We all know the saying from childhood: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits,” there is also a less popular version: “How once Jean the bell-ringer knocked down a lantern with his head.” By the initial letters of these sayings we remember the names and sequence of colors of such an unusual and beautiful phenomenon nature like a rainbow.

Humanity has associated the rainbow with many beliefs and legends. IN ancient greek mythology For example, a rainbow is the road along which the messenger walked between the world of the gods and the world of people, Iris. The ancient Slavs believed that the rainbow drinks water from lakes, rivers and seas, which then rains on the earth. And in the Bible the rainbow appears after global flood, as a symbol of the union of God and humanity. The rainbow has inspired and will continue to inspire many poets, artists and photographers to create the most vibrant works of art. She also appears in many folk signs related to weather forecasting. For example, a rainbow that is tall and steep foreshadows good weather, but low and flat is bad.

It is generally accepted that a rainbow consists of seven primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. It is believed that the seven colors of the rainbow were first identified by Isaac Newton; initially he designated only five (red, yellow, green, blue and violet), but then increased the number of colors to seven, which corresponds to the number of notes in the scale.

So how does a rainbow form? After rain, while small droplets of water are still held by air currents, the rays of the sun pass through them, are refracted, reflected and return to us at an angle of 42 degrees. When the sun's rays pass through the droplets, the light is split into colors ranging from red to violet. Sometimes we see not one, but two rainbows in the sky; the reason for the appearance of the second, like the first, is the refraction and reflection of light in water droplets. Rays of sunlight have time to reflect twice from inner surface every drop.

The larger the water drops, the brighter and more saturated the colors of the rainbow. Two people standing next to each other cannot see exactly the same rainbow, because... size and density of droplets in various places may be different.

Back in 1073, the Kiev chronicler noted: “In the rainbow there is scarlet, and blue, and green, and crimson”. That is, the rainbow, in his opinion, includes only four colors. Moreover, today it is difficult for us to grasp the difference between “scarlet” and “crimson”. Both mean a fairly rich red. The four colors symbolized the four elements: green color- water color, Blue colour- the color of air, red - the color of fire, black, or crimson - the color of earth. Old Russian theologians gleaned this division from the writings of ancient philosophers.

In the middle of the 18th century, the Russian poet Antioch Cantemir, who was at that time the Russian ambassador to England, became acquainted with research in the field of studying light and made an attempt to translate “Newton’s spectrum” into Russian. This is what he came up with: violet - purple - blue - green - yellow - ore yellow - red. Not quite familiar, and even in reverse order.
The usual names “blue”, “purple”, “orange” are absent. The words “violet” and “orange” did not yet exist in the Russian language; they were borrowed later from European languages. One must assume that since there were no such words, then purple and orange were not perceived as separate colors.

Jim Warren "Little Helper"

With green and blue it’s not so simple either - in ancient Egypt they were considered the same color. Then the blue color separated from green, but there was no blue, and in some languages ​​to this day there is no separate word for blue color. But in some Japanese novel I came across the expression “all thirty colors of the rainbow” - oh how! And the descriptions of the heroes’ attire there are always very beautiful - a kimono the color of wisteria, bloomers the color of young greenery, partridge wings, etc. and so on.

In one of his books, Boris Nemensky said: Japanese entrepreneurs are required to distinguish up to 250 colors when hiring workers, considering this a skill a necessary condition quality of production.
Therefore, exercises in color discrimination are a must. educational program in Japanese schools.

Perhaps the Japanese are right, and such subtle discrimination of colors allows you to discover new aspects of a thing and the world as a whole.

However, we also have many designations and descriptions. different colors and shades, so that the Japanese can envy. Here, for example, based on materials literary descriptions and historical documents of the 19th century, the following interesting selection was made: (abbreviated)

Adelaide- red shade of lilac. According to other sources, dark blue. In the 40-50s of the XIX century. used in print: found in Turgenev ("Adelaide color, or, as we say, odelloid") and Dostoevsky ("So this tie is Adelaide color? - Adelaide, s. - But there is no agrafen color?").

Hellfire, hellfire- purple shade of red. Or pearlescent red. Or black with red streaks. Most often - about the color of the sky.

