Perhaps only one shark can rival them in the number of legends and stories in which these fish are mentioned. Therefore, many aquarists, when such an opportunity arose, immediately became obsessed with the idea of ​​keeping such formidable and famous creatures at home. How true are all these creepy stories about their cruel nature, and is it so difficult to keep aquarium fish OK piranhas?

Types of aquarium piranhas

Let's name the types that are most common among amateurs:

Aquarium piranhas - content

Outwardly, it does not look very much like a terrible and formidable predator, but its sharp teeth can bite painfully at an unwary aquarist. In captivity they live from four to fifteen years. It is better to buy individuals of the same species and size for one aquarium. It’s good if it’s a flock of ten individuals. Formidable predators may be frightened by tapping, splashing water or bright light. The water temperature should be kept around 26 degrees. Too large fluctuations in temperature have a detrimental effect on them. On average 2.5 cm of body adult you need up to eight liters. Piranhas feel comfortable in aquariums with dense vegetation and equipped with various decorative shelters.

What to feed aquarium piranhas?

For these predatory creatures, tadpoles, small fish, frogs, thawed fish fillets, and shrimp can be excellent food. It is better not to give meat to piranhas, they say that this may cause their color to fade. Sometimes, for variety, you can offer them chopped green vegetables (spinach, raw potatoes, zucchini). Not all aquarium piranhas are so bloodthirsty; there is also a herbivorous species - pacu. He is similar to the others, but these creatures lack terrible teeth and pose no danger. They are omnivores and not very picky about their food. Aquarium piranhas look beautiful in their glass house and are not particularly difficult to keep. By performing simple daily procedures, you can enjoy playing them in a soft chair, imagining yourself on the banks of the Amazon.

When most people hear the word “piranha,” they imagine something scary and very dangerous. It would seem that you shouldn’t put your finger in this fish’s mouth. But it turns out she can live at home.

The fashion for cougars is gaining momentum. Until recently, it was difficult to imagine that they would move from a South American river to Russian apartments.

People keep small specimens - red-bellied, flag and dwarf, as well as a variety called red pacu. They live from 4 to 12-15 years, are unpretentious, and caring for them is not at all difficult.

Bright coloring

The body of critters is very strong, compressed from the sides. They are distinguished by a powerful tail and massive lower jaw.

In nature they grow to 30-40 cm or more in length. Some grow up to 80 cm. In captivity they reach a maximum of 15-20 cm, less often 30.

The color of the scales is rich and catchy. The body is steel and gray in color, with a silver or golden tint. There are bluish or purple. They look very beautiful and impressive.

Difficult character

It is still not recommended for beginners to have cougars. In a number of situations (for example, when transferred), it can injure its owners. If there is a need to transport it, you need to use a special net made of soft wire or thick twine.

When the fish is full, you can go into its habitat. But only if there are no unhealed cuts or at least a drop of blood on them. Otherwise, the beauty will show that it’s not for nothing that many are afraid of her.

Therefore, allowing small children and curious cats close is also dangerous.

In general, their disposition is contradictory - both aggressive (although not in the same way as in their native element) and timid. From loud sounds and sudden movements, the piranha even briefly loses consciousness.

Piranha house

In captivity, it sits out in corners and caves, among algae, pebbles and shells. Therefore, they arrange many shelters for her so that she feels comfortable.

You need roomy housing, with a volume of about 100 liters, because the less space, the angrier those who inhabit it.

We must not forget about. It is worth providing your pets with more light (preferably white).

Living water

The owner must monitor the condition and quality of the liquid in which the pet swims. It should not be cold or even warm for a long time. Ideally 26 degrees Celsius with a hardness of 6.5.

To maintain this mode, install a water heater and a thermometer. You also cannot do without a large one, which operates around the clock.

To saturate the aquarium with oxygen you will need aerators. The water is renewed weekly by 10-15%. Depending on the contamination, the procedure is carried out 2 times in 7 days.

