Anti-Tank Wehrmacht infantry support weapons
Wehrmacht joined the second world war with simple 7.92-mm anti-tank guns of the "Panzerbusch" (Panzerbuschse) 38 having only 72 pieces. Over time, the production of PZB 38 was discontinued, and replaced with a simpler and cheap PZB 39 design. Perceiving anti-tank guns as a panacea from tanks, not reasonable, not the effectiveness of this weapon, but the need to give at least some means of infantry, capable of stopping the tank, forced the Wehrmacht produce large quantities "Panzerbuschse", made about 40 thousand pieces, saturation problems anti-tank artillery (more universal and efficient) stood before the Wehrmacht at the beginning of the war, which were not solved. The same causes of artillery lack, after her loss at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, forced us to start creating simple and cheap anti-tank agents.

Anti-Tank Wehrmacht infantry support weapons

discharge anti-tank gun Panzerbüchse PZB-38

None of the other has sufficient effectiveness against tanks, especially with new samples not to speaking heavy square meters.

Made about 40,000 guns of all modifications

anti-tank rifle 7.92 mm PTR "PZ.B.38"

As the war develops, there was a need for more powerful and multilateral weapons. This led to the development of a new type of weapon, based on rocket shells. 88-mm weapons designated as (RaketenPanzerbuchce) 43 or 54, had the propaganda name "Panzershchek" (PanzegschReck - Tank Horror), although the soldiers used the name (offenro) (ofenrohr - chimney). More details are described in the article:

  1. Anti-tank artillery of the Wehrmacht, the most serious opponent of tanks both of our and allies.

Types of models of Fauspatron

"Offenrore" was an enlarged version. So direct borrowing with minor modifications, the Germans were not alien to the Germans.

  • RP 43 weighed 9.2 kg,
  • and rp 54 - 10.5 kg.

Compact RP 54/1 Weighed 9.45 kg. It was shot by cumulative reactive projectiles RP-4322 or RP-4992 weighing 3.3 kg to the maximum range of 150 or 200 m, respectively. The combat part of this shell weighing 0.667 kg could be pierced 20-cm armor.

Panzerfaust - an armor-piercing fist), is known at as Faustpatron

Less complicated, but more widespread anti-tank weapons "Panzerfaust" (Panzerfaust) is known as an edge tool arming with a reactive cumulative grenade. It first appeared at the end of 1942, and by the end of 1943 it was widely spread. Panzerfaust 30 Klein has a shooting range of only 30 m, but its 680-gram charge can break through 140 mm armor at an angle of 300. When the weight of the charge increased to 1.58 kg, and the diameter of the garnet to 15 cm, the penetrating ability rose to 200 mm under The angle of 300. The range increased to 60 m, and later - 100 m. At the end of the war, work was carried out to an even greater increase in the range of Panuerfaust.

Jet anti-tank grenade launcher PanzerschReck-RPZB-43

But the war ended earlier than the "pacchafaust 250" came out of the test stage.
Hunters for tanks
The hunt for tanks could be carried out with the help of some very unusual weapons, to carry out such a throw by a soldier, you need to have a minimum of "steel eggs". It included Panzerwurfmine (L) Panzerwurfmine (L) containing 1,35-kg grenades with a cumulative charge, which consists of a mixture of 50 by 50% RDX and TNT.

panzerwurfmine grenades throw with cumulative charge

Four sail stabilizers deployed from the handle for confidence that the grenade will fall into their goal correctly, because only then the cumulative charge is effective. Looks a charge with stabilizers rather unusually and had a maximum range of 30 m. Despite his not inspiring respect, the weapon was quite efficient, and Soviet Union I copied it after the war. Other allies, contrary to his success, did not make any copies close in the spirit.

Americans threw Panzerwurfmine as a big dart

Americans in the use of "Bersevurfmine" often failed, thinking that he should be thrown as a big dart or a short spear, which we see in the photo.

The second world has become a "starry hour" of tank troops. The massive use of armored vehicles and the improvement of its main combat characteristics demanded and improving the means of combating them. One of the simplest, with effective ways to stop tanks opposing the infantry parts, is a anti-tank rifle (PTR).

Infantry against tanks

The main severity of the onset of tank Armad was on the infantry, which did not have powerful to resist armored cars, especially in the first stages of the Second World War. In the conditions of combat high-tender actions of mobile enemy parts, leading with an unprecedented previously intensity and scope, "Queen of the fields" was sharply needed in their own simple, affordable, cheap anti-tank agents that can be used in combat order by fighting tanks, armored vehicles and other techniques in Middle battle.

The role of infantry anti-tank meals of the melee (TCP) remained significant throughout the course of the war, even when the opposing parties massively introduced all the more armored and protected models of tanks. The war gave rise to such new specialty fighters in the infantry, like the "armor-woven", "fighter of tanks", the main weapons of which was the anti-tank gun.

Anti-tank agents

In the Arsenal of the PTS of the Middle Battle and in the methods of their use during the second world, cardinal changes occurred. If the primary anti-tank agents of the infantry were on the beginning of the primary anti-tank agents, then by the end of the war appeared experienced samples Managed anti-tank weapons.

Big help to soldiers in the trenches were also grenades fugasal action, Bundles hand grenadesFocical bottles. By the middle of the military company, cumulative grenades, machine and manual anti-tank grenade launchers have already been used.

Purpose PTR

Anti-tank guns of the Second World War made their very significant role in victory. Of course, the major severity of anti-tank defense (PTO) fell on guns (guns) of all sorts of samples. However, when the fight took a complex, highly chained and "tangled" character with massive use of armored vehicles, infantry needed their own armor-piercing agents. At the same time, it is important that the soldiers can be able to apply directly in combat order and fight tanks and armored vehicles in the near battle. Soviet engineers under the leadership of the outstanding armory constructors Simonov, Degtyarev, Mitavishnikov gave fighters simple, but reliable means against armored vehicles.

The term "anti-tank rifle" is not quite correct. More accurate designation - " anti-tank rifle" However, it has developed historically, apparently, as the literal translation of PanzerBuchse from German.


A few words should be said about the cartridge of the anti-tank gun and his amazing effect. Ammunition were developed for PTR larger caliberthan traditional views small arms. In domestic samples, armor-piercing bullets of caliber of 14.5 mm were used. Her kinetic energy It was enough to break through the 30 mm armor or cause damage to the weakly excrepanted nodes of armored vehicles.

