Dynamic hunting, when a company of friends drives a powerful strong and very dangerous behalf, a root or other living creatures requiring particularly high-quality firearms. Everything is - knives, equipment, tents and other necessary tools necessary for hunting. But it remains a choice for a reliable carbine that will not submit in any conditions. Thanks to the abundance of Internet information and the opportunity to obtain a consultation of a professional expert, it is quickly and comfortable to exchange an ancient grandfather bolt to modern carbine.

How it is impossible to suit Carabiner Vepr-308 series Win (juice 95) L \u003d 590, created on the basis of the global legend of weapons - the creations of the Soviet Kudesman - Kalashnikova M. T. and today even the use of the latest technologies does not allow to create anything more reliable , good and high-quality small arms.

Overview of weapons

Truly, good-quality weapons can become excellent help on the hunt, in the forest, in pursuit of the game on the swamps and even on sandy vegans. Hunting - the most acceptable hobby for strong and fearless men who had in genes and left the desire to get a certain dose of adrenaline and bring abundant prey to the house or on the company.

Tested in combat conditions Kalashnikov AK-74 / AKM series has become the most acceptable example of the pre-preparation for such a great hunting shotgun, how the hunting carbine model is right. Nowadays, the most valuable is a qualitative trouble-free chamber, a reliable gate mechanism in accordance with an acceptable price for the domestic consumer. In the Carabinist Carabinat Win-308 Win (juice 95) L \u003d 590, the most popular hunting weapon option.

Advantages and disadvantages

For this type of rifle hunting weapon, a large number of very serious positive qualities are inherent:

  • The barrel channel and the surface of the chamber is covered with a particularly durable alloy.
  • Automatic recharge is performed at the time of use of the energy discharge energy.
  • Engineering thought made it possible to use the refinement of the spring for locking the shutter.
  • The clever type of mechanism allows you to prematurely make the calculation of the shot and returning the trigger spring.

The disadvantages of users consider not too high-quality eradicator mechanism. The presence of a non-removable mechanism of the fuse, the prefabricated system of the USM and a sufficiently long trunk, experts consider the disadvantages.

Carabiner Vepr-308 Win series (juice-95) L \u003d 590 (photo)

Purpose of Caraborn Vepr-308 Win (juice 95)

The arms is applied directly to the civil direction in use.

  • The basic option can rightfully name the excellent combat weapon that has become the basis for the hunting carbine of an increased security class. Designed for hunting, competitions in the field of sports shooting and extreme situations.

The use of it in hunting purposes is negotiated in the positions of the regulatory document of the Russian Federation. All nuances of use are regulated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 18. 10. 01. It was signed in 2009.

  • An important factor is possible self-defense within the framework of the current regulatory framework.

Currently, working on to offer to the buyer several assortment options.


Technical characteristics of Caraborn Vepr-308:

About the muffler, optics, sight and other parts of Caraborn Vepr-308 read below.


The basic base in the form of a Kalashnikov machine allows you to use all the advantages of this famous system - improved caliber quality, fully suitable for a hunting for a large beast.

With minimal return, the construction of the Wear-308 allows you to achieve a sufficient distance of fire, the adhesion of firing. In this case, the intensity and accuracy of firing is achieved by trouble-free operation at low temperatures, excellent quality of the overall design, amazing compliance with the quality and price of the product.

Equipment and packaging

Carabiner is offered to buyers in collapsible, the set of parts is processed by a special type of lubrication. It protects the set of parts from moisture and change temperatures. The product is packaged in a namasted fabric and a box of natural cardboard or dried wood.

Certificates and passports are applied on carabiners, materials on weapons service and other legislative documents.

Operating principle

The fundamental effect of Karabarina WEPER-308 is based on the mechanics of the sequence of the cartridge in the store compartment using a return spring, locking the trunk channel with a springs return.

By pressing the fingers, the descent hook comes to the smoke exit system from the descent croup. The energetic blow to the shrink's cry, heats the capsess of the igniter and the shot.


Disassembly, testing and preventive lubrication exclusively in the state of discharged weapons and extracted cartridges. The list of all events is carried out on the basis of the attached instruction. The assembly is made only in reverse order.

Tuuning models of the product today are already reviewed by the manufacturer's designers, but this is the solution of the near future and modern young designers. Alternatively attached a butt made of noble beech, oak, nut.

Prices and reviews about Carabin Vepr-308 can be found below.

