A visiting nurse visiting a newborn at home will definitely ask the parents what temperature is normal for the baby. The body temperature of a baby differs significantly from the norms of an adult, fluctuating during the day within 1.5-2 degrees and is absolutely individual. Therefore, at first it should be measured daily along with morning and evening procedures. All mothers know that a thermometer is used to measure temperature, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly.


Types of thermometers

At first, a medical thermometer should be used to establish the normal temperature of the newborn. Subsequently, the mother will learn to identify deviations from the norm by touching the back of her hand or lips to the forehead. Then it is no longer necessary to measure the temperature every day, but only when an increase is noticed.

Mercury thermometer

A mercury thermometer is the most accurate instrument for measuring temperature, but also the most dangerous, as it has a glass body and life-threatening mercury inside. Gives accurate readings if all measurement rules are followed. But it is with a mercury thermometer that you should be extremely careful and measure the baby’s temperature only in the presence of an adult, so that the child does not accidentally drop it and break it. It is advisable not only to be present and monitor the child, but also to hold the thermometer all the time.

Hold mercury thermometer should be at least 5-7 minutes in the armpit, inguinal fold or anus. It should be taken into account that in the latter case the readings will be overestimated. Not every child will agree to sit or lie still for such a long time, and any errors in measurement will lead to incorrect readings.

Mercury thermometers for a long time store information because the mercury tank is designed in such a way that it does not allow the contents to fall back. For the same reason, to use the thermometer, you need to shake it so that the mercury drops to at least 35°.

Digital Thermometer

Like mercury, they can measure the temperature in the armpit and anus, with correct use it will provide reliable information using the oral method of measurement. Modern version electronic thermometer - a pacifier thermometer that is inserted into the baby's mouth. It resembles a regular pacifier and is made of silicone, so there are often no problems.

The result is displayed on the electronic scoreboard, which appears accompanied by a sound signal.

The electronic thermometer is easy to use, safe, and measures quickly enough, on average in 3 minutes. The disadvantages of electronic thermometers include the fact that they are often mistaken and can overestimate or underestimate readings by several tenths of degrees. If you need an accurate result, this option is not suitable.

Advice: Having purchased an electronic thermometer, you should check it for accuracy. To do this, compare the readings of a mercury thermometer with an electronic one and determine by how much the electronic thermometer underestimates (as a rule) or overestimates the temperature. Subsequently, when measuring temperature, this value is subtracted or added from the readings of the electronic thermometer.

Infrared thermometer

New generation device. With its help, it is possible to measure the temperature without contact with the baby’s body. The device is brought to the temple, the result will be obtained instantly, but may not be entirely reliable, since the skin is subject to influence external factors, differs from body temperature. With this thermometer, indicators are taken over time.

On a note: By following the instructions for use, you can use an infrared thermometer to measure the temperature of anything you need, even a mixture in a bottle or water in a bath.

Temperature measurement methods

You can measure the temperature of a newborn using one of 4 common methods.

In the armpit or groin fold

This is the most accurate and reliable method. Before installing the thermometer, you must make sure that the skin is not wet; wet skin must be dried with a cotton pad or cloth, otherwise the readings will be unreliable. The thermometer must be pressed tightly against the body, so very young children need adult help. You need to move the arm or leg to the side, attach the thermometer as tightly as possible to the body and press it with the baby’s hand or thigh. Hold in this position for the required time.

Orally, that is, in the mouth

This method is rarely used by parents, since it is difficult to comply with all the conditions without sufficient experience. To measure in this way, only a clean thermometer is used: it must be washed under running water with soap and wiped with an alcohol wipe.

Open the child's mouth, place the thermometer under the tongue, trying to press it against the frenulum, close the mouth and wait a certain time. It should be remembered that the thermometer readings will be inaccurate if the mouth is not closed tightly, since outside air will help reduce it. Also, drinking cold drinks or food will affect the readings.

This method is not used for newborns, since they still have a reflex of pushing out foreign objects with their tongue. In addition, the baby is unlikely to spend the allotted time with a thermometer in his mouth.

Rectally, that is, in the anus

This method is most popular among mothers, as it allows you to measure the temperature even of a sleeping child. If everything is done carefully and correctly, the newborn will not wake up. The rectal method takes less time, 4 minutes is enough to obtain a reliable result.

