The comprehensive air defense system 2c6 "Tungushka" appeared in 1990 was developed for replacement very well-proven ZSS 23 4 "Shilka". "Tunguska", unlike her, has a 20 mm gauge gun, as well as self-equipped earth-air missiles 9M311 (SA-19 \u200b\u200bGrison). In both systems, the general radar system is used. 2c6 was designed to provide war-ended defense, including helicopters, remotely manned aircraft and winged rockets, motorized rifle and tank parts and divisions. "Tunguska" is a legogencies of a tracked machine with a tower rotating 360 °. It is based on the GM-352M chassis. The machine body includes a separation of a driver-driver, a turbo-diesel engine and a turbine with a capacity of 67 hp, transmission, electrical equipment, electrical system system, gyroscopic equipment, hydraulic drive of the tower rotation mechanism, internal communication system, protection system of protection, livelihoods, Fire extinguishing and optical devices.
The radar system includes a separate accompaniment radar installed on the frontal part of the tower, and the capture radar and target definitions installed on its back. The information obtained by the RLS is transmitted to a digital computing device that operates weapons. The range of RLS is 18 km, the range of accompaniment is 16 km away.

Eight Land-Air Rockets are in special containers on each side of the tower. Complete recharging of the installation (ammunition to cannon armament and missiles) takes 16 minutes. Two additional rockets can also be placed inside the combat vehicle. This weapon has semi-automatic management of radar and guidance. 9-kilogram fragmentation fugasy warheads are installed on the rocket. The rocket speed is 900 m / s, 9m311 is able to affect the targets flying at a speed of up to 500 m / s at a distance from 2500 to 10,000 m.
The angle of vertical guidance of two 30-mm automatic guns 2A38M (the same used on BMP 2 and the KA-50 helicopter) is from -6 to + 80 °. The ammunition consists of 1904 armor-piercing traces, fragmentation tracing and fugasal tracing shells. The shooting paced is 5,000 shots per minute of Tunguska, it is capable of conducting effective guns on air targets from 200 to 4000 m, guns are also able to affect ground targets. The maximum height of the goal when conducting an effective fire is 3000 m, the minimum height is YUM. The guns are able to affect the target moving at a speed of up to 700 m / s, and the complex as a whole - to affect targets moving at a speed of 500 m / s. Currently, Tunguska is in service with the Armed Forces of Russia, Belarus and India.

Almost immediately after the creation of the famous "screech", many designers came to the conclusion that the relics of 23-mm shells of this zenith complex still lack to perform tasks facing ZSS, and the shooting range of guns is somewhat small. Naturally, there was a thought to try to install 30 mm automata on the ships, which were used on ships, as well as other options for 30 mm cannons. But it turned out to be difficult. And soon there was a more productive idea: to combine powerful artillery weapons with anti-aircraft missiles in one complex. The algorithm of combat work of the new complex was to be approximately as follows: he captures the target for a long distance, recognizes it, causes it to the controlled anti-aircraft missiles on it, and if the opponent still fails to overcome the far border, then it falls under the crushing fire of 30-mm anti-aircraft Artillery automata.

Development of SRAP Tunguska

Development an anti-aircraft rocket complex 2k22 "Tunguska" Began after the adoption of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR joint decree of July 8, 1970 No. 427-151. The general management of the creation of Tunguska was instructed by the Tula Design Bureau of Instrument Making, although individual parts of the complex were developed in many Soviet CB. In particular, the Leningrad Opto-Mechanical Association "Lomo" produced aiming and optical equipment. The Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant developed a radio complex, a countable-decisive device created a research and development of the Electromechanical Institute, and the chassis was commissioned by the Minsk Tractor Plant.

The creation of "Tunguska" lasted as many as twelve years. There was a time when the "Damoklov sword" in the form of "special opinions" of the Ministry of Defense. It turned out that on the main characteristics of Tunguska was comparable with adopted in 1975. For half of two years, the financing of the development of Tunguska was frozen. To begin to begin its creation forced the objective necessity: "OSA", although it was good for defeating the opponent's aircraft, did not suit anywhere when they were fighting with helicopters for attack. And then it became clear that the helicopters of fire support, armed with anti-tank managed projectiles, represented a serious danger for our armored vehicles.

The main difference between "Tunguska" from other zsu of a small range was that she was stacked both rocket and cannonial weapons, powerful optical electronic means of detection, maintenance and control of fire. It had a radar of the detection of goals, the radar of their accompaniment, the sighting optical equipment, a high-performance computing machine, the identification system "its foreign" and other systems. In addition, the complex stood equipment that tracked any breakdowns and failures in the equipment and the aggregates of the Tunguska itself. The uniqueness of the system was and in the fact that it was able to destroy both air and armored ground targets of the enemy. Designers tried to create comfortable conditions for the crew. The car was installed air conditioning, a heater, a filtering unit that allowed to act under conditions of chemical, biological and radiation contamination of the terrain. Tunguska received a navigation system, top acceptance and orientation. Its power supply is carried out from the autonomous power supply system having a drive from a gas turbine engine or from the diesel engine take-off system. By the way, during the subsequent modernization, the gas turbine engine resource was doubled - from 300 to 600 hours. Like "Screws". Armor "Tunguska" protects the crew from the fire of small arms and small fragments of shells and mines.

As a carrier base, a tracked GM-352 chassis with a power supply system was selected when creating SRRK 2K22. It uses a hydrahechanical transmission with a hydraulic turning mechanism, a hydropneumatic suspension with a variable clearance and hydraulic caterpillage stretch. The chassis mass was 23.8 tons, and it could withstand the load of 11.5 tons. Different modifications of diesel engines B-84 liquid cooling were used as the engine, which developed the power from 710 to 840 hp. All this together made allowed "Tungusk" to develop speed up to 65 km / h, possess high passability, maneuverability and smoothness, which was very by the way when conducting a cannon fire with the go. The rockets on targets were produced or from a place, or with short stops. Subsequently, the delivery of the chassis for the production of "Tungusk" was to carry out the production association "Metrovonmash", located in the Moscow region of Mytischi. New chassis received the GM-5975 index. The production of "Tungusok" was established at the Ulyanovsky Mechanical Plant.

The Tunguska's anti-aircraft rocket complex includes a combat machine (2c6), charging machine, maintenance and repair tools, as well as an automated control and test station.

How does Tunguska work

The target detection station (social) available on the machine is capable of detecting flying at a speed of up to 500 m / s objects on the ranges up to 20 km and at altitudes from 25 meters to three and a half kilometers. On the range of up to 17 km, the station discovers helicopters flying at a speed of 50 m / s at an altitude of 15 meters. After that, the SOC transfers data to the accompaniment station. All this time, the digital computing system prepares data for destroying goals, choosing the most optimal options for fire.

"Tunguska" is ready for battle

Already at a distance of 10 km in optical visibility conditions, the aircraft can be destroyed by a solid-fuel anti-aircraft controlled rocket 9m311-1m. Zur is made according to the "Duck" scheme with a separated engine and a semi-automatic radio command control system with manual accompaniment of the target and the automatic conclusion of the rocket on the line of sight.

After the engine will give the initial speed of 900 m / s in two and a half seconds, it is separated from the Zur housing. Further, the marching part of the rocket weighing 18.5 kg continues the flight in the ballistic mode, ensuring the lesion of the speed-to-500 m / s - and maneuvering with overload 5-7 of the objects of both on the oncoming and outgoing courses. Its high maneuverability is ensured by a significant ability to overload - up to 18 units.

The goal is amazed by an agricultural-rod combat part having contact and non-touching fuses. In the case of a minor (up to 5 meters), the blockery occurs, the combat part occurs, and the finished rod afflicting elements weighing 2-3 g each form a fragmentation field, which destroys the air target. You can imagine the volume of this needle field, if we consider that the weight of the combat part is 9 kg. The rocket itself weighs 42 kg. It comes in a transport and starting container, the mass of which from Zur is 57 kg. Such a relatively minor weight allows you to install rockets on the launching installations manually, which is very important in combat conditions. "Packed" into the container rocket is ready for use and does not require maintenance for 10 years.

The main characteristics of the SRRK 2k22 "Tunguska-M 1" with Zur 9mzp-1m

Crew, people 4
The range of detection of goals, km 20
Zone defeat the goals of Zur cannons, km
By range 2.5-10
in height 0,015-3,5
The speed of affected goals, m / s
Reaction time, with 6-8
Ammunition, zur / shells 8/1904
The rapidness of the guns, the screen / min.
Starting speed of the projectile, m / s 960
Vertical angle of shelling from guns, hail. -9 - +87
SSA mass in combat position, t Up to 35.
Deployment time, min. up to 5.
Engine Diesel B-84
Engine power, hp 710-840
Maximum speed, km / h 65

Well, if the rocket missed? Then, a pair of 30-mm double-rolled anti-aircraft guns 2A38, capable of hitting the ranges of up to 4 kilometers, is entering the battle. Each of the two automata has its own cartridges in each barrel of the total cartridge tape and one shock action mechanism serving alternately and right trunks alternately. The shooting is remote, the opening of the fire is carried out with the help of electrical engine.

