I was a spiritual chad of the father of Adrian in the early 1990s, when he lived in Pechorah. For a year and a half, I looked at him and communicated with him very closely, did nothing without his blessing. And it was he who blessed me to go into a nun. Since then, our earthly contact, unfortunately, stopped, but I hope that he always prayed for me.

Undoubtedly, Andrian's father was a real old man. So he spoke about him, for example, and father John (peasantry). Although many who were next to him, he was not recognized as such, because he was very humble and often invisible to others. I just do not remember the same humble people, isn't that few old elders.

In terms of spiritual mentoring, he was very strict. Some of the brethren from this was avoided by his tips. But he himself lived a very intense spiritual life. I think he had a huge spiritual inner world, which few people knew about.

He also worked for many years to be the endless. And it was not his will - he was given this, one can say, the order. It began in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and in Pechorah, he lived as a link. He was removed from the Lavra, because the reporting of the lavens caused great discontent with the Soviet power.

And since he reported the standing, there were always many such people around him. They even moved to live next to the old man, because when they became easier when they became easier. And since the father of Adrian was engaged in them, he took over their treatment and spiritual recovery, kept them in a very strict obedience. These were mostly women, many of which were a demonish lifestyle, as if they had already lived in the monastery. They worked somewhere in the city, say, in a hospital or kindergarten, but fasted as nuns and generally led a very strict life. And since there were many patients around him and rampant women, then some monks even were afraid of him.

The life of the father of Adrian was very difficult. He was born after the revolution in a very pious family, and it was difficult for him to look at what was going around around when the priests and believers were persecuted, destroyed temples and so on.

Then the war began. The elder said that the Lord retained him that he did not kill anyone, and that his conscience - as a priest - Clea.

When I was in Pechorah, I saw that he was very sick, which was aggravated by the fact that he was engaged in obese, and this business is very difficult. Despite the fact that he made a blessing person, he had to suffer a lot from the goose of the devilish.

But as for me personally, I can say that he changed my life, with it I have formed a firm desire to take a monasticism.

He was very strong in spirit and very strict in life. For example, his routine of the day was: he lay very late - twelve or later, because he read the rule or took people, but at three o'clock in the morning he again got up to re-read the monastic rule. After the night reading the rule, he could relax a bit, but then again began to take people or serve, and I guess that he was no longer asleep.

What can cause tears from atheist?

Yuri Siluanov:

When I had a very serious problem, on the blessing of the governor of the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery of Archimandrite Tikhon (secretaries), I was held in the Slage of the elder.

Physically he was, it can be said, exhausted, but such a strength of the Spirit came from him, such a grace that he literally glowed!

I outlined him my problem, and he just just said:

Well, do not worry. Everything is formed. Pray. This is the Lord sends temptation.

Temptation for some my sins? .. - I began to stand.

Who knows him - again he answered. - This is only the Lord God knows.

Batyushka, and when will these temptations end? - I did not learn. What is happening then really was unbearable.

We are deadlines for Lord not known. But will end - this is exactly exactly!

Blessed. Anointed me with Maslitsa.

We talked with him and some other topics. It was very surprising: a person who does not read the press is not watching TV, does not listen to the radio, it was aware of everything and, I understand, I knew everything, witnessing what we are then becoming ahead. Because he turned the essence of time.

I saw Mammon conquers more and more souls and on the territory of Onsvere Holy Rus, the Golden Taurus agrees ...

What flour has undergone a generation of elders - Father Adriana, John's father (peasant), Archpriest Nikolai Guryanova! But they had such power against sin!

Pray, pray! The Lord knows us better when we send temptations when they finish them when new to favorably ... "said Father Adrian. - Pray, pray! The Lord is not without grace, hear prayers.

Batyushka, I pray, yes, that's something in any way, - insect, it happened, I.

The deadlines of the Lord are not known to us, "he recalls again.

When, last year, my son began to occur something incomprehensible in life, clearly connected with the witch-influence, I was lucky to Father Adrian.

The elder did not accept anyone. But made an exception.

My son was baptized in childhood, but then rarely visited the church. And then except the candle will put ... in the afterlife, like many of the young, doubted:

Dad, well, how is it possible? So many billion to us have already buried ... And what: do they live somewhere and now? Where is it so much accommodation?

Such here he had typical "Zaozhansky" ideas.

I took him to the father of Adrian. 15 minutes they talked. And this strong 30-year-old boyfriend, succeeded in business, comes out with tears in his eyes:

Dad ... And what was it?

You, son, talked with theware for whom holiness is not a distracted concept.

Seeing such people, even the most harmonious atheists stop believing in the total victory of death over life.

Christ is Risen!

How the father Adrian "did nothing"

Ieromona Kosma (Afanasyev) , Owner of the Don Monastery:

I went to the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery in Hope to see the father of John (peasant). I go to him, and here it turns out that he does not accept. And I already need to leave ... what to do?

Someone from the brethren advised me:

And you go to the Father Adriana.