Place the child on his back, bending his knees so that his butt is raised up. Lubricate the thermometer with greasy cream or Vaseline and insert it 1-2 cm, not deeper. You need to make sure that the child lies calmly and does not move, much less roll over onto his back. Any careless movement can cause rectal injury.

In the baby's ear canal

It is measured with a special thermometer. The most commonly used thermometer is an infrared ear thermometer, which reduces the risk of unreliable readings that may occur with other thermometers.

To measure the temperature in this way, you should move your earlobe so that the ear canal widens slightly and insert the tip of the thermometer there. The thermometer and eardrum should be parallel to each other. After 5 seconds you can take readings.

When measuring in this way, you should be extremely careful, since any careless movement leads to injury to the eardrum.

Normal indicators for infants

The normal temperature for a newborn is measured traditional way, from 35.5 to 37.3 degrees. IN calm state, in a dream it is lowered. If the child was pushing, crying, or moving actively, then the thermometer readings will be too high. On average, a newborn’s body temperature will stabilize by 2-3 months of life, but even at this time it will differ from the norms of an adult.

Temperatures above 37° cause parents concern. If the child feels well, is not capricious, plays, and has not lost his appetite, then an overestimation of the thermometer readings is quite normal. All the child needs to do is calm down, take off his clothes, and the thermometer will drop to normal.

At first, you need to measure your temperature at the same time, and record the results in a diary, which every mother probably keeps. average temperature in 1-2 weeks the baby’s normal temperature will be normal; it directly depends on exactly how the measurement was made and what thermometer was used for this.

Thermometer readings at in various ways measurements

If the measurement conditions are met, and the thermometer shows 0.5 degrees higher, the temperature is considered too high. If measures are taken, but the high temperature does not subside within an hour, it should be brought down special drugs or call a doctor.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky on how to correctly measure a child’s temperature

Dear friends, hello again!

I continue to test the new mailing service, so if you see something wrong in the mailing letter (letter strange looking, broken links, etc.) please write to me.

It’s November, which means there are no fewer people with high temperatures. Quite the opposite.

And today I decided to deal with medical thermometers. Or rather, I’ve been dealing with them for four days now. It's time to present you with a report on my investigative research.

Having immersed myself in this topic, I realized that there was complete chaos in this matter. Apparently, for this reason, I once received a letter from a reader asking me to write an article on this topic, since in her pharmacy medical thermometers are the product that customers most often strive to return.

I studied about two dozen instructions, looked at the results of comparative tests, listened and read the statements of experts, and studied the opinions of customers on review sites.

And what happens: on the one hand, the manufacturer says that their devices are as accurate as Kremlin watches, and experts confirm this. On the other hand, approximately 50% of buyers spit in the direction of modern thermometers, and the other half declare that they are super!

Because I already forgot what it is elevated temperature, and I don’t even remember if I had a thermometer, I called my daughter, who has been living separately for a long time.

— Yulia, what thermometer do you usually use to measure your temperature? Mercury?

- What are you talking about, mom! I have had electronic ones for a long time, and even several. – And then my advanced daughter, who has never been a hard worker in the pharmaceutical business, names brands. – B.Well, Omron and some others. But they’re lying,” she added at the end.

Here you go. And this one goes there too!

Some advise measuring temperature rectally, others orally or rectally, but at the same time they all come up with even cooler and more expensive infrared devices that you can’t get into your rectum or under your tongue.

What was most touching was the amount by which different companies recommend inserting the tip of the thermometer when measuring rectal temperature:

some write that up to 3 cm, others say 1-1.5 cm.

Apparently, the former want to kill two birds with one stone: measure the temperature and stimulate the process of cleansing the intestines, although there is not a word about this in the instructions.

Gentlemen producers! Catch an idea for promotion!

So where is the truth?

What is the difference between different thermometers? Why do modern thermometers lie? And do they lie?

How can a buyer choose the most suitable thermometer?

What information should be given to him to reduce the likelihood of him returning soon with a thermometer and a receipt at the ready?

This is what I want to talk to you about.

Start over.

Why 36.6?

We talked about the pathogenesis of fever.

But have you ever wondered why 36.6 is considered a normal temperature?