Double-barreled anti-aircraft machines have forced cooling of the trunks, they are able to conduct a circular fire on air and ground, and sometimes surface targets in the vertical plane from -9 to +87 degrees. The initial speed of the shells is up to 960 m / s. In ammunition there are fragantive-fukest-incendiary (1524 pcs.) And fragant tracing (380 pcs.) Shells that fly to the target in the ratio of 4: 1. The shooting paced is simply mad. It is 4810 shots per minute, which exceeds overseas counterparts. The ammunition guns is 1904 cartridges. According to expert reviews, "automata are reliable in operation and provide trouble-free operation at temperatures from -50 to +50 s °, during rain, icing and dusting, shooting without cleaning for 6 days with daily shooting up to 200 cartridges on an automatic and dry ( Degreased) Details of automation. Without changing the trunks, the automata produces at least 8,000 shots when adherence the shooting mode of 100 shots on the machine with subsequent cooling of the trunks. " Agree, this data is impressive.

And yet, and yet ... there are absolutely perfect techniques in the world. And if all manufacturers raise the shield extremely advantage of their combat systems, their direct users - army fighters and commanders are more concerned about the possibilities of products, their weaknesses, for it can play the largest role in real battle.

We rarely discuss the shortcomings of our weapons. All that is written about it, as a rule, sounds in enthusiastic colors. And this is by and large right - the soldier must believe in his weapon. But the battle begins, and sometimes disappointment appears, sometimes very tragic for fighters. "Tunguska", by the way, is not at all a "demonstration sample" in this regard. This, without any exaggeration, perfect system. But she is not without flaws. They can still be attributed to the relatively small range of detection of the goal of on-board radar, taking into account the fact that 20 kilometers are modern aircraft or winged rockets overcome in the shortest possible time. One of the biggest problems "Tunguska" is the impossibility of using anti-aircraft managed missiles in poor visibility conditions (smoke, fog, etc.).

"Tunguska" in Chechnya

The results of the use of SRAP 2K22 during the fighting in Chechnya are very significant. In the report of the former chief of the headquarters of Lieutenant General V. Potapov, many shortcomings of the real use of anti-aircraft gun-rocket complexes were noted. It is necessary, however, make a reservation that all this happened in the context of the partisan war, where much is done "not on science". Potapov said that 15 anti-aircraft rocket complexes were disabled from 20 "Tungatk". The main source of combat damage was grenade launchers of the RPG-7 and RPG-9. The militants led fire from a distance of 30-70 meters and hit the towers and caterpillar chassis. During the technical inspection of the nature of damage to the Tunguska, the Tunguska, it was established that from 13 proven combat vehicles in 11 units turned out to be a damaged casing of the tower, in two - a tracked chassis. "42 Rockets 9m311 out of 56, - \u200b\u200bemphasized in the report, were amazed on the guide machines from small arms and fragments of mines. As a result of such an impact on 17 rockets, starting engines worked, but they did not come out of the containers. On two BM, there was a fire and the right guides zur were disabled. "

"The defeat of ammunition, it was noted further in the report, it was discovered on three combat vehicles. As a result of high temperature in the fire and short circuit in the power supply circuit, an ammunition was destroyed on a single combat vehicle, and on the other two, with a large fragments of mines (hole diameter up to 3 cm) through all arthotsek box loaded by ammunition, only 2 detonation occurred. -3 shells. At the same time, the personnel of the calculations was not affected inside the combat vehicles. "

And one more interesting quotation from the mentioned report: "Analysis of the state of automata 2A38 allows us to conclude that with minor lesions of the casing of the shooting can be carried out short queues before the consumption of all ammunition. With numerous damage to cooling housings, 2a38 is climbed. As a result of the lesion of the initial speed sensors of the shells, the electromagus cables, the pyrocassset occurs a short circuit around the chain 27 volts, as a result of which the central computing system fails, while the shooting cannot continue, it is impossible to repair. Of the 13 combat vehicles were damaged automata 2A38 on 5 bm completely and 4 per one machine.

Almost all BM were damaged antenna station detection station (social). The nature of the damage indicates the conclusion due to the fault of the personnel of 11 antennas of the SOC (knocked down by trees at the turn of the tower) and 2 antennas are damaged by the fragments of mines and bullets. The antennas of the accompaniment station of goals (SCC) are damaged by 7 bm. As a result of hitting the concrete obstacle on one BM, the chassis damaged (separating the right guide wheel and the first right support roller). On 12 damaged combat machines, apparent damage compartments do not have, which indicates the provision of survivability of the calculation ... "

Such here are interesting numbers. It pleases here that most of the crews "Tungusk" were not injured. And the conclusion is simple: the fighting machines must be applied in those combat conditions for the actions in which they were intended. Then the effectiveness of the weapon, embedded in him the design idea.

True, it is necessary to note that any war is a harsh school. Here you will quickly adapt to the realities. The same thing happened with the combat use of Tungusk. In the absence of a air enemy, they began to be used on ground objects point: unexpectedly appeared from the shelters, they applied their crushing blow to the militants and quickly returned back. The losses of the cars came up.

According to the results of hostilities, proposals were made on the modernization of Tunguska. In particular, it was recommended to provide for the possibility of managing the drivers of a combat vehicle in the refusal of the central computing station; A proposal has been made to change the design of the emergency hatch, since in combat conditions the crew will be able to leave the combat machine at best in 7 minutes that the monstrously long; It was proposed to consider the possibility of equipment emergency hatch on the left side - near the range operator; It was recommended to install on the left and right additional viewing devices by the driver, install devices that allow you to shoot flue and signal charges, increase the power of the lamp to highlight the night vision device and ensure the possibility of building weapons to goal under nightlife, etc.

As you can see, there are no limits to the improvement of combat technology. It should be noted that "Tunguska" at one time was modernized and received the name "Tunguska-M", and the 9M311 rocket was also improved, which received the 9M311-1m index.

The military anti-aircraft rocket and cannon complex (CRPC) 2K22 "Tunguska" today is widely known in the world and consists in armament of the land forces of Russia and a number of foreign countries. The emergence of such a combat vehicle is the result of a real estimate of the possibilities of existing air defense and comprehensive study of the experience of their use in local wars and military conflicts of the second half of the 20th century. SRRK 2K22 "Tunguska", according to US classification (NATO) SA-19 \u200b\u200b(Grison), was created as a means of air defense of the direct cover of tank and motorized rifle military formations (regiments, brigades) from shocks, first of all, low-fat aircraft and enemy helicopters. In addition, the complex can conduct an effective struggle with modern walled rockets (CR) and remotely manned aircraft (DPL), and if necessary, used to defeat the easily organized ground (surface) targets and the living force of the enemy directly on the battlefield. It was repeatedly confirmed by the results of combat shooting in Russia and abroad.

The creation of 2k22 "Tunguska", as well as other air defense tools, was a rather complicated process. The difficulties accompanying him were associated with a number of reasons. Many of them were due to the requirements set in front of developers and tasks, the solution of which was to provide an anti-aircraft complex, intended for action in combat orders of the underwear of the first echelon troops in the offensive and in defense, in place and in motion. This situation was also complicated by the fact that the new autonomous anti-aircraft complex was supposed to be equipped with mixed artillery and rocket weapons. The most important of the requirements that the new anti-aircraftiary must be answered are: an effective struggle with low-fat targets (NLC), especially attachment aircraft and combat helicopters; High mobility corresponding to the covered troops, and the autonomy of actions, including when the main forces are separated; The ability to conduct intelligence and fire in motion and with a short stop; High density of fire with sufficient in the income of ammunition; Small reaction time and all-weather application; The possibility of use to combat ground (surface) easily fertilized targets and the live enemy strength and others.

Anti-aircraft rocket and cannon complex 2K22 "Tunguska"

The experience of combat use of ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" during the Arab-Israeli wars in the Middle East showed that to a certain extent it ensured the fulfillment of such requirements and was a fairly effective all-weather air defense agent in a simple and complex air and radio-electronic environment. In addition, it was concluded that the anti-aircraft artillery, in comparison with rocket facilities, retains its importance as a means of combating the universal air and ground (surface) targets and the living force of the enemy. However, during the fighting, along with positive, certain drawbacks were identified. First of all, this is a small zone (up to 2 km) and the probability (0.2-0.4) of the targets, a low physical impact of a separate projectile, significant difficulties in the timely discovery of high-speed low-tie air targets with full-time intelligence means, often led to them Pass without fire, and some others.

The first two disadvantages were eliminated by increasing the gauge of cannon weapons, which was confirmed by the results of scientific and practical research of a number of organizations and industrial enterprises. It was found that small-caliber shells with contact fuses are striking the air target mainly by the fugasic effect of the explosive wave. Practical tests have shown that the transition from 23mm on a 30-mm caliber allows you to increase by 2-3 times the mass of explosives, adequately reduce the number of hits necessary to defeat the aircraft and leads to a significant increase in the combat efficiency of the SSA. At the same time, the effectiveness of the impact of armor-piercing and cumulative shells during shooting is increasing, as well as the effectiveness of the lesion of the enemy's living force. At the same time, an increase in the caliber of automatic anti-aircraft guns (AZP) to 30-mm did not reduce the shooting pace characteristic of 23-mm APP.

