It just so happens that most men are proud, strong and at the same time generous, and in some ways weak. If you have a question about how to tame a man, first of all, pay attention to his weaknesses. Skillful influence on them is your main secret weapon.

How can you tame a man forever?

First of all, in order to tame a man, he must be worshiped. The fact is that most men prefer those women who treat them with respect and try to please them in every possible way.

In addition, flattery is very effective in the fight to tame a man, which helps pave the way to the heart of any man. It is noteworthy that many men are very willing to accept even overt flattery.

In the process of taming a man, it is necessary to take into account that most men are stubborn. That is why in many matters, in order to tame a man, you need to give in to him - this way it is much easier to tame a man.

If he feels that he is responsible for you, and you trust him, then you can be sure that the man will gladly take on this heavy burden.

What to do to tame a man?

At the same time, while the man is busy resolving your common problems, you can start taming it. If there are traits in his character that do not suit you or irritate you, you should not talk about it openly.

Try very gently and carefully to lead him to the idea that some habits are still worth changing. But the use of various kinds of ultimatums will not give the desired result. To tame a man, you need to be extremely tactful and courteous, so as not to cause backlash.

It should be noted that often a change in character actually strong man is impossible, and in such cases the only way out is to find certain compromises on your part.

Remember that if you constantly remind a man of his shortcomings, there is a high probability that he will look for someone who will see him only positive traits.

Keep in mind that taming a man is much easier than keeping him. That is why, when choosing a model of behavior in your relationship, it is recommended to completely give control over it to the man and sometimes even not notice his small “pranks”.

Secret No. 1: how to tame a man forever

If you want to conquer and tame a man, keep him close forever, then there is only one way to do this... let him know that he is very special to you.

Well, this, of course, does not mean that you need to sprinkle pink petals on the floor before each of his steps or fall on your face every time he enters the room. (But that would be cool, right?) No, for this you just need to appreciate him and give him joy.

This means simply being able to do some special things for him and constantly remind him that he is your one and only. Call it unconditional love if you will. It doesn’t matter what you can do, if you do it for him, and it will make him happy, go ahead!

How to tame a man - just highlight his peculiarity. I can guess what you’re thinking now: I’m not his servant, and therefore I’m not going to run to the stove, grab the iron, or jump into bed at his first desire. Fair point.

If you make him food, he should make food for you. If you iron his clothes, he should iron yours. If you perform all sorts of miracles for him, he should answer you in kind. No one wants to have their feet wiped all their lives, but hoping that everything in your union will be equal is also unrealistic.

It goes without saying that he should also do things for you that would make you feel special, but turn on comparison table and ticking off who did what and who didn’t do what is also pointless. Such a relationship is unlikely to allow you to stay together until the end of your days.

So how can you tame a man by convincing him that he is special to you? A little earlier we already discussed how you can attract a man (food, sex and laundry), but now that you need to keep him, let's move a few steps further.

A few more secret ways to tame a man

In fact, it is not so difficult to tame a man forever. The main thing in this matter is to keep a few rules that will help you twist the ropes out of your man. So how to tame a man? There are tricks that, when applied in practice, you can make sure that the man is at your feet.

First of all, you need to respect his needs in life. But it is important not only to respect them, but also to satisfy them. Let the man feel that his beloved played a big role in fulfilling his desires. Give him gifts that he really needs. Otherwise, he may think that you simply do not take his opinion into account.

Be sure to respect and understand his values ​​in life, thoughts, desires and goals. Over time, if you really need it, you can direct all his thoughts in a slightly different direction. The main thing is not to go too far in your quest to tame a man. And then he himself will think that it was his own idea. You can also find out what irritates him in other people, and especially in women. This way, you can avoid the mistakes they make.

Try to praise your lover more. It doesn’t matter in what area he deserved praise, the main thing is to let him know that his efforts were not in vain. Try to avoid criticism as a last resort, do it softly and naturally. Praising the merits of his figure is also important. This is always pleasant for any man.

You need to keep an eye on your appearance. Everyone knows that men love with their eyes. That's why don't neglect yourself. Find out what he likes from your clothes. Don't forget about such a thing as sexy underwear.

How to tame a man? Just keep it up all the time! Words of support in Hard time will always let a man know what stands behind your words great love and strong care. Don't miss the right moment to say important words.

No one can argue with the fact that a tear is the most powerful weapon every girl and woman. But you must admit that it is easier to live with a calm girl than with a hysterical crybaby. Manage your emotions. After all, on overloaded days this will only put pressure on your man.