Back in the 19th century, a German doctor named Wunderlich analyzed body temperature data from 25 thousand patients (there were more than a million studies in total). And I found out that the average temperature among those who recovered was 36.6 degrees. The measurement was carried out in the armpit with a mercury thermometer.

This temperature is shown by a thermometer in 90% of healthy people.

But 10% of people have a temperature different from the average. For example, for one of my friends the normal temperature is 35.5°.

And for some it is 37-37.2°. And there is no need to conduct endless examinations and look for the source of infection. Checked once, everything is OK everywhere, and calm down.


In children of the first year of life, the balance between heat production in the body and heat transfer has not yet been established.

Therefore, crying, accumulation of gases in the intestines, excessive wrapping of the baby, heat in the apartment can increase his body temperature in the armpit to 37.5 - 37.7°.

If a child is active, smiles, plays, eats well and sleeps peacefully, he is healthy!

As we age, normal body temperature decreases. Increased, by the way, too, because the body’s reaction to viruses and bacteria becomes less pronounced.

Other factors affecting body temperature

If a person is healthy, body temperature is also affected by:

  • Time of day: morning is usually less than evening.
  • Cloth.
  • Temperature environment, because by measuring the temperature under the armpit, we are actually measuring the surface temperature of the skin.
  • Method of measurement: under the armpit the numbers are lower, orally and rectally - higher.
  • Phase of the menstrual cycle in women. Based on the temperature measured rectally every morning, you can determine the day when the temperature drops and then rises sharply. Based on this behavior of the temperature curve, the most favorable days for conception are determined:

Medical thermometers: types, their pros and cons

We will talk about mercury, electronic and infrared thermometers. Let's look at their operating principles, pros and cons.

Medical mercury thermometer

Operating principle

The mercury, which is located in the tip of the thermometer, expands as the temperature rises and rises up the glass capillary, stopping at the number maximum temperature bodies. Therefore, such a thermometer is also called “maximum”.


  • High accuracy (error of only 0.1°).
  • Cheapness.
  • Ease of use. There is no need to delve into the instructions and deal with the nuances of taking measurements.
  • Battery independent.
  • Durable with careful use.


  • Fragility.
  • There is a risk of serious poisoning if the thermometer breaks.
  • Long time to get results: in 7-10 minutes. Therefore, there are difficulties in measuring body temperature in children.

But the good old mercury thermometer, which we, our parents and grandparents, used, is gradually becoming a thing of history.

I'll tell you why.

There is a town in Japan called Minamata, and in it there is a chemical plant that produces acetic acid using mercuric sulfate. For more than 30 years, the plant discharged liquid waste from production into Minamata Bay. It contained a lot of fish and shellfish, which the inhabitants of the town ate.

For many years they suffered from an unknown disease, which was later called Minamata disease. The disease was accompanied by disturbances in movement, psyche, vision, hearing, speech, and numbness of the limbs. In severe cases, paralysis developed and people died.

The connection between the plant and the disease was not immediately established. It is believed that about 50 thousand people died from this disease.

In 2013, 90 countries signed Minamata Convention on Mercury, which provides complete failure from this metal in various industries where it is used. In 2014, 28 more countries, including Russia, joined the convention. We will completely stop production using mercury by 2020.

What to do if a person accidentally swallows a ball of mercury?

Experts say that it is not mercury itself that is dangerous, but its vapor. Allegedly, in the body, mercury balls behave quieter than water, lower than grass, i.e. They are not absorbed and cannot cause any harm. So as they entered, so they will leave. But it won’t hurt to consult a doctor.

If this has not been done, you can collect the waste products of a human individual that has eaten mercury for several days. And then call the Ministry of Emergency Situations and show them the collected “wealth” to neutralize the dangerous metal and protect the environment.

What should you do if you break a mercury thermometer and the mercury scatters across the floor?

Keep in mind that mercury vapor is extremely toxic! Evaporation begins at a temperature of +18°.

Mercury vapor poisoning is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Weakness.
  • Metallic taste in the mouth.
  • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
  • Salivation.
  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Cough, shortness of breath.
  • Irritability.
  • Deterioration of sleep.
  • Memory loss.

I believe that you may be approached with this problem, so I decided to tell you the plan of action in this case.

