet the danger face to face.

The indigenous people of North America have known bison since the Stone Age. Images of these animals can be found on the walls of caves along with drawings of mammoths. Indian hunting for buffalo did not affect the population, since the killing of such large animal was not an easy task, and the meat obtained was enough for for a long time thus, there was no need to destroy these animals in large numbers.

But the colonization of America brought white settlers to the continent, who were delighted with innumerable herds - a spectacle unseen in the expanses of Europe. Hunters, armed with firearms, began to massacre bison not only for their own food, but also for fun. Sport hunting for bison reached its peak in the 60s of the XIX century in connection with the war of the colonialists against the Indians. In order to deprive the indigenous population of food, white settlers began to kill bison without exception, without even bothering to prey hunting trophies. In those days, only the tongue was often cut out of the carcass of a dead animal, leaving mountains of meat to rot in the sun. Another entertainment of the aliens was shooting at the buffalo from the windows of the train, in this case no one counted the killed and maimed animals. To imagine the scale of destruction, it is enough to say that before the arrival of white settlers on the continent, approximately 600 million bison roamed its expanses, and in 1889 their number was only 835 heads! The disappearance of the bison led to the extinction of many Indian tribes. After several decades of slaughter, the vast prairies of North America were a graveyard littered with the bones of ungulates. Recycling of the remains marked the beginning of a new fertilizer industry.

Endless rows of buffalo skulls receding into the distance, stacked for further processing into fertilizer.

Bison were on the verge of extinction, but by this time it had already been created national park Yellowstone, which has become a haven for the largest of the surviving herds. From 200 individuals that survived in the national park, and a few dozen more that survived in other areas, it was possible to obtain offspring and the number of the species gradually recovered. There are now about 30,000 wild animals in protected areas in the US and Canada, and the condition of the species as a whole is regarded as relatively safe, although bison are still listed in the Red Book. In addition, another 500,000 semi-domestic bison are kept on special ranches. These animals are used for meat production along with cattle. Bison can often be seen in zoos, they tolerate captivity well. These animals are able to give interspecific hybrids with bison and domestic cows.

Modern cowboys are increasingly driving not cows, but herds of domesticated bison.

Bison live on the northern and western shores of the Missouri in North America. locals They call buffalo buffalo, which means "buffalo" in English.

Bison have been on our planet for five million years. True, the ancestors of modern animals were much larger than modern ones. Perhaps the enormous size and herd lifestyle of bison made it possible for these animals to survive all the cataclysms that occur in the history of the Earth's development.

On the North American continent, there are two species of these animals: the steppe bison and the forest bison.

From left to right - giant bison, wood bison, bison, steppe bison.

Steppe bison.

Wood bison.

The two-meter height of the animal, its three-meter length and weight, reaching 1.2 tons in the male, and 7 centners in the female, amaze the imagination with their enormous size.

The body of the animal is covered with thick wool of dark shades, which protects the animal from hypothermia in severe thirty-degree frosts.

The massive head is crowned with powerful curved horns, and the wide forehead gives the buffalo an angry look. A feature of the bison is the hump located on its nape. With the help of strong and strong legs, bison, despite their apparent slowness, are able to run and even swim briskly. The brush on the tip is not very long tail makes it possible to brush off annoying insects.

There is a clear hierarchy in the bison herd, where all animals strictly obey the old experienced leader. The nutrition of bison depends on the environment in which they live. The forest bison feeds on grass, moss, branches of shrubs, lichens, and its steppe relative eats more herbaceous plants. Both species have an enviable appetite, and each of them alone can consume about 25 kg of food.

From July to September, each male gathers a harem around him and is actively engaged in the process of continuing his kind. After 9 months, the females bring one calf each, which feeds on mother's milk for a year.

About two centuries ago, bison were threatened with complete extermination.

Raising livestock in farms required land for grazing and growing crops. Therefore, farmers, driving away bison from their territories, simply destroyed them.

The construction of a transcontinental railway in the 60s of the nineteenth century required a large number food for workers. received from immigrants firearms, the Indians began to hunt the buffalo in order to sell animal skins and meat to merchants. It got to the point that tongues were cut out from the killed bison, and the carcass was left to rot in the open.

Later, the hunt began for bison bones, from which fertilizer and black paint were produced.

