November 10, 2017

Marina Yakubovich is the second wife of the popular and beloved permanent host of the TV game “Field of Miracles” Leonid Yakubovich. The woman gave birth to the artist’s daughter Varya.

Biography of Leonid Arkadyevich

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich was born on July 31, 1945 in Moscow. His father was an engineer and served as head of a design bureau. The mother of the famous TV presenter worked as a gynecologist.

From secondary school Leonid was expelled and received his secondary education at night school. After that, he wanted to study at a theater school, but his father intervened and insisted that his son enter the Institute of Electronic Engineering. However, the young man combined his studies at the university with the Theater of Student Miniatures. After some time, Leonid went to study at the Civil Engineering Institute. Kuibyshev, where he began to participate in the games of the institute KVN team. He performed successfully with his team and traveled a lot with humorous performances throughout the Soviet Union.

It is known that Leonid Arkadyevich worked at an aircraft plant as a turner and electrician. After graduating from the institute, he first served at the plant named after. Likhachev, then in the commissioning department of ZIL. By the age of 35, he changed his occupation and became interested in literary activity, began writing texts and scripts for programs. A little later he became a member of the Union Committee of Moscow Playwrights. For 5 years, from 1984 to 1991, Yakubovich was an auctioneer. After which he tried himself as the host of the television program “Field of Miracles”. The auditions were successful, Leonid Arkadyevich became the permanent host of the game show.

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich is an Honored Artist, as well as a People's Artist Russian Federation. The famous presenter enjoys collecting reference books and is interested in aviation and cooking. He is a member of the Academy of Russian Television.

Personal life of a popular presenter

The artist met his first wife back in his student days. The girl sang in the famous musical group “Gorozhanki”, and the talented artist performed as part of the KVN team. Leonid invited Galina Antonova, his first wife’s maiden name, to get married while still a student. The marriage produced a son, who was named Artem. The young man graduated from the Institute of Civil Engineering, as well as the Academy foreign trade. Now he serves in the Directorate of Information Programs on Channel One. Artem is married and has a growing daughter.

The family union of Leonid Arkadyevich and his wife Galina broke up in 1995, after more than 20 years life together. The initiator of the break was Yakubovich. The presenter began an affair with Marina Vido, his work colleague. The woman worked at the VID television company.

The emergence of Marina Vido in the life of Yakubovich

Yakubovich’s wife, Marina Yakubovich (Vido), was 34 years old when she met her future husband. She worked in the advertising department of VID and at the time of the fateful meeting was quite an adult and accomplished person. Initially, Marina and Leonid Arkadyevich crossed paths exclusively on work-related issues. However, after a joint business trip on a ship along Mediterranean Sea A romantic relationship appeared between Leonid Yakubovich and Marina Vido, which grew into uncontrollable passion and strong love.

When Leonid Arkadyevich and Marina returned to the capital, the feelings that arose between them remained. However, the co-workers were in no hurry to tie the knot. The talented presenter tried for some time to hide his affair with a young woman, but since he public figure, it was not possible to do this completely. His wife Galina found out about Marina’s existence, after which Yakubovich stopped hiding his relationship on the side.

Artem experienced the separation of his parents the hardest. At the time of the divorce, the son of Yakubovich and Galina was 18 years old. The young man lived for a certain time either with his father or with his mother.

Marina Yakubovich - Yakubovich's wife

After his divorce from Galina, Leonid Arkadyevich married a young woman. From the biography of Marina Yakubovich it is known that she is younger than her current spouse for 18 years. By profession he is a journalist. In March 1998, the woman gave birth to a famous presenter’s girl, who was named Varvara. On this moment She is 19 years old, she is studying at MGIMO. The popular TV presenter passionately and sincerely loves his son Artem and daughter Varya.

Between Yakubovich's children a big difference aged, but Marina Yaubovich’s daughter gets along well with her niece, the daughter of her stepbrother Sofia, who is only 2 years younger than her. The girls spend time together free time.

Living separately

Despite the fact that Leonid Yakubovich and Marina Yakubovich are legal spouses, famous TV presenter and his wife are living separately. Marina and her daughter - in a luxurious country house Yakubovich, and the popular presenter himself chose an apartment in Karetny as his permanent residence. Leonid Arkadyevich prefers to visit his family several times a week. According to Marina Yakubovich, living separately has its advantages. This way she and Leonid don’t bother each other, there remains a constant spark and unquenchable interest between them.

The Yakubovich couple today

At the moment, the wife knows the presenter is 54 years old. She no longer works at the VID television company, and spends all her free time visiting her family and home. Due to the fact that spouses do not see each other as often as usual married couples, Marina still remains a mystery to her husband. Passion and romance still do not fade between them.

