Probably, every person always wants to be calm and balanced, and experience only pleasant worries, but not everyone succeeds.
Honestly, only a few people know how to feel this way, while the rest live as if “on a swing”: at first they are happy, and then they get upset and worry - unfortunately, people experience the second state much more often.

What is mental balance, and how can you learn to be in it all the time if you can’t achieve it?

What does it mean to have peace of mind?
Many people think that peace of mind is a utopia. Is it normal when a person does not experience negative emotions, does not worry or worry about anything? This probably only happens in a fairy tale, where everyone lives happily ever after. In fact, people have forgotten that a state of mental balance, harmony and happiness is completely normal, and life is beautiful in different manifestations, and not only when everything turns out “our way.”

As a result, if emotional health is impaired or completely absent, physical health seriously suffers: not only nervous disorders– serious diseases develop. If you lose your mental balance for a long time, you can “earn” peptic ulcer, skin problems, heart and vascular diseases and even oncology.
In order to learn to live without negative emotions, you need to understand and be aware of your goals and desires, without replacing them with anyone’s opinions and judgments. People who know how to do this live in harmony with both their mind and soul: their thoughts do not diverge from their words, and their words do not diverge from their actions. Such people also understand those around them and know how to correctly perceive any situation, so they are usually respected by everyone - both at work and at home.
How to find and restore peace of mind
So is it possible to learn this? You can learn anything if you have the desire, but many people, complaining about fate and circumstances, actually do not want to change anything in life: having become accustomed to negativity, they find it the only entertainment and way to communicate - it is no secret that it is negative news that is discussed in many groups with great fervor. If you really want to find peace of mind and perceive the world With joy and inspiration, try to consider and use the methods described below.
- Stop reacting to situations in the “usual” way, and start asking yourself: how am I creating this situation? That’s right: we create any situations that “develop” in our lives ourselves, and then we cannot understand what is happening - we need to learn to see the cause-and-effect relationship. Most often, our thoughts work for the negative course of events - after all, the worst expectations are more common than the expectation of something good and positive.
- Look for opportunities in any trouble, and try to react “inappropriately.” For example, if your boss “got off” on you, don’t be upset, but be happy - at least smile and thank him (you can mentally, for starters) for reflecting your internal problems like a mirror.
- By the way, thanks - The best way protect yourself from negativity and restore peace of mind. Work out good habit every evening thank the Universe (God, Life) for the good things that happened to you during the day. If it seems to you that nothing good happened, remember the simple values ​​that you have - love, family, parents, children, friendship: do not forget that not every person has all this.
- Constantly remind yourself that you are not in past or future problems, but in the present - “here and now.” Every person at any given time has what it takes to be free and happy, and this state continues as long as we do not allow past hurts or worst expectations to take over our consciousness. Look for the good in every moment of the present - and the future will be even better.
- You shouldn’t be offended at all - it’s harmful and dangerous: many practicing psychologists note that patients who carry grievances for a long time develop the most serious illnesses. Including oncological ones. It is clear that there is no question of mental balance here.
- Sincere laughter helps to forgive grievances: if you can’t find something funny in the current situation, amuse yourself. You can watch a funny movie or a funny concert, turn on funny music, dance or chat with friends. Of course, you shouldn’t discuss your grievances with them: it’s better to look at yourself from the outside and laugh at your problems together.
- If you feel that you cannot cope with “dirty” thoughts, learn to replace them: use short positive affirmations, meditation or small prayers - for example, try replacing a negative thought with a wish for good to the whole world. This method is very important: after all, at one moment in time we can only hold one thought in our heads, and we ourselves choose “what thoughts to think.”
- Learn to monitor your state - be aware of what is happening to you “here and now”, and soberly assess your emotions: if you are angry or offended, try to stop interacting with others at least for a short time.
- Try to help other people as soon as possible - it brings joy and peace. Only help those who really need it, and not those who want to make you a “hanger” for their problems and grievances.
- A great way to help restore peace of mind is regular exercise. fitness and walking: the brain is saturated with oxygen, and the level of “joy hormones” increases. If something is depressing you, you are anxious and worried, go to a fitness club or gym; if this is not possible, just run or walk in the park or at the stadium - wherever you can. Peace of mind is hardly possible without physical health, and a person who does not know how to achieve balance will not be able to become completely healthy - he will always have disorders and diseases.
“Cheerful” posture is the path to mental balance
Psychologists note that people who take care of their posture are much less susceptible to stress and anxiety. There is nothing complicated here: try hunching over, lowering your shoulders, head, and breathing heavily - in just a few minutes life will seem difficult to you, and those around you will begin to irritate you. And, on the contrary, if you straighten your back, raise your head, smile and breathe evenly and calmly, your mood will immediately improve - you can check it. Therefore, when you work while sitting, do not hunch or “slouch” in your chair, keep your elbows on the table and place your feet next to each other - the habit of crossing your legs does not contribute to balance. If you are standing or walking, distribute your body weight evenly on both legs, and do not slouch - keep your back straight. Try to consciously maintain your posture for a few days, and you will notice that bad thoughts It’s become smaller, but I want to smile more often.
All these methods are very simple, but they only work when we apply them, and not just know about them and continue to think about how we can achieve peace of mind and change our lives for the better.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

Calm, only calm... But how to remain calm if everything is bubbling inside, unspoken words, accumulated tension and is about to spill over onto your immediate environment? Common situation? But everyone wants to remain confident, calm and in control of their own behavior - this is strength, this is self-satisfaction, this is the health of the body and strong nerves.

What can you do to relieve tension and not feel like a barrel of gunpowder that needs too much spark? Let's consider common recommendations and techniques that will provide the basis for creating a calm internal atmosphere.