Prices for the product

The price plan of this weapon perfectly corresponds to the characteristics of the structure, as well as the technical and performance indicators allow you to purchase it at a price of 660 dollars. USA and higher.

Carabiner Vepr-Hunter 308 VPO-101m L \u003d 550mm (photo)

In 1995, the team of designers of the Machine-Building Plant "Hammer", which is located in the city of Vyatskaya Polyany, has developed a new self-loading carbine. They called their creation of juice 94 "Wear" - the perfect hunting carabiner for hunting a boar in winter.

As a basis for hunting carbar, they took the handmade machine gun Kalashnikov. Differences between him and "Veprem" are small.

The main differences of the carbine "Vepr"

The main differences are in the absence of a self-timer, as well as in changing the shape of the figure of the curly and whispered.

From the RPK "Vepre" he got high reliability and the ability to exploit carbine in a wide variety of conditions. For example, the temperature framework for using juice 94 ranges from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.

Recharge occurs automatically. The bullion is equipped with a non-removable flame.

To increase the safety of operation, the carbine is equipped with a flag fuse.

For shooting at large distances there is a special bracket on which an optical sight is attached.

Aiming the shooting range of "Vepry" - up to 300 meters. Carabin - orthopedic, made of walnut and bamboo, has a neckline for thumb.

Total weight with the store is not more than 4.3 or 4.7 kilograms. Caliber Juic-94 - 7.62 millimeters, various ammunition are used.

Thanks to the new arms legislation, many
The hunters got the opportunity to purchase a row hunting weapon. IN
The basis of choosing one or another design, as a rule, lies the main
The object of hunting, for reliable defeat of which the weapon is selected.
Considering that the main object of hunting in our region is roeler and
Middle sizes moose and boars, my choice was stopped on the cartridge
7.62 × 39. In 1995, when I received permission to purchase
Hunting weapons with cutting trunk, in armory stores area
For this cartridge, three carbine was sold - SKS, "Saiga" and "Wear".
The SCS was immediately rejected by me because of the outdated appearance and the impossibility of a quick replacement during the hunt of one type of cartridge on another. Of the remaining two Carabins "Saiga" seemed more preferable for its ease and external grace. However, according to the reviews of hunters, shooting from "Saiga", the accuracy of the shooting left much to be desired. Thus, my choice was finally determined, and at the end of 1995 he became the owner of the "Vepry", with whom two seasons will fuck and I can draw conclusions about its main advantages and disadvantages, especially since many familiar hunters have similar carbies, and their I know opinion.

The main advantages of "Vepry" refers its design. In fact, this is not having a mode of automatic fire with a manual machine gun M. T. Kalashnikov with all the resulting positive qualities confirmed by the decades of its operation worldwide. The high authority of the creator of weapons, as well as a friendly feeling of possession of all hunters, led to the fact that in the store a number of defects in the manufacture of Carabin remained unnoticed, and emerged at home during the first thorough inspection. In particular, the base of the flies was pressing on the trunk with such a breakdown, which was visible to the naked eye, aiming plank because of the skewers in the block of the sector of the sight was shifted to the left of 2 mm, the Tsevier, initially made asymmetrically, had a backlash Bulk box. As a carabiner with such defects could be made, it remained only to be surprised and hoped for the fact that there is no such marriage in other nodes of weapons.

On the shooting range, the disappointment has arrived after the first series of shots: the dispersion at a distance of 100 m was 70 mm vertically and 260 mm horizontally, - and this is from the position lying down with the focus! Considering that by the nature of the work I came across the various designs of weapons, to identify the cause of the dispersion did not work - the butt had a horizontal beating. After tightening the fastening screws, the carname came to normal - about 70-80 mm, but for a short time, after the next series of shots, the butt had to pull it again. Looking ahead, I will say that, having imagined with a constant tightening of fastening screws, I slept "planted" a butt on epoxy glue, pre-densely greased the mating metal parts of the tank box with a grease to prevent rigid glue. I advise you to make it all the owners of Vepray, which do not practice the removal of goals during transportation and storage.

The second major defect detected at the first shooting and not disappeared after 150 shots, was jinging the trigger when returning after the shot at the starting position. As a result, the next shot was made without the free progress of the trigger, and the caraums were not installed on the fuse. The elimination of this defect has been much more time to eliminate: the places of contact of the details of the trigger and the jurka had to be palpped with a grinding skirt. On this, the list of major factory defects was exhausted. Unfortunately, they are not a piece of character, but apply to most Carabins "Wear", which I had to keep in my hands.