I went:

Talk to me…

Yes, I'm so tired ... - Treaty.

And he suddenly unfolded:

Well, okay, let's go.

Hugged me and began to tell me all my life! What problems he had, temptations. Words do not give me to insert! What kind of persecution for him arranged how to humiliate him.

I sit, I think: "I would deal with my problems ..."

And he says everything and says.

And only in the end I realized that he told me about everything that I then wanted to ask! He, and the mouth does not give me to reveal, allowed all my questions.

It became so easy for the soul as if I had just passed. I pierced the Divine Presence.

I last come to him, and he walked so much:

Koska arrived! Koska arrived!

So much joy in it was! Such a premature grace!

Batyushka in recent years has already been weak. Blessed, the Maslitsa will enjoy you, - and you yourself from where neither the strength takes.

I remember, I somehow came to him, and he says:

And who am I? All people come to me. From Canada come from Europe ... Some governor gave me a diploma. What about me? I sit in the cell, I do nothing.

I am very grateful to Adrian's father. I pray: yes, it will stop him with the Holy Lord.

In the life of eternal

Mikhail Moscow:

In 2013, my mother was diagnosed: 4 stage cancer. There were already metastases in the spine. She suffered a lot. I went to the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery. For the first time, I could not get to the father of Adrian. Returning to Moscow, a parcel of the Sretensky monastery passed through one monk, putting a note in it, where my city telephone was signed.

After a while, the call:

Batyushka Adrian causes you to himself.

I arrived and, surprisingly, despite the many people, I could get to him.

I go: a slender elder sits on a stool.

Do not worry. Your mom will be alive. It will heale.

I did not understand. I asked to repeat.

You drink her decoral linden, "he said," and often the Cobares and Communion.

I immediately, coming out of the elder, I call home, I explain in a bitching, to go to the pharmacy behind Lipoy.

Are you crazy? - I hear into the phone.

And my mother really has lost consciousness from pain.

Do what they say!

We became a drop in her mouth to pour a decoction in your mouth, and most importantly - they bold and fit. And she very quickly went on amendment.

So we even put together to Father Adrian. By phone, he himself almost never said, and then suddenly hear from him into the phone:

No, do not come. We will live to Easter - there will be visible.

And mom felt already very cheerful ...

Communted in the great Thursday. Deduced to Easter. And then sharply passed on Friday, bright weeks, for the celebration of the icons of the Mother of God "The Livestone Source", moved to the Lord.

I only understood the meaning of the words tested by the father.

Cancer got sick and my father. He, like mom, was 80 years old. And he is unresolved! Also rests: I do not want - and that's it! I'm to the father of Adrian. Only by phone took a blessing, and the sister immediately reports that just at this time the Father suddenly says:

I agree.

Batyushkina prayers are very strong.

Father then was already in the hospital. "Who," think, "to him there, so that he does not drive a priest? .."

Found one hieromonach. He listened to us, and how he learned about the father of Adrian, suddenly stopped:

And the father Adrian blessed to baptize?!

I call the old man. Caesenitsa gives him a question, and I hear the father calls Hieromonach by name and blesses:

Let baptize!

I turned off the phone, and then I tell me that it says that at this moment the father of Adrian said in the time:

And what tomorrow? Today you need!

And then my father suddenly calls me:

I urgently take the operation ...

"What," I think, "Operation?! Man 80 years old. He will die there now! " Returning to Hieromonakh, rushing on the subway, run to the ward. July 1st. Heat.

Do you agree to be baptized?

Only he dreamed and passed the Father, as the nurses enter it to prepare it to the operation.

The operation was complicated, strip. Thank God, he survived. For some time still lived. Combined, bored.

Kononi Father for transformation in 2014. He moved to the Lord with all and all the adjacent. With light, somehow luminous, exactly by the transfiguration. Even the defector to his coffin somehow stretched and was completely afraid.

I do not pray for unreleased, I remember, the father of Adrian said.

And his father drank, and the prayer of an old man also touched him.

I also know that Father Adrian poured her husband with one of his spiritual daughter. This man lived before somehow nevimo, until he had the third stroke. He really turned out to be in hell, on all sides, tormented by demons: "He did not go to church!", - And he shouted: "I walked! I went! ", - And here he suddenly appeared the father of Adrian. The old man brought him away from there and commucioned. Excellent, that they together remembered what happened in every detail. That after experienced deeply repeated and completely changed his life. He is still alive. I recently communicated with him.

Two years ago, we, I remember, talked with the father of Adrian and agreed: two Easter would still live.

And indeed: two Easter passed!

I had last Sunday. We talked so well with him. He even laughed. Joked together.

To his disease, Father Adrian treated calmly:

Blessed to be treated - I will, no - no need.

He was offered to make an operation on Cataract several years ago. He talked with his spiritual daughter of Inokine Makaria, and suddenly she asks:

Agree or not for operation?

Batyushka, well, if you go to the world now, pull you out there from the monastery for the sake of the operation, - you will also be another ...