Since the toothfish does not pick up leftover food, they are removed to keep it clean. All these factors are important to maintain immune system pets


Fans buy not one, but several piranhas at once. The flock is selected to be approximately the same age and size. You can also add some other waterfowl to overseas guests.

They get along well with neons, minors, guppies and. But, for example, gold fish will become not a neighbor, but prey.

If Amazon guests are kept with other species, the aquarium should be as large as possible.

Balanced diet

Even domesticated piranha remains a predator. Therefore, her diet includes small fish and fillets. She will also not refuse tadpoles and frogs. Shrimp and squid will be to your taste.

Among other things, it should be fed chopped raw potatoes, zucchini, cabbage, lettuce and spinach.

Exotic inhabitants also love such simple treats as chips and cereal, confirming their omnivorous nature. They are given food once a day to prevent overeating.

An open area free of plants will be equipped for feeding.

Price issue

You can buy one piranha, on average, for a thousand rubles. And some cost twice as much. They are sold both by breeders and by owners for whom they are not suitable for some reason. Corresponding offers are posted on the Internet.

Since it is impossible to deliver such cargo by mail, you should look for advertisements in your city or nearby settlements.

More piranhas

Aquarists are interested not only in keeping, but also in breeding predators. For this process to be successful, they are given high-quality food with maximum number animal feed.

To prepare for spawning, the pair is placed in a separate 300-liter container. For greater comfort, future parents will need a cleaning filter pump. It gives a flow effect, and reproduction occurs as if in a natural environment.

Soil approximately 5 cm thick is poured onto the bottom. In it, the male will dig a hole where the female will begin to spawn.

The water temperature should be plus 28-30 degrees. About a quarter of the total volume is changed daily.

Caring for the fry

After the birth of their offspring, adult fish are removed so that they do not eat their own babies. The fry are fed nauplii and daphnia, gradually adding tubifex and bloodworms.

3 weeks after the babies appear, they are sorted. This way, the stronger ones will not start eating the weaker ones.

After 3-4 months they are transferred to standard food.

The owners unanimously say that piranhas are amazing and interesting. You can watch them hide and hunt for hours. The guest from the Amazon ceases to be a curiosity and becomes familiar. One of the main advantages of its maintenance is its unpretentiousness and ease of care.

Piranha (Pygocentrus)
Muller & Troschel, 1844

Piranha means "evil fish" in the Guarani language.

Order: Characiformes.
Family: Characinaceae (Characidae).
Subfamily: Piranhas (Serrasalminae).
Genus: Piranha (Pygocentrus).

Species: Includes four species of true Piranhas.


Known as a voracious predator, capable of quickly tearing flesh from bone and dangerous to any animal that enters its waters, the Red-bellied Piranha is one of the most famous freshwater fish in the world. As a result, displays of this "bloodthirsty" creature occur in most public aquariums, creepy Hollywood films have been produced and the species has become popular in the aquarium trade.

According to Herbert Axelrod (1976), the myth began when American President Theodore Roosevelt visited the Brazilian Amazon in 1913. He was accompanied by numerous journalists, and the Brazilians staged a series of deceptions, one of which was that the president allegedly "discovered and discovered" a new river, which was then named after him. One of the tributaries of the Aripuanan River was chosen and is still referred to today as the Rio Roosevelt or Rio Teodoro.

When Roosevelt arrived at the river, the Brazilians prepared a surprise - an area of ​​several hundred yards was blocked off, and for several weeks, fishermen released hundreds of adult piranhas there and isolated them there. They informed the President that he and his men should refrain from entering the water, as they would be eaten alive by the terribly vicious fish. Naturally, this news was met with skepticism, and then a cow was driven there. This caused a spectacular, frantic fight for the right to get "their piece" among the trapped, hungry piranhas. After this event, the newspapers were filled with stories about terrible, carnivorous fish, but there was not a single record of the killing of a person by wild piranhas.

