Anti-tank missile systems (ATGM) are one of the most dynamically developing segments of the global arms market. First of all, this is due to the general trend towards maximizing the structural protection of all types of armored combat vehicles in modern armies peace. The armed forces of many countries are making a large-scale transition from second-generation ATGMs (guided in semi-automatic mode) to third-generation systems that implement the fire-and-forget principle. In the latter case, the operator only needs to aim and shoot, then leave the position.

As a result, the market for the most modern anti-tank weapons was actually divided between American and Israeli manufacturers. The achievements of the Russian military-industrial complex (DIC) in this area are represented on the world market almost only by the Kornet generation 2+ ATGM with a laser guidance system developed by the Tula Instrument Design Bureau (KBP). We still don't have a third generation.

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The basis for the commercial success of the Kornet ATGM is the efficiency-cost ratio compared to complexes armed with missiles with a thermal imaging homing head (GOS), that is, in fact, firing with expensive thermal imagers. The second factor is the good range of the system - 5.5 km. On the other hand, the Kornet, like other domestic anti-tank systems, is constantly criticized for its insufficient capabilities to overcome the dynamic armor of modern foreign main battle tanks.

ATGM "Hermes-A"

Nevertheless, Kornet-E has become the most popular domestic ATGM exported. Its shipments were purchased by 16 countries, including Algeria, India, Syria, Greece, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and South Korea. The latest deep modification – with a firing range of 10 kilometers – is capable of “working” against both ground and air targets, primarily against unmanned vehicles and combat helicopters.

ATGM "Kornet-D"/"Kornet-EM"

In addition to armor-piercing missiles with a cumulative warhead (WU), the ammunition load includes universal ones with high-explosive ones. However, foreign countries quickly lost interest in such “air-ground” versatility. This happened, for example, with the ADATS (Air Defense Anti-Tank System) complex developed by the Swiss company Oerlikon Contraves AG and the American company Martin Marietta. It was adopted only by the armies of Canada and Thailand. The USA, having made a large order, eventually abandoned it. Last year, the Canadians also removed ADATS from service.

ATGM "Metis-M1"

Another KBP development also has good export performance - the second generation complexes with a range of 1.5 kilometers and Metis-M1 (2 kilometers) with a semi-automatic wire guidance system.

At one time, the management of the KBP, despite, as officially announced, the successful completion of development work on anti-tank guided missiles operating according to the “fire-and-forget” scheme, refused to implement this concept in the Kornet complex in order to achieve the longest ranges shooting compared to Western counterparts, using the “see-shoot” principle and a laser beam control system. The emphasis was placed on creating a combined system of anti-tank weapons that implement both of these principles - “fire and forget” and “see and shoot” - with an emphasis on the relative cheapness of anti-tank systems.

ATGM "Chrysanthemum-S"

It was planned to organize anti-tank defense with three complexes of different standard equipment. For this purpose, in the support zone - from the front line of defense to a depth of 15 kilometers towards the enemy - it was planned to place light portable ATGMs with a firing range of up to 2.5 kilometers, self-propelled and portable ATGMs with a range of up to 5.5, and a self-propelled long-range ATGM "Hermes" on BMP-3 chassis with a range of up to 15 kilometers.

The control system of the promising multi-purpose complex "Hermes" is combined. During the initial phase of the flight, the missile of the version under discussion with a range of 15–20 kilometers is controlled by an inertial system. At the final stage - laser semi-active homing of the missile to the target by laser radiation reflected from it, as well as infrared or radar. The complex was developed in three versions: ground, sea and aviation.

At the moment, only the latest version, Hermes-A, is officially in development of the KBP. In the future, it is possible to equip anti-aircraft guns with Hermes. missile and gun systems development of the same KBP. Tula also developed the third generation ATGM "Autonomia" with an infrared homing system of type IIR (Imagine Infra-Red), which was never brought to the level of mass production.

ATGM "Sturm-SM"

The latest development of the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM) - a modernized version of the second-generation self-propelled ATGM "Sturm" ("Sturm-SM") with the multifunctional "Attack" missile (range - six kilometers) - recently completed state tests. For round-the-clock target detection, the new complex was equipped with a surveillance and targeting system with television and thermal imaging channels.

During civil war in Libya baptism of fire(albeit in the rebel detachments) adopted self-propelled ATGMs developed by Kolomna (range - six kilometers), using a combined guidance system - automatic radar in the millimeter range with missile guidance in a radio beam and semi-automatic with missile guidance in a laser beam.

Main competitor

It is worth noting that the Western trend for self-propelled armored ATGMs is decommissioning and lack of demand. There is still no serial infantry (portable, transportable and self-propelled) ATGM with an IIR infrared guidance system and memory of the target contour, implementing the “fire-and-forget” principle, in the Russian arsenal. And there is serious doubt about the ability and desire of the Russian Ministry of Defense to purchase such expensive systems.


Production exclusively for export is no longer dominant for the Russian defense industry, as it was in old times. Foreign armies continue to re-equip themselves to this standard. Almost all tenders for the purchase of anti-tank systems come down to competition between the American and Israeli Spike. Nevertheless, there are many foreign customers who cannot purchase Western systems solely for political reasons.

ATGMFGM-148 Javelin

The main portable ATGM in the US Army is the FGM-148 Javelin, jointly produced by the Raytheon and Raytheon concerns, adopted in 1996. Lockheed Martin with a firing range of 2.5 kilometers. This is the world's first serial ATGM with an infrared homing system of type IIR, implementing the “fire and forget” principle. The missile is capable of hitting an armored target both in a straight line and from above. The "soft start" system allows you to shoot from closed premises. The disadvantage of the complex is its high price. The export version costs 125 thousand dollars (80 thousand for its military) and 40 thousand for one missile.

Another disadvantage is design flaws that affect combat use. It takes about 30 seconds to lock on a target, which is very expensive in real combat conditions. A target maneuvering on the battlefield can “lose its sights.” Such a failure often leads to an error in remembering the target outline. American soldiers More than once they complained about the extreme inconvenience of the complex for carrying.


However, in Western armies, the introduction of ATGMs with a type IIR guidance system has long been the main focus. However, the Ratheyon corporation continues mass production of the “old” one with a firing range increased to 4.5 kilometers and guidance via wires or radio links. Missiles with tandem and high-explosive warheads, as well as warheads of the “shock core” type. The latter are equipped with inertial-guided missiles in service Marine Corps USA since 2003 ATGM short range FGM-172 Predator SRAW with a range of up to 600 meters.

European way

Back in the mid-70s of the twentieth century, France, Great Britain and Germany embarked on a joint program to create a third-generation ATGM TRIGAT with an infrared seeker of type IIR. R&D was carried out by Euromissile Dynamics Group. It was planned that the universal TRIGAT in short, medium and long range versions would replace all anti-tank systems in service with these countries. But despite the fact that the system entered the testing stage in the second half of the 90s, the project eventually collapsed because its participants decided to stop funding.

Only Germany continued to develop the system in the helicopter version of LR-TRIGAT with long-range missiles (up to six kilometers). The Germans ordered almost 700 of these missiles (under the name Pars 3 LR) from the European concern MBDA to arm Tiger combat helicopters, but other customers of these helicopters refused these missiles.

MBDA continues production of the popular second-generation MILAN portable ATGM (in service in 44 countries) in the MILAN-2T/3 and MILANADT-ER versions with a firing range of three kilometers and a very powerful tandem warhead. MBDA also continues production of the second generation NOT complex (purchased by 25 countries), the latest modification is NOT-3 with a firing range of 4.3 kilometers. The French army continues to purchase the Eryx lightweight man-portable anti-tank system with a range of 600 meters.

The Thales group and the Swedish company Saab Bofors Dynamics have developed the RB-57 NLAW lightweight short-range ATGM (600 meters) with an inertial guidance system. The Swedes continue to produce the portable ATGM RBS-56 BILL (range - two kilometers), which at one time became the world's first anti-tank missile system capable of hitting a target from above. The Italian OTO Melara was never able to promote to the market, developed back in the 80s, the MAF complex with a range of three kilometers and a laser guidance system.

High demand for second-generation complexes remains not only due to their mass distribution and low price. The fact is that the latest modifications of many second-generation ATGMs are not only comparable in armor penetration level, but also superior to the next generation systems. A huge role is also played by the trend of arming anti-tank missiles with cheaper high-explosive and thermobaric warheads to destroy bunkers and various types of fortifications, for use in urban battles.

Israeli version

Israel remains the main competitor of the United States in the market for portable and transportable ATGMs. The most successful was the family (Rafael company) - medium (2.5 kilometers), long (four) range and heavy long-range version Dandy (eight kilometers), which is also used to arm UAVs. The weight of the Spike-ER (Dandy) missile in the container is 33 kilograms, the launcher is 55, the standard installation for four missiles is 187.