For sure! I will not go anywhere. All you need, I see.

He has already had a different vision. Why was it? There is! I have no doubt that the Father Adrian is now just biting!

Grief as such is not. You even know that everyone can also contact the Father.

Before the ninth day after the death of the soul of each person, he contemplates the paradise monastery. Today, in the 9th day of the presumption to the Lord, the Pskovo-Pechersk devotee remembers those who are already here on earth, next to him was like in paradise.

Why did the father of Adrian afraid of power?

But people seeking authentic, not fakes to him and went here. Sometimes clearly, sometimes they made their way, because it was not easy to get to him.

His prayer, meek and quiet confession helped many to be approved in faith, fight adversities, attacks and various kinds of tests.

We remember him always with meek, quiet and humble, with a children's smile, comforting the interlocutor. He left his calm and all over the bright memory in the hearts of those who were close to him and had spiritual communication with him.

The bishop life is also not easy, and I am grateful to God for the fact that when I was appointed to the Pskov Department, I was comforted by the elders: and Archpriest Nikolai Zalitsky, and Archimandrite John (peasantry), and his father Adrian.

Everlasting memory.

Meeting with an older is a personal experience of God for us.

, Camener of the elder Adriana:

For 30 years, starting in 1964, the father of Adrian on the blessing of the Lavrian elder once or twice a week made a prayer for expulsion of evil spirits. Once I myself witnessed the expulsion of the Demon and the complete healing of a woman suffered only three words of the devotee. Subsequently, Archimandrite Sofroniya (Sakharov) in his letter, Father Adriana compared this with a truly sacrificial, rare church service with the "blood spoillance"; He is still a year later in the correspondence and advised the father to leave it hard, already unbearable, full of sorrows and an excessive adherent.

In the consciousness of most, this feat is associated with the peaks of spiritual agents, while Father Adrian is a very simple person. How simple was the father of John (peasantry), but he at one time he studied in the Moscow Spiritual Academy, he was not allowed to defend the dissertation - they were arrested. And Father Adrian is from Kuznetsov. If the question with which I came to Him was quite complicated, concerning something thin, for example, from the sphere of dogmatics, Father Adrian said this:

You go now to Ivan, and I will pour.

Just go, it was necessary immediately, and the result exceeded all the expectations!

Communication with these, it would seem common people that the main difference between the elders - life is not for themselves, but for others. And you can learn this by going with the godfather of suffering.

For the first time I found myself in Pechoras in the 1985s of the city were not easy, communication with the elders was tried to stop. And nevertheless, to the father of John and to about. Adriana always managed to penetrate believers with their urgent life issues. To about. Adriana brought dozens of sick people, the understeed, from deep old people to children, and he reported them in the Blagoveshchensky temple. These were not easy services. The underacted shouted, squeezed, shine, halled, they did not grow out with their own voice: "I will not come out," sometimes rushed to about. Adriana. And all this endured the bassushka already, not a good health, undermined in the war, during military service. Nevertheless, he carried this terrible cross, which was underwater to suffer very few. Of those who committed a reading in the North-West, I can only mention about. Vasily Borin, who served in the temple in Vask-Narva (died in 1993). In the case of about. Vasily demons ramped even more: once a bare woman who held two men, broke out of their hands and the unknown force was thrown on as many as two meters back. The next day, she among other pilgrims carried a heavy bucket with stones to build a fence around the temple and sang "Tsarice My Fair." Similar cases of healing, though, maybe less bright, were the Archimandrite Adrian.

O. Adrian never denied anyone in prayer or in the Council

The father courageously performed his ministry until the mid-1990s, when he underwent a terrible attack of the Demon's Forces. After that, he said the sermon, the essence of which was as follows: "I will not count anyone else. It is necessary to repent, and not report. " And indeed, without repentance, without the heart awareness of His sin (either the sin of his neighbor, if he is unable to bring a conscious confession) any person is useless. However, up to its death about. Adrian never denied anyone in prayer or in the Council. Having lost the opportunity to take visitors due to diseases, he communicated in writing with everyone who was looking for his help and spiritual instruction.

It was amazed that with such a terrible ministry, with such a spiritual tension about. Adrian was always Rovna, friendly, assembled, moderately joy. It felt a huge spiritual good strength and goodwill. The Father John (Peastery) was a larger flow of visitors, however, in the father of Adriana, some jealousy and unfair times were absolutely absent. Moreover, some of those who were looking for his advice, he sent John to Father. It feels true humility and amazing kindness hidden by external rigor. His sermons were few and deeply Orthodox and addressed to the tasks of practical - the correction of the life of the listening. During the liturgy in about. Adriana was felt not only deep concentration, but also amazing prayerness, immersion in the sacrament of the Eucharist. He lived Liturgy.

The feeling of grief and loss, however, joy is mixed. Father Adrian accomplished his grave earthly feat and retired to the eternal abode, "I look at the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but lifeless life." And the earthly church acquired another prayer room and the intercession. For the whole world and for Russia.