The most important advantage loving girl for a man it is her sincerity. Show that you can really be trusted. This is especially important for men, especially if you decide to tame a man. They need a feeling of complete security in the company of you.

You should not be intrusive. Don't go too far, men don't like it. Be sure to follow the precautions.

About how a wild animal becomes best friend man, many films have been made. We look and envy heroes who easily find mutual language with lions, cheetahs and wolves. It is, of course, easier for a Russian resident to meet a wolf than a leopard, so we decided to consider the possibility of taming this magnificent predator. Is it possible to tame a wolf in real life How to do this is all in this article.

Wolf: behavioral features

If you came up with the idea of ​​taking a wolf as a dog, then you need to know that this animal is not a dog, although they are genetically related. Is it possible to tame a wolf like a poodle? No, you definitely won’t be able to do this, but it’s all about his character.

There is a hierarchy in a pack of wolves, there is a leader, but every time the younger generation tries to prove its superiority and strength. If a wolf sees or feels a weakness in character, it’s a disaster! Power will pass into his predatory paws.

What should a wolf's owner be like?

The most important thing is that the wolf will never have an owner. He will only have a leader. Not a friend, not a brother, but a strong leader who surpasses him in everything.
If you still intend to keep such a predator, then be prepared to always keep your eyes open, and your claws and fangs at the ready! The leader (master) of a wolf must have a strong character, nerves of steel, lack of pity is necessary. After a two-year-old predator grows from a wolf cub, you will constantly have to prove your superiority.

Is it possible to tame a wolf if you are not endowed with the qualities described above? No, most likely he will tame you or, having matured, he will taste your hand.

Wolves and children in one pack

With the addition of a wolf to your family, your life will become completely different. If you have small children, it is better to choose a she-wolf. Females have developed maternal instinct, so she will not touch or offend the child, she will become for him good companion. The male will begin to “train” the baby like a wolf cub, which can cause him serious injuries.
As wolves grow older, they become aggressive (in most cases), so think carefully about the well-being of your “pack” before bringing a predator into it.

Taming an adult wolf

If you live near a forest where there are wolves or you have a summer house there, then there is a high probability that predators may come to you. They will be attracted to the warmth and smell of food, especially in winter time. Many people prefer to scare away predators from their territory rather than make contact with them. Is it possible to tame a wolf if it is adult and wild?

This will not work, you will never be able to pet him. But you can make peace with him so that you can enter his territory without fear.

When meeting a wolf, do not run or make sudden movements. Do not throw food from your pockets or bag to him, as the wolf will mistake you for food. It is better to move a little away from him, put a piece of bread or sausage and, backing away, quietly leave. Don't turn your back on the predator! He will definitely lunge, so keep eye contact with him.

Attention! When going into the forest, if you know that wolves live there, you need to have a gun or other firearms. In most cases, the wolf will not catch the eye of a person, but will prefer to hide. But animals with rabies often seek a meeting with a person.

If you were “lucky” to meet a wild wolf and he did not show aggression, then in the future you don’t have to worry about your life. This beast will not touch you, but it will not let you near it either. You can coexist peacefully next door.

Raising a wolf cub

Wolf cubs are the same kids as dog puppies. So is it possible to tame a wolf from childhood? It will be a difficult process, but there is still every chance.

If a wolf cub falls into your hands, then become his mother and father, friend and brother, this is the only way you will earn his trust from puppyhood. Spend a lot of time in his company and under no circumstances tie him up or put him on a chain.

If you decide to have a wolf as a guard dog, then don’t even try. They are very agile, so no matter how tight the collar is, the wolf will find a way to free itself. And then your life and the life of your loved ones will be at risk.

You cannot train a wolf cub like a dog, and not a single dog handler can cope with this task. Therefore, just educate him, feed him and raise him. These animals love to play, and in the game they may not take into account their strengths - they may be grabbed by the scruff of the neck (their favorite place to hold prey) or bite the hand. Be prepared for such entertainment, because it is in the pet’s blood, and it is impossible to rid him of such a habit.

How to tame a wolf at home?

If you live in an apartment, then don’t think about getting a wolf. He is a wild beast, even though you will tame him from childhood. Wolves need a lot of freedom, he is not your pet, he is just a member of your pack, and he simply needs freedom.