A mood for regularity and peace of mind

The first thing that comes to mind is relaxation, meditation and prayer for those who have faith in their souls. Regular relaxation practice helps restore peace of mind and inner harmony in short time. And then it happens main mistake: satisfied with the result of meditating techniques, a person stops practicing, and everything returns to normal. The same nervousness and the same anxiety in a matter of days drags the soul and body into heavy chains.

Each person chooses a method of relaxation that suits him, performing a kind of ritual:

believers read prayers, fingering their rosary;
sports people run on skis in winter, and in parks, sand or mountain paths in summer;
a walk before bed or watching the dawn, communicating with animals, plant growing, fishing or hunting;
handicrafts, playing musical instruments, creativity;
They give you the opportunity to feel yourself, hear yourself, find a state of harmony within yourself and your place in the world around you.

The main rule: the method of relaxation is individual, and the habit of giving yourself rest should be as daily as brushing your teeth or walking the dog - by the way, walking the dog is also an option.

What is the principle of calm?

The balance of a person’s soul, health and thoughts is the basis of his peace. Emotions not included in this list can shake any “cool” head. However, this does not mean at all that you need to be a cracker or a rusty nail, in which there is not a shadow of life left - emotions of any sign, both positive and negative, decorate life, making it brighter, more interesting, more exciting. The question is how costly are emotions? specific person: Did you feel the situation and let it go, or does the fever continue for a day, two, a week? Thoughts in the head are spinning and spinning, not allowing you to think about anything else, insomnia and fatigue, increasing psychosis - these are the signs.

Maintaining balance is not easy, but it is possible. We offer several rules on how not to succumb to the provocations of the world around you and remain true to yourself, maintaining internal source confidence:

Calmness is not synonymous with drowsiness! Drowsiness is apathy and reluctance to act, which over time threatens to develop into detachment from life problems that have nothing to do with the inner harmony of a person.
In a state of nervousness, concentrate on the ability to see the situation or life picture as a whole, without detailing - this will allow you not to get scattered and not dwell on unpleasant little things that pull the balance towards yourself.

3. Don’t expect peace from the outside: the world around us is dynamic and does not stand still for a single second - it’s ridiculous to expect any kind of stability from it. Life presents different surprises: it’s good if they turn out to be exciting but pleasant, but what if the surprise is not so good? We inhaled, exhaled and told ourselves: “I can handle this!” - of course you can handle it! at least simply because circumstances sometimes do not provide other options.

4. A rule that people know about but don’t use: look for the positive in everything. Got fired? – more attention to family and a chance to find yourself in a different direction. ? – there is no snoring, no scandals, the house is orderly, quiet and the exceptional pleasure of peace. Are your children doing poorly? - received Nobel Prize Einstein was kicked out of school altogether. Over time, this habit will become stronger and work automatically: before you have time to think, positive sides happening right here!

5. People are worried about: their own, loved ones, friends, colleagues... We must learn to take this for granted: life is such that no one will remain in it forever - everyone is mortal, and everyone’s turn will come in due time. Of course, I would like to do it later, but this is what everyone is born with – it doesn’t hurt to be a bit of a fatalist with faith in fate.

6. We should not push events and the people around us: exhaustion from work and the speed of life is the main problem of our age. Exceptional faith in such necessary resistance to everyone and everything can and is impressive - “You are so strong (strong), no circumstances will break you!”, but this does much more harm than good.

Sometimes you need to let go of circumstances: perhaps some other factor or unexpected turn will arise that will radically change the perception of the situation.

A place of peace

This is not about the cemetery - although yes, let's be honest: the most peaceful place on the planet. But while your heart is beating hotly in your chest, it’s worth taking care of a corner of personal privacy. A treasured place where there are no phone calls, no TV with frightening news, no sucking the Internet into its bottomless womb - half an hour on a balcony or on a park bench will help you put your thoughts and feelings in order, and curb your overwhelming emotions.

You should not ignore favorite hobby: no matter what happens in this turbulent world, you can allocate half an hour to a hobby a day for a hobby. Knitting, embroidery, modeling, modeling, drawing - anything to make you feel comfortable, calm and turn your brain off from existing problems at these moments. The place of classes is also important in this case: if children urgently need help with homework, the cat - canned food from the refrigerator, a friend remembered that today you have not yet spent the allotted two hours on the phone, and your husband is slamming the lids on empty pans - the idea of ​​​​spending half an hour for fun has failed miserably. Solution? Feed everyone who is hungry, give strict instructions to relatives, and turn off phones - any person has the right to a few personal minutes of doing what they love.

Huge shopping centers– not a place to relax. Bright light, oppressive concrete, glass and crowds of people - there can be no talk of any comfort or privacy. Have you often noticed fatigue after shopping at hypermarkets and shopping in boutiques? - here it is, the body’s signal about a serious loss vitality. A forest, a river, swimming in a pool, in a nearby park - the healing effects of nature will give you a feeling of an influx of strength and energy, allowing you to fully relax both your soul and body.

Learn to gradually relax and control peace of mind, remembering at the same time: you shouldn’t fight life - you need to live and enjoy life!

22 January 2014, 18:15

Bill Gates is 63. He now believes that he has become a completely different person compared to who he was when he founded Microsoft company to “provide a computer on every desk in every home.”

To assess the quality of his life, Gates asks himself various questions. They are different from those he asked himself in his youth.

For the 25-year-old Gates, there was only one question that mattered, which allowed him to evaluate his success in business: are Microsoft products the embodiment of the dream of personal computers?

New questions

On his personal blog, Gates Notes, the businessman said that he still continues to evaluate his work at the end of each year, but the questions have changed. Here's what he's asking himself now:

Did I spend enough time with my family?

Did you learn a lot of new things?

Have you made new friends and been able to become even closer with old friends?