We are all rotten lambs that must remember

, Spiritual Chado of the Elder:

Batyushka constantly blessed to humble. So instructed to think about myself: "Machy I am lamb."

There were also variations: "Waying" could be added.

If a man is suitable for him to confession, dirty; And the father suddenly suddenly and puzzles:

Call yourself a rotten ram!

Like this?! - the one is embarrassed.

Bey yourself in the chest: I am a rotten ram, the most rotten !!

Smilal: Lawyers here worked as janitor. They helped the random to execute pensions, and they themselves lived on their hands: swept.

Key, see, - said the father, all the conversations reduced it. - without repentance there is no salvation.

His "person" was so shocked by consciousness - when people blew, roared, one guy was jumping at all, like a horse, soaked and jumping, - that, after watching, many of those who have never thought about the existence of the spiritual world, rushed and Apply.

He somehow knew how to transfer attention from external to the inner.

I remember, I lived at the hostess, and she somehow reports me that the Father Zinon (Theodore) is gaining student: now, they say, not only the monks of icon painting will be learning. And I once finished the art school and became very interested. Father Zinon then confessed then, it was possible to approach him and ascend to study.

And then the father of Adrian, while I thought about such plans, passes by and suddenly answers my thoughts:

Icons then was not, and King David as we cried!

That is, for me the main thing to repent, crying about your sins is not mine, it can be seen, the case of icons to write.

I then didn't ask anything so nothing about it, he once again said to me for confession:

Icons you will not write, you can't, - and so finally died me.

Often it happened: something else is essential that you did not ask, the father himself, and somehow on the go, gave answers.

If a person thought about some embarrassing question and he didn't know how about such a thing at all, the father suddenly began to answer his perplexed to him: so it seems to be someone else, but man understood that this He is told, and received a resolution of mutual problems.

I remember, I wanted to get a nurse in the house of Baby, and I did not know: I need to go there, you don't need to go ... Suddenly the father comes and says:

Everything will be pure and fine. Go!

And I even did not have time to ask him! And as said, so immediately went and wrote a statement.

Of course, there were difficulties, testing.

But someone's father Zinon and about the father of Adrian somehow asked the question:

Batyushka pone?

And the gentlemen poured, "said Father Zinon.

Father Adrian us happened, about the paradise told.

Today I served with the father of John, "says one morning, it was after the presumption of Father John (Peasteankin).

How is he, father? - We are prettring, interesting.

He has a small arrival there. Beautiful! - Smiles, shines all.

I generally exhorted me at all:

Paradise, do not forget about the paradise.

Everyone meets as loved ones

Ieromona Iona , Pskov-Pechersk Monastery:

The elder Adrian is strict, fertile. For people was opened. At the same time, the internally assembled, did not risks.

When I just arrived in the insidency, I asked the Father Adrian Council: how to be further in life. He was later very glad that I was taken to the monastery. Come to him, and he:

ABOUT! Ionushka came, my beloved!

He met everyone. God forbid, will meet in paradise.

I remember, he had Chad - a married couple, her husband fell ill with cancer, and they both accepted monasticism. Father Adrian said to them:

After the post, everything will pass.

And indeed, when they were tonsured, walking to Moscow for the surrender of the next analyzes, the new-supported heard:

This Vadim (name before the post is) oncology was, and his father Nicholas is nothing.

Stay next to him - it was already a huge joy

Then they lived like a brother with a sister and brought up in the monastic spirit of their six, born before the adoption of the Holding, children.

I was confessing to me to confess; The stay next to him is already a huge joy.

When Father Adrian moved to the Lord, I came to the chapel, where his coffin was standing, was attached - and love just covered me!

During his lifetime, he was all focused, prayerfully directed to God, tried to keep himself strictly, and then his whole love was revealed! It can be seen, met with the Lord. That all felt.

