Mineral deposit called a section of the earth's crust in which, as a result of certain geological processes There was an accumulation of mineral matter, in quantity, quality and conditions of occurrence, suitable for industrial use. Minerals are gaseous, liquid and solid. TO gaseous include flammable gases of hydrocarbon composition and non-flammable inert gases; To liquid - oil and groundwater s; To hard owns the majority of minerals that are used as elements or their connections(iron, gold, bronze, etc.), crystals(rock crystal, diamond, etc.), minerals(fossil salts, graphite, talc, etc.) and rocks(granite, marble, clay, etc.).

According to industrial use, mineral deposits are divided into ore or metal deposits; non-metallic, or non-metallic; combustible and hydromineral (Table 1).

Ore deposits in turn, they are divided into deposits of ferrous, light, non-ferrous, rare, radioactive and noble metals, as well as trace and rare earth elements.

TO non-metallic deposits include deposits of chemical, agronomic, metallurgical, technical and construction mineral raw materials.

Deposits of combustible minerals It is customary to divide into deposits of oil, combustible gases, coal, oil shale and peat.

Hydromineral deposits divided into groundwater (drinking, technical, mineral) and oil, containing valuable elements in quantities sufficient for their extraction (bromine, iodine, boron, radium, etc.).

Mineral raw materials are used for industrial needs both directly, without preliminary processing, and to extract from them valuable natural chemical compounds or elements necessary for the national economy. In the latter case it is called ore.

Ore is a mineral aggregate in which the content of a valuable component (or components) is sufficient for industrial extraction. The amount of mineral raw materials in the subsoil is called its stocks. The quality of mineral raw materials used for processing is determined by its content valuable components. For the industrial evaluation of certain types of minerals, in addition, the presence of harmful components, complicating the processing and use of ores. The higher the content of valuable and the lower the concentration of harmful components, the greater the value of the ore.

The minimum reserves and content of valuable components, as well as the permissible maximum content of harmful impurities in mineral raw materials, at which the exploitation of a mineral deposit is possible, are called industrial conditions. Industrial conditions are not strictly defined and given once and for all.

Firstly, they change historically with the development of humanity’s needs for mineral raw materials.

Secondly, industrial limits are decreasing due to improvements in the technology of mining and processing mineral raw materials. Thirdly, industrial standards for mineral raw materials are different for different natural conditions the location of mineral deposits and are determined using economic calculations.

The higher the value of mineral raw materials, the lower the industrial standard minimum requirements for reserves and the content of valuable components. However, it is always higher than the average content of valuable elements in rocks earth's crust(their clarks).

