Problem these days autism began to rise in the media, in some families, autistic children have already grown up and entered adulthood. There is information on the network that Igor Krutoy's daughter, Sasha, is sick with autism, and in Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk” about such a disease in her daughter, the opera diva Anna Netrebko frankly told.

Autism is difficult to describe. Its manifestations are so many-sided that they are difficult to systematize. The causes of the disease have not yet been revealed by science and continue to be studied. Presumably, the disease is caused by a number of gene mutations. There is no single definition of the disease either.

Therefore, speaking of what is autism, in simple words, we can assume that this violation of the development of the human psyche. This disorder affects the mental and behavioral responses of patients in general.

How a personality with signs of this disease will be formed is an unpredictable process. Its manifestations can affect only one sphere of people's consciousness or affect absolutely all mental, communicative and behavioral functions.

Notable autistic people

History knows people with autism - famous personalities - who made their invaluable contribution to our science and culture.

This is a famous musician - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the writer - Jane Austen, the entrepreneur who created the Microsoft company - Bill Gates, mathematician - Maria Curie, painter - Vincent van gogh, physicist - Albert Einstein.

Autism symptoms in adults quite easily identifiable, even for non-specialists. At a young and mature age, the signs of the disease immediately catch the eye of others.

Such people are indifferent to generally accepted values ​​and social life, they talk little and are focused on some business or idea.

Their life “boils” inside their consciousness, they hardly concentrate their attention on external circumstances. In children it is much more difficult to notice the manifestations of autism.

Autism in children: signs, symptoms

For the first time his classification clinical manifestations of the disease in children were suggested by the English psychiatrists Lorna Wing and Dr. Judith Gould (1979).

They laid out their vision basic features childhood autism:

1. Low level of development of communication skills (impoverished speech, the desire to isolate themselves from the society of peers and adults);

2. Games with repetitive ritual (stereotyped) actions (movements);

3. Slow reactions to external stimuli.

For diagnostics signs of autism in children 2 years of age only criteria 2 and 3 are suitable, since it is very difficult to determine violations in speech development at this stage, it is just beginning.

Therefore, special attention is paid to such phenomena as:

striving for order when any change in the daily routine or habitual games causes nervous irritability, tearfulness and increased physical activity in children;

disorders of large and fine motor skills... Children with autism may have problems with movement (walking, the ability to hold toys and objects in their hands, they cannot master the primitive skills of drawing, modeling, application).

TO signs of autism in children 3 years old include various speech disorders ... The criteria for assessing them in comparison with the norm become available upon reaching this particular age. They are used by older children, adolescents and adults.


1.Expressiveness... Many patients have a large vocabulary and can express themselves well. Others speak in memorized phrases, answer questions with verbal patterns heard elsewhere. It may be that the patients do not speak at all.
2. Perception of someone else's speech... This function can be well developed or it can be difficult. Children may react to an appeal to them after a long time, they may need additional ways to convey it: drawings, gestures, or certain facial expressions.
3. Communication... Most patients have difficulty entering society and have narrow communication skills. But, some patients do not have such problems, they feel free among the masses, can communicate on different topics, are open and know how to give feedback. In this case, an autistic person is a person who gives the impression of a polyglot; attachment to one topic and avoidance of eye contact with interlocutors can betray him.

Some autistic patients may describe their feelings in detail, so spectrum of manifestations of the disease significantly expands:

1. Sphere of sensations... Patients complain of a heightened reaction to sounds, smells, touches, images.
2. Sphere of attention... Often, patients cannot concentrate on several stimuli, that is, it is impossible for them to simultaneously perceive image and sound, for example, when watching TV, they either look at visual images without paying attention to the sound, or only listen, ignoring the broadcast images. Along with this, their increased attention to detail can progress, they instantly notice the rearrangement of objects, changes in the facial expressions of loved ones.
3. Sphere of perception... An autistic child with signs of a violation of the analysis of information and images coming from the external environment sometimes cannot “tolerate” changes in plans. He is immediately lost, not knowing what to do. It is impossible for him to foresee future events and change his behavior in accordance with them.
4. Field of activity... Patients are attached to certain rituals or repetitive activities. Any failure in this behavior leads to increased anxiety.
5. Sphere of thinking... The intelligence of people with autism can be very high or reduced, up to mental retardation. They perceive abstract things with difficulty. For example, phrases: “Strong friendship” or “Eternal love”, “Poor people”, “Keep your mouth shut,” etc. cannot be perceived by them in their true semantic meaning. The consciousness of such patients can be completely occupied with one thought or idea, most of the time they devote to thinking or talking about it.Psychological diagnosis of the disorder