According to information from a number of websites and forums currently devoted to this topic, captive keeping of piranhas and their relatives has undergone a relative boom over last decades. A lot of various types are now available, but most of them are caught in wildlife, are expensive and beyond the means of most fans. Natterer's piranhas, by contrast, are commercially bred, with coin-sized juveniles sold quite cheaply for a fish that requires specialized and ultimately expensive care and maintenance. For enthusiasts this is an excellent aquarium inhabitant, but serious thought and study is required. important before the purchase.

Natterer's piranha has proven difficult to identify for a number of reasons. For example, Pygocentrus piraya and Pygocentrus cariba are endemic to certain river basins (San Francisco in Brazil and Orinoco in Venezuela/Colombia, respectively) and have distinct morphological characters. Pygocentrus nattereri, has an incredibly wide distribution, and color can vary significantly even between individuals of the same population. The color of the fish also varies depending on the type of habitat; fish living in blackwater conditions tend to be darker, with less red-orange color, than those living in clear or white water.

The morphology and structure of adult fish may differ in the head and body shape, the presence or absence of dark spots or a reticulate pattern on the sides and fins.

Piranha (Pygocentrus) - all species have similar conditions of housing, feeding and reproduction.

Natterer's Piranha / Common Piranha / Red-bellied Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) Kner, 1858

nattereri: named after the Austrian naturalist Johann Natterer (1787-1843).

Range and Habitat

Currently found throughout much of the Amazon Basin (Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia), as well as the Essequibo River (Guyana and Venezuela) in the northeast, and further south in the Paraná Rivers (Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina) and Uruguay (Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina).

Habitats include large rivers, small tributaries, oxbow lakes, floodplain lakes and ponds.


All representatives of the genus Piranha (Pygocentrus) are distinguished by a convex forehead and a massive lower jaw, a small mouth and a very sharp teeth on both jaws.

A wide, laterally compressed body, small pectoral and pelvic fins, an elongated anal fin, a powerful forked tail and small scales make these fish incredibly fast. The belly is all jagged, like a grater. There is also an adipose fin between the dorsal and caudal fins - a characteristic feature of the Kharacins.

Adults are brightly colored. There are various options, but most often the top is gray with a metallic tint, the lower body is silver with golden splashes, the throat, abdomen and anal fin are red-orange. There are dark spots on the sides and many shiny spots on the scales.


Maximum standard length 250 - 350 mm.

Behavior and Compatibility

It is best kept alone in a species aquarium, although adult Piranhas do not tend to prey on smaller fish. Wild P. nattereri are often said to hunt in voracious schools, but usually only the juveniles form aggregations. Older individuals exist in loose groups and form dominance hierarchies, so it is recommended to purchase either one specimen or a group of 5+, with the latter being preferable.


Suitable for large aquariums only.

Some aquarists keep this species without substrate on the bottom for ease of maintenance, but regular aquarium gravel or sand are suitable substrates. Choosing a different decor mostly comes down to personal preference, but live plants can be eaten, especially if the fish decide to spawn. Lighting is not critical and can be from weak to strong, as is preferable.

All varieties of true Piranhas tend to produce a lot of waste, so the use of one or more small external filters is essential. If possible, purchase filters with a built-in/flow-through heater, or at least one that is unbreakable, since adult fish, as is known, can damage underwater equipment. The settling tank/SAMP system works well in this regard.

Water parameters:

Temperature: 24 - 28 ° C;
pH: 5.5 - 7.5;
Hardness: 2 - 12 dHG.

Try to change 30-50% of the tank's volume every week, and be especially careful when doing maintenance or fishing, be careful for any reason.


Pygocentrus species are not exclusively carnivores, but are more accurately described as opportunistic generalists.

The natural diet consists of live fish plus aquatic invertebrates, insects, nuts, seeds and fruits. Each jaw has a single row of sharp, triangular teeth that are used like blades to pierce, tear, grind and crush.

They sometimes attack sick or dying fish and eat remains from skeletons large species, but attacks on live animals falling into water are very rare and mainly concern accidental bites or cases in which a large number of These fish remained in small bodies of water during dry periods.

In the aquarium, juveniles can be offered bloodworms, small earthworms, crushed shrimp, and the like, while adults will accept pieces of fish pulp, whole shrimp, mussels, large earthworms, etc.

