Nikolai is a good name, reliable and a little stern. It was formed from ancient Greek name Nikolaos, translated, means “lord of nations” (“nika” - victory and “laos” - people). It was widespread in the last century, but gradually became rare. Currently, it is beginning to gain popularity again.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: sapphire
  • Blue color
  • Wood: ash
  • Plant: gladiolus
  • Animal: horse
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

As a child, Nikolai was a healthy and strong boy. He is not susceptible colds, rarely gets sick and doesn’t bother his parents with his whims. His characteristic features At this age there is strength and activity. At school he shows himself to be a good student, without highlighting any specific subjects. At an early age, he experiences insufficient attention from his parents.

The character of Nikolai is entirely created from contradictions. The secret of the name hides a vain, self-confident, arrogant, silent man. The fate of its owner is usually not easy. In life he is quite selfish and has conservative beliefs. He can be described as a hardworking, efficient, balanced person. In relationships with people he behaves simply and friendly. At his core, he is a secretive person, prone to analysis and making extraordinary decisions. Always strives only forward and does not take into account the actions and opinions of others. The motivation for doing something often remains a mystery. He is distinguished by self-control and intelligence.

Negative traits are aggressiveness, excessive jealousy, and a tendency toward alcoholism.

Winter Nikolai is strict, cruel and sometimes manifests himself as a despotic man. Lack of initiative, thinks and weighs for a long time. Loves to hunt and fish. Hospitable, always happy to receive unexpected visits from friends. Vesenny is the most pronounced egoist, but outwardly a good-natured and cheerful guy. He has a well-developed imagination and can apply his talents to art. The summer representative of the name is distinguished by activity, activity, good nature, a certain cunning, and a tendency to a little deception. Developed creative imagination. Autumn Nicholas is characterized by secrecy and silence. It takes a lot of work to find out what worries him. Can be successful in any field of activity.

Interests and hobbies

Nikolai loves to cook and drink good drinks. He likes to relax in pleasant company with his few friends. Free time can be spent in nature. He enjoys reading books and listening to music, as well as various other entertainments.

Profession and business

Nikolai is capable and hardworking, so he can master different professions. He completely devotes himself to his work and, moving up the career ladder, sweeps away everything in his path. In a team with employees, he develops good relationships, he is respected and appreciated. If he achieves high results in his profession, he proves himself to be a tough leader. Has every chance in his career to rise to leadership positions in trade, army, and industry. Can be a good surgeon, lawyer, investigator, philosopher.


The bearer of the name Nikolai is distinguished by good health, inherent in nature. But its weak points are the liver, heart, and nervous system. It is worth taking preventive measures, spending more time on fresh air and follow a diet.

Sex and love

Nikolai values ​​appearance, intelligence and spiritual qualities. In communication with the fair sex, he is captivated by youth, beauty and body. He prefers plump and soft women. He is easily attracted to the ladies, and immediately invites the girl he likes on a date. Hot in love, he is considered a wonderful lover. He has a highly developed sexuality, but at the same time he is characterized by shyness and modesty. He is extremely sensitive and jealous.

Family and marriage

By the age of 30, Nikolai prefers a strong and stable family situation. For life together is looking for a woman who is sensual and soft in character. As soon as he really likes a girl, he immediately offers her his hand and heart. In marriage, he manifests himself as a jealous husband and never forgives his other half for infidelity and betrayal. Often he chooses a girl of higher social status as his wife.

IN family relationships Nikolai does not make serious demands on everyday life; he tries with all his heart to create the material foundation of the house. He is a caring and attentive husband, loves his children very much. Always ready to share household chores equally with his wife.

According to Mendelev

A good, reliable and somewhat harsh name. He is characterized by reliability, kindness and tenderness, but brightness and activity are clearly not characteristic of him. Nikolai is thorough and hardworking, he achieves everything with perseverance and perseverance. He treats slackers with poorly concealed contempt. However, Nikolai can do an unexpected thing and sharply turn his fate around.

His beliefs and views are stable and stable; it is almost impossible for him to impose someone else’s opinion or force him to do something that is unusual for him. It is not for nothing that Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, plowmen and travelers - people of hard and dangerous work. Nevertheless, the earthly Nikolai can fool a person whom he does not respect by the nose - he does not see anything shameful in this. In the family and in any work, he is a support, you can rely on him, he is a kind person.

Kolya is lighter and lighter than Nikolai, he is brave, agile, but less reliable. And the sign of “kindness” is much less noticeable in him. Apparently, this person acquires the traits of reliability and thoroughness only over the years.

His life rarely goes smoothly and happily. Sometimes stormy and disorderly in youth, it then becomes monotonous and filled hard work. And only in his old age does Nikolai find solace in his grandchildren, who most often dote on him.

This name has three colors - blue, white and red. Blue predominates.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Nikolai is extremely susceptible and jealous, and does not forgive his wife for betrayal, although he himself is not averse to testing his masculine abilities on others without any remorse. Loves delicious food, good drinks, entertainment, nature, pleasant company. He may be an excellent lover and not the best choice for a husband. Nikolay is capable of being charming friend, frank and sincere, but emotionally superficial. In contact with a woman, he is completely captivated by her youth, beauty and suppleness of her body; the words that sound like flattery and compliments uttered by him at the moment of intimacy are truthful. He naturally strives for sexual contact and if he encounters difficulties, he does not take them too seriously and does not become aggressive.

Nikolai prefers partners who are much higher than him on the social ladder. “Winter” Nikolai is complex, persistent, but when he wants to achieve his goal, he is able to show flexibility. He loves women and has no shortage of them to choose from. “Summer” Nikolai hesitates for a long time to commit himself marriage ties, not being confident in his masculine virtues. He has a broad, generous nature, he is charming, loves variety, and does not tolerate patterns.

“Autumn” Nikolai is power-hungry, few people find an approach to him. For him, sex is life. No matter what condition he is in, he always remains a man. His love is sensitive to the slightest troubles; during intimacy with a woman, he can be thrown off balance by someone coughing behind the wall or the sound of a tram passing down the street.

Nikolai is one of the most exciting partners, and all Nikolai, regardless of month of birth, prefer overweight women, soft and sensual.

According to Higir

Derived from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos, which translates as “conqueror of nations.”

In early childhood, Kolya almost never gets sick, and he doesn’t bother his parents with his whims. He is growing into a strong, healthy child.

Strength, activity and intelligence distinguish Kolya the schoolboy. He usually studies well, without giving preference to any subject. Suffers from lack of parental attention.

