With the arrival of spring in kindergartens and schools, the time comes when children listen to stories from teachers on the topic “Spring” and observe changes in nature outside. It is best to present a story about spring to children by going to the park or going to nature in the countryside, where spring appears in all its glory. Unfortunately, in the spring the city is not very cozy, and it is difficult for children to understand the full significance

  • melting snow
  • return of migratory birds,
  • the appearance of the first leaves on the trees,
  • the first snowdrops.

Therefore, it is better if a teacher or parent conducts his story on the topic “Spring has come” in a forest or forest plantation. All great teachers did this.

What to tell children about with the onset of spring?

For preschoolers, such a story about spring can be quite simple and short. For children who go to grades 2-3, you can create a more extensive and detailed story on the theme “Spring has come.”
Stories can be used as a basis famous writers:

  1. Chekhov,
  2. Prishvina,
  3. Ushinsky and others.

What should children know?

What should children in grades 2-3 know about spring? Why is the story about spring so important for them?

What happens in nature?

In spring, the days become much longer.
The sun heats up more, the snow begins to melt, and the first thawed patches appear on the ground. On the river you can see how the ice cracks, individual ice floes float with a crashing sound, sometimes rivers overflow and cover the banks with water. A story about spring will help children imagine a holistic picture of the arrival of this time of year.
The sky is gaining blue tint, it is getting warmer. The snow melts most lately in those places where the sun does not shine: in ravines, dense thickets, in the forest. As the snow melts, the first grass breaks through the ground, followed by snowdrops and violets, which large quantities can be found in the forest, then dandelions show their yellow caps. Linden and birch begin to bloom, followed by linden, alder, oak, and maple. If you cut the bark of a birch tree in the forest at this time, bitter sap will flow out of it. By May, the fragrant lily of the valley blooms, and the trees include apricot, cherry, apple, and pear. A story about spring will allow children to pay more attention to such changes.

Which birds arrive first?

The first birds to arrive are the rooks: they herald the arrival of spring. Beautiful pictures and posters about birds you can look at.
They fly after the rooks:

  1. larks,
  2. blackbirds,
  3. cuckoos,
  4. wild pigeons,
  5. cranes.

For the little ones, you can use the book from the Karapuz publishing house “Freckle-Spring”:

Information for children about each month

A Tale of Spring:

Short works of classics, as well as excerpts and excerpts on the topic

Riddles and poems

Thematic lesson with stories, riddles, poems and questions:

in spring the sun is beginning to warm the soil, but the weather is still changeable. Warm days suddenly give way to cold, snowy ones. No wonder people say: spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day.
And yet, the tubercles and edges gradually thaw, and the first thawed patches appear. The sun rises higher and higher above the earth, giving more and more heat, awakening nature from its winter sleep.
The snow begins to melt in the fields, and the first streams gurgle. White clouds appear in the sky. They are called cumulus clouds.

On rivers, ponds and lakes, cracks appear in the ice from the spring heat. Ice drift begins on the rivers. The ice floes collide, pile on top of each other, and float with the flow until they melt. Rivers overflow with water and overflow their banks - it is coming flood
These are all signs of the coming of spring in inanimate nature, and the main one is snow melting.

Plants in spring
With changes in inanimate nature come changes in the lives of plants, animals and people.
Every living thing on Earth rejoices in spring. The forest awakens, fills with sounds and movement. Drifts of wet snow still lie on the northern slopes, while the southern slopes are already smoking and drying out.
Plants begin to stretch upward, trying to get as much as possible sunlight. Plant roots absorb moisture from the warm soil, which dissolves the nutrients accumulated in the trunks. Plant stems pass nutrition to the buds, which will soon become leaves and flowers.
Another notable change in nature in spring- buds are blooming on bushes and trees. The leaves of willow, alder, aspen, maple, and birch begin to turn green. The first grass appears on the edges. Snowdrops are blooming. Red lungwort flowers appear. A little time will pass, and its flowers will turn purple and then blue.

Birds in spring
The first insects appear and among them are sleepy flies that slowly crawl and bask in the sun.
The time has come for migratory birds to return: there is food for them - insects and last year's seeds, which are easy to find on the soil freed from snow. In early March, rooks and starlings arrive earlier than others, followed by larks, lapwings, cuckoos, swallows, and swifts.
In spring the weather changes frequently. Sometimes it snows and the birds cannot find food for themselves.
Last year's seeds find themselves under the snow again, and the insects hide.
At this time, many birds die from hunger, so in the spring cold weather they need to be fed.
In the spring, birds build nests, which serve them to incubate eggs and feed chicks. Cuckoos do not build nests, but lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.
Chicks need food, and birds get it by destroying great amount insects harmful to humans.
Be careful of bird nests. Do not come close to them, and, especially, do not pick up the chicks. Birds are afraid of the smell of humans and do not return to the nest. Chicks die without the help of their parents.