The effect of the armor-piercing bullet (projectile) for the purpose is made of armor-piercing (shock) action and agrowing action Behind the armor (Racinglery action). The action of PTR bullets is based on their kinetic effects on armor and its breakdown by a body or a solid core. The thickness of the proof of protection is higher than the higher the kinetic energy of the projectile (bullets) at the time of the collision with armor. Due to this energy and work on metal breakdown.

Agrowing armored action

The anti-tank rifle of the Second World War was very effective. Of course, with its help it was impossible to overcome the armor of the tower and the hull of medium and heavy tanks, but any machine has vulnerable zoneswho were amazed by experienced arrows. Armor only protects the engine, fuel tanks, mechanisms, weapons, ammunition and crew of the combat vehicle, which, in fact, must be hit. In addition, the FTRs were used against any technology, including a legorate.

The action of the striking element and armor to each other is mutually, the same energy is spent on the destruction of the bullet itself. Therefore, the form and transverse load of the projectile, the strength of its material and the quality of the armor itself also determining the value. Since the mass of the kinetic energy is among the first degree, and the speed is in the second, the final rate of ammunition is of particular importance.

Actually, it is the speed of bullets and an angle of her meeting with an armor barrier - the most important factorsDefining an armor-piercing action. An increase in speed is preferable before increasing the mass of the projectile also in terms of accuracy:

  • the range of the trajectory increases, which means that the distance of the direct shot on the target of the type "tank" when the shooting is conducted at one installation of the sight;
  • also decreases the flight time of the bullet to the target, together with it and the sum of the demolition of the side wind and move the goal during from the beginning of the shot to the expected meeting of the affecting element with the goal.

On the other hand, the mass is directly related to the transverse load, so the armor-piercing core should still have a high density.


It has no less meaning than armorboat. Through your armor, bullet, a solid projectile or an armor-piercing core are defeated by a fragmentation and incendiary action. Their strongly heated fragments together with the armor shards at high speed penetrate the inside of the machine, hit the crew, mechanisms, ammunition, tanks, power pipelines, lubrication systems, are able to ignite fuel and lubricants.

To improve efficiency, amateur-in-gerbon and armor-tracing bullets, having armor-piercing and rich actions, were used. The high initial velocity of the bullet was achieved by using a powerful cartridge and a large relative length of the barrel (from 90 to 150 mm).

The history of the creation of domestic anti-tank guns

In the USSR, in 1933, Dynamo-reactive 37mm anti-tank rifle of Kurchevsky was adopted for armament, but it was armed for about two years. Before the war, the PTR did not cause a living interest among the Soviet military leaders, although the experience of their development and production was. Soviet designers S. Korovin, S. Vladimirov, M. Blum, L. Kurchevsky created samples in the 1930s, exceeding foreign counterparts. However, their designs and characteristics were imperfect due to the lack of a clear vision of what exactly they should be.

With the adoption of specific requirements for this weapon, the situation has changed. It was then that the caliber of the anti-tank rifle was brought to 14.5 mm, the mass of the bullet is 64 g, the initial speed of the projectile is 1000 m / s. In 1938, a basic armor-piercing cartridge B-32 was developed, subsequently improved. Initially, 1941 was an ammunition with an armor-piercing bullet, equipped with steel coreAnd in August - a cartridge with a metal core.

PTR Muslims

On October 7, 1939, the Committee of Defense of the USSR was approved by the adoption of the anti-tank 14.5-mm rifle of the structure of the contest. Svetvishnikova. The Kovrovskaya Zavod № 2 was the task for the manufacture of PTR Mitvishnikov (also known as PTR-39) in the amount of 50 pcs. In 1939 and 15,000 - in 1940. Mass production of 14.5-mm cartridges entrusted the plant No. 3 in Ulyanovsk and No. 46 in Kuntsevo.

However, the work on the organization of serial production of PTR MPTVSHIKOVS was detained by a number of clauses. At the end of the 1939, the Kovrovsky Plant performed an urgent task for the organization of the large-scale production of the PAP machine gun, due to the Soviet-Finnish war, demanded urgently increase the number of individuals in the troops automatic weapons. Therefore, before the "big" war, these guns clearly lacked.


The anti-tank gun of the gunvetikov had an Av-Tomatik gas engine with a tap of powder gases through a transverse hole directly in the trunk wall. Gas piston running - long. The gas chamber was located at the bottom of the trunk. The channel was blocked at the gate of the shutter. The receiver was located on the board on the left (pack) on 5 pa-troons on the left. PTR had a muzzle brake, butt with an amor-tizator from spongy rubber and a folding nickname, a pistol handle of control, folding tower, carrying handles.

The USMA allowed the fire only by single shots, included the non-automatic preventer-tel flag, the lever was placed on the right side of the juro. The shock mechanism had a drummer type, the combat spring was placed inside the massive drummer. Combat rainfare pre-stale 15 SECTION / MIN. Aiming adaptation included an open sector sight and a fly on the bracket. The scope was notched for a distance of up to 1000 m. With the length of the barrel of 1180 mM, the municipal-wa perts had a length of 1775 mm and weighed 24 kg (with cartridges).

At the beginning of the war, seeing the lack of anti-tank funds, the Army leadership had a hurry began to take adequate measures. In July 1941, the prominent Soviet gunsmith designers V. Degtyarev and his talented student S. Simonov were involved in the rapid development of anti-tank guns. At the end of the month, V. Degtyarev proposed 2 options for 14.5-mm guns that have already passed polygon tests. The system received the name of PDD - the anti-tank gun of Degtyarev. Although at the Polygon Guns received universal approval, in the Equal Conditions with insufficient care it often jumped.

More successfully managed to achieve when creating a shopping-friendly rifle of the S. Simonov system. Only shock-trigger and mechanic package charging were subjected to change. Based positive results Testings on August 29, 1941 The State Committee for Defense of the USSR decided to adopt a shopping-friendly anti-tank shooting rifle Simonov (PTRS) and a single-charge degtyareva of a caliber of 14.5 mm.

Despite a number of "growth diseases" - constructive shortcomings, which were corrected throughout the war and after it, the guns became a weighty argument against tanks in the hands of Soviet soldiers. As a result, PDDs and PPS are used effectively in regional conflicts.