He always shows amazing practical acumen and copes with difficulties without outside help. Balanced, hardworking and efficient. He will never refuse the opportunity to earn money. In his relationships with people, Nikolai is simple and friendly, but in the role of a leader, boss, he looks like a little king. His subordinates are afraid of both his concentrated silence and the violent outbursts of anger that he occasionally has. In this state, Nikolai is capable of destructive actions. Blinded by anger, he has little control over his actions. However, some aggressiveness distinguishes only “winter” Nikolaev. Regret for what he has done sets in quickly, and then he walks around for a long time looking guilty.

Nikolai is amorous and passionate in love. The woman he likes, without delaying the matter, will invite him on a date, and after a couple of days he will offer his hand and heart. What others will say about him, how they will react to his cavalry onslaught, worries Nikolai little. Being jealous, we are uncontrollable in a fit of jealousy.

He puts a lot of effort into improving his home and does a lot of the work himself. Nikolai must be careful with alcohol, as addiction to it develops quickly and can result in alcoholism. Loves children very much. He transforms with them, indulges all their whims and whims. Proud. What attracts him to a woman is not only beautiful appearance, he is also able to appreciate her intelligence and spiritual qualities.

It is quite difficult to communicate with Nikolai, who bear the patronymics Semenovich, Dmitrievich, Igorevich, Alekseevich.

Anna, Daria, Zinaida, Zoya, Larisa, Lyubov, Elvira can make up the happiness of Nikolai’s life. There are many more names on the list of those with whom you should be wary of marrying: Agnessa, Alla, Alina, Valentina, Vanda, Venus, Veronica, Veta, Galina, Gelena, Dina, Dominica, Eva, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Elena, Elizaveta, Inna, Lilia, Lyudmila, Lyalya, Marina, Marta, Olesya, Olga, Rimma, Taisiya, Christina, Emma, ​​Yulia, Yadviga.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Conqueror of Nations” (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: The energy of this name has amazing mobility; in a strange way, sociability is sometimes combined with peremptoryness, cheerfulness with severity, lightness with sufficient rigidity and tension. All this often leads to the fact that Nikolai’s character seems to be entirely created from contradictions, so difficult is it to understand him. On the other hand, this may be reflected in his versatility and breadth of views. It will almost certainly be difficult to find any area in communication with him in which he does not have his own opinion. However, there is no need to imagine Kolya as such a know-it-all, this is simply a property of any fast mind, obeying more intuition than logic. By the way, this statement is easy to verify: just find out which game he prefers - “slow” chess or “fast” checkers? Most likely, he will choose the second one.

All of the above makes Kolya a rather proud and self-willed person, in childhood he is unlikely to be diligent, and no persuasion or threats will help here; the only thing that can force him to patiently do something is his own interest. Once he becomes interested, he is capable of miracles, and therefore it is very important that Nikolai is able to find a truly worthy cause for his hobby, because he often retains his childhood interest for the rest of his life. This could be sports, collecting, or science, but it is most favorable if these hobbies subsequently find their continuation in a professional way.

Nikolai’s enthusiasm can be contagious; he often turns out to be a “ringleader” among his peers, and as an adult he can even become a good organizer. Here he can also be helped by one character trait associated with the energy of the name. The fact is that, endowed with significant pride and having a rather contradictory character, he will often encounter misunderstandings from people. At the same time, the craving for sociability is unlikely to allow him to withdraw into himself, so it is possible that Kolya will learn the art of diplomacy early, preferring not to show his true thoughts to others. An exception can only be made by close people, and even then not always. Of course, secrecy is not a great virtue, but diplomacy can still bring good results, especially in leadership roles.

Another feature of an active mind is a penchant for wit, and for Kolya, wit can serve not only to lift one’s mood, but also as a weapon. Of course, Nikolai can use all these qualities in life both for benefit and vice versa, much depends on the direction of his interests. Well, in order for his fate to be more successful, we can advise him to try to soften his pride, and level his willfulness to independence, learning to sincerely respect both his will and the will of others. Then diplomacy may turn out to be unnecessary.

Secrets of communication: If you want to find out Nikolai's real opinion on any issue, try challenging him to an argument, during which his secrecy usually evaporates without a trace. In a conversation, he can readily pick up a topic related to his hobbies, but be careful that he does not infect you with his emotions.

The name's trace in history:

Nikolay Akimov

Among the people with this name there are many extraordinary, active, with a sense of humor. A striking example Nikolai Pavlovich Akimov (1901–1968), a famous director, writer and artist, can serve this purpose. The actors who worked under his direction could not complain about boring rehearsals, and theater critics and directors, with or without reason, loved to quote “Rules of Good Taste” written by Akimov as a joke.

“If you stage boring plays,” said one of these rules, “be a human being and print crossword puzzles on the back of the programs.” Or again: “Nominating a young actress for good role, try to release the premiere before this actress retires."

Nikolai Akimov advised the critics the following: “If you filled most of the review with a retelling of the content of the play, be a gentleman and transfer your fee to its author. The fact that he presented it better, and yours worse, does not deprive him of copyright.” It is not at all surprising that since 1955, it was Nikolai Akimov who became the main director of the Leningrad Comedy Theater, managing to realize his overflowing energy and at the same time give a natural outlet to his wit - under his leadership, many elegant and ironic performances were staged, which brought the director national fame.

1. Personality: those who go forward, crushing everything under them

2.Color: red

3. Main features: will - activity - morality - activity

4. totem plant: willow

5. Totem animal: elephant

6. Sign: Sagittarius

7. Type. They always go forward, stopping at nothing. They resemble an elephant that pushes through a thicket, crushing everything in its path and not paying attention to the cries of horror.

8. Psyche. They need a clearly defined goal, but prefer to go ahead. They do not forgive people for their weaknesses. These are egocentrics who can nevertheless devote themselves to serving an idea.

9. Will. Relatives begin to learn very early what the will of these boys is.

10. Excitability. They restrain their emotions.

11. Reaction speed. They manage to control themselves so as not to show their feelings, which they believe their enemies can take advantage of. They always need enemies, since their life is a struggle, they recognize only one true friend, and this friend is themselves.

12. Field of activity. WITH youth take the warpath, later they always take leadership positions: either in trade or in the army.

13. Intuition. They can do without it.

14. Intelligence. Capable of both analysis and generalization. Their mental abilities are not striking, since they are not sociable and do not try to shine in society.

15. Receptivity. They are very restrained in expressing their feelings, even if a volcano is raging inside them.

16. Morality. They treat themselves and others with equal severity. They can't stand dishonesty.

17. Health. They lead a busy life, work without sparing themselves. Their weak spots- bones and liver.

18. Sexuality. Despite some coldness, they are very sexy, but they never become slaves to their feelings.

19. Activity. Their activity is very high. In this regard, they are significantly superior to ordinary people.

20. Sociability. They do not like to surround themselves with crowds.

21. Conclusion. How many advantages such men have - real supermen! However, life next to these “elephants” requires great courage and bravery and does not look rosy at all...

