Alexander Sadokov is a well-known TV presenter, a popular sports commentator. Sadokov knows exactly what he is talking about - it is not for nothing that he is recognized as the "most sports sports commentator" on television.

Alexander Sadokov: biography. Childhood

Alexander was born in the city of Murmansk in 1984. Here he spent his childhood. He recalls life in the North with a smile, telling reporters how he had to wear two fur coats in order not to freeze. After Murmansk, the family with their little five-year-old son moved to Kherson, Ukraine. What motivated his parents at that moment is still a mystery to him. In Kherson, Alexander Sadokov went to school and graduated from 5 classes there. The next and so far the last city on the path of the Sadokov family was Moscow. Here the boy went to the 6th grade and connected his life with sports, enrolling in the boxing section.


In general, Alexander dreamed of playing football, especially since he already had experience - he played for the Dynamo Kherson children's club. The sixth grader literally became a boxer by chance. After moving to the capital, the parents decided to send their son to the football section and even went to look for a suitable one. However, it turned out that the recruitment has long been completed. Frustrated father and son saw an ad for the Wings of the Soviets team and decided to go there. Everything would be fine, only the section turned out to be not a football one, but a boxing one. We decided to try what would come of it, without pinning great hopes. But after the first difficult training session, he came to the second and all the following. And so on until the age of 15. Sadokov, however, never became a great boxer.


After finishing his boxing career, Alexander devoted himself to his studies. In the 10th grade, together with his friends, he went to the casting of the then popular intellectual game "Clever and Clever Men" and was among the three students selected for participation. During the competitive tests, he managed to reach the semifinals. Alexander still keeps the awards won in that difficult struggle.

Study at Moscow State University

Having successfully passed the entrance exams in the 11th grade, Alexander Sadokov begins to prepare for admission to a higher educational institution. Realizing that mathematics is not his strong point, he considers profiles that are not related to this science. His choice fell on MGIMO and Moscow State University. Having successfully passed the entrance examinations at the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University, the young man did not tempt fate further and began his studies at Moscow State University. However, very soon he regretted that he had chosen the philological faculty. The very first lectures on the Old Church Slavonic language were given to him with difficulty. And when Alexander began to play for the student football team and skip classes, things did not go well at all.

Sadokov Alexander - TV presenter

Very soon the young man realized that he was unlikely to become a philologist and teacher. His dreams were related to journalism. He received his first experience of such work on the radio as a presenter. At first, Alexander worked in the radio news service. Half a year later, a vacancy for a sports columnist appeared, and Sadokov was offered to take this place. His path as a radio host was not easy. He changed several radio channels before taking the spot as a sports commentator on television.

Family man

Handsome Sadokov is married and happily married. His wife is no less famous person - a participant in the "Battle of Psychics" Nicole Kuznetsova. There are a lot of rumors around the name of Sadokov's spouse. This beauty appeared at the casting of "Battle" and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Stunning beauty was combined in her with a mysterious manner of speaking in a whisper. Nicole told the viewers about the reasons later.

Nicole Kuznetsova - Sadokov's wife

Nicole's illness manifested itself in early childhood. The girl's biological parents were afraid to take on the responsibility of caring for a sick child and abandoned their daughter. Nicole was adopted by another family. It is their participant in the sensational project that she considers her real parents. With tears in her eyes, the girl recalls how much they had to endure - operations, long periods of recovery, hospitals ... All this does not end until now, and Nicole has to periodically go to the hospital for examination or another operation. Nicole is currently married to sports commentator Alexander Sadokov. Alexander Sadokov and Nicole Kuznetsova are raising two children (the girl gave birth to her first child from her civil husband,

Nicole Kuznetsova calls herself a white witch. The gift of clairvoyance woke up at the age of six. The girl's mother then said that this was compensation for her illness. For many years, Nicole helped people, until she finally decided to try her hand at the famous "Battle of Psychics". Participation in the filming of "Battle" was constantly interrupted by trips to the hospital. Nicole even underwent surgery during this time. However, she never complained or asked for any indulgences for herself. This strong and self-sufficient woman endured all the tests and ended up in the top three leaders of the project, finally taking the honorable third place after Victoria Raides and Marilyn Kero.