Animals in the spring
With the arrival of spring, there is a lot of food for animals, so in the spring they give birth to cubs. In early spring Hares, squirrels, wolf cubs, fox cubs and many other animals are born.
Immediately after birth, the rabbits begin to play, run and learn to hide from enemies. They don't even notice how they are left without supervision. The hare is so fat and nutritious milk that, after feeding the cubs, she can leave them for two to three days. Within two weeks after birth, the bunnies become completely independent. They look for their own food - branches, bark of bushes, grass, shoots of young trees.
After hibernation bears, hedgehogs, and badgers appear. Their cubs come out with them. Mothers continue to feed them milk, but soon the animals learn to independently look for insects, last year's berries, plant bulbs and young grass.
In the spring, many animals begin to shed - the thick winter coat changes to a thinner one, and the hare, ermine, weasel, squirrel and arctic fox change the color of their fur coats.
Partridges also lose their white feathers, and in their place brown and gray ones grow. Moose and roe deer grow new antlers.

In April, many flowers appear in the forest - corydalis, violets, anemones. They are in a hurry to bloom while the sun's rays break through the leaves of the trees that are beginning to bloom. Therefore, these flowers are called early spring.
At the end of March, wild pigs give birth to piglets. Small piglets have bright longitudinal stripes on their back and sides, which disappear after three months. A female gives birth to ten to twelve piglets. They grow quickly, and after six months the piglet already weighs 100 kilograms.

Soon the currant and lilac bushes release their leaves. Alder is the first tree to bloom. Alder seeds ripen only in autumn, so for a long time remain on the tree. Birds like siskins and redpolls feed on them. Bees, bumblebees and other insects collect pollen from willow flowers.

Storks arrive in April. Walking through the meadows, the stork looks for food - frogs and insects. At this time, storks arrange their nests. They look like piles of brushwood that birds build on low trees and roofs of houses.

Summer is coming
Late spring, the month of May - the time for flowering of bird cherry, lilac, apple tree, apricot and others fruit trees. Red clover and lilies of the valley are blooming in the meadows.
Most birds have already laid eggs in May and are hatching their chicks, while the nightingales have just arrived from distant countries. They arrive before the bird cherry blossoms, make nests on the ground, in dense thickets herbs. Nightingales feed on worms, spiders, insects, and berries.

In spring, fish go to spawn. She stubbornly overcomes the current, swims to the upper reaches of rivers, and comes out to meadows flooded with water. It is safer here for the fry and there is plenty of food. The fish spawns as close as possible to the upper reaches of the river, to its sources, so that the weak fry are not carried away by the current into the sea.

Another sign of spring- spring rains. People say: if in May it's raining, which means there will be rye in the field.

Pets in spring
Pets in the spring are still indoors, where people still continue to care for them. Only with the onset of warm weather are sheep, cows, goats, and rams driven out to pasture. For young animals - small lambs, kids, calves - special safe areas and pastures are allocated.
Pets also shed during this time. From the wool of some animals, for example, goat wool, people make warm scarves, beautiful blouses, sweaters, mittens and hats.

People's labor in spring
As soon as the snow melts from the fields, spring work begins. We have to catch up a short time Before the soil dries out, sow the seeds of grain and vegetable plants, and plant potatoes.
At the end of spring, on warm May days, seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage are planted. In gardens, trees and shrubs are sprayed toxic substances that kill insect pests. Just like in the fall, the lower part of the trunks fruit trees whiten with lime.
In spring, fruit trees and shrubs are planted in the gardens.
On the streets of cities, towns and villages, trees are pruned and new plants are planted. Decorative flowers are planted in parks and squares.

As the long winter draws to a close, we begin to look forward to the arrival of spring. I really want to get rid of the heavy one as soon as possible outerwear, expose your face to the warm rays of the sun, inhale the aroma of blossoming buds! And that’s why we celebrate even the most subtle signs of spring with such joy. Every slightest change in nature resonates in the soul with joy and hope for its imminent complete victory.

The first signs of spring in inanimate nature

The most basic sign, naturally, is associated with the calendar, which cannot be deceived in any way. Even if “spring is late” and there is still deep snow in the yard, and people wear winter clothes, we still feel its approach. After all, the day is gradually increasing, and the nights are becoming shorter, and even somehow brighter.

The sun's rays are already beginning to warm the earth in a new way. And this is understandable: our planet has turned slightly towards the sun, and now its rays do not slide tangentially, but fall at an angle that increases every day. That is why the air temperature becomes higher.

The sky takes on a special deep blue color, seemingly bottomless. Although sometimes, no, no, it will be covered with heavy lead clouds, which will suddenly sprinkle snow mixed with rain on the ground.

Spring will come - the snow will melt!