The following group of disadvantages identified during the operation of Carabin, does not have a fundamental importance, and maybe my opinion is subjective.

The aiming plank on "Verepre" has a side amendment mechanism, so necessary for firing from the machine gun under certain conditions and is absolutely useless, and even harmful, on hunting carbine. Negative in the mechanism of lateral amendments is that it increases the dimensions of the sighting plank, contributing to her clinging for clothes and branches. As a result, once the scope was shot down. Shooting re-carbine, I simply glued the screws of the screw to the aiming bar with universal glue.

Leaves to desire the best for both aesthetic and operational considerations, the shape of an orthopedic butt, as well as paintwork on it and Tsevier. The latter has an increased sliding coefficient when shooting in winter in gloves, especially when snow hits. To improve the clutch and the appearance of the carbine, it was necessary to apply on the handle of the butt and the Tsevier bowl.

One of the reasons for the decline in the adhesion of the archery of the rifle weapons is the wear of the cuts in the muzzle part occurring due to contact with the barrel of metallic shrom when cleaning the weapon. In order to avoid it, in all deposits for caring for cutting weapons, it is recommended to be brushing from a state part, and if it is impossible, then with the dunnoy, using a special cap that does not allow a sandpaper to touch the barrel. Designers "Vepry" seems to have forgotten about it completely - the cap of Penal (as it is done at the Kalashnikov machine) it is impossible to wear on the barrel due to the difference in diameters. In addition, the shrom himself could be made full, that is, with a rotating handle and a plastic coating, and the dulp of carbine could be left "pure machine-gun", that is, with a threaded slice, it is complete with a clutch looks much better. In the last version of the carbine should be completed with a special sleeve used when cleaning the trunk, as is done in a number of foreign carbines. But this is a wish, but in reality one thing remains - to purchase a normal hack for cleaning the rifle weapons or wrap the existing tape over the entire length.

In addition to the foregoing, a small factory refinement requires the Karabari fuse - in the windless weather, the click when it is removed is heard over several tens of meters, which is unacceptable on some hunting.

Separately, I would like to express my opinion on the optical sight - on my carbine was installed in 3.5. It is not very clear what the Hammer's VPMZ was guided by setting on the Carabinity sight, according to the technical characteristics, more suitable for a small-caliber rifle, and in aestheticality, small dimensions of the appearance of the Carabarine did not improve. Given the unreliability of most domestic civilian sights, I installed a military sight on my carbine from a SVD-PSO-1 sniper rifle. Based on the fact that the method of fastening the PSO-1 differs from "Veprevsky", it was necessary to make a special adapter.

Fortunately, all the above disadvantages do not affect the ballistic characteristics of the carbine, and they are really worthy to give preference to "Vepre". In addition to good ballistics, possessing less impact than "Saiga" and "Tiger" (in the first case, the difference in weight is affected, in the second - in the power of the cartridge), "Wear" allows you to make a greater number of sighting shots in a short period of time.

Many hunters who have "Wear" are disappointed with the adolescence of his shooting. However, as a rule, the reason lies not in Karabin, but in ammunition. My carbine is the greatest dispersion with cartridges, equipped bullets with a steel core. When shooting, the series of 5 shots per 100 m. The accumulation varies from 85 to 220 mm. A somewhat more complicant battle gives a combat cartridge - from 60 to 160 mm. A similar indicator for shooting half-column bullets is from 50 to 110 mm, usually 70-80 mm, which according to the generally accepted standards relates the battle of the carbine to very good. However, I managed to achieve the best result, equipping standard cartridges with a sample bullet in 1908 weighing 9.6 g with a lead core and sniper bullets from the same cartridge. In the first case, the average accuracy was 65 mm, in the second - 40 mm. For comparison, it can be noted that the last result is not always possible to get even when shooting from the battle sniper rifle of Dragunov, not to mention the "tiger" - its hunting version.

Separately, I would like to say about the store for cartridges. With additional revision, the capacity of a 5-seater store can be touched up to 10 ammunition, and 10-seater - up to 15, which makes many hunters. It did not go around this bitter experience and me: as a result, the store turned from the most important part of the weapon into a box for storing cartridges, since after the alterations often there were cases of stagnation of the cartridge in the government part of the trunk, which is unacceptable when hunting on large animals. In this regard, I strongly do not recommend hunters to engage in alteration of stores and expose your life.