In the private sector, it would be nice to build an enclosure, but it should be high, preferably with a roof. Wolves can easily jump over a three-meter wall.
In a few hours, such a predator will be able to get out of the enclosure simply by digging. Therefore, the animal’s sleeping area must be reinforced with concrete. Of course, if you are worried about your neighbors, whom an adult, even domesticated, wolf may start hunting.

The enclosure should only be a place where the wolf will sleep, that is, its lair, and not permanent place a habitat. In order for the predator to feel comfortable, let him run around and be on an equal footing with you in terms of freedom. If you don’t give it to the beast, he will get angry with you and not become a friend.

The ideal option for keeping a wolf would be its absolute freedom. This should be a small area, as close as possible to its natural habitat, naturally fenced. The wolf will live there and come to you to spend a few hours with his “pack” and eat, and then again he will run away into the “freedom”.

Is it possible to tame a wolf like a dog?

We have already written about the fact that it is impossible to train him. A wolf is not a dog. These animals - complete opposite. If you find a wolf, then he will become more faithful to you than a dog, he will be both a friend and a protector.

How to tame a wolf so that he becomes a friend? No one can say this. It all depends on your relationship. Not only should the wolf like you, but he should like you too. If you do not show aggression towards the predator, but also do not be weak, you can achieve complete mutual understanding.

You need to spend much more time with a wolf than with a dog, then the chances of success in taming will increase. Wolves love to be talked to, pet him more, then his predatory habits will not be a threat to you and your family.

Eating a wolf at home

Now you know how to tame a wolf in real life. The question remains, what to feed the predator? That's right, he is a predator, and he needs meat.

The wolf will not eat dog food, and if you accustom him to such food from childhood, then in the future you will encounter a whole bunch of pet diseases.

During childhood, feed the wolf with milk, cereals, chicken meat or pork, it will be perfectly absorbed and soft beef. The meat must be raw so that the baby fully receives all the necessary microelements for healthy growth.

An adult wolf will feed exclusively on meat and bones; sometimes you can cook soup for it in fatty broth.

An adult predator must eat at least eight kilograms of meat and bones per day. If you think that you can afford such an expense, then you can easily raise a healthy and beautiful wolf.

No matter how much you feed the wolf...

And yet the wolf remains wild beast. How to tame a wolf, how to raise and feed it is one thing. It’s quite another thing to keep him near you, to exclude aggression and all the habits of a predator.

If you begin to notice that the animal is moving away from you, becoming completely different, then you should think about it. future fate. Many people who have tamed a wolf, but are later faced with its aggression, will prefer to euthanize the animal or release it to freedom. Both of these options are not humane.

It’s easy to kill an animal, but think about it, it’s Living being, which you could not keep near you, could not become his family. It's only your fault.
Set free? This is also murder. A tamed animal will not be able to live independently; it will be killed by its relatives or shot by a person, from whom the wolf will not hide, because it is not afraid of people.

Most the best option- find a nursery or give the animal to the zoo. There he will live next to people, under full protection, with proper maintenance.
Is it possible to tame a wolf? It’s possible only if you try very hard, if you don’t try to turn him into a dog, but live with a real predator.

There are many unusual animals on Earth that few of us have seen. Meanwhile, some of them are quite well tamed and live next to humans.

Kinkajou: Teddy Bear

The bear-like animal is not tall more cat. It belongs to the raccoon family, native to the Central and South Africa, loves fruits, insects and honey. In captivity, it lives up to 40 years and is quite friendly to people. However, when it gets naughty, it can seriously bite with its teeth or slash with its claws. What happened to the actress Paris Hilton, who was bitten a couple of times by her pet named Baby Love. The star even had to go to the hospital.

Slow loris: cute goofball

Lorises belong to the order of primates, a suborder of wet-nosed monkeys. These are nocturnal and rather secretive animals that live in India, Bangladesh, Indochina and the Indonesian islands. IN natural environment Lorises feed on insects, small reptiles and birds. As pet Most often, it is the slow loris that is kept. But they are not easy to tame - they bite painfully.

Prochidna: tongue with spines

A miracle of nature, living in the humid mountain forests of Indonesia and New Guinea, weighs about 10 kg. The length of the echidna's body reaches 77 cm plus a cute five-centimeter tail. The animal’s nose and mouth are enclosed “in one bottle” - this design is called “rostrum”. There are no teeth, but the tongue is covered with small spines, which the animal uses to catch termites. The animal has difficulty, but allows itself to be tamed.

