In April 2011, the world closely watched the fairytale wedding ceremony of Prince William and “simple girl” Kate Middleton. However, the girl turned out to be not so simple: she had the wisdom and patience to wait for a marriage proposal for 10 years. So how did "WaityKatie" manage to turn herself into a potential Queen of Britain?

Prince William, unlike previous generations of his noble ancestors, received his primary education not at home, but in a regular school. His mother insisted on this. The little prince communicated with his peers, was actively involved in sports, participated in games and led a “normal” lifestyle, as far as possible for an offspring royal family.

Little William with his parents Diana and Charles

When the question of higher education arose, William went against the 150-year-old family tradition and preferred the ancient University of St. Andrews in Scotland to Oxford and Cambridge. He chose art history as his specialty.

The town at the university was small - only 16 thousand inhabitants. The royal family managed to get British journalists to promise not to disturb the prince during his studies, so that William could feel like an ordinary student. Of course, the modest St. Andrews was aware of the news of the prince’s arrival, but, however, curiosity soon subsided and Will was left alone.

Kate was wise enough to wait for a marriage proposal for 10 years

William periodically ran into his pretty classmate Kate while jogging, in the cafeteria, and on the stairs of the dormitory. A modest and quiet girl from a wealthy but not noble family soon attracted the attention of the prince. Kate's ancestors on her mother's side were miners, and on her father's side they were successful businessmen. The Middletons became rich by opening their own business, the PartyPieces company, which supplied equipment for parties.

It's not easy to recognize this little girl as the future Duchess of Cambridge

Kate and William became friends. They shared a passion for sports, country life, and a similar background - before going to university, they both spent a year traveling around the world. They soon became "more than friends." In March 2002, at a student charity evening, Kate walked in transparent dress, worn over black underwear. “She’s a hot thing!” William whispered in his classmate’s ear.

The same dress

After the first semester, the prince returned home and shocked his family with the news: he no longer wanted to stay in St. Andrew, as he felt cornered in this small provincial town. However, after thinking about it, and also listening to the advice of his father and uncle, he decided to continue his studies, changing his specialty from art history to geography. In September 2002, he, Kate and two other students rented a cottage for four in the city center. For security reasons, the house was equipped with bulletproof glass, powerful door and a laser security system; in addition, police cars were constantly patrolling near the cottage. Otherwise, William's life was not much different from the life of an ordinary student: house parties, get-togethers in local pubs, trips to Tesco for groceries.

Kate's fashion show in a transparent dress was the beginning of a royal romance

Kate and William occupied two bedrooms in the house at opposite ends, but it was clear to everyone that they were together. However, the couple soon moved to a private cottage some distance from the city. Surprisingly, until now journalists were unaware of the prince’s romance. It wasn't until April 1, 2004 that the Sun published a photo of them skiing in the Alps with the headline: "Will finally has a girlfriend!"

However, already in the summer of that year, discord arose in the relationship - William needed some freedom, as he himself stated. Together with friend Guy Pelly, they planned a yacht trip to Greece. Pelly had a bad reputation, and Kate was very wary of him. It was Guy who was William’s indispensable confidante in all his “debauches.” There were rumors that they once smeared chocolate ice cream on their naked girlfriend and then licked it off together. And this time Guy did not disappoint: he hired exclusively girls for the yacht’s crew. But Kate also had reasons to be upset: the rich and beautiful heiresses, girls from noble families. The couple took a break.

After returning to university in September, the estrangement did not disappear, and Kate, on the advice of her mother, gave William a little more freedom: now on weekends she preferred to go to her parents rather than stay in the same house with the prince. The plan worked: they were together again by Christmas.

Everyone was wondering: when will “Waity Katie” get tired of waiting for Will?

In June 2005, William and Kate celebrated their graduation: the Queen herself and her husband, as well as Prince Charles and Camilla, attended the graduation ceremony. Harmony and peace reigned in the couple's relationship: William and Kate spent September 2006 together on a cruise in the Mediterranean. And in November, the girl received an invitation to a traditional Christmas lunch with royal family in Sandringham, however, she preferred to spend this time with her family. New Year they met separately. By this time, Kate had already become accustomed to the increased media attention she received. She would have turned 25 in January 2007. The tabloids wondered: will William give the main gift, will he propose to her? By that time, she had already earned the nickname "WaityKatie", everyone was wondering when her patience would finally run out. Reporters crowded around Middleton's house on the eve of the holiday, expecting something big, but the miracle never happened. William called Kate the next day to apologize for her birthday being ruined by the paparazzi. By spring, the relationship between the couple had completely broken down: a breakup was announced.

