Soviet/Russian anti-ship missile system (ASM). It is a development of the P-500 “Basalt” system

History of creation

The P-1000 Vulcan missile was created as a subsequent development of the successful anti-ship missile P-500 “Basalt”, in turn, is a development of the old P-35 missile. The goal of the designers was to create a longer-range missile, while maintaining the same dimensions and weight and the ability to use existing launch complexes and infrastructure for the P-500 without major modernization. A government decree of May 15, 1979 gave rise to the development of a new P-1000 Vulcan anti-ship missile system.

The first test launch from a ground stand as part of flight development tests took place at the Nenoksa test site in July 1982.

The creation of the control system and a number of other equipment was completed in 1985.


In the main design elements, the P-1000 missile repeats the previous P-500 “Basalt”. It is cigar-shaped with a delta folding wing and an engine air intake under the fuselage. The main differences between the P-1000 and its predecessor are related to the reduction in the mass of the rocket structure in order to increase the fuel supply.

The body of the P-1000 was made using titanium alloys, which made it possible to reduce the weight of the structure without reducing its strength. The propulsion system is the same as that of the P-500; This is a short-life turbojet engine KR-17V. New starting accelerator increased power, with a deflectable thrust vector, allows you to optimize the rocket trajectory at launch and ensure takeoff with a large launch weight. The mass of the high-explosive fragmentation warhead was reduced to 500 kilograms. All these measures made it possible to increase the fuel supply without changing the dimensions of the rocket, and to increase its range to 700-1000 km.

The P-1000 "Vulcan" missile uses a combined flight pattern similar to the P-500 "Basalt". Most the rocket overcomes the trajectory by high altitude, and near the target it decreases, and the remaining distance passes at an ultra-low altitude (about 15-20 meters), hiding from detection by radars over the horizon. Due to the larger fuel reserve on the P-1000, the duration of its low-altitude phase can be increased, which makes the missile less vulnerable to long-range enemy air defense systems.

The missile seeker uses algorithms for identifying and distributing targets, created based on work on the P-700 Granit. The rocket can identify individual ships, analyze their position in the order and select the most valuable ones. Like the P-700, P-1000 missiles exchange data during an attack and form a common strategy of action, distributing targets and performing simultaneous approaches from different directions.


Length: 11.7 m
-Diameter: 0.88m
-Wingspan: 2.6 m
-Starting weight: 7000-8000 kg
-Mach speed (km/h):
-at altitude: 2.5 (3077)
-at the surface: 2 (2460)
-Maximum firing range: up to 1000 km
-Control system: inertial + radar
-War unit:
- high-explosive cumulative: 500 kg (explosive mass)
-nuclear: 350 kt

(missiles): 3M70) - Soviet/Russian anti-ship missile system (ASM). Is a development of the system P-500 Basalt

History of creation

The P-1000 Vulcan missile was developed as a development of the successful P-500 Basalt anti-ship missile, which in turn was a development of the old P-35 missile. The goal of the designers was to create a longer-range missile, while maintaining the same dimensions and weight and the ability to use existing launch complexes and infrastructure for the P-500 without major modernization. A government decree of May 15, 1979 marked the beginning of the development of a new P-1000 Vulcan anti-ship missile system.

The first test launch from a ground stand as part of flight design tests was carried out at the Nenoksa test site in July 1982.

The development of the control system and a number of other equipment was completed in 1985.

The complex was put into service on December 18, 1987.


In the main design elements, the P-1000 missile repeats the previous P-500 “Basalt”. It is cigar-shaped with a delta folding wing and an engine air intake under the fuselage. The main differences between the P-1000 and its predecessor are related to the reduction in the mass of the rocket structure in order to increase the fuel supply.