Gates is ready to admit that at the age of 25 these questions would only make him laugh. But at 63, they acquired special significance for him.

Bill Gates' friend Warren Buffett suggested another question to him that would allow him to evaluate the measure of success:

Do the people I care about give me love in return?

Assessing the quality of your life

Of course, when assessing personal success, it is necessary to look at our own career achievements, at the level of income we receive... But how many of us sit down and think about the quality of our lives?

For Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, the main measure of quality of life is the quantity and quality of actions we take that can have a positive impact on the lives of other people. And since you and I are not billionaires, we can start with our members own families, friends, colleagues and members of local communities. What are we doing to do better life people within our sphere of influence?

Warren Buffett is familiar with this principle. Here's his definition of success, which he once told a group of Georgia Tech students:

“When you get to my age, you will truly measure your success by the number of people you love and who also love you. This is the real test of how you have lived your life. Love can't be bought, and that's what it's all about the main problem. The only way receive love - be responsive, kind, caring and loving. How more love you give, the more you receive.”

As the third richest person on the planet, Buffett lives by promoting and regularly engaging in philanthropy. For example, it follows a principle known as "Promised Contributions", in which richest people peace are sacrificed most of his fortune for charitable purposes.

Bill Gates and his wife founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to “give love.” He donated billions of dollars to improve the quality of healthcare, fight various diseases, fighting poverty and expanding educational opportunities.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

“Everything you resist makes you weaker. Whatever resonates with your soul makes you stronger.” — Wayne Dyer.

One of the very important life lessons which each of us should learn: we need to give up as soon as possible the desire to constantly complain about what we don’t like in the world around us, and about other people who do not behave in the way we consider acceptable.

We also need to stop constantly complaining about the current life situation or past events. It is worth realizing that sometimes our mind begins to distort reality. And it depends only on us what shade we will give to everything that we see around us - negative or positive.

And most importantly, we need to understand that we should not always believe in everything we think.

You should learn to always keep, at least at arm's length, everything that makes you unhappy and everything that you don't really like. And bring closer to yourself what you really like. When you do this, you will soon realize that by doing so you have begun to attract many wonderful things, events and people into your life.

Simply by learning to switch your attention from the negative, or, say, from what you don’t like at all, or what you don’t want at all, to something positive. For what you really like, for what you really want. You will learn a lot about what really leads to happiness and how to achieve it for you.

In fact, our thoughts are simply incredibly powerful, they have enormous power of creation and creativity. Therefore, if we can direct our mind and way of thinking to work only and exclusively for our benefit, we will certainly be able to find happiness in the very near future.

Now read, understand and experience what the incredible and wonderful James Allen once said:

“When you think, you let your mind travel, and when you love, you attract something to you. Today you are where your thoughts took you, and tomorrow you will be where they take you.”


“Tell me about your worries, and I’ll tell you about mine,

Don't forget to make us coffee - this won't be a short moment,

I came here for you, but you came here for me,

And what are our worries? There is a restless glare on the water.

Complain to me about everything - about doubts, fears and pain.

I will listen to everything to the end - that’s my role...

And when you finish and listen to my life's riddles,

You will probably realize that you are, in fact, completely fine.

Remember, my friend, that I took away your pain,

I wrote down your complaints for a reason

Into a huge book - so that you can start all over again.

And when pain suddenly squeezes your chest again,

Take the book of your complaints off the shelf and read it again.

You will realize that your complaints are complete nonsense." ~ Anita Brown

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


But you will not find death and life there, since such specific products are distributed by the head office located elsewhere.

Visitors to the store are told the cost of fulfilling their wishes. But despite having dreams, some people never look into the store, wondering how they can realize them without putting any effort into it.

The range of prices here is simply incredible. So, for the sake of a good job, you need to sacrifice certainty and stability in life, be ready to plan your life, believe in yourself and stop blindly following the orders of other people.

For power you need to give up your beliefs, learn to find everything logical explanation, say “no” to others, know your own worth, put your interests above others. And also to declare yourself, regardless of support or rejection from the outside.

There are also some pretty strange prices. For example, marriage can be purchased almost for nothing. But happy marriage Very high price, which involves personal responsibility for your happiness, the ability to enjoy life, awareness of your needs and what you want to achieve. And also - mastering the art of appreciating what you already have, recognizing your value, refusing the status of a “victim”. And in some cases, there is a risk of breaking off communication with some relatives and friends.

Not all store visitors who are eager to realize their dreams are willing to pay this price. At the sight of some price tags, someone simply turns around and leaves. Others spend a long time counting their “savings”, trying to figure out where they can raise the required amount.

There are also those who complain about inflated prices, asking for a discount for themselves, or simply wondering when a sale is planned. And there are also individuals who are ready to spend absolutely all their money in order not only to get what they want, but also to package it in a beautiful wrapper.

A separate category of shoppers enviously looks at happy customers who managed to fulfill their desire, mistakenly assuming that they realized their dream thanks to a personal acquaintance with the store owner. Or maybe because they know the secret of making wishes come true without any effort.

The store owner was approached many times with a request to review prices and reduce them in order to attract more visitors. But he refused, because if the prices were reduced, the quality of the desires provided could suffer significantly.

If the owner is asked whether he is afraid of bankruptcy, he just shakes his head and says that there will always be daredevils who are ready to take risks and turn their world upside down. Those who are not satisfied with a predictable and routine life, or those who really believe in themselves and are ready to spend energy and time to make their dream come true.

By the way, on the door of this very wish shop there is a tiny poster on which it was written: “If your dream has not come true, it means you have not paid for it yet.”

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

Empaths have skills that everyone else wishes they had. Without a doubt, being a hyper-sensitive person in modern world- hard. However, this also has its own unique advantages.