Many television viewers watch the program “Field of Miracles” and know its host, Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich. His talent is multifaceted, so his creativity is not limited only to this show. The TV presenter acts in films, writes scripts and funny fables for comedians. He has the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Fans of the “Field of Miracles” program are often interested in the personal life and biography of Leonid Yakubovich. Leonid Arkadyevich was born on July 31, 1945 in Moscow. His birth is directly connected with the Great Patriotic War and with one funny incident. The popular showman's mother worked at the post office and sent parcels to the front. People carried warm clothes, tobacco, and linen. Rimma Semyonovna also sent the same parcel and received a response from fighter Yakubovich, who was surprised that the parcel contained both mittens on left hand. This incident began the acquaintance of his parents.

Leonid studied well at school; most of all he loved history and Russian literature. The father was strict and fair, he wanted his son to be able to stand up for himself, and instilled work skills. He believed that a child should learn to be responsible for his actions. Leonid grew up responsible and hardworking. One day he and the guys decided to earn extra money and went to Siberian taiga for testing an anti-mosquito drug. They sat and counted mosquito bites. I had to stay in the taiga for several months. When we returned, our classmates were already in 9th grade. He was expelled from school.

But Leonid did not despair, applied to evening school and went to work at an aircraft factory. Having received secondary education, he passed a competition into three theater universities at once, but his father insisted that he receive some other specialty. And Leonid entered the mechanical engineering institute, but then he found out that the construction institute had a good KVN team and transferred there.

And from that time his artistic activity began. The guys drove around different corners Russia with concerts and soon became popular.

In 1971, the institute was behind him; Yakubovich was expected to become an engineer at the Likhachev plant. After 6 years, he was transferred to the plant management, where he worked until 1980. But his soul lay on another matter: in 1980 he was accepted into the committee of playwrights, since in his arsenal there were already more than 300 scripts and stories written for performance on the stage. For example, Vladimir Vinokur performed his “Sergeant Major’s Monologue”. Yakubovich's works were successfully performed by Petrosyan and other comedians. Before becoming the host of “Field of Miracles”, Leonid Arkadyevich already had experience in public work:

  • in 1980 he participated in the filming of the film “Twenty Years Later”;
  • in 1984 he founded the first Auction House in the USSR and was an auctioneer himself;
  • in 1988, the first beauty contest was held and it was led by Leonid Yakubovich.

Television and film career

In 1991, Leonid Yakubovich was invited to the casting of the host of the capital show “Field of Miracles”, in November the first program with his participation was released. This show was created by Vlad Listyev, but Yakubovich made some adjustments. For example, there was no black box before; organizing the museum was also his idea. Now this repository contains paintings by amateur artists, National costumes and works of applied art of all peoples of Russia.

There were so many gifts brought by the players that several additional sites had to be opened. The program immediately won the hearts of television viewers, and over time, Leonid Yakubovich becomes its symbol. His work contract even includes a “no shaved mustache” clause. By the way, he always wore a mustache. He said that once, when he worked as an administrator at a comedy theater, he went on tour with the artists. While preparing for an important meeting, he carelessly shaved off his mustache, so they didn’t recognize him and didn’t want to let him in.

Talented and versatile, Leonid could not help but be noticed by film directors. He starred in such films as “Moscow Holidays” (1995) and “Russian Amazons” (2002), and participated in two releases of “Old Songs about the Main Thing” (1996, 1997) and “Jumble.” Yakubovich led in different time such transfers:

  • "Wash for a Million";
  • "Wheel of History";
  • "The Last 24 Hours" and others.

At the beginning of 2014, Leonid Arkadyevich wrote the script for the comedy film “Grandfather of My Dreams”, he himself produced the project and acted main role. At the “Smile, Russia” festival, the film received two awards, one of them for Best Actor was awarded to Yakubovich.

Today Leonid Yakubovich is full of energy, although in the summer of 2018 he will turn 73 years old. He still hosts “Field of Miracles”, holds the position of producer and director of projects for the television company “VID”, attends all events, writes humoresques and stories for pop performers. Leads an active lifestyle and plays sports. When I felt that my weight was preventing me from living a full life, I started going to the gym.

Personal life

Yakubovich met his first wife Galina Antonova in his youth, when she and KVN and the ensemble “Gorozhanki”, where she was a soloist, traveled around the country. We first met at a concert in a workers’ village near Issyk-Kul. The young people got married in their fifth year, lived with their parents, and in 1973 their son Artem was born. He graduated from the same institute where Yakubovich himself studied, received the profession of economist, but also works on television.