The body of the P-1000 was made using titanium alloys, which made it possible to reduce the weight of the structure without reducing its strength. The propulsion system is identical to the P-500 (short-life turbojet engine KR-17V). A new launch booster of increased power, with a deflectable thrust vector, allows you to optimize the rocket trajectory at launch and ensure take-off with a large launch weight. The mass of the high-explosive fragmentation warhead was reduced to 500 kilograms. Reservations have been reduced. All these measures made it possible to increase the fuel supply without changing the dimensions of the rocket, and to increase its range to 700-1000 km.

The P-1000 "Vulcan" missile uses a combined flight pattern similar to the P-500 "Basalt". The missile travels most of its trajectory at a high altitude, and near the target it descends and the remaining distance travels at an ultra-low altitude (about 15-20 meters), hiding from detection by radars over the horizon. Due to the larger fuel reserve on the P-1000, the duration of its low-altitude section can be increased, which makes the missile less vulnerable to long-range enemy air defense systems.

The missile seeker uses target identification and distribution algorithms created based on work on the P-700 Granit. The rocket can identify individual ships, analyze their position in the order and select the most valuable ones. Target selection is probably either automatic or based on remote control (by the ship operator based on data Missile radar) or combined. Like the P-700, P-1000 missiles exchange data during an attack and form a common strategy of action, distributing targets and performing simultaneous approaches from different directions.

In order to overcome missile defense and air defense, the missile is provided with anti-aircraft maneuvering at low altitude and the dispersal of missiles in a salvo along the front (with preliminary collection of missiles into a group) before turning on the radar at the final stage. The missile has a staging station installed active interference protection system 4B-89 “Bumblebee”, developed starting from the year in the laboratory of department No. 25 of the Central Research Institute “Granit” under the leadership of R. T. Tkachev and Yu. A. Romanov.

A resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers in October 1987 ordered work to improve the accuracy of the Vulcan missiles with the development of a high-precision laser guidance channel and the creation of the Vulcan LK missile. The laser channel equipment (beam diameter - about 10 m, recognition range - 12-15 km) was placed in the air intake diffuser and recognized the geometric parameters of the target ship, generating commands to correct the trajectory to hit the most vulnerable spots. The system was tested in Sevastopol on passing ships from the Il-18 flying laboratory. The launches of serial missiles equipped with a laser channel seeker were planned to be carried out in - years. But, probably, in -1989 the development of the “Vulcan LC” theme was stopped.

Anti-ship cruise missile

P-1000 "Vulcan" / 3M70 developed by NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov) according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 17, 1979. The missile system is a further development of the P-500 complex with the preservation of launch equipment and a noticeable increase in range due to the use of a new launch engine, increasing the volume of fuel for the sustainer stage, reduction in booking weight and other improvements.

The first test launch of the P-1000 missile from the SM-49 ground stand in Nenoksa was carried out on December 3, 1982. Tests from a Project 675MKV submarine began on December 22, 1983. Joint tests of the P-1000 complex and the Project 675MKV submarine began in 1985. As a result of flight design and joint tests, 18 missile launches were carried out, of which 11 launches were considered successful. In December 1985, an Act on the completion of joint tests was signed with a recommendation for the adoption of the P-1000 Vulcan complex.

The Vulcan complex was put into service on December 18, 1987. The P-1000 missile was produced from 1985 to 1992.

The P-1000 Vulcan missiles were adopted by Project 675MKV submarines (MKVulkan) and Project 1164 missile cruisers.

Rocket 3M70 of the P-1000 "Vulcan" complex
(photo by Dmitry Stogniy,

The Western name of the missile is SS-N-12 mod.2 SANDBOX.