Archimandrite Adrian (Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery) went to the Lord on April 28, 2018 for 97 years of life. With the older Adrian, I met 26 years ago. Our family was needed was a confessor, the children were adjusted - it was time to instruct us in faith. All churches in the district were closed, drove in Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. Early cold autumn morning, I do not want to get out of a warm train. A little robe - never saw the living monks, communicated only with a white priesthood, but it was very interesting to look at the real, acting monastery. In the monastery was advised to find Hegumen Adriana. We go to the Allwatch, in the remotion of Assumption. There confession. Professional and professing a lot, but I told the mother: "Mom, let's go to that follower." - And why? - He has more than all people, then he is the best. - Who confesses? - asks mom from some woman. - Hegumen Adrian. - Let's go, you guessed. Standing in the queue for confession whispering: "Let the girl, you, what I got up." Let them I fell. - Tanya, I'm waiting for you for a long time. - Strange - where does he know me from? How many love in his words and how much joy from the meeting! Something asked about school, about prayer. - Do you have a gospel? - Not. - Come. Bring. Nearby they whispered that this is a great old man, a turnover, expelled demons. I did not understand this at all, just it was so much love that I wanted to meet him, even if he did not promise the Gospel. Low, growth below average, is not beautiful, but rather reminds usual selinine, the face features are large as and hands. Light, but solid gait. Only eyes ... they have some special insight and surprisingly filled depth. They revive the face, making it spiritualized. A dark brown of a person's eye of another world, where all the measurements are different. Gospel Batyushka really brought. I began to come often, often, early early, went to the confession, then went to school. Right a father from the village of Treary of the Orlovsky district of the Oryol region, from a simple peasant family. His father, Andrei Kirsanov, was a good joiner, even the furniture did, and mother, Feodosia, was engaged in household. In 1932, a girl was born, and in 1935 - a boy. At the same time, the breadwinner of the family died, and the sinal of Agafya Kirsanov should have one to educate and contain children. All temples in the area were closed before their birth. The time was severe not only because of blasphemy and rampant crime, but also because of terrible hunger. Alyosha was a weak health, one day he fell ill and went to the city of Eagle to the doctor. The church remained in Orel. Alexey went into a half-empty temple, where Liturgy began, and his soul suggested that here, in the church, his place, God is waiting for him. God strengthened Alexey also wonderful revelation. Suddenly, from the icon, in front of which the young man was stopped, Virgo Mary, and on the field of the icons began the bloody battles and flew airplanes with a swastika. I understood the young man that in addition to the war of the spiritual will soon soon the war of Interstate. When it began, Alexei evacuated in Taganrog to plant airplanes; However, the city took the Germans, and a slender boy was sent home to the village. And he went, and reached, having hung 2 thousand kilometers. In the Oryol region, fascists were played too. Once, the German, looking for workers to send to Germany, entered the hut. The mother planted Alyosha to the stove, made the cast-iron, and did not find it. Another time he was still taken away, put together with others in the barn. But the young man passed the German passport, and they were released, and the rest of all burned alive. Then our troops came, Alexei was sent to study on an artilleryist, but after three months of study, the medical examination found a heart vice. He was determined to work for Zil. It was in 1943, and 10 years Alexey Andreevich Kirsanov worked at the factory. Praying went to the Epiphany Cathedral, often traveled to prep. Sergia. In 1953, Alexey Andreevich, saying his fellow who goes to marry and live in his wife, quit the factory. To convincingly, there was a legend, left "while" at the checkout salary. Comrades were delighted by such a step of her friend, as they did not understand his asceticism. And Alexey Andreevich came to the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra and asked to the number of brethren. The rector then was Archimandrite John (Razumov). He harshly experienced the coming: "We do not need such, go from here!" There was some monk: "a holiday of the other day, we need a man to wash the dishes." - "Good, let her wash." Alexey Andreevich was very happy, tried. Trinity came. Once upon a time the rector in the washing machine is coming: "Well, what do you like to wash the plates?". - "Thank you." I like it very much. " Translated into the trapsees. Once he gives the novice Alexei Lunch, and the cat is spinning under his feet, and he came to her inadvertently on the paw. Screamed the cat with a wild voice for all the refectory, and the governor and says: "Go away, we don't need such an evil monk! You beat cats, and what you will get from you!". "Well, let's cry ... left," tells the old man. Then they were transferred behind the candle box, already in the ultimate Pimenta (Izvekov) - the future Patriarch. The abbot himself will lead Alexey to the monks named Adrian. The confessor about. Adrian became Archimandrite Tikhon. The man is spiritual and educated, subtly understanding the soul.