For experimental verification of a number of questions by the decision of the USSR government in June 1970, the design office of instrument making (CBP, Tula), together with other organizations, was entrusted to conduct research and experimental work to determine the possibility of creating a new 30-mm ZSS 2Q22 "Tunguska" with the development of a draft design. By the time of its creation, it was concluded that it was necessary to install on the "Tungusk" of its own means of detecting low-tech targets (NLC), which made it possible to achieve the maximum autonomy of the actions of the SSA. From the experience of combat use ZSU-23-4, it was known that the timeliness of the shelling of goals with sufficient efficiency is achieved in the presence of preliminary target designation from the Battery Commander's Point (BCP). Otherwise, the effectiveness of the autonomous circular search of goals does not exceed 20%. At the same time, it was justified the need to increase the coverage of the first echelon troops and increase the total combat effectiveness of the new ZSA. This was suggested to achieve an armament on it with a managed rocket and an optical target visiting system.

During the special research work "Binin", the appearance of a new zenith complex was determined and the requirements for it, taking into account all the features of its possible application. He was a kind of hybrid of anti-aircraft artillery (Zac) and anti-aircraft missile (SPC) complexes. Compared to the "plug", he had more powerful cannon weapons and lightweight, compared with the "OSA", rocket weapons. But, despite the positive opinion and reviews of a number of organizations on the feasibility of developing ZSA Tunguska in accordance with such requirements, at the initial stage, this idea was not supported in the apparatus of the then Minister of Defense of the USSR A.A. Grechko. The basis for this and the subsequent termination of the financing of work up to 1977, became adopted in 1975 as the means of air defense of the Divisional submission of the SPC "OSA". Its zone of lesion of aircraft for the range (1.5-10 km) and height (0.025-5 km), some other characteristics of combat efficiency were close or exceeded similar indicators of Tunguska. But when making such a decision, it was not taken into account that the ZSU is a spanning air defense agent. In addition, according to a tactical and technical assignment, it has more efficient in the struggle with suddenly emerging low-fatty aircraft and helicopters. And this is one of the main features of the conditions in which the fighting of the shelves of the first echelon.

A peculiar impetus for the start of a new stage of work on the creation of Tunguska was the successful experience of combat use of American helicopters with anti-tank manageable rockets (Ptti) in Vietnam. So, out of 91 attacks of tanks, BTR, artillery in positions and other terrestrial objects 89 were successful. These results stimulated the rapid development of fire support helicopters (VB), the creation of special aerobral units as part of the ground forces, developing tactics of their application. Taking into account the experience of the Vietnamese War in the USSR, research and experienced teachings of troops were conducted. They showed that the SPC "OSA", "Strela-2", "Strela-1" and ZSS "Shilka" do not provide reliable protection of tanks and other objects from shocks, which could hit them from heights 15-30 25 m for a distance of up to 6 km with a high probability.

These and other results have caused serious concerns of the leadership of the USSR MO and the basis for the opening of financing the further development of SSA 2C6 Tunguska, which in 1980 has been completed. In the period from September 1980 to December 1981, government tests were conducted at the Dongz Polygon and after their successful completion in 1982, the SRRK was adopted. ZSS 2K22 "Tunguska", which did not have global analogues at that time, differ in principle from all previously created anti-aircraft complexes. As part of one combat vehicle, cannon and rocket weapons were combined, radio-electronic detection, identification and accompaniment and shelling of air and ground targets. At the same time, all this equipment was placed on the tracked self-propeller of increased passability.

Such a layout ensured the fulfillment of a number of requirements set before the creators of the SRRK - high maneuverability, fire power and autonomy of actions, the ability to fight the air and ground enemy from the place and in motion, cover the troops from the blows of it in all kinds of hostilities during the day and night , other. The joint efforts of a number of organizations and enterprises created a unique anti-aircraft complex, which for a number of indicators currently does not have world analogues. The composition of SRRK 2K22, as well as any other zenith complex, includes combatants, maintenance tools and training facilities. The combat - this is the actual SSS 2C6 "Tunguska" with an ammunition of eight anti-aircraft controlled missiles 9m311 and 30-mm anti-aircraft shots in the amount of 1936 pieces.

The normal functioning of the 2Q22 "Tunguska" combat vehicles is provided by a set of technical means. It consists of: 2F77M transport-chargeing machine for the transport of two ammunition of cartridges and eight zur; repair and maintenance machines (2F55-1, 1Р10-1M and 2B110-1); automated control and test mobile station 9B921; MOTO-ATG-M1 maintenance workshop. SSS 2C6, the main element of the SRAP is a complex of funds and systems of various purposes, most of which are located in the installation tower. The main ones are: a system of radar intelligence and targets (radar detection radar stations - social and maintenance - SCC goals, ground radar requester - NRZ), a system of cannon-rocket weapons (two 30 mm 2A38 automaton with cooling system and ammunition of cartridges, eight Starting installations with guides, eight zur 9m311 in transport and starting containers and other equipment), digital computing system (CCC), targeted-optical equipment with a guidance and stabilization system, system of power hydraulic drives of guns and launchers Zur and a number of other systems providing systems .

Social Radar Station (RLS) of a circular review of the decimeter range of waves with high operating characteristics. It solves the tasks of round-the-clock detection of air targets in any weather-climatic and radio-electronic environment, determining their coordinates, follow-up to the range and azimuth, as well as the automatic issuance of target designation on the SEC and the current range into the digital computing system. Electromechanical stabilization of the RLS antenna makes it possible to intelligence air targets in motion. With probability of at least 0.9, the station detects a fighter in the range of heights 25-3500 m for a range of 16-19 km with a resolution of 500 m in terms of range, 5-6 ° in azimuth and up to 15 ° at the corner of the place. At the same time, the value of the coordinate coordinate errors on average does not exceed 20 m in terms of range, 1 ° in azimuth and 5 ° at the corner of the place. The SCC is a radar of a centimeter wave range with a two-channel simea and auto repair of moving purposes under passive interference conditions and reflections from local items. Its characteristics provide with a probability of 0.9 by the support of the fighter in three coordinates at the heights of 25-1000 m from the range of 10-13 km (7.5-8 km) according to the data designation from the SOC (with the independent sector search). At the same time, the average target accompaniment error does not exceed 2 m by range and 2 divisions of the corner coordinate.

These two stations provide reliable detection and maintenance of such complex air defense tools as low-fat and hung helicopters. Thus, with a probability of not lower than 0.5, the detection range of the helicopter at an altitude of 15 m is 16-17 km, and the transition to its auto drift is 11-16 km. At the same time, the helicopter hanging in the air can be detected due to the rotating carrier screw. In addition, both radars are protected from the effects of electronic enemy interference and may accompany goals under the conditions of the use of modern anticulate rockets like "Harm" and "AWA Standard". 30-mm rainflated two-barrel anti-aircraft machine 2A38 is designed to defeat the air and ground-based easiest enemy purposes, as well as to combat his living force on the battlefield. It has a total tape nutrition and one shock-type shooting mechanism that provides alternate shocking with the left and right barrel. Remote control of the shooting is carried out by electrospa. Cooling the trunks depending on the ambient temperature is made by water or antifreeze. Circular shelling the goals of fragant-fuzno-incendiary and fragant-tracing shells are possible at the elevation angles of the stems from -9 ° to + 85 °. The ammunition of shells in the ribbon is 1936 pcs.

The machines are distinguished by high reliability and wear resistance of the trunk in various operating conditions. With a general pace of shooting 4060-4810 SECTION / MIN and the initial speed of the shells of 960-980 m / s, they work well enough at temperatures from -50 ° to + 50 ° C and icing, in precipitation and dusting, when shooting with dry (degreasing ) Details of automation without cleaning and lubrication during b days with daily shooting of 200 cartridges on the machine. In such conditions, no less than 8,000 shots can be made without changing the trunks (during shooting of 100 shots on the machine with subsequent cooling of the stems). The 9M311 solid fuel rocket may affect the various types of optically visible high-speed and maneuvering air targets when shooting with a short stop and from the place in the oncoming and coronary courses. It is made according to a bicaliber diagram with a separated engine and a semi-automatic radiocomand control system, manual target accompaniment and automatic conclusion of the rocket on line of sight. The engine for 2.6 s after the start accelerates the rocket to a speed of 900 m / s. To prevent the rocket optical support line to prevent the rocket line, it flies to the target along the arc-lifting trajectory with an average rate of 600 m / s and with a disposable overload of about 18 units. The lack of a march engine provided a reliable and accurate guidance of ZUR, reduced its mass and dimensions, simplified the layout of onboard equipment and combat equipment.