A deposit is a natural local single accumulation of oil in one or more interconnected reservoir layers, i.e., in rocks capable of containing and releasing oil during development. A field is a collection of single oil deposits confined to one or several natural traps located in one local area. The deposit can be single or multi-layer. On average, there are about three deposits per reservoir. The industrial value of a deposit or deposit is characterized by its reserve. Depending on the degree of exploration, reserves of discovered (reliable) and suspected (probable) hydrocarbon accumulations are distinguished. Discovered reserves are divided into four categories A, B, C1 and C2. Category A - reserves studied with the necessary detail, allowing to fully determine all the parameters of the deposit (calculated with an accuracy of no more than 10%). Category B - deposit reserves, the oil and gas potential of which has been established on the basis of obtaining industrial inflows of oil and gas approximately, but with sufficient accuracy for development design. Category C1 - deposit reserves, the oil and gas potential of which has been established in individual wells, and there are favorable production and geological data for other wells. Category C2 - oil and gas reserves, the presence of which is assumed based on geological and geophysical data within known gas-bearing areas. Categories A+B+C1 are called explored or industrial. Reserves of category C2, previously assessed, serve as the basis for launching exploration work at a specific field. In addition to the indicated categorical reserves, promising - C3 and forecast - D (D1 + D2) resources are distinguished. Based on the size of recoverable reserves (million tons), oil deposits are conventionally divided into small (less than 10), medium (10-30), large (30-300) and unique (more than 300). Permeability in combination with formation thickness and oil viscosity determines well production. By initial value flow rate (t/day) there are low (up to 7), medium (from 7 to 25), high (from 25 to 200) and ultra-high flow (more than 200) oil deposits. The surface separating oil and water in a deposit is called the bottom of an oil and gas deposit or the oil-water interface (OWC - oil-water contact). The line of intersection of this surface with the top of the formation is called the outer contour of the oil content. The line of intersection of the surface of the oil-water interface with the bottom of the formation - the internal contour of oil-bearing capacity. A gas cap is understood as an accumulation of free gas above an oil deposit, then the deposit itself is called oil and gas (or oil and gas condensate). The interface between gas and oil in a deposit is called the oil-gas interface (GOC - gas-oil contact). The height of the deposit is determined by the vertical distance from the base of the deposit to its highest point. The length of the deposit is defined as the distance between the extreme points that are formed when the major axis of the deposit intersects with the external contour of oil or gas content; when the minor axis intersects, the width of the deposit. The operating mode of a deposit is the manifestation of the predominant type of reservoir energy during the development process. Oil recovery (the degree of completeness of oil extraction) is one of the indicators of the efficiency of the operating mode of deposits and the process of its development as a whole. The current oil recovery factor (current oil recovery) is understood as the ratio of the amount of oil extracted from the reservoir on a certain date to its balance (geological) reserves; it increases over time as oil is extracted from the reservoir. The final oil recovery factor is the ratio of recovered oil reserves (the amount of oil produced over the entire development period) to balance reserves. Depending on the operating modes of the deposits, it can take the following values: · water pressure mode.................................................... 0 .5-0.8; · gas pressure mode................................... 0.1-0.4; · dissolved gas mode........................ 0.05-0.3; · gravitational mode......................... 0.1-0.2. Currently, three main methods of oil production are used: 1. Fountain - liquid and gas rise along the wellbore from the bottom to the surface only under the influence of formation energy. 2. Gas lift - with this method of oil production, compressed gas (hydrocarbon or very rarely air) is supplied (or pumped using compressors) into the well to lift oil to the surface, i.e., the energy of expansion of the compressed gas is supplied. 3. Pumping - the liquid is lifted to the surface using pumps lowered into the well - rod well pumps (SSP) and submersible centrifugal electric pumps (ECP). (Electric screw, electric diaphragm, hydraulic piston pumps, etc. are also used.) What is oil

Oil - oily liquid, usually black or red-brown in color with a specific odor and flammable properties. Today, fuel is obtained from this substance, so we can safely say that it is the most valuable mineral on planet Earth (along with natural gas). There are oil deposits in many parts of the planet. Most of the information in this article will be devoted specifically to the locations of “black gold” deposits.

general information

Oil and natural gas usually occur in the same place, so often these minerals are extracted from the same well. “Black gold” is usually mined at a depth of 1-3 kilometers, but it is often found both almost on the surface and at a depth of more than 6 km.

Natural gas is gas mixture, which is formed as a result of long-term decomposition of organic substances. As noted above, largest deposits oil can be located throughout To the globe. The largest are in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, USA. Another thing is that not all countries can afford independent production due to high prices for the development of wells, the purchase of equipment, etc. For this simple reason, many fields are sold for mere pennies.

Let's talk about where the most significant deposits of “black gold” are located.

A little about the classification of oil fields

Note that not all minerals located underground can be considered deposits. For example, if there are too few deposits, then from an economic point of view it does not make sense to bring equipment and drill a well. Oil deposit is a collection of oil deposits located in a certain area. The occupied area ranges from tens to hundreds of kilometers. Based on the amount of oil deposits, the deposits can be divided into five groups:

  • small - the amount of minerals does not exceed ten million tons;
  • medium - from 10 to 100 million tons of oil (such fields include Kukmol, Verkh-Tarskoye and others);
  • large - from 100 million to 1 billion tons (Kalamkas, Pravdinskoye, etc.);
  • gigantic, they are also the largest - 1-5 billion tons of oil (Romashkino, Somatlor, and so on);
  • unique, or super-giant - more than five billion tons (the largest deposits include deposits at Al-Ghawar, Big Kurgan, and Er-Rumaila).

As you can see, not all mineral deposits can be classified into one group or another. For example, some deposits contain no more than one hundred tons of “black gold”. It makes no sense to open them, since it is very unprofitable.

Oil field in Russia

Currently on site Russian Federation more than twenty points have been opened where “ black gold" Every year the number of fields increases, but due to today's low oil prices, opening new points is extremely unprofitable. This applies only to small and medium-sized deposits.

The main part of the wells is located in the Arctic seas, or, more precisely, directly in their depths. Naturally, development due to complex climatic conditions somewhat difficult. Another challenge is getting oil and gas to the refinery. For this simple reason, there are only a few such points in the Russian Federation that carry out primary and secondary processing. One of them is the Sakhalin plume. Another plant is located on the mainland. This is due to the fact that this territory has more than one large oil field in Russia. In particular, we can talk about Siberia and the Far East.