Carriers missile complex P-1000 "Vulcan" in the Russian Navy

  • Atomic submarines With cruise missiles(SSGN) of the 675MKV project - the re-equipment of 5 SSGNs of the project (K-1, K-22, K-34, K-35 and K-10) under the 675MKV project was carried out by the Zvezdochka shipyard. The re-equipment of the K-1 SSGN began on December 15, 1981 and was completed in 1983. The modernization of the K-10 SSGN has not been completed; a total of 4 SSGNs have been converted. Launchers of the P-500 complex were replaced with SSGNs launch complex"Vulcan" (8 pieces per submarine). Launchers with surface launch. For target designation based on satellite data, the Kasatka system was used. SSGNs were withdrawn from the Navy from July 1992 to July 1994 (all 4 units).
  • Missile cruisers of Project 1164: the missile cruiser "Varyag" (entered service on October 16, 1989 under the name "Chervona Ukraine") was initially armed with the P-1000 complex. It is also likely that by 2006 the missile cruiser Moskva will be re-equipped with this missile system. It was also planned to install the complex on the unfinished missile cruiser "Ukraine" (formerly "Admiral Lobov", located at the Shipyard in Nikolaev). Project 1164 ships are equipped with 16 non-rechargeable launchers.

Rocket design

The design of the rocket continues the line of rockets developed by NPO Mashinostroyenia, which originate from the P-5 rocket and is close to the previous modification - the P-500 Basalt rocket.

The rocket is equipped with two versions of the launch-boost stage - a new large one with increased power and operating time, or the old one from the P-500 complex rocket.

- launch-acceleration stage - solid propellant rocket engine with controlled nozzles, more powerful than that of P-500 missiles;
- sustainer - short-life turbojet engine KR-17V, similar to the rocket engine of the P-500 complex. Developed by OKB-300 GKAT.

Performance characteristics of the P-1000 "Vulcan" missile

Length- 11.7 m Case diameter- 0.88 m Wingspan– 2.6 m Starting weight- 9300 kg Weight without starting motor- 5070 kg Range- 550-700 km (depending on the flight profile, some sources indicate a range of 1000 km) Flight speed:- 2 M (at low altitude) - 2.5 M (at high altitude) Flight altitude- 15-20 m (minimum)

Model of the 3M70 rocket of the Vulcan complex with an increased SRS, MAKS-2009 air show(

Combat equipment

The missile can carry two types of warheads: - high-explosive-cumulative - according to calculations, to destroy an aircraft carrier it is required to be hit by 3 missiles with such warheads; - nuclear power 350 kt.

Launch of the P-1000 "Vulcan" missile from missile cruiser"Varyag" project 1164

Control system and guidance

The control system is inertial with correction based on data from the radar homing head (GOS). Developer - Central Research Institute "Granit", chief designer control systems A.V. Chizhov. Target selection is probably automatic. The rocket uses an A21 autopilot with a B9 on-board computer made on a new element base, which, coupled with a new launch engine, made it possible to increase the range. The noise immunity of the seeker radar has been significantly improved by improving the on-board computer.


P-1000 "Vulcan" / 3M70- basic version of the missile system and rocket.

"New Defense Order. Strategies"

According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers Soviet Union from 17.

05.1979, the Research and Production Association "Machine Building" begins the development of the PKRK, which is a further development of the P-500 complex. New complex retained the launch equipment from the previous complex, and received a greater range of destruction thanks to the use of an improved starting engine in the rocket, adding fuel to the sustainer stage, reducing the armor protection of the hull and a number of other improvements.

Testing of the new complex began on December 3, 1982 at 10.55 Moscow time at a test site near the village of Nenoksa in the Arkhangelsk region. The first launch of the rocket was unsuccessful; the launch unit did not separate from the rocket after testing, as a result of which the rocket began to fall apart in flight and fell after 8 seconds after launch. The next launch, carried out on April 9, 1983, also turns out to be unsuccessful; the rocket falls 9 seconds into the flight. As the investigation into the unsuccessful launches progressed, it was determined that the cause of the problems in the rocket lay in the control system. Therefore, by the third launch, which took place in June 1983, the control system was being finalized, and the rocket successfully operated along the entire flight path.