High accuracy characteristics provide a direct rocket hit in a target with a probability of about 60%, which allows it to be used, if necessary, for firing for land or surface targets. For their defeat on the rocket, a fragration and rod-patch of a mass of 9 kg with contact and non-contact (laser, response radius up to 5 m) fuses are installed. When shooting for terrestrial targets, the second before starting the rocket is turned off. The combat part is equipped with rods (length of about 600 mm, diameter 4-9 mm), placed in a kind of "shirt" of ready-made fragments of cubes weighing 2-3 g. When breaking the rod warheads form a ring with a radius of 5 m in the plane perpendicular to the rocket axis. With a high level of autonomy of Tunguska, it can be successfully operated and managed by a higher command item. Depending on the conditions of the situation and the type of ZSS goals is able to conduct combat work in automatic, semi-automatic, manual or inertial modes.

All means and systems ZSS 2K22 "Tunguska" are placed on the self-propelled tracked chassis of high passability of GM-352 production of the Minsk Tractor Plant. For a variety of its indicators, it is unified with the chassis of the famous anti-aircraft missile system "TOR". In the chassis case, a power plant with a transmission, chassis, electrical equipment of the on-board network, a means of autonomous power supply, life support, communications, collective protection systems, fire-fighting equipment, surveillance devices with glass cleaning system, an individual set of spare parts and accessories are placed. The main part of the entire equipment is established in the Department of the Office (the left nose part of the case), where the driver is located, in the motor-transmission office (stern part of the case), as well as in the bias of life support and fire equipment, batteries, autonomous power supply systems (SALES) , GTD and others.

With a mass of about 24,400 gm, GM-352 ensures the performance of the ZSS 2K22 "Tunguska" at ambient air temperature from -50 ° to + 50 ° C, the dustiness of the ambient air is up to 2.5 m / m of a relative humidity of 98% at a temperature of 25 ° C and on Heights up to 3000 m above sea level. Its overall dimensions in length, width (on the fenders) and height (with a nominal road, 450 mm) do not exceed 7790,3450 and 2100 mm, respectively. The maximum road clearance can be 580 + 10-20 mm, minimum -180 + 5-20 mm. The power plant is an engine with its maintenance systems (fuel, air purity, lubricants, cooling, heating, starting and release). It provides the movement of ZSA Tunguska at speeds up to 65, 52 and 30 km / h along the highway, dirt roads and off-road, respectively. As the power plant of the Tunguska, the Diesel engine of liquid cooling in-84m30 is used, installed in the motor-transmission compartment and capable of developing power up to 515 kW.

Hydromechanical transmission (GMT - turning mechanism, two on-board gearboxes with brakes, binding parts and nodes) ensures the transmission of torque from the engine crankshaft to the leading shafts of on-board gearboxes, change the traction force on the drive wheels and movement speed depending on the road conditions, rear movement By step with constant rotation of the crankshaft of the engine, it is disconnected from onboard gearboxes when starting and working at stops, as well as from the torque converter when driving the engine. Hydro-compound rotation mechanism and hydropneumatic suspension with a variable clearance and hydraulic caterpillar tension mechanism allows you to conduct shooting in motion without reducing speed. The transmission is installed a planetary type gearbox with four forward and reversing for all transmissions in the rear. For smooth inclusion, the hydraulic zone mechanism is used, which is duplicated by mechanical when the second transmission and reverse switch is turned on.

The chassis of GM-352 consists of a tracked propulsion and hydropneumatic suspension with changeable clearance, providing high permeability, speed and smoothness of cross-country movement. With reference to oneboard, it includes six double cutting support rollers, three supporting rollers, the leading wheel of the rear and the guide wheel of the front location. The upper part of the caterpillars with both sides is covered with non-strokes with steel screens. Each caterpillar consists of travers, each of which is a stamped steel sole with a welded ridge. Catering tension control is carried out by hydropneumatic mechanisms that are installed inside the product on sides in the nose part of the case. The tension or weakening of the caterpillars is carried out by moving the guide wheel on the arc. When the BM moves, the tension mechanisms provide a caterpillar suspender, which reduces the vertical oscillations of their upper branches.

The drive wheels of the rear location are installed on the drive shaft of the onboard gearbox. Each wheel consists of a hub and fastened toothbridge for 15 teeth, the working surfaces of which and the supporting platforms are deposited with a wear-resistant alloy. Leading wheels of the left and right sides are interchangeable. Guide wheels are located on both sides in the nasal part of the tracked machine. Each wheel consists of two identical stamped aluminum discs, pressed on the steel ring and interconnected bolts. For the protection of disks from wear by ridges of caterpillars there are waves. The wheel is symmetrical and can be inverted with the wear of the exterior disk. Supporting rollers (aluminum double-baking with massive tires 630x170) perceive the weight of the product and transmit it through the caterpillars to the ground. Each rink is a double row, consists of two rubberized stamped aluminum discs, pressing on the steel ring and interconnected bolts. On the ends of the disks, waves are fixed for protection against wear of rubber tires and disks from the effects of the tracks of the caterpillar. Supporting rollers (aluminum single-beddable with a massive tire with a diameter of 225 mm) provide maintenance of the upper branches of the caterpillars and reduce oscillations when rewinding them. On each board of the body of the product installed three rinks. All rollers are single-sized rims and interchangeable.

Supporting system (hydropneumatic, independent, 6 removable blocks on each board) consists of 12 independent removable suspension blocks and stroke rollers. The suspension blocks are attached to the body of the product bolts and are connected to the control system control system by pipeline. The system for regulating the position of the housing (hydraulic with remote control) provides a change in the road lumen, gives the body a differential, tension and weakening of the caterpillars. As primary power sources of power installation, starter batteries of type 12T-70m are used, connected in parallel, with a nominal voltage 24 V and a capacity of 70 a * h. The total capacity of the batteries is 280 a * h.

In the general case, the autonomous combat work ZSS 2K22 "Tunguska" on air targets is as follows. SOCs performs a circular review and transfer of data on the air conditioner of the SCC, which makes the seizure and subsequent auto repair of the target chosen. Its accurate coordinates (from the SEC) and the range (from social), as well as the corners of the pitch and the CRS course (from the system of measurement) enter the on-board computing system. When shooting guns, the CSOs determines the defeat area and solves the task of a projectile meeting with the aim of. When setting the opponent of powerful radio electronic interference, the target for the range may be accompanied by manually, using social or CCS (inertial support mode), according to the angular coordinates - using an optical sight or a CCC (inertial mode). When shooting rockets, the goal and zur on the angular coordinates are accompanied by an optical sight. Their current coordinates enter the CCC, which produces control commands entering the transmitter on the rocket. To exclude the field of view of the optical sight of thermal interference, the rocket flies away from the line of sight of the goal and is displayed on it for 2-3 seconds to the meeting with it. For 1000 m from the target for a team with a zsu on the rocket, a laser fuse is divided. With direct hit in the target or span at a distance of up to 5 m, the BC rocket is undermined. In the case of Promaha ZSS automatically translates into readiness to start the next rocket. In the absence of information about the range of the range, the fusion is immediately displayed on the line of its sight, the fuse shares 3.2 s after the start, and the ZSU is ready for the start of the next rocket after the flight time of the rocket for maximum range.

Organizationally several SRRK 2K22 "Tunguska" are in service with the anti-aircraft missile-artillery battery of the anti-aircraft division of a tank (motorized rifle) shelf or brigade. The control command of the PU-12M control or a unified battery pack (UBCP) "Range" can be used as the BCP battery pack (UBCP), which are located in the control unit of the Zenit Division. As the latter, as a rule, a movable exploration and control and control of PPru-1 (PPru-1M) is used.

SRRK 2K22 "Tunguska" Constant participant of numerous exhibitions of modern weapons and is actively offered for sale to other countries at the average cost of one complex within $ 13 million. About 20 zsu "Tunguska" was used in hostilities in Chechnya for firing for terrestrial targets during the fire support for troops. The tactics of their actions were that ZSU was in shelter and after obtaining accurate target designation came out of it, discovered a sudden fire with long queues at previously explored targets, and then returned to the shelter. At the same time there was no loss of military equipment and personnel.

In 1990, an upgraded version of the Tunguska-M complex (2k22m) is adopted. Unlike Tunguska, new radio stations and a receiver were established on it for communication with UBBP "Ranzhir" (PPU-12M) and PPru-1M (PPru-1), as well as a gas turbine engine of the power supply unit of a combat vehicle with elevated to 600 hours ( Instead of 300 hours) a resource of work. In 1990, Tunguska-M ZSS in 1990 was the state testing tests and in the same year adopted. The further stage of the modernization of the ZSA is Tunguska-M1, first shown in the weapon exhibition in Abu Dhabi in 1995 and adopted in 2003. Its main differences are: automation of the process of building ZUR and the exchange of information with the battery commander point, the use of a new 9m311m rocket with a radar fuse and a pulse lamp instead of a laser fuse and tracer, respectively. In this embodiment, ZSS, instead of the Belarusian GM-352, a new GM-5975 is used, created by the manufacturing association (PO) "Metrovonmash" in Mytishchi.

The GM-5975 chassis with a mass of 23.8 tons and the maximum load to 11.5 tons ensures the movement of the SSA at a speed of up to 65 km / h with an average specific pressure on the soil not more than 0.8 kg / cm. The chassis base reaches 4605 mm, ground clearance - 450 mm. A multi-fuel diesel engine with liquid cooling with a capacity of 522 (710) -618 (840) kW (hp) is used as a force plant. Fuel stroke with full refueling is at least 500 km. Chassis characteristics ensure its operation at ambient temperature from -50 ° to + 50 ° C, relative air humidity 98% at a temperature of + 35 ° C and its dusting in motion up to 2.5 g / m. "On the new chassis installed a microprocessor system Diagnostics and automatic gear shift.