Main oil fields in the Russian Federation

First of all, we will describe the Urengoyskoye field. It is one of the largest and ranks second in the world ranking. The amount of natural gas here is approximately 10 trillion cubic meters, and less oil by about 15%. This deposit is located in Tyumen region, in Yamalo-German Autonomous Okrug. The name was given in honor of the small settlement of Urengoy, which is located nearby. After the discovery of the deposit in 1966, a small town grew here. The first wells began operating in 1978. They are still in operation today.

The Nakhodka gas field is also worthy of mention. Although the amount of natural gas here is estimated at 275 billion cubic meters, it contains a large number of"black gold" The first mining began only 28 years after the discovery, in 2004.

Tuymazinskoye oil field

This deposit is located near the city of Tuymazy, in the Republic of Bashkiria. It was opened a long time ago, back in 1937. Oil-bearing layers lie relatively shallow, approximately 1-2 km underground. Today the Tuymazinskoye field is in the TOP-5 largest places on oil deposits. Development began back in 1944, and is still being successfully carried out. Oil deposits are located on large area approximately 40 x 20 kilometers. The use of advanced methods for extracting a valuable product made it possible to extract the main deposits of minerals in about 20 years. In addition, approximately 45-50% more oil was extracted from Devonian formations than using classical methods. Later it turned out that the amount of “black gold” in this place was greater than expected, so it is still being mined today.

Kovyktinskoye and Vankorskoye fields

The Kovyktinskoye field is located in Irkutsk region. Since the wells are mainly located on a high mountain plateau, this place is surrounded only by taiga. Despite the fact that initially the extraction of natural gas and liquid gas condensate was discovered here, a little later oil wells appeared, which turned out to be quite rich. Of course, the main oil fields in the Russian Federation are the whole system wells, which together make the state a leader in the production of “black gold” throughout the world.

In the north Krasnoyarsk Territory The Vankor deposit is located. It cannot be called only oil, because a large amount of natural gas is produced here every year. According to preliminary estimates, the amount of oil in this field is about 260 million tons, and the volume of natural gas is about 90 billion cubic meters. There are 250 wells at this site, and the product is supplied by the Eastern Oil Pipeline.

Deposits of “black gold” in various countries of the world

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that the largest oil fields are located not only in Russia. This valuable product is sufficient in many other countries. For example, in western Canada, in the province of Alberta, there are the largest deposits. About 95% of the entire country’s “black gold” is mined there, in addition, there are large volumes of natural gas.

Austria is also known for its rich deposits. Most of them are located in the Vienna Basin. A map of oil fields indicates that production is also taking place in Wendorf, which is located on the border with Czechoslovakia. The Aderklaa deposit is also known.

Something else about oil

No mention was made of the world's largest supplier of "black gold" - Saudi Arabia. It is enough that there are deposits of 75-85 billion barrels here (Gavar field). In Kuwait, total deposits amount to 66-73 billion barrels. Iran is constantly developing oil fields. Today it has been established that there are simply huge reserves of “black gold”. For example, five fields are estimated at one hundred billion barrels, and this already says a lot. However, it is worth noting that most of the wells belong to the United States.


Every month at least one new oil field appears in the world. Of course, this mineral has great value for a person. Fuel is made from it, used as fuel for Vehicle and so on. It is impossible not to notice that today in the world there is a fierce struggle between the United States and Russia for every new oil well. Of course, many states are trying to find an alternative to oil. If previously coal was widely used, today “black gold” is gradually replacing it. But the world's oil reserves will sooner or later run out, and then we will have to come up with something new. That is why today many famous scientists are trying to solve the problem of an alternative to “black gold”.

MINERAL DEPOSIT, a natural accumulation of mineral raw materials in the form of one or more geological bodies, united by a common origin and confined to the local geological structure. A body, or deposit, of a mineral is a local accumulation of natural mineral raw materials, confined to a specific structural and geological element or combination of such elements. Bodies may have different shape– layered, lens-shaped, vein-shaped, pipe-shaped, etc. An industrial deposit is one that, due to the quality and quantity of raw materials and the conditions of its occurrence, can be an object of industrial development in a given state of technology and in specific economic conditions. By scale, deposits are classified as small, medium, large and unique.

The deposits were formed in different eras evolution of the earth's crust and are the result of various geological processes. By genetic characteristics are divided into sedimentogenic (sedimentary rocks), igneous (igneous rocks) and metamorphogenic (metamorphic rocks).