So, if a mercury thermometer breaks and mercury scatters:

  1. Take children, pregnant women and the elderly out of the room where this happened.
  2. Open the window and close the door so that drafts do not spread fumes throughout the apartment.
  3. Call the liquidation service mercury pollution(if there is one in your city), Ministry of Emergency Situations or SES. If for some reason this is not possible, do everything described below.
  4. Put plastic bags (shoe covers) on your feet, gloves on your hands, and a damp gauze bandage on your face.
  5. Take sheets of paper, tape or adhesive tape, a syringe, and a brush.
  6. Prepare a jar with the following solution: for 1 liter of water, 40 g of soap and 50 g of soda. It deactivates mercury vapor.
  7. Collect the thermometer fragments in a jar.
  8. Collect large balls of mercury using a brush and a sheet of paper - into a jar.
  9. Small balls - using tape or a syringe. To the jar.
  10. The syringe is also then placed in a jar for disposal.
  11. Check floors with a flashlight.
  12. Treat floors and floor coverings, if any, with the same solution: 40 g of soap and 50 g of soda per 1 liter of water.

It is forbidden: wave a broom or rag, turn on a vacuum cleaner, throw mercury into the sewer or garbage chute.

Disposal is carried out special services. After all the activities described above, close the jar tightly with a lid and look for information about such services on the Internet.

Let's move on to next view thermometers.

Medical electronic thermometer

Since there are more of them on the market now, be especially careful in this place.

Operating principle

A medical electronic thermometer has a metal tip that changes its electrical conductivity depending on body temperature. The changes are recorded by the device, converting them into the degrees we are familiar with.


  • High measurement accuracy (0.1° error).
  • More quick results compared to mercury.
  • Simplicity and ease of use.
  • Safety.
  • Affordable price.
  • Additional functions (memory, backlight, sound signal, etc.).


I see how rotten tomatoes have already been thrown at me for “high measurement accuracy.”

Yes, friends, I was not mistaken. Their accuracy is the same as that of mercury. This is evidenced by numerous tests that compare the accuracy of several types of thermometers with a standard one.

Besides, I have no reason not to trust well-known manufacturing companies.

And the whole problem is this:

  1. In Russia and countries former USSR are accustomed to measuring temperature under the armpit, whereas in many other countries it is measured in the mouth or rectally. I remember how, about 15 years ago, I was surprised by an episode in a foreign film where a mother stuck a thermometer directly into her daughter’s mouth.

You know Russian manufacturer medical thermometers? So I don’t know. Therefore, all the marketing stuff about the measurement speed that the manufacturer writes on the packaging is the truth, and nothing but the truth. But only for consumers accustomed to measuring temperature orally or rectally.

  1. When the manufacturer writes “measurement time FROM 10 seconds, then this is really " FROM", not "10 seconds".
  2. We have forgotten how to read. Now we're in best case scenario We just “scan” the instructions, dreaming of getting the same result in 10 seconds as in 10 minutes of measuring with a mercury thermometer.

Very important!

The main heat-carrying medium of the body is blood. The fewer tissues that separate it from the tip of the thermometer, the faster their temperatures will equalize, i.e. The tip will heat up faster.

In the production of their thermometers, companies are guided by the traditions of the inhabitants of THEIR countries, where measurements are made rectally (for small children) and in the oral cavity (for everyone else).

The blood and the tip in the rectum and in the oral cavity are separated from each other by a thin layer of mucous membrane, so here it heats up quickly.

Now remember the structure and thickness of the skin when we place a thermometer in the armpit. Therefore, it takes incomparably more time to heat the tip with the favorite method of measuring temperature by Russians!

That's why measuring your armpit temperature with an electronic thermometer should take on average 4-5 minutes.

What does the first sound signal after the start of measurement mean?

It means that the rate of change in the temperature of the thermometer has decreased, and now the temperature increase is less than 0.1° in 8 or 16 seconds. (depending on the model).

But this does not mean that the measurement is finished!

The temperature value after the first beep is approximate and the measurement must be continued for some time to obtain an accurate result.

Friends! I am not revealing America to you. This is written in the instructions.

Things to keep in mind:

Oral temperature is 0.3-0.6° higher than axillary (axillary) temperature.

Rectal temperature is 0.6-1.2 ° higher than axillary temperature.

13 tips for buyers when selling an electronic thermometer

To ensure that the temperature measurement with an electronic thermometer is as accurate as possible, and to reduce your headaches when selling this product, you can copy, print and give the buyer the following reminder:

Tip 1. After eating, taking a bath, shower, physical activity measure temperature after 30 minutes.