In general, the level of combat effectiveness of the Tunguska-M1 complex under conditions of interference is 1.3-1.5 times higher in comparison with ZSA Tunguska-M. High combat and operational characteristics of Tunguska SRAPs of various modifications have been confirmed many times during the teachings and training segments. The complex was repeatedly demonstrated at the international exhibitions of weapons and always attracted the attention of specialists and postors. These qualities allow SRAP Tunguska to maintain its competitiveness in the global weapons market. Currently, Tunguska is armed with the army of India and other countries, a contract for the supply of these complexes in Morocco is carried out. The complex is improved in order to further increase its combat effectiveness.

30 mm shells 1904

The development of the Tunguska complex was commissioned the CBP (design bureau of instrument making) MOS under the guidance of the chief designer Shipunova A.G. In cooperation with other Oboronprom organizations in accordance with the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the CM of the USSR of 08.06.1970, it was originally established the creation of a new canine zsu (anti-aircraft self-propelled installation) which was supposed to change the well-known "chill" (ZSU-23-4).

Despite the successful use of the "chill" in Middle Eastern wars, during the fighting, its disadvantages were revealed - a small reach for targets (by a distance of not more than 2 thousand m), unsatisfactory power of shells, as well as skipping goals, nonstunted due to the impossibility of timely Detection.

Worked the feasibility of increasing the caliber of anti-aircraft automatic guns. During the experimental studies, it turned out that the transition from a 23-millimeter projectile to a 30-millimeter shell with a two-three-time increase in the weight of an explosive makes it possible to reduce the required number of hits 2-3 times to destroy the aircraft. Comparative calculations of the combat effectiveness of the SSSU-23-4 and SSSU-30-4 in the conduct of fire on the MiG-17 fighter, which flies at a speed of 300 meters per second, showed that with the same weight consumable, the probability of destruction increases by about 1.5 times At the same time, reaching in height increases from 2 to 4 kilometers. With an increase in the caliber of the guns, the efficiency of fire for land targets increases, the possibilities of use in the anti-aircraft self-propelled installation of the cumulative actuators in the anti-aircraft self-propelled setlery of the type of BMP and others are expanding.

The transition of automatic anti-aircraft guns from a caliber of 23 millimeters to a caliber of 30 millimeters practically did not affect the pace of fire, but with its further increase, it was impossible to provide high rapidity technically.

The zenithic self-propelled installation "Shilka" had very limited search capabilities, which were provided by its radar station for accompanying goals in the sector from 15 to 40 degrees in azimuth with a simultaneous change in the angle of space within 7 degrees from the installed direction of the antenna axis.

The high efficiency of the ZSSU-23-4 fire was achieved only upon receipt of preliminary targets from the Battery CPU PU-12 (M), which used data that was received from the department of the Office of the Circular Defense of the Division, which had a radar station of a circular review P-15 or P-19 . Only after that the ZSU-23-4 radar station was successful searching for purposes. In the absence of a target designation of the radar station, the anti-aircraft self-propelled installation could carry out an independent circular search, but the effectiveness of detection of air targets was less than 20 percent.

The Ministry of Defense has determined that in order to ensure the autonomous work of the promising anti-aircraft carrier installation and high efficiency of fire in its composition, its own circular survey radar station with a range of up to 16-18 kilometers (with a range of ranges to 30 meters), and the sector The review of this station in the vertical plane should be at least 20 degrees.

However, on the development of this station, which was a new additional element of the anti-aircraft self-propelled plant, the CBP MOS agreed only after careful consideration of the materials of the special. studies conducted in the 3 Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense. To expand the shelling zone before turning the applied by an opponent of onboard, as well as to increase the combat power of the anti-aircraft carrier installation "Tunguska", on the initiative of the 3 Research Institute of MO and the CBP MOS, it was considered appropriate to supplement the installation of rocket weapons with the system of optical sight and radio and anti-aircraft controlled rockets that ensure the defeat of the goals On the range up to 8 thousand m and altitudes up to 3.5 thousand m.

But, the feasibility of creating an anti-aircraft gun-rocket complex in the device Grechko A.A., the Minister of Defense of the USSR, caused big doubts. The basis for doubt and even to stop financing the further design of the anti-aircraft self-propelled plant "Tunguska" (from 1975 to 1977) was that the "OSA-AK" SPC, adopted in 1975, had a close area of \u200b\u200blesion of range aircraft (10 thousand m) and large than "Tungusky", the size of the lesion zone in height (from 25 to 5000 m). In addition, the characteristics of the efficiency of the lesion of the aircraft were approximately the same.

However, they did not take into account the specifics of the armament of the regional defense regiment, for which the installation was intended, as well as the fact that during the fight against helicopters, the OSA-AK anti-aircraft missile complex was significantly inferior to "Tungusk" because he had a greater cost - 30 seconds against 10 seconds from the anti-aircraft installation "Tunguska". A small time of the Tunguska reaction ensured a successful fight against "prompting" (briefly appearing) or suddenly departing due to shelters helicopters and other targets flying at low altitudes. SPK "OSA-AK" could not be provided.

The Americans in the Vietnamese War first applied helicopters that were armed with Ptti (anti-tank managed rocket). It became known that out of 91 attendance of the helicopters of the Armed Pattters 89 were successful. Helicopters were attacked by fire positions of artillery, objects of armored vehicles, etc. Terrestrial targets.

Based on this combat experience, in each American division, helicopter specials were created, the main purpose of which was the struggle against armored vehicles. A group of firing support helicopters and an intelligence helicopter occupied the position in the folds of the terrain at a distance of 3-5 thousand meters from the combat contact line. When the tank approach, the helicopters "joked" 15-25 meters up, hit the enemy's technique with the help of Ptti, after which they quickly hid. Tanks in such conditions turned out to be defenseless, and American helicopters were unpunished.

In 1973, the decision of the government was delivered a special comprehensive research work "Dam" on finding ways to protect St., and especially tanks and other armored vehicles from the helicopter strikes of the enemy. The head performer of this complex and great research work was determined by the 3 Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense (Scientific Director - Petukhov S.I.). On the territory of the Dongzovsky Polygon (the head of the Polygon Dmitriev OK) during the implementation of this work conducted an experienced teaching under the direction of Gazolaeva V.A. With combat shooting of various types of weapons of SV on target helicopters.

As a result of the work carried out, it was determined that the means of reconnaissance and lesions that are available from modern tanks, as well as weapons used to destroy ground targets in tank, motorized rifle and artillery formations, affecting helicopters in the air is not capable. Anti-aircraft missile systems "OSA" can carry out a reliable cover of tanks from aircraft blows, but cannot provide protection from helicopters. The positions of these complexes will be 5-7 kilometers from the positions of helicopters, which during the attack will "jump" and hang in the air for 20-30 seconds. Under the total response time of the SPC and the flight of the controlled missile, the OSA and Osa-Ak complexes will not be able to hit helicopters to the turn of the helicopter location. Complexes "Strela-1", "Strela-2" and the setting "Shilka" on combat capabilities are also unable to fight the helicopters of fire support that use such tactics.

The only anti-aircraft agent that is effectively struggling with hanging helicopters, could be a zenitic self-propelled installation of "Tunguska", which had the opportunity to accompany the tanks, entering their combat orders. ZSU had a small work time (10 seconds) as well as a sufficient distant border of his lesion zone (from 4 to 8 km).

Results of research work "Dam" and other add. Researchs that were held in the 3 Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense on this issue have made it possible to achieve renewal of financing the development of ZSA Tunguska.

The development of the Tunguska complex as a whole was carried out in the CBP MOS under the guidance of the chief designer Shipunova A.G. The main designers of rocket and guns were respectively Kuznetsov V.M. and Gryazev V.P.

Other organizations were attracted to the development of fixed assets of the complex: the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant MRP (developed a radio complex, chief designer Ivanov Yu.E.); Minsk Tractor Plant MSKM (developed the crawler chassis GM-352 and the power supply system); VNII "SIGNAL" MOS (guidance system, stabilization of optical sight and a shot line, navigation equipment); Lomo Mop (sighting and optical equipment) and others.

Joint (state) Tests of the Tunguska complex were held in September 1980 - December 1981 in the Dongzovsky Polygon (head of the Kuleshov V.I.) under the leadership of the Commission headed by Belyakov Yu.P. By the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the CM of the USSR dated 09/08/1982 the complex was adopted.