Here are 4 superpowers that every empath has:

1. Mind reading.

Empaths tend to be very intelligent. They are able to determine the motives of others. They know how to distinguish bad from good. We can definitely say that this is a superpower!

2. The ability to recognize emotions and feelings.

Empaths are not only aware own feelings and emotions, but also those who surround them.This ability could well be called another superpower of empathetic individuals. They are able to help not only themselves, but also others.

3. The ability to turn negative into positive.

Empaths are great at distinguishing negative from positive. This skill allows them to find something good in any situation. This is truly a wonderful skill in the modern world!

Anyone can benefit from spending time in the company of an empath. Do you feel bad or very upset? A true empath can fix this and lift your spirits. You will look at the situation from a completely different angle.

4. Application of skills in practice.

Well, the superpowers of empaths can actually be practiced with success. Such people know how to accurately “read” those around them, so by applying their skills, they can achieve great success. For example, in counseling, therapy and healing.

Yes and in Everyday life their ability to empathize and love makes the lives of the people around them much better!

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

More often than not, willpower is a function of success. It's easy to get things done when you enjoy what you're achieving. Here are some tips to help you achieve what you want.

Willpower is also a muscle; The more you train her, the stronger she becomes. But what if you need help getting things done right now? What if you can't wait for motivation to kick in? Start by organizing your life so that it supports your goals.

Eliminate unnecessary options

We have a limited supply of mental energy that we can spend on self-control. Some of us have more, some of us have less. But eventually everyone runs out of enthusiasm to fuel their willpower. Therefore, the more decisions we need to make in a day, the greater the load on the brain, and the more we need to look for shortcuts.

The fewer choices we face, the better our decisions will be. For example, is it difficult for you not to constantly check email. Then turn off all reminders about new letters and access your mail only when necessary. Make it difficult to check your email - then you will do it less often. Choice is the enemy of willpower (and accessibility and convenience).

Don't put it off until tomorrow

It is easier to make decisions if they are not urgent. For example, choose what you will wear tomorrow or what you will cook for breakfast or lunch the next day - and prepare these dishes the night before. Or you can choose when you will go in for sports tomorrow - and pack sportswear.

This way, tomorrow your mental energy can be saved for making really important decisions. The power of routine will not only make you more efficient, but it will also make important decisions easier. When there aren't too many decisions to make, it's easy to avoid the fatigue and burnout associated with making them.

Do the hardest thing first

According to science, we have the most energy in the morning. That's why best time for adoption difficult decisions- morning. Decide what difficult things lie ahead of you and do them first.

Create reminders for long-term goals

You want to lose weight, but when you're feeling mentally tired, it's easy to convince yourself that you'll start working out tomorrow instead of today. Mental fatigue forces you to look for easy ways - despite the fact that easy way usually wrong. The solution is simple: create reminders.

Someone attaches to the monitor a printout from the bank, which indicates the amount of his loan - in order to remember his obligation. Someone hangs a photo of themselves, 20 kilograms thicker, on the refrigerator as a reminder of what they no longer want to be.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

Feel it inner freedom and your limitless creative potential.

This meditation aims to help us move beyond our usual boundaries and open up to new possibilities. She connects us with central channel bodies where creativity lives and where clarity and self-confidence arise.

Practice it for 11 minutes to free up space for energy and fresh ideas.

  • Sit comfortably with your pelvis above your knees. Inhale through your nose, breathing deeply into your stomach. Feel how the light descends with the air. Exhale through your nose from bottom to top, feeling the light moving upward.
  • Then add sensitivity and listening with a simple mudra that enhances creative clarity. Gather your hands into a bowl shape in front of your heart - little fingers touching, palms facing up.
  • Breathe deeply into your belly through your nose and feel the quality of acceptance in your hands. Invite the source of your creativity into physical body, noticing any thoughts or sensations as they arise.
  • Welcome your breath and watch it become longer and calmer with each breath cycle. As you create more stability in your body and breath, you create fertile soil for the seeds of your creativity.
  • As you complete your meditation, imagine that you are inhaling light all the way down to your lower abdomen. Place your palms together in a prayer gesture (Anjali mudra) in front of your chest, at heart level. Exhalation comes from the stomach, from bottom to top; pull your navel center towards your spine, imagining how the light brightly illuminates your entire being and the entire surrounding space.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


Free yourself from guilt, accept yourself and feel your strength.

These 3 mantras will give you a sense of inner beauty and balance. You will be able to unleash your creative potential, realize your nobility and feel unconditional love to yourself.

Yogi Bhajan called these 3 affirmations the most powerful of all. Observe how the touch of the tongue to the roof of the mouth creates a vibration that balances all systems. These words will release your strength and the strength of every woman of your kind from the subconscious.


Sit in a comfortable position with a straight back, close your eyes, repeat affirmations from 3 to 31 minutes:

  • God created me as a woman.
  • To be a woman.
  • Now. Now. Now.

You can repeat it in the original if you know English language: “God made me a woman.” I am a woman to be. Now.Now. Now."

"God created me as a woman"

This affirmation frees you from feelings of guilt, brings peace and a sense of satisfaction. If for some reason this particular wording does not suit you, change it so that you feel inner agreement.

"To be a woman"

This affirmation reveals your creativity, self-love, self-esteem. She frees from internal conflict and crisis.

"Now. Now. Now"

This affirmation uplifts and helps you live face to face with the present. It gives strength of self-control and inner peace.

The material is compiled based on information from the book “I am a Woman” by Krishna Kaur.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

Use the resourceful time of spring to feel alive and present.

If you don’t feel the joy of life and it seems to you that you are moving in a circle, these 5 steps will help you get out of a dead spot.

Get organized

Clear your space of everything that doesn't make you happy. Start cleaning out your wardrobe: feel free to get rid of everything that you haven’t worn for a long time, but “it’s a pity to throw it away, the thing seems good.” You can donate such clothes to a thrift store or give them to those in need.