This species should not be fed mammalian or poultry meat, as some of the lipids contained in them cannot be properly absorbed by the fish and can cause excess fat deposits and even organ degeneration. Additionally, there is no benefit in feeding fish such as viviparous fish or small goldfish, which carry a risk of disease and generally do not have a high nutritional value.

Sexual Dimorphism

Females usually reach bigger size V mature age and have a more rounded body shape than males.


Wild populations undergo two annual breeding periods, the first during the rise in water levels at the beginning of the rainy season, and the second during the low water period in November and December, when there is a sudden temporary rise in water levels. Flooded coastal vegetation and flooded meadows of floodplain lakes are preferred spawning sites.

Natterer's piranhas are relatively easy to breed in an aquarium. Sexual maturity occurs at approximately one year of age, with a body length of 100-150 mm. If you cannot find a pair of spawners, then perhaps it is best to start with a group of fish 6+, which allows you to form pairs naturally. In some documented cases, spawning was initiated by large replacements cold water, while in others it happened without intervention.

When males are ready to breed, they become territorial, using their mouth and caudal fin to create a depression in the ground in the center of the selected area. aquatic plants can also be "mown down" and the resulting "nest" is protected from other males.

Females ready for spawning show interest in what is happening, at this moment both the male and female become darker in color. The eggs are laid in several portions and are guarded by the male, sometimes the female helps in this. In very large aquariums, several pairs can spawn at the same time.

The larvae hatch within 2-3 days and begin free swimming on the fifth day. IN this moment, it is considered the best for transplanting fry into smaller, nursery aquariums. Artemia nauplii, microworms or equivalent are suitable as the initial food, and a water change of about 10% of the aquarium volume will be required daily.

Due to the difference in growth rate, the fry become cannibals, when this begins to happen they should be moved to larger aquariums in batches of equal size individuals.

Think carefully before you start breeding, you could end up raising over 1000 fry that will have nowhere to go later.

Common Pygocentrus / San Francisco River Piranha / Cuvier's Piranha (Pygocentrus Piraya) Cuvier, 1819

A distinctive feature of this piranha is the orange-red color that rises along the entire length of the fish’s body, reaching the lateral line, sometimes higher.

Restricted to the San Francisco River basin in eastern Brazil, including major tributaries such as the Velhas and Grande rivers.

Inhabits large river canals, small tributaries, floodplain lakes and large artificial reservoirs formed by dams.


300 - 350 mm.


Suitable for public display aquariums or the largest private aquariums only.

Water parameters:

Temperature: 20 - 28 ° C;
pH: 6.0 - 8.0.


Not recorded, but probably uses a similar reproductive strategy as their relatives P. nattereri.

Black Piranha / Black-spotted Piranha / Carib Piranha (Pygocentrus cariba) Humboldt, 1821

The distinctive feature of this piranha is black spot on the body, immediately behind the gill cover.

Distribution and natural habitat

Restricted in the Orinoco River basin in Colombia and Venezuela, including major tributaries, such as the rivers Inirida, Guaviare, Meta, Tomo, Casanare, Apure and Guarico.

It lives in large river canals, smaller tributaries and floodplain lakes, many of which contain acidic, low-mineralized “Black Water,” although it is also found in clean water.
Many of its habitats are found within Venezuela and Colombia, in seasonally flooded plains and forests, total area which is almost 600 thousand square kilometers.

There are clearly defined weather with distinct wet and dry seasons and all year round high temperatures.


250 - 350 mm.


Suitable only for public display aquariums or the largest private aquariums, measuring from 240 * 90 * 60 cm or equivalent, these are the minimum requirements for a group of fish.

Water parameters:

Temperature: 20 - 28 ° C;
pH: 4.0 - 7.0.

Piranha Palometa (Pygocentrus palometa) Valenciennes, 1850

The species was described by Valenciennes, but no evidence has been found to date.


Orinoco River Basin, Venezuela.