Once, the father of Adrian dreams dream: the secretary of the governor is coming to him. Pimen (Khmelevsky) and says: "You will make the Ierodicon soon." A monk of Adrian woke up and went to the confessor. To meet the renunal. He he told him a dream. "Yes," he says, "the father of Pimen went on this issue to the Patriarch for the blessing." "I don't have any needs in the ranks and Sana, I just want to learn how to wash the plates, I don't need more." - "And you ask how the confessor." The confessor blessed for obedience to take San. A few months later, again, the same dream, but in Hieromona, it prophesate. The same consequences and answers. After taking a priesthood about. Adrian appointed to confess in the Assumption Temple, and the elders Father Cyril and Father Naum bore. The people came apparently invisible. Very many patients, and among them there are many standnote - terrible, unpredictable people, often with no one needed, sometimes militant who can hit. The spectacle they represented terrible. Then came about. Adrian to the confessor and says: "I want to help these people; how can I do?" - There is such a rank - the expulsion of demons, but this is necessary for the blessing of the governor. The governor sent Alexy I (Simansky) to Patriarch. Father Adrian was a petition in which he outlined his desire to help unhappy people, asked for this blessing of the First Hierarch. The wise patriarch understood the love of a young but spiritual shepherd and allowed. And then Golgotha \u200b\u200bbegan. Huge crowds of screaming, fighting, half-sized people gathered every day to Father Adrian. These people had no idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual life; Prayer, post, confession. It was necessary to teach them to this. From 5 in the morning she confessed the father, and then until late evening, he read prayers about the expulsion of evil spirits. Then they understood the people of the immense love of the young elder and the height of his spirit. He "picked up" by anyone who does not need people with terrible vices, hopelessly sick, beggars, and after some time they were transformed. It was worthy to appear on the street, he was waiting for the sick everywhere, and he consoled him for hours, instructed, saying to the clock, meekly, lovingly - sometimes dozens of times the same people, until they understand, they will not be corrected, they will not start proper work on themselves. Was and envy, of course, false denunciations. Causes somehow the father's abbot of the father of Adrian and says: "On you, the father of Adrian, complaints come that you have mentally sick people of some demons kick." "How so, the father's governor?" They are already working after the "figure" in kindergartens, "the old man replied. What words can you convey this sacrifice? I can't, I miss them. The god of the father of Adrian's father's gifts and healing, awarded the gifts of prayers and love, which comes from the great humility. Crowds of patients violated the digestive laurels where tourists were flocked from all over the world, and in May 1975, an elder was transferred to the Pskovo-Pechersk monastery. Heavily worried about the partition with his beloved Lavra, - an ulcer of the stomach opened, but only a bit heard, as he again took up the patient's help, and until 1990, again - daily confession and "person" is the underestimated. Only thoroughly spoiled health made it give up. But now the elder, realizing that this difficult time it is difficult to live with many advice without his advice, continues to take people who seek instructions, help to resolve difficult issues. Pechora. Tatyana Zotova 07/01/1999 The Orthodox newspaper "Blagovest" Archimandrite Adrian moved to the Lord on April 28, 2018 for 97 years of life.

Today, the burial day of the Pskovo-Pechersk senior Father Adrian, who died on April 28. He was 97 years old.

From the peasant family of Orlovskaya Vidka, this weak and painful boy Alesh, in the young year being alone in the church of the town nearest to the village of the town, has encountered revelations: from the icons, in front of which he stood, the preching Virgin, and the Icon of Alexei's vision was transformed into the field of Brahi . It was an alternation of his future battle with the prince of Mira.

Before the war, she worked as a mechanic at the factory. During the war, she was evacuated to Taganrog, served there at the airfield, participated in the undermines of workshops before the arrival of the Germans. Returned home, he lived in a guerrilla. After the war he worked at the Likhachev plant in Moscow.
At the same time, another significant case happened to him. Going with a sister for baptized water on a hole, he fell under the ice and in severe winter clothes began to go to the bottom. Cheating in these seconds to St. Nicholas, Alexey promised to God, which will serve him all his life and take a monasticism. And as if some unknown force pushed him on the surface of the water, and he managed to escape.

And in 1953 he went to the recently recently open Trinity-Sergiev Lavra and asked for obedience. Archim governor. John (Razumov) first did not want to take such a robust ashes, but then soften and accepted him to wash the dishes.
Four years later, Alexey was tonsured in a monk named Adrian and soon ordained in San Ierodicone.

Only in 1970 he accepted the sacred san.

And soon after ordination there was an unexpected - he felt the ability to help the launched. So the Lord chose the severity for special ministry. And how is happening election of this is a mystery is great.

Having received the blessing of the Patriarch Alexy I began to finish obsessed with the spirit of the malfunction. In the morning, under his cells, crowds were gathered insane, violent, often left by all people. At 5 o'clock in the morning, the father of Adrian confessed them, then read prayers expelled evil spirit.

After the incident, when at the sight of the father of Adrian, the launcher suddenly manifested itself from one prominent American tourist, from the leadership of the CPSU Central Committee, the order was followed by "removing Adriana from the Lavra at 24 hours."
And in 1975, he was transferred to the Pskovo-Pechersk Assumption Male Monastery. It is extremely difficult, he moved parting with his beloved abode, an ulcer disease was even opened. But as soon as I went to the amendment, again began to confess the mentally ill, continuing the elder service and upon reaching the 90-year-old age.

I had to visit the 90s in him. I remember the long Dark Corridor of the Bratsky Corps, the door and a light doors, where the window in the chair was sitting by the father Adrian in big glasses, around a lot of books. I listened carefully, I said that I seemed very simple words, and then they revealed so deeply ...
I didn't understand this feat of the expulsion of demons from obsessed sufferers, simply seeing them, I was restrained and turned away from the lepers. And Father Adrian went to them and one of the few tried to help them.

Last years was in the gate and prayerful silence.

We accept, Lord, the soul of the slave of your Adriana, a worker and a fighter with the spirits of the Evil Primbate.

Simple words, effective prayer, extremely important revelations and unforgettable meetings. Pskov-Pechersk senior Archimandrite Adrian (Kirsanova) remember those who were lucky to communicate with this "strikingly happy man."

"He did not mean - he was expressed"

I was a spiritual chad of the father of Adrian in the early 1990s, when he lived in Pechorah. For a year and a half, I looked at him and communicated with him very closely, did nothing without his blessing. And it was he who blessed me to go into a nun. Since then, our earthly contact, unfortunately, stopped, but I hope that he always prayed for me.