She said that it was getting harder and harder for her to speak. As you know, a clairvoyant from early childhood suffers from an incurable disease. After several operations, Nicole is forced to walk all the time with a breathing tube inserted into her throat. And now Kuznetsova's health condition has deteriorated so much that she cannot even speak in a whisper. Moreover, it became difficult for her to breathe, since due to constant operations, the girl's airways are completely covered with scars.

“People come to me with questions, and in order to help them, I have to speak. But every month I undergo operations under general anesthesia on my throat, there is no longer a living space on it, so it could not stand it. My airways are literally tightened with scars. No one in the world undertakes to help in such a situation. I can't even talk to my kids. They understand everything, do not ask questions, and I see tears in their eyes ... I am waiting for my doctor who will not leave me even during the vacation season, "Nicole Kuznetsova told the StarHit edition.

We will remind, at the beginning of May it became known that the finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" Nicole Kuznetsova was hospitalized. Nicole told fans about her health condition on her microblog on Instagram, posting a snapshot from the hospital ward. "225; (And in a month it will be necessary to go to 226 ... then 227 ..." - wrote Kuznetsova, accompanying the post with hashtags # operation, # hospital. Fans wished the clairvoyant a speedy recovery. In the comments under the photo, Internet users wrote: "God forbid you health and no longer know the word hospital. Strength to you and your loved ones "," Nicole, dear, get better soon. I am very worried about you. You are great! Good health to you, strong and quick recovery! I want to cry ... I love you very much. and I'm worried "," You are a hero !!! Hold on, please, you are dear to us! "(spelling and punctuation are given unchanged. - Approx. ed.).

Star of "Battle of Psychics" Nicole Kuznetsova can no longer speak

Even while participating in the show "Battle of Psychics", season 16, Nicole Kuznetsova told that she suffered two clinical deaths: the first time in infancy, and the second - at the age of six. Then, according to Nicole, she began to see the fate of people. And precisely because of the tracheostomy tube inserted into her throat, without which she could not survive, the girl speaks very quietly.

“During clinical death, a person, of course, perceives amazing things, but you need to understand that this is a painful fetus of a poisoned brain, which is threatened with death. Clinical death in itself cannot subsequently make a person a psychic. Like other tribulations, it is sent as a test or punishment. And when a person passes through them, he can be awarded a special gift from above. But this may not happen. In any case, the main thing is that a person should never have the idea that Heaven owes him something if he has suffered a lot. You need to be grateful to them for your life and the opportunity to help others in trouble, ”Kuznetsova said in an interview with the Vokrug TV correspondent. By the way, in February of this year, Nicole decided to undergo rhinoplasty. According to the psychic, surgery was vital.

New star of the last season of "Battle of Psychics" Nicole Kuznetsova, former wife the late famous authority of Glory Jap... Nicole Kuznetsova's fascinating biography is striking in its brightness.

Nicole Kuznetsova was first learned about in 1988 in the city of Moscow; since the late 2000s, she has also been known in certain circles as Agata Matveeva. Real parents are unknown to anyone, but Nicole-Agatha herself claims to be the daughter of one of the crime bosses. However, it is reliably known that she was the wife of Slava Yaponchik, a thief in law who died of peritonitis. Now you know who Jap's wife.

The girl considers herself a "white witch" and claims that in childhood she experienced clinical death, which later became a catalyst for the development of Nicole's psychic abilities. Nicole Kuznetsova says that when she was 15 years old, a mentor appeared in her who helped her develop her gift of clairvoyance.

Nicole Kuznetsova photo:

Nicole Kuznetsova and her biography are now of interest to many, because she became a real find for the 16th season of the TV program "The Battle of Psychics". There are many doubts as to whether Nicole was really the wife of Yaponchik, why she speaks in a whisper and constantly wears a scarf. All these gossips are easily refutable, because this bright girl does not hide how she met and lived with Yaponchik and that she raised the 4-year-old son of the deceased. Nicole Kuznetsova met Yaponchik when she was still a girl, because the thief in law was a frequent visitor to the house of the girl's father, who, she claims, was also a crime boss. Subsequently, Yaponchik became her future first husband.

Nicole's personal life is shrouded in secrets, like the girl herself. Now many believe that the current Nicole Kuznetsova- this is the presenter Alexander Sadokov, who covers sports news on Channel One. There are many photos that confirm their connection, the press claims that it was in the second marriage that Nicole had a second son, Stepan, younger than Yegor.