William went to celebrate the “liberation” in bars and clubs, and Kate did the same. Oddly enough, on her side was the same reveler Guy Pelly, whose company, as Kate thought, was corrupting William. He assured Middleton that she would always be a welcome guest at his nightclub, and Kate did not fail to take advantage of the offer. Pelly believed that Kate simply needed to remind William of what desirable girl she was in the eyes of men. Katie is no longer “waity,” the tabloids wrote. She appeared on the covers of magazines in an ultra-short tight dress on the dance floor in the company of gentlemen. It seemed that Kate was not at all going to lose heart and mourn the breakup. However, this performance was not easy for her: her friends, realizing how depressed she really was, invited her to a summer sports camp, where the girl could distract herself from sad thoughts by rowing. However, by August it became known that she and Will were together again.

October 2007: photographers photographed William and Kate leaving a nightclub together

Kate had no intention of mourning the breakup.
She went into all sorts of troubles

A new challenge for the couple was William's decision to take a course in the Royal Air Force: he wanted to become a search and rescue pilot. However, as the prince himself asserted, if their relationship withstood the previous breakup, it will not collapse now.

And although rumors of an engagement have not yet been confirmed, Kate was no longer perceived as a passing girlfriend. It was obvious that she was destined for a much more serious role. But the future bride had to face the skeletal traditions of the monarchy: Kate did not have the slightest idea about the protocol and ceremony of the royal family. She had a lot to learn: how and what to say, where to sit, when to get up, what to wear. The last point was especially important. Photos of Kate sitting in the back seat of a cab in a short dress repeatedly appeared in the press - thousands of British teenagers tried to see what color underwear she was wearing.

The role of William's life friend required certain sacrifices, but Kate grasped it on the fly.

In 2010, the news that everyone had been waiting for was announced: William had finally decided to get married. Middleton was called a modern Cinderella, and their love story was called a real fairy tale. Although in fact, with a stretch, Kate could be called a poor relative, and their relationship was an ideal romance. A very thin Kate in a dress from Alexander McQueen, Prince William in his ceremonial uniform, famous guests and ladies in fancy hats - millions of spectators around the world watched the ceremony, which became a real event of the year.

There are many rumors about the true relationship between Kate and Elizabeth

Photo happy couple flew around the world

As you know, the Duchess of Cambridge has already given the British monarchy two adorable babies. However, gossip periodically appears in the press about how Kate’s relationship with the royal family really is. And although William's friends claim that the prince looks happy, relatives are concerned that his wife is putting too much pressure on him. big influence, and also periodically violates the protocol. However, British society is more likely to be on Kate’s side here - perhaps this “simple girl” will be able to dilute the thickened royal blood with a life-giving trickle.

Daria Alexandrova.

Not so long ago, the media, British society and the whole world watched significant event in the life of the royal family - the long-awaited wedding of Prince Harry, youngest son first contender for the prince's throne Welsh Charles and Princess Diana. Finally, the 33-year-old prince for a long time former eligible bachelor, followed the example of his older brother, Prince William, and acquired family status.

However, Prince William himself took such a responsible step for quite a long time. His biography and relationship history is no less interesting and impressive than that of his brother. This is exactly what we want to tell you about today. But first, a few words about the place of the two princes in the royal family and in line to the throne.

British princes

There are now 11 princes - starting with the queen's husband, Prince Consort Philip, who cannot claim the throne (according to British rules of succession, the spouse reigning queen cannot become king), and ending with Prince Michael of Kent, cousin Queen, who is in 43rd place on the royal throne.

First contender for the British throne - crown prince Charles, the Queen's eldest son. His first wife was the darling of British society, Princess Diana, who bore him two sons: William and Harry. In 1996, the couple divorced, and a year later Diana died in a car accident.

The princes grew up under close attention public and became one of the most popular figures in the British royal family. Now the elder brother is second in line to the throne, and the younger brother is only sixth.

Prince William

Prince William was born on June 21, 1982. His full name– Prince William (in Russian transcription the variant William is acceptable) Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge.

short biography

William is the first Crown Prince who was not born in the royal palace. Princess Diana gave birth to him at St. Mary's Hospital in London.

William had a close relationship with his mother. Princess Diana broke royal traditions and paid a lot of attention to raising her children on her own: she did not hire nannies, bought clothes herself, chose schools, played and studied with them.

At age 8, Prince William attended Ludgrove Boarding School in Berkshire, where he lived general conditions in a room with four classmates. At school, he led the hockey and rugby teams, played football and basketball well, swam and ran cross-country.

After school, the prince moved to one of the most prestigious British colleges, Eton. There he specialized in biology, geography and art history. William studied well and got along easily with his peers. He is remembered as a sociable, polite and modest person.