Materials used from the book: Modern illustrated encyclopedia. Geography. Volume 2, M-Ya, Rosman-Press, M., 2006.

Akkermanovskoye field

AKKERMANOVSKOE DEPOSIT, part of the Orsko-Khalilovsky group of natural alloyed deposits iron ores(Russia). Ore reserves are 283 million tons. Layered ores of the lower siderite horizon contain on average 27.1% iron, 0.29% nickel, 1.43% chromium. Hydrohematite-hydrogethite ores of the upper horizon - 32.0% iron, 0.4% nickel and 1% chromium. The ores occur among Jurassic continental sediments; the processes of weathering and karst formation played a significant role in their formation. The deposit is developed by open-pit mining.


COLORADO, plateau in the inner Cordillera belt North America(USA). Bounded on the West by the Sierra Nevada, on the East by Rocky Mountains. The predominant altitudes are 1800–2500 meters. Some ridges rise above 3000 meters. Highest point– Mount Humphreys Peak has a height of 3861 meters. The area of ​​the plateau is more than 300 thousand km². It is composed of ancient crystalline strata, overlain by sedimentary rocks, with which the largest uranium deposits are associated. They form the largest uranium province in the United States in the states of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah.

Potosi (SIE, 1968)

POTOSI (Spanish Potosí; in Aitmara literally means great wealth) is an industrial center in the south of Bolivia. Located in the Andes at an altitude of over 4 thousand meters. Population 56.1 thousand people (1963). Potosi founded by Spanishconquistadorsin 1547 on the site where it was discovered in 1545 rich deposit silver In the 17th - 1st half of the 18th centuries, the mines of Potosi produced about 1/2 of the world's silver production, and its population exceeded 160 thousand people (1650). Labor was used in the minesIndianswho served compulsory labor service (mita). Due to predatory exploitation and depletion of deposits in the 2nd half of the 18th century, the decline of Potosi began. At the beginning of the 19th century, the population of Potosi was only about 10 thousand people...

Pangean mines

PANGAYAN MINES, Pangai mines (Paggaion), - in ancient times, mines rich in gold and silver in the southwestern (in the territory of modern). Developed by the Thracians since ancient times. According to Herodotus, the Thasians, who took possession for the most part Pangean mines, early 5th century BC. e. received about 80 talents of income per year. From 437 BC. e. belonged , in 358-357 BC. e.

Krzemionki Opatowskie

Mineral deposit- natural accumulation of mineral resources, which in quantitative and qualitative terms can be the subject of industrial development given the state of technology and technology in given economic conditions - essential element subsoil use systems.

Mineral deposits in the subsoil use system

The subsoil is part of the earth's crust, located below the soil layer, and in its absence - below earth's surface and the bottom of reservoirs and watercourses, extending to depths accessible for geological study and development. This definition is similar to the definition mineral- contained in the depths of natural mineral formations, hydrocarbons and groundwater, located in the depths of fossilized biological remains chemical composition And physical properties which allow them to be used in the sphere of material production and consumption directly or after processing. Minerals- a product of material mining production. Minerals with increased concentrations of useful components form deposits - the most important element of the subsoil use system. Search and development of mineral deposits are fundamental tasks of geology, which determine the specifics of scientific and practical activities in this field of knowledge. The successful solution of these problems leads to an increase in the country's mineral resource potential.

As objects entrepreneurial activity mineral deposits have some specific properties:

  1. Mineral deposits are real estate. They are located where nature created them. The conditions in the areas where the deposits are located are not always favorable for the construction of enterprises and the organization of production.
  2. The resources of mineral deposits are irreplaceable. During the extraction process, the deposits are gradually depleted and finally cease to exist. The time during which the established mining enterprise fully develops the reserves of the base deposit is relatively short (on average from 5-10 to 20-40 years).
  3. Mineral deposits are created by nature and owe their existence to a random combination large number various natural factors. Therefore, almost every deposit has its own, individual characteristics, influencing the technology and economics of mining enterprises created on their basis. Accordingly, almost every mining enterprise is individual in its technical and economic indicators.
  4. Mineral deposits are hidden in the depths. Their features, quantitative and qualitative characteristics, which are the initial data for the design of mining enterprises, can only be determined on the basis of previous geological studies and only approximately. The degree of this approximation affects the convergence of the projected and actually achieved values ​​of profit from operation.