All modifications of Spike missiles are equipped with an IIR type infrared homing system, which for four and eight kilometer variants is supplemented by a fiber-optic cable control system. This significantly increases the tactical and technical characteristics of the Spike compared to the Javelin. The principle of combining IR seeker and control via fiber-optic cable is fully implemented only in the Japanese ATGM Type 96 MPMS (Multi-Purpose Missile System). Similar developments in other countries were discontinued due to the high cost of the system.


Spike has been supplied to the Israeli army since 1998. To produce the complex for European customers in 2000, Rafael created in Germany together with German companies, including Rheinmetall, the EuroSpike consortium. Licensed production has been launched in Poland, Spain and Singapore.


It is in service in Israel and is offered for export at the MAPATS ATGM (range - five kilometers), developed by Israel Military Industries based on the American TOW. Israel Aeronautics Industries Corporation has developed a unique long-range (up to 26 kilometers) self-propelled anti-tank system Nimrod with a laser guidance system.

Second generation replicas

The main Chinese ATGM remains a highly modernized copy of the most popular Soviet anti-tank system “Malyutka” - HJ-73 with a semi-automatic guidance system.

The Chinese copied and American system TOW, creating a transportable second-generation ATGM HJ-8 with a firing range of 3 kilometers (the later modification of the HJ-8E already has a range of four). Pakistan produces it under license under the name Baktar Shikan.

TOW (Toophan-1 and Toophan-2) is also successfully copied in Iran. Based on the latter option, the Tondar ATGM with a laser guidance system was created. The Iranians also made a copy of another old American Dragon complex (Saege). A copy of the Soviet “Malyutka” called Raad is being produced (one of the modifications with a tandem warhead). Since the 90s of the 20th century, it has been produced under license Russian complex"Competition" (Towsan-1).

Most in an original way The Indians did this by adapting the Franco-German MILAN 2 missile to the Konkurs launcher. Both products are produced by Bharat Dynamics Limited under license. India is also developing a third-generation Nag ATGM with an IIR type infrared guidance system, but without much success.

Aviation anti-tank guided missiles(ATGM) are designed to destroy armored targets. For the most part, they are analogues of the corresponding missiles that are part of ground-based anti-tank missile systems (ATGM), but adapted for use from aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft. Specialized aviation anti-tank missiles have also been developed, which are used only with military aircraft.

Currently, three generations of ATGMs are in service with the aviation of leading foreign countries. The first generation includes missiles that use a wired semi-automatic guidance system (CH). These are ATGMs "Tou-2A and -2B" (USA), "Hot-2 and -3" (France, Germany). The second generation is represented by missiles using laser semi-active CH, such as the AGM-114A, F and K Hellfire (USA). Third-generation missiles, which include the AGM-114L Hellfire (USA) and Brimstone (UK) ATGMs, are equipped with autonomous CHs - active radar seekers operating in the microwave (MMW) wavelength range. Currently, the fourth generation ATGM is being developed - JAGM (Joint Air-to-Ground Missile, USA).

The capabilities of an ATGM are determined by the following tactical and technical characteristics: maximum flight speed, type of guidance system, maximum missile launch range, type of warhead and armor penetration. The most active work in the field of creation and development of anti-tank guided missiles is carried out in the USA, Israel, Great Britain, Germany and France.

One of the directions for the development of ATGMs is to increase the effectiveness of hitting armored targets equipped with multi-layer armor, and to ensure the simultaneous launch of several missiles at for different purposes. Demonstration programs are being carried out to equip these weapons with dual-mode homing heads operating in the IR and MW wavelength ranges. The development of such missiles with autonomous launch vehicles continues, which, after launch, hit the target without operator participation. At the concept level, the creation of a hypersonic guided missile to combat tanks is being explored.

Anti-tank guided missile AGM-114 "Hellfire". This ATGM is designed to destroy armored vehicles. It has a modular design, which makes it easy to upgrade.

The AGM-114F Hellfire, developed by Rockwell specialists, entered service in 1991. It is equipped with a tandem warhead, allowing it to hit tanks with dynamic reactive armor. $348.9 million was spent on R&D. The cost of the rocket is 42 thousand dollars.

This ATGM is made according to the normal aerodynamic design. In the head part there is a semi-active laser seeker, a contact fuse and four destabilizers, in the middle there is a tandem warhead, an analog autopilot, a pneumatic accumulator for the rudder drive system, in the tail there is an engine, a cross-shaped wing, which is attached to the solid propellant motor body, and rudder drives located in wing console planes. The preliminary charge of the tandem warhead has a diameter of 70 mm. If the target is lost in the clouds, the autopilot remembers its coordinates and directs the missile to the intended target area, which allows the seeker to re-acquire it. The AGM-114K Hellfire-2 ATGM is equipped with a laser seeker that uses a new encoded laser pulse, which solved the problem of receiving false reflected signals and thereby increased the missile's noise immunity.

A semi-active seeker requires illumination of the target with a laser beam, which can be carried out by a laser designator from a carrier helicopter, another helicopter or UAV, or by a forward gunner from the ground. When the target is illuminated not from the carrier helicopter, but from another means, it becomes possible to launch an ATGM without visual visibility of the target. In this case, it is captured by the seeker after the missile is launched. The helicopter may be in cover. To ensure the launch of several missiles in a short period of time and pointing them at different targets, coding is used by changing the repetition rate of laser pulses.

Layout diagram of the Tou-2A ATGM: 1 - preliminary charge; 2 - retractable rod; 3 - sustaining solid propellant rocket engine; 4 - gyroscope; 5 - starting solid propellant rocket motor; 6 - coil with wire; 7 - tail rudder; 8 - IR tracer; 9 - xenon lamp; 10 - digital electronic unit; 11 - wing; 12, 14 - safety-actuating mechanism; 13 - main warhead
Layout diagram of the ATGM "Tou~2V": 1 - deactivated target sensor; 2-propulsion solid propellant rocket engine; 3 - gyroscope; 4 - starting solid propellant rocket engine; 5 - IR tracer; 6 - xenon lamp; 7- coil with wire; 8 - digital the electronic unit; 9 - power drive; 10- rear warhead; 11 - front warhead

Tou anti-tank guided missile. It is designed to destroy armored vehicles. In November 1983, specialists from the Hughes company began developing the Tou-2A ATGM with a tandem warhead so that it would be capable of destroying tanks with reactive armor. The missile entered service in 1989. By the end of 1989, approximately 12 thousand units had been collected. In 1987, work began on the creation of the Tou-2B ATGM. It is designed to destroy armored vehicles when flying over a target - the upper part of the tank hull is the least protected. The missile entered service in 1992.

This ATGM has a folding cross-shaped wing in the middle part of the hull and rudders in the tail. The wing and rudders are located at an angle of 45° relative to each other. The control is semi-automatic, commands to the rocket are transmitted via wires. To guide the missile, an IR tracer and a xenon lamp are installed in its tail section.

The Tou ATGM is in service with 37 countries, including all NATO countries. The rocket carriers are AN-1S and W, A-129, and Lynx helicopters. R&D expenses for the program for its creation amounted to $284.5 million. The cost of one Tou-2A ATGM is about 14 thousand dollars, Tou-2B - up to 25 thousand.

The ATGM uses a two-stage solid propellant rocket engine from Hercules. The mass of the first stage is 0.545 kg. The second stage, located in the middle part, has two nozzles installed at an angle of 30° to its construction axis.

The side combat warhead of the Tou-2B ATGM hits the target when flying over it (into the upper hemisphere). When a warhead is detonated, two impact cores are formed, one of which is designed to detonate the reactive armor mounted on the tank's turret. For detonation, a remote fuse with two sensors is used: optical, identifying the target by its configuration, and magnetic, confirming the presence large quantity metal and preventing the possibility of false triggering of the warhead.

The pilot keeps the crosshairs on the target, while the missile automatically flies at a certain height above the line of sight. It is stored, transported and installed on helicopters in a sealed launch container.

Anti-tank missile system "Spike-ER" (Israel). This ATGM (previously designated NTD) was put into service in 2003. It was created on the basis of the Gill/Spike complexes by specialists from the Rafael company. The complex is a launcher with four missiles, equipped with a guidance and control system.

ATGM "Spike-ER" (ER - Extended Range) is precision missile fourth generation, the use of which is implemented according to the “fire and forget” principle. The probability of hitting enemy armored vehicles and fortified structures with this missile launcher is 0.9. The high-explosive-penetrating version of its warhead is capable of breaking through the walls of bunkers and then exploding indoors, causing maximum damage to the target and minimal damage to surrounding buildings.