The existence of this species has not been reliably established/confirmed.

The only source for the discovery of this species is the surviving records on paper.

General notes

The Piranha family (Serrasalmidae) contains 16 genera including piranhas, pacu and relatives.

Their characteristics include a compressed body shape, long dorsal with 16 or more beams, and variable number sharp serrations formed by modified abdominal scales.

They are found in numerous habitats, from lowland floodplains and flooded forests to upstream headwaters, and are also found in all major river systems South America east of the Andes. Some species have unique ecological functions, such as dispersing seeds or supporting inland fisheries.

Representatives display three main feeding habits: carnivores (carnivores), frugivores (feeding on fruits and seeds), and lepidophages (eating the scales and fins of other fish). Predatory species usually have one row of triangular teeth on each jaw, frugivores typically have two rows of incisors or molar-shaped teeth (pressing and chewing) on ​​the prejaw, while lepidophages have tuberculate teeth and are located along the outer edge of the prejaw.

The evolutionary history of Piranhas (Serrasalmidae) has been studied by various authors, including the most latest research(Thompson et al. 2014), supporting the existence of three major genera in the family. The genus Pacu contains the species Colossoma, Mylossoma and Piaractus, the Piranha includes Metynnis, Pygopristis, Pygocentrus, Pristobrycon, Catoprion and Serrasalmus and the genus Mileus includes the species Myleus schomburgkii.

Common or red-bellied piranha(Pygocentrus nattereri) - the infamous inhabitant fresh water South American continent and perhaps the most famous representative kind.

The species' distribution range includes reservoirs located between the Orinoco River basin, in Venezuela, in the north, and the Parana River, in Argentina, in the south.

Piranha- a tall, silvery fish with a greenish-blue back, brown-orange throat and belly, at first glance it seems quite harmless, if not for the large head with a powerful protruding jaw studded with razor-sharp, strong triangular teeth, revealing a formidable predator.

Razor-sharp triangular teeth reveal the piranha as a formidable predator

The teeth in the upper jaw are slightly smaller than those in the lower jaw. Moreover, in the normal state, the teeth are covered with massive lips so that only their very tips are visible. The special arrangement of the teeth and the movable lower jaw allow piranhas tear off quite large pieces of flesh from its victim.

Predatory lifestyle piranhas affected the size of the eyes and nostrils. U piranhas a very keen sense of smell, they are able to find potential prey even in complete darkness among dense vegetation.

Juveniles have black spots scattered across their silvery body. The gill covers, pectoral and anal fins, including the belly itself, are bright red. The tail is trimmed with a wide black edging.

With age, the black spots disappear, and the body takes on the color of old silver with fine golden sparkles of small scales. But the red tint on the belly and fins remains. The adipose fin is completely devoid of rays, while the dorsal fin contains from 14 to 18 branched rays.
Extending from the pelvic fins to the anal keel, it is covered with jagged saw-tooth scales; because of this feature, the piranha is called the sawfish in America.

Thanks to numerous myths telling about their bloodthirstiness, piranha They are quite rarely kept in amateur aquariums, although caring for these fish does not present any difficulties.

Adults piranha- quite large fish, even in an aquarium growing up to 20-25 cm.

In nature piranha hold on in large flocks, therefore, to keep in an aquarium, it is better to immediately purchase at least 8-10 fish.

For a group of ten piranhas about 4 cm in size, an aquarium with a volume of 100-150 liters will be enough for the first time, but it is better to immediately allocate them a more spacious tank, since for several adults piranhas an aquarium of 500 liters will not seem too spacious.

A flock of adult piranhas in an aquarium

For decorating an aquarium with piranhas You can use various decorative elements: stones, driftwood, live or artificial plants.

But the best solution is a reservoir densely planted with living plants. open areas for swimming, with dim lighting to suit the needs of the plants.
In such conditions, fish feel more confident and begin to move more actively, demonstrating natural behavior.

Adult piranha in an aquarium

Piranhas- predators, therefore they are not interested in aquatic vegetation as food.