High efficiency

The need for this weapon was so high that sometimes right from the factory shop rifle fell to the forefront. The first batch sent the 16th Army, to General Rokossovsky, defended Moscow to the north-west of the Soviet capital, on the Volokolamsk direction. The experience of application was successful: in the morning of November 16, 1941 near the settlements Shiryaevo and Pestess the fighters 1075 rifle regiment eighth guards Division Shot from 150-200 meters a group of German tanks, 2 of which burned completely.

On the role played by the anti-tank rifle of Degtyarev (and Simonov) in the defense of the Soviet capital, it is evidenced by the fact that V. Degtyarev himself and many employees of the factories that organized the production of deadly for arms armored vehicles, were awarded the medal "For the defense of Moscow".

As a result of combat use of rifle systems, designers made significant improvements in their mechanics. The production of guns increased every day. If in 1941, 17,688 units of V. Degtyareva system and only 77 units of S. Simonov system were manufactured, then in 1942 the number of rifles increased respectively to 184,800 and 63,308 pieces.

FDD device

Discharged FDTR (anti-tank gun of Degtyarev) consisted of the following nodes:

  • trunk;
  • cylindrical boron;
  • rotary shutter of a longitudinal-sliding type;
  • butt;
  • trigger;
  • aiming device;
  • cup.

Technical characteristics of PDD

The anti-tank gun Degtyarev was designed for record (for many unthinkable) 22 days. Although the designer took into account the developers of the creators of previous samples of the 1930s, he managed to embody in the metal the basic requirements of the military: simplicity, ease, reliability and low cost of manufacture.

Barrel 8-row, with a length of stroke of 420 mm. The active muzzle brake of the box of the box is able to absorb most of the return energy (up to 2/3). The swivel ("piston type") of the cylindrical shape in the front part is equipped with two combat protrusions and in the rear - straight handle. It was mounted a shock mechanism, reflector and ejector.

The impact mechanism activates the drummer with the Boyhead, also a combat spring. The drummer could be used manually for the speaker's tail or put on the fuse - for this, the tail was needed to pull back and turn right by 30 °. In the trunny box, the shutter was kept with a stop, located on the left side of the trunks.

Dispiration of the shutter and the extraction of the shooting sleeve was performed automatically, the shutter remained open, and to prepare for the next shot, it was necessary to manually put a new cartridge in the top window on the trunnor box, to send and lock the shutter. This allowed to increase combat raininess with a well-coordinated work of the calculation of two people. The butt is equipped with a soft cushion shock absorber. Folding stamped sushka was attached on the trunk. Anti-tank rifle of Degtyarev with ammunition and additional equipment Weed up to 26 kg (17 kg of pure weight without cartridges). Victory shooting - 800 m.

FRS device

The gun was equipped with an automatic gas engine with gases by means of a transverse hole in the barrel wall, a gas chamber open typereinforced from the bottom of the trunk. Gas piston move - short. The overall design and channel of the barrel is generally similar to PRD, which is logically explained by unified ammunition.

The anti-tank rifle Simonov had a locking of the trunk of the peroxide-somated shutter. The shutter stem, complemented by a handle, locked and unlocked the canal. The "Recharge Mechanism" was called the details of the automation of weapons, namely the gas triplay regulator, rod, piston, tube, and a pusher with a spring. After the shot, the pusher under pressure of the powder gases moved back, re-giving the impulse stalk of the shutter, and returned forward. Under the action of moving back, the stalk of the cant of the core spiral the trunk canal, after which the entire shutter was moving back. The shooting sleeve was removed by the thrower and reflected in a special protrusion. The shutter on the consumption of cartridges was upset to stop, mounted in the bodily box.

USM installed on the trigger. The non-automatic flag pre-magnifier when turning the back flag has blocked the trigger. A permanent store (lever-type feeder) is attached from the bottom of the receiver, the store covers latched on the trigger. It is equipped with a pack of a bundle (rope) for 5 ammunition placed in a checker order.

The anti-tank shooter of Simonov 1941 is 4 kg harder than the Degtyarev model, due to multipart automation (21 kg without cartridges). Aiming shooting - 1500 m.

The length of the trunk in both PTRs is the same - 1350 mm, as well as armor-proof (averaged indicators): on a slaughter distance 300 m B-32 bullets overcame armor in 21 mm, BS-41 bullets - 35 mm.

German mp

German anti-tank guns developed a little different scenario. Even in the mid-20s, the German command has abandoned large-caliber PTRs in favor of the "rifle" caliber of 7.92 mm. The rate was made not on the size of the bullet, but to the power of the ammunition. The effectiveness of the P318 specialized cartridge was sufficient to combat armored vehicles of potential opponents. However, as the USSR, in the second world Germany Entered with a small number of anti-tank guns. Subsequently, their release was repeatedly increased, and the developments of Polish, Czech, Soviet, British, French gunsmiths were used.

Typical sample 1939-1942. The PanzerBuchse model was 1938 - a anti-tank gun, whose photo can often be seen on archival military images. Pz.b 38 (abbreviated name), and then pz.b 39, pz.b 41 are designed in the city of gunsmiths to Zul designer B. Bauer.

The channel of the trunk pz.b 38 by the vertical wedge shutter was locked. To soften the return, the clutch "trunk-shutter" shifted back in the box. Rollback was used to unlock the shutter, just as it is done in artillery guns with semi-automatic. The use of such a scheme made it possible to limit the length of the stroke of the barrel to 90 mm and reduce the total length of the weapon. The large cooler of the bullet trajectory at a distance of up to 400 m allowed to establish a constant aiming device.

In the design of the weapon, the desire to transition to the technology of mass production was manifested in general for the end of the 1930s - the box, in particular, was collected from two stamped pollov, equipped with ribbed ribs and connected point welding. The system in the following Bauer was repeatedly refined.


The first anti-tank guns appeared along with the tanks themselves - in the first world. Before the start of the Second World War and Germany, and the USSR did not realize their obvious importance, giving the priority to other types of weapons. However, the first months of the collision of the infantry parts with the Tank Armada of Wehrmacht showed how erroneous was the underestimation of mobile, cheap, efficient PTRs.

In the XXI century, everything also remains in demand "old good" anti-tank rifle, the modern purpose of which is very different from such for samples of the Great Patriotic War. Given that the tanks are withstanding several RPG hits, the classical FTR is unlikely to "shine" to hit the armor car. In fact, anti-tank guns evolved into the class of "heavy" universal sniper rifles, in the form of which the outlines of PTRs are guessed. They are called upon to strike "drones", living force at a significant distance, radar, missile installations, protected firepoints, communications and management tools, unarmented and easy-breed mobile techniques and even hung helicopters.