The combat vehicle 2c6 of the anti-aircraft gun-rocket complex "Tunguska" (2k22) included the following fixed assets placed on the tracked self-propeller having high permeability:
- cannon weapons, which includes two 30 mm caliber 2A38 automaton with cooling system, ammunition of cartridges;
- rocket weapons, including 8 launchers with guides, ammunition of anti-aircraft controlled rockets 9M311 in TPK, coordinate dispensing equipment, encoder;
- power hydraulic drives for guiding launchers Zur and cannons;
- a radar system consisting of a radio detection radar station, a target support station, ground radio register;
- digital countable decisive device 1A26;
- targeted-optical equipment with a stabilization and guidance system;
- course measurement system and swing;
- navigation equipment;
- Equipment of built-in control;
- communication system;
- life supporting system;
- Automatic system and automation system;
- a system of anti-arising, antobiological and anti-wiring defense.

A double-barreled 30-millimeter anti-aircraft machine 2A38 provided fire with cartridges supplied from a common cartridge tape for both stems using a single feed mechanism. The machine had a shock action shooting mechanism, which served alternately both trunks. Shooting management - remote using an electrical engine. In the liquid cooling of the trunks, water or antifreeze was used (at negative temperatures). Corners of the elevation of the machine - from -9 to +85 degrees. The cartridge ribbon was links and cartridges having projectiles of a fragant-tracing and fragantive-fukestral action (in a ratio of 1: 4). Amusement - 1936 shells. Total shooting pane - 4060-4810 shots per minute. Machines provided reliable operation in all operating conditions, including operation at temperatures from -50 to + 50 ° C, in icing, rain, dusting, shooting without lubricant and cleaning for 6 days with a shooting of 200 shells for automatic during the day, with degreasing (dry) parts of automation. Litness without changing the trunks - at least 8 thousand shots (shooting mode at the same time - 100 shots for each machine with subsequent cooling). The initial speed of the shells was 960-980 meters per second.

Layout Zur 9M311 Complex "Tunguska". 1. Non-touchless fuse 2. Steering machine 3. Autopilot block 4. Autopilot Gyproprification 5. Power supply 6. Combat part 7. Radio control equipment 8. Device separation of steps 9. RDTT

42-kilogram zur 9m311 (Mass of the rocket and transport and starting container - 57 kilograms) was built on a bikalibero diagram and had a separate engine. Single-mode motor installation of the rocket consisted of a lightweight starting engine in a 152-millimeter plastic case. The engine reported a rocket at 900 m / s and 2.6 seconds after the start, upon completion of the work, was separated. To eliminate the effect of smoke from the engine on the process of optical sight of zur on the starting site, arcuate software (by radio commands) of the rocket output trajectory was used.

After withdrawing a managed rocket on the line of sight, the marching stage zur (diameter - 76 mm, weight - 18.5 kg) inertia continued flight. The average rocket speed is 600 m / s, while the average disposable overload was 18 units. It ensured a defeat on the coronary and counter courses of targets moving at a speed of 500 m / s and maneuvering with overloads up to 5-7 units. The lack of a march engine was excluded to smoke the optical sight line, which ensured an accurate and reliable guidance of a controlled rocket, reduced its dimensions and mass, simplified the layout of combat equipment and onboard equipment. The use of a two-stage zur scheme with a diameter ratio of 2: 1 starting and marching steps made it possible to reduce the weight of the rocket in comparison with a single-stage controlled rocket with the same LTH, since the engine separation significantly reduced the aerodynamic resistance on the main site of the rocket trajectory.

The combat part of the rocket equipment was a combat part, a non-contact target sensor and a contact fuse. The 9-kilogram combat part, which occupied almost the entire length of the marching stage, was performed in the form of a compartment with rod afflicting elements that were surrounded by a fragmentary jacket to increase efficiency. The BC in the elements of the design elements provided a cutting effect and an incendiary effect on the elements of the fuel system target. In the case of small blunders (up to 1.5 meters), a fugasic effect was also ensured. The BC undermined was carried out at a signal of a non-contact sensor at a distance of 5 meters from the target, and with direct hit in the target (probability of about 60 percent) was carried out by the contact fuse.

Non-contact sensor weighing 800 gr. It consisted of four semiconductor lasers, which form an eight-beamistic pattern of the direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the rocket. The reception of the laser reflected from the target was carried out by photodetectors. The range of confident triggering is 5 meters, reliable non-production - 15 meters. The echoing of the non-contact sensor took place on radio commands per 1000 m before the meeting of the controlled rocket with the target, when shooting under ground targets, before starting the sensor, the sensor was disconnected. The Zur control system did not have limitations in height.

The on-board equipment of the controlled rocket included: an antenna-waveguide system, a gyroscopic coordinator, an electronic unit, a steering unit, a power supply, a traceser.

In Zur, the passive aerodynamic damping of the Rocket Planner in flight was used, ensuring the correction of the transmission control circuit of the commands from the BM computing system on the rocket. This made it possible to obtain sufficient accuracy of guidance, reduce the dimensions and mass of on-board equipment and an anti-aircraft controlled rocket as a whole.

The launch length is 2562 millimeters, diameter - 152 millimeters.

Station of detection of objectives BM of the Tunguska complex is a coherent-pulsed radar station of a circular view of the decimeter range. The high stability of the frequency of the transmitter, which was made in the form of an amplifying chain generator, the use of the target selection diagram provided a high coefficient of suppressing reflected signals from local items (30 ... 40 dB). This made it possible to detect the goal against the background of intensive reflections from the underlying surfaces and in passive interference. The selection of the pulse repetition frequency values \u200b\u200band the carrier frequency was achieved a unique definition of radial velocity and the range, which made it possible to implement the accompaniment of the target of azimuth and range, the automatic target designation of the target support station, as well as issuing into the digital computing system of the current range when setting intensive interference in the station in the station range accompaniment. To ensure work in motion, the antenna has stabilized the electromechanical method using signals from the sensors of the course measurement system and a dull swing.

When the transmitter pulsed power is from 7 to 10 kW, the receiver sensitivity is about 2x10-14 W, the width of the antenna antenna diagram 15 ° at the corner of the place and 5 ° in azimuth station with a probability of 90% ensured the detection of a fighter that flies at altitudes from 25 to 3,500 meters , On a range of 16-19 kilometers. The resolution of the station: by range 500 m, in azimuth 5-6 °, at the corner of the location within 15 °. NCD determining the coordinates of the target: by range 20 m, in azimuth 1 °, at an angle of space 5 °.

Target support station is a coherent-pulsed radar station of a centimeter range with a two-channel maintenance system for corner coordinates and filter schemes for selecting targets in the channels of the corner auto operation and the autodaler. The reflections coefficient from local items and suppressing passive interference - 20-25 dB. The station carried out the transition to automatic support in the sectorate sector and target design modes. Search sector: Azimuth 120 °, at the corner of 0-15 °.

With the sensitivity of the receiver 3x10-13 watts, the pulse power of the transmitter 150 kilowatt, the width of the antenna pattern of 2 degrees (at the corner of the place and in azimuth) station with a probability of 90% provided a transition to automatic support for the three coordinates of the fighter fighter at altitudes from 25 to 1000 meters From the range of 10-13 thousand meters (upon receipt of targeting from the detection station) and from 7.5-8 thousand m (with the autonomous sector search). The resolution of the station: for the range of 75 m, according to the angular coordinates of 2 °. SKE Maintenance Objectives: 2 m in terms of range, 2 d. on corner coordinates.

Both stations with a lot of probability were found and accompanied by hanging and low-fat helicopters. The detection range of the helicopter flying at an altitude of 15 meters at a speed of 50 meters per second, with a probability of 50% was 16-17 kilometers, the transition range to automatic support - 11-16 kilometers. The hanging helicopter was detected by the detection station due to the Doppler displacement of the frequency from the rotating screw, the helicopter was taken to the station of accompanying targets for three coordinates.

The stations were equipped with circuit facilities for protection against active interference, and were able to accompany goals under interference due to a combination of use of optical and radar utilities BM. Due to these combinations, working frequency data, simultaneous or regulated in time of work at close frequencies of several (located from each other for a distance of more than 200 meters), the BM as part of the battery was provided with reliable protection against the "Standard AWA" or "Shraik" type missiles.

The combat vehicle 2c6 mainly worked autonomously, but the work was not excluded in the system of control of the air defense of the ground forces.

During autonomous work provided:
- Search for a goal (circular search - using a detection station, sector search - with the help of an optical sight or an accompaniment station);
- Identification of the ultrasound of the detected helicopters and aircraft using the built-in requester;
- accompaniment of goals over the angular coordinates (inertial - according to data from a digital computing system, semi-automatic - with the help of an optical sight, automatic - with the help of an accompaniment station);
- accompanying the goals for the range (manual or automatic - using the accompaniment station, automatic - using the detection station, inertial - using a digital computing system, at a set speed determined by the commander visually by type of purpose chosen for shelling).

The combination of different ways to maintain the range of range and angular coordinates ensured the following work modes of BM:
1 - in three coordinates obtained from the radar system;
2 - by the range obtained from the radar system, and the angular coordinates obtained from the optical sight;
3 - inertial support for the three coordinates obtained from the computing system;
4 - according to the angular coordinates obtained from the optical sight and target rate of the target commander.

When shooting on moving ground targets, the mode of manual or semi-automatic guidance of weapons was used along the remote grid to sight into the preemptive point.

After searching, detecting and recognizing the target, the accompaniment station went to its automatic support in all coordinates.