Hips of a frightened nymph- shade of pink. Perhaps it arose at the beginning of the 19th century with the advent of a new variety of roses. (There is also a “nymph’s thigh” color. It is pale pink, the nymph is calm.) According to other sources, it was pink with an admixture of ocher. Under Emperor Paul, the lining of military uniforms was painted this color. But since the fabric for officers and soldiers was of different quality, the officer’s shade was called “the thigh of a frightened nymph,” and the soldier’s shade was called “the thigh of a frightened Masha.”

Bismarck furioso(the color of an enraged Bismarck?) - brown with a red tint.

"Abdel-Kerim's Beard"- white material with a black tint and a gray tint.

Toad in love- greenish-gray.

Goose droppings(merdua) - yellow-green with a brown tint.

Two-faced- with a shimmer, like two colors on one side.

Scared mouse- soft gray color.

Cardinal on straw- a combination of yellow and red (this is how the French aristocracy protested about the imprisonment of Cardinal de Rohan in the Bastille in connection with the famous “queen’s necklace” case).

Casserole- reddish-red, the color of polished copper utensils.

Boiled, boiling white- snow-white, the color of boiling - white foam formed when water boils.

Partridge's eyes- light red.

Fainted frogs- light gray-green.

Magenta- bright red, between red and violet. Judging by the fact that one of the flowers was named in honor of the Battle of Solferino in 1859 (see below), and another battle took place near the city of Magenta at the same time, perhaps this name arose at the same time.

Marengo- gray with splashes of black. The name appeared after the Battle of Marengo in 1800. According to some sources, Napoleon’s trousers were exactly this color; according to others, locally produced fabrics self made were mostly dark gray in color.

Moscow fire- similar to the color of crushed lingonberries.

Navarino flame with smoke(or smoke with flame) - a dark shade of gray, fashionable color cloth, which appeared after the Russian victory over the Turks in Navarino Bay in 1827. Mentioned in " Dead souls" According to one option, Chichikov asks to show the cloth “ dark, olive or bottle flowers with a sparkle, approaching, so to speak, lingonberries", in another way - he wants to receive cloth " more sparkling, not to the bottle, but to the lingonberry so that it gets closer" And in the picture in the Moscow Telegraph " cloth tailcoat, the color of Navarino smoke" - brown. The flame color obviously denotes lighter shades.

Parisian dirt- dirty brown color. Appeared after the public became acquainted with the essays of Louis-Sébastian Mercier “Pictures of Paris”.

Spider plotting a crime- dark shade of gray. According to other sources - black with redness.

Gray's last breath- yellow-red. Perhaps because before death, a gray parrot's eyes turn yellow.

Pyusovy- brown, brown shade of red, the color of a crushed flea - from the French puce - “flea”. New dictionary Russian describes it as simply dark brown. (There were also shades of “fainting flea”, “flea belly” and - they’re probably lying - the color of “flea in childbirth fever”).

Frisky cowgirl- shade of pink.

Solferino- bright red. Named after the Battle of Solferino in the Austro-Italian-French Wars in 1859.

The Dauphin's surprise. It is also the color of childish surprise. According to legend, in Paris they began to dye fabrics the color of their diapers after Marie Antoinette showed her newlyweds to the courtiers. born son, who “disgraced himself” in front of them.

Shamub- light reddish-brown, from the French. chamoi, camel.

Electrician- colors sea ​​wave, blue, blue with a gray tint.

Etc. You can find a lot of interesting things on the Internet.

A.I.Kuindzhi "Rainbow"

Physiologists say that modern man capable of distinguishing up to 250 primary color tones and 5-10 million shades.
In the twentieth century, color perception and emotional attitude to color became the subject of research not only by cultural historians, but also by physiologists and psychologists.
Psychophysiological experiments have confirmed that a number of physiological indicators of the subject’s state change depending on what color he is looking at. Based on this position, psychologist M. Luscher developed a color test to determine a person’s psychological state.
Depending on what colors and in what order a person prefers this moment, one can judge his internal problems.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev:

How unexpected and bright
On the damp blue sky
Aerial arch erected
In your momentary celebration!
One end stuck into the forests,
Gone behind the clouds for others -
She covered half the sky
And she became exhausted at the height.