Write down on a piece of paper all the qualities that you want to get rid of: for example, self-pity, being a victim, guilt, resentment, self-doubt, fear. List everything that prevents you from enjoying simple things - and burn this list.

Choose any meditation you like and do it every morning and every evening for 5 minutes for 3 weeks. Set the intention to open up to change, free yourself from old limiting programs and start laughing more.

Group energy can help you - create a community of like-minded people, even if it’s just your sister and best friend. And agree to talk every day about discoveries, share everything that comes to you in meditation.

Keep your promises

Right now, take a piece of paper and write down everything you once promised but didn’t complete. Include in this list promises to yourself, as well as children's desires and dreams.

In return, you will receive a release of energy and an influx of joy. And if old unfulfilled obligations have completely lost their relevance, write yourself a letter in which you remove old restrictions and obligations from yourself.

Allow yourself all emotions

Observe carefully all the emotions that come - and do not try to hold them back or somehow get rid of them. Give yourself permission to feel anger, give yourself permission to cry as much as you need.

Accept and love all your thoughts and decisions. Actions. Get in touch with your inner child and give it unconditional love and understanding.


The main task is to connect movement with breathing. Turn on music that you like and start moving as if you are dancing your healing and release.

Don't watch your movements - let them be as ridiculous or crazy as you like! But be careful not to hold your breath. After 5 minutes of this dance, the body itself will begin to guide you - and then liberation will definitely happen.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


We often receive questions: “Why am I unable to achieve my goal? I do all the practices, work with intention, but nothing works! Well, when already..?”

You probably already guessed what the reason is. Yes - in most cases, nothing prevents us from achieving our desired goal. low level energy, no pendulums, no evil eye and no damage - namely, off-scale importance.

In Transurfing we call “importances”: fears, anxieties, doubts, indignation, dissatisfaction, irritation, restlessness, excitement, depression, confusion, despair, idealization, admiration, delight, disappointment, conceit, disgust, lust, impatience and a strong thirst to get something whatever you want.

However, we do not suggest that you fight with importance and try hard to suppress it, defeat it, get rid of it... We suggest that you first get to know it better so that it will be easier for you to “diagnose” certain manifestations of it in yourself.

And, having looked your “importances” and fears in the face, having realized them, it will be much easier for you to free yourself from them. Without fighting and suppressing emotions.


There are two types of importance: external and internal. External importance arises when you attach too much great importance some events or objects of the surrounding world.

For example, you are going for an interview, business meeting, negotiations, presentation, speaking at a conference, exam - and you’re terribly worried. You overstate the importance of this event:

  • “What if I don’t succeed? What if everything doesn’t go according to plan?”;
  • “If I fail this exam/interview/negotiation, my life is over!”;
  • “I’ve been preparing for this my whole life!”

In itself, any event is neutral in its essence. And you can just go and take yours, what you want. Pass an interview, close a profitable deal, pass an exam, give a brilliant presentation... But you artificially inflate the importance and create excess potential that can ruin the whole thing.

If you realize this in time, you will be able to bring your feelings and emotions into balance by performing the practice of Transurfing to reduce importance or by performing internal adjustments and changing your state to a more effective one.


Inner importance manifests itself as an overestimation of your strengths or weaknesses. It can greatly inflate your self-esteem or, conversely, give you a whole bunch of complexes.

In life, inner importance can take many different forms. For example, you decide that you are doing very important work that you are the most valuable employee of the company, and everyone else is no match for you.

Sooner or later, such a position will lead to the fact that the arrow of your own importance will begin to go off scale, equilibrium forces will arise, and you will get a slap on the nose. For example, make a serious mistake in your work and lose your bonus.

Or another example. Someone once told you that you have an ugly face/too tall/too short/an unpleasant voice. Or that you’re bad at your job/can’t do anything/total mediocrity.

Having succumbed to a sense of inner importance, you begin to look everywhere for confirmation of this, criticize yourself and engage in self-criticism, thereby programming yourself for failure and driving yourself into fears and depression.

Also, internal importance is the case when it seems to you that everyone is looking at you because: you have a stain on your jacket/a crease in your tights/a pimple on your forehead and so on. In fact, no one really cares about you - everyone is fixated only on themselves.

Manifestations of internal importance:

  • “I am a very important person!”;
  • “I am doing a terribly important job, no one can handle it except me”;
  • “Everyone notices what an ugly, squeaky voice I have, everyone laughs at me.”


Any importance - internal and external - makes your life very difficult. They are the very strings of the puppets to which the pendulums cling you. But there is good news: any importance is far-fetched. And you can refuse them at any time, simply by changing your attitude towards what is happening.

“Lowering your importance will not only significantly reduce the number of problems in your life. By giving up external and internal importance, you receive such a treasure as freedom of choice” (Vadim Zeland, “Reality Transurfing. Stage I”).

Think about it: maybe you don’t even notice how in everyday life this notorious importance becomes a stumbling block in realizing your true goals?

Right now we invite you to dive into yourself - and write down all your “importances” on a piece of paper in order to realize them and “face them.”

When you complete this practice, the sheet of paper can be burned and the “importance” can be reduced using Transurfing practices.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


Dear women! This article is dedicated to you. Dear men! This article will help you better understand women in the New Age.

Every woman is unique in her own way, she is beautiful in her own way special beauty, endowed with unique talents, has her own individual merits and wonderful traits of character, appearance, and Soul. However, in our world of pendulum systems that absorb our attention and impose on us stereotyped standards of beauty and standards of success, it is very easy to lose your true self and forget about your uniqueness.