Before launch and during the flight of the ATGM, the pilot receives a video image transmitted from the homing head. Controlling the rocket, he selects a target after launch.

The missile launcher is capable of flying both in autonomous mode and by receiving signals about data changes from the pilot. This method guidance also allows you to move the missile away from the target in case of unforeseen situations.

As a result of tests carried out by specialists from the Rafael company, the Spike-ER ATGM has established itself as a reliable and high-precision guided missile. Thus, in 2008, a contract worth $64 million was signed between the management of General Dynamics Santa Barbara Systems (GDSBS) and the command of the Spanish Army for the supply of Spike-ER anti-tank missile systems consisting of 44 launchers and 200 Spike-ER missiles. ER" for Tiger helicopters. According to the terms of the contract, the work will be completed by 2012.

Anti-tank guided missile PARS 3 LR. This ATGM has been in service with the German Air Force since 2008. This missile was developed to further replace the Hot and Toe ATGMs. In 1988, after the signing of an agreement between France, Germany and Great Britain, full-scale development of the PARS 3 LR ATGM began. The contract value was $972.7 million.

The PARS 3 LR ATGM is built according to a normal aerodynamic design. The principle of operation is that the operator selects and marks a target on the indicator, and the missile is aimed at this target automatically using a stored image. The ATGM can also be programmed to strike the target from above with an impact angle close to 90°.
The PARS 3 LR ATGM guidance system includes a noise-resistant thermal imaging seeker operating in the wavelength range 8-12 microns.

The missile launch is carried out according to the “fire and forget” principle, which allows the helicopter to change its position immediately after the missile launch and leave the range of enemy air defense systems. The seeker PC performs target acquisition immediately before the missile launch. After detecting, identifying and identifying the target, the missile launcher independently navigates to the target. The homing head uses IR technologies, which ensure clear identification of targets and target designation over the entire range of ranges. The warhead is tandem. This ensures the destruction of tanks equipped with dynamic protection, helicopters, dugouts, field fortifications and command posts.

The PARS 3 LR anti-tank guided missile is structurally composed of four compartments. In the first, under a glass fairing there is a thermal imaging homing head, and behind it there is a tandem cumulative warhead and a combat cocking mechanism. The second compartment contains radio-electronic equipment (three-degree gyroscope and on-board computer). Next are the fuel and engine compartments, respectively. The PARS 3LR ATGM is protected from enemy electronic countermeasures, which reduces the load on the pilot when performing a combat mission.

Appearance of the Brimstone ATGM

Layout diagram of the Brimstone ATGM: 1 - seeker; 2 - preliminary charge; 3 - main charge; 4 - power drive; 5 - solid propellant rocket engine; 6 - control module

Anti-tank guided missile "Brimstone". This ATGM was adopted by aviation ground forces Great Britain in 2002.

The rocket is built according to a normal aerodynamic design, the head part is covered with a hemispherical fairing. The body has an elongated cylindrical shape. A cross-shaped trapezoidal tail is attached to the front part of the ATGM; trapezoidal stabilizers are attached to the engine compartment, turning into rotary control aerodynamic planes-rudders. Brimstone has a modular design.

This ATGM is equipped with an active radar seeker developed by specialists from GEC-Marconi (Great Britain). It contains a Cossegrain antenna with one movable mirror. The homing head detects, recognizes and classifies targets using a built-in algorithm. During guidance in the final section, the seeker determines the optimal aiming point. The remaining components of the ATGM (digital autopilot, warhead, solid propellant motor) were borrowed without changes from the American Hellfire ATGM.

The rocket is equipped with a cumulative tandem warhead and a solid propellant rocket motor. The engine operating time is about 2.5 s. The guidance module consists of a digital autopilot and an INS, with the help of which guidance is carried out during the mid-flight phase. The rocket is equipped with an electric drive.

The Brimstone ATGM has two guidance modes. In the direct (direct) mode, the pilot enters data about the target he has detected into the missile’s on-board computer, and after launch it flies to the target and hits it without further participation of the pilot. In indirect mode, the process of attacking a target is planned in advance. Before the flight, the target search area, its type, and the starting point of its search are determined. This data is entered into the rocket's on-board computer just before launch. After launch, the ATGM flies at a fixed altitude, the value of which is specified. Since in this case, target acquisition is carried out after launch, in order to avoid hitting friendly troops, the missile seeker does not work. Upon reaching the specified area, the seeker is turned on and the target is searched. If it is not detected and the ATGM has gone beyond the specified area, then it will self-destruct.

This missile is resistant to blackout zones or battlefield decoys such as smoke, dust, and flares. It contains algorithms for recognizing main targets. If it is necessary to destroy other objects, new target recognition algorithms can be developed and the ATGM can be easily reprogrammed.

JAGM anti-tank guided missile. Currently, R&D to create the fourth generation JAGM (Joint Air-to-Ground Missile) ATGM is at the development and demonstration stage. It should enter service with the US Air Force in 2016.
This missile is being created as part of a joint program with the participation of specialists from the US Army, Navy and Marine Corps. It is a continuation of the program to create a universal missile for all types of national armed forces JCM (Joint Common Missile), R&D for which was discontinued in 2007. Lockheed-Martin and Boeing/Raytheon are taking part in the competitive development.

Based on the results of the competition, scheduled for 2011, full-scale development of the JAGM ATGM will begin. The missile will be equipped with a three-mode seeker, which will provide the ability for radar, infrared or semi-active laser guidance at the target. This will allow the missile defense system to detect, recognize and engage stationary and mobile targets at long ranges and under any weather conditions on the battlefield. A multifunctional warhead will ensure the destruction of various types of targets. In this case, the pilot from the cockpit will be able to select the type of detonation of the warhead.

In August 2010, Lockheed Martin specialists conducted tests to launch the JAGM ATGM. During them, it hit the target, and the guidance accuracy (CA) was 5 cm. The missile was launched from a distance of 16 km, while the seeker used a semi-active laser mode.

If this program is successfully completed, the JAGM ATGM will replace the AGM-65 Maverick guided missiles in service, as well as the AGM-114 Hellfire and BGM-71 Toe ATGMs.

The US Army Command expects to purchase at least 54 thousand ATGMs of this type. The total cost of the program for the development and procurement of the JAGM missile is $122 million.

Thus, in the next two decades, anti-tank guided missiles will remain the most effective and affordable means of fighting armored fighting vehicles. An analysis of the state of their development shows that during the forecast period in leading foreign countries, ATGMs of the first and second generations will be removed from service and only third-generation missiles will remain.

After 2011, missiles equipped with dual-mode seekers will appear in service, which will make it possible to recognize targets (friends and others) with a guaranteed probability and hit them at the most vulnerable point. The firing range of ATGMs will increase to 12 km or more. Warheads will be improved when operating against armored targets equipped with multi-layer or dynamic armor. In this case, armor penetration will reach 1300-1500 mm. ATGMs will be equipped with multifunctional warheads, which will allow them to hit targets of various types.

AGM-114F "Hellfire" "Tou-2A" "Tou-2B" "Spike-ER" PARS 3 LR "Brimstone" JAGM
Maximum firing range, km 8 3,75 4 0,4-8 8 10 16 helicopters 28 airplanes
Armor penetration, mm 1200 1000 1200 1100 1200 1200-1300 . 1200
Warhead type Cumulative tandem Cumulative tandem Side combat (shock core) Cumulative Cumulative tandem Cumulative tandem Cumulative tandem / high-explosive fragmentation
Maximum number of M 1 1 1 1,2 300 m/s 1,2-1,3 1,7
Guidance system type Semi-active laser seeker, analog autopilot Semi-automatic by wire IR GOS Thermal imaging seeker INS, digital autopilot and active radar MMV seeker INS, digital autopilot and multi-mode seeker
Propulsion type Solid propellant rocket engine Solid propellant rocket engine Solid propellant rocket engine Solid propellant rocket engine Solid propellant rocket motor with thrust vector control Solid propellant rocket engine Solid propellant rocket engine
Rocket launch mass, kg 48,6 24 26 47 48 49 52
Rocket length, m 1,8 1,55 1,17 1,67 1,6 1,77 1,72
Case diameter, m 0,178 0,15 0,15 0,171 0,15 0,178 0,178
Carrier AN-64A and D helicopters; UH-60A, L and M; OH-58D; A-129; AH-1W helicopters AN-1S and W, A-129, "Linx" Helicopters "Tiger", AH-1S "Cobra", "Gazelle" Tiger helicopters Aircraft "Harrier" GR.9; "Typhoon"; "Tornado" GR.4, WAH-64D helicopters AN-IS helicopters; AH-1W AH-64A.D; UH-60A,L,M; OH-58D; A-129; AH-1W
Weight of warhead, kg 5-5,8 5-6,0

Foreign military review. - 2011. - No. 4. - pp. 64-70

Experts distinguish four generations of ATGMs, which differ fundamentally in their guidance systems. The first generation involves a command control system with manual guidance by wire. The second is distinguished by semi-automatic command guidance via wires/laser beam. The third generation ATGM implements a “fire and forget” guidance scheme with memory of the target contour, which allows the operator to only aim, fire and immediately leave the position. IN soon The fourth generation of ATGMs will be developed, which in its combat characteristics will resemble LM (Loitering Munition) class loitering shells. It will include integrated means of transmitting images from the homing head (GOS) of an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) to the operator's console, which will significantly improve accuracy.