The clairvoyant also refutes gossip about why she speaks in a whisper. After all, there are reliable facts about the many operations underwent, after which the doctors were forced to install a tracheotomy tube in the girl's throat with which she breathes. Unfortunately, because of this device in the trachea, the girl can only speak in a whisper. For the same reason, she constantly wears a variety of scarves and shawls around her neck. And for those who claim that all these are just a PR move, she silently shows her neck, which dispels all doubts.

She is such a widow of the famous Yaponchik, Nicole Kuznetsova, she is Agata Matveyeva, she is Nika Kuznetsova, she is Nina Matveeva. A bright personality, a charming girl, an amazing psychic and a mother of two wonderful boys.

Biography and photos from Nicole Kuznetsova, taken from her personal page in VK.

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After the 16 "Battle of Psychics" ended, its participants began to go about their usual business. But the three finalists still do not leave the heads of the devoted participants. All of them have found their own armies of fans who are interested in their lives and use the services of psychics, making an appointment with them.

Nicole Kuznetsova is a vivid confirmation of this. We have already written the biography of Nicole Kuznetsova, about Nicole Kuznetsova and Yaponchik. Now we will dwell only on the new facts of her life.

Nicole Kuznetsova's predictions for 2016

Nicole Kuznetsova is a white clairvoyant, so she was asked to give for the Russians. The girl agreed, briefly outlining the situation in the political and economic world of the Russian Federation, which she sees at the moment. In addition, she gave an astrological forecast for the year for families and told what to fear in 2016 in Russia.

Economic predictions of Nicole Kuznetsova for 2016

Nicole Kuznetsova's second husband - who is he

For Nicole, it is quite difficult to talk about economics, because it primarily helps people build personal relationships, not business.

Therefore, her main advice for 2016 is not what currency to keep savings in, but what to do in order not to feel unhappy this year.

To feel at your best this year, it is best to invest in the Russian ruble. This will help the economy, make it possible to take steps towards getting out of the crisis situation. Kuznetsova made a forecast for ministers and people who influence currency issues - she sees all their steps as successful, saving Russians from a lot of troubles.

Separately, she says that many people who have foreign currency deposits will face troubles and disappointments this year, so it is worth investing this year in their development more than in financial investments.

It is important this year to get professions associated with work, which have long been forgotten by glamorous management. Society will need doctors, agronomists, veterinarians - and young people did not prepare for this. An infusion of fresh blood is urgently needed in these areas to increase harvest and domestic supplies of meat, milk and vegetables and fruits.

This year, employees will be firing and hiring new ones in order to save money, so it is better to stick to the old place this year if it does not drag you down, if you have not outgrown it. To get promoted, you need to rely only on long and hard work, so as not to be left on the sidelines of life without work at all.

Nicole Kuznetsova's predictions for the whole world for 2016

Nicole noted that one should no longer be afraid of air travel - she does not see a single Russian plane that would have crashed in 2016. She also notes that people need to turn with prayers to the Lord so that he would hear them and save them from falling.

About tourism in 2016, Nicole says that you should forget about vacation abroad for a while. It is not worth visiting either Egypt or Turkey this year. Nicole talks about some incidents related to sea water, cataclysms, which will make even a vacation in domestic resorts impossible for a while.

Holidays in resorts in Greece and Italy will increase in popularity. Also, the number of vacationers will go to Spain and Cyprus, but still, the rest will not leave the best impressions - it is not too calm in Europe either, so it is better to sit in your own country than to get caught up in an international showdown. And Nicole Kuznetsova, the wife of the crime boss Yaponchik, knows what she is talking about when she advises to sit out the showdown. In a similar situation, 4 years ago, she lost her husband, who left behind a seed in her womb, and after death a son was born - a 4-year-old boy.

Therefore, it would be ideal this year to go to a lake or river - this vacation will be safe in 2016.