The prince was 14 years old when his parents divorced. He took this hard, since he was always more drawn to his mother than to his father. However, Princess Diana remained to live in the palace and continued to communicate a lot with the children.

Prince William had a hard time with his mother's death in 1997. For some time he had to visit a psychoanalyst to cope with grief.

In 2000, the prince graduated from Eton College and took a year-long break from his studies: he traveled, worked on an English farm, and thought about the future. He decided to enter the prestigious Scottish University of St. Andrews, where he met his future wife Kate Middleton.

After graduating from university, William worked as a prince - representing the Queen on trips and attending official events, as well as doing charity work, received an officer's rank at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, and became a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Cavalry. Then he graduated from flying school and joined the Royal Air Force, rising to the rank of captain. The prince now serves as a rescue helicopter pilot.

Relationship with Kate Middleton

Before meeting Kate Middleton, Prince William had several short affairs. In St. Andrews, he first liked the daughter of a famous London doctor, Olivia Hunt. They began a relationship that developed so rapidly that the prince even missed the university beauty contest in which Kate Middleton participated. And only a few months later, William attended a charity fashion show, where he saw Kate in a translucent dress, which made him forget about Olivia.

At the party after the show, the prince raised a glass of champagne to Catherine's success on the catwalk and tried to start a relationship with her, although this was not immediately successful - at first they became friends. But gradually something more began to connect them. Only in 2004 did their romance become officially known: Kate and William rented a mansion in which they lived together as a couple.

The prince's relationship with Kate Middleton was long and not cloudless. One thing William was rushing between two or even three girls: Kate had to compete with Isabella Anstruther-Goh-Kulsorp and Jessica Craig. In 2004, the couple almost separated. The prince then announced that he did not intend to marry until at least 29 years of age. And in 2007, William and Kate broke up - however, not for long. But the prince was still in no hurry to ask Catherine to marry. The media nicknamed Middleton Waitie Katie- “Waiting Katie”, she had to wait so long for a marriage proposal.

In 2010, Prince William finally proposed to Kate Middleton and gave Princess Diana's favorite ring as an engagement gift. This was a long-awaited event not only for the bride, but for the whole of Great Britain. They say that William finally listened to his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, who advised him to decide on his future wife and think about children.

Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton

On April 29, 2011, the luxurious wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton took place. They got married in the very center of London, in Westminster Abbey. The service was broadcast live and the wedding attracted a lot of media attention. The wedding day has been declared a public holiday in the UK.

Prince William is not the direct heir to the throne, so his wedding was not considered a state event and did not have to be completely subject to protocol. The couple could choose many of the details themselves, including the guest list. In total, 1,900 guests were invited to the wedding: the British royal family, members of foreign royal families, diplomats, personal friends of the couple, even ex-girlfriends prince. The best man at William's wedding was his brother Prince Harry, and the bridesmaid was Kate's sister Pippa Middleton.

The main sensation of the wedding was the simple origin of the bride: traditionally, members of the royal family married aristocrats, but Kate Middleton came from a wealthy bourgeois family. But this did not become a hindrance for Queen Elizabeth, and she gave permission for the marriage - and it is required for her closest relatives.

Kate Middleton's outfit attracted considerable attention from the media and guests at the wedding. The girl chose an elegant White dress from British designer Sarah Burton, creative director brand Alexander McQueen. According to tradition, the outfit should carry symbolic meaning, so the dress was decorated with hand-embroidered lace flowers - symbols of Great Britain: roses, clovers, daffodils and thistles. The outfit was complemented by a luxurious tiara borrowed from Queen Elizabeth. Prince William himself was traditionally dressed in full military uniform.

To create the bride's ring, the Queen gave the couple a nugget of Welsh gold - another royal tradition. Prince William decided not to make a ring for himself - firstly, he does not like wearing rings, and secondly, this is not customary among the male half of the royal family.

On the wedding day, the prince received the title Duke of Cambridge, and after the ceremony his wife became known as the Duchess of Cambridge.

Family life and children

Immediately after the wedding, Prince William continued to work, and Honeymoon had to be postponed. Later, the prince took a two-week vacation, and the couple went to the Seychelles.

The marital relationship between William and Kate developed rapidly. On December 3, 2012, the royal court announced that the prince's wife was pregnant. Born July 22, 2013 a little prince– George Alexander Louis, named after George VI, the Queen's father. He became Elizabeth's first great-grandson and took third place in the line of succession to the British throne. The boy received the title Prince of Cambridge. As many as seven people became the prince's godfathers.