It should be noted that they realized in time and took these animals under protection in 1905, when the first American organization to save buffalo.

To protect these long-suffering animals, national parks and reserves have been created in the United States and Canada, where they strictly monitor compliance with protective measures, and violators of laws are severely punished.

Bison is artiodactyl mammal family of bovids. The wild big bull is known for its large sizes and physical power, as seen in the photographs of the bison. This is the largest herd animal, reaching a height of 2 m, a length of 2.5-3 m, with a weight of 800 kg to 1200 kg.

Bison look.


Previously, bison were distributed almost throughout North America. The so-called "buffalo" today are found closer to the west and north of the Missouri. There are plains and forest bison. The first subspecies lives in sparse forests, the second is found in the steppe.

Below is a photo of bison of two species.


The bison's closest relative is the bison. It is very difficult to distinguish a bison from a bison in a photo. Between themselves, they are similar in body proportions and color, but the first more massive animals. The main distinguishing feature of the bison is the high withers, which forms a kind of hump in the shoulders. The animal has a very wide forehead, a short neck and a low head. The bison has a particularly thick and long hair, growing up to 50 cm. It covers the hump, shoulders, partly legs, head and neck. The hair on the head has a gray-brown color, on the neck it is black-brown. On a massive head are thick short horns, twisted ends inward. The legs of this animal are low, but very strong.

Photo of a bison in winter.
The bison are crossing the river.
Photo of a bison.

Key Features

At first glance, it may seem that the clumsy carcass moves slowly and with great difficulty across the steppes of North America. But this powerful and unpredictable animal, feeling threatened, can overcome great distances, while developing a speed of 50 km / h. They gallop, swim across rivers, jump over obstacles. Therefore, despite big weight, bison are quite mobile.

Also, the bison has a well-developed sense of smell. He can smell danger at a distance of 2 km. This animal is not aggressive, but driven into a corner, it quickly goes on the attack.

By their nature, these bulls are quite inquisitive animals. They can watch with interest newborn bison. Having found a dead relative by smell, they kick him with their heads, in the hope that he will get up.

Bison in winter.

What do bison eat

In the summer in the diet steppe type bison includes mainly herbaceous vegetation; in forest bison, in addition to grass, branches of shrubs and trees, leaves, and shoots are widely used. In winter, grass rags, lichen and moss are eaten. They often graze in the morning and evening. AT winter time can find food under snow cover up to 1 m deep. Newborn animals feed on mother's milk.

Once a day, bulls visit watering places. If the water is completely covered with ice, they eat snow.

Bison at the waterhole.


To date, animals are not able to immigrate, as their habitat is limited to national parks, around which the lands of companies and farmers stretch. Previously, bison made distant regular migrations to the south, and by spring they returned back to the north.


Start mating season comes from May and lasts until September. Males are polygamous, they do not form a pair with one female. At this time, skirmishes are likely between males, reaching not only serious wounds, but also fatal outcomes.

After mating, the female leaves the herd and carries offspring for 9 months. As a rule, one calf is born, although there are cases of twins. Very rarely, a female gives birth in the presence of a herd, where adult bison express special interest in the newborn by licking it. The weight of the calf does not exceed 25 kg, it has no horns and a mound at the withers. The first year of life, the mother stays close to the cub and protects it from dangers.

After 2-3 years, bison reach sexual maturity. Live up to 20 years wild nature and 25-30 years in captivity.

Bison with a cub.
The tenderness of bison.
Bison care.

Even just from the sight of these animals, horror seizes, a shiver runs through the body. it huge bison. The ancient Indians considered these individuals to be sacred. Their population today is small. About this amazingly strong animal, about where the bison lives (in what zone of the planet), about its features can be found in this article.

They are distinguished by their surprisingly voluminous size and large massive physique. They are similar in appearance with teeth. And in nature, even with the latter, they interbreed with each other, in connection with this they are combined into one species.


Where does the bison live, on what continent do these amazingly large animals live?
Before we find out, let's look at what they are.

The bison has striking dimensions: the height at the withers is up to 2 meters, the body length is up to 3 meters. The weight of males is approximately 1.2 tons. These are the largest terrestrial animals. Bison females, like most animals, are significantly inferior to male relatives. Their body weight is approximately 700 kg.