There are no clinical methods to confirm this disease. Used only observation and special questionnaires.

Such autism testin children how ATEC or CARS scale helps to clarify and confirm the diagnosis.
In the practice of psychiatry, the following are also used methodology: Aspie Quiz, RAADS-R scores for autism in all ages; the Toronto technique identifies impairments in the cognitive-affective sphere; TAS20 study reveals pathologies of verbal communication, deficiencies in sensory perception.

There are others test studies, which assess many different criteria for the disease in terms of their severity.

The assessment is carried out according to such parameters, how:

- the ability to make eye contact;
- fear of external stimuli;
- detachment from social life and loss of interest in the surrounding world;
- difficulties in communication and expression of emotions;
- the ability to imitate, learn;
- development of speech skills and self-control over behavior;
- desire and ability to communicate with others.

Autism test in children

With the help of a small test task can you conduct a study at home .

It will help identify the signs of the disease in autistic children, tell you how to recognize the early symptoms of this mental disorder.

This requires answer some questions :

1. Does your child know how to quickly concentrate attention and switch it from one subject to another, does he actively respond to interesting information?

2. Does he promptly respond to an appeal to him, does he fulfill your tasks?

3. Does your child have many different games? Does he easily master new activities?

4. Does your toddler love peers or new acquaintances?

5. Is your child moving well? Doesn't he have clumsiness? Does he easily master and use household items?

6. Does your child react normally to a change in the usual environment, does not throw tantrums and does not bang his head against the wall if he needs to leave the house?

If you answered all the questions affirmatively then signs of autism in your child No. If - negatively, that is occasion pass the thorough examinationfrom a child psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

We also suggest checking the following scheme:

Treatment for autism in children

The disease remains a poorly understood phenomenon, and even the question about therapy not relevant for some parents. They consider it a mistake to interfere with such unusual development of their own children and defend the position of accepting them as they are.

However, psychiatric practice has accumulated enough ways to decrease signs of autism and ways adaptations such people in society. The decision to correct this condition completely rests on the shoulders of the patient's loved ones.

A suspect autism in children and identify its signs only a qualified specialist can use the photo, but in any case, the doctor chooses the treatment tactics after a series of face-to-face consultations.

So, therapy this mental disorder consists in carrying out a number of therapeutic activities:

organizing behavioral therapy classes(group, individual at home, school, with positive support, with elements of teaching social skills or verbal responses);
ABA therapy for autistic people... Why begin its application is decided by a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist, after analyzing the condition of patients, individual or group trainings using this technique allow patients to master new ways of life in society for them;
communication with animals, including attending dolphin therapy classes;
organization of art therapy(treatment with music, dancing, painting and other methods), occupational therapy, relaxation therapy.

Medical treatment techniques include:

- use of diets (casein-free and gluten-free, ketogenic);
- taking sedatives, courses of Magnesia;
- vitamin therapy;
- acupuncture;
- massage.

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Igor Krutoy: Alexander's daughter has autism - recently, many reports began to appear on the Internet that the daughter of the famous composer suffers from a severe mental disorder, also known as infantile syndrome. Is it worth believing the assumptions on social media, where these rumors come from and what is really happening?

Igor Krutoy is a popular composer who has collaborated with many giants of the Russian stage. History knows many cases when children with disabilities and physical disabilities are born in the families of successful and wealthy people, famous musicians and actors. So, if you believe a lot of news on the Internet, it happened with the daughter of Cool.