Despite the fact that the armies of many countries are striving to switch to third-generation ATGMs, there remains a high demand for second-generation systems. The reason is their widespread use in the military and their significantly lower cost. Another factor is the comparability and even superior penetration level of the latest modifications of many second-generation ATGMs in comparison with third-generation systems. And finally, the analysis of the experience of military clashes in urban conditions became a serious factor. Based on it, anti-tank missiles of second-generation complexes are armed with cheaper high-explosive and thermobaric warheads (warheads) for the destruction of bunkers and various fortifications, as well as for use in urban battles.

It is worth noting another Western trend in the development and production of ATGMs. There is virtually no demand for self-propelled systems, and therefore they have been discontinued everywhere. In Russia the situation is different. The latest development of the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM) - a modernized version of the second-generation self-propelled ATGM "Shturm" ("Shturm-SM") with the multifunctional "Ataka" missile (firing range - six km) completed state tests in 2012. During the civil war in Libya, self-propelled anti-tank systems developed by Kolomna "Chrysanthemum-S" (range - six km) showed excellent performance (at first in government units, but then were captured by rebels). However, this type of ATGM is not the subject of this article.

Anti-tank guided missiles are the most effective means combat against tanks, which have a long firing range compared to others, a high probability of hitting armored targets and have small dimensions and weights. Currently anti-tank missile together with the launcher and special equipment, it represents a complex technical conglomerate, called the anti-tank missile system (ATGM). Domestic anti-tank missile systems, one of the most technically complex and knowledge-intensive types of weapons, have come a long way in their development. The main stages of the creation of an anti-tank system, achievements, difficulties, positive experiences and negative aspects are summarized in this article.

First generation ATGM

During the Second World War, there was a significant increase in the thickness of tank armor, and, accordingly, the caliber and weight of anti-tank guns increased. If at the beginning of the war anti-tank guns (ATGs) of 20-45 mm caliber were used, then at the end of the war the PTP caliber was in the range of 85-128 mm. In 1943-1944. Soviet specialists examined 726 cases of our medium and heavy tanks and self-propelled guns being knocked out by German anti-tank guns of 75 and 88 mm caliber. The study showed that at a distance of over 1400 m, 4.4% of tanks were knocked out by 75-mm anti-tank guns, and 3.2% of tanks were knocked out by 88-mm anti-tank guns (the number of tanks knocked out by guns of a given caliber at all distances was taken as 100%). .

In German instructions, the optimal opening fire distance for 75 mm guns was 800-900 m, and for 88 mm guns – 1500 m. Firing from long distances was considered inappropriate. So, for the best 88-mm German (and, according to some experts, the best in the world) anti-tank gun, the actual distance limit was only 1500 m. But the anti-tank guns of the end of the war were very heavy, expensive and difficult to manufacture. Thus, the German 88-mm RAK-43 weighed 5 tons, the 88-mm RAK-43/41 weighed 4.38 tons, and the 100-mm Soviet anti-tank gun BS-3 weighed 3.65 tons. In total, during the war the Germans managed to produce 3501 88 - mm anti-tank guns of all types, and we have about 600 pieces of BS-3.

How to effectively fight tanks at distances exceeding 2-3 km? This problem was first solved in 1944 in Germany, where the world's first anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) X-7 “Rotkappchen” (“Little Red Riding Hood”) was created. When designing the X-7, the X-4 air-to-air guided missile was taken as a basis. The chief designer of both missiles (X-4 and X-7) was Dr. Max Kramer.

The X-7 was controlled by wire. A pair of wires connected the rocket to an operator who manually aimed the projectile at the target. The control system is very close to the Dusseldorf system of the X-4 rocket. Changing the direction of the projectile's flight was carried out using interceptors.

The X-7 rocket had a two-stage WASAG powder engine. The first stage was the starting stage, within 3 seconds it developed thrust up to 69 kg. And the second stage is a sustainer stage; during 8 seconds of flight it maintained a constant thrust of 5 kg.

The projectile was made according to the “tailless” aerodynamic design. Stabilization - using a wing stabilizer. To compensate for the uneven (relative to the rocket axis) engine thrust, the X-7 rotated in flight at a low speed. To make it easier for the operator to track the rocket, two pyrotechnic tracers were installed on it. To use the X-7 in the infantry version, a launcher (PU) was developed, carried in a human pack. In addition, an aviation launcher was designed for the FW-190 aircraft.

During tests in 1944 and early 1945, the Germans conducted over 100 experimental launches of the X-7. However, due to the end of the war, it is up to combat use didn't get it.

The first post-war ATGM was the Swiss Cobra-1, developed in 1947-1948. German specialists participated in the creation of the complex. In West Germany itself, the production of ATGMs was allowed only in 1959. The first ATGM to go into production in Germany was the “Cobra-810” - a modification of the Swiss “Cobra” family (from “Cobra-1” to “Cobra-4”, released in 1958).

However, in Western military literature, the French company Nord-Aviation is considered a pioneer in the creation of ATGMs. This is due to the fact that French ATGMs very quickly spread literally throughout the world. The fact is that France, unlike a number of countries, pursued a reasonable policy in arms exports. Weapons were sold to almost everyone who, of course, could pay.

The first French ATGM SS-10 (“Nord-5203”) was developed since 1948 on the basis of German documentation. Formally, the SS-10 was adopted by the French army in 1957. But in 1956, the SS-10 was quite successfully used by Israeli troops against Egyptian tanks in battles in the Sinai Peninsula. Looking ahead, let's say that the sandy plains of the Middle East turned out to be an ideal testing ground for ATGMs. Thus, during the 1973 war, up to 70% of tanks on both sides were destroyed by ATGMs.

ATGM X-7 “Rotkappchen” (Germany, 1944)

Experienced ATGM designed by Nadiradze (control by wire)

Experienced vocational control unit RUPS-1 (control by wire)

Experienced ATGM (radio controlled)

The SS-10 ATGM was launched from single portable launchers, as well as from cars and trucks, armored personnel carriers and the AMX-13 light tank. From 1956 to 1963, the Nord company produced over 30 thousand SS-10 missiles. They were supplied to dozens of countries, including the USA, Germany, Sweden, Norway, etc.

An improved version of the SS-10 - SS-11 had a longer firing range and better armor penetration. Accordingly, the weight and cost increased (one rocket - $1,500). The SS-11 ATGM did not have a portable launcher, but was installed on cars, armored personnel carriers, light tanks, helicopters and airplanes.

The heaviest French ATGM SS-12 was the only Western first-generation ATGM (not counting the Anglo-Australian Malkar) that had two control options - by wire and radio control. The SS-72 missiles have both cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation warheads and could be used not only against tanks, but also against unarmored ground targets, as well as ships.

It is curious that the Americans completely failed in creating their own ATGM. From 1953 to 1956, the SSM-A-23 Dart ATGM was developed in the USA. Several variants of the rocket were proposed, including those with a ring stabilizer. But in 1957, a model with a cross-shaped wing stabilizer was adopted. However, its production was limited to a small series. The missile was very heavy (up to 140 kg), and guidance was extremely difficult.

As a result, the United States abandoned the Dart and in 1959 began massive purchases of French SS-10 and SS-11 ATGMs. The Americans installed almost all of these ATGMs on mobile installations - cars, tanks and helicopters. On the basis of the M113 tracked armored personnel carrier, they created the T-149 anti-tank gun with an ammunition load of 10 SS-11s. Only in 1961-1962. The Americans purchased about 16 thousand SS-11 ATGMs, of which 500 were adapted for use from helicopters. In 1961, the new French Entak complex entered service with the US Army.