Piranhas, however, like many other fish, cannibalism is characteristic, and it is characteristic not only of adult individuals, but also of slightly older fry. Therefore, it is better to purchase juveniles belonging to the same litter, thereby significantly reducing the risk of being eaten by one of them in the near future.

The cause of cannibalism usually lies in overcrowding or lack of food. When fry are densely packed, injuries in the form of bites are inevitable, while some of the injured fish die, while others survive due to their high immunity. Moreover, the wounds heal quite quickly; after several days, only small depressions at the bite sites remind of them.

Aggression is caused by incorrect, from the point of view of the pack, behavior of the prey. It could be a sick or injured fish, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a member of another species or one of the members of its own school.

Despite the reputation bloodthirsty predators, captive, piranha highly susceptible to stress and sometimes very timid. At the slightest danger, the entire flock quickly disappears into the thicket of plants.
The fry simply lie on their sides, pretending to be dead.

Therefore, you should not be afraid that one day you will be left without a finger when carrying out periodic work in the aquarium. Piranhas will always stay away from the same scraper or siphon.
But we shouldn’t forget about who we’re dealing with either; when driven into a corner, when caught, a large specimen is quite capable of causing injury. But since most aquarists catch fish with a net rather than with their hands, it is the nets that suffer from piranhas first.

If the fish are full, then the first reaction from an object dropped into the aquarium will be a rapid flight.
If piranhas do not feed for a month and they will not eat each other by the end of such an experiment, then any biological object falling into the water can cause an attack.

Piranha diet

In nature piranha They mainly feed on fish, which they actively pursue or attack from ambush. In addition to fish, their diet includes insects, crustaceans, birds in the water, as well as mammals, reptiles and amphibians. In other words, prey piranhas Any living organism that has attracted the attention of a hungry pack of predators in one way or another and does not have time to leave the water in time can become. Individual flocks piranha, at certain times of the year, they concentrate under the trees on which birds nest. Patiently waiting for the moment the chick falls out of the nest.

Feeding piranhas in an aquarium does not cause any difficulties. Their daily diet can consist of fillets of almost any lean fish, pieces of squid, shrimp, beef heart, etc.). They will not refuse live aquarium fish either. Thanks to its wide throat and movable lower jaw, an adult piranha without much effort it can swallow a ten-centimeter fish whole.

Juveniles are fed every day, adult fish - every other day or also daily, but to prevent obesity, they are given one or two fasting days a week.

When giving large pieces of food, you should hang them on a wire. When such a piece is lowered into the aquarium, at the first moment the entire flock rushes into the scattered one. After some time, as a rule, the smallest individual decides to swim up to the food and bite off a small piece of it. After all the other members of the pack are convinced that nothing terrible has happened to their relative, they rush together to catch the prey and in a matter of seconds there is nothing left of it.

Often in publications mentioning piranhas, it is said about their ability to bite through almost steel wire. In fact, in the process of eating, piranha behave very carefully. Feeling any hard matter under your teeth, piranha tries to bite off a smaller piece; if this fails, she completely gives up trying to bite off anything.
At your victim's piranha With their razor-sharp teeth, they cut off all the soft parts, the skeleton, as a rule, remains intact. Although in the excitement, even a large fish thrown for food can easily be bitten in half.

Piranhas, like other predators, they eat quickly and sloppily, trying to fill their stomachs for future use as much as possible. Small pieces of food that fall to the bottom are usually ignored by them. Therefore, it is recommended to give fish food in pieces that they can swallow completely without tearing it.

To maintain the red color of piranhas, it is advisable that their diet include shrimp or pink salmon meat.

Piranhas - sexual dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed: females are usually larger than males, but in order to judge this, the fish must be the same age and raised in the same conditions, which is unlikely in practice.
More sure sign this is the keel of the abdomen, in the male, when viewed from the front, it has the shape of the letter V, and in females it has the shape of the letter U.

Breeding piranhas in an aquarium

Sexually mature piranha become reaching a size of about 15 cm, usually at the age of one and a half years.