Undoubtedly, Andrian's father was a real old man. So he spoke about him, for example, and father John (peasantry). Although many who were next to him, he was not recognized as such, because he was very humble and often invisible to others. I just do not remember the same humble people, isn't that few old elders.

In terms of spiritual mentoring, he was very strict. Some of the brethren from this was avoided by his tips. But he himself lived a very intense spiritual life. I think he had a huge spiritual inner world, which few people knew about.

He also worked for many years to be the endless. And it was not his will - he was given this, one can say, the order. It began in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and in Pechorah, he lived as a link. He was removed from the Lavra, because the reporting of the lavens caused great discontent with the Soviet power.

And since he reported the standing, there were always many such people around him. They even moved to live next to the old man, because when they became easier when they became easier. And since the father of Adrian was engaged in them, he took over their treatment and spiritual recovery, kept them in a very strict obedience. These were mostly women, many of which were a demonish lifestyle, as if they had already lived in the monastery. They worked somewhere in the city, say, in a hospital or kindergarten, but fasted as nuns and generally led a very strict life. And since there were many patients around him and rampant women, then some monks even were afraid of him.

The life of the father of Adrian was very difficult. He was born after the revolution in a very pious family, and it was difficult for him to look at what was going around around when the priests and believers were persecuted, destroyed temples and so on.

Then the war began. The elder said that the Lord retained him that he did not kill anyone, and that his conscience - as a priest - Clea.

When I was in Pechorah, I saw that he was very sick, which was aggravated by the fact that he was engaged in obese, and this business is very difficult. Despite the fact that he made a blessing person, he had to suffer a lot from the goose of the devilish.

But as for me personally, I can say that he changed my life, with it I have formed a firm desire to take a monasticism.

He was very strong in spirit and very strict in life. For example, his routine of the day was: he lay very late - twelve or later, because he read the rule or took people, but at three o'clock in the morning he again got up to re-read the monastic rule. After the night reading the rule, he could relax a bit, but then again began to take people or serve, and I guess that he was no longer asleep.

What can cause tears from atheist?

Yuri Siluanov:

When I had a very serious problem, on the blessing of the governor of the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery of Archimandrite Tikhon (secretaries), I was held in the Slage of the elder.

Physically he was, it can be said, exhausted, but such a strength of the Spirit came from him, such a grace that he literally glowed!

I outlined him my problem, and he just just said:

Well, do not worry. Everything is formed. Pray. This is the Lord sends temptation.

Temptation for some my sins? .. - I began to stand.

Who knows him - again he answered. - This is only the Lord God knows.

Batyushka, and when will these temptations end? - I did not learn. What is happening then really was unbearable.

We are deadlines for Lord not known. But will end - this is exactly exactly!

Blessed. Anointed me with Maslitsa.

We talked with him and some other topics. It was very surprising: a person who does not read the press is not watching TV, does not listen to the radio, it was aware of everything and, I understand, I knew everything, witnessing what we are then becoming ahead. Because he turned the essence of time.

I saw Mammon conquers more and more souls and on the territory of Onsvere Holy Rus, the Golden Taurus agrees ...

What flour has undergone a generation of elders - Father Adriana, John's father (peasant), Archpriest Nikolai Guryanova! But they had such power against sin!

Pray, pray! The Lord knows us better when we send temptations when they finish them when new to favorably ... "said Father Adrian. - Pray, pray! The Lord is not without grace, hear prayers.

Batyushka, I pray, yes, that's something in any way, - insect, it happened, I.

The deadlines of the Lord are not known to us, "he recalls again.

When, last year, my son began to occur something incomprehensible in life, clearly connected with the witch-influence, I was lucky to Father Adrian.

The elder did not accept anyone. But made an exception.

My son was baptized in childhood, but then rarely visited the church. And then except the candle will put ... in the afterlife, like many of the young, doubted:

Dad, well, how is it possible? So many billion to us have already buried ... And what: do they live somewhere and now? Where is it so much accommodation?

Such here he had typical "Zaozhansky" ideas.

I took him to the father of Adrian. 15 minutes they talked. And this strong 30-year-old boyfriend, succeeded in business, comes out with tears in his eyes:

Dad ... And what was it?

You, son, talked with theware for whom holiness is not a distracted concept.

Seeing such people, even the most harmonious atheists stop believing in the total victory of death over life.

Christ is Risen!

How the father Adrian "did nothing"

Ieromona Kosma (Afanasyev) , Owner of the Don Monastery:

I went to the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery in Hope to see the father of John (peasant). I go to him, and here it turns out that he does not accept. And I already need to leave ... what to do?

Someone from the brethren advised me:

And you go to the Father Adriana.

I went:

Talk to me...

Yes, I'm so tired ... - Treaty.

And he suddenly unfolded:

Well, okay, let's go.

Hugged me and began to tell me all my life! What problems he had, temptations. Words do not give me to insert! What kind of persecution for him arranged how to humiliate him.