The creation of ATGMs abroad and their combat use did not go unnoticed in Moscow. In 1956, a Resolution of the Council of Ministers was issued on “the development of work on the creation of guided anti-tank weapons.” It is worth noting that after the war, the German GTTUR “Little Red Riding Hood” was used in the USSR. In addition, domestic research institutes received extremely quickly working documentation on “Cobra”, SS-10v\SS-11, as well as “live” these products.

In the mid-50s, the USSR developed several UPS (guided anti-tank projectile) projects. Note that our designers designed UPS not only with wire control, but also radio-controlled ones. Moreover, in UPS-5 the operator visually observed the target through an optical sight. And in UPS-7, the operator, who was in the tank, aimed the projectile at a television image transmitted from the television head of the rocket. We manufactured and tested a number of experimental UPS, including the projectile designed by Nadiradze. The projectile was controlled by wire. Its starting weight was 37 kg, its caliber was 170 mm, and its stabilizer span was 640 mm.

According to the official history, the first domestic ATGM was ZM6 “Bumblebee”, used in the 2K15 complex based on the GAZ-69 vehicle and 2K16 based on the BRDM combat reconnaissance vehicle. Work on “Bumblebee” began in 1957. Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering (Kolomna) under the leadership of S.P. Invincible developed the complex itself and the rocket. TsNII-173 (Moscow, currently TsNIIAG) developed a control system, NII-125 - a charge for a solid propellant engine, NII-6 - a warhead, Saratov Aggregate Plant - combat vehicles, Kovrov Plant named after. Degtyarev led the serial production of missiles.

As stated in the TsNIIAG publication: “As a result of discussions and analysis of SKB (Kolomna) together with NII-173, the design scheme of the SS-10 ATGM was chosen. The developers believed that a new responsible business should be started using already tested design schemes, which have shown greater reliability in practice, and on this basis, in parallel, new promising developments should be carried out.” There is information that SS-10 shells were available to domestic specialists.

2P26 combat vehicle in stowed position

2P26 in combat position

Layout diagram of the ZM6 missile of the Shmel complex

1 – fuse; 2 – warhead; 3-current source; 4 – coil; 5 – onboard connector socket; 6-control unit; 7-engine installation; 8-heading and pitch electromagnet; 9-roll electromagnet

The ZM6 projectile was aimed using a periscope-type binocular sight with eightfold magnification. The aiming method is the three-point method. The transmission of commands from the operator was carried out over a two-wire communication line. Executive bodies controls were interceptors. The aerodynamic design of the projectile is a “flat-supporting wing” with a cross-shaped arrangement of four wings, on which spoilers are located at the trailing edge. The wings had a trapezoidal shape with a forward sweep angle of 45°. The projectile's roll stabilization was carried out autonomously using signals from a two-degree integration gyroscope. Pyrotechnic tracers are located along the edges of the horizontal wings. The starting charge consisted of six three-lobed checkers. Charge burning time – 0.6 seconds. The main engine was a channelless powder bomb, the combustion of which occurred in parallel layers, due to which constant engine thrust was achieved. The operating time of the main engine is about 20 seconds. The projectile had a B-612 fuse.

ZM6 missiles were installed on 2P27 combat vehicles based on the BRDM (2K16 complex) and on 2P26 based on the GAZ-69 or GAZ-69M vehicle (2K15 complex). Both launchers were crewed by 2 people. The rate of fire is 2 rounds per minute.

Three missiles were installed on the guides of the 2P27 combat vehicle and three spare ones were placed inside the armored hull. The vertical guidance angle was +2.5°-+17.5°, the horizontal guidance angle was ±12°. Weight 2P27 – 5850 kg.

On the 2P26 machine, all four missiles were ready for launch. The quad launcher allowed a vertical guidance angle of +4° - +19°, and a horizontal guidance angle of ±6°. The weight of the 2P26 combat vehicle is 2370 kg.

Factory tests of the “Bumblebee” were carried out in the summer of 1959, and in 1960, at the Kapustin Yar training ground, the “Bumblebee” was demonstrated to Khrushchev and the top party leadership.

The “Bumblebee” complex with the ZM6 missile was adopted by Decree No. 830-344 of August 1, 1960, and launched into mass production the same year. ZM6 missiles were manufactured at factories No. 2 and No. 351, and equipment for combat vehicles 2P26 and 2P27 was manufactured at factory No. 614 in Saratov. The Shmel ATGM was mass-produced until 1966.

In parallel with “Shmel” in OKB-16 (later - KB “Tochmash”) under the leadership of chief designer A.E. Nudelman was developed complex “Phalanga” with the ZM11 rocket. The fundamental difference“Phalanx” from “Bumblebee” was transmitting operator commands via radio. The guidance method remained the same - manual at three points. By Decree No. 930-387 of August 30, 1960, the ZM11 “Phalanx” ATGM, together with the 2P32 combat vehicle, created on the basis of the BRDM, was put into service.

At the beginning of mass production, the ZM11 missile, when fired, penetrated 220-250 mm armor at an impact angle of 60° with a probability of 90% (220 mm armor) and 65% (250 mm armor). During the production of shells, their ZN18 warheads were modified in order to increase the “stability of armor penetration.” During sea trials, the weight of the 2P32 combat vehicle was 5965 kg.

“Phalanx” turned out to be the first ATGM adopted for domestic helicopters. Already in June 1961, OKB-329 GKAT, together with OKB-16, presented the Mi-1M helicopter, equipped with four ZM11 missiles and fire control equipment, for joint testing. The firing range at ground targets was 800-2500 m.

Somewhat later, the Phalanga complex was modernized, and it received the designation Phalanga-M, and the missile - 9M17. Armor penetration has been improved. Thus, when firing at armor 280 mm thick at an impact angle of 30°, there was 90% penetration. The control system was still manual. 9M17 missiles were equipped with BRDM-based 9P32M (9P32) combat vehicles and Mi-24D, Mi-24A, Mi-4AV, Mi-8TV helicopters.

On July 6, 1961, CM Decree No. 603-256 was issued on the development of a new ATGM in two versions: on a combat vehicle and in a portable version. The control system was still manual. According to this decree, design began at TsKB-14 (Tula) and TsNII-173 (Moscow) ATGM 9M12 “Gadfly”. The missile and launcher were designed by TsKB-14, and the control system was designed by TsNII-173. The chief designer of the complex was B.I. Khudominsky, and the chief designer of the control system is Z.M. Persian.

The design of the 9M12 rocket is similar to that of the ZM6. The designers paid special attention to the miniaturization of elements of ground-based on-board equipment in order to sharply reduce the dimensions and weight of the equipment and projectile compared to the Shmel complex. Semiconductor elements and plastics were widely used in the equipment. A small-sized battery with a solid electrolyte, heated by a pyroheater when launching an ATGM, was used as an on-board power source. The roll stabilization system used a small-sized three-degree gyroscope with a rotor that was accelerated by powder gases when the ATGM was launched. To further reduce the size of the equipment, the receivers were placed inside the coils of the wired communication line. A small-sized magnet for controlling interceptors was created.

The portable version of the “Gadfly” consisted of a control panel and missiles placed in transport and launch containers (TPC). The weight of the operator's pack was 23 kg, and the weight of the projectile carrier's pack was 25 kg. The projectiles were launched from a launch rail located in a container. The missile and launch rail were connected to the control panel using a cable about 20 m long. Moreover, up to four missiles could be connected simultaneously. The transmission of commands was carried out via two bimetallic wires. The executive control bodies were interceptors.

For the transportable version of the Gadfly, the 9P110 combat vehicle was created on the basis of the BRDM (later this vehicle was converted into a carrier for the Malyutka ATGM with index retention). The loading mechanism in the combat vehicle was made in the form of a pair of launchers that operated alternately: when one launcher was in the firing position, the other was lowered inside the fighting compartment and was loaded manually by the combat crew. Moreover, loading was carried out on the move. This design solution ensured minimal vulnerability of ammunition shells and crew safety. The horizontal guidance angle was 180°. The crew of the combat vehicle is 3 people, the transportable ammunition is 16 9M12 shells.

2P27 combat vehicle in stowed position

2P27 combat vehicle in combat position

Testing of the portable version of the Gadfly began in the summer of 1961, and the transportable version - in the summer of the following year. In total, about 180 shots were fired with ballistic, guided and telemetric projectiles (50 of them were guided). Due to the increased eccentricity of the starting engine, the specified amount of dispersion in the initial section was not ensured, which made it impossible to fire at a distance of up to 500 m. When the main engine was operating, there was smoke in the projectile flight path, which caused the placement of a second tracer. When hitting armor 180-200 m thick at an impact angle of 60°, the 9M12 projectile made about 90% of the holes.

The development of “Gadfly” was delayed by at least 6 months. In connection with the adoption of the Malyutka ATGM, work on the Gadfly ceased on the basis of CM Resolution No. 993-345 of September 16, 1963.