Capybara: a giant rodent

Looks like guinea pig The rodent is by no means small - its dimensions are not inferior to a well-fed Labrador. Found on the banks of reservoirs in Central and South America. Swims and dives well, feeds on fruits, tubers, hay and grass. Easily domesticated and willingly walked on a leash.

Aardvark: a cross between a donkey and an anteater

The teeth of this animal, common in Africa, are constantly growing and have a structure in the form of dentin tubes, without enamel and roots. The aardvark resembles a pig with long muzzle, donkey ears and a muscular tail - Africans call it an earthen pig. The height of the “pig” is capable of catching up with a large St. Bernard. Heavy - up to 80 kg of live weight. In captivity it can live up to 10 years.

Babirussa: sharp fang

It resembles the familiar sow, but with fangs reaching 40 cm in length. The canines of the upper jaw grow not downwards, but upwards and pierce the skin of the muzzle, bending back. Why such fangs are needed is not entirely clear. Some argue that with their help the animal clings its head to the branches and rests like that. Babirussa is unpretentious and quickly gets used to people. But breeding them is unprofitable: the female brings only two piglets.

Galago: baby in the bushes

In Africa, where these animals, which look like a squirrel, a cat and a dog at the same time, live, they are called “bushbabies” - “bush baby”: they live in green thickets and scream like babies. There are several varieties, the largest - the thick-tailed galago - reaches 2 kg. These animals are often kept as pets.

Wallaby: a miniature kangaroo

Homeland of tree kangaroos - New Guinea. Subsequently they reached Australia and the nearest islands. These beauties do not exceed 80 cm in height, and their tail can grow almost a meter. Females are ready to mate every month, and their cubs spend the first 250 - 300 days of their lives in their mother’s pouch. Wallabies are readily tamed and live up to 20 years.

Margay: paws like propellers

The American long-tailed cat looks like close relative- an ocelot, but smaller. Margay is an excellent tree climber and jumps from branch to branch like a squirrel. Thanks to the structure hind legs, which rotate 180 degrees, he can even descend from a vertical trunk head down. In South America, they keep margay instead of domestic cat.

Belttail: Pygmy Dragon

The dragon-like lizard, ranging in size from 12 to 70 cm, lives in the arid regions of Africa and Madagascar. It differs from its fellows in that in moments of danger it does not throw off its tail, but curls up into a prickly ball, capturing the tip of the tail with its teeth. In this position, the small belt-tailed fish cannot be turned around. These dragons are often kept at home.

Cats, dogs, parrots, fish and ferrets are considered pets. The rest we are usually used to seeing on BBC programs or at the zoo. However, some wild animals can be tamed.

In nature, foxes are shy and cautious; if you meet a fox in the forest, it will run away from you. But if you raise a fox at home from birth, it will become tame and will even wear your slippers.

One of the first to adapt foxes to homely image scientist Dmitry Belyaev began life in 1959. The scientist then worked at the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics and conducted an experiment on foxes with a special coloring - silver-black. He tried to breed obedient individuals that could live peacefully with humans. Experiments were carried out until a breed appeared that was most suitable for life among people.

Such a fox is obedient and looks different from the “forest” ones. She has a round muzzle Blue eyes, and the color can range from pure white to dark red. For a fox to live comfortably at home, it needs little: combing its fur daily (foxes shed a lot) and walking on fresh air. It is quite easy to train a fox to use a leash. The Siberian breed will need a regular dog collar, while the fennec breed (a fox originally from North Africa, listed in the Red Book) it is better to purchase a leash for walking cats. Foxes do not like loneliness, easily get along with other animals and are loyal to their owner. But you should never offend a fox - otherwise it will be forever. She will not take revenge, but will withdraw into herself.


Raccoons are traditionally considered nocturnal animals; they sleep in hollows during the day and go hunting at night. In order to keep this animal in a city apartment, it is best to prepare a separate room with plenty of rags, a toilet and a tree so that the animal can climb unhindered. Freedom-loving raccoons do not accept cages. In addition, they are very curious, their attention is attracted to all corners where food can be hidden, so if you do not give the raccoon personal space, you will have to share cabinets and a refrigerator with it.

It is advisable to feed the raccoon 3-4 times a day, from the early evening, at night, in the middle of the night and in the morning. If there are other animals at home, then you will have to give up birds and rodents - the raccoon will always perceive them only as another snack. When raising a raccoon, physical punishment should not be used. He will perceive this as an attempt to attack and respond in kind.