The main tests of the Vulcan anti-ship missile system begin on December 22, 1983 on board the Project 675 SSGN upgraded to Project 675MKV. The modernization consisted of obtaining a new P-1000 anti-ship missile system. In total, the 4th SSGN of Project 675 underwent this modernization. Joint testing of the modernized SSGN and the newly installed P-1000 complexes began in 1985. A salvo of two missiles was fired, which successfully destroyed the designated target, and this despite the fact that there was a malfunction in the pressure support system in the instrumentation compartment and an error when launching the operator’s missile. The next launch within the framework of the joint testing program was carried out on November 8, 1985 - a salvo of three missiles was fired, which, in general, was considered successful - two missiles successfully destroyed the designated target, the third missile had a radar sighting failure in flight. In total, 18 missile test launches were carried out and 11 of them were considered successful.

By the end of 1985, improvements to the control system and control system were completed, upon completion of which a Joint Test Completion Certificate was signed, in which it is recommended to adopt the Vulcan anti-ship missile system into service with the Navy, taking into account control tests carried out in 1986. 8 missiles were allocated for testing - a salvo launch of 4 missiles and a single launch of the rest as part of various test programs:
- the launch of the 1st rocket was carried out on May 24, 2012, as part of the test program for the missile control system of the Basalt complex. The launch was considered successful;
- the launch of the 2nd rocket was carried out on June 18, 1986, as part of a noise immunity test. The launch was considered successful;
- the launch of the 3rd rocket was carried out on June 19, 1986, as part of a noise immunity test. The launch was considered successful;
- a salvo launch of 4 missiles took place on July 4, 1986, the salvo was considered successful. Three of the four missiles were equipped with telemetry, since the ground equipment at the test site could not receive data from four missiles at once. The fourth missile, without telemetry, for an unknown reason, strayed from its flight path and did not hit the target.

The Vulcan anti-ship missile system was put into service on 12/18/1987. The production of missiles for the complex was carried out by the Orenburg association "Strela" from 1985 to 1992. The complex could be supplied in three versions - ground (shore) with a launcher of the SM-49 type (used during the first tests in 1982), surface with a launcher of the SM-248 type (analogous to the Basalt complex), underwater (surface launch) with a launcher, type PKRK "Basalt".

Anti-ship missile 3M-70
Titanium alloys were used in the design of the anti-ship missiles, thereby reducing the armor protection of the hull. The complex's missile used an inertial control system, with the ability to make adjustments from a radar homing head developed at the Granit Central Research Institute. The developer of the control system is designer A. Chizhov, the on-board RTA designer is B. Godlinik. The autopilot was developed by designer A. Kuchin, and the digital computer was designed by V. Nikoltsev. Target selection by the missile was carried out either automatically, or using telemetry, or with the possibility of combining modes. The autopilot and digital computer (A21 and B9) were assembled on the latest element base at that time, and were seriously different from similar solutions of the Basalt complex. The designers were able to improve the noise immunity characteristics of the radar homing head by creating an improved on-board computer. System hardware automated control and KPA were built anew for the Vulcan complex and were very different from the similar equipment of the Basalt complex. The 3M-70 anti-ship missile system can operate as a missile of the "Basalt" complex when equipped with a solid fuel accelerator from 4K-80 (P-500 Basalt).

When aiming the missile, an algorithm was used to select the main target in a group of ships. At launch, the missile received the coordinates of the target and passed the main part of the trajectory with the radar sight turned off. At the final section of the trajectory, the missile descended towards the target, and the sighting device was automatically turned on, with the help of which the coordinates were clarified and the target was captured. At the same time, the on-board equipment analyzed the size of the targets and their position relative to the given coordinates of the target. This algorithm ensured that the missile could capture the largest target in a group of ships.

To overcome missile defense and air defense enemy, the missile was provided with anti-aircraft maneuvering algorithms at low altitudes. During a salvo launch of missiles, when threatened, they dispersed along the front and reassembled into a group at the final section of the trajectory (before the sight was turned on). For electronic warfare An active jamming station 4B-89 “Shmel” was installed in the rocket; it was developed by department No. 25 of the Granit Institute, by designers R. Tkachev and Yu. Romanov. The instrument compartment is completely sealed and is equipped with a special system to maintain the required pressure inside the compartment.