Complex “Malyutka” was created at KBM under the leadership of S.P. Invincible according to the same Resolution of the Council of Ministers and according to the same tactical and technical requirements with the Gadfly complex. “Malyutka” was also created in wearable and transportable versions with the same EMP projectile.

For the first time in the world, when creating ATGMs, plastic structures were widely used in the hull design. Thus, the body of the head part was made of plastic, thus a shaped charge with a copper funnel was placed. The body of the wing compartment was made of plastic, etc. “Malyutka” was not equipped with an on-board power supply, but had only one steering gear and a simple gyroscope with mechanical spin-up.

Commands to the projectile were transmitted via a microcable with three enameled copper cores with a diameter of 0.12 mm in a fabric winding. The aerodynamic design of the projectile is “tailless”. The projectile was controlled by changing the thrust vector of the main engine.

To compensate for the eccentricity of the thrust of the main engine, the projectile was rotated around its axis at a speed of about 8.5 rps. This was achieved initially due to the fact that the nozzles of the starting engine were directed at an angle to the axis of the projectile, and later in flight due to the angle of rotation of the wings and the rotational moment that arose when winding the cable from the reel.

During storage, the Malyutka’s wings are folded, and the cross-section of the rocket has dimensions of 185 x 185 mm.

The missiles of the first serial production had the index GRAU EMM, and the subsequent series had the index 9М14М. The 9M14M missiles differed from the 9M14 by the presence of a fifth yoke on one of the launch nozzles, which was an additional support for the missile on the guide. The blade contacts of the fuse electrical circuit connector for the 9M14 were located on the body of the warhead, and for the 9M14M they were located on the body of the launch chamber. The warhead of the 9M14 missiles had the index 9N110, and the warhead of the 9M14M - 9N110M. These warheads are not interchangeable. The warhead of the Malyutka rocket had a shaped charge and a piezoelectric fuse.

A portable portable complex, consisting of ground control equipment, backpack suitcases with launchers and missiles, was placed in three packs. In pack No. 1 the control panel and an individual set of spare parts were carried, and in each of the packs No. 2 and No. 3, which were suitcases-satchels, the rocket, the warhead undocked from it, the launcher and the cable reel were stowed. Moreover, the rocket itself was already docked with the launcher.

The crew servicing the portable complex consisted of three people. The crew commander, who is also the senior operator, carried pack No. 1 weighing 12.4 kg; two numbers - operators, carried packs No. 2 and No. 3 weighing 18.1 kg each.

A trained and well-coordinated crew is capable of transferring an anti-tank system from a traveling position to a combat position in 1 minute. 40 s. And then within one minute you can fire two shots at targets located at maximum range.

The Malyutka 9A111 portable complex was put into service in 1963. In the same year, the 9P110 combat vehicle, created on the basis of the BRDM-1, entered service. Later, the 9P122 combat vehicle based on the BRDM-2 was put into service. The design of the ATGM complex on the 9P110 and 9P122 vehicles is the same.

9P32 combat vehicles during exercises

Layout diagram of the 9М14М (9М14) missile of the Malyutka complex

1 combat unit; 2-engine installation; 3-coil; 4 – wing compartment; 5 – steering gear; 6-gyroscope; 7-tracer;

There are 6 shells installed on the guides, in addition, another 8 shells are placed in the ammunition rack. In the stowed position, the package of guides with shells is lowered, and in the combat position, the package is raised using a hydraulic drive. The transition time from traveling to combat position with hydraulic drive is 20 seconds, and manually - 2.5 minutes. The crew consists of two people: an operator (aka commander) and a driver. Rate of fire – 2 shots/min. Installing six shells on the guides is done manually and takes about a minute. The horizontal guidance angle is 28-40°. Vertical guidance angle -0°; +2°75″. The horizontal guidance speed is 8 degrees/s, and the vertical guidance speed is 3 degrees/s.

The 9M14M “Malyutka” ATGM was installed on the BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle, mass-produced since 1966. The BMP-1 ammunition load contained 4 9M14M projectiles, manually fed by the crew to the launcher. In addition, attempts were made to install the Malyutka ATGM on the turrets of tanks PT-76, T-62, T-10M and others, but the Malyutka did not take root on our tanks. We tried to install “Malyutka” on the Mi-1M helicopter. The helicopter had 4 9M14 shells.

The Malyutka ATGM was widely exported to dozens of countries around the world. In 1973, during the Arab-Israeli war, over 800 Israeli tanks were hit by Malyutka missiles. Another question is what the Middle Eastern plains are perfect place on the ground for the use of ATGMs.

Features of the development of domestic anti-tank missile systems

The year 2000 marks 40 years since the first Soviet anti-tank missile system, Shmel, was put into service. During this period there was constant severe competitive fight between the development of anti-tank weapons and tank protection. In our country, the creation of ATGMs was carried out by the Instrument Engineering Design Bureau (KBP), the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM), and the Precision Engineering Design Bureau (KBTM) with the participation of many organizations responsible for the development of individual components and components. It should be recalled that an ATGM is a set of functionally related combat and technical means designed to destroy armored targets. ATGM includes one or more missiles (ATGM); launcher (PU); guidance equipment. Supporting means for ATGMs are test equipment and simulators.

The development of the first domestic ATGMs began in the 50s and was due to a number of reasons. The main reasons for the creation of ATGMs were: the large dispersion of artillery cumulative (CS) and armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles (APS), short ranges of destruction combined with insufficient armor penetration. Dispersion occurs for many reasons, for example, from the variety of initial projectile velocities, due to differences in the masses of projectiles and propellant powder charges, chemical properties gunpowder, its temperature and loading density, as well as the accuracy of the manufacture of the barrels (all of them have spatial curvature) and the wear of their channels during the firing process. Maximum value armor-piercing effect achieved as a result of the use modern technologies, is 500 mm for 125 mm cumulative projectiles and 600 mm for 125 mm armor-piercing sabot projectiles. The reader may notice that the armor penetration of modern 125-mm ATGM warheads, which have a thin-walled body, exceeds 700 mm. The lower value of the armor-piercing effect of the CS is explained mainly by the fact that with a significant thickness of the walls of the cylindrical part of the body of a cumulative artillery projectile, it is impossible to form the optimal parameters of the detonation wave front interacting with the copper lining. Therefore, the armor-piercing values ​​of modern artillery cumulative shells do not exceed 500 mm. The second important reason for the start of the creation of domestic ATGMs is the organization of similar work abroad (ATGM SS-11, France; Cobra 810, Germany, etc.).

Domestic ATGMs are divided into portable, transportable and transportable. Note that portable anti-tank systems include ATGMs (“Metis”, “Fagot”, “Konkurs”), designed to strengthen the anti-tank defense of infantry units and having a small mass. Transportable include ATGMs (self-propelled, helicopter, tank, etc.) installed on carriers and used to perform combat missions only from the carrier. And finally, there are portable ATGMs, which are used as weapons mounted on a carrier and, when removed from it, can serve as portable ones (for example, the Kornet ATGM). For the case of using an ATGM carried as a portable one, there is a “tripod” on which an aiming device with fastening elements is mounted launcher. “Requalification” of a transportable ATGM into a portable one requires no more than one minute.

Table 1 First generation anti-tank missile systems

Name Media type Control system Developer Year of adoption
complex rockets PU
"Bumblebee" (PUR-61) 2K16 2K15 3M6 2P27 2P26 T-55 BRDM Manual by wire KBM, Kolomna 1960
"Phalanx" 2KB (PUR-62) 3M11 3M17 2P32 2P32 BRDM Manual by radio KBTM, Moscow 1962
“Baby” 9411 9K14 (PUR -54) 3M14 3M14 9P11 9P10 portable BRDM, BMP, BMD Manual by wire KBM Kolomna 1963

Combat vehicle with vocational training equipment Malyutka

ZM17P missile of the Phalanx complex

The basis for the successful development of work on the creation of domestic ATGMs was the level of science and technology achieved by that time in the field of control systems, aerodynamics, gas dynamics, explosion physics (cumulation theory), as well as the high potential of domestic defense industry. The creation of anti-tank systems has made it possible to dramatically increase the probability of a hit, the firing range and the effectiveness of the lethal effect. Depending on the type of control system used, ATGMs are usually divided into three generations. Note that the missile control system is a complex technical complex consisting of a large number of interconnected elements of ground and on-board equipment. This includes optical-electronic units for determining the position of a target and ATGM, units for generating and transmitting commands, units for receiving and distributing commands, power drives, rudders, etc.