At first they were performed mainly under 12.7-mm ammunition from large-caliber machine guns. For example, American M82A1 "Barrett", M87 and M93 "McMillan", British-Sky AW50, French "Hekat II", Russian ASC and ASS-96. But in the 2000s within the framework of families of large-caliber cartridges 12.7x99 (.50 "Browning") and 12.7x108 already special "sniper" cartridges appear. Such cartridges included, for example, in the same Russian 12.7-mm SNI-Persian Complexes of the ASS-96 and the ASC (6C8), the American M107. Presented and rifles under more powerful Pagions: Hungarian "Cheetah" (14.5-mm), South African NTW (20 mm), American M-109 (25 mm) and others. Start taken at the beginning of the 20th century, continues!

She became the first large-scale conflict in the history of mankind, which it absolutely fell under the definition of the "war of motors". Tanks and other types of armored vehicles were the main shock force in that war, it is especially fair to this statement for hostilities on the Eastern Front. It was the tank wedges that were a decisive factor that ensured the realization of the German tactics of Blitzkrig.

After the catastrophic lesions of the beginning of the war, the Soviet troops were acute the means of struggle against German tanks - a simple, efficient and maneuverable. It is precisely such a means of anti-tank guns (PTRs). In 1941, two types of this weapon were adopted by the Red Army: a PTR of the Degtyarev system and the anti-tank shoot of Simonov. And if with the first general public is familiar quite well (thanks to the films, books and newsreel), then the Self-temperature shotgun simonov is known worse. It was released much less than PRD.

A bit of history

The anti-tank gun is the form of a manual small arms intended for the destruction of the enemy armored vehicles, and the PTR can also be used to defeat the strengthening of the enemy (dots and dzotes) and low-fat air targets. Breaking the armor is achieved due to the high dung bullet energy, which is a consequence of a powerful cartridge and long length trunk. FTR of the Second World War could punch armor to 30 mm and were a rather effective means of dealing with tanks.

Some of the PTR of this period had a large mass and, in fact, were small-caliber guns.

The first PTRs appeared in the Germans at the end of the First World War. They were not too effective, but it was compensated by the low cost of this weapon, its high mobility and disability. The second star for PTR has become the second world War, such weapons were in service with all the countries participating in the conflict.

In the USSR, it was actively walking over the creation of PTR from the beginning of the 1930s. For the future anti-tank rifle, a special powerful 14.5-mm cartridge was developed. In 1939, there were tests of several samples of this weapon at once. The winner of the competition was the PTR system of the Muchtvishnikov, but its production was never started. Soviet generals believed that armored vehicles in the future war would have a minimum armor of 50 mm, which would not allow to effectively use PTRs.

This opinion was deeply erroneous: the whole armored vehicles, which was used by the Wehrmacht at the beginning of the war, was vulnerable to the fire of anti-tank guns (even in the frontal projection). Already on July 8, 1941, it was decided to establish the production of anti-tank guns. Putvishnikov PTR was recognized too difficult and expensive for war times, Degtyarev and Simonov designers were attracted to participation in the new competition.

After 22 days, both masters presented their prototypes of rifles for testing. Stalin decided to adopt both samples of weapons: anti-tank guns of Degtyarev and anti-tank Symonian rifle.

In October 1941, PTR Simonov began to enter the troops. The first cases of using this weapon showed high efficiency. In 1941, Germans did not have armored vehicles, the ability to resist Soviet PTRs. This weapon was fairly easy to operate, did not require too high preparation from fighters, the aimed tools were very convenient and allowed to confidently affect the goals. At the same time, the weak routine impact of 14.5 mm cartridge was noted: some of the pitched tanks had more than 15 slipins.

German generals celebrated high efficiency This weapon, noting that Soviet PTRs are significantly superior to a similar Wehrmacht weapon. Moreover, the Germans willingly put the trophy anti-tank shoots of Simonov.

The anti-tank shooter Simonov was much more expensive and more difficult in production than PTR Degtyarev, so it was produced in smaller quantities. By 1943, armor protection of German tanks was significantly increased, so the effectiveness of the use of PTR became minimal. Therefore, the production of this weapon is gradually folded.

In 1941, 77 pieces were manufactured, in 1942 - 63,308 pieces, before the end of the war managed to do more than 190 thousand guns. PTRS was actively used in the Korean War.

Features of using PTR

At a distance of 100 meters, this anti-tank gun pierced 50 mm armor, and at a distance of 300 meters - only 40 mm. The gun had good adolescence. However, the Achilles fifth PTR was the weak rugged effect of the bullet: it was not enough to get into the tank, it was necessary to hit one of the crew members or a serious machine knot. It was complicated.

In addition, the Germans made faithful conclusions after the first months of the war and constantly increasing armored protection of their armored vehicles. As a result, it became more complicated to hit her. For this, there was a fire with very close distance. It was very hard, first of all, psychologically. The shot of the anti-tank gun lifted the whole clubs of dust, which greatly demasked the arrow. For calculations of PTRs real hunt Enemy machine gunners, sniper and accompanying infantry tanks.

It often happened that after the reflection of the tank attack, not a single fighter remained from the composition of the armor-walled company.

Although, in general, this weapon soldiers loved: it was simple, trouble-free and fairly effective, very maneuverable. Anti-tank guns played an important role, especially at the beginning of the war, it was this type of weapon that helped taking the tankoboyazin of the Soviet troops. In recent years, war, when there could be little armor-trip drivers with German tank armor, they began to involve to destroy SAU, long-term firepoints, armored personnel carriers.

general description

The anti-tank shooter Simonov is a self-loading weapon. The principle of operation of its automation is based on the tap of powder gases from the barrel channel. Locking the trunk channel is due to the shutter skew. Gas piston is located above the barrel. The trunk was equipped with a compensator brake to reduce the return of weapons.

Food guns - from the store, the container of the box store is five ammunition. Shooting could only be conducted by single shots. After installing the store it was followed by a special lid.

Wooden butt ended with a special pillow, which softened the action of the return. The sighting devices of an open type, the sight is divided into sectors from 1 to 15, each of them corresponded to 100 meters.

The shooting from the FDR was carried away from the stop, for this guns were equipped with folding sushkami. A handle for carrying a gun was strengthened in front of the trunk in the trunk.