In conclusion, I want to say that, despite the defects and imperfect for hunting weapons, the appearance, in general, I am pleased with Carabin. However, the manufacturer - the Vyatsko-Polyanskaya Machine-Building Plant "Hammer" for soothing the bases is not, if the appearance and quality of the carbine will remain at the same level in the near future, the new modifications "Saiga" will again be deservedly be ahead.

"VEPER" is a family of smooth-bore and neck challenges, created on the basis of the 7.62-mm manual machine gun Kalashnikov (RPK) on the Vyatko-Pyal Machine-Building Plant "Hammer". At this enterprise they are produced to this day. The first rifle of this family was developed in 1995. Karabina "Wear" appeared because the hospital had to survive in the nineties. It was necessary to rebuild the production remaining without orders of the Ministry of Defense and foreign customers, to issue civil products.

"Wear" is the nearest competitor of the Sayga series rifles. These carbines are positioned as weapons for the hunt of the middle and large beast. They are also used for self-defense and sports competitions and as a service weapon.


In the Karabin "Wear" to the maximum, the parts and nodes of the hand-gun Kalashnikov are used. Carabiner automatically recharges due to the use of powder gas energy, which are discharged from the barrel channel at the time of the shot into the gas chamber, as well as due to the return spring energy.

The main differences of "Vepry" from the RPK - in the design of the butt and shock-triggering mechanism. Carabins are equipped with orthopedic butts "Dragun type". From the shock-trigger mechanism, a self-timer is excluded that allows you to fire the queues. Another feature of the "Vepry" - Tsevier is much larger than the RPK, length, without a protective pad in the upper part.

The trunk canal and the cartridge are chromed, which increases their service life. A non-removable flamestelter is installed on the dule, which reduces the flash when shot. Fuse - flag type. An open scope allows you to conduct a sight shooting at distances up to 300-350 meters. On the hunting rifle "WEPER" can also be installed an optical sight. Carabiner is designed for operation at temperatures from -50 to +50 degrees.

All "Vepri", intended for export, as well as some versions for the Russian market are completed with spring-loaded drummer. It is needed in order to safely use foreign-made cartridges that have more sensitive capsuli than Russian. As a result, in Carabin with an unsoveniated drummer with a non-fully closed gate may occur inertial jolts of such an ammunition during his challenge to the patronist. As a result - damage to weapons and injury arrow. When using patrons of domestic production, such a problem is not worth it.

The principle of work of the Karabinov "VEPER":

  1. When the return spring moves the shutter frame with a shutter forward, the cartridge is sent from the store to the cartridge.
  2. During the turn of the shutter, the trunk channel is locked, the trigger is cloudy with a trigger, and the throtter boils over the cuticle of the sleeve.
  3. When you click on the trigger, the trigger is uncovered from it, and then beats the drip, driven by a combat spring, and a shot occurs.
  4. Carabiner automatically recharges.

Modifications of carbine

  • Juice-94 "Wear" is the very first version of the carbine, which appeared in 1995. The gun is designed for shooting cartridges 7.62 × 39 mm;
  • Juice-95 "VEPER-308" - the second modification of "Vepry", designed for 9.62 × 51 mm cartridges;
  • "WEPER-SUPER" - the third version of the carbine, which appeared in 1998. Produced in three versions: Juice-35 "Vepr-35 super" under ammunition.35 Remington, juice-95ms "Veprier-Super-Sport" under the cartridges 7.62 × 51 mm, juice 95m "Vepr-308-super" for ammunition 7.62 × 51 mm. The first two versions have already been discontinued;
  • Juice-94r "WEPER-Pioneer" - the production of this version was started in 2000;
  • Juice 98 "Vepr-5.45" - Hunting Carabiner "Wear" in the export variant, designed to use ammunition 5.45 × 39 mm;
  • "WEPER-HANTER" - produced in two versions for firing cartridges 7.62 × 51 mm and 7.62 × 63 mm;
  • "WEPER-1B" - version under the cartridges 5.56 × 45 mm;
  • VPO-133 "WEPER-K" - redoned AK without the possibility of conducting automatic fire;
  • VPO-136 "WEPER-KM" - converted to AKM without automatic fire;
  • "Vepr-223" - for firing cartridges 5.56 × 45 mm;
  • Co-juice-243 "WEPER-243" - carbine under cartridges 6.2 x 52 mm (.243 Win);
  • VPO-205 "WEPER-12 Hammer" - smooth-bore carabiner 12 caliber (for ammunition 12 × 76 mm).