The digital computing system for shooting with anti-aircraft guns was solved by the task of meeting the projectile and the target, and also defined the zone of defeat according to information from the output shafts of the target accompanying station, from the rangefinder, and from the error signal allocation unit over the corner coordinates, as well as the course measurement systems and corners swing bm. When setting an enemy intensive interference, the target accompanying station on the range of the range of range passed to manual support by the range, and in case of the impossibility of manual accompaniment - on the inertial support of the goal or on the maintenance of the distance from the detection station. In the case of intensive interference, the accompaniment was carried out by an optical sight, and in the case of poor visibility - from a digital computing system (inertially).

With fire, rockets used support for targets on angular coordinates using an optical sight. After starting, the anti-aircraft controlled rocket fell into the field of the optical direction finder of the selection of coordinate zur. In the instrument on a light signal of the tracer, the angular coordinates of the controlled missile relative to the target line of the target entering the computing system were generated. The system has developed a rocket control commands that entered into the encoder, where they were encoded in pulse parcels and were transmitted to the rocket through the transmitter of the accompaniment station. The rocket movement almost on the entire trajectory occurred with a deviation of 1.5 D.U. From the line of sight of the goal to reduce the likelihood of entering the direction of the direction finder, the target (optical) trap interference is shot. Entering Zur on the line of sight began approximately 2-3 seconds to the meeting with the goal, ended near her. When an anti-aircraft managed rocket approaches the target, a radiocomand of a non-contact sensor is transmitted to Zur. After the time of time, which corresponded to the flight of a rocket of 1 km from the target, the BM was automatically translated into readiness for the launch of the next managed rocket for the target.

In the absence of a range of data on the target, an additional guidance mode of an anti-aircraft controlled rocket has been used in the computing system of data on the target from the detection station or the support station. In this mode, Zur on the target line was displayed immediately, the non-contact sensor was dissolved after 3.2 seconds after the launch of the rocket, and the BM was ready to start the next rocket after the flight time of the controlled missile to the maximum range expires.

The 4 bm of the Tunguska complex was organizationally at the zenith rocket-artillery platoon of a rocket-artillery battery, which consisted of the platoon of anti-aircraft missile systems "Strela-10SV" and the platoon of "Tunguska". The battery in turn entered the anti-aircraft division of a tank (motorized rifle) regiment. The battery commander point is the management point of the PU-12M control, associated with the CP of the commander of the zenith division - the head of the air defense regiment. The KP commander of the anti-aircraft division served the control departments of the air defense regiment "Ovod-M-SV" (PPru-1, a mobile exploration and management point) or "assembly" (PPru-1M) is its upgraded option. In the future, the BM of the Tunguska complex was conjured with a unified battery CP "Ranzhir" (9C737). When paired by the PU-12M and Tunguska complex, the control and target designation team with the PU for combat vehicles were transmitted by voice by means of full-time radio stations. When pairing with KP 9C737, the commands were transmitted using codograms formed by the data transfer equipment available on them. When controlling the Tunguska complexes from the Battery CP, the air conditioning analysis, as well as the choice of goals for shelling by each complex was to be made at this point. In this case, target designations and orders were to be transferred to the combat vehicles, and with complexes on the battery pack - information about the status and results of the complex. In the future, it was supposed to ensure a direct connection of the anti-aircraft gun-missile complex with the command paragraph of the head of the air defense regiment using the telecode data line.

The work of the combat vehicles of the Tunguska complex was provided by the use of the following machines: transport and charge 2F77M (on the basis of KAMAZ-43101, 8 zur and 2 ammunition of cartridges); Repair and maintenance 2F55-1 (URAL-43203, having a trailer) and 1p10-1m (Ural-43203, maintenance of radio-electronic equipment); maintenance 2V110-1 (Ural-43203, service of the artillery part); test automated mobile stations 93921 (GAZ-66); MATERSKY MASTERSHIP MTO-ATG-M1 (ZIL-131).

Complex "Tunguska" by mid-1990 was modernized and called Tunguska-M (2K22m). The main improvements of the complex concerned the introduction of the composition of the new receiver and radio stations for communication with the battery ring "Ranzhir" (PU-12M) and CP PPRU-1M (PPru-1), replacing the gas turbine engine of the electrical power supply unit of the complex to a new operating operation (600 hours instead of 300).

In August - October 1990, the 2k22m complex was tested at the Embensky Polygon (the head of the polygon Unupko V.R.) under the leadership of the commission headed by Belotserkovsky A.Ya. In the same year, the complex was adopted.

The mass production of Tunguska and Tunguska-M, as well as its radar means organized on the Ulyanovsky mechanical plant of the Ministry of Industry, cannon weapons were organized on TMZ (Tula Mechanical Plant), rocket weapons - on KMZ (Kirov Machine-Building Plant) "Lighthouse" of the Ministry of Audveprom, The sighting and optical equipment is in the Lomo of the Ministry of Emergency. Crawler Self-propeller and their collateral systems were supplied by MTZ MSM.

Laureates of the Lenin Award became Golovin A.G., Komonov P.S., Kuznetsov V.M., Rusyanov A.D., Shipunov A.G., State Prize - Bryzgalov N.P., V.G. V.G., Zykov I.P., Korobkin V.A. and etc.

In the modification of Tunguska-M1, the processes of guidance of an anti-aircraft managed rocket and data exchange with battery CP were automated. Laser non-contact target sensor in the 9M311-M rocket was replaced by radar, which increased the likelihood of ALCM type rocket lesion. Instead of the tracer installed a pulsed lamp - efficiency increased by 1.3-1.5 times, and the range of the managed rocket reached 10 thousand m.

Based on the collapse of the Soviet Union, work is carried out to replace the GM-352 chassis, produced in Belarus, on the GM-5975 chassis, developed by the Mytishchi manufacturing association "Metrovongmash".

Further development of the main tech. Solutions for the Tunguska complexes were carried out in the anti-aircraft gun-rocket complex "Pentes-C", which has a more powerful anti-aircraft controlled rocket 57E6. The starts of the starts increased to 18 thousand m, the height of affected goals is up to 10 thousand m. In the managed missile of this complex, a more powerful engine was used, the mass of the combat part is increased to 20 kilograms, its caliber has increased to 90 millimeters. The diameter of the instrument compartment has not changed and accounted for 76 millimeters. The length of the controlled rocket increased to 3.2 meters, and the mass is up to 71 kilograms.

The anti-aircraft missile complex provides simultaneous shelling of 2 goals in the 90x90 degrees sector. High noise immunity is achieved due to joint use in infrared and radar channels of a complex of funds that work in a wide range of wavelengths (infrared, millimeter, centimeter, decimeter). The anti-aircraft missile complex provides for the use of a wheel chassis (for the civil defense forces of the country), a stationary module or caterpillar self, as well as a ship version.

Another direction of the creation of the latest means of air defense was carried out by the design bureau of accurate mechanical engineering. Nudelman Development of a towed Pine CDPC.

In accordance with the article by the head - the chief designer of the Design Bureau of Smirnova B. and the deputy. The chief designer of Cocharin V. In the magazine "Military parade" No. 3, 1998, the complex housed on the trailer-chassis includes: a two-barreled anti-aircraft machine 2A38M (speed-fire - 2400 shots per minute) with a shop on 300 shots; operator cabin; optical-electronic module developed by the production association "Ural Opto-Mechanical Plant" (with laser, infrared and television means); guidance mechanisms; digital computing system created on the basis of computers 1B563-36-10; Autonomous power supply system having a battery and gas turbine power unit AP18D.

The artillery basic version of the system (the weight of the complex is 6300 kg; Height - 2.7 m; Length - 4.99 m) can be complemented with 4 anti-aircraft controlled needle missiles or 4 promising control missiles.

According to the publishing house "Janes Defense Weekly" from 11/11/1999, the 25-kilogram rocket "Pine-P" 9M337 is equipped with a 12-channel laser fuse and a BC weighing 5 kilograms. The range of the rocket lesion zone is 1.3-8 km, height is up to 3.5 km. Maximum range flight time - 11 seconds. The maximum flight speed of 1200 m / s per third exceeds the corresponding indicator "Tunguska".

The functional and layout diagram of the rocket is similar to the rocket of the Zenit Rocket Complex "Tunguska". Engine diameter - 130 millimeters, marching steps - 70 millimeters. The radio command control system is replaced by a more noise-resistant guidance equipment for the laser beam, designed to consider the experience of using systems of tank controlled projectiles created by Tula KBP.

Mass of the transport and starting container with a rocket - 36 kg.

ZPRK "Tunguska" / Photo:

A new anti-aircraft artillery complex of a 57 mm caliber is developed in Russia to change the complexes of Tunguska and "Shilka," said the head of the air defense forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov.

The anti-aircraft gun-missile complex "Tunguska-M" is designed to protect against blows of air attack, first of all, the helicopters of fire support, the units of the ground forces in all types of battle, as well as the destruction of light-organized terrestrial and surface targets.

The anti-aircraft artillery complex ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" is intended for the air defense of small-sized objects, the units of the land forces in all types of battle, RIA Novosti reports.