On September 8, 2014, official information about the second pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge appeared. On May 2, 2015, Kate gave birth to her second child, a girl, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. The child received the title Princess Charlotte of Cambridge. Thanks to the changed rules of British succession, the girl received the same right to claim the throne as her brothers: she took fourth place in line.

In 2017, it was announced that Prince William and his wife were expecting their third child. He was born on April 27, 2018. The boy was named Louis Arthur Charles of Cambridge in honor of Prince Philip's uncle, Louis Mountbatten. The newborn is fifth in line to the throne.

Prince William is a man who has been able to feel special since he was born. His life attracts the attention of hundreds of thousands of people. And any miscalculations always become “food” for the insatiable paparazzi. He is who he is, but in public he must always perform the roles assigned to him. After all, he is Prince William, one of the heirs to the English throne. And this fact simultaneously remains his main gift and heavy curse.

But what kind of person is hidden behind the impenetrable and insensitive mask of the august person? Which the most important points contained his life, and how does Prince William differ from other descendants of royal blood? Our biographical review dedicated to one of the most famous Englishmen in the world will help you understand this. modern history Europe.

Prince William's early years, childhood and family

The future prince was born at 9 pm on June 21, 1982 at St. Mary's Hospital in London, thus becoming the first heir to the throne born outside royal palace. From the moment he was born, he was surrounded by hundreds of people rushing to take the first pictures of his parents walking out of the hospital doors. Some time later, in a solemn ceremony, Princess Diana and her husband Prince Charles announced that they had chosen the name William for their son. From that moment the long journey began life path our today's hero.

At the beginning of August, the newborn prince was accepted into Buckingham Palace Archbishop of Canterbury and baptized according to all due canons.

It is difficult to say whether he understood the fact that he was not an ordinary child, but from childhood William was not much different from other children. He was very restless, cheerful and inquisitive. For the last of these traits, his mother, Lady “Di,” once called him a “thinker.”

Prince William is nervous before...

At the age of eight, Prince William was sent to Ludgrove School in Berkshire, where he and other children learned reading, writing and arithmetic. Given educational institution was built on the principle of a boarding school, and therefore our today's hero slept in the same room with four other students, in this regard remaining the most ordinary schoolboy. While studying at Ludgrove he became interested in sports. Thus, Prince William played football and rugby well and was even the captain of the local junior hockey team. In addition, the Crown Prince achieved good success in marathon running and athletics.

After graduating from Berkshire School in 1995, Prince William entered the famous Eton College, where he began to study biology, geography and art history. In classes, the prince always showed himself to be a diligent student and always received extremely positive grades. Moreover, as noted various sources, William always knew how to get along well with his peers, and therefore he was always surrounded by a large number of friends.

However, despite this, unlike other students, Prince William lived in a separate room, which did not have a TV or radio. Therefore, the message about the death of his mother, Princess Diana, reached him somewhat late. Once upon a time, William was very worried when he learned about his parents' breakup. But new news that came a year later plunged him into real shock. The future heir fell into a prolonged depression, began to communicate little with friends and skip classes. In order to cope with the burden that had piled up, William visited a psychoanalyst for some time. During this period, the prince's long-standing dislike for representatives of the press escalated to the limit.

Prince William's adult life

After graduating from Eton College in mid-2000, Prince William took some time off and decided to retreat somewhat from educational issues. During this period, he traveled a lot around the world, participating, like his mother, in charity events in Chile and African countries. According to some reports, for a short time the prince even worked on one of the English dairy farms. A short pause in his studies allowed our today's hero to decide on his preferences and choose the educational institution where he would like to continue his education.

This was the prestigious University of St. Andrews, located in one of the regions of Scotland. William submitted documents along with all other students and very soon was successfully enrolled in the university. As the prince himself admitted, the years spent in St. Andrew were some of the happiest in his life. Here he made many new friends, and also received a prestigious diploma, which he could later be rightfully proud of. After graduation, William worked for some time public service, representing the Queen's interests in New Zealand. And then he entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, where he received the rank of second lieutenant. After this, he studied for some time at the RAF flight school, where he was promoted to the rank of captain in the Royal Air Force. air force.

Currently, Prince William is a rescue helicopter pilot. In this capacity, he participated in many operations, including the mission to rescue Russian sailors from the wrecked ship Swanland.

Personal life of Prince William, Kate Middleton

However, it is by no means military exploits in Lately attract special attention to the personality of our today's hero. The most interesting for representatives of the press and ordinary readers remains Prince William's romance with a girl named Kate Middleton.

The couple's wedding ceremony took place in April 2011 at St. Peter's Church in London. The ceremony was broadcast live to dozens of countries around the world. To observe with your own eyes wedding ceremony Thousands of people from all over the world came to London from royalty. According to some reports, the income of the municipal treasury from such a large-scale event amounted to more than $175 million.