Tip 2. After returning from outside during the cold season, measure your temperature after 30 minutes.

Tip 3. If the thermometer is intended for infant, do not measure during or immediately after feeding.

Tip 4. If the armpit is wet, you need to wipe off the sweat with a dry towel before measuring.

Tip 5. After the first beep, continue measuring according to the instructions (the fastest thermometers take measurements in 1.5-2 minutes, but more often in 4-5 minutes).

Tip 6. Always measure in the same armpit, as the values ​​under different armpits may differ.

Tip 7: When measuring in the armpit, it is important to keep your arm close to your torso. THE SMALLEST loosening of contact with the skin can lead to inaccurate measurements and premature sound signal. Therefore, if you are measuring a child, sit with him and hold his hand.

Tip 8. The tip should be strictly in the armpit, and not extend beyond it.

Tip 9. To accurately measure the temperature in the armpit, place the thermometer in the armpit in the off state and press with your hand so that its tip warms up, and only after 30 seconds turn it on.

Tip 10. To make the battery last longer, turn off the thermometer immediately after taking measurements.

Tip 11. Pay attention to the battery status by the icon on the display. If it is discharged, the thermometer will show incorrect values. Replace it promptly.

Tip 12. Do not store the thermometer in places with high humidity, near batteries.

Tip 13: While measuring place the electronic thermometer not perpendicular to the body, but along the body, placing the tip in the center of the armpit and pressing it with your hand.

Surprised? I was surprised myself until I got to study, in my opinion, at Omron. But I could be wrong.

For the most part, we place the thermometer incorrectly. You need to place it in the center of the armpit. It will roughly look like this:

This is especially important when measuring temperature with an electronic thermometer, since its tip is in most cases smaller than mercury, and the likelihood of incomplete contact with the skin increases. Hence - inaccurate values, customer dissatisfaction,

How to measure body temperature in the mouth?

  • Oral temperature is measured starting at about 4 years of age, because a person must understand that there is no need to grab a thermometer with his teeth.
  • The tip of the thermometer is placed in the sublingual area on the right or left and lightly held with the tongue. Close your lips and breathe through your nose so that the oral cavity does not cool down and the measurement is accurate.

  • This measurement should not be taken immediately after drinking cold or hot drinks. You need to wait 30 minutes.
  • It is not recommended to measure the temperature in the mouth of children with increased nervous excitability or mentally ill people.
  • It will not be possible to measure temperature correctly using this method for persons with impaired nasal breathing (runny nose, adenoids).
  • The time for measuring temperature in the mouth is from 10 seconds. up to 2 min. This depends on the thermometer model.
  • Normal temperature with this measurement method in most cases 36.8-37.3°.

Who and how to measure temperature rectally?

  • Rectal temperature is measured for infants, weakened patients, and unconscious persons.
  • Rectal temperature is measured by women to determine fertile days.
  • Infants are placed on their tummy or back, with their legs raised; it is most convenient for adults to do this in a lateral position.
  • Before insertion, the tip of the thermometer is lubricated with baby cream and inserted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm for children, and for adults - to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
  • The buttocks should be squeezed and held there until the measurement is completed. On average, this takes 2-3 minutes (depending on the device model).
  • To determine the time of ovulation, women are recommended to take measurements in the morning after waking up at the same time.
  • A rectal temperature of 37.3-37.7° (for the majority) is considered normal.
  • It is impossible to carry out rectal measurements in case of rectal fissures, diarrhea, or in case of proctitis.

Characteristics of electronic thermometers

Let me go over some of the characteristics of electronic thermometers. What are their advantages for buyers?

May God bless you!

Where do you take your temperature? Under your arm? In vain - it's not the best place. Experts from Örebro University (Sweden) were able to help us decide where to put the thermometer at the first symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory infections. During the study, they measured the temperature of volunteers in the armpit, mouth, ear, vagina and rectum. And who do you think won?

323 patients University clinic bravely endured the hardships of the experiment. As it turned out, not in vain. In the end, the word “shove” really turned out to be the most appropriate. Scientists have received convincing evidence that the most exact result provides a temperature measurement in the rectum.