Classification of minerals

More than 200 various types mineral . Classification of minerals and mineral resources- this is generalized systematized knowledge about the value of subsoil for effective management their study. Based on the purposes of using mineral raw materials in the sphere of material production and individual consumption, nine groups of minerals and mineral resources are distinguished. Some minerals have multiple uses. In enlarged form, the classification of minerals and mineral resources includes the following groups:

  1. Solid fuel, energy and chemical raw materials: uranium, coal, shale, peat.
  2. Liquid and gaseous fuel, energy and chemical raw materials: oil, natural gas, gas condensate, associated petroleum gas.
  3. Metals: ferrous (iron, manganese, chromium, titanium, vanadium); non-ferrous (aluminium, magnesium, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, bismuth, antimony, mercury, arsenic); rare (lithium, beryllium, niobium, tantalum, zirconium, rare earth metals and yttrium, strontium); scattered (scandium, germanium, rubidium, cesium, cadmium, indium, thallium, selenium, tellurium, hafnium, rhenium); noble (gold, silver, platinum and platinoids); radioactive (radium, thorium).
  4. Non-metallic raw materials for metallurgy: fluorspar and other fluxes, limestones, refractories, high-alumina raw materials (nepheline syenite, alunite, sillimanite, kyanite).
  5. Technical raw materials, precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones: abrasives (technical diamonds, corundum, garnet, quartz); piezo-optical raw materials (piezo-quartz, optical quartz, Iceland spar); heat and electrical insulating raw materials (asbestos, talc, mica); precious and semi-precious stones (diamond, ruby, sapphire, garnet); ornamental stones (jade, rhodonite, malachite); raw materials for stone casting (diabase, basalt).
  6. Raw materials for the construction industry: building stones; facing stones (marbles, granites); cement raw materials (marls, limestones, shales); concrete fillers (crushed stone, sand); binding materials (marls, limestones, clays, gypsum, anhydrite); hydraulic additives (pumice, diatomite, tripoli, opoka, perlite); mineral paints (ochre, umber); glass-ceramic raw materials (glass sands, feldspar).
  7. Mining chemical raw materials: chemical raw materials (salts, sulfur, sulfur pyrites, fluorates, borates, sulfates); agronomic raw materials (apatites, phosphorites, potassium salts, nitrate).
  8. Waters: underground (drinking, technical, mineral, balneological, hydromineral); surface (lake, brine, sea).
  9. Gases: oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, helium, neon, argon.

Some minerals of the 4th and 6th groups of this classification belong to common types. The list of these species is determined by the authorities state power The Russian Federation together with the subjects of the Russian Federation and may differ among the subjects of the federation. The procedure for using the subsoil for the extraction of these types of minerals is entirely within the competence of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the federation.

This classification is used in an enlarged form or is detailed. Often, solid, liquid and gaseous fuel and energy minerals are combined into one group. Minerals of groups 5, 6, 7 in practical activities are often combined into one - non-metallic or non-metallic minerals.

Areas of distribution of mineral deposits

Among the areas of distribution of minerals, the following mineragenic taxa are distinguished:

  • Provinces
  • Region (belt, basin)
  • Area
  • Field
  • Ore body (ore occurrence, deposit)

Mineral provinces are a large section of the earth's crust belonging to a platform, fold belt or ocean floor, with deposits located within its boundaries and characteristic of it. For example, they distinguish the Caucasian province, the Ural province, etc. Sometimes metallogenic, coal-bearing, and oil and gas provinces are distinguished.

An area (belt, basin) of mineral resources occupies part of a province and is characterized by a set of mineral deposits defined in composition and origin, confined to the same group of first-order tectonic elements (anticlinoria, synclinorium, etc.). Mineral belts can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous in the composition of minerals, their sizes vary widely. Mineral basins are areas of continuous or nearly continuous occurrence of strata minerals.

A mineral district forms part of an area and is usually characterized by a local concentration of deposits, and is therefore often called a mineral cluster.

An ore field is a group of deposits united by a common origin and a unified geological structure. Mineral fields consist of deposits, and the latter are made up of bodies of minerals.

A deposit is a section of the earth's crust from which it is technologically possible and economically profitable to extract a useful component. Within the deposits, productive deposits, or bodies of minerals, are identified.

The body (ore occurrence, deposit) of a mineral is a local accumulation of natural mineral raw materials, confined to a specific structural and lithological element or combination of such elements.

Regions, regions, fields of deposits can be completely exposed on the surface of the earth and qualify as open, be partially covered by overlying rocks and belong to semi-closed, or be completely buried and qualify as closed.