For firing from PTRS used two types of ammunition:

  • cartridge with B-32 bullet (armor-fed-incendiary with steel core);
  • cartridge with BS-41 bullets (armor-mountedly incendiary with tungsten carbide core).


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The first month of the war showed that the Soviet infantry other than the garnet and bottles with an incendiary mixture no longer had no other lungs at that time and effective tools Need to fight the enemy's armored vehicles.
The reason for the situation that had arisen was that our Mountain analysts before the war mistakenly believed that the Wehrmacht had one weighing only thick-breeding tanks, against whom not that Fri shotguns, but even the "Sorry" and that would be powerless.
That is why B. pre-war years In the USSR, the main emphasis was applied to the development and production of instruments such as 76 mm F-22 and 57 mm ZIS-2, and suddenly with the beginning of the war it turned out that for these guns in 1941. At the battlefield, it was simply not worthy of decent goals, since the bulk of German tanks did not have enough thick armor and could be affected by even armor-piercing bullets 12.7-mm machine gun DSHK.
True, it is necessary to pay tribute to the anti-tank problems of Soviet infantry very quickly reached the top and already at the very beginning of July 1941. The leadership of the country put the gunsmiths to create a massive light tool of combating tanks.
According to the memories of D.F. Ustinova, Stalin at one of the meetings of GKO proposed to entrust the development of "one another, and for reliability - two constructors."
The task for the design of the FTR was issued in July constructors gunsmiths V.A. Degtyarev and S.G. Simonov. It was impossible to slow, the German tanks were rapidly advanced to Leningrad and Moscow.
Soon on August 29, 1941, after the demonstration of GKO members, a single-charged sample of Degtyarev and Self-loading Simonov were adopted under the notation, respectively, PTRD and PTRS. Due to the hurry, it was done until the end of the tests - the tests of the PTR on the vitality took place on September 12-13, and the final tests of the modified PTR 24 September. New FTRs were to fight average and light tanks and armored vessels on the range up to 500 m.
Minimum details, the use of a puff of the butt instead of the frame simplified the production of PTRs, and the automatic opening of the shutter increased rapidity. FEDD successfully combined simplicity, reliability and efficiency.
The speed of production has had in those conditions great importance. The first batch of 300 PDD was completed in October and in early November was sent to the 16th Army Rokossovsky. For the first time they were applied in battle on November 16. Already by December 30, 1941. We released 17,688 PDD, and in 1942. - 184 800.
Another sample, self-loading PPRS was created on the basis of an experimental self-loading rifle of Simonov 1938. According to the scheme with a tap of powder gases. It consisted of a trunk with a muzzle brake and a gas-conductive chamber, a hard box with butt, shutter, trigger, recharge mechanisms and shock-trigger, victory devices, Shop and Cup. The trunk canal was similar to PDD.
Both guns had their advantages and disadvantages so PRD was easier than PTRS for almost 3 kg. However, this rifle was one-charge. But the PTRS had a store for as much as 5 ammunition, so where the fighters are visible on the newsreel frames, which is transferred to the guns together, it is PTRS, and one person was transferred mainly to PRD.
Starting from December 1941. In the rifle shelves, PTR companies were introduced (27, then 54 guns), and from autumn 1942. In battalions - PTR platforms (18 guns).

In January 1943 The company's company included in the motorized row-machine-gun battalion (later - the battalion of automatic gunners) of the tank brigade - only in March 1944, when the role of the PTR decreased, these companies disbanded, and the "armorboosters" retrained in tankers. PTR companies were introduced into fighter-anti-tank divisions, and PTR battalions are to the fighter anti-tank brigades.
Thus, they sought to ensure close interaction of PTR not only with infantry, but also with tank and artillery units.
With the advent of the PTR units, the special tactics of their use was developed, as a result, the so-called gap between the "anti-tank" infantry capabilities and PT artillery was eliminated.
In battle, PTR commander of a rifle regiment or battalion could wholely leave at his disposal or to give riflephs, leaving in defense as a reserve at least a platoon of PTR in Pt district of the regiment.
The platoon of PTR could act in full formation, crushing at the compartment of 2-4 guns or semi-explodes. The separation of PTR, acting in the composition of the platoon or independently, was to "choose a firing position, equip and disguise it; Quickly be made to shooting and rushing tanks (armored vehicles) of the enemy; Quickly and secretly change the firing position during the battle. "
The firing positions were chosen behind natural or artificial obstacles, although often calculations had to be hidden simply in the grass or bushes. Positions were to provide a circular shelling at a distance of up to 500 m and take the flank position to the direction of the likely movement of the enemy tanks. Interaction was organized with rifle units and other TCP. At position, depending on the presence of time, a trench of full profiles with a shooting area, a trench for a circular shelling with a platform or without it, or a small trench for shooting in a wide sector without a platform - shooting in this case was carried out with a fit or soul.
The fire on the Tanks of PTRs opened, depending on the situation, from 250-400 m, preferably, of course, aboard or stern, but in the positions of infantry often, the armor-consumers had to "beat the forehead." Calculations of PTRs are dismembered at the front and in the depth at intervals and distances in 25-40 m alarm or back or backward, when the flanking fire is carried out in the line. Front separation of PTP - 50-80 m, platoon from 250 to 700 m.
According to a moving tank, it was recommended to focus on the fire of several PTRs, when the tank approaches - in its tower, when overcoming the barrier tank, Escarp, embarrassment - along the bottom, when the tank moves onto the neighbor - on board and the motor part, exterior tanks, when removing the tank - in stern .
Taking into account the strengthening of the reservation of the middle tanks of the enemy, the fire from PTRs was usually discovered from 150-100 m. In the approach of tanks directly to the positions or breakthrough in the depth of the defense of the armor-consuming, he was struggle with them together with "fighters of tanks" with pt grenades and incendiary bottles.
In the offensive, the platoon of PTR moved to the robes in combat order rifle company (battalion) is ready to meet the enemy tanks with fire at least two offices. PTR calculations occupied positions ahead in the intervals between rifle plars. At the occurrence with an open flank, armor-trippers tried to keep on this flank. The PTR branch usually occurred in the intervals or on the flanks of the rifle company, the platoon of the PTR - Rutes or battalion. From the position to the position, the calculations moved along the hidden approaches or under the cover of the fire infantry and mortars.
Many many ask a question, and what was the real effectiveness of the combat work of the calculations of PTP? Simply put, what could you beat or what kind of combat or other technique could destroy from the then Soviet PTRs with their real armoredness from 35 to 40 mm armor?
Efficiency this weapon It is estimated in different ways, in the last years of recent years, it is customary to do focus on their shortcomings and assume that they had only "psychological importance" in the conditions of explicit lack of anti-tank artillery.
However, our opponents assess the role of a PTR somewhat differently, so the former lieutenant-general Lieutenant Wehrmacht E. Schneider wrote: "In 1941, the Russians had 14.5-mm PTRs ... who had a lot of hassle of our tanks and appeared later to light armored personnel carriers."
Former Major General F. von Mellentine noted: "It seemed that every infantryman had an anti-tank gun or anti-tank gun. Russians very deftly had these funds and, it seems, there was no such place where they would not be. "
In general, in a number of German works on World War II and the memoirs of German tank workers, Soviet PTRs are mentioned as " decent respect»Weapons, but gave tribute to the courage of their calculations. Soviet commanders already in 1942 celebrated new features of the Germans of attacks with the participation of tanks and assault tools - sometimes stopped at 300-400 m from advanced trenches, supported their infantry with fire from the spot. And this is a distance from which Soviet PTR fires opened. As can be seen, the fire of anti-tank guns was not only "psychological meaning."