Prince William talks about changing his son's diapers

Three years later, there was an addition to the family of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. On July 22, 2013, their son George (Georg) Alexander Louis was born, who instantly became popular in all corners of the Earth. So, surprisingly, the newborn baby already has his own page in all the largest in social networks. A personal article on Wikipedia is also dedicated to him.

April 29, 2011, 00:22

Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was born on June 21, 1982 at 9:03 pm in the private wing of St. Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London. Birth weight - 3.2 kg. He became the first child that Princess Diana and Prince Charles were eagerly awaiting. The royal couple had married in July the previous year. Prince Charles told reporters waiting outside the hospital that his son was in "great shape." He described his presence at the birth as “what truly grown-up people do... it deeply shocked me.” Catherine Elizabeth "Kate" Middleton was born on January 9, 1982 at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. In June of that year she was baptized at St Andrew's Church in the Berkshire village of Bradfield, where her family lived. After kindergarten, in January 1987, Prince William became a student at Wetherby School for boys in west London. The school, built in 1894 in an elegant Italian style, occupies five floors of a large mansion. Its windows overlook the beautiful garden of Pembridge Square - a playground where schoolchildren play. At that time, Princess Diana was often seen near the school, bringing her son here. In 1986, Catherine entered Bradfield Anglican Primary School. Around the same time, Katherine's mother Carol went into business, founding Party Pieces. The company was engaged in the sale of gifts for children by mail. The success of the family business allowed the Middletons to send their children to good private schools, which subsequently provided Kate with access to the upper echelons of society. At the age of eight, Prince William was sent to Ludgrove School, a private boarding primary school for boys in Berkshire. There he studied for five years. The school is set on a 52.5-hectare estate where it is said that pupils have everything they need to "grow up in a happy environment, expand their opportunities, and develop the ability to live and consider the interests of other people." Ludgrove has sports fields, a nine-hole golf course and an indoor swimming pool. Currently, the tuition fee per semester is 6,950 pounds sterling (more than 11 thousand dollars).
Kate Middleton grew up in an idyllic area of ​​western Berkshire known as the Pang Valley. Despite its proximity to London, the area has managed to retain a pastoral atmosphere. Kate attended primary school in the local village, after which she entered preparatory school St. Andrew. "As soon as you turn off the main road, you are greeted by a stunning view of vast fields, playgrounds and a grand building victorian era", - written on the school website. Kate showed herself to be a capable student and achieved success in sports, playing for various school teams.
Eton is famous for the fact that the scions of the rich and influential families. Eton College admitted Prince William in July 1995. In addition to royalty from around the world, 18 British prime ministers have graduated from Eton, including the First Duke of Wellington, Robert Walpole, Harold Macmillan and current Chief of Cabinet David Cameron. The British Army is still one of the largest employers of Eton graduates. Prince William graduated from Eton College with good grades.
In 1996, in the middle school year, Kate transferred to one of the best private colleges in the country. Marlborough College is located just 50 km from the Middletons' home. A year of study at this boarding school costs 29 thousand pounds sterling (about 45 thousand dollars). Kate studied at Marlborough for four years, during which time she became captain of the school field hockey team. She passed her final exams brilliantly. "Catherine Middleton was very outgoing and showed great promise. We are very happy for her and wish her and Prince William well," said Marlborough College Principal Nicholas Sampson. When Prince William was 15 years old, his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, died in a car accident in Paris. William and his brother Harry learned about their mother's death from their father. Prince Charles broke the news to the children at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, where the family spent the summer. Princess Diana died on August 31, 1997. She was buried in early September. Behind funeral procession About one million people watched on the streets of London.
After graduating from Eton College, Prince William spent a year traveling. He visited Mauritius, spent time in mainland Africa, hiked in Belize, and volunteered with the charity Raleigh International in Chile. However, according to the prince himself, what he enjoyed most was the short period of work on a dairy farm in the southwest of England. There the prince was paid 3 pounds 20 pence an hour, he had to rise before dawn and milk the cows, and also “carry out dirty work" along with the rest of the employees.
After graduating from college, Kate spent a year first studying Italian in Florence, and then went to Chile, where Prince William had previously gone. Kate, like Prince William, spent several weeks in the South American country. At that time they did not know each other yet.
By choosing St Andrews University instead of Oxford or Cambridge, Prince William surprised everyone a bit, as he was expected to go to Oxford or, like his father, Cambridge. Located on the east coast of Scotland, the university is popular among wealthy students who have graduated from private colleges. William arrived at the university, accompanied by his father, a few days later than most students. Then the prince said that he wanted to lead ordinary life and communicate with local residents, and not spend all the time in the company of students from high society.