According to Florensky

Nikolai views himself as the center of action, with relatively little sense of other forces above and below him. He overestimates his importance in the world, and it seems to him that everything around him does not happen by itself, organically unfolding and guided by forces that have nothing to do with the implementation of human plans, but must certainly be done by some reasonable will. He is inclined to consider himself as such, a kind of small Providence, the duty and purpose of which is to take care of the reasonable welfare of all those who, in fact, or according to his exaggerated estimate, are among those under his care. And, having accumulated countless worries for himself, real and imaginary, Nikolai languishes under their burden and is painfully afraid for himself to let go of the reins of government from his hands, because he does not trust either the forces of life, or the coming of age of others, or in general the ability of those around them to go their own way. life path.

Nikolai has kindness throughout his entire makeup and cannot help but have it, if only for one reason: it is impossible to live with a constant sense of responsibility for others and not brighten up this feeling with a kind attitude towards those under his care.

The name Nikolai is a wonderful monument of world culture. It can tell a lot about the formation of Christianity in the world, as well as about the origin of many signs and beliefs that would seem to have nothing to do with this name.

A name is an integral part of every person. This is the first word he hears in his life. Therefore, it is so important to know what this or that name means, what its history is, what kind of people bore it.

The name Nicholas comes from two ancient Greek roots: “nicos” - meaning “victory, winner” and “laos” - meaning “people”. Literally, the name Nikolai can be translated as “Conqueror of Nations.” Names that have a stem meaning “victory” are quite widespread in other Proto-Indo-European languages ​​(Greek Nikita, Nikanor, Nikander, Nikifor; Latin Victor, German Siegfried, Old Persian Darius), but in Russian all names with this stem are borrowed .

This name, in various variations (Nicholas, Nikolaus, Nikola, Miklos, etc.) is one of the most common Christian male names all over the world. This is connected with the veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra. Saint Nicholas from the city of Patara, Lycia region in Asia Minor, is considered the patron saint of travelers, sailors, children, and is also the prototype of the Christmas wizard who brings gifts (Santa Claus in the USA, Père Noel in France, St. Nicholas in Germany, Father Frost in Russia, etc.). P.). According to legend, Nikolai, being a priest in Patara, saved three girls whom their impoverished father wanted to sell into slavery: having learned about this, Nikolai secretly planted bags of gold in the unfortunate man’s house.

Like other Greek names, this name came to Rus' from Byzantium after the adoption of Christianity, but was not widespread until the 18th century. The spread of the cult of St. Nicholas in Russia is associated with the development of navigation and trade in the era of Peter the Great. It was at this time that Nicholas the Wonderworker became one of the most revered saints, and the name Nicholas became one of the most popular, both among the privileged classes and among common people.

Psychological characteristics: Nikolai is distinguished by strength, activity and ingenuity. Overcomes difficulties without outside help. Balanced, hardworking and efficient.

Name days: December 19 (6), May 22 (9) - Nicholas of Myra (Wonder Worker); August 4(21) - Nikola Novgorodsky; March 22(8) - Nikola Savastiysky; January 6 (December 23) - Nikolai Slavyanin.

Some famous namesakes:

Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer; Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, writer, historian; Nikolai Gogol, writer; Nikolai Lobachevsky, mathematician; Nikolai Pirogov, military surgeon; Nikolay Ge, artist; Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, composer; Nicholas I Romanov, Emperor of Russia; Nicholas II Romanov, the last Russian Emperor; Nikolai Vavilov, scientist.

Sources: Petrovsky N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names. Superanskaya A.V. Features of Russian names. Orthodox month book.


The name Nicholas is of ancient Greek origin. The literal interpretation is “conqueror of nations.” It is a related name to Nicodemus. Counts Orthodox name and is listed in the name book according to the Saints. Its main patron saint is Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The male name Nikolai has been in demand among the Slavs for many decades and even hundreds of years, and this is not surprising. It has very strong energy, belongs to the category of Orthodox names and at the same time promises the bearers many good qualities. In addition, it is popular far and wide abroad...

Conversational options: Kolya, Nikolasha, Nikola, Kolyunya

Modern English analogues: Nikola, Mikola, Nicholas

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Nikolai promises a lot positive characteristics the newborn boy named by him. Among them are such character traits as energy, sociability, kindness, cheerfulness, an optimistic outlook on life, impulsiveness, sociability, honesty and fairness, hard work and activity, and goodwill.

At the same time, according to many, inherent negative traits, such as stubbornness, cruelty, severity, pride and unwillingness to take other people’s opinions into account. Although for the most part Koli, it is always good people who grow up to be loyal, constant and reliable men.

Advantages and positive features: Nikolai never gives up and always achieves his goals, always tries to live up to people’s opinions of him, and never acts badly towards his loved ones. Kolya also loves helping other people, most often for free.

Nikolai has a bad attitude towards liars, liars, traitors and selfish people. Kolya hates people who try to manipulate him (his wife doesn’t count), and despises those who profit from other people’s weaknesses.

The name Nikolai has many synonyms. In Hungary - Miklos. In Germany - Nikolaus. In Scandinavia - Nicholas. And there are more than two dozen such options.

Character of the name Nikolai

The character of the name Nikolai is such that it is capable of endowing the bearer of this name form with a whole bunch of really good and necessary characteristics. The bearer of this name is kind by nature, simple, relaxed, pleasant to talk to, sociable and eloquent, never commits bad deeds for the sake of selfishness or profit, is not a traitor and is true to his principles - in other words, the character bestowed by the characteristics of this name is essentially ideal and in this ideality it can give everyone a head start. But, of course, it is not without its shortcomings - for example, usually the character of a man named Nikolai is also endowed with shortcomings, which can include arrogance, demandingness, adherence to principles, and uncompromisingness. But Nikolai is faithful to his principles and never violates them, and in general, he is a man of his word, who never breaks his promises and follows the rules of moral ethics in any matter - such is his character. However, all this is just a theory that is not always confirmed in practice.

The reason for the discrepancy between all of the above and reality may lie in the most various factors, that is, the character itself may depend on a variety of factors. For example, character depends on parental upbringing (primarily), on the influence of the energy of the patron planet, and even on the strength of the influence of the zodiac sign...