Popular models and their characteristics

This smooth-bore carbise is produced in three versions: "Vepr-12 hammer", "Vepr-12 hammer" isp. 01, "Vepr-12 hammer" isp. 02.

A removable plane sensor is installed on the bunlar, which distinguishes "Vepr-12" from other modifications. The carbine provides a mechanism for blocking a trigger, eliminating shooting with a folded butt. "WEPER-12 Hammer-01" is a version that has an increased up to 520 mm barrel and a non-removable flamesecaker. It is possible to conduct shooting while folded. "WEPER-12 MOX-02" - smooth-bore carabiner with a barrel of 680 mm long. In the bunny part of the trunk there is a base for the installation of internal dangular sleeves.


Cutting Carabiner "Wear" caliber 7.62 mm, designed to use cartridges.308 Win. In terms of power, it only slightly inferior to the Karabin "Tiger", with which ammunition 7.62 × 54 applies. The initial velocity of the bullet is 830 m / s.

The length of the trunk of this version of "Vepry" can be 520 or 590 mm. Carabiner is equipped with an apartment with a capacity of 7 or 10 cartridges. The maximum mass without an optical sight and other accessories is 4.05 kg.

Another rifle carbine under the cartridge .308 Win (7.62 × 51 mm), which is included in the model range of "Visrery". With a total length of the housing in 1000 mm has a 625 mm length trunk. The mass is 4.69 kg.


  • automation "Vepry", created on the scheme of the Kalashnikov machine, is very reliable and trouble-freely operates in any operating conditions;
  • the "Vepry" layout is such that when shooting it is convenient to use both mechanical and optical sight. Mechanics can be used with optics set;
  • high firing;
  • a large resource of all parts of the mechanism;
  • stable work in sophisticated weather conditions.


Some modifications of "Vepry" are equipped with polyamide (that is, plastic) shops. During operation, the shutter rate can exteract the feeder. If the step, which ensures the chess location of the cartridges, will be erected, two ammunition will be closed at a chamber instead of one. In this case, the store will become unsuitable for use. The same problem is also observed in the Kalashnikov AKS-74 machines.

A complaints cause wooden butts of many models of "Vepry", which can be called unnecessary volumetric. They have a large number of "superfluous" wood, which weights the carabiner, but does not give anything hunter. In general, high weight, like large dimensions, are characteristic of all versions of Vepray.

But the positive sides of these guns are still more, so they are popular and invariably find their buyers.


When working with the Karabin "VEPER" it is necessary to remember the safety technique:

  • before each charging of Carabin, check whether there is no in the trunk and in the chamber of foreign objects;
  • to make sure that there are no cartridges in the cartridge or in the store, you need to remove the gate frame back. This must be done with every rifle in hand;
  • do not direct both charged and discharged weapons on people and pets. When shooting, it is necessary to take into account that the flight range of the bullet is 3 km;
  • after drying within 5 seconds, do not open the shutter, since there is a probability of a protracted shot;
  • always put the carabiner to the fuse in a timely manner to avoid a random shot;
  • ammunition and carabiners are stored separately in inaccessible to children and foreign places.

Carabiner "Wear" always need to inspect, clean and lubricate, disassembled and collecting a gun in the correct order according to the instructions. In this case, it will last for a long time, glad to stable work, and the hunting with the Karabin will bring only positive emotions.

Under the cartridges 7.62x51 mm. A foreign analogue of these ammunition is considered .308 Winchester. Carabiner has a simple, but reliable construction, high firing efficiency and acceptable price for the Russian market.

general information

Carabiner Vepr-308 enjoys high demand due to its power. Many hunters preferred to him their old rifles. The design features of the carbine allow you to hunt under low temperatures on large animals - brown bear and moose.

High strength and heat resistance achieved due to the fact that the design of the carbine is the scheme of the device of the famous Kalashnikov machine. Thanks to this choice of carbine, has a number of advantages that are deprived of many rifles of the same class.

The developers of "Vepry" have made changes to some technical nodes so that the new carbine is qualified as a hunting. For example, in the fire system, they were eliminated with the possibility of playing fires, changed the shape of the goal, and Tsevyi did half-open.