Family life was not always smooth, sometimes there was not enough money, and fans were annoying. In the nineties, the relationship between the spouses completely went wrong, and Yakubovich filed for divorce in 1995.

He was the initiator, since by that time he had met another woman. They had known Marina Vido for a long time; she also worked in the advertising department of the VID company. At first we communicated as colleagues, then love broke out. They got married in 1996, and two years later their daughter Varvara was born, his wife was 32 years old, he was 52 years old.

A late child for a man is double happiness. Varya grew up as an active, playful child. Today it's already adult girl. Graduated from a prestigious Moscow school with intensive study in English, entered MGIMO. She wants to become a good journalist, like her mother, and a good TV presenter, like her father. For several years the couple built a house in the Moscow region. Now his wife and daughter live there, and Yakubovich, due to his constant employment, stays overnight in a Moscow apartment and goes home on weekends.

In addition to work, Leonid Arkadyevich has another exciting activity - flying on an airplane. Sometime in the nineties, under the influence of his friend Yuri Nikolaev, he became interested in aviation. He graduated from flight school and is now calmly taking to the skies. He even took part in the space Olympics. He also has other hobbies: skiing, billiards, preference. Last year, Yakubovich began hosting the show “I Can!”, in which anyone can come to the studio, present their skills and talents to the audience and receive a monetary reward for it.

Attention, TODAY only!

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich (born July 31, 1945, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, writer, producer. National artist Russian Federation (2002).

From childhood, the boy’s parents began to teach him to be independent. Once Lenya asked his dad to check the diary, to which his father sternly replied: “I don’t need it, it’s up to you how to study. If there are problems, then contact me.”

However, Leonid did not have any special problems. True, in the eighth grade he was expelled from school because he was absent for three whole months. Then, during the summer holidays, Yakubovich and a friend saw an advertisement on the street that young people were needed for an expedition to Eastern Siberia. The guys didn't think long. And on the same day he told his parents that he was leaving for Siberia.

In Siberia, Leonid Yakubovich’s work was rather strange. He worked as a live bait. That is, he sat in the taiga on a stump in only shorts and a padded jacket and wrote down at what time, who and where he was bitten. The teenager’s feet were smeared with various mosquito repellents; their effectiveness was tested during the expedition. When it was time to return to Moscow, Leonid learned that the work was not over yet, so he had to stay in Siberia. And upon arriving home, the student learned that he had been expelled. Without thinking twice, Leonid Yakubovich entered evening school, and at the same time began working as an electrical mechanic at the Tupolev plant.

However, after school, Leonid Yakubovich unexpectedly entered three theater universities. At that time, his dad asked him to get a specialty, and then go anywhere. Therefore, the future artist did not go to theater school and went to study at the Institute of Electronic Engineering. Well, in parallel, Leonid Arkadyevich played at the Theater of Student Miniatures. And a little later I transferred from my university to engineering and construction, because there was an excellent KVN team there. And now Yakubovich calls the years in the club of cheerful and resourceful people the happiest, since it was then that there were trips around the country, a meeting with the lead singer of “Gorozhanki”, a wedding and the birth of his son Artem.

In 1971, Yakubovich graduated from the institute, he became an engineer in “ventilation and air conditioning.” And until 1977 he worked at the Likhachev plant, after which until 1980 he was listed in the commissioning department.

Since his student days, Leonid has been involved in dramaturgy; he focused on the humorous genre. In 1980, he was accepted into the professional committee of Moscow playwrights. And since then, Yakubovich has become the author of about 300 works for pop performers, he also wrote stage and theatrical performances (“Gravity of the Earth”, “Wider Circle”, “Parade of Parodists”, “We need victory like air” and others). Well, besides this, Leonid Yakubovich became the author of such plays as “The Haunted Hotel”, “Ku-ku, Man!”, “Tutti”. By the way, with one of Yakubovich’s plays, Vladimir Vinokur won a prestigious competition and became famous. The works of Leonid Arkadyevich are also performed by Evgeny Petrosyan and other pop stars.

But real audience popularity came to Yakubovich after he began hosting the “Field of Miracles” program in 1991. And thanks to the charm of the presenter himself, the program became the most popular on Russian television. And the museum, which has a truly countless number of exhibits, has become a legend of the “Field of Miracles”. Part of the collection was exhibited at VDNH in Moscow, part in Ostankino and another part in Tver. For many years the program has shown high ratings, and Yakubovich remains unprecedentedly popular. And the reason for this is not only charisma, but also the highest professionalism.