The daughter of a Russian composer is only 14 years old today, and there are already a lot of gossip and rumors about her in online communities. Alexandra's parents have repeatedly said that they are raising their daughter and she is a real outlet for her family.

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As a rule, children of this age are active users of social networks and other Internet resources. However, the same cannot be said about the musician's daughter - it is impossible to find her on social networks, apparently, the young girl is not interested in this and spends little time with her smartphone.

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Social networks and blocks are overflowing with new information about the health status of Igor Krutoy's daughter, it is assumed that the girl has autism. As for the composer and his family, they have never made such statements, moreover, celebrities do not try to hide their child from cameras and cameras. There is a high probability that all the rumors are just fiction, since no grounds and evidence have been presented in this regard.

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Many users and visitors of news resources still cannot understand why such articles and blog posts began to appear? In the photographs, you can see that the girl at her age already looks pretty pretty, in addition, there is not the slightest sign of a mental disorder or any other deviation.

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Friends of Igor Krutoy's family admire the external data of his daughter, and it is possible that ordinary human envy could become the basis for rumors about Alexandra's autism - and this is far from uncommon these days. The composer is in no hurry to comment on the situation, but once he spoke a little about his daughter, noting that the girl is growing up by leaps and bounds. Therefore, the composer's family is doing well.

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People's Artist of Russia Igor Krutoy, raising his youngest daughter Alexandra, faced problems in the development of children.

Fans of the composer suspect that the fourteen-year-old daughter from her second marriage has autism. After all, the teenager has no friends at all, she is not registered on social networks and is always in the field of view of her relatives under constant care.

At one time, parents do not confirm this information, and moreover, they are outraged. They do not understand where the information about the girl's illness was taken from.

The daughter of Igor Krutoy Alexander is sick with autism: the sincerity and kindness of the composer's youngest daughter contribute to her father's special attitude towards her

The famous composer Igor Krutoy has three children. Son Nikolai and stepdaughter Victoria from their first marriage, which took place with Elena Krutoy. In the second marriage, the artist's beloved gave the star father a daughter, Alexander. Igor is madly in love with all his children, but nevertheless admits that they have a special bond with their youngest daughter. He sees in her a little angel and says that she is infinitely sincere, pure, kind and is not shy about her reverent feelings for her parents. Therefore, the composer composed poems and songs dedicated to the baby.

Sasha is brought up in the strictness of her parents, but she feels this care. The girl has been fond of drawing for a long time. I tried myself in a singing career, participating in youth competitions for performers.

The daughter of Igor Krutoy Alexander is sick with autism: the ambiguous interests of the youngest daughter of the People's Artist give rise to gossip and discussion on the forums

Today, on many forums, the illness of Igor's youngest daughter is being discussed. Fans of the composer noticed that the girl leads a too constrained lifestyle. She does not have a photo on the Internet, moreover, she is not a member of any of the social networks. Alexandra very rarely appears in public, although with the popularity of her father it is possible to do this quite often. Our daughter does not like to waste her time on gadgets - this is how parents comment on this situation.

All this is alarming, because in the courtyard of the XXI century and now it is simply impossible to find a teenager who is not fond of modern technologies. As you know, the desire to get away from contact with the outside world and immersion in oneself are the main signs of the disease. However, there is no official information about the girl's illness.

The daughter of Igor Krutoy Alexander is sick with autism: the grace and beauty of a teenager overshadows the existence of the disease

Alexandra's mom, on her birthday, posted a photo of her girl on Instagram. So, in the photo, Sasha looks like an absolutely healthy person. Moreover, she has quite beautiful facial features and a bright appearance, which will easily overshadow the appearance of her peers. The girl has always been an ordinary, unremarkable teenager, but by the age of 14 she became just a beauty.

Friends of the family of Igor Krutoy, as well as subscribers, seeing such an elegant girl, refuse to believe in her illness, which can lead to death. It is argued that jealousy is likely to spark the spread of sad rumors.