According to scientists, the readings of ear thermometry are distorted by hair and earwax, it is quite difficult to hold the thermometer in the mouth correctly, and the result of axillary thermometry is affected by deodorant and clothing. But measuring degrees in the rectum may not be very convenient, but it is accurate.

Vaginal thermometry also gives the correct result, but statistics prevented this method from being called the most preferable.

Normal temperature readings

    02.08.2016 - 31.08.2020

    525d left.

    And so, here you go normal indicators temperature at in different ways measurements:

    • - oral - 35.7-37.3;
    • - rectal - 36.2-37.7,
    • - axillary (in the armpits) - 35.2-36.7.
    • - inguinal fold 36.3°-36.9°C.
    • - vagina - 36.7°-37.5°C

    Important: Oral and rectal temperature measurements are more accurate than armpit temperatures.

    The most familiar method of measurement, axillary, by the way, turned out to be the most inaccurate. The normal armpit temperature starts not from 36.6°, but from 36.3° C. Normally, the difference between the armpits is from 0.1 to 0.3° C. So it turns out that an error of 0.5° for axillary thermometry is common. And if the thermometer shows 36.9° for several days, but you actually have 37.4°, this can already be dangerous.

    Basic rules for measuring temperature

    If you are not ready to change your habits, then here you go 10 Basic Rules for Temperature Measurement.

    1. 1. The temperature in the room should be 18-25 degrees. If less, you first need to warm the thermometer in your palms for about half a minute.
    2. 2. Wipe the armpit with a napkin or dry towel. Doing so will significantly reduce the likelihood of the meter cooling due to sweat evaporation.
    3. 3. Don’t forget to shake the mercury thermometer or turn on the electronic one (Gamma, Omron, Microlife).
    4. 4. The metal tip of the electronic thermometer (or the mercury column of a regular one) should fall into the deepest point of the cavity, in close contact with the body. It is worth noting that the junction density must be maintained throughout the entire measurement period.
    5. 5. The temperature is not measured immediately after the walk, physical activity, a hearty lunch, hot tea, a warm bath and nervous overexcitation (for example, if the child cried for a long time). You need to wait 10-15 minutes.
    6. 6. During the measurement you cannot move, talk, eat or drink.
    7. 7. Measurement time for mercury thermometer - 6-10 minutes, electronic - 1-3 minutes. Remember: electronic thermometers are safer than mercury thermometers.
    8. 8. You need to take out the thermometer smoothly - due to friction with the skin, a few tenths of a degree may be added.
    9. 9. During illness, you need to measure your temperature in the morning (7-9 am) and in the evening (between 5 pm and 9 pm). It is important to do this at the same time, before taking antipyretic medications or 30-40 minutes after.
    10. 10. If the thermometer is used by all family members, it should be wiped with a disinfectant solution and wiped dry after each use.

    Question answer

    The therapist answers questions highest category Sulimanova Elena Petrovna

    Why do the readings of an electronic thermometer sometimes differ from those of a mercury thermometer?

    Because we are using the first one incorrectly. After the device beeps, you need to hold it for about a minute - then the result will be correct.

    How to properly hold a thermometer under your arm?

    The thermometer sensor must be positioned exactly in the middle of the armpit.

    To obtain an accurate result, the temperature sensor of the electronic thermometer should fit as tightly as possible to the skin under the armpit. The hand must be pressed tightly against the body until the measurement is completed.

    Under which armpit is it correct to measure the temperature?

    There is no difference, usually it is the armpit of the non-working arm, but I repeat, there is no difference. There is a slight difference when you measure your blood pressure.

    How to measure temperature without a thermometer?

    With lips, touching lips to the forehead of the sick person. If heat is really present, it will be simply impossible not to feel it in this situation. The lips, unlike the hand, with which you can also try to measure the temperature, are more sensitive.

    Another way to determine fever without a thermometer is to determine your pulse rate. According to medical research, when people's body temperature increases by 1 degree, their pulse is proportionally capable of increasing by approximately 10 beats per minute. Therefore, a high pulse rate may be a direct consequence of the patient's fever.

Thermoregulation is one of the essential abilities human body. The average temperature of most people ranges from 36.5 to 37.2.

Therefore, if there are slight deviations in any direction, but a person feels good, then this is his natural temperature.

Each doctor will be able to correctly determine the disease, knowing the exact temperature of the patient.