Many girls and women constantly stumble over the same questions:

  • “How can I love and accept my body if I have a big nose/overweight/bow legs?”
  • “Do I deserve more if I still don’t understand what my purpose is?”
  • “As the years go by, wrinkles appear on my face, and it seems that I am missing something important.”
  • “How can I find myself, my path?”
  • “Will I be able to meet the man of my dreams and create a happy relationship?”
  • “Is it possible to be absolutely healthy and remain young?”

At some point you begin to feel that everything that happens to you is not your life. You feel that there is another reality in which you can be happy. But you don't understand how to get there. How to create a different life, filled with joy, love, harmony and prosperity?

Even if they tell you: “This is possible, especially now, in the energies of the New Time!”, your mind will not believe it. He will say “No” and bring great amount arguments. And only your Soul knows and feels that before our eyes a time of powerful changes and positive transformations is coming, in which everything is truly possible!

In any incomprehensible situation, calm down, lie down, hug yourself, go eat some delicious food. Take care of your nerves :)

Leave mistakes to the past.

Appreciate the present.

Smile to the future)

As soon as you let go of the situation that torments you, the situation will immediately let you go.

Don't lose your temper. There is no telling what might happen in your absence.

Go to the tree. Let it teach you peace.

- What is the secret of your calm?

“In complete acceptance of the inevitable,” answered the Master.

Put your thoughts in order - and you will see the world with different eyes.

Don't forget to cleanse your heart.

What is peace?

No unnecessary thoughts.

And what thoughts are unnecessary?

(Wei De-Han)

Your most important treasure is peace in your soul.

Chamomile is calming.

Control your mood, for if it does not obey, it commands.

You can find peace only by becoming an observer, calmly looking at the fleeting flow of life. Irvin Yalom

Calmness is stronger than emotions.

Silence is louder than a scream.

And no matter what happens to you, don’t take anything to heart. Few things in the world remain important for long.

Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe" ---

If you get caught in the rain, you can learn a useful lesson from it. If it starts raining unexpectedly, you don't want to get wet, so you run down the street towards your house. But when you reach home, you notice that you are still wet. If you decide from the very beginning not to speed up your pace, you will get wet, but you will not fuss. The same should be done in other similar circumstances.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo - Hagakure. Samurai Book

Tomorrow will be what it should be

and nothing will happen that should not happen -

don't fuss.

If there is no peace within us, it is useless to look for it outside.

Unburdened with worries -
enjoys life.
He is not happy when he finds it,
when losing he is not sad, because he knows
that fate is not constant.
When we are not bound by things,
Serenity is fully experienced.
If the body does not rest from tension,
it wears out.
If the spirit is always in worries,
he fades.

Chuang Tzu ---

If you throw a stick to a dog, it will look at the stick. And if you throw a stick to a lion, he will, without looking up, look at the thrower. This is a formal phrase that was said during debates in ancient China, if the interlocutor began to cling to words and stopped seeing the main thing.

As I breathe in, I calm my body and mind.
As I exhale, I smile.
Being in the present moment, I know that this moment is amazing!

Let yourself breathe full breasts and don't force yourself into limits.

Strength belongs to those who believe in their own strength.

Develop the habit of monitoring your mental-emotional state through self-observation. It is good to regularly ask yourself: “Am I calm at this moment?” is a question that is useful to ask yourself regularly. You can also ask: “What is happening inside me at the moment?”

Eckhart Tolle

Freedom is freedom from worry. Once you understand that you cannot influence the results, ignore your desires and fears. Let them come and go. Don't feed them with interest and attention. In reality, things are done to you, not by you.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater will be his success in good and worthy deeds. Equanimity of mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.

The basis of all wisdom is calmness and patience.

Stop your worry and then you will be able to see the magnificent pattern...

When the mind comes to peace, you begin to appreciate the light of the moon and the blow of the wind and understand that there is no need for the bustle of the world.

Find peace in your soul, and thousands around you will be saved.

In fact, you only want peace and love. You came from them, you will return to them and you are them. Papaji

The most beautiful and healthy people- these are people who are not irritated by anything.

The most high degree human wisdom is the ability to remain calm despite external thunderstorms.

You are not bound by your experiences, but by the fact that you cling to them.

Don't make hasty decisions. Well weigh all the pros and cons. Almost every person has a heavenly guide, a second self. Think and ask him, is it worth doing what you have planned or not?! Learn to observe, see the invisible, anticipate situations.

When you contemplate mountain forests and streams running over stones, your heart, clouded by worldly dirt, gradually becomes clear. When you read the ancient canons and look at the paintings of ancient masters, the spirit of worldly vulgarity little by little dissipates. Hong Zichen, Taste of Roots.

Wisdom comes with the ability to be calm. Just watch and listen. Nothing more is needed. When you are at peace, when you just watch and listen, it activates the concept-free intelligence within you. Let peace guide your words and deeds.

Eckhart Tolle

We will never be able to achieve peace in outside world, until we achieve it in the internal.

The essence of balance is not to cling.

The essence of relaxation is not to hold on.

The essence of naturalness is not to make an effort.

One who is not envious and does not wish harm to anyone has achieved balance. For him, the whole world is filled with happiness.

For life to bloom again, seethe and be filled with exciting joy and happiness, you just need to stop... Stop and allow yourself to dissolve in pleasure...

Don't worry about your future, be at peace now and everything will fall into place.

If the water is not clouded, it will settle on its own. If the mirror is not dirty, it will reflect light on its own. The human heart cannot be made pure by one's will. Eliminate that which pollutes it, and its purity will manifest itself. You don't have to look outside yourself for joy. Eliminate what bothers you, and joy will automatically reign in your soul.

Sometimes just leave it alone...

It's always quiet in the center of a hurricane. Be it quiet place in the center, even if there are whirlwinds raging around.

You are heaven. Everything else is just weather.

Only in calm waters are things reflected undistorted.