Early childhood

In early childhood, a boy whose parents decided to choose the name Nikolai at birth will have many bright emotions and good impressions, and in general, his childhood is usually filled with positive things. Kindness, a positive attitude and good health, emotionality and curiosity, readiness for new and new adventures, a desire to develop, sociability and eloquence, justice and mobility - all this is still far from full list those qualities that the name Nikolai bestows as such. Usually it is movable and kind child, never quarrels with anyone, he is always with everyone good relations and almost never quarrels with children, even if there is a good reason for a quarrel.

The meaning endows the bearer of the name Nikolai with incredible friendliness, thanks to which he gets along even with those children with whom very few people can get along. And on top of everything, he is also kind and friendly, he is always imbued with other people’s problems and treats other people’s misdeeds with condescension, which is also rare, especially for children. But a boy named Nikolai always has one drawback - this drawback lies in the desire to be such that his parents would always praise him for something, to admire him, and parents, by the way, should pay attention to this aspect, because otherwise In this case, Nikolai may become unsure of himself and indecisive.


But be that as it may, in early childhood, having become a full-fledged teenager, the boy who is protected by the meaning of the name Nikolai will certainly acquire a bunch of new advantages, including self-confidence, determination, stability, planning, perseverance, and purposefulness , and hard work, and condescension, and tact, and delicacy, and eloquence. By the way, thanks to the last three traits of this boy, Nikolai can make a lot of friends, both among the same age and among older children. He gets along easily with people of all ages, knows how to maintain conversation topics, easily listens to his interlocutors and always delves into their problems like a true psychologist, for which he is actually respected and loved in society.

Nikolai has a good understanding of people, and plus, this boy usually has a well-developed instinct of self-preservation - he will never let a person he doubts come close to him, but at the same time he will not refuse such help if he needs it, not his it is possible. And significance can also bestow this boy with a bunch of additional advantages, among which the important ones are swiftness and perseverance - he achieves his goals at all costs, but only by honest methods, without self-interest, deception and betrayal.

Grown man

The adult Nikolai is a completely unique personality, a man with a unique character. Easily capturing the attention of others and capable of gaining popularity even where it is almost impossible for others to do so, he knows how to please people, and in general, the meaning endows him with excellent charm. A little shy and shy, but eloquent and charming, sociable, friendly, good-natured, benevolent, cheerful, purposeful and hardworking, fair and principled, has an excellent understanding of people and knows how to properly present himself to society in order to please everyone - that’s how he is, Nicholas, who is protected by the meaning of this name.

But there are also shortcomings in him, and one of them is his demandingness towards people - he demands too much from people, he wants to see everyone as ideal, the way he initially imagines them, but not everyone can meet his requirements, which in the end leads only to the eradication of friendship as such with this or that person. But he is fair and will never leave a friend in trouble, he will help, he will defend his opinion and honor, he will not abandon or betray him even for the sake of obtaining real benefits. Nikolai is also prone to self-sacrifice and can sacrifice his own benefits for the sake of the happiness of another person - although this should be a person close to him, truly devoted to him, proven by time, deeds and actions.

Interaction of the character Nikolai with the seasons

Autumn - the meaning of this season gives preference to such character traits of the bearer of the name Nikolai as excessive narcissism and stubbornness. This is a clear leader, a boy who considers himself the best of the best - it is difficult for him to get along in society, he is silent and withdrawn, preferably spends time alone, because people are not very happy with him anyway. Not falling in love - if he falls in love, he will give his heart.

Spring - here an egoist is born by nature, a person who is only interested in what is happening in his own existence. But he is simple and easy, it is impossible to be angry with him, he is loved and revered in noisy companies. Not a leader, not a manager, but the soul of the company, an out-of-the-box thinker who is popular with women. Is it true, serious relationship not his strong point.

Summer - here a cunning and ambitious diplomat is born, capable of deceiving anyone with such ease that he will not even understand it. He is kind and charming, but distrustful, always avoids close communication, although he is glad to be surrounded by close people. He is overly stable and constant, predictable, which is what ladies don’t like.

Winter - here we should be talking about a reasonable, practical, despotic, sensible man, stubborn and persistent, temperamental and attentive. He is popular with the female half, but does not want to tie the knot - he values ​​​​freedom and independence.

The fate of the name Nikolai

The fate of the name Nikolai in relationships with the opposite sex, in love and in marriage is such that it involves a long search for that very soulmate with whom he can be for a long time. But at the same time, fate does not deprive Kolya of female attention; on the contrary, he is too popular with women and knows how to win their attention, which in the end can lead to him becoming a real womanizer.

It is worth noting that his fate in relationships with women is, in general, very difficult. The fact is that he himself is “greedy for skirts”, not picky, and can fall in love with the first lady he meets - female attention and affection can turn his head so much that he simply forgets about all his principles and requirements. However, fate will not lead him away from personal problems - he will definitely come across betrayal, infidelity, and lies more than once in his life, which are never forgiven.

Nikolai’s fate is such that it ultimately presupposes his becoming a full-fledged family man. When he finally finds “the one”, he will become ideal man for her, but there are also disadvantages to it. He is very jealous, possessive, and will not allow his lady to show off in front of other men. And in ninety percent of cases, fate suggests that Nikolai become the husband of a soft, unprincipled, compliant and flexible woman - his character perfect couple it will only be like this...

Love and marriage

Nikolai is a very sensual and amorous man. He feels women very subtly, understands their psychology, so with a little gallantry in addition, the desired woman is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. In his youth, he has quite a lot of novels, each of which he regards as a serious relationship. Nikolai can start a family quite early and suddenly, but his loving nature can push him to more and more betrayals, ultimately leading to divorce. The most interesting thing is that he himself will not be the first to decide to separate from his wife. But marriage is more mature age It might turn out quite well.

His wife will be an intelligent, beautiful, feminine, charming and patient woman. Kolya loves when everyone around him admires his wife, but at the same time, he is very jealous, so quite often he can have attacks of jealousy. His beloved must understand this and learn to tolerate these outbursts of emotions if she wants to maintain harmony and peace in the family. Betrayal on her part is an instant break, which is why Kolya is so afraid of it. In turn, he is able to cheat only if his wife no longer satisfies his needs in bed.

Nikolai appreciates attention, care and tenderness from his wife. For him, the atmosphere of love and happiness is more important than ideal order, but an evil wife. He sincerely cares about the well-being of his loved ones, is always ready to help his beloved with housework, but in return he needs a little personal space.

Nikolai as Father

It is impossible to say exactly how a person will manifest himself as a father or mother, based only on the qualities of a particular name. All people are unique and act completely differently. However, given that Kolya has so much positive traits character, we can assume that he certainly won’t be a bad father.