Leonid Yakubovich’s professional thirst and energy know no bounds. Therefore, the artist could not ignore the cinema. Yakubovich has a bright comedic talent, which he showed in a number of films. The actor appeared in the role of a policeman in the film “Moscow Holidays”. He also played in the series “They Don’t Kill Clowns.” Moreover, in the latter he appeared in the role of almost himself, thereby exposing reverse side alluring show business.

Leonid Yakubovich has one passion in his life: he devotes a lot of free time to flying sports airplanes. And Yuri Nikolaev took the artist to the flying club for the first time. Then Yakubovich caught fire and began to study a new profession - a pilot. Later, Leonid Arkadyevich was accepted into the Russian national team and the TV presenter participated in the World Aerospace olympic games.

The artist is interested in billiards, and he is also a member of the presidium of the billiard sports federation in the country. Other hobbies include skiing, preference, cooking, numismatics, and collecting books. Yakubovich goes sailing, jumps with a parachute, and water skis. Leonid drives a car himself, and even took part in safari car racing. His driving experience is 41 years

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Biography, life story of Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich


From 1971 to 1977 he worked at the plant named after. Likhacheva.

Since 1977 he worked in the commissioning department of ZIL.

Since 1979, he has been engaged in literary activities - writing texts and scripts for the programs “Come on, guys!” and “Come on, girls!”

Since 1980 - member of the Union Committee of Moscow Playwrights.

From 1989 to 1991 he worked as an auctioneer.

Since 1991, he has been a permanent presenter of the TV quiz show “Field of Miracles” on the ViD television company. In 1995-96 – host of the entertainment program “Analysis of the Week”.

In 1995-97 – host of the “Wheel of History” program.

In the 1995 elections he stood as a candidate for deputy. State Duma RF.

Since 2000 - member of the KVN jury.

2004, 2006, 2010 – host of the program “Wash for a Million”.

2005-2009 – creator and presenter of the documentary program “The Last 24 Hours.”

Since 2005 – director of special projects at ViD.

Spring 2014 – one of the hosts of the television project “Island of Crimea”.


Leonid Yakubovich was accompanied since childhood amazing stories and events. Even his very birth was a consequence funny story. Although, it would seem that there was nothing funny about the Great Patriotic War. Leonid Yakubovich’s mother Rimma Semyonovna, who was not yet a mother at that time, sent parcels to the front. I collected warm clothes, knitted something with my own hands, and if I could, I got canned food or sweets. The parcels had no addressees and were distributed at the fronts in random order. Rimma Semyonovna's parcel went to captain Arkady Solomonovich Yakubovich. He opened the package and found knitted mittens. Both on one hand. The touched officer took the time to write a response to the “needlewoman.” So they got married...

And immediately after the war, on July 31, 1945, Leonid Yakubovich was born. From childhood, his parents taught their son to be independent. One day, in response to his son’s request to check his diary, as is customary with all children, his father immediately told him: “I don’t need your diary. It's up to you - study as you want. If there are problems, then contact us.".


Leonid didn’t have any special problems, except for the fact that in the eighth grade he was expelled from school for truancy, and he was absent for no less than three months. Back in the summer, at the height of the school holidays, Yakubovich and a friend were walking along Kachalova Street and came across an advertisement: “Young people are needed to work on an expedition to Eastern Siberia» . We didn't think for long. In the evening of the same day, Leonid Yakubovich came home with the expedition backpack he had received against receipt and announced to his parents that he was leaving for Siberia the next morning.

During the expedition, Yakubovich worked as a live bait. I sat on a stump in the middle of the taiga in a padded jacket and shorts and wrote in my diary: “10-10 – mosquito bite in left leg. 11-15 – mosquito bite on the right leg...”. The legs were smeared with various anti-mosquito compounds, the effectiveness of which was tested by the expedition. When the time came to return to Moscow, it turned out that the expedition had no intention of ending, and Yakubovich continued his difficult “scientific research.”

Having finally returned home and learned about expulsion from school, Leonid Yakubovich entered an evening school for working youth and at the same time... as an electrician at the Tupolev plant.


When the time came to choose a profession, he entered three theater institutes at once, but his father told him: “I beg you very much, first get a specialty, and then be anyone you want.”. And then he dropped out of all three theater institutes and entered the Institute of Electronic Engineering, where he began playing in the Theater of Student Miniatures. From there he transferred to the Civil Engineering Institute because there was a good KVN team there. Then there were years in the most fun and resourceful game, crazy happy years student fun, trips around the country, a meeting with the soloist of the ensemble “Gorozhanki”, a wedding, the birth of a son, Artem.