At the end of 1987, according to a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, work began on the creation of Vulcan LK missiles using a high-precision laser guidance channel. This should have led to increased accuracy of missile hits. On-board equipment for new rocket developed under the leadership of chief designer V. Senkov. The laser guidance channel was created at the Granit Central Research Institute, project manager S. Sharov. The laser guidance system could recognize surface ships by geometric parameters, after which it issued correction commands along the flight path to hit surface ships in the most vulnerable spot. The first tests of the newest system took place in the hero city of Sevastopol, the system was tested on passing surface ships and from the flying laboratory of the Il-18 aircraft.

Test launches of missiles with a laser channel homing head, as part of the development of the Vulcan LK missiles, were supposed to take place approximately in 1989. The onboard equipment of the laser guidance channel was located in the air intake channel. The prototype rocket successfully passed ground bench tests. The launches were to take place at the same test site near the village of Nenoksa. It was planned to carry out from 5 to 9 launches. However, the development of a new rocket and new system laser guidance was discontinued approximately in 1988-89. The known data of the new guidance system is that the beam had an approximate diameter of 10 meters, the detection and recognition range was approximately 15 kilometers.

Nuclear missile testing
In the course of work on the creation of missiles for the Vulcan anti-ship missile system, a research work called “Radiation” was carried out, the tasks of which included analyzing the impact and influence of the damaging factors of nuclear weapons on missiles traveling to the target. For this analysis, an explosion was carried out in a special adit on Novaya Zemlya. nuclear charge. The analysis revealed that most elements of on-board equipment were damaged by neutron radiation at a distance of 500 meters from the epicenter of the explosion, while some parts received irreversible damage. As a result of the analysis, some parts of the on-board equipment were replaced with ones more resistant to damaging factors I'M IN.

Main characteristics:
- length 11.7 meters;
- diameter – 0.9 meters;
- wing – 2.6 meters;
- weight with/without starting engine – 9.3/5 tons;
- destruction range up to 700 kilometers;
- flight speed min/max altitude – Mach 2/2.5;
- minimum height flight - 15 meters;
- solid fuel accelerator operating time – 12 seconds;
- main engine – TRD KR-17V;
- warheads used: combined warhead (cumulative and high-explosive), weighing 500 kilograms, penetrates armor up to 400 mm. It takes three missile hits to destroy one aircraft carrier; nuclear warhead, power 350 kt.

Known carriers:
- four SSGNs of project 675MKV. 8 missiles per SSGN. All submarines were decommissioned by 1994;

Three RKR project 1164 “Anlant”. 16 missiles in 8 twin launchers per missile cruiser;
- GRKR "Varyag" (Chervona Ukraine) went into operation on November 16, 1989 with the Vulcan complex on board;

GRKR "Moscow" during modernization receives the GRKR "Vulcan" instead of the "Basalt" complex;

RK "Ukraine" (Admiral Lobov) has on board the launcher of the "Vulcan" complex. On this moment it is “part of” the Ukrainian Navy. During the existence of the state of Ukraine, it was never completed. The cruiser's crew was formed and disbanded three times. Located on the pier of the Nikolaev shipyard. Costs Ukraine $1 million in “downtime” annually. IN Lately Talk about a possible sale to the Russian Federation intensified.

Information sources.

According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union dated May 17, 1979, the Research and Production Association of Mechanical Engineering begins the development of the PKRK, which is a further development of the P-500 complex. The new complex retained the launch equipment from the previous complex and received a greater range of destruction thanks to the use of an improved launch engine in the rocket, the addition of fuel to the sustainer stage, reduced armor protection of the hull and a number of other improvements.