Nikolai approaches fatherhood responsibly and reverently. For him, the birth of a child in the family is both joy and stress, because now he will also have to bear responsibility for the baby. As a father, he is ready to do everything possible to ensure that his child has a happy childhood and a bright future. He has enough strength and love for the baby to have company in the form of a brother or sister.

Nikolai enjoys spending time with his children and often offers his wife his help. He is involved in raising children with interest and patience. It is important for him that children grow up active, positive, honest and hardworking people. Kolya has a stronger connection with his son, as with an heir. He will diligently teach him everything he should be able to do. a real man. He will always support and protect his daughter from any troubles.

Compatibility with female names

Nikolai has the best compatibility with such female names as Augusta, Alla, Zhanna, Zinaida, Isabella, Roxana, Flora, Edita.

Durable and happy marriage It will be possible to build with Daria, Nadezhda, Nelly, Nina and Susanna.

But with people like Ninel, Serafima, Alisa and Valeria, most likely, it will not be possible to build any relationships at all.

Nikolay - quite popular name, strong and reliable. It endows its owner with various contradictory qualities. The character of such a man combines sociability and intractability, initiative and slowness, friendliness and despoticism, cheerfulness and pedantry. Therefore, it is often very difficult to find a common language with Kolya, despite his curiosity and versatility.

Origin of the name

The name Nikolai is of ancient Greek origin. It consists of two words - “nika” (“victory”) and “laos” (“people”, “people”). Translated, the name means “conqueror of nations.”

There is also female uniform name, not common in our country, but popular in Europe and the USA - Nicole (Nicoletta, Nikolina).

Forms of the name Nikolai

Short name forms:

  • Kolya;
  • Kolka;
  • Kolyan;
  • Nikola;
  • Nicolas;

Diminutive forms:

  • Kolenka;
  • Nikolka;
  • Kolyunya;
  • Nikolasha;
  • I prick myself;
  • Stickleback;
  • Kolyanya;
  • Stroller;
  • Nikolaika;
  • Nikolakha;
  • Ring.

When writing poems about a man with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Nikolai - paradise, edge, by chance, harvest, as well as many verbs in the imperative mood (shine, play, wish); Kolya - will, share.

Photo gallery: name forms

Nikolay - full form name
Kolya - the most common short form of the name Nikolai Kolenka - one of the variants of affectionate address to Nikolai Nik - one of the short forms of the name, popular abroad

The church form of the name is Nikolai.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is NIKOLAI.

The patronymics formed from this name are Nikolaevich and Nikolaevna.

Nikolaevichs are stubborn and hot-tempered. They rarely compromise, persistently achieve what they want, often take initiative, and always tend to defend justice. Nikolaevnas are emotional, responsible and hardworking. These girls are very demanding and difficult to please.

Table: name options in different languages

LanguageIt is writtenReading
EnglishNicholas, NickolasNicholas, Niklas
Chinese尼古拉斯 Nigulasi
Korean니콜라이 Nikolai
Japaneseニコライ Nikoraj
GermanNikolaus (Klaus)Nikolaus (Klaus)
ItalianNicola, NicoloNikola, Nikolo
Danish, Swedish, NorwegianNicklas, Nikolaus, NikolaiNiklas, Nikolaus, Nikolai
DutchNicolaas, NicolausNicholas, Nikolaus
IrishNioclas, NicolNiklas, Nikol
FinnishNiilo, NiklasNiilo, Niklas
Arabنيكولاس Nikulas
GreekΝικόλαος Nikolaos
PolishMikołaj, Nikola, MikułaMikolay, Nikola, Mikula
Romanian, MoldovanNicolae, Nicolai, NiculaiNikolae, Nikolai, Nikulai
HungarianMiklos, KolosMiklos, Kolos
BelorussianMikalay, MikolaMikalay, Mikola

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Nikolai:

  • Viktorovich;
  • Grigorievich;
  • Ivanovich;
  • Pavlovich;
  • Evgenyevich.

There are many songs with this name. Among them are “Nikolai” by Nikolai Baskov and Natalie, “Bell” by Klavdiya Shulzhenko, “Brod” by the group “Aquarium”, “Nikolya” by Vika Antonova, and the folk song “Valenki”.

Video: song “Nikolai” by Nikolai Baskov and Natalie

Nickname options for social networks

  • Nikolay;
  • nickello;
  • nick;
  • kolya;
  • kolyan.

Patron saints of Nicholas, name day dates

Nicholas is patronized by 23 saints. The most famous of them:

  • Archbishop and miracle worker Nicholas of Myra;
  • holy fool Nikolai of Novgorod;
  • Martyr Nicholas of Sebaste;
  • holy fool Nikolai Pskovsky;
  • Schemamonk Nikolai Slavyanin;
  • Presbyter Nicholas of Athens.

The famous Santa Claus is Saint Nicholas. In many languages, the short form of the name sounds like Klaus (Klausch).

IN Christian religion Nicholas of Myra, known as Nicholas the Wonderworker, is especially revered. He was born to a pious couple and raised to believe in One God. According to legend, from infancy he observed fasting (he took mother's milk only twice a week - on Wednesday and Friday).

Nicholas showed mercy to all those in need. Moreover, he tried to do good deeds secretly. So, according to legend, the Wonderworker threw three bags of gold into the window of a man suffering from poverty and planning to turn his daughters into harlots. This is how the tradition of giving gifts to children on St. Nicholas Day arose.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron saint of men with this name

Nikolaev has angel days in every month of the year:

  • January 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 24 and 31;
  • February 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 26 and 28;
  • March 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22 and 26;
  • April 18 and 24;
  • May 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 22, 29 and 30;
  • June 1, 5, 10, 18, 20, 23 and 27;
  • July 4, 8, 17 and 27;
  • August 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 21, 25, 26 and 27;
  • September 1, 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 28;
  • October 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27 and 31;
  • November 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28 and 29;
  • December 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30 and 31.

On the day of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, December 19, a prayer service is ordered by those people who want to get married soon. It was believed that on this day one should not lend, including borrowing any things (household utensils, clothes, etc.). They believe that this way you can give away good luck and prosperity. But receiving guests, especially wealthy ones, is a sign of happiness and prosperity.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive character traits of Nikolai:

  • hard work;
  • optimism;
  • energy;
  • intelligence.

Negative qualities:

  • obsession;
  • waywardness;
  • inability to keep your emotions under control.

Kolenka in childhood

Kolya is a very active and restless child who loves to play outdoor games. In the yard among the boys he was a real leader and entertainer. His pranks infuriate adults, but no amount of conversation or punishment can make the tomboy settle down. All adults can do is try to redirect the boy’s energy in the right direction. By enrolling their son in wrestling, football or a modeling class, parents will help him use his activity for development.