In 1971, Leonid Yakubovich graduated from the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. Kuibyshev, receiving a specialty as an engineer in ventilation and air conditioning. From 1971 to 1977 he worked at the plant named after. Likhachev, and from 1977 to 1980 - in the commissioning department.


At the same time, since his student days, Yakubovich has been engaged in dramaturgical activities with an emphasis on the light humorous genre. In 1980 he was elected a member of the professional committee of Moscow playwrights. Since then, L. Yakubovich has become the author of about 300 works for the stage (“Sidorov”, “Sergeant Major’s Monologue”, “Supermarket”, “Diet”, “Apartment”, etc.), stage and theatrical performances (scenarios “Gravity of the Earth”, “Parade of parodists”, “Wider circle”, “We need victory like air”, “From Olympus to Luzhniki”, “Fulcrum”, “Forecast for tomorrow”, “ Golden autumn", "The most important thing", "Stitches-paths", etc.). Yakubovich is also the author of the plays “The Haunted Hotel”, “Tutti”, “Ku-ku, Man!” etc. With one of the miniatures composed by Leonid Yakubovich, the young artist won the competition and became famous throughout the country. Also works by L.A. Yakubovich was performed by E. Petrosyan, V. Vainarovsky and other famous pop performers. Many of his works were performed on stage for several decades.

Field of Dreams

But Yakubovich gained true audience popularity as the host of the “Field of Miracles” program, where he was invited in 1991. “Field of Miracles,” thanks primarily to the efforts of its charming host, has become the most popular entertainment program on Russian television. The legend of the “Field of Miracles” became the museum of the program, which accumulated so many exhibits that part of the collection had to be exhibited at VDNKh, part in Tver, and part in Ostankino itself. For many years, the program maintained the highest ratings, and Leonid Yakubovich remained phenomenally popular. The reason for this was not only bright talent, but also Yakubovich’s constant efficiency and highest professionalism.

There are TV stars who “enter” our homes every day, in turn, among them there are marathon runners who have already become family to every TV viewer. Leonid Yakubovich became “one of the people” for many families, many fell in love with him and began to sincerely rejoice at his appearance.


Leonid Yakubovich's energy and professional thirst are inexhaustible. Such a person could not pass by cinema. The actor showed his bright comedic talent in the role of a policeman in the film “Moscow Holidays”, and in the series “They Don’t Kill Clowns” Yakubovich played almost himself, revealing to the audience the other side of show business.

In the period from 1980 to 2014, Leonid Arkadyevich starred in almost thirty films.

Leonid Arkadyevich's bright appearance and pleasant voice could not go unnoticed by television directors. In 2001, Yakubovich starred in an advertisement for IZH cars. In 2004 she advertised domestic book records "Lefty", in 2010 - a glucometer, in 2013 - a satellite television operator, as well as a medical patch.

Personal life

Leonid Yakubovich’s first wife is Galina, his son from his first marriage is Artem (born 04/05/1973), his granddaughter is Sophia (April 2000).

Artem is a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. Kuibyshev, graduated from the Academy of Foreign Trade, went to work at Channel One.

Sofya Artemovna rarely communicated with her grandfather as a child. Due to his enormous workload, Grandfather Lenya rarely saw his granddaughter, but he congratulated her on the holidays and was always aware of the events in her life.

The second wife is Marina. This marriage produced a daughter, Varvara (born March 28, 1998). My daughter Varya dreamed of becoming a veterinarian since she was four years old. She always loved cats very much and simply adored horses - she got this from her grandfather, who was in love with horses all his life - from the front. Aunt Varya and Sonechka quickly found mutual language. They were always together at all family holidays and birthdays.


Yakubovich always devoted a lot of his free time to flying sports aircraft. He was first brought to the flying club by Leonid Yakubovich, a great expert in this matter. Leonid Yakubovich “got fired up”, began to master the profession of a pilot, was soon included in the Russian national team and took part in the first World Aerospace Olympic Games, held in Turkey in 1997. In 1997 alone, Yakubovich flew 78 hours, which is for an amateur is quite a decent result.

Leonid Yakubovich was also fond of billiards and became a member of the presidium of the Russian Billiard Sports Federation. Hobbies also include alpine skiing, preference, numismatics, cooking, and collecting books (reference books, encyclopedias, historical fiction). Repeatedly went sailing, jumped with a parachute, climbed out of a submarine through a torpedo tube, and water skied.

Leonid Yakubovich always loved to drive a car, and exclusively by himself. He even competed in safari car racing.