However, in order to recognize it correctly, you must adhere to specific rules. Know how many minutes to measure mercury thermometer or an electronic thermometer.

It’s worth figuring out how to measure temperature correctly, how many minutes should you hold the thermometer?

How long it takes to measure the temperature depends on the measurement method and the type of thermometer.

There are two types of body temperature meters that differ in operating principles - mercury and electronic thermometers. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Known to everyone since childhood, the mercury thermometer has not lost its significance even in modern times. this moment. Its advantages are as follows:

  • Budget cost.
  • Measurement accuracy.
  • Easy to use.
  • The ability to measure temperature in any way.
  • The probability of error is reduced to zero.

However, such a thermometer also has its drawbacks:

  1. Too fragile.
  2. If damaged, harm to the body is possible.
  3. Measure the temperature for at least 8 minutes.

Electronic thermometers have conquered their niche and become on the same level as a conventional mercury thermometer. The advantages of this measurement method include:

  • Short measuring time.
  • Multifunctionality. It is permissible to measure temperature by oral, rectal and axillary methods.
  • Safety in operation.

However, in some cases, incorrect data may be obtained due to a failure of the thermometer's internal software.

Many people great amount Once we measured the temperature using a mercury thermometer, but never thought about whether they were measuring correctly?

And to the question of how long to hold the thermometer, each patient answers differently.

It is worth noting that there are special rules of procedure that must be followed when measuring indicators. Step-by-step instruction measurements:

  1. The temperature in the room where the measurement is carried out should be in the range of 18-25 degrees. If the room is cooler, then before sending the thermometer into the armpit, you need to warm the thermometer with your palms (several minutes).
  2. Before you begin the measurement itself, make sure your armpit is dry. If wet, wipe with a dry cloth. Doing so will significantly reduce the likelihood of the meter cooling due to sweat evaporation. Before use, do not forget to shake the thermometer to 35.5.
  3. When installing the thermometer, make sure that the tip with mercury touches the body on all sides. Once installed, press your shoulder and elbow toward your body so that the armpit is covered. It is worth noting that the junction density must be maintained throughout the entire measurement period.
  4. You should not measure your body temperature immediately after arriving from fresh air, exercise or a hot bath. Under severe stress or nervous disorder As a rule, the temperature will also be elevated. An incorrect result can also be obtained after a hot and satisfying lunch. In all such situations, you need to wait 30 minutes and then begin the procedure. These 30 minutes should be spent in a calm and relaxed state.
  5. At the moment of measuring body temperature, you cannot move, you just need to sit, do not talk, do not eat, and so on.
  6. For accurate readings, the measurement time is from 8 to 10 minutes.

When a patient is sick and needs to determine their body temperature, this must be done several times a day. In this case, it is better to set the thermometer at the same time. For example, in the morning around 11 o'clock, and in the evening around 8 pm.

For diseases that are accompanied by taking medication, measurements take place before taking the medication, and then after taking it, after 40-50 minutes.

It is worth noting that if several people use the thermometer, do not forget to wipe it with antiseptic solutions, then wipe it dry with a towel and store it in a case.

A mercury thermometer can also measure the temperature in the mouth. The main thing here is to be careful, one wrong move with your teeth and you could end up with a lot of fragments soaked in mercury in your mouth. Before you start taking oral temperature, you need to know:

  • Before putting the thermometer in your mouth, you need to wipe its tip warm water, and then with an antiseptic (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine).
  • Don't forget to shake the mercury thermometer to 35 degrees.
  • Afterwards, the meter is placed under the tongue (to the right or left of the frenulum), the mouth is closed tightly, and the device is lightly held with the teeth. You shouldn't squeeze it too hard.
  • Leave it in your mouth for five minutes, then you can see the result.

After using the device, rinse it again with warm water and antiseptic. Also, it is worth knowing that before taking measurements, you need to refrain from smoking and hot drinks, which can affect the thermometer readings. As a result, the measurement accuracy will be impaired.

Often there is a need to measure rectal temperature; doctors advise doing this procedure with a regular mercury thermometer, which will give more accurate results.

However, in order to see the most accurate picture, you need to know how to measure the temperature correctly and how long you need to hold the thermometer. Step by step measurement steps:

  1. The thermometer is inserted into the rectum 2-2.5 centimeters.
  2. The measurement time should last 6-8 minutes. During this time you need to lie still, which ensures the accuracy of the measurement.
  3. After the time has passed, carefully remove it.