Little Kolenka is an active and energetic child

Kolenka is a smart and versatile boy, he likes to be in the center of everyone's attention. To Once again To prove his ingenuity and maintain authority among his classmates, he is ready to take risks and violate discipline.

Due to selfishness, stubbornness and willfulness, the little owner of this name is difficult to educate. In order to develop in a boy his inherent love of life and instill in Kolya the best qualities, parents should be patient.

Kolya the teenager

In his youth, Kolya was carefree, energetic, and eccentric. He is inclined to do reckless things, which is why he often gets into various troubles. This guy tries to keep up everywhere and everywhere, wanting to achieve fame and recognition of others at all costs. Nikolai does not know how to value friendship, especially since it is very difficult to be a friend of such a fickle, straightforward and selfish young man.

In my youth, Nikolai was among my friends. This guy stood out for his incredible charm, his ability to captivate people and infect them with an idea. If he suggested going somewhere or starting something, the company simply could not resist his energy and pressure. He simultaneously valued friendship and neglected it. On the one hand, he was always ready to listen, communicate, discuss problems, but on the other hand, when he got carried away, he could say a lot of nasty things and completely demotivate. Now, as far as I know, few of his many childhood friends maintain contact with Kolya. However, it is still interesting to communicate with him thanks to the versatility of this man’s character and his charisma.

In his youth, Kolya was eccentric and somewhat selfish

The character of young Nikolai combines authority and sociability, frivolity and resourcefulness. He needs affection and understanding, which he seeks when communicating with girls. Many people consider Kolya to be a closed and contradictory guy. He is practical and pragmatic, but the actions of this young man often go against the rules established by society.

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult man

Boris Khigir claims that Nikolai is strong-willed and purposeful man, inclined to work hard. He is resourceful and reasonable, constantly generating ideas for additional income. As a leader, the owner of this name is strict and even despotic; he is capable of oppressing and imposing his opinion on his subordinates. In business he is often guided by feelings, not common sense. If anything doesn't go according to plan, this man loses his composure. However, Kolya is quick-witted and able to admit his mistakes.

According to Mendelev, Nikolai is good-natured, serious and responsible. He sets high goals for himself and achieves them with perseverance and endurance. This man is always true to his convictions and principles; it is almost impossible to convince him of anything. Kolya can be harsh and rude in his judgments, as he does not forgive other people's shortcomings.

According to Mendelev, Nikolai is serious and good-natured

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima indicate that the energy of this name is characterized by mobility. She amazingly combines sociability and peremptoryness, cheerfulness and toughness, lightness and severity. On the one hand, this gives Nikolai a contradictory character, and on the other, it results in the breadth of his views and the man’s diverse interests.

Pierre Rouget believes that Nikolai knows what he wants from life and stubbornly goes towards his goal. This man is demanding of himself and those around him. He can be modest and delicate, skillfully hiding his true feelings. Most He devotes time to work and business development; he has practically no time left for his personal life.

According to Rouge, Kolya is purposeful and persistent

According to Pavel Florensky, the owner of this name overestimates his own importance in the lives of others. Such a man considers it his mission to take care of those for whom, as Nikolai thinks, he is responsible. As a result, he takes an incredible amount of worries on his shoulders, under their weight he gets incredibly tired, but does not refuse responsibility. Kolya is not able to trust fate, life, or give other people the opportunity to act independently and “fill in” their own bumps.

Talents and hobbies

Fruitful leisure is important to Nikolai. He loves to travel, go out with friends and have picnics. At the same time, such a man values ​​comfort in any situation. She loves to throw parties and organize everything to make the holiday unforgettable.

Nikolai likes to relax with friends

Nikolay's career and business

Nikolai is a strong-willed and purposeful man, capable of achieving success in any field. The owner of this name works a lot, but he can hardly be called a workaholic. He will not devote more time to work, because free time prefers to take care of personal matters. If Kolya’s chosen profession appeals to him and brings him a decent income, he will develop in this area, gain experience, improve and achieve new goals.

At work, Nikolai is purposeful and responsible

Such a man can become a successful businessman. Usually he knows his business very well and is competent in any matter. But Nikolai does not like moralizing; he prefers to make all decisions alone. Therefore, the bearer of this name does not need partner support. Thanks to his discipline and prudence, Kolya is able to cope with difficulties without outside help. Often his business flourishes and brings good profits.


Nikolai has a strong immune system and excellent health. But lack of proper rest can affect nervous system men. Also, the owner of this name should pay attention to nutrition and refuse bad habits. Eating unhealthy foods and alcohol can lead to liver disease.

Nikolai in love and marriage

Nikolai is very amorous. Having met a girl he likes, he will not spend years courting and studying the character of his chosen one. After just a couple of dates, a man can propose marriage. Kolya’s life partner should be attractive, flexible, resourceful and patient, because not every girl can withstand the endless scenes of her husband’s jealousy.

My father Nikolai invited my mother to marry him about a month after the start of their relationship. Their marriage came as a surprise to many of my mother’s friends, because most of them had not yet even found out that she had a boyfriend. However, the family did not last long - the parents divorced a year and a half after the wedding due to numerous scenes of the father’s jealousy and his inability to cope with his own emotions.

Nikolai is kind towards the fair sex, he is characterized by romantic courtship. Such a man has a good understanding of women, he is able to predict the desires of his chosen one. Kolya can have many hobbies, and he considers each of his ladies to be “the one, the only one.”

Kolya is an amorous romantic

The owner of this name decides to start a family at a fairly early age, believing that marriage will help him become more independent and mature. But this is not true at all. Married Nikolai cannot say goodbye to the habits of his bachelor life. He still has fun with his friends instead of spending time with his family. If the wife has the patience to forgive everything to her husband, such a marriage can last a long time.

Kolya is a caring, loving husband and father. He gets along well with children and provides for his family with dignity. But he also has personal hobbies that help a man relax and unwind. He builds stability and harmony in his relationship with his wife only if his wife fully satisfies him in an intimate way. If not, Nikolai is capable of committing treason. However, he will not tolerate such betrayal from his life partner.