Another hobby of Yakubovich is his friends. He has been friends with some of them for several decades.


At the end of August 2001, on Volokolamsk Highway (Moscow), Leonid Yakubovich hit a pedestrian. The unfortunate man (he turned out to be thirty-year-old Sergei Nikitenko from Kyrgyzstan) died on the spot. Based on the results of the investigation, a pedestrian was found to be at fault for the accident.

In March 2013, Leonid Arkadyevich, being at Sheremetyevo airport and tired of waiting for his plane, which was greatly delayed, publicly expressed his extreme negative attitude to the airport staff. The TV presenter was supported by the rest of those waiting. A fight almost broke out in the hall; fortunately, it was avoided. A little later, Yakubovich took the blame for the scandal entirely upon himself.

Awards and prizes

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1998).

Academician of the Television Academy.

Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.

Member of the Presidium of the Moscow branch of the Russian Peace Foundation.

Member of the Presidium of the Russian Billiard Sports Federation.

Laureate of the international festival of satire and humor “Golden Ostap” (best showman, 1994).

Winner of the Tefi Award (best presenter) entertainment programs, 1995 and 1999).

Winner of the Union of Journalists Award (best presenter, 1996).

News of Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich

67-year-old Russian showman Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich was angry at the attitude of the authorities towards Russian pensioners. The Government of the Russian Federation reported that pensions have increased again since April 1 (April Fool's Day). Od...

On February 4, 2012, information appeared in the media that the permanent TV presenter of the popular talk show “Field of Miracles,” Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich, was urgently hospitalized due to a sharp deterioration in his health. P...

Galina Antonova, the ex-wife of the popular Russian showman Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich, for the first time openly shared with journalists her memories of life with the master of Russian television. She is a mother to...

Photos of Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich


Galina (Balti, Moldova)

Leonid Arkadyevich, from your soul a fountain flows with rays of kindness and love for all people. Thank God that you are like this.

2015-09-05 19:19:11

Vladimir (Zmiev)

I don’t understand how you can become a lieutenant colonel without serving in the army? I did not find this fact in the biography.

2015-08-09 07:22:29

Sergey (Krasnodar)

2015-07-30 22:14:23

Larisa (Bryansk)

I really love. Super

2015-07-28 12:03:42

Nina Batueva (Zelenodolsk, Tatarstan)

Leonid Arkadyevich, of course, brightest star Russian television. A star solely due to talent and great hard work... He always looks perfect on screen, behaves impeccably, is accurate and original in his remarks, very friendly and infinitely charming!!!

2015-05-31 22:17:46

Our people's favorite. And that's it. Thank you, Leonid Arkadyevich! You are a kind person and you can feel it in everything. May God grant you health and longevity.

2015-04-20 14:41:54

Svetlana (Troitsko-Pechorsk, Komi Republic)

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich is a person whom every person in the world and in Russia knows. Because this cute mustachioed man enters every home on Fridays. His capital show “Field of Miracles” has been appearing on screens for more than a quarter of a century. Bringing joy and a charge of humor. Both adults and children always dreamed of visiting the famous museum of this show, and Yakubovich gave the kids the desired gifts.

Few people know that in addition to this show, Leonid Arkadyevich also acts in films. He takes part in television programs, is the vice-president of the Federation of Russian Billiard Sports, appears in commercials and cooks, collects reference books and is simply an aviation enthusiast.

Fans of Leonid Arkadyevich strive to clarify his height, weight, age. How old is Leonid Yakubovich? This is the second most popular query that can be found on the Internet.

Leonid was born in 1945, so he was already seventy-two years old. The most interesting thing is that Leonid Yakubovich: the photo in his youth and now does not in any way betray his venerable age. Because the man is fit, athletic and charismatic.

According to the Zodiac sign, Leonid became an ambitious, bright, charismatic, beautiful and self-confident Leo. And according to Eastern horoscope received the character traits of the Rooster, including calmness, restraint in expressing feelings, attractiveness, attentiveness, and artistry.

Yakubovich’s height was one meter and sixty-eight centimeters, and the TV presenter weighs approximately seventy-three kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Leonid Yakubovich

The biography and personal life of Leonid Yakubovich also often attracted the attention of fans. Little Lenya was incredibly independent, since his parents were busy people.

Father - Arkady Yakubovich - was the head of the design bureau, he fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, died in 1983.

Mother, Rimma Yakubovich, worked as a gynecologist and died in 2005.

Granddaughter - Sofya Antonova - appeared to her son in 2000, she was younger youngest daughter his grandfather for two years. The grandfather rarely saw his granddaughter because he was pursuing a career and raising his daughter, while Varya and Sonya are the closest friends.