IN last years the number of crocodiles has sharply decreased and they are now listed in the Red Book. They are usually bred on a farm, but if you are partial to the exotic and don’t have enough extreme sports in your life, you can have a crocodile caiman in your apartment. He's a fellow Nile crocodile- himself major representative family (length up to 7 m), which hardly anyone dares to keep in their bathtub.

To size crocodile caiman does not exceed 2.5 m, and in appearance is almost no different from a real crocodile. The differences between a crocodile and a caiman are only in the structure of the mouth and the number of teeth, which only specialists know about. For normal functioning the animal will need pure water, branches or small trees so that Gena could climb them at night. It is at this time of day that it begins active life crocodiles.

Unlike other reptiles, crocodiles recognize those who care for them, understand speech, and are trainable. Thus, a British schoolboy, 17-year-old Liam Andrews, is successfully training his two Caymans. The guy is generally distinguished by his passion for this kind of exotic animals. More than 300 animals live in Liam's house, including birds, tarantulas, snakes, scorpions, lizards, and the guy keeps 60 of them in his bedroom.


Despite the monkey’s love of freedom, it is quite possible to raise it in an apartment. The nuances of keeping these animals are similar to the home conditions of raccoons. But unlike the latter, it is better to keep monkeys in a cage. It is better to let the animal walk around the apartment under vigilant attention, otherwise it can lead to destruction.

From the first minutes of communication, you need to show who the leader is, then the monkey will obey and the neighborhood will be quite comfortable. Experienced “monkeyphiles” choose a breed to keep in Russian apartments broad-nosed monkeys- saimiri. In length, such an individual can reach 25-36 cm, and in weight it is very small, on average 2 kilograms. Life expectancy is up to 9 years, however, there is a known case when a female lived for 21 years. Saimiri are unpretentious in food, you can literally eat with them from the same table - salads, vegetables, fruits, low-fat cottage cheese.

There are few people who want to have a skunk at home, however, there are also such lovers. Usually skunks, which are famous for their specific aroma, are kept in a private home so that the animal can spend time in the fresh air more often. One of these skunk fans is 51-year-old American Deborah Caprine, who has already turned her hobby into a profession - into her country house Almost 80 skunks live!

Every month a woman spends about $700 on the maintenance of her pets. According to the woman, every morning she takes them for a walk and she is already tired of people shouting “SKUNKS!” They try to quickly cross to the other side of the street. In fact, these are quite clean animals, and they use their defensive weapons only in exceptional cases. In addition, a skunk is easy to train, and unlike monkeys and raccoons, it is not so reactive and will not destroy everything in its path. The animal follows basic commands, is not picky about food, Lately There is a tendency to keep a skunk in a country house as a decoration.

The post Which wild animals can be tamed appeared first on Smart.

Some people love their pets so much that they treat them like children, so for generous pet owners, spending money on their child is not considered a loss. For wealthy pet lovers around the world, a simple dog or cat is no longer considered an interesting pet. Instead, rare and unique animals such as the black and brown fox become the favorite animals of the rich and famous. Silver foxes, or silver foxes as they are called, have only recently become domesticated after years of experimentation in Siberia, and they fetch up to $7,000 per animal. These cute creatures are really only available to those who have huge bank accounts and who don't have a lot of money.

If dangerous wild animals like foxes can be tamed and kept as pets, who knows what species people will be able to keep as pets in the future? It seems quite certain that sooner or later other breeds of foxes will also be kept as pets. Once everyone can afford a fox as a pet, the rich and famous will have to look for something new and unique to be at the top of their cool as pet owners. Nowadays it is difficult to believe that dogs and cats were once wild - on this moment There are 179 million of these animals in the world, living as pets in the United States alone. As of 2012, 47 percent of US homes had at least one dog, while 46 percent of homes had at least one cat. Animal rights organizations have expressed some concerns about the process of domesticating wild animals, while environmentalists are more concerned about the effect that domestication wild species will have an impact on the natural world. However, the human demand for the company of animals, combined with our natural penchant for novelty, means that the domestication of wild animals is an inexorable trend - and increasingly strange animals are currently in the process of being domesticated.

In this list, we'll look at 10 exotic animals that are likely to be domesticated in the future. Will the next family pet be an adorable and cuddly animal, or some strange amphibian or reptile?

10. Mink

For nearly a century, minks have been domesticated, but not as pets. They are known to be much more aggressive than their more friendly cousins, ferrets (which have proven to be popular pets). Instead, minks are bred for their size, colors and quality of fur, to the chagrin of animal rights activists. However, there is still a demand to domesticate these animals to keep them as pets, but their domestication has proven difficult. However, this circumstance, apparently, still does not prevent us from continuing to try.