From Soviet sources it is known that the FTR divisions operated as part of intelligence and advanced detachments, especially in rough terrain, where it was difficult to spend more heavy weapons. In the advanced detachments, armor-friendly successfully complemented the tanks - as July 13, 1943 in the Rusta region, the advanced detachment of the 55th GW. tank Regiment Fire tanks and PTRs successfully reflected a counterattack of 14 enemy tanks, having having half of them .Http: //
On October 30, 1944, headquarters of the 1st Baltic Front Colonel General V. V. Kurasov reported: "The experience of using PTR during the Patriotic War shows that they had the greatest effect in the period until July 1943, when the enemy applied light and medium tanks. , and the combat order of our troops were relatively weaker than the anti-tank artillery.
Starting from the second half of 1943, when the enemy began to use heavy tanks and self-propelled guns, having powerful armor protection, the efficiency of PTR significantly decreased. The main role in the fight against tanks is currently fully carried out by artillery. PTRs possessing a good fear accuracy are used mainly against firepoints, armored vehicles and opponent armored personnel. "
Commanders of the units successfully used the main advantages of PTR - maneuverability, the ability to constantly be in combat orders of small divisions, simplicity of disguise - and in 1944, and in 1945. For example, when they are surrounded by, in settlements, when capturing and securing the bridgeheads, when it was not possible to use artillery.
Playing a big role in PTO in 1941-1942, PTRs for the summer of 1943 - with increasing armor of tanks and assault guns over 40 mm - lost their positions
True, cases of successful struggle of infantry TCPs, even with heavy tanks on pre-prepared defensive positions.
An example of this - the fight of the armor-warer of the 151th rifle shelf of the Gange with the tiger tank The first shot in the forehead did not give the result, the armor-heater removed the PTR into the trench and, having missed the tank over himself, shot in the stern and immediately changed the position, and when the tank turned around and moved On the trench, Ginza settled his third shot aboard.
However, it was rather an exception than the rule. If in January 1942 The number of PTRs in the troops was 8,116, in January 1943 - 118,563, 1944 - 142 861, G.E. increased in two years by 17.6 times, then in 1944. It began to decline and by the end of the war Acting army had only about 40,000 PTRs (their shared resource Mased on May 9, 1945. 257 500). The greatest number PTR was filed in the Red Army in 1942. - 249,000 pieces, but for the first half of the year 1945. Granted only 800 pt,. The same picture is observed in relation to 12.7- and 14.5-mm ammunition: in 1942 their release is six times higher than the pre-war, but decreased noticeably by 1944. However, the production of 14.5-mm PTRs continued until January 1945, and only during the war they were released about 471,500 pieces. The FTR was the front edge weapon, which explains the high losses - about 214,000 PTRs of all models were lost for the entire war, and 45.4% of the total resource. The greatest percentage of losses was in 1941 and 1942 - respectively, 49.7 and 33.7% of losses in the material part reflect the level of losses in personnel.
The intensity of the use of PTR in the middle of the war is indicated by the following numbers. In the course of a defensive operation on Kursk Dug. 387,000 cartridges were spent on the central front (or 48 370 for the day of combat), and in Voronezh 754,000 (68 250 for the day of combat), and for the entire Kursk battle, 3.6 million cartridges were spent in except for tanks - the main goal - PTRs could fire on firepoints and dot ambrusuras and dot rods to 800 m. Airplanes - up to 500 m.
In the third period of the war, PTRD and PTRS were used to combat light armored vehicles and legibrailed SAU. Widely used by the enemy, as well as - with firepoints, especially in urban battles, up to the assault of Berlin. They were often used snipers for defeating remote purposes or enemy shooters behind armor shields. PRDD and PTRS were used in battles with the Japanese in August 1945, and here they could be to the place with a relatively weak booking japanese tanksBut just the Tanks of the Japanese used a little against Soviet troops.Http: //

The most effective Soviet armorboosters in the Second World War:

The calculation of Yablubalko and Serdyukov together destroyed 22 tanks together;
Armoreder of ordinary elders f.g. (2 bn 58 fur. Br.) In battle under the farm, Dyadin (Rostov region) In January 1943, in 40 minutes of battle, 11 German tanks were shot. In just 10 days of staying at the front, the settlement of Startseva got 17 tanks of the enemy. F.G. Vertsev himself died in battle on January 18, 1943.
Sergeant Ivan wooden - 10 tanks;
Private Ilya Makarovich Kaplunov (4 gv.S.P.) - 9 tanks. Died on December 21, 1942;
Private Semyon Antipkin - 8 tanks and 1 aircraft;
Armor-heater Ivan Knyazev (310 gv.S.P.) - 67 armored vehicles, machine guns, guns and mortars;
Ml. Sergeant Petr Osipovich Boloto (84 gv.s.p.) - 8 tanks;
Sergeant Pavel Illarionovich Bannov (19 Because) - 8 tanks;
Armorhead Roman Semenovich Smishchuk - 6 tanks;
Starshina Kadi Abakarovich Abakarov (1054 S.P.) - 6 tanks;
Ordinary pancakes (98 gv.d.) - 6 tanks;
Armor-heater Malenkov (95 sdition) - 6 tanks;
Armorhead Pavel Ivanovich Ershov (24 GV.V-DP) - 6 tanks. He died in January 1944.
Sergeant Oboldin Savely Savelyevich (32 - 4 tank and 4 tank captured in good terms, destroyed several. dozens of soldiers;
Ml.Serzhan Ivan Petrovich Kondratyev (4 GV.V-D.BR.) - 4 tank, 2 armored vehicles, 3 trucks;
Private Sabir Akhtyimovich Akhtyamov (4 - 4 tank, 2 BTR, 2 trucks;
Private Kovtun Vasily Semenovich (902 s.p.) - 4 tanks, 1 BTR, more than 20 machine guns, several soldiers;
Private Alexander Nikitich Logunov (490 S.P.) - 5 tanks and a large number of infantrymen.
A. Denisov armorboner on July 14 and 15, 1943, two fascist bomber knocked under an eagle.\u003d5193.
Thus, the use of anti-tank guns in the Red Army gave the hands of our soldiers a new powerful fuel agent, this most significantly improved the moral state of the defendant infantrymen.
With this weapon, one fighter-armor-woven is relatively easily controlled, but the calculation of the anti-tank gun was two soldiers, this is a gunner and anesther assistant. The assistant filed the flooring the cartridges, helped tolerate the gun and the ammunition to it, tear the trenches, monitor the opponent, and if necessary, led the shooting from PTR.
In the face of a complex setting of combat when the soldiers in the trenches rolling the flames and leading intensive fire, armored enemy armored cars, it was necessary to have a great courage, so as not to be panic, carefully aim, wait, when the tank is suitable for the most favorable distance, and produce Agrowing shot.
The fight at short distances, the lack of time for the production of several sighting shots during the time for which the tank passes 100-200 meters necessary for the defeat, led in some cases to the frequent death of tank fighters. Therefore, along with a weapon, a soldier armor-friendlier required a lot of personal courage, and only in the presence of two of these factors it was possible effective use anti-tank guns.
The main commandment of Soviet armor- consisants was: "Patience, excerpt, the eye meter - a key to success. Let the enemy tank be closer and accurately shifting him. " Most armor-consumers acted and acted, but many of them, unfortunately, was not always able to overcome death.
It is known that those who served in armor-tripers to meet alive after the war was very frequency, like all those fighters who wore a proud title of anti-tank artillery.

The movie "Ballada About Soldiers" begins with a scene full of tragedy. The Soviet military warrior is pursuing to hide a young unstangled fighter of nowhere, he runs, and Steel Mahina is about to overtake him and ask him. The soldier sees the Degtyarev abandoned by someone. And uses an unexpectedly refined chance of salvation. He shoots the enemy car and boils it. Another tank is coming to him, but the connection is not lost and burns it too.

"This could not be! - today they will say other "experts of military history." - Cannot break through the gun! " - "Can!" - They will answer those who are familiar with this subject. Inaccuracy in filmmaking, possibly allowed, but it applies not to the fighting capacity of this class of weapons, but chronology.

A little about tactics

Anti-tank guns were created in the thirties of the XX century in many countries. They seemed quite a logical and reasonable solution to the issue of confrontation with armored vehicles of that time. Artillery should have become the main means of combating it, and the PTR is auxiliary, but more mobile. The tactics of conducting the offensive assumed to strike with tank wedges with the participation of dozens, even hundreds of cars, but the success of the attack was determined whether it would be possible to create the necessary concentration of troops unnoticed for the enemy. To overcome well-fortified rules of defense, equipped with armor-piercing artillery, with a strip of mine barriers and engineering structures (absenters, hedgehogs, and so on.) It was an adventurous and fraught with a loss of a large number of equipment. But if the enemy suddenly hit the poorly protected section of the front, it will not be up to jokes. We will have to urgently "patch holes" in defense, transfer guns and infantry, which still need to turn. Quickly deliver the right amount of guns with ammunition on a dangerous area difficult. This is where the anti-tank rifle is useful. PRD - weapons are relatively compact and inexpensive (much cheaper guns). They can be made a lot, and then arm all the units. Just in case. The soldiers armed with them may not be trapped by all enemy tanks, but the offensive will be able to delay. Time will be won, the command will time tighten the main forces. So many warlords thought at the end of the thirties.

Why our fighters lacked PTR

The reasons for which in the USSR, the development and production of anti-tank guns in the pre-war years was almost minimized, several, but the main of them became an exceptionally offensive Red Army. Some analysts indicate allegedly poorly awareness of the Soviet leadership, which overestimated the degree of armor security of German tanks, and therefore made the wrong conclusion about the low efficiency of the FTR as a class of weapons. There are even references to the head of G. I. Kulik, who expressed such an opinion. Subsequently, it turned out that even a 14.5-mm anti-tank gun of Mupported PTR-39, adopted in 1939 to armared the Red Army and in the year abolished, could well pierce the armor of all types of equipment that Wehrmacht possessed in 1941.

What did the Germans come with

The border of the USSR Army Hitler passed with tanks in the amount of over three thousand. It is difficult to evaluate this Armada to help, if you do not use the comparison method. The newest tanks (T-34 and square meters) in the Red Army was much smaller, just a few hundred. So, maybe the German technique had about the same quality as we, with a quantitative superiority? This is not true.

Tank T-i was not just easy, it can be called a wedge. Without a gun, with a crew of two people, he weighed a little more than a passenger car. The anti-tank gun of Degtyarev, adopted for sale in the fall of 1941, pierced his wave. The German T-II was a little better, he had a definition booking and a short-vent gun of a 37 mm caliber. There was still T-III, which would have resist the punch of the PTR cartridge, but only when he got into the frontal part, but in other other sites ...

Still "Banzerwaff" had Czech, Polish, Belgian, French and other trophy machines (they are included in total number), worn, outdated and poorly provided by spare parts. The anti-tank gun of Degtyarev could make with any of them, somehow do not want to think.

"Tigers" and "Panthers" appeared in Germans later, in 1943.