Despite the fact that St. Andrews is located an hour and a half drive north of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, the local university is called the northernmost university in England. For many years, this university has been popular among the scions of wealthy families from the south of Great Britain. Kate Middleton studied art history - it was this specialty that Prince William initially chose for himself. The university is famous for its high academic standards and student traditions - for example, the celebration of Raisin Day. Raisin Day began to be celebrated shortly after World War II. Raisins welcome new students to St Andrews. NOVEL In her second year, Kate took part in a charity fashion show organized with the support of Yves St Laurent. William paid £200 for a front row seat to watch Kate strut down the catwalk in a sheer lace dress and black lingerie. Photos from this show hit all the newspapers, and 20-year-old Kate was talked about as a rather daring girl and a person in the prince’s inner circle
At the start of his second year, Prince William moves into a rented flat in the old center of St Andrews with three fellow students: Kate Middleton, Olivia Bleasdale and Fergus Boyd. Apartment C at 13 Hope Street is a Georgian house on a quiet winding street. The neighbors agreed to take turns cooking, but Prince William admitted that he was “absolutely useless” when it came to the kitchen. Living under the same roof inevitably led to speculation that the prince and Kate Middleton had become a couple. At the same time, unofficial sources at court denied these rumors. When Prince William turned 21, he gave a long interview in which he talked about himself, his mother and defended his father, who has received a lot of criticism in recent years. Then William said that in life he wants to be honest, sincere, thoughtful and caring. He said he learned a lot from his mother. “My mother used her position to help other people, my father does the same, and I hope to do the same,” the prince said. In honor of the beginning adult life William threw an African-themed party at Windsor Castle, where about 300 friends and relatives were invited. The celebration was memorable for the appearance of an uninvited guest dressed as Osama bin Laden, who managed to overcome all security cordons and end up next to members of the royal family.
Prince William was the guest of honor at Kate's 21st birthday party. The celebration took place months after her actual birthday. Then William gave an interview in which he denied rumors that he had serious relationship with Kate. “I don’t have a permanent girlfriend,” said the prince. In the interview, William claimed that if he had a serious relationship with someone, he would not hide it. At the same time, he added that he was not ready to put people in an awkward position, because not everyone fully understands the consequences of meeting him. “There were a lot of rumors about every girl who was noticed next to me, and, in the end, it all began to irritate me quite a bit, not least because it is very unpleasant for the girls themselves,” Prince William said.
Upon returning to Scotland in the autumn of 2003, Prince William and his flatmates moved into a secluded house in the suburbs of St Andrews: Balgrove House, west of the city, next to the famous golf courses. On the eve of the move, Prince William said that in his third year he would have much fewer lectures, so he would be able to spend less time at the university. “I think I’m a country boy at heart,” William admitted. “I love the noise of cities and hanging out with friends, but at the same time I love space and freedom.” What the newspapers were hoping for: definitive proof of the seriousness of Prince William and Kate Middleton's relationship. It was one of several photographs of young people on holiday in the Swiss Alps. After the publication of these photographs, the paparazzi did not pursue the couple, since there was still an unspoken agreement that the press would not interfere in the prince's personal life while he was studying at university. Everything will change over the next year.
Immediately after university, Prince William was entrusted for the first time to independently represent the British Crown during a visit to New Zealand. The trip, during which the prince met various officials and Governor-General Sylvia Cartwright, coincided with a tour of the British and Irish Lions rugby team. Prince William attended a training session of a team from the British Isles, and then came to a game against the New Zealand team.
Prince William graduated from St Andrews with a BA in Geography. Having started his degree in art history, he switched subjects after a conversation with Kate Middleton. With a university degree, William can be considered one of the most educated members of the royal family. His father Prince Charles became the first heir to the throne to receive higher education in Cambridge. At the graduation ceremony, the honorary rector of the university and famous philologist Sir Kenneth Dover presented the diploma to William Wales (as the prince was listed as a student). In St. Andrews, Prince William and Kate Middleton led a rather private lifestyle, and the press was not very interested in their persons. But this relative calm soon came to an end. Kate Middleton graduated from St Andrews on the same day as Prince William with a second level degree in art history. In public, the couple still kept their distance. What the actual relationship between William and Kate was at this time became known later. After the announcement of the engagement, the Middleton family released a series of photographs, including this photo taken on the day of the graduation ceremony In 2005, Kate Middleton's lawyers asked newspaper editors to protect her and her family from press attention. Editors were asked not to publish paparazzi photographs of Kate. The day before, for example, photographs appeared in the press in which Kate Middleton was simply riding on a London bus. Her friends said that the paparazzi followed the girl literally day and night.