From the heat to snow cover thawed patches appear, and icicles melt. “Winter is crying,” the old people say. “He doesn’t want to leave us!” And the ringing drops notify us of the arrival of spring first. These are undoubtedly the first visible signs spring.

The snow in those places that are not covered loosens, becomes spongy, and darkens. If you look closely, you can see steam rising from the surface of the already exposed earth. And now the streams, babbling merrily, run across the earth. This sound cannot be compared with anything and cannot be confused, it’s like magical music new life!

And what can compare with the special smell of the spring wind, when it blows towards you, so fresh and gentle? And all because it is filled with the smells of damp earth, melted snow, blossoming buds, and young grass.

The arrival of spring in the plant world

Young grass beginning to emerge into the light and buds swollen on trees and bushes welcome the new spring season.

Outside the city, near any body of water, an alder tree grows, which with its sprouting cones will show that spring has come. This definition is suitable for those in which the cones are supported by stalks.

Visually, this can be determined as follows: if the alder crown has acquired a light red color, then this is evidence of the onset of spring, since in winter the crown is transparent.

Gradually the buds turn into red earrings - they come out and absorb power spring sun. Their growth is very noticeable. When the earrings reach full growth, scales with pollen form on them, which flies away from a gust of wind, forming a cloud of golden dust!

The signs of spring are also indicated by the pollen of gray alder, which, waiting for a favorable moment, begins to fly in the air under the influence of the spring sun.

Following the alder, the hazel begins to bloom, and then the aspen and willow. The trees seem to be holding competitions to see who will release their leaves first towards a new life.

And almost everyone admired the willow’s fluffy “seals” - the holiday “Palm Sunday” is even dedicated to them.

The coltsfoot flower proves that signs of spring in nature are manifested not only in the flowering of trees. This plant can be found on soils near rivers or reservoirs, as well as in ravines. The moisture-loving coltsfoot has the peculiarity of producing flowers first, and only then leaves. Seeing the cheerful little yellow ones medicinal plant, we can say with confidence that spring has come into its own!

Modest mimosas are the first to remind people of spring. It is not for nothing that they are the symbol of the women's holiday on March 8th.

And how can we not remember the snowdrops, whose fluffy and tender sprouts make their way to the air through the melted snow? The very combination of flowers and snow gives the arrival of spring a fabulous shade, as an anticipation of something new and joyful.

And along with snowdrops, forest violets, scillas, wild carnations and many other flowers appear in meadows and forests. Unfortunately, people do not take care of them and mercilessly destroy them for the sake of a few days of enjoying their aroma and beauty.

Birds in spring

What else speaks of the arrival of the most wonderful time of the year? What signs of spring are known?

Following her, you can hear the singing of starlings. The arrival of birds from warm regions marks the beginning of a new period of the year, and these are eternal signs of spring.

Now the rooks are walking importantly through the thawed patches, looking for larvae and insects crawling out of the ground towards the warmth.

Swifts and swallows flashed in the air - they also have a serious task. After all, they need to have time to build nests, lay eggs and start breeding.

Insects in spring

After the snow melts, the earth begins to warm up, and the insects hibernating under it also awaken. Ants and bugs crawl out, flies wake up. And now the first moths and butterflies are increasingly beginning to catch our eye.

Animals welcome spring

But the signs of spring are not only physical manifestations, but also a general, special uplift. This can be seen even in animals (how can one not remember the funny pranks of cats?). As they say: “Cats are screaming - March has come.”

Almost all animals shed in the spring, changing their lush winter attire to a lighter one - spring. Forest dwellers also manage to change the color of their fur coats: squirrels turn from gray-blue to bright red, hares turn from white to gray. The color of the skin also changes in mice, otters, gophers, marmots, jerboas, wolves, and foxes.

Even domestic animals shed, however, their color in most cases remains the same, because they do not need to hide to save their lives.

People's occupations

And a person’s life changes dramatically with the onset of spring. This is especially noticeable in rural areas. After all, we need to start preparing for planting. That's why people clear areas. And where the soil has already dried up, they dig it up.

After the cold weather, you can already remove the insulation from the windows, and at the same time you can wash the glass. And warm blankets, along with fur coats and hats, felt boots and boots, “move” into the mezzanine and storage rooms. And from there they take out demi-season clothes, light blankets, shake them out of dust, and dry them in the sun. And even though there are now many technical improvements that allow you to do all this at home, without taking your clothes and bedding outside, some people still use the old fashioned way to expose pillows and mattresses to the sun’s rays, and hang blankets and coats on clotheslines.

And somehow it just happens that this activity turns into “general cleaning of the home.” That’s why an unspoken rule has been established since the distant past: to clean the premises in the spring. Well, and at the same time clean the area, otherwise a lot of dirt and debris crawled out from under the melted snow. And the soul so asks for purity and joy, light and goodness!