Lenya claimed that his father never looked at his diary, arguing that he had to study for himself. At the same time, the boy grew up active, he studied well and loved history, but in the eighth grade he was expelled from educational institution for systematic absenteeism.

Leonid was not upset and went to Siberia with a group of friends, where he worked as a mosquito repellent tester. After that, he entered evening school, and also worked as an electrical mechanic at a factory, and then unexpectedly entered three theater universities. At the same time, he became a student at MISS, while simultaneously playing at the Theater of Student Miniatures and KVN, then worked for several years as an engineer at the Likhachev plant.

Since 1979, he began writing texts for the teams of the “Come on, girls!” programs. and “Come on, guys!”, and a year later he became a member of the USSR Playwrights Committee. Yakubovich became the organizer and host of the first beauty contest in the Union, worked as an auctioneer, but since 1991 he became the permanent host of the capital show “Field of Miracles.”

Leonid hosted the programs “Analysis of the Week”, “Island of Crimea”, “Wheel of History”, “Dikanka”, he was the director of TC “Moscovia”, in addition, he was often invited to the jury of projects. Yakubovich's filmography includes documentaries and art films“One day twenty years later”, “Crusader”, “Anna: from 6 to 18”, “Should we send a messenger?”, “Expedited help”, “Russian Amazons”, “Three days in Odessa”.

He ran for the State Duma in 1995, and was also Vladimir Putin’s confidant in the presidential elections in 2018.

The personal life of Leonid Arkadyevich has always attracted the attention of the fair sex, from girls to grandmothers. It is worth noting that the guy first fell in love at school; there is information that he was even married to a girl named Raisa Dovzhenko. However, everything was not like that at all, since Raya and Leonid met on the train when a seventeen-year-old girl and her mother were traveling to Sverdlovsk.

It was in the vestibule of the train that young Lenya, who worked as a conductor, promised the girl to become famous and invited her to come with him to Moscow. Raisa was afraid to go with the guy and left with her mother, writing her address to the gentleman.

Three years later, the girl got married and went with her husband to Nadym, she began working at a construction site as an engineer. Leonid tried to find the girl seven years after meeting on the train, but did not meet her at work, and did not dare to go home. That’s how the guys lost touch with each other, and friends said that the guy was depressed for a long time.

Yakubovich had many fans who often wrote to him and came home, which complicated his relationships with his wives. At the same time, most of Leonid Arkadyevich’s novels turned out to be fake; for example, for several years there were rumors that the man divorced his wife and began to live with his assistant Rimma Agafoshina, who for many years has been opening the letters on the board of the capital show “Field of Miracles.”

The woman resolutely rejected these speculations, saying that she had been married to businessman Sasha for many years, and treated Leonid Arkadyevich as a father, senior comrade and mentor. Rimma says that it is unpleasant for her to listen to stories that she is Yakubovich’s mistress and received an apartment from him for her services, and Yakubovich does not want to comment on rumors at all.

Family and children of Leonid Yakubovich

The family and children of Leonid Yakubovich are his reliable support, as he tries to do everything to ensure that his relatives do not feel deprived of anything.

The Yakubovich family met at strange circumstances, because his dad fought, and his mother was a volunteer who collected warm clothes and food for soldiers. The parcel reached Captain Yakubovich, who wrote to the girl, and after the war married her.

Yakubovich's parents are Jewish by nationality, but he considers Russia his homeland and has no plans to move to Israel. By the way, his fourth cousin Pavel heads the newspaper “Sovetskaya Belorussia”, so Leonid is not the only talent in the Yakubovich family.

Rumor has it that in addition to an adult son and a beautiful daughter from different marriages, Yakubovich has illegitimate daughter– Aida Agafoshina, which was given to him by his long-term assistant Rimma.

At the same time, the TV presenter himself does not comment on these rumors. He claims that he was happy about the birth of the baby. Since she became long-awaited child Rimma and her husband Sasha, with whom he has been family friends for many years. He considers Aida to be his granddaughter, and he was the first to announce that Rimma would become a mother in the New Year’s episode “Field of Miracles” two years ago.

In 2017, Rimma and her husband Sasha had a son, which proved that she has no relationship with her work colleague.

Son of Leonid Yakubovich - Artem Antonov

The son of Leonid Yakubovich, Artem Antonov, is the first-born of the future favorite of millions and his first wife Galina Antonova. At the same time, the boy received his mother's surname. Despite the fact that his parents were married. His mother said that these data sound great in Russia. But the surname Yakubovich will be ideal if the guy decides to go to Israel.