The body of a bison covered with thick hair has grey colour with a brownish tint. Their color can vary from light red to dark brown and almost black tones. Baby calves are born with a yellow coat color, but over time it darkens. Light (almost white) bison are quite rare.

The coat is longer and darker in bison on the chest, head and beard, and is shorter on the rest of the body. This feature gives the appearance of the animal even more volume and menacing.

The head of a bison is quite massive, with a wide forehead. Thick and short horns, diverging to the sides at the very base of the head, are bent inward at the ends. This animal has narrow and small ears, massive and short neck, big dark eyes.

most characteristic feature The structure of the bison is an unusual hump, which is located on its nape.

Where does the bison live?

The mainland on which bison live is North America. For a long time, bison (or buffalo) lived in almost the entire territory. But today, this population exists only in the northern and western parts of the river. Missouri.

The populations of wood bison remained very small. These individuals live mainly in the most dense and swampy forests of the Buffalo, Birch (and Great Slave) and Pis river basins.

Today, bison are raised commercially. Their number is approximately 500 thousand heads ( for the most part steppe bison). About 4,000 North American private ranches are used to breed them.

Approximately 30 thousand individuals live in the wild, and they are listed in the Red Book as a species that is on the verge of extinction.

Species, subspecies

In nature today there are two subspecies: forest (forest bull) and steppe. They differ in the cover of the fur and the features of the structure of the body. Where do bison of these species live? And how are they different?

The steppe bison is a large ungulate animal, weighing up to 700 kg. It is slightly smaller in weight and size than the forest. A rather large head has a large mop of thick hair between large horns and the same thick beard. Its hump rises above the bases of the front legs. One of distinguishing features steppe bison - a pronounced throat, which is extended beyond the chest. The thick fur has

The forest bison, as noted above, is larger than the steppe bison. But his head is slightly smaller and framed by darkish bangs, his horns are long and thin. It also possesses a vestigial throat and hump. The wood bison's coat is dark red and not very thick. The weight of the male often exceeds 900 kg. The fur of this species is darker and warmer.


Wood bison first became known at the end of the 19th century. Scientists believe that their ancestors were primitive bison.

Where do bison live? And where did they live? Start this genus put once (the genus Leptobos), who lived in the Pliocene (about 35,000 years ago) in India. Today there is a hypothesis that it was they who spread north in wide steppes and evolved into steppe bison.

From the expanses of the Siberian bison, along the earthly passage that existed at that time, I got into North America. This version appeared in connection with the discovery in 1979 in Alaska (Yukon Island) of a fossil specimen of this bull.

And where do bison live (in which country)? In addition to Canada and the United States, American wood bison are currently being reintroduced back to Alaska. The very first batch of them in the amount of 53 individuals was brought to these places in 2008.
But, despite the efforts made to save the population, the future of bison remains in question. Danger to their lives: various diseases, massively striking cattle, and their mixing with steppe bison, which is undesirable.

Animal behavior

Where do bison live in different times of the year? They lead a nomadic lifestyle. In summer they live on the spacious northern plains, and in winter they migrate to the southern areas. In those days when there were many of them, they walked in huge inspiring herds (thousands of individuals), occupying vast territories. Moreover, they chose the route themselves, and it was connected with watering places.

During periods of such migrations, there were cases when these herds blocked the movement of trains, steamboats stopped.

And how do they behave with their relatives where bison live in herds? In essence, these animals are herd animals. Their family organization is in many ways similar to the habits of bison. Females and males outside the breeding season are kept separately.

After the birth of calves, females with their cubs form groups, which include up to 30 individuals. Males usually graze alone, but sometimes in bachelor herds (up to 15 individuals). Compared to the old days, bison form aggregations in pastures, consisting of only a few hundred individuals.

At night, bison sleep, but their sleep is short. They graze around the clock. In general, this is a calm and balanced animal, but in rare cases(when anxious) they are capable of showing aggression. Despite their huge body mass, bison can develop great speed(about 50 km / h), and while running they make sounds (snoring or grunting).


Where bison live, we found out. But it should be remembered that a long time ago, in the vast expanses of the middle section of the northern American continent, their total number was approximately 60 million individuals.

Of course, it is impossible to return that number, but with certain common efforts of people, it is possible to at least stop the decline in the number of such an exotic animal and even increase it a little.