The first generation ATGMs had a manual control system, in which the gunner, using a sight, must simultaneously monitor the missile and the target, manually generating control commands transmitted to the missile via wires. The main disadvantage of this system is the requirement for extensive experience and training of gunners and the inability to increase the speed of the rocket. The first generation of domestic ATGMs include “Shmel”, “Malyutka”, “Phalanx” with manual control systems (Table 1). In the Shmel and Malyutka missiles, commands were transmitted on board the missile via wire, and in the Phalanx ATGM - via a radio channel. The main difficulties in creating the first generation of ATGMs were ensuring stable controlled flight of the missile and the accuracy of its hitting the target in combat conditions, which required special strict selection of operators and their long-term training using simulators. What was this simulator like? The modern reader often plays using a computer, and sometimes he lacks the ability to cope with the conditions of a difficult game. So, the simulator for gunners of the first generation ATGM was a kind of computer on which few managed to win. The “player” had to use a special handle to combine the aiming mark with a moving target, transmit commands to the rocket, clarifying its flight path. Taking into account the dynamics of this fast-paced process, it was especially dangerous to transmit an inaccurate command to the rocket, changing its deflection towards the ground surface, which immediately led to its impact on the ground. In real conditions (even after training), few and capable could ensure that the missile hit the target.

One of the features of the first generation of domestic ATGMs is the widespread use polymer materials in the design of the Malyutka rocket, which was a reflection of the policy pursued at that time in the country towards the chemicalization of the national economy. The body of this missile, made of plastic, made it “radio transparent” and, due to the lack of electronic protection for fuses, susceptible to electromagnetic signals.

In this generation, an attempt was made to place a launcher with a ZM6 missile in the rear of the T-55 tank (PTRG-PUR-61 “Shmel”). The accumulated experience in the design and operation of the first generation of domestic ATGMs allowed for a more rational use of existing technical capabilities to create a second generation ATGM.

The period of design and production of second-generation ATGMs is characterized by the rapid development of this type of weapon in our country, accompanied by:

– the absence of a unified target program for the creation of promising samples;

– insufficient focus during development on achieving an advanced level of combat capabilities and tactical and technical characteristics of new models in relation to the vulnerability characteristics of foreign armored vehicles;

– dispersion of available forces, means and the presence in a number of cases of unjustified parallelism and duplication in the creation of anti-tank systems.

ATGM "Phalanx" on the suspension of a Mi-24A helicopter

Combat vehicle 9P122

Damage zone when firing the Malyutka ATGM (9K11)

The affected area when firing the Shmel ATGM

Table 2 Armor resistance of frontal fragments of American tanks and armor penetration of domestic ATGM combat units

Tank (year of adoption) Armor resistance from cumulative ammunition, mm Product Year of adoption Armor penetration, mm
М60А1 (A3) 250 - 270 "Metis" 1978 460
(1962) (1978) "Fagot-M" 1980 460
M1 (1980) 600 - 650 "Konkurs-M" 1980 600
M1A1 (1985) 650 - 700 "Sturm-S" 1980 660
M1A2 (1994) 850 "Brass knuckles" 1980 550
"Cobra-M" 1981 600
"Reflex" 1985 700

Note: the armor resistance of the main body is presented without dynamic protection

For example, although there was information about the emergence of multi-layer armor and dynamic protection (DPA), the design bureau continued to create missiles with monoblock warheads with armor penetration inferior to the durability of the frontal protection fragments of foreign tanks (Table 2).

The second generation ATGMs have a semi-automatic guidance system, with the help of which the gunner, through an optical sight, monitors only the target, and tracking the missile and generating control commands is carried out automatically by ground equipment. However, the speed of unwinding of the wires intended to transmit control commands on board the rocket limits its flight speed. In the case of using radio communications and lasers in the control system (instead of wires), it becomes possible to control the flight of a missile at supersonic speeds, which makes it possible to install ATGMs on helicopters and airplanes. Under these conditions, the gunner monitors the target using an optical sight, ground equipment determines the deviation of the missile from the target’s line of sight and generates appropriate control commands transmitted to the ATGM via radio or laser beam. The second generation of domestic ATGMs includes “Fagot”, “Konkurs” (Fig. 2), “Metis”, “Sturm”, etc. (Table 3). During this period, by modernizing the control systems (brought to semi-automatic), the Malyutka and Phalanga anti-tank systems (Malyutka-P and Phalanga-P) were transferred to the second generation.

A number of modernization measures made it possible to significantly extend the service life of the Malyutka ATGM, which was widely used in the Arab-Israeli conflict in 1973. In this conflict, over half of all tanks were disabled by ATGMs, and Malyutka missiles accounted for 800 Israeli tanks destroyed. The latest modernization of the Malyutka missile resulted in the replacement of the monoblock warhead (warhead) with a tandem one. In this case, the first cumulative charge (precharge) was placed in a special rod in the head of the rocket, and therefore the total length of the rocket increased (Table 4). At the same time, the armor penetration (800 mm) of the main charge increased significantly. The small length of the rod with the precharge of the tandem warhead does not allow it to overcome dynamic protection when it hits the upper half of a container 400-500 mm long.

Table 3 Second generation anti-tank missile systems

Name Media type Control system Developer Adoption
complex rockets PU
"Malyutka-P" 9M14P 9P113 9P111 BRDM portable Semi-automatic by wire KBM, Kolomna 1969
"Phalanga-P" 9M17P Helicopter Mi-4AV Mi-8TV Mi-24D (A) BRDM-2 Semi-automatic by radio KBTM, Moscow 1969
9K11 "Fagot" "Fagot-M" 9M111 9M111-2 9P135 9P148 portable BRDM-2 portable KBP, Tula 1970
“Competition” “Konkurs-M” (“Udar”) 9M113 9M113M 9P148 9P135 9P135M-1 BRDM-2 portable BMP-1P BMP-2 BMP-2 (3) portable Semi-automatic by wire KBP, Tula 1974 1986
9K115 "Metis" "Metas-M" 9K127 "Metis-2" 9M115 9M115M 9M116 9M131 9P151 9P152 portable Semi-automatic by wire KBP, Tula 1978 1994
9K113 "Sturm-V" "Attack" "Sturm-S" 9M114 9M120 9M120D Helicopter 9P143 Mi-24V Mi-28 Ka-29 MT-LB Semi-automatic by wire KBM, Kolomna 1978 1976
"Vortex" 9А4172К Helicopter Ka-50 KBP, Tula 1985
9K120 "Svir" 9K119 "Reflex" "Invar" 9M119 (ZUBK14 round) 9M119M 125 mm gun T-72C (B) T-80U (UD) Semi-automatic by laser beam KBP, Tula 1986 1989
9K112 "Cobra" 9K117 "Zenith" 9M112 9M128 125 mm gun T-64B (BV) T-80B (BV, BVK) Via radio with optical feedback KBTM, Moscow 1981 1988
9K116 “Bastion” “Kan” 9K116-1 “Sheksna” 9M117 (ZUBK10 round) 100 mm gun 115 mm gun T-55 (M, AD,MB) PTP MT-12 T-62 (M, M-1, M1-2. MB. D) Semi-automatic by laser beam KBP, Tula 1983 1990 1985
"Cornet" BMP-3 portable Semi-automatic in the Pazar beam KBP, Tula 1995

Note to table 3.

BRDM - combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle; BMP - infantry fighting vehicle; BMD - airborne combat vehicle;

MT-LB – multi-purpose lightly armored transporter; PTP - anti-tank gun.

Fig. 2 Second-generation portable ATGM “Konkurs” with a 9M13 missile

Fig.3 Second generation ATGM "Metis-2"

a) Portable launcher 1 – TPKsPTUR; 2-optical coordinator; 3-ground control equipment; 4 - sight; 5-tripod

6) ATGM 9M131 with tandem warhead 6-steering unit; 7 – hardware compartment with precharge; 8-engine installation; 9-cumulative warhead (main charge); 10-compartment with a wire spool and an optical emitter; 11 - stabilizer; 12 – docking cable connector; 13 – docking cable

The use of semi-automatic control systems has made it possible to dramatically reduce the load on the operator, which comes down to keeping the sight mark on the target; all other functions were performed by ground-based equipment of the complexes.

A positive feature of the second generation ATGM is the placement of missiles in a transport and launch container (TPC). The TPK, ready for combat use, is stored, transported and installed on the carrier. The technical condition of the rocket is monitored without removing it from the container. The use of TPK simplifies the design of the placement of a missile on various carriers, increases its safety and combat readiness.

An important feature of most second-generation ATGM samples is the presence of one control channel, and in order to use the functioning of this channel in two planes, the missile was given a rotational motion. This technique made it possible to somewhat reduce the weight of the control equipment on board the rocket and the volume it occupied.