Table: compatibility with female names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Olga100% 60% Nikolai and Olga quickly develop feelings for each other; they are united by passion and mutual attraction. But bright emotions quickly fade, and these people are no longer connected by anything.
Anna80% 90% Prudent and flexible Anna is ready to support the temperamental Nikolai in everything, and he provides her with reliable support and protection. This union is full of harmony, love and mutual understanding. Often such couples never break up.
Elena90% 40% Sensitive and gentle Elena is captivated by Nikolai’s good-natured disposition. He gallantly looks after his chosen one, trying to earn her favor. But in marriage, the man becomes too demanding, tries to suppress the girl, and as a result the family breaks up.
Julia100% 60% The relationships of these people are full of love and mutual understanding. Nikolai appreciates his wife for her complaisance and simple-minded disposition. Julia is a wonderful housewife, she keeps the house clean and tidy. In their family, everyone is in their place, harmoniously complementing each other.
Anastasia90% 40% Despite the fact that Nikolai and Anastasia are similar in many ways, they cannot come to an agreement. Partners constantly conflict and do not want to compromise.
Tatiana100% 90% Nikolai and Tatyana are ideal for each other, they have many common interests, they like to spend time together. Their relationship is full of love, trust and mutual understanding. Such a marriage will be long and happy.
Catherine100% 60% This couple never gets bored, they have a lot in common, every day is like a holiday. Nikolai and Ekaterina get along well with each other; there is no room for quarrels in their house. The spouses are constantly improving, setting high goals for themselves and achieving them together.
Natalia70% 100% The relationship between Nikolai and Natalia is full of love, care, trust and mutual understanding. They are both strong-willed and purposeful people, so they are quite capable of creating a family business. Their union is strong and stable, no sorrows or adversities can separate them.
Maria90% 40% In society, this couple creates an imaginary image of the ideal; it seems as if everything is always perfect with them. But the reality is completely different. Tatyana is used to living in luxury and not denying herself anything, and if her husband does not meet her requirements, she will soon leave him.
Irina100% 40% Both partners are stubborn and wayward people, accustomed to making individual decisions. Lack of agreement brings discord into their family. Only serious trials can bring Nikolai and Irina together.
Svetlana90% 50% This is a tandem of two loving hearts. The union is full of passion and sincere feelings. But different life positions and beliefs can cast doubt on their future together.
Victoria100% 60% Nikolai provides his wife with protection and support. Victoria, surrounded by the love and attention of her husband, serves as his adviser and assistant in many matters. They set high goals for themselves and work together to achieve them.
Ksenia90% 50% The compatibility of this couple is low, since the partners have different concepts of successful family life. Nikolai needs comfort and tranquility, and energetic Ksenia dreams of bright impressions. Such a marriage is usually short-lived.
Daria70% 50% Both partners are demanding and freedom-loving people. They do not want to adapt to each other’s interests and give in. Constant conflicts and scandals can cause Nikolai and Daria to separate.
Lyudmila90% 60% This couple is blinded by passion and attraction. But over time, they begin to get annoyed by each other's shortcomings. Spouses often quarrel over trifles. This can lead to a stormy breakup.
Evgenia100% 60% A wonderful romantic relationship develops between Nikolai and Evgenia. But in family life, these two understand that they are completely unsuitable for each other. Quarrels often break out between them. Often such a couple separates in the first year after marriage.
Hope100% 80% Both partners are emotional and hot-tempered. They often quarrel and sort things out, but, oddly enough, violent scandals benefit them. For Nikolai and Nadezhda, this is a kind of release, after which they are again ready to passionately love each other.
Elizabeth70% 80% In this couple, Nikolai and Elizabeth equally show leadership qualities, which can lead to quarrels and, in the future, to separation. But if partners learn to give in and find compromises, they will have a happy future together.
Valentina100% 80% Valentina inspires and spurs her husband to new achievements. Thanks to his chosen one, Kolya can become a successful businessman and a versatile personality.

The meaning of each letter of the name

N - critical attitude towards everything. Selectivity in contacts. Inclined to lead healthy image life. Conscientious and responsible worker.

And - grace, a subtle vision of beauty. At the same time - sarcastic and excessive straightforwardness.

K - endurance, initiative, pragmatism. They attract attention with their versatility.

O - have a deep worldview. Few are initiated into their secrets. Luck accompanies them in everything.

L - have their own vision of beauty. Prefer natural beauty. Creative personalities.

A - the desire for active action, creation, leadership.

Y - emotionality, hot temper, nervousness, unpredictability, arrogance.

The seven letters in the name Nikolai are a sign of such a man’s conservatism and stubbornness. He remembers insults well and rarely forgives ill-wishers. Loves order in everything. An excellent professional, efficient and accurate. Knows his worth.

Table: name matches

StoneEmeraldSymbol of purity, holiness and innocence. Has long been used in love rituals. Protects its owner from witchcraft and negative influences. This stone is able to relieve stress, normalize sleep, clear the mind of bad thoughts. Emerald can also attract good luck, prosperity and happiness.
ColorWhiteEternal fighters for justice. They always keep their word and fulfill their promises on time. Noble ones. Material values they are far from in first place.
Number6 Caring and attentive. They are not indifferent to other people's troubles, they never remain on the sidelines. Smart and reasonable. Usually these people are successful and inspire others by their example.
PlanetJupiterThese people know exactly what they want from life, they persistently pursue their goal. They are not afraid to lose; failures only make them stronger.
ElementEarthPrudent and pragmatic, incapable of spontaneous and reckless actions. They are biased towards everything. They get irritated for any reason, can be rude and even tyrannical towards others.
AnimalElephantA symbol of power, endurance, happiness, wisdom and complaisance. Among the peoples of India, this animal is considered sacred and symbolizes nobility and sanity.
Zodiac signScorpionThey carefully hide their feelings. Very distrustful, they open up only to people they have known for a long time. They have high self-esteem, they do not allow anyone to insult or humiliate them. They are not inclined to admit mistakes, so you should not expect repentance from them.
TreeAshThe personification of power, good spirits, valor and generosity. It has long been believed that this tree can bring success to male warriors, giving them confidence, strength and agility. An ash talisman can protect its owner from evil magic and negative influences.
PlantGladiolusThis flower is an amulet that protects a person from various ailments and evil magic. Gladiolus was given to warriors to protect them in battle. Serves as a symbol of generosity, friendship and devotion.
MetalIronA symbol of endurance, perseverance, power and the fight for justice. In Christianity, iron represents hostility, power and endurance.
Auspicious dayWednesday
Important years of life23, 54

When was Nikolai born?

Winter Nicholas is pragmatic, arrogant and power-hungry. He has the gift of persuasion and knows how to suppress the will of others. This man is not without cunning, he will never miss a profit. He is indifferent to other people's misfortunes and prefers to remain aloof from other people's suffering. But at the right time he can be very polite and courteous.

Nikolai, born in winter, is power-hungry and pragmatic

Kolya, who was born in the spring, is selfish, inclined to act only in his own interests. But thanks to his simplicity, sociability and responsiveness, such a man is forgiven a lot. He is versatile and loves to attract the attention of others. He is not afraid of difficulties, and in case of failure he stubbornly continues to move towards the goal.