It is worth remembering that 37.3-37.7 is considered normal for temperature in the rectum.

An electronic thermometer works through a sensor located at its tip. Before you start measuring indicators, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of use:

  • The armpit should not be wet.
  • Place the thermometer as tightly as possible into your armpit and press it against your body.
  • Afterwards, lower your hand, thereby giving the thermometer a perpendicular position to the body.
  • Press tightly with your hand or lie on your side. The point is to get a more accurate measurement result, there should be a slight pressure on the sensor.

And how long should you keep such a thermometer, patients ask? The instructions say that you need to hold it until the signal is given by the meter. In reality, everything is not like that.

If it is placed incorrectly, the thermometer may not show the temperature of a person’s body, but the temperature of the air in the armpit or even in the room, therefore, before you start measuring, you need to keep the thermometer in the armpit off for up to 10 minutes. And only then turn it on.

There is also this option: after the thermometer gives a signal, you can hold it for a few more minutes. In this option, the indicators will correspond to reality to the maximum.

Many people are interested in how long to keep the thermometer in your mouth to get an accurate result? To obtain accurate data, you won’t need much time; just put the thermometer in your mouth for 30-60 seconds.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that in order to get the most accurate picture of measurements, you must follow all the rules and recommendations for measurement, and also, do not forget how long you need to hold the mercury or electronic thermometer. The video in this article will perform visual aid by temperature measurement.

Question-answer No. 230
Added: 03/07/2014

Elevated body temperature is the first sign of problems in the human body. It is she who interests the therapist whom you periodically visit for certain needs. Moreover, body temperature indicators, as well as their changes, can play a major role in making a diagnosis. Indeed, despite various physical activities and climate change environment, healthy body with high accuracy maintains a constant temperature of our body.

A thermometer is used to measure temperature. Of course, you can touch the forehead with your hand or lips, but such an assessment will be extremely subjective and therefore cannot be used when choosing a method of treating a person. Thermometers can be mercury (accurate, inexpensive, but quite fragile and requiring prolonged contact with the body) and electronic (more expensive, less accurate, but also fast and safe). In addition, you can find infrared thermometers on sale that perform measurements instantly, but their cost is too high.

There are several areas human body which are commonly used to measure temperature (under the tongue, in the rectum, on the elbow, in the armpit, etc.). Of course, each place has certain standards. permissible limits temperature. The simplest and most common way is to install a thermometer under the armpit. Every person has measured their armpit temperature thousands of times, but not many people know the rules that are mandatory for this procedure. To get the correct result, it is necessary to take into account some nuances when taking measurements.

So, you will need:

  • Thermometer (electronic or mercury).
  • A bed or chair for a comfortable position of the body during measurement.
  • Disinfectant solution.
  • Dry towel.

Step-by-step algorithm

  • In the room where the measurement will be carried out, the air temperature should be 18-25 degrees. In cooler conditions, pre-warm the thermometer with your palms (for 30-40 seconds).
  • Before using the thermometer, wipe the skin of the armpit with a dry towel or napkin. This will prevent the device from cooling down due to sweat evaporation.
  • Be sure to turn on the electronic or shake the mercury thermometer before using it.
  • Be sure to make sure that when installing the thermometer, the metal tip or mercury column (depending on the type of thermometer) is located in the very deep point armpits. At the same time, it should be in contact with the body on all sides.
  • Air should not enter the armpit. To do this, press your elbow and shoulder tightly against your body. During the procedure, do not change the tightness of the seal.
  • It is not recommended to check your temperature after physical activity, going outside, taking a shower or taking a warm bath. The temperature may be too high if a person (especially a child) is very nervous or crying. Increased results are also possible after drinking hot tea or a hearty meal rich in protein foods. In such cases, it is necessary to take a 15-minute pause of complete rest, and only after that begin the temperature measurement procedure.
  • During the measurement process, experts recommend avoiding movement, talking, singing, eating, drinking, etc.
  • You need to remove the thermometer with a smooth movement, since sharp friction with the skin can add electronic thermometer a few tenths of a degree.
  • If the device is used by several people, it must be wiped with disinfectants and wiped dry after each use.