Table 4 Comparative characteristics of the standard and modernized Malyutka ATGM

Table 5 Characteristics of portable ATGMs

9P32 combat vehicles of the Phalanx complex at the parade on Red Square in Moscow.

Existing anti-tank guns and grenade launchers do not fully defeat modern tanks. For this reason, infantry units are reinforced with special portable ATGMs, which, compared to anti-tank guns and grenade launchers, have less dispersion and higher lethal effect, as well as great camouflage capabilities.

Family ATGM "Metis" is typical among portable complexes. The portable ATGM (Fig. 3) of the company level "Metis-2" (launcher weight - 10 kg; weight of the container with the missile - 13.8 kg) is designed to destroy modern armored targets with dynamic protection (RA), as well as firing points and other small targets.

The ground forces are armed with a portable battalion-level ATGM "Fagot-M", which differs from the Fagot ATGM in the presence of a thermal imaging observation and targeting device, which is a passive-type optical-electronic device with optical-mechanical scanning, operating on the object’s own thermal radiation.

Comparative characteristics of modern portable ATGMs are presented in Table 5.

The Fagot, Metis-2, Konkurs-M missiles, as well as the modernized Malyutka-2, are controlled via wired communication. The wire used for this purpose has two metal cores insulated from each other. The mass of a linear meter of this wire is 0.18 g. The mass of the wire of the Konkurs-M rocket for firing at 4 km is 740 g, which causes some bewilderment in modern conditions of the development of radio electronics. The modernization did not bypass the Konkurs-M ATGM (9M113). After modernization, the missile was equipped with a tandem warhead with an armor penetration of 700 mm.

ATGM "Kornet"(launcher weight - 19 kg, TPK weight with missile - 27 kg) is used as a portable one in case of “removal” from the carrier. Comparison of the weight characteristics of this complex, for example, with those of the Metis-2 portable ATGM, indicates that it is more suitable as a transportable one. The Kornet complex missile is also equipped with a thermoboric warhead, which is an ammunition filled with a volumetric detonating mixture. It is known that the fragmentation effect of various ammunition is ineffective against targets that are shielded either by obstacles or by terrain. In this case, the Kornet warhead, due to the spraying of a hydrocarbon composition with a charge of a conventional explosive with the formation of an aerosol cloud in the air, flowing into the shelter, trenches and other structures, followed by its detonation and the action of a shock wave, effectively hits the hidden manpower. The inclusion of a number of other missile systems with cumulative and volumetric detonating warheads in the Kornet ammunition load makes it possible to increase the versatility and multifunctionality of the combat use of these types of weapons. Equipment motorized rifle platoons, companies and battalions, portable anti-tank systems can significantly increase the efficiency and stability of the anti-tank defense of these units.

In articles about anti-tank missile systems (ATGMs), the expressions “first generation”, third generation”, “fire and forget”, “see and shoot” are often found. I will briefly try to explain what, in fact, we are talking about...

As the name suggests, ATGMs are designed to primarily engage armored targets. Although they are also used for other objects. Up to an individual infantryman, if there is a lot of money. ATGMs are capable of quite effectively combating low-flying air targets, such as helicopters.

Photo from

Anti-tank missile systems are classified as precision weapons. That is, to a weapon, I quote, “with a probability of hitting the target higher than 0.5.” A little better than when tossing a coin heads and tails)))

The development of anti-tank systems was carried out back in Nazi Germany. Mass production and delivery of anti-tank missile systems to the troops in NATO countries and the USSR was launched already in the late 1950s. And these were...

First generation ATGM

Anti-tank guided missiles of the first generation complexes are controlled at “three points”:
(1) the operator's eye or sight when shooting at a distance of more than a kilometer.
(2) rocket
(3) goal

That is, the operator had to combine these three points manually, controlling the rocket, usually by wire. Until the very moment of hitting the target. Control using various types of joysticks, control handles, joysticks and more. For example, this “joystick” on the 9S415 control device of the Soviet Malyutka-2 ATGM

Needless to say, this required long-term training of operators, their iron nerves and good coordination even in a state of fatigue and in the heat of battle. The requirements for operator candidates were among the highest.
Also, the first generation complexes had disadvantages in the form of low flight speed of missiles, the presence of a large “dead zone” in the initial part of the trajectory - 300-500 m (17-25% of the entire firing range). Attempts to solve all these problems have led to the emergence...

Second generation ATGM

Anti-tank guided missiles of the second generation complexes are controlled at “two points”:
(1) Visor
(2) Purpose
The operator’s task is to keep the sight mark on the target; everything else is up to the automatic control system located on the launcher.

The control equipment, with the help of a coordinator, determines the position of the missile relative to the line of sight of the target and keeps it there, transmitting commands to the missile via wires or radio. The position is determined by the radiation of an infrared lamp/xenon lamp/tracer located at the rear of the missile and directed back towards the launcher.

A special case is such second-generation complexes as the Scandinavian “Bill” or the American “Tou-2” with the BGM-71F missile, hitting the target from above on the span:

The control equipment on the installation “guides” the rocket not along the line of sight, but several meters above it. When a missile flies over a tank, the target sensor (for example, on the Bill - magnetic + laser altimeter) gives a command to sequentially detonate two charges placed at an angle to the missile axis

Second-generation systems also include ATGMs that use missiles with a semi-active laser homing head (GOS)

The operator is also forced to hold the mark on the target until it is hit. The device illuminates the target with coded laser radiation, the missile flies towards the reflected signal, like a moth to the light (or like a fly to a smell, as you like).

Among the disadvantages of this method is that the crew of the armored vehicle is practically notified that fire is being fired at them, and the equipment of the optical-electronic protection systems can have time to cover the vehicle with an aerosol (smoke) curtain at the command of the laser irradiation warning sensors.
In addition, such missiles are relatively expensive, since the control equipment is located on the missile, and not on the launcher.

Complexes with laser beam control have similar problems. Although they are considered the most noise-resistant of the second generation ATGMs

Their main difference is that the movement of the missile is controlled using a laser emitter, the beam of which is oriented towards the target at the tail of the attacking missile. Accordingly, the laser radiation receiver is located at the rear of the rocket and is aimed at the launcher, which significantly increases noise immunity.

In order not to notify their victims in advance, some ATGM systems can raise the missile above the line of sight and lower it in front of the target, taking into account the range to the target received from the rangefinder. Which is shown in the second picture. But don’t be confused, in this case the missile hits not from above, but from the front/side/stern.

I will limit myself to the concept for dummies, invented by the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM), of the “laser path”, on which the rocket actually supports itself. In this case, the operator is still forced to accompany the target until it is destroyed. However, scientists tried to make their life easier by creating

Generation II+ ATGM

They are not much different from their older brothers. In them, it is possible to track targets not manually, but automatically, using ASC, target tracking equipment. In this case, the operator can only mark the target, and start searching for a new one and defeating it, as was done on the Russian Kornet-D

Such complexes are very close in their capabilities to third-generation complexes. The term " I see, I shoot"However, with everything else, generation II+ complexes have not gotten rid of their main shortcomings. First of all, dangers for the complex and the operator/crew, since the control device must still be in direct visibility of the target until it is hit. Well, in -secondly, associated with the same low fire performance - the ability to hit a maximum of targets in a minimum time.

Designed to solve these problems

Third generation ATGM

Anti-tank guided missiles of the third generation complexes do not require the participation of an operator or launch equipment in flight and therefore belong to the " fire and forget"

The operator's task when using such ATGMs is to detect the target. ensure its capture by the missile control equipment and launch. After which, without waiting to hit the target, either leave the position or prepare to hit a new one. A missile guided by an infrared or radar seeker will fly on its own.

Third-generation anti-tank missile systems are constantly being improved, especially in terms of the capabilities of on-board equipment to capture targets, and the moment is not far off when they will appear

Fourth generation ATGM

Anti-tank guided missiles of fourth-generation systems will not require operator participation at all.

All you need to do is launch a missile into the target area. There, artificial intelligence will detect the target, identify it, independently make a decision to kill and carry it out.

In the long term, the equipment of a “swarm” of missiles will rank detected targets by importance and hit them starting from the “first on the list.” At the same time, preventing two or more ATGMs from being directed at one target, as well as redirecting them to more important ones in the event that they were not fired upon due to a failure or the destruction of the previous missile.

For various reasons, we do not have third-generation complexes ready for delivery to the troops or for sale abroad. This is why we lose money and markets. For example, Indian. Israel is now the world leader in this area.

At the same time, second and second plus generation complexes remain in demand, especially in local wars. First of all, due to the relative cheapness of missiles and reliability.