Technical reference

Taking the "shack", and the military, and representatives of the military-industrial complex understood that the 23-mm gun "Amur" is too weak. This also applied to a small inclined range of shooting, and to the ceiling, and to the weakness of the feus of the projectile. Americans poured into the fire, advertising a new A-10 attack aircraft, which, allegedly, was invulnerable for 23-mm shells "Core". As a result, almost the next day after the adoption of 3CU-23-4 in all high instances, conversations began about its modernization in terms of increasing firepower and first of all - an increase in the effective ceiling of firing and the destructive action of the projectile.

From the fall of 1962, several sketching projects of installation on the "chill" of 30-mm automata were worked out. Among them were considered a 30-mm automatic engine of the NN-30 design of the OKB-16 design, used in the AK-230 ship installation, 30mm six-solid automatic machine AO-18 from the AK-630 and 30-mm ship installations. Automatic machinery AO-17 design of the KBP . In addition, a 57-mm two-sized AO-16 automatic machine was tested, specially designed in the CBS for an anti-aircraft self-propelled installation.

On March 26, 1963, Tekhsov under the direction of N. A. Astrov took place in Moscow region. It was decided to increase the CSW caliber from 23 to 30 mm. This is twice (from 1000 to 2000 m) increased the zone of the 50 percent probability of targeting the target and increased the shooting range from 2500 to 4000 m. The shooting efficiency on the MiG-17 fighter, flying at an altitude of 1000 m at a speed of 200-250 m / s Recently increased by 1.5 times.

In the end, a 30-mm double-sided automatic machine AO-17 took the SSS. His modified version received the index 2A38 in the grain and in the early 80s was launched into mass production at the Tula Machine-Building Plant No. 535.

However, after almost seven years of project and development work, it was decided to abandon the modernization of the "scolder" and create a fundamentally new complex.

On June 8, 1970, the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 427-151 was published on the creation of the new ZSU Tunguska. The head developer of Tunguska was prescribed the CBP, and the main designer - A. G. Shipunov. Specifically, the CBP was engaged in a rocket-artillery part of the installation, the design of the RPK was led by the Ulyanovsky Mechanical Plant of the Midradioprom, later became the head and in its production. The developer of the decisive instrument is the Research Electromechanical Institute of Minradioprom. The crawler chassis GM-352 made the Minsk Tractor Plant. The 3C6 Tunguska's anti-aircraft complex was adopted by the decision of the Council of Ministers of September 8, 1982, and the modernized complex Tunguska-M is the order of the Minister of Defense of April 11, 1990.

According to the overall layout of Tunguska, the German ZSS "Chepard": RLS is located on top on the back of the triple tower and lowers, the round of the RLS of the guidance is mounted on the tower. On the side of the tower, two two-sided automaton AO-17 and two are installed on the bikes of the tower. Paired launchers Zur 9M311, acting independently of each other.

The machine body has vertical boards, is distinguished by high height and is made by welding with rolled steel sheets and provides protection from the fire of small arms and fragments of shells and mines of small caliber. The front of the windshield is installed at a large tilt angle, and in the place of the breakfast it is practically vertically. The big tower of circular rotation is shifted to the stern of the car. The motor-transmission compartment is located in the stern part of the case.

The fundamental feature of the 2C6 complex is to combine in a single gunner of cannon and rocket weapons, radar and optical fire management tools using common systems: radar detection, radar of escort, digital computing system and hydraulic guidance drives. "Tunguska" is intended for air defense air defense and tank parts on the march and at all stages of battle. It has a solid zone of the defeat (without a "dead" zone characteristic of the SPK), which is achieved by a consistent shelling target first with rockets, and then cannons. The fire from automata 2A38 can be conducted both from the place and from the course, and the launch of missiles is only from the place, as a last resort, with short stops. In the vertical plane, the artillery system is presented in the sector from -10 ° to + 87 °. In the horizontal plane, it can conduct a circular shelling. At the same time, the speed of both vertical and horizontal guidance is 100 ° per second.

SPR 2C6M "Tungushka" is equipped with a computerized fire management system with a laser rangefinder; Its standard equipment includes the identification system "its foreign", the ground navigation system and auxiliary power plant.

Zur 9M311 is a solid fuel bicaliber (76/152-mm) two-stage rocket, made according to the "Duck" scheme. Her pointing on the target is a radio command. The RRS of the synchronous communication support issues an accurate target designation to an optical sight and displays it to the line of sight. The gunner detects a goal in sight of sight, takes on support, and in the process of guidance, he holds the brand to target. The rocket has good maneuverability (maximum allowable overload - 32 E). The fuse of the rocket is non-contact, with a radius of action 5 m. The combat part is a fragant-rod. The length of the rods is about 600 mm, the diameter is 4-9 mm. On top of the rods there is a "shirt" containing ready-made fragments-cubes weighing 2-3 g. When breaking the rod warheads form a ring with a radius of 5 m in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the rocket. At the distance over 5 m, the rods and fragments are ineffective.

As a power plant, a diesel engine of fluid cooling in-84mzo is used, which develops the power of 515 kW, which allows the car to move along the roads with a solid coating with a maximum speed of 65 km / h.

The chassis "Tunguska" consists in relation to one board, out of six double cutting support rollers, three supporting rollers, the leading wheel of the rear and guide wheel of the front location. The upper branches of the caterpillars are covered with non-strokes steel screens.

The tracked chassis GM-352 is distinguished by high pendancy, maneuverability and smoothness. The possibility of making shooting without a reduction in speed is ensured by using a hydromechanical transmission with a hydrophotus of rotation mechanism, a hydropneumatic suspension with a variable clearance and a hydraulic mechanism of caterpillage tension.

Thus, Tunguska is a highly mobile 3CU with effective rocket and artillery arms. Its disadvantages include a small range of detection of the goal of on-board radar and the impossibility of using ZUR in conditions of poor visibility (smoke, fog, etc.).

Machines of the first production series, released in small quantities, had two launchers with one transport and starting container with zur 9m311 on each and were designated 2C6. In the launchers of the main serial modification machines, there are already two transport and starting containers, and the ammunition of these self-propelled complexes with an index 2C6M has eight anti-aircraft controlled 9M311 missiles.

The production of SRPK 2S6M "Tunguska" continues. Machines of this type are in service with the armies of Russia and India.

Combat Mass, T 34,8
Crew, people 4
Booking oppusual
Armament 2 two-sided 30-mm guns 2A38, 2 paired PU zur 9m311
MotoPlet. 1904 Shot, 8 3D 9MP
Air target shooting range, m 200-4000
Specific engine power, kW / t 14,79
Maximum speed on the highway, km / h 65
Highway reserve, km 600

Technical reference

ZSSU 23-4 "Shilka" (Grau index - 2A6.) - Soviet anti-aircraft self-propelled installation, mass production started in 1964. Armed with a typical automatic 23-mm gun. Mounting shooting paced - 3400 shells per minute. It can be guided by a target manually, semi-automatically and automatically. Automatic and semi-automatic modes use a regular radar station.

It is intended for the immediate cover of ground troops, the destruction of air targets for the rank of 2500 m and heights of up to 1500 m, flying at a speed of up to 450 m / s, as well as ground (surface) targets for Dalnodido 2000 m from the place, with a short stop and in motion. In the USSR, he was part of the air defense units of the regimental aircraft.

It was evaluated by a potential opponent as a means of air defense, representing a serious danger to low-fat targets. Currently, it is considered obsolete, mainly due to the characteristics and capabilities of its radar station and the insufficient effective range of fire for air targets. As the change of "Shilka" was developed, adopted and launched into serial production of self-propelled anti-aircraft rocket and cannon complex "Tunguska". Despite this, to the present, ZSU-23-4 consists in armament of anti-aircraft parts in the armies of Russia, Ukraine and others. To this day, it is successfully used in local conflicts to defeat terrestrial purposes.

Mass (depending on the modification) from 20.5 to 21.5 tons, crew - 4 people: commander, search operator, range operator, driver mechanic.

Named on the river Shile, the left interlock of Amur.

Tactical and technical indicators

Classification anti-aircraft self-propelled installation
Combat Mass, T 21
Layout classical
Crew, people 4
Case length, mm 6495
Hull width, mm 3075
Height, mm. 2644—3764
Base, mm. 3828
Pitch, mm. 2500
Clearance, mm. 400
Type of armor steel roller anti-pile (9-15 mm)
Caliber and Garm 4 × 23 mm AZP-23 "Amur"
Type of guns curving small-caliber automatic guns
Stem length, calibers 82
Amusement guns 2000
Corners of VN, hail. −4…+85
Angles of Gn, Grad. 360
Shooting range, km 0,2—2,5
Sights optical Vizier,
engine's type B-6p.
Engine power, l. from. 280
Speed \u200b\u200bon the highway, km / h 50
Speed \u200b\u200bby crossed terrain, km / h up to 30.
Highway reserve, km 450
Reserve of cross-country location, km 300
Specific power, l. p. / t 14,7
Type of suspension individual torsion
Overcomed by lifting, hail. 30
Overcome wall, m 0,7
Overcomed by ditch, m 2,5
Overcome by Brod, m 1,0