Only a calm consciousness is suitable for perceiving the world.

When you don't know what to do, wait a while. Hide. Live the way you live. The sign will appear sooner or later. The main thing is to know that you are waiting and to be ready to face what you are waiting for. Luis Rivera

Don't worry about your future, be at peace now and everything will fall into place.

Calmness deprives your enemies of strength. In calmness there is neither fear nor excessive anger - only reality, cleared of distortions and interference from emotional outbursts. When you are calm, you are truly strong.

Therefore, your opponents will always try with all their might to bring you out of this state - to instill fear, sow doubts, cause anger. Internal state directly related to breathing. Whatever situation you find yourself in, immediately calm your breathing - your spirit will calm down afterwards.

The most important thing in spiritual life is to keep your heart in peace.

You need to trust life.
We must entrust ourselves to its flow without fear, because life is infinitely wiser than us.
She will still treat you in her own way, sometimes quite harshly,
but eventually you will realize that she was right.

Be at peace now and everything will fall into place.

Your spirit shouldn't worry evil word should not come out of your lips; you must remain friendly, with a heart, full of love, not containing secret malice; and even ill-wishers you must embrace with loving thoughts, generous thoughts, deep and boundless, cleansed of all anger and hatred. This, my students, is how you should act.

Only calm water reflects the heavens correctly.

The best indicator of the level of consciousness is the ability to calmly relate to life's difficulties.

They pull the unconscious person down, while the conscious person rises more and more.

Eckhart Tolle.

Sit quietly and you will understand how fussy everyday worries are. Be silent for a while and you will understand how empty everyday speech is. Give up everyday chores, and you will understand how much energy people waste in vain. Chen Jiru.

Calmness helps us find a way out of the most difficult situations.

Have you run out of patience?...Inflate again!)


It is enough to think calmly for three seconds to understand everything.

But where can I get them, these truly three quiet seconds? We are too excited by our own fantasies to stop even for a moment.

Have you ever seen an oak tree in a state of stress, a dolphin in a gloomy mood, a frog suffering from low self-esteem, a cat that cannot relax, or a bird burdened with resentment? Learn from them the ability to come to terms with the present.
Eckhart Tolle

Take your time. Each bud blooms in its own time. Don't force a bud to become a flower. Do not bend the petals. They are gentle; you will hurt them. Wait and they will open on their own. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Don't worship the bearded man in the sky or the idol in the book. Worship the inhalation and exhalation, the winter breeze caressing your face, the morning crowd of people on the subway, just the feeling of being alive, never knowing what is coming.Notice God in the eyes of a stranger, Providence in the broken and ordinary. Worship the ground you stand on. Make every day a dance, with tears in your eyes, contemplating the divine in every moment, notice the absolute in everything relative, and let people call you crazy. Let them laugh and make jokes.

Jeff Foster

Supreme power is not the ability to conquer others, but the ability to become one with others.

Sri Chinmoy

Try, at least in a small way, not to bring your mind.
Look at the world - just look.
Don't say "like" or "dislike". Don't say anything.
Don't say words, just watch.
The mind will feel uncomfortable.
The mind would like to say something.
You simply tell your mind:
“Be quiet, let me see, I’ll just watch”...

6 wise advice by Chen Jiru

1. Sit quietly and you will understand how fussy everyday worries are.
2. Be silent for a while and you will understand how empty everyday speech is.
3. Give up everyday chores, and you will understand how much energy people waste in vain.
4. Close your gates and you will understand how burdensome the bonds of acquaintance are.
5. Have few desires, and you will understand why the diseases of the human race are so numerous.
6. Be more humane, and you will understand how soulless ordinary people are.

Free your mind from thoughts.
Let your heart calm down.
Calmly follow the turmoil of the world,
Watch how everything falls into place...

A happy person is very easy to recognize. He seems to radiate an aura of calm and warmth, moves slowly, but manages to get everywhere, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. Secret happy people simple - it is the absence of tension.

If you are sitting somewhere in the Himalayas and silence surrounds you, it is the silence of the Himalayas, not yours. You must find your own Himalayas within...

Wounds inflicted by thoughts take longer to heal than any other.

JK Rowling, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

Wisdom comes with the ability to be calm.Just watch and listen. Nothing more is needed. When you are at peace, when you just watch and listen, it activates the concept-free intelligence within you. Let peace guide your words and deeds.

Eckhart Tolle "What Silence Says"

The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater will be his success in good and worthy deeds. Equanimity of mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.

James Allen

When you live in harmony with yourself, you are able to get along with others.

Eastern wisdom -

You sit and sit for yourself; you go - and go yourself.
The main thing is not to fuss in vain.

Change your attitude towards the things that bother you, and you will be safe from them. (Marcus Aurelius)

Bring your attention to your solar plexus. Try to imagine that a small ball of sun is lighting up inside you. Allow it to flare up, become bigger and stronger. Let its rays illuminate you. Let the sun saturate your entire body with its rays.

Harmony is evenness in everything. If you want to make a scandal, count to 10 and “launch” the sun.

Calm, just calm :)

Be as interested in what's going on inside you as in what's around you. If in inner world everything is in order, then everything on the outside will fall into place.

Eckhart Tolle ---

A fool and an ignoramus have five signs:
angry for no reason
they talk unnecessarily
changing for unknown reasons
interfere in something that does not concern them at all,
and they do not know how to distinguish who wishes them good and who wishes them evil.

Indian proverb ---

What goes away, let it go.
Whatever comes, let it come.
You have nothing and never had anything except yourself.

If you could simply maintain inner silence, uncontaminated by memories and expectations, you would be able to discern a beautiful pattern of events. It is your worry that creates chaos.

Nisargadatta Maharaj ---

There is only one path to happiness - this is to stop worrying about those things that are beyond our control.