Piranhas, grown in an aquarium, does not require any special conditions for reproduction. The minimum that is needed for this is clean and warm water, a sufficient volume, plus a varied diet.

Spawning does not depend on the time of year. After the first spawn, the next ones usually occur once or twice a month. Reproductive capacity piranhas lasts quite a long time.

The upcoming spawning can be judged by the changed color of the fish and some changes in the situation in the aquarium. During the spawning period piranha darken, acquiring an almost black color.

Spawning occurs in the open. First, the male builds a nest, which is a hole about 20 cm in diameter. All plants growing nearby are mercilessly chewed off to the very roots.

Spawning usually occurs in the early morning. The female lays about one and a half thousand bright orange eggs, having a diameter of about 2 mm. This is where her role ends. The male takes care of the rest of the eggs. He selflessly throws himself on the hand raised to the viewing glass. Any other objects that appear within the boundaries of the nest are also attacked.

The male covers the eggs with soil. Periodically, it makes sharp circular movements around the nest and fans the clutch with its fins, creating the necessary flow of water. For normal hatching of larvae, it is recommended to use fairly coarse soil in the spawning area, since small soil quickly cakes, and the care of the male only aggravates this process. As a result, part of the eggs suffocate, and the hatched larvae simply do not have enough strength to get out.
The male's activity in caring for the nest decreases every day. And the floating larvae become completely left to their own devices.

Depending on the water temperature, the larvae appear on days 2-4, and begin to swim freely only after a week.
The starting food for them is Artemia nauplii, but after a few days the fry are able to eat chopped tubifex, and a week later they try to swallow the worms whole.

With plenty of feeding, the fry grow very quickly. Having reached the age of one month, the juveniles already look like small shiny coins with a dark spot at the base of the caudal fin.

After another month, black spots appear on the body. At the age of three months, the fry's lower jaw begins to protrude forward and the fins become colored. Now they are starting to look like adults piranhas.

Juvenile common piranha

At this age, fry can be fed scraped fish and meat, as well as chopped shrimp. When switching to this food, you should pay more attention to the quality of water in the nursery aquarium.

If spawning took place in a species aquarium, then the larvae and fry can be raised in it. Adults piranha, they do not pay any attention to the larvae.

The danger of being eaten begins when the fry reaches a size of 5-6 cm. In a separate nursery aquarium, similar problems can arise when the fish reach maturity.

Common piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) - estimated cost in Russia

Size Average price per piece
Up to 3 cm (S) 257 rub.
Up to 6 cm (M) 380 rub.
Up to 13 cm (L) 715 rub.
Up to 16 cm (XL) 1350 rub.

The common piranha is called Pygocentrus nattereri in Latin. This fish is also called red piranha. Aquarists have been interested in them for quite some time. Therefore, we can say that the red piranha has its own history in this aspect. This species is the most common among other piranhas. A lot of them swim in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers.

When the fish grows up, it looks very attractive. She has a steel coloring on her back and the rest of her body is silver. And the throat and stomach are red. The anal fin of the fish has the same color. Among all piranhas, this is one of the largest representatives. In nature, it can grow up to 33 cm, but when aquarium maintenance they are smaller in size.

In nature, they gather in flocks of about 20 individuals. This allows them to hunt more efficiently and not be attacked by larger predators. The red-bellied piranha is the most ferocious of all.

It is unpretentious in food and can live in different conditions. But those who have some experience in this matter should start it in their aquarium. If you are not careful, it can bite hard. In addition, when maintaining them, it is necessary to maintain good quality water.

Since this fish is a ferocious predator, it is advisable not to introduce anyone to it. You can place one fish in the aquarium, but they will feel better in a school. And here it is important to note that even within a group they can show aggression. There are often cases of cannibalism. The largest piranha leads the pack. She is the first to start eating. If some piranha challenges its leadership, a fight may break out. They often hurt each other. They can only coexist with their own kind. For example, with such major representatives, like a black pacu, and then only in adolescence.