Important events of 2016

Like other psychics making a forecast for 2016, Nicole Kuznetsova notes that the energy sector is extremely hectic. She fears that there will be some kind of worldwide revelations, the masks will be torn off, and some people will begin to displace others from their homes. How to protect yourself from troubles in 2016? The best thing to do this year is to try to get rid of the fear. Terrorist groups are trying to sow terror around the world, but you need to resist the general mood while protecting your family. If you want to be sure of your peace of mind, make a charm for good luck or contact the psychics of your city, make an appointment and ask them for peace of mind this year. They will create a protective aura for you.

It is important that protective intelligence agencies unite internationally, says Nicole Kuznetsova. Only then will they be able to defeat terrorism by eradicating this evil slice of the Earth. Even the killing of these beasts, who execute innocent children, will not be a sin, but will be the cleansing of the world from evil.

Nicole Kuznetsova's illness

Many fans wonder why Nicole Kuznetsova speaks in a whisper. The answer to this question takes us back in time when Nicole was born. She had many diseases that her parents were simply afraid of and abandoned the girl.

She was brought up by her adoptive parents, who constantly treated her. The girl suffered two clinical deaths, and then she was able to learn the gift of clairvoyance, having learned something at the time of death.

the scar from Nicole's pipe does not hesitate to show - this pipe gives her the ability to breathe and live.

A year ago, she had to insert a tracheostomy tube into her throat so that she could breathe. This operation allows you to implant a tube, which must be cleaned once a year with the help of the operation.

Nicole usually hides the scar and the tube behind a scarf so as not to shock those around her, but she herself is not ashamed of the disease - she had too hard life to worry about the mechanism that gives her life.

Nicole Kuznetsova, because of the trachestomy tube, can only speak in a whisper, although this was her voice at least four years ago. It is possible that this is not the first time she has been doing throat surgery - she hides her diagnosis from others, not allowing her to delve too deeply into her personal life.

In 2016, Nicole is not going to take decisive action. She will live as before, trying to improve the life of those around her and those who apply to her for reception. Her intervention can make life better, so you should not refuse to help Nicole Kuznetsova in her affairs.

Nicole Matveeva or Kuznetsova - this is the name of the clairvoyant, who has already surprised viewers of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics with her talents. Nicole's biography contains many intricacies and ambiguities. Let's try to understand them and separate the truth from fiction.

Nicole is married, she is 27 years old, her middle name is Agatha. Because of this, confusion often arises, and those who are not familiar with "The Battle" and with Nicole may think that these are two different people. Meanwhile, Agatha is a creative, working pseudonym for a clairvoyant, a name that she gave to herself. She does not hide this, as well as her first name - Nick. Nicole got the double surname because of her current marriage.

Nicole's marital status is also not unambiguous. Her current marriage does not cause mistrust, but the fact that she is the widow of the crime boss Yaponchik continues to be questioned. In episode 1 of the 16th season of the show, Nicole recognized herself as his wife in the past, and also added that she has their son together. Whether it is true or not, one cannot say for sure.

There are skeptics who argue that Nicole's parents are associated with law enforcement agencies, and not in any way with the criminal world, so she could not be a mistress, and even more so the wife of Yaponchik. They also indicate a discrepancy in dates and ages. In this matter, Nicole's fans will have to take her word for it. For some time, there were even rumors on the network that Nicole was in fact a man who had survived a gender reassignment, but this information has no confirmation.

The pipe in the clairvoyant's throat is certainly real. If biographical data can still be silent or exaggerated for the purpose of PR, then the authenticity of this medical device is beyond doubt. A tracheosome - this is the name of this device - is placed for a long time only in severe cases, for example, with cancer of the larynx. With a tracheosoma, the patient gains a chance to survive and lead a normal life. With this pipe, Nicole personifies, perhaps, one of the main paradoxes in white magic: helping others, these people are not always able to save themselves.

Nicole admits that she survived two clinical deaths. Perhaps that is why Providence endowed her with the gift. In the 1st issue of "The Battle of Psychics" she passed all three tests, she was easily given a "trunk" that Marilyn Kerro could not deal with, and a screen test, during which she was able to see through the obstacle both the human trainer and his ward - a deadly cobra from the asp family.

How the "Battle" will unfold further, time and TNT will show. Wait with us for the next series, do not lose sight of other project participants, cheer for Nicole Kuznetsova and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.09.2015 17:01

The next, 3rd edition of the 16th season of the "Battle of Psychics" met the audience with tragic stories, difficult trials and the first ...