Testing of the new complex began on December 3, 1982 at 10.55 Moscow time at a test site near the village of Nenoksa Arkhangelsk region. The first launch of the rocket was unsuccessful: the launch unit did not separate from the rocket after testing, as a result of which the rocket began to fall apart in flight and fell after 8 seconds after launch. The next launch, carried out on April 9, 1983, also turns out to be unsuccessful; the rocket falls 9 seconds into the flight. As the investigation into the unsuccessful launches progressed, it was determined that the cause of the problems in the rocket lay in the control system. Therefore, by the third launch, which took place in June 1983, the control system was being finalized, and the rocket successfully operated along the entire flight path.

The main tests of the Vulcan anti-ship missile system begin on December 22, 1983 on board the Project 675 SSGN upgraded to Project 675MKV. The modernization consisted of obtaining a new P-1000 anti-ship missile system. In total, four Project 675 SSGNs underwent this modernization. Joint testing of the modernized SSGNs and the newly installed P-1000 complexes began in 1985. A salvo of two missiles was fired, which successfully destroyed the designated target, and this despite the fact that there was a malfunction in the pressure support system in the instrumentation compartment and an error in the launch of the operator's missile. The next launch within the framework of the joint testing program was carried out on November 8, 1985 - a salvo of three missiles was fired, which, in general, was considered successful - two missiles successfully destroyed the designated target, the third missile had a radar sighting failure in flight. In total, 18 missile test launches were carried out and 11 of them were considered successful.

By the end of 1985, improvements to the control system and control system were completed, upon completion of which a Joint Test Completion Certificate was signed, in which it is recommended to adopt the Vulcan anti-ship missile system into service with the Navy, taking into account control tests carried out in 1986. 8 missiles were allocated for testing - a salvo launch of 4 missiles and a single launch of the rest as part of various test programs:

The launch of the first missile was carried out on May 24, 2012, as part of the test program for the missile control system of the Basalt complex. The launch was considered successful;

The launch of the 2nd rocket was carried out on June 18, 1986, as part of a noise immunity test. The launch was considered successful;

The launch of the 3rd rocket was carried out on June 19, 1986, as part of a noise immunity test. The launch was considered successful;

The salvo launch of 4 missiles took place on July 4, 1986, the salvo was considered successful. Three of the four missiles were equipped with telemetry, since the ground equipment at the test site could not receive data from four missiles at once. The fourth missile, without telemetry, for an unknown reason strayed from its flight path and did not hit the target.

The Vulcan anti-ship missile system was put into service on 12/18/1987. The production of missiles for the complex was carried out by the Orenburg association "Strela" from 1985 to 1992. The complex could be supplied in three versions - ground (shore) with a launcher of the SM-49 type (used during the first tests in 1982), surface with a launcher of the SM-248 type (analogous to the Basalt complex), underwater (surface launch) with a launcher, type PKRK "Basalt".

Anti-ship missile 3M-70

Titanium alloys were used in the design of the anti-ship missiles, thereby reducing the armor protection of the hull. The complex's missile used an inertial control system with the ability to make adjustments from a radar homing head developed at the Granit Central Research Institute. The developer of the control system is designer A. Chizhov, the on-board RTA designer is B. Godlinik. The autopilot was developed by designer A. Kuchin, and the digital computer was designed by V. Nikoltsev. Target selection by the missile was carried out either automatically, or using telemetry, or with the possibility of combining modes. The autopilot and digital computer (A21 and B9) were assembled on the latest element base at that time, and were seriously different from similar solutions of the Basalt complex. The designers were able to improve the noise immunity characteristics of the radar homing head by creating an improved on-board computer. The equipment of the automated control system and the control unit were built anew for the Vulcan complex and were very different from the similar equipment of the Basalt complex. The 3M-70 anti-ship missile system can operate as a missile of the "Basalt" complex when equipped with a solid fuel accelerator from 4K-80 (P-500 Basalt).

When aiming the missile, an algorithm was used to select the main target in a group of ships. At launch, the missile received the coordinates of the target and passed the main part of the trajectory with the radar sight turned off. At the final section of the trajectory, the missile descended towards the target, and the sighting device was automatically turned on, with the help of which the coordinates were clarified and the target was captured. At the same time, the on-board equipment analyzed the size of the targets and their position relative to the given coordinates of the target. This algorithm ensured that the missile could capture the largest target in a group of ships.