Prince William is second in line to inherit the throne. When he becomes monarch, he will lead the armed forces of the United Kingdom. Studying at Sandhurst Academy marked the beginning of the prince’s military career and was important step for his reputation as an active representative of the royal family. He arrived at the elite military school in January 2006, accompanied by his father, Prince Charles. They were met by the academy's commandant, General Andrew Ritchie, who subsequently told the BBC that Prince William's selection was "a great honor for Sandhurst and the Army." According to General Ritchie, William, like other cadets, had to get used to the academy's routine: rising at 6 a.m. and curfew at midnight. In the first five weeks, the prince had to study the simplest soldier science, skills in handling weapons, as well as washing uniforms and cleaning boots. A year after graduating from university, the media began to show increased interest in the relationship between the future king and Miss Middleton. Kate's frequent appearances on various public events inevitably attracted the attention of photographers, so it is only natural that very soon photographs of young people kissing appeared in the newspapers. The shot that made the rounds was taken during the Prince and Kate Middleton's holiday at the Klosters ski resort in Switzerland. Kate Middleton appeared in the royal box at Cheltenham Racecourse during the Gold Cup race in March 2006. Observers then noted that this was an important and symbolic event in the couple’s relationship, since Prince William himself was not in the box, but his father, the Prince of Wales, was with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. In Kate Middleton’s youth, almost everything was relatively easy. Excellent grades in college allowed her to enter one of the best universities. But when her friend set out on his destined royal path and began a military career, Kate Middleton seemed at a loss. The news that she had started working for fashion company Jigsaw, owned by family friends, was widely seen as an attempt to quell growing criticism of her presence close to the royal heir. In December 2006, Prince William graduated military academy Sandhurst and began his officer service in the British Army. While the attention of the press was focused on the fate of the prince, it was impossible not to notice that Kate Middleton was again next to him. Then Kate first appeared as the prince's guest at an extremely important official event, which Queen Elizabeth II herself also honored with her presence. Kate was accompanied by her parents Carol and Michael, as well as Prince William's personal secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton.
The news in April 2007 that Prince William and Kate Middleton had separated caused a storm in the British press. Without having the real facts about what was happening, journalists speculated that the reasons for the breakup were William’s army career, his unrestrained lifestyle, as well as the intervention of certain representatives of the royal family. In addition, they said that the relationship was destroyed by the very fact that Prince William moved to a military base in Dorset, while Kate Middleton remained in London. BBC court correspondent Nicholas Witchell called the information a surprise "because [Prince William and Kate's] relationship seemed very stable." In January 2007, Prince William began serving with the Royal Horse Guards in Berkshire. The Prince subsequently spent five months on a command course at Bovington base in Dorset. At these courses he was trained to command a reconnaissance company. At the same time, reports emerged that the prince preferred to spend free time in the company of his new army comrades, and not with Kate Middleton. One of the reports from that time reported that the prince bought all Pimm's (traditional English liqueur) in a local supermarket for a party with colleagues
Proof that relations between Prince William and Kate have improved was the appearance of Miss Middleton in the royal box at a charity concert in memory of Princess Diana, the mother of Prince William. True, Kate sat modestly at some distance from William and his brother Prince Harry.
It finally became clear that the relationship had been restored when Kate became an official guest at the ceremony where Prince William was awarded the title of Royal Air Force pilot. The “wings” were presented to William by his father, the Prince of Wales. Kate Middleton watched the ceremony from the audience, however, when she later approached William, the attention of many present switched from the newly minted air officers to the young people who may in the future become the leaders of Great Britain.
After two years intensive training Prince, now listed as Flight Captain Wales, attached to 22 Squadron Royal Air Force, based on the island of Anglesey in north-west Wales, William begins to fly as a co-pilot on Sea King search and rescue helicopters. Kate Middleton is spending more and more time in their rented apartment on Anglesey. Captain Wales is expected to serve in the Royal Air Force for the next three years.
On November 16, the Prince of Wales's secretariat announced that after a five-year romance, Prince William would marry his girlfriend Kate Middleton. “We are both very, very happy,” the prince said. Kate Middleton, in turn, said that she was somewhat shy at the prospect of joining the royal family. “I hope I can do it,” Kate added. Prince William proposed to her in October while the couple was vacationing in Kenya. At the same time, William gave Kate the same ring that his father, Prince Charles, had given to his mother Princess Diana many years earlier as a symbol of engagement.
Prince William and Kate Middleton were greeted by hundreds of people during their first official public appearance together. Middleton broke a bottle of champagne on the side of a new rescue boat in Treardur Bay on Anglesey. The prince, who was stationed at Waili Air Base at the time, joked to the crowd: "I give the speech and she has fun." Kate Middleton sang the Welsh anthem, as well as a psalm in Welsh. A royal household spokesman said Prince William and Kate asked for their first official event to take place on the island of Anglesey, where they were renting at the time. Prince William and Kate Middleton Royal weddingApril 29 in Westminster Abbey