Oh, in this rainbow vision
What a treat for the eyes!
It is given to us for a moment,
Catch him, catch him quickly!
Look - it has already turned pale,
Another minute, two - and then what?
Gone, somehow gone completely,
What you breathe and live.

Everything about everything. Volume 3 Likum Arkady

Why are the colors of the rainbow arranged in this order?

We call normal sunlight white, because he seems so to us. However, it actually contains different colors. When sunlight hits the beveled end of a mirror, the edge of a glass prism, or the surface soap bubble, then we manage to see a whole set of colors in it. In each of these cases, what happens is that the white rays break up according to their wavelengths into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple colors. As a result, a strip appears before our eyes, consisting of parallel lines different color, and at their boundaries one color smoothly transitions into another. This strip is called a spectrum. The red line is always at one end of the spectrum, and the purple line at the other. This is determined by the difference in wavelength of rays of different colors: it increases from violet to red.

A rainbow, in fact, is such a spectrum stretched in an arc across the sky. Sun rays, penetrating into drops of water, they are refracted, that is, they break up into their component parts, as happens when they pass through a glass prism. Already inside the drop itself we see lines of different colors stretching from one edge to the other. Some of the colored rays are reflected from the back wall of the drop and come out of it. These rays are reflected at different angles depending on the color, or more precisely, as we already know, the wavelength.

Therefore, when you look at a rainbow, you see that the color is always red at the top and purple at the bottom. A rainbow can only be seen when both it's raining and the sun is shining, as often happens during summer showers. To see it, you must be between the rain and the sun shining from behind you. Moreover, the sun, your eye and the central point of the multi-colored arc should be located on the same straight line.

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After the rain, both adults and children peer into the sky: what if a rainbow appears? People of all ages admire this with trepidation and joy. unusual phenomenon- bright stripes of 7 colors stretching across the entire sky along the entire horizon. In ancient times, people believed that rainbows appeared by God's will, as proof of his existence. Children think that stripes in the sky appear out of nowhere, as if in a fairy tale. But adult readers of the portal know for sure that the appearance of the rainbow is explained physical laws nature and this is just an optical illusion.

How does a rainbow appear?

Physicists, observing the refraction of light in drops of water, with mathematical precision derived equations that reveal the mechanism of formation of this natural phenomenon. Knowledge of optical laws made it possible to prove that for the appearance of a rainbow it is important not only the presence of drops of rainwater and then the appearance of the sun standing low above the horizon, but also the location of the observer with his back to the luminary.

Rainbow colors in in the right order. Drawing by Vasilisa Batmanova, 8 years old, especially for

The stream of sunlight, reaching the surface of the water, is refracted and splits the white rays of the sun into a color spectrum, and it consists of 7 main colors. Red, orange, yellow make up warm shades, green is borderline, and blue, indigo, violet are cold. This is the order in which the rainbow colors are arranged.

Red is the outer color, and purple is the inner color. The rainbow is often depicted in reverse order, but this is not true. Although, the reverse order of colors is also possible - in a duplicate rainbow, which is discussed below.

When it rains, a ray of sun illuminates a raindrop and penetrates it, refracting into the colors of the spectrum. The wall of a water drop has a dense structure, upon reaching which the flow of light is reflected in the opposite direction. This causes even greater refraction. From the point of penetration of the sun's ray, a stream of the rainbow spectrum bursts out. Since the observer stands with his back to the shining Sun and his face to the rain, he sees refracted sunlight reflected by billions of drops of rainwater.

The colors of the rainbow in reverse order, characteristic of the “second” rainbow. Drawing by Margosha Batmanova, 6 years old, specially for

Sometimes you can see not one, but two rainbows in the sky at the same time. Moreover, the second one is not so bright or is barely visible in the sky. Its colors also consist of 7 shades, but are arranged in an inverted state: from purple to red. The appearance of a “double” is easily explained from the point of view of optics: light rays are reflected again in a drop of water - and this is where a rainbow-double appears.

People are always interested in natural phenomena that are visible, but cannot be touched: fog, evaporation of moisture, rainbows. They seem to be a manifestation of a miracle, something unusual, having divine origin, but in fact their occurrence is proven by science.

At what age should a child know colors?

At one and a half to two years old, a child can already distinguish colors visually well. Between two and three years When a child begins to speak, it makes sense to start learning the names of colors.

How to teach a child to distinguish colors?