Resumption of production

It should be given due to the Stalin's leadership, it skillfully correct. The decision on the resumption of works on PTR was taken the day after the start of the war. This fact refutes the version of the poor awareness of the bet on the armored potential of the Wehrmacht, and it is simply impossible to obtain such information per day. Urgently (less than a month left for the manufacture of experienced units) a contest was a contest of two samples, practically ready for launch into mass production. Antonova's anti-tank gun showed nice resultsBut in the technological aspect I guessed the second test PTR. It was more difficult in the device, and besides harder, which also influenced the decision of the Commission. On the last day of August, the anti-tank gun of Degtyarev was officially approved for the Red Army and launched into production on a weapon factory in the city of Kovrov, and in two months - in Izhevsk. For three years, more than 270 thousand pieces were manufactured.

First results

At the end of October 1941, the position at the front was catastrophic. The avant-garde parts of the Wehrmacht approached Moscow, two strategic echelon of the Red Army were practically defeated in the gigantic "boilers", the huge spaces of the European part of the USSR were under the fifth occupiers. In these circumstances, Soviet soldiers did not fell in spirit. Without having artillery in sufficient quantities, the troops showed mass heroism and fought with tanks using grenades and bottles with an incendiary mixture. Directly from the assembly conveyor, a new weapon came to the front. On November 16, the fighters of the 1075th Rifle Regiment of the 316th Division destroyed three enemy tanks, applying PDD. Photo of the heroes and burned by them of the fascist equipment published Soviet newspapers. Soon the continuation was followed, four more tanks have some other tanks, previously subcrewed Warsaw and Paris.

Foreign PTD.

Newsreel War years has repeatedly captured our fighters with anti-tank guns. They were reflected and episodes of battles with their use in artistic filmms (for example, in the masterpiece S. Bondarchuk "they fought for their homeland"). French, American, English or German soldiers with PDD documentalists recorded for the story much less. Does this mean that the anti-tank guns of the Second World War was mostly Soviet? To some extent yes. In such quantities, this weapon was produced only in the USSR. But work on it was conducted in Britain (Boys system), and in Germany (PZB-38, PZB-41), and in Poland (UR), and in Finland (L-35), and in the Czech Republic (MSS-41) . And even in neutral Switzerland (S18-1000). Another thing is that the engineers of all these, no doubt, technologically "advanced" countries could not exceed russian weapons According to its simplicity, the grace of technical solutions, and in quality too. Yes, and coldly shoot from the gun to the impending tank from the trench, not every soldier is capable. Our can.

What to punch armor?

The PTRD has about the same tactical and technical characteristics as the anti-tank SIMONOV rifle, but it is easier for it (17.3 against 20.9 kg), in short (2000 and 2108 mm, respectively) and is simpler constructively, and therefore it takes less time on Cleaning and easier to train shooters. These circumstances are explained by the preference given by the State Commission, despite the fact that PTRS could fire with greater rapidity due to the built-in five-pipe store. The main quality of this weapon was still the ability to punch armored protection from various distances. To this end, it was necessary to send a special heavy bullet with a steel core (as well as an option, with an additional incendiary charge activated after passing through the barrier) at a sufficiently high speed.


The distance at which the anti-tank gun of Degtyarev becomes dangerous for the enemy armored vehicles, - Polkilometer. It is quite possible to affect other goals, such as dots, dysotes, as well as aircraft. The cartridge caliber is 14.5 mm (B-32 brands. Conventional armor-pool-incendiary or BS-41 with a ceramic super hardening tip). The length of the ammunition corresponds to the aircraft shell, 114 mm. The reservation of the target of the target with a thickness of 30 cm is 40 mm, and from one hundred meters this bullet flashes 6 cm.


Incapacity of the hit determines the success of firing vulnerable places Engineering enemy. The defense was constantly improved, so the instructions recommended as the most effectively apply the anti-tank rifle were produced and promptly updated. Modern view about the fight against armored vehicles exactly also takes into account the possibility of getting into the most weak spots. When shooting on trials from a Stater Distance, 75% of the cartridges fell into a 22-centimeter neighborhood center of the target.


Whatever the simple technical solutions, they should not be primitive. Weapons of the Second World War were made in difficult conditions due to the forced evacuation and deployment of workshops on unprepared areas (it happened that some time had to work under open sky). The Kovrovsky and Izhevsk plants avoided this fate, in which until 1944 was made by PRD. The anti-tank gun of Degtyarev, despite the simplicity of the device, has absorbed all the achievements of Russian gunsmiths.

The trunk of the row, octaver. The sight is the most common, with a fluff and a two-position plank (up to 400 m and 1 km). PRD is charged as an ordinary rifle, but strong return led the presence of a trunk brake and spring shock absorber. For convenience, a handle is provided (one of the carrying fighters can hold for it) and the bumps. Everything else: whispered, shock mechanism, trunks, butt and other attributes of guns, thought out with the ergonomic, which has always been famous for Russian weapons.


IN field conditions Most often, incomplete disassembly, providing for the removal and disassembly of the shutter, as the most polluting node. If this was not enough, it was necessary to remove the bumps, butt, then disassemble trigger and separating at low temperatures the frost-resistant lubricant is used, in other cases, the usual armory oil No. 21. The kit includes a hack (collapsible), oil, screwdriver, two cartridges, two moisture-resistant tarpaulin covers (one on each side of the gun) and the service form in which cases of educational and combat use are noted, as well as languages \u200b\u200band failures.


In 1943, the German industry began to produce medium and heavy tanks with powerful anti-false booking. Soviet troops continued to apply PRDs against lungs, less protected machines, as well as to suppress firepoints. At the end of the war, the need for anti-tank guns disappeared. To combat the remaining german tanks In 1945, powerful artillery and other effective weapons were used. IWAR ended. It seemed that the time of PDRD was irretrievably gone. But after five years began Korean War, and the "old rifle" began to shoot again, though in the former allies - Americans. It was in service with the Army of the DPRK and NAK, who fought on the peninsula until 1953. American post-war generation tanks most often kept hitting, but everyone happened. FEDDs were used and as a means of air defense.

Post-war story

The presence of a large amount of good weapons with unique qualities encouraged to look for some useful use for him. Tens of thousands of units were stored in lubrication. What can the anti-tank rifle be used? Modern protective booking of tanks can even withstand, not to mention the pool (even if it is with a core and a special tip). In the 60s decided that the FDRD could be hunted on seals and whales. The thought is good, but it hurts a hard one thing. Also, from such a gun you can keep sniper fire at a distance of a kilometer, a high initial speed allows you to shoot very accurately in the presence of armor BMP or PTR PRDD pierces easily, it means that today weapons have not fully lost the relevance. So it lies in warehouses, waiting for its o'clock ...