The eldest son of Diana and Charles, Princess and Prince of Wales, Prince William, born Prince William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor, was born on June 21, 1982 in London, UK. He bears the official title of "His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales".

As a child, William attended kindergarten Mrs Minor in West London (1985-87), Wetherby School in Kensington (1987-90) and Ludgrove School in Wokingham (1990-95).

In 1995, at the insistence of his grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince William (nicknamed “Wills”) entered Eton College, one of the most prestigious high schools in the UK. A diligent student and excellent student, Prince William is fond of sports, focusing on swimming with particular zeal. Just like his father and brother, the prince is carried away active species sports, including horse riding, skiing, hunting and fishing.

Heir apparent to the British throne after his father Charles, William spends much of his time at Windsor Castle in the company of Queen Elizabeth, who takes a keen interest in his upbringing and career achievements.

Parents' divorce in 1996 and subsequent divorce in 1997. tragic death mothers greatly influenced the teenager, and handsome, stately William publicly shows his dislike for the press and feels discomfort from the ever-increasing attention of those in love with him young girls. William comes across as a well-mannered, responsible and reserved young man with a strong sense of duty and loyalty to the royal family and a full awareness of his destined role as King of England.

Military service and charity

After graduating from Eton, William takes a break from his studies and travels around South America and Africa. After this, he entered the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, from which he graduated in 2005 with a diploma in geography. Following his example younger brother, Prince Harry, William becomes a cadet at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, from which he graduates as a junior lieutenant in the Royal Horse Guards in December 2006. In 2008, he was dedicated to the Royal Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. At this time, William is preparing to become a pilot in the Royal Air Force rescue and search unit.

In addition to his military career, William is involved in charitable activities, being a patron of the Centerpoint organizations, specializing in the problem of homeless youth, and the Tusk Trust, dedicated to conservation issues. wildlife Africa. In 2007, brothers William and Harry organize a concert in memory of their deceased mother, all proceeds from which go to charity, the main cause of Princess Diana’s life, and to other philanthropic projects of the princes.

Kate Middleton

The personal life of the future King of England, William, attracts keen interest from the press. William is romantically involved with Kate Middleton, whom he met while studying at the University of St. Andrews. For several months there have been rumors around the couple about a possible engagement, but, to the great surprise of outside observers, in April 2007, William and Kate announced their separation. However, after this statement, Kate continues to attend public and official events, as well as travel, in the company of William. Rumors about the couple's imminent wedding continue to spread.

On November 16, 2010, an official announcement of the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton appears. During a trip to Kenya, William proposes to Kate and presents wedding ring to his mother. It becomes known that the couple will live in North Wales, where they are based aviation group Royal Air Force, in which William serves. This engagement is broken centuries-old tradition royal family, according to which family members marry exclusively into persons of royal or aristocratic blood.

On his wedding day, April 29, 2011, in Westminster Abbey, William receives the official title of Duke of Cambridge from the Queen, as well as the additional titles of Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus.

Princess Pregnancy

On December 3, 2012, after almost a year of rumors and speculation, St. James's Residence makes an official announcement that Prince William and Kate Middleton are expecting the birth of their first child.

Their child will become the Queen's third great-grandchild and third in line to inherit the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William.

“Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are pleased to announce that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby,” was the official confirmation of the pregnancy. “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and members of both families were greatly pleased by this news.”
In September 2014, the couple announced Kate Middleton's second pregnancy.

Royal birth

In early July 2013, international newspaper correspondents camp outside St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, awaiting the birth of Middleton and Prince William's first child. It was in this hospital that Prince William himself and, later, Prince Harry were born.

On July 22, 2013, the official residence announced that in the evening, at 4:24 local time, Middleton gave birth to a boy weighing 3 kg 800 g. And two days later, the name of the child becomes known - George Alexander Louis, who will be given the title " His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge."

Two months after the birth of his son, Prince William announces that he is leaving military service. He decides to focus on his royal duties and charity work. According to BBC News, he will focus his main efforts on preserving wildlife. "The threat of extinction of our natural heritage huge, but I believe that, with common effort with the best minds, we can spark renewed efforts to protect endangered species and individuals for generations to come.”

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