Vesenny Nikolay is a sympathetic and cheerful fellow

Nikolai, who celebrates his birthday in the summer, is cunning and agile. He is able to take advantage of any situation. Such a man is respected and appreciated for his hard work and perseverance. He is extremely distrustful of other people.

Nikolai, who was born in the summer, is cunning and ambitious

In the fall, Nikolai are born with pronounced leadership qualities. Such men are vain and arrogant, capable of subjugating people to their will, oppressing and imposing their own opinions on them. In communication, they keep their distance because they do not trust others and do not want to reveal the weaknesses of their character.

Autumn Nicholas is secretive and silent

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAn optimistic, responsive and sociable man, always ready for changes in his life. Capable of enjoying every little thing. Nikolai-Aries is sincere and sociable, so it is not surprising that he is surrounded by equally loyal and open people.
TaurusA hardy, strong-willed and purposeful man. Trusting and vulnerable, he doesn’t understand people well. He is often overtaken by disappointments due to injustice and betrayal of loved ones. But Kolya-Taurus is unforgiving and quickly forgets insults.
TwinsHe is unpredictable, his mood can change several times a day. This man does not know how to restrain his emotions, which is why he often finds himself in various unpleasant situations. Nikolai-Gemini is amorous and romantic, capable of winning the heart of any woman.
CancerVersatile, talented and open-minded. Nikolai-Cancer is a pleasant conversationalist, a wonderful storyteller and a loyal comrade. He knows how to not only lift your spirits, but also give useful advice. He is oppressed by routine and monotony. He prefers short-term relationships with the fair sex, as he does not want to take on greater responsibility.
a lionAn emotional, temperamental man, accustomed to an active lifestyle. Responsive and sociable, does not tolerate lies and duplicity, so it will not be possible to win his trust with hypocrisy and flattery, but it is quite possible to earn his contempt and indignation. He values ​​sincerity and loyalty in girls.
VirgoA prudent, reasonable and cheerful man who lacks self-confidence. He is afraid to take on any responsibility. When unforeseen circumstances gets lost. Nikolai-Virgo does not strive to take the post of leader; he is often content with a modest position.
ScalesA dreamy, vulnerable man with a rich imagination. He is often in the world of his dreams. His dreams have nothing to do with reality, and this depresses and disappoints Nikolai-Libra even more.
ScorpionA freedom-loving and independent man who values ​​his personal space and does not allow anyone to interfere in his affairs. Nikolai-Scorpio cannot have a strong and stable relationship for a long time, because he does not trust girls.
SagittariusAn impressionable, cheerful and peace-loving, but at the same time flighty man who wants to achieve universal recognition. If Nikolai-Sagittarius does you a favor, he will remind you more than once of his generosity. He is susceptible to flattery and compliments, this can appease him or win him over. In the family he is caring, sincere, understanding and loyal.
CapricornAn active, proactive and businesslike man who does not sit still and longs for new achievements. He rarely completes his tasks; there may be many reasons for this: he did not calculate his capabilities, lost interest, the task, in his opinion, became impossible. In relationships, fickle and frivolous.
AquariusExplosive, emotional and unpredictable Nikolai-Aquarius is capable of sacrificing his own moral principles, if required. Often gets irritated over trifles and loses self-control. It is difficult for him to contact people, because of this he is often lonely.
FishI am ready to sacrifice my interests for the sake of others, to help without any benefit for myself. Nikolai-Pisces is very affected by other people’s problems, he is unable to pass by someone else’s misfortune. A wonderful family man, loving husband and caring father. For the well-being of his family, he is capable of going to great lengths.

Famous people

Famous men with this name:

  • Nicolaus Copernicus - Polish astronomer, creator heliocentric system world, who revolutionized natural science;
  • Nicholas II Alexandrovich - the last Russian emperor;
  • Nikolai Lobachevsky - Russian mathematician, creator of non-Euclidean geometry;
  • Nikolai Gogol - writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, classic of Russian literature;
  • Nikolai Nekrasov - Russian poet, writer and publicist, classic of Russian literature;
  • Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - Russian composer, conductor, musical and public figure, member of the “Mighty Handful”;
  • Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay - Russian scientist, traveler and public figure, ethnographer, anthropologist and biologist;
  • Nikola Tesla - great inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering, engineer;
  • Nicholas Roerich - Russian painter, theater artist, archaeologist, traveler, writer, mystic philosopher; one of the brightest and most popular masters of Russian symbolism and modernism;
  • Nikolai Gumilyov - Russian poet Silver Age, prose writer, creator of the school of Acmeism, translator, literary critic;
  • Nikolay Makarov - Russian designer firearms, created the nine-millimeter PM pistol, laureate of the USSR State Prize;
  • Nikolai Kuznetsov - Soviet intelligence officer, partisan, who personally eliminated 11 generals and high-ranking officials Nazi Germany; one of the prototypes of Maxim Isaev (Stirlitz);
  • Nikolai Karachentsev - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, National artist RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize of Russia;
  • Nikolai Rastorguev - Soviet and Russian musician, singer, leader music group"Lube", People's Artist of Russia;
  • Nikolay Perumov (Nick Perumov) - Russian science fiction writer;
  • Nikolai Valuev - Russian professional boxer who competed in the heavy weight category, political figure;
  • Nikolai Baskov is a Russian pop and opera singer, film actor, TV presenter, teacher, People's Artist of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.

Poems with the name Nikolai: “Letter from the Village” by Vladimir Vysotsky, “Rainbow” by Yuri Vizbor, “One Rhyme” by Sergei Mikhalkov.

Photo gallery: famous Nicholas

Nick Perumov - Russian science fiction writer Nikola Tesla - great inventor Nicholas II - the last Russian emperor
Nikolai Baskov - Russian pop and opera singer Nikolai Valuev - Russian professional boxer
Nikolai Gogol - writer, playwright, classic of Russian literature Nikolai Gumilyov - Russian poet of the Silver Age Nikolai Karachentsev - Soviet and Russian actor Nikolai Copernicus - creator of the heliocentric system of the world Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay - Russian scientist, traveler Nikolai Rastorguev - leader of the Lyube group Nicholas Roerich - Russian painter, many of his paintings are dedicated to Tibet

Nikolai is a winner in life. Such a man acts as an authority for many people. He often takes a leadership position; as a boss, he is strict but fair. He will not demand from others what he cannot cope with himself. The owner of this name does not stand still, he is constantly developing and keeps up with the times. Kolya is devoted to his work and his family. Strives to benefit society.