9. Skunk

Breeders have had success raising pet skunks, and keeping these animals as pets is becoming increasingly popular throughout the world. North America and some parts of Europe. However, existing legal restrictions Keeping skunks as pets prevents them from becoming common pets in many areas. Breeders remove the skunk's scent gland in at a young age, but this practice is illegal throughout the world. Removing a skunk's scent gland is illegal in the UK, but people in this country still enjoy keeping them as pets.

8. Prairie Dog

For many farmers, prairie dogs are disease-carrying pests that destroy livestock pastures, but for others, the rodents are cute and cuddly pets. Capture prairie dogs kept as pets was illegal in the US from 2003 to 2008 due to numerous infectious diseases, carried by prairie dogs kept as pets. The reluctance of these animals to breed in captivity also made full domestication difficult, however, the practice of selecting prairie dog babies from wildlife still remains available for raising as pets.

7. Moose

The Kostroma Moose Farm in western Russia is an experimental farm where moose are raised for milk, antlers and for sale to zoos and safari parks. Interest in domesticating moose has existed for many years, and other ungulates such as deer and wapiti are bred on an ongoing basis. Therefore, it is quite possible that a future in which elk is a common farm animal is just around the corner.

6. Mongoose

Mongooses are kept as pets in India and Pakistan and are used to keep rats out of homes. They are also widely used in snake charmer shows. On Hawaiian Islands and in Puerto Rico it is completely legal to keep mongoose as pet, because this species is already found in the wild in these areas. However, keeping them is illegal in the rest of the US due to the damage they can cause to poultry and endangered reptiles and amphibians. Because these animals are caught in the wild rather than bred in captivity, they are considered semi-domesticated.

5. Wallaby

In Australia, three species of kangaroos are becoming a popular choice for exotic pet owners. In case of everyone three types The domesticated wallabies, tawny wallabies, Eugenia's kangaroos, and the red-necked philanders all have the same care requirements, such as annual checkups with an exotic pet veterinarian and plenty of room to roam. Wallabies typically live between 12 and 15 years in captivity, and the process of breeding and raising these animals as pets is growing in popularity every day.

4. Axolotl

You could be forgiven for mistaking this strange-looking creature for a Pokémon rather than an actual animal, however, these bizarre amphibians do exist! These Mexican salamanders can live up to 15 years and thanks to increased interest in keeping them as pets, they may one day become as common a pet as frogs. They breed relatively easily in captivity, which is a good thing because they are critically endangered in the wild.

3. Serval

The serval, which is a relative of the cheetah, is an African wild cat, which is gaining popularity among feline fanatics who are willing to shell out big bucks for this exotic animal. The price for a baby serval can reach up to $10,000, and breeding these cats with domesticated cat breeds such as the Bengal becomes an option for producing an animal that is gentler and a little more affordable. These hybrids are called Savannahs and are often a way for pet owners to obtain a serval-like animal in areas where owning any African wild cats is illegal.

2. Capybara

The capybara, which is like a guinea pig on steroids, is endemic to South America and is the most... large rodent in the world. They require a lot of care and maintenance, including a pool for them to swim in and a lawn of non-toxic grass for them to eat. Giant herbivores are social animals and tend to get along with most other pets and people. However, they require constant supervision and can become depressed if left alone. These animals are not fully domesticated, so they need constant interaction from a very young age.

1. Fennec

Considering the domestication of the black and brown fox, which is a morph common fox, it's only a matter of time before other fox species are also domesticated. There are many signs that this North African fox would be an ideal candidate for domestication as a pet. They are much more social than other types of foxes and they do not have a musk gland, meaning they do not excrete bad smell, like most other foxes. Fennec foxes resemble dogs in many ways, and can be quite docile if regularly treated like a puppy. However, the fact that they are not yet bred in captivity means that they are not entirely tame and can run away if left outside without a leash. It is possible that the day will come when these creatures can become common pets like dogs today.

In order to purchase any accessories or animal food for your pet, the easiest way is to visit the Favorite Pet online pet store. There is a wide range of pet products for dogs, cats, rodents, birds, fish and reptiles, as well as food from global and domestic manufacturers High Quality for dogs and cats. The convenience of ordering pet supplies through an online store is undeniable: order and receive without leaving your home.