Simple and effective method- focus on colors in Everyday life. While walking, playing, reading, pay attention to the colors. Start with the most basic ones, avoiding shades. While playing with your child, note that the car is blue, the cube is yellow, and the ball is red. Ask him to give you this or that item of a certain color. IN game form you can start looking for all green objects in the room.

What will help you learn colors?

Multi-colored cubes, Balloons, crayons, colored paper or cardboard, pencils, educational books. With older children (about 4 years old and older), you can color the coloring pages with felt-tip pens.

Anything else?

Engage with your child regularly. Kindly correct his mistakes and praise his successes. Be patient and success will not take long to arrive.

Rainbow colors for children

Rainbow - incredibly beautiful a natural phenomenon. It looks like a multi-colored arc made up of colors (from the outer edge: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). These are the seven colors that are usually identified in the rainbow in Russian culture. Below are visual pictures for teaching your child the basic colors.

The order of the colors is easy to remember using the mnemonic phrase: “ TO every O hunter and wants h nah, G de With goes f adhan." There are other options: " TO ak O once AND ak- h lantern G city With broke f onar. ( TO ak ABOUT once AND en Z lantern G tin WITH carried F onar)" and " TO from O slu, and Irafu, h Ike G blue With sewed f Ufaiki." In these sentences, each first letter in a word represents the initial letter of a color.

Rainbow color cards

Poem about colors

I'm in my grandmother's garden
I'll find a lot of red:
This is red raspberry
Nearby there is a red viburnum,
And they matured at the fence
Two handsome tomatoes.

Orange apricot
Grew on a tree.
Grew up, matured,
And I ate it.

These are yellow chickens.
Look, they are running somewhere.
Apparently mom is in the yard
Found a worm in the grass.

Here are the green frogs
And green grass.
In a swamp at the edge of the forest
You can hear a friendly “kwa-kwa!”

In summer the sky is above you
Bells underneath
Let's draw it blue.

Blue ball over the track
Flies into the clouds.
Wave your hand at him:
- Goodbye! Bye!

The eggplant lies in the garden -
Purple barrel.
And inside there is a sweet plum
A worm has settled in.

Often, when the sun bent over the horizon illuminates the departing rain, a rainbow appears in the sky. This is a very beautiful natural phenomenon. How many colors are in the rainbow and what are they?

S. Marshak wrote a poem about this:

Spring sun with rain
Build a rainbow together -
Seven-color semicircle
Of seven wide arcs.

Nature of the phenomenon

This huge seven-colored sickle in the sky seems like an extraordinary miracle. True, people have already managed to find a natural explanation for it. White color The sun consists of rays of different colors, or rather, light waves of different lengths. Longer waves are red, shorter ones are violet. The sun's rays, penetrating from the air into raindrops, are refracted, disintegrate into their component light waves and emerge in the form of a spectrum, a multi-color stripe.

As you know, flowers do not exist in nature at all, they are just a figment of our imagination. Therefore, the actual number of colors of the rainbow can be expressed by the paradox: “Not at all or infinity.” The spectrum is continuous, it has countless shades; the only question is how many of them we can distinguish and encode (name).

Fairy tale "Conversation of Pencils"

The Bulgarian writer M. Stoyan dedicated a fairy-tale story to the colors of the rainbow, which he called “Conversation of Pencils.” Here he is.

Often during the rain you stand at the window, look, listen, and it seems to you that all things have a voice, that they all talk. And your pencils, right?

Do you hear, the red one says: “I am a poppy.” An orange voice follows him: “I am an orange.” Yellow is also not silent: “I am the sun.” And the green one rustles: “I am the forest.” Blue quietly hums: “I am the sky, the sky, the sky.” The blue one rings: “I am the bell.” And the purple one whispers: “I am a violet.”

The rain is stopping. A seven-color rainbow bends above the ground.

“Look! - exclaims the red pencil. “Rainbow is me.” - "And I!" - adds orange. "And I!" - Yellow smiles. "And I!" - Green laughs. "And I!" - the blue one is having fun. "And I!" - Blue rejoices. "And I!" - purple is happy.

And everyone is happy: in the rainbow above the horizon there is a poppy, and an orange, and the sun, and the forest, and the sky, and the bell, and the violet. Everything is in it!