It’s not for nothing that spring is called the period of awakening, because this period marks only love and warmth!

April-Snegogon. Water will flow like a stream from all the slopes. April drives the snow away and drives away winter with it, which is why it is nicknamed “Snowrunner”. The dark and damp earth, the soil is preparing for flowering, the forest is waking up to the singing of birds.

April: ringing music drops

Description of the nature of April (I - II week).
April begins its onset with abundant snowmelt. The sun is already rising high above the horizon, and in the daytime average temperature air exceeds 0° C. The air, which becomes warmer every day, carries the smell of spring across the natural expanses of forests and rivers with light winds. There is flooding all around. Streams sparkle in the sun in a string, happily murmuring down the slopes of roads that are finally freed from snow debris.

The alder is blooming, and this sure sign warm and stable spring. Gradually, the snow heated by the sun melts from the trees, freeing the bark from the winter shackles. The snow also melts from the ground, remaining only for a long time in the darkest, hidden from sun rays, in places in the form of a dry dark crust. On rivers, ice cracks and breaks, so that many ice floes can then float down the river. On the banks of ponds, the ice becomes thin and viscous, and thawed patches form in places.

April in the folk calendar

"April - pike breaks the ice with its tail"

Well, the long-awaited pleasant days have come, when you can safely take off your thick outerwear, exposing your hands and cheeks to the rays of the sun. The merry drops started clicking, but April 4th has already passed - Vasily the Sunflower. In the morning it’s still frosty, and by day the ringing music of the drops is ringing.

From April 7th we celebrate real spring on the day of the Annunciation. It is believed that from this day on, winter, if it does not completely go away, will admit its defeat. From April 9 - the day of Matryona the Mentor - lapwings arrive. The ice on the rivers cracks, the ice floes float, the day of Marya's arrival comes - April 14, and, as they said, Marya came and brought floods.

Spring in Russian poetry

A.N. Pleshcheev dedicated a considerable share of his creativity spring theme. His most famous poem on this topic is “The Snow is Melting.” It leads the listener into an atmosphere of anticipation of happy moments, joyful happiness from the upcoming spring. Spring nature is depicted here very tenderly and in the right artistic manner. Such poems make you want to read them again.

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's gone for a long time again.

And my heart is so strong in my chest
He knocks as if he's waiting for something
As if happiness is ahead
And winter took away your worries!

April: birth of warmth

Description of the nature of the second half of April (III - IV week).
By mid-spring, the average air temperature exceeds +5° C, nature awakens. On open flat surfaces The first gently green shoots of future grass appear, warmed by the rays of the sun. The snow is melting day by day, exposing bare ground, on which the first thin blades of grass are about to sprout. In shady places, under powerful tree trunks and in lowlands, where the rays of the spring sun hardly penetrate, there is still a lot of snow with hard edges of dark gloomy snowdrifts. Streams continue to gurgle playfully along roads and clearings, intertwining in a string and sparkling with the glare of rays in the bright April sun. At high water, seagulls and mallard ducks return from warmer climes.

The forest and slopes of the river banks are filled with the joyful voices of birds. Birds unite in pairs, the brightest time in the animal world begins - mating season. The forest, still bare and wet, is filled with musical sounds. Life is springing up everywhere.

A series of warm days in the folk calendar

"Antip pours water on the floodplains, Vasily gives a couple to the countrymen"

The first rains wash away the remaining snow and cleanse the soil, preparing nature for plant period. The first buds with tiny leaves stretch towards the sky, closer to the gentle rays Summer is coming soon. The birds are busy important matter, making nests. The weather seems to be stable, the sun warms the air to 10 degrees Celsius, when suddenly the sun disappears behind the clouds and a wave of cold wind sweeps across the fields. And here Ruf and Anton-Polovod already released water throughout all spring districts on April 23 and 24. Just like that, Vasily-Pariysky - on April 25 - doused the earth with warmth, so much so that the bear came out of the den.

In April there are still no leaves, no greenery, but the first forest bouquets of flowers peek out in places where the water has receded. April prepares nature for the upcoming landscaping, which will already be done by its close brother the month of May. The bees are already beginning to hover around the first flowers. The trees are bare, the water has receded and May is already approaching. But it was not there. Winter has not completely left the gates. For a couple of days, it will take him prisoner, engulfing him in frosts and, perhaps, unexpected snow, showing that he will return. But now it’s already difficult for winter to return, because May and the warm summer ahead are ahead.

Spring in Russian painting

(Painting by Yu. S. Zhukovsky “Old Estate”)

The Russian painter Yulian Stanislavovich Zhukovsky very beautifully conveys the spring landscape in the painting “The Old Manor” (1910), which depicts a quiet forest river, and around it tender greenery has just awakened. Most the paintings take Birch Grove. Slender birches have just begun to put on their spring outfits, they stand waiting miraculous transformation, reflected in still water.