Epictetus ---

When we lose our sense of self-importance, we become invulnerable.

To be strong, you must be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; dam - it will stop; If the dam breaks, it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - she is round. Because she is so compliant, she is needed most and most powerfully.

The world is like a train station, where we are always either waiting or rushing.

When your mind and feelings slow down to the beat of the Heart, you spontaneously come into harmony with the cosmic rhythm. You begin to perceive the world through divine eyes, observing how everything happens on its own and in its own time. Having discovered that everything is already in tune with the law of the Universe, you come to the understanding that you are not different from the world and its Lord. This is Freedom. Muji

We worry too much. We take it too seriously. We need to take things more simply. But wisely. No nerves. The main thing is to think. And don't do anything stupid.

What you can perceive calmly no longer controls you...

Peace cannot be found anywhere for those who have not found it within themselves.

Being angry and irritated is nothing more than punishing yourself for other people's stupidities.

You are the sky. And clouds are something that happens, comes and goes.

Eckhart Tolle

Live with peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.

It is known that the calmer a person looks, the less often other people contradict him and argue with him. And vice versa, if a person defends his point of view with vehemence, he is resisted reasonably and violently.

Do not rush. Eat at the hour of eating, and the hour of travel will come- hit the road.

Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

Surrender means accepting what is. So you are open to life. Resistance is the internal clamp... . So you are completely closed. Whatever you do in a state of internal resistance (which can also be called negativity), it will cause even more external resistance, and the universe will not be on your side, life will not help you. Light cannot enter through closed shutters. When you give in internally and stop fighting, a new dimension of consciousness opens up. If action is possible... it will be done... supported by the creative mind... with which, in a state of inner openness, you become one. And then circumstances and people begin to help you, become at one with you. Happy coincidences happen. Everything works out in your favor. If action is not possible, you experience the peace and inner peace that comes with giving up the fight.

Eckhart Tolle New Land

"Calm down" message For some reason it always irritates me even more.Another paradox.Usually after such a callno one even thinks about calming down.

Bernard Werber Cassandra's Mirror

He who humbled himself defeated his enemies.

Silouan of Athos

The one who keeps God within himself is calm.

When you argue with a fool, he is most likely doing the same thing.

The true strength of a person is not in impulses, but in unshakable calm.

The highest degree of human wisdom is the ability to adapt to circumstances and remain calm in spite of external storms.

Interfering feelings and thoughts will disappear if you do not pay attention to them. Lama Ole Nydahl

You will never regret what you managed to keep silent about.
--- Eastern wisdom ---

It is worth striving for a state of consciousness in which all events will be perceived neutrally.

Calmness and order, general peace of mind are the desired states of every person. Our life basically goes on a swing - from negative emotions to euphoria, and back.

How to find and maintain a point of balance so that the world is perceived positively and calmly, nothing irritates or frightens, and the present moment brings inspiration and joy? And is it possible to find lasting peace of mind? Yes, it's possible! Moreover, with peace comes real freedom and the simple happiness of living.

This simple rules, and they work religiously. You just need to stop thinking about HOW to change and start APPLYING them.

1. Stop asking, “Why did this happen to me?” Ask yourself another question: “What great happened? What good can this do for me? There is goodness for sure, you just need to see it. Any problem can turn into a real gift from above if you consider it as an opportunity, and not as punishment or injustice.

2. Cultivate gratitude. Every evening, take stock of what you can say “thank you” for during the day. If you lose peace of mind, remember those good things that you have, and what you can be grateful for in life.

3. Load your body physical exercise. Remember that the brain most actively produces “happiness hormones” (endorphins and enkephalins) during physical training. Therefore, if you are overcome by problems, anxiety, insomnia, go outside and walk for several hours. Quick step or running will distract you from sad thoughts, saturate the brain with oxygen and raise the level of positive hormones.

4. Develop a “cheerful posture” and think of a happy pose for yourself. The body has a wonderful way of helping when you need to restore peace of mind. It will “remember” the feeling of joy if you simply straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, stretch happily and smile. Consciously hold yourself in this position for a while, and you will see that the thoughts in your head become calmer, more confident and happier.

5. Return yourself to the “here and now” state. A simple exercise can help you get rid of anxiety: look around, focus on what you see. Start mentally “sounding out” the picture by inserting as many words as “now” and “here” as possible. For example: “I’m walking down the street now, the sun is shining here. Now I see a man, he is carrying yellow flowers…" etc. Life consists only of “now” moments, don’t forget about it.

6. Don't exaggerate your problems. After all, even if you bring a fly close to your eyes, it will take on the size of an elephant! If some experience seems insurmountable to you, think as if ten years have already passed... How many problems have you had before - you have solved them all. Therefore, this trouble will pass, don’t dive into it headlong!

7. Laugh more. Try to find something funny about the current state of affairs. If it doesn’t work out, then just find a reason to laugh sincerely. Watch a funny movie, remember a funny incident. The power of laughter is simply amazing! Peace of mind often returns after a good dose of humor.

8. Forgive more. Resentments are like heavy, foul-smelling stones that you carry around with you everywhere. What peace of mind can one have with such a load? So don't hold a grudge. People are just people, they cannot be perfect and always bring only goodness. So forgive the offenders and forgive yourself.

10. Communicate more. Any pain hidden inside multiplies and brings new sad fruits. Therefore, share your experiences, discuss them with loved ones, and seek their support. Don't forget that man is not meant to be alone. Peace of mind can only be found in close relationships - friendships, love, family.

11. Pray and meditate. Don't let bad, angry thoughts control you and cause panic, pain and irritation. Change them to short prayers- turning to God or meditating is a state of non-thinking. Stop the uncontrollable flow of self-talk. This is the basis of a good and stable state of mind.