Wear-308 design

Rifle automation works reliability. The stock of the working resource is large, drying is not marked even after 500 shots. Experienced hunters are recommended to clean the gas piston immediately after shooting, since it will be more difficult to cleaned the Nagar after a few hours.

The channel of the trunk is performed qualitatively. The disadvantage is only the detachment of the protective layer of chromium through a couple of hundred shots. Long service depends on the owner - without regular cleaning, the weapon will quickly fail. The factory mace for care is not suitable. It is better to buy it separately, experienced hunters recommend a rack with a spinning handle.

A cotton tape is used to remove dirt and nagar, which is also used to insulate the windings of electric motors. It can be chopped into stripes and wrap a hack. White material color allows you to control the progress. As soon as after the next approach, the tape remains clean, the work can be considered completed.

It is not recommended to cry with lubricant material, it addsually affects the work of automatics. Rag before cleaning you need to moisten and carefully squeeze. This approach is acceptable to the use of hunting carbine WERPER-308 in harsh climatic conditions - up to -40 degrees Celsius. If you are going to hunt at temperatures above +30 degrees, the amount of lubricant can be increased. Ruzh owners with great experience recommend using oil for diesel engines.

The records of the cuminess at the "Vepry" better than many competitors. The scatter of the bullet is 8 centimeters when shooting 100 m with a factory targeted mechanism. After a small refinement, it can be improved to 7 cm. Naturally, the result becomes even better with the optics. The mass of the rifle in the exhaust state without an optical sight is 4 kg.

Standard belt has poor quality. He publishes a lot of noise during the hunt, especially in the frost. In the weapon store you can buy tarpaulin with belt clasp.

When the carbine falls in the snow, the flamesecite dials a lot of snow into the trunk channel, which is considered a lack of design. It is recommended to avoid falling fluid and snow inside the plane sensor - it causes instant corrosion distribution.

Advantages and disadvantages of carbine WEPER-308

    • Caliber and ammunition allow you to keep hunting for medium and large beasts;
    • The return is weak and almost does not affect accuracy;
    • You can control the fire up to 300 meters;
    • High firing harmony;
    • Accuracy is not reduced at 5-7 shots in a row;
    • Accuracy is improved by an increased sighting line;
    • Use the basic aiming mechanism can be with an installed optical sight;
    • High stock of the working resource of the instrument parts;
    • Stable work in harsh weather conditions;
    • Profitable price.
  • High mass and impressive dimensions;
  • Bad balancing;
  • The average quality of the treatment of wooden parts;
  • When switching the fuse loudly clicks the checkbox;
  • An open sight is easily damaged when falling;
  • Screw the butt is quickly relaxed after the last tightening;
  • The process of disassembling the gas chamber is uncomfortable;
  • There is a long time for cleaning the piston of the gas chamber.

The rifle has the positive sides, so it is in demand on the weapon market. Some drawbacks can be eliminated by the refinement.

Closing Wear-308

The quality of the gun as a whole exceeds the quality of other models, but will require some intervention to become almost perfect.

Fasteners of the butt to the hard-quality trunks. The tail of the tail lowers accuracy. To solve the problem, you can make an end-to-end hole in the butt, make a screw with a conical washer and consolidate the butt to the trunks of this method.

Parts of the trigger mechanism have poor processing, which is why accuracy is reduced. Thin sandpaper can be treated with a trigger and juro chamber area. For the optimal result, you can use a diamond tip.

Differences of the standard model from Wear Super 308

Changes touched the lodges - it became whole, they are made of beech or nuts trees. The design of the lodges made a carbine look more like a hunting weapon than a combat.

Carabiner Wear 308 Super flew - its weight dropped to 3,900 grams. The trunk became more powerful in order to increase the accuracy and efficiency of firing, but due to the use of longitudinal dollars, its mass remained unchanged. The bullshop compensator performs the functions of the globatory. This design solution reduced returns and blinding from a shot at the dark.

Not without minus. Fastening for optics for Wear Super 308 moved to the gas chamber that has shortened aiming line. Despite this, the shooting range is 7 in the same - up to 300 meters. The hull is deprived of sharp and clinging elements that have complicated the hunt in the forest.

The fuse has become a push-button, it was placed over a trigger. The resulting noise from activation and deactivation of the fuse is eliminated, to press the button no longer need to tear off the hand from the butt. For 10 and 5-cartridge stores added 3-patron.