To overcome the enemy's anti-missile and air defense, the missile was equipped with anti-aircraft maneuvering algorithms at low altitudes. During a salvo launch of missiles, when threatened, they dispersed along the front and reassembled into a group at the final section of the trajectory (before the sight was turned on). For electronic warfare, an active jamming station 4B-89 “Bumblebee” was installed in the missile; it was developed by department No. 25 of the Granit Institute, by designers R. Tkachev and Yu. Romanov. The instrument compartment is completely sealed and is equipped with a special system to maintain the required pressure inside the compartment.

At the end of 1987, according to a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, work began on the creation of Vulcan LK missiles using a high-precision laser guidance channel. This should have led to increased accuracy of missile hits. The onboard equipment for the new rocket was developed under the leadership of chief designer V. Senkov. The laser guidance channel was created at the Granit Central Research Institute, project manager S. Sharov. The laser guidance system could recognize surface ships by geometric parameters, after which it issued correction commands along the flight path to hit surface ships in the most vulnerable place. The first tests of the newest system took place in the hero city of Sevastopol, the system was tested on passing surface ships and from the flying laboratory of the Il-18 aircraft.

Test launches of missiles with a laser channel homing head, as part of the development of the Vulcan LK missiles, were supposed to take place approximately in 1989. The onboard equipment of the laser guidance channel was located in the air intake channel. The prototype rocket successfully passed ground bench tests. The launches were to take place at the same test site near the village of Nenoksa. It was planned to carry out from 5 to 9 launches. However, the development of a new missile and a new laser guidance system was stopped approximately in 1988-89. The known data of the new guidance system is that the beam had an approximate diameter of 10 meters, the detection and recognition range was approximately 15 kilometers.

Nuclear missile testing

During the work on creating missiles for the Vulcan anti-aircraft missile system, a research work called “Radiation” was carried out, the tasks of which included analyzing the impact of nuclear weapons on missiles heading towards the target. For this analysis, a nuclear charge was detonated in a special tunnel on Novaya Zemlya. The analysis revealed that most elements of on-board equipment were damaged by neutron radiation at a distance of 500 meters from the epicenter of the explosion, while some parts received irreversible damage. As a result of the analysis, some parts of the on-board equipment were replaced with ones more resistant to the damaging factors of nuclear weapons.

Main characteristics:

Length 11.7 meters;

Diameter – 0.9 meters;

Wing – 2.6 meters;

Weight with/without starting engine – 9.3/5 tons;

Damage range up to 700 kilometers;

Flight speed min/max altitude – Mach 2/2.5;

Minimum flight altitude – 15 meters;

The operating time of the solid fuel accelerator is 12 seconds;

Main engine – TRD KR-17V;

Warheads used: combined warhead (cumulative and high-explosive), weighing 500 kilograms, penetrates armor up to 400 mm. It takes three missile hits to destroy one aircraft carrier; nuclear warhead, power 350 kt.

Known carriers:

Four SSGNs of project 675MKV. 8 missiles per SSGN. All submarines were decommissioned by 1994;

Three RKR project 1164 “Anlant”. 16 missiles in 8 twin launchers per missile cruiser;

GRKR "Varyag" (Chervona Ukraine) went into operation on November 16, 1989 with the Vulcan complex on board;

GRKR "Moscow" during modernization receives the GRKR "Vulcan" instead of the "Basalt" complex;

RK "Ukraine" (Admiral Lobov) has on board the launcher of the "Vulcan" complex. At the moment it is “part of” the Ukrainian Navy. During the existence of the state of Ukraine, it was never completed. The cruiser's crew was formed and disbanded three times. Located on the pier of the Nikolaev shipyard. Costs Ukraine $1 million in “downtime” annually. Recently, talk about a possible sale to the Russian Federation has intensified.