I sit, I think: "I would deal with my problems ..."

And he says everything and says.

And only in the end I realized that he told me about everything that I then wanted to ask! He, and the mouth does not give me to reveal, allowed all my questions.

It became so easy for the soul as if I had just passed. I pierced the Divine Presence.

I last come to him, and he walked so much:

Koska arrived! Koska arrived!

So much joy in it was! Such a premature grace!

Batyushka in recent years has already been weak. Blessed, the Maslitsa will enjoy you, - and you yourself from where neither the strength takes.

I remember, I somehow came to him, and he says:

And who am I? All people come to me. From Canada come from Europe ... Some governor gave me a diploma. What about me? I sit in the cell, I do nothing.

I am very grateful to Adrian's father. I pray: yes, it will stop him with the Holy Lord.

In the life of eternal

Mikhail Moscow:

In 2013, my mother was diagnosed: 4 stage cancer. There were already metastases in the spine. She suffered a lot. I went to the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery. For the first time, I could not get to the father of Adrian. Returning to Moscow, a parcel of the Sretensky monastery passed through one monk, putting a note in it, where my city telephone was signed.

After a while, the call:

Batyushka Adrian causes you to himself.

I arrived and, surprisingly, despite the many people, I could get to him.

I go: a slender elder sits on a stool.

Do not worry. Your mom will be alive. It will heale.

I did not understand. I asked to repeat.

You drink her decoral linden, "he said," and often the Cobares and Communion.

I immediately, coming out of the elder, I call home, I explain in a bitching, to go to the pharmacy behind Lipoy.

Are you crazy? - I hear into the phone.

And my mother really has lost consciousness from pain.

Do what they say!

We became a drop in her mouth to pour a decoction in your mouth, and most importantly - they bold and fit. And she very quickly went on amendment.

So we even put together to Father Adrian. By phone, he himself almost never said, and then suddenly hear from him into the phone:

No, do not come. We will live to Easter - there will be visible.

And mom felt already very cheerful ...

Communted in the great Thursday. Deduced to Easter. And then sharply passed on Friday, bright weeks, for the celebration of the icons of the Mother of God "The Livestone Source", moved to the Lord.

I only understood the meaning of the words tested by the father.

Cancer got sick and my father. He, like mom, was 80 years old. And he is unresolved! Also rests: I do not want - and that's it! I'm to the father of Adrian. Only by phone took a blessing, and the sister immediately reports that just at this time the Father suddenly says:

I agree.

Batyushkina prayers are very strong.

Father then was already in the hospital. "Who," think, "to him there, so that he does not drive a priest? .."

Found one hieromonach. He listened to us, and how he learned about the father of Adrian, suddenly stopped:

And the father Adrian blessed to baptize?!

I call the old man. Caesenitsa gives him a question, and I hear the father calls Hieromonach by name and blesses:

Let baptize!

I turned off the phone, and then I tell me that it says that at this moment the father of Adrian said in the time:

And what tomorrow? Today you need!

And then my father suddenly calls me:

I urgently take the operation ...

"What," I think, "Operation?! Man 80 years old. He will die there now! " Returning to Hieromonakh, rushing on the subway, run to the ward. July 1st. Heat.

Do you agree to be baptized?

Only he dreamed and passed the Father, as the nurses enter it to prepare it to the operation.

The operation was complicated, strip. Thank God, he survived. For some time still lived. Combined, bored.

Kononi Father for transformation in 2014. He moved to the Lord with all and all the adjacent. With light, somehow luminous, exactly by the transfiguration. Even the defector to his coffin somehow stretched and was completely afraid.

I do not pray for unreleased, I remember, the father of Adrian said.

And his father drank, and the prayer of an old man also touched him.

I also know that Father Adrian poured her husband with one of his spiritual daughter. This man lived before somehow nevimo, until he had the third stroke. He really turned out to be in hell, on all sides, tormented by demons: "He did not go to church!", - And he shouted: "I walked! I went! ", - And here he suddenly appeared the father of Adrian. The old man brought him away from there and commucioned. Excellent, that they together remembered what happened in every detail. That after experienced deeply repeated and completely changed his life. He is still alive. I recently communicated with him.

Two years ago, we, I remember, talked with the father of Adrian and agreed: two Easter would still live.

And indeed: two Easter passed!

I had last Sunday. We talked so well with him. He even laughed. Joked together.

To his disease, Father Adrian treated calmly:

Blessed to be treated - I will, no - no need.

He was offered to make an operation on Cataract several years ago. He talked with his spiritual daughter of Inokine Makaria, and suddenly she asks:

Agree or not for operation?

Batyushka, well, if you go to the world now, pull you out there from the monastery for the sake of the operation, - you will also be another ...

For sure! I will not go anywhere. All you need, I see.

He has already had a different vision. Why was it? There is! I have no doubt that the Father Adrian is now just biting!

Grief as such is not. You even know that everyone can also contact the Father.