If you want to keep only one piranha, you can get by with an aquarium volume of 150 liters. But a school of piranhas needs a larger volume. It is very important that the filter is very powerful. Piranhas eat a lot and leave a lot of waste behind.

Habitat in nature

The first description of the red piranha dates back to 1858. Kner described them. Today there is a lot of debate about what scientific name assign to this fish. Now scientists have chosen Pygocentrus nattereri.

It can be found throughout South America. There is a lot of it in countries such as Brazil, Peru, Colombia. Great amount piranhas in the Amazon, Parana and many other rivers.

They also live in small rivers. They can also be found in a pond or lake. They gather in packs to hunt more efficiently. The flock consists of 20-30 individuals. In general, piranha eats everything that is suitable for it. These are both fish and plants.


In nature, it can have a length of about 32 cm. When kept in an aquarium, these fish are much smaller in size. On average they live 10 years. But there have been cases where representatives of the species lived much longer.

Their body is powerful, laterally flattened. You can recognize this fish by powerful jaw and tail.

Adults have very beautiful colors. Color may vary slightly. Most piranhas are steel-colored. The sides are cast in a silver color. The anal fin of this fish is red in color. Juveniles are not so bright, they are pale silver.

Content issues

This fish eats almost everything. When kept in an aquarium, no special problems arise. But before starting it, it’s better to practice on simpler fish. It is important to remember that piranha is quite large predator. Even when maintaining an aquarium, special care should be taken. When transplanting fish, you can get seriously injured.


In nature, these fish eat absolutely any food. They eat everything they catch. These include fish, various shellfish, and even amphibians. They can also eat plant foods– seeds, fruits. If they gather in a large flock, they will even attack large prey. Thanks to this, they have earned a reputation as cruel predators. But in nature, they most often feed on carrion and catch insects. They can show particular aggressiveness during drought, when it becomes difficult to get food. When gathering in flocks, they defend themselves very aggressively from attack.

The main food of piranhas is protein. They can be given frozen fish seafood, worms, they can eat a mouse. But you shouldn’t feed representatives of that species meat. This will cause obesity. It is important that the water is thoroughly cleaned as piranhas leave behind a lot of food residue.


Experts argue a lot about whether it is possible to add any other fish to the piranha. Some argue that this should absolutely not be done. Others even add small fish to them, which successfully live there. It all depends on the conditions. The volume of the aquarium, the amount of algae, the number and nature of the fish are important. You can join them large fish, for example, singing catfish or black pacu.

If there great desire add some fish to the piranha, then you can try. They may not touch them at all, or they may dine on them right away.

If you plan to keep no more than one piranha, then you need to purchase a 150 liter aquarium. If you want them to live in a pack, then you need to buy at least 4 piranhas. To do this you will need a 300 liter aquarium. The larger it is, the better the fish will feel. It is important to provide them with places where they can hide. It's strange, but they are shy. The best shelter for them will be snags and caves.

It is necessary to change the water, use a filter, and control the nitrate content to ensure maximum water purity.

Protein food, the remains of which remain after each feeding of these fish, quickly deteriorates. This leads to water becoming polluted at a high rate. The filter requires more frequent cleaning than when keeping any other fish.

The most interesting thing about keeping fish of this species is observing them. When you study them, you will stop worrying about them. You will be able to identify any emerging problem in time.

Sex differences

By appearance they are practically no different. To understand what gender a piranha belongs to, you need to watch it for a long time. Before spawning, the male becomes brighter. The female's abdomen becomes fuller.


It is important that the aquarium is located in a quiet place where the piranhas will not be disturbed. In order for fish to be compatible with each other, they must belong to an established school. It is necessary that the water is clean and warm. The couple should have plenty of space so they can mark their territory.

First, the couple selects a place and jealously guards it. They acquire a darker color and begin to build a nest. The female lays eggs. The male fertilizes her and begins to protect her.

Caviar has Orange color. It begins to hatch within a few days. After another two days, the fry begin to swim out and need to be transplanted. The fry grow very rapidly and immediately begin to eat a lot.

Video: Red Bellied Piranha