Son Artem Antonov was born in 1973, he was attached to his mother, because he saw his father little, and he did not pester his son with moral teachings. He had a hard time with his parents' divorce, but he could always count on his dad's help.

The man graduated from the Academy of Foreign Trade and MISS, like his father, he began to work as a financier, later Artem organized his own business, which soon went bankrupt. Later, Leonid Arkadyevich took his son under his wing and got him a job at VID.

The guy is married and has a daughter, Sophia, who recently turned eighteen.

Daughter of Leonid Yakubovich - Varvara Yakubovich

Leonid Yakubovich’s daughter, Varvara Yakubovich, was born in 1998; her second wife, Marina, became her mother. Since childhood, the girl was involved in swimming and horse riding, she was an excellent student and loved to read.

Varyusha was an active and inquisitive child; her parents simply adored her and showered her with gifts. She entered a school with in-depth study of the English language, and also took classes in dancing and drawing, handicrafts and classes with tutors.

Varya, at the age of four, wanted to become a veterinarian, but to treat only cats and horses. At the same time, she entered MGIMO, and in 2013, together with her beloved brother and father, she starred in the film “Grandfather of My Dreams.”

As a child, the little girl parodied pop stars by dressing up as them, but now she wants to become a journalist or TV presenter. The girl is punctual, persistent and proactive; she regrets that she cannot spend enough time with her parents.

Leonid Yakubovich's ex-wife - Galina Antonova

He met Leonid Yakubovich’s ex-wife, Galina Antonova, when he was still a student at MISS, since the girl studied there. Galina not only studied well, but was also the star of the “Citizens” ensemble.

The future wife also found her Lenya on stage, as he shone on the student team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. The guys started an affair on Lake Issyk-Kul, the guy turned the girl’s head with his sparkling sense of humor and ability to write skits on any topic.

Leonid courted Galya beautifully, but did not give her poems, because the girl simply hated them. The guys got married in their fifth year at the institute, but the wedding took place among friends and relatives, and Khazanov was a witness. At the same time, Galina left maiden name so as not to change documents.

They lived in the apartment of Yakubovich’s parents, then moved to the Ivanovo region. There wasn’t enough money, so the couple constantly quarreled, while Galya was incredibly jealous, and fans of his work began to write to Leonid. The marriage ended in 1995 after the man met his current wife.

Galina worked in a construction company, then began leading tours of the famous VDNKh exhibition and reduced contacts with Leonid to a minimum.

Leonid Yakubovich's wife - Marina Yakubovich

Leonid Yakubovich’s wife, Marina Yakubovich, appeared in the TV presenter’s life in 1994; the girl was eighteen years younger than the TV presenter. At the same time, Marina was self-sufficient, since she worked at the VID studio in the advertising department.

Masha and Lenya did not meet outside of work, but everything was decided by the incident when they got on the same ship, which was sailing along the Mediterranean Sea. The man and woman realized that they had something to talk about and started love relationship, which continued in the city.

Leonid Arkadyevich hid his beloved for a long time, but the secret soon became clear, and in 1996 the couple got married. At the same time, Yakubovich and his wife currently live separately: Marina is in the countryside, and the TV presenter is in a Moscow apartment, but there is no talk of problems in the family.

Did Leonid Yakubovich really die?

Did Leonid Yakubovich really die? – a query that often appears in search engines Internet with enviable consistency, while the current date of death of the favorite of millions is even named and a day of farewell to him is set.

At the same time, the actor and TV presenter himself claims that he is alive and well, goes in for sports and races in car rallies. Yakubovich associates the news that his funeral is periodically scheduled with the fact that he had health problems back in 2016.

At this time, ill-wishers wrote in the press that Yakubovich was terminally ill and went to Germany for treatment. Then Leonid Arkadyevich denied the rumors. But he still suffers from the consequences, he just laughs that if he was buried so many times, then he will live forever.

Instagram and Wikipedia Leonid Yakubovich

Leonid Yakubovich’s Instagram and Wikipedia have been around for a long time. They have been officially confirmed. At the same time, from the Wikipedia article you can learn about childhood, family, the history of how parents met, spouses and children, creative and political activity, incidents and hobbies, as well as the filmography of Leonid Arkadyevich.

No less than 2,308 people have subscribed to his Instagram profile, whom he periodically pleases with new photos and video posts, but not as often as his daughter Varvara.

By the way, Leonid Arkadyevich claims that it is on his Instagram page that you can find the phone number of his concert director, who can organize his performance privately.