4 Chose

He was born exactly 112 years ago and argued that he would remember himself literally since the conception. He was in confidence all his life, that his mission on this earth is to save art. He had completely his own - a special idea of \u200b\u200blove, and he was lucky to meet in his path of women who understood and took his worldview ...

They ... They were three in his life - three muses who made his life even more filled and amazing. And who managed to find out what he really is - the author of the "Faces of War", "Giraffes in Fire", "Galatei with Spheres", "Constancy of Memory" and many other works of painting and literature ...


Salvador Duenek Felip Zhasyn Dali and Domainekborn on May 11, 1904 in the Catalan Town of Figueras Rovno 9 months after tragically left his senior brother while still in a completely tender one. And the name of which was also - Salvador.

For the couple Dali - the wealthy notary and his wife - the death of the firstborn was big Mount. And in order to somehow take the soulful wounds, the family went to the most picturesque place, returning from now the Philip understood that she was pregnant again.

The appearance of the Son was perceived as a miracle, and the boy received the same name - Salvador, that in translation from Spanish means "Savior." On the health of the boy was shaking and therefore fell almost in almost everything. In addition, Philip often drove the Son on the grave of his older brother.

Apparently, already then young genius Made for myself the conclusion that he is the reincarnation of his older brother ... only in its form. And all his childhood spent in the status of the "outstanding" child. And if you look from the side, it is pretty baked blood to my parents, arranging completely ugly hysterics and scandals, accompanied by various kinds of cubs and leavings. Younger sister Ana-Maria more than once later recalled how Salvador was poured by tears, rushed to the floor and fought in hysterics, moving to ultrasound, and all this for some sometimes completely crazy desires - for example, for the sake of the flag from the flagpole on the town hall or a candy confectionery.

At the same time, the boy manifested great amount Phobies and complexes. It seemed that he would never be able to make friends, but thirst for attention rearranged all fears. Moreover, I found a "compromise" in creativity ...

What inspired him? Everything. Nature, dreams, loss in cards, people, friends, women ... with beautiful sex in the genius were quite complex relations. But in them he found his main music ...

Elena Ivanovna Dyakonovaborn on August 26 in Kazan, then in the Russian impirriage. Ovdov, her mother re-married a lawyer with whom will later move on permanent place Residence in Moscow.

Here it is studying in one gymnasium with sisters and AnastasiaBut at the age of 16, stepfather sent it to Switzerland - for the treatment of tuberculosis in a sanatorium.

Here - in the town of Clausedel - her meeting with the son of the famous real estate trader Eloor was held. The result of this resort Romana It became conclusion legal marriage between young people in 1917. It is thanks to the field of Elena turned into Muse named Gal but And she gave him the daughter of Cecil.

Rounding in bohemian circles, a couple more than once turned out to be in the spotlight, thanks to his sights and lifestyle. Gala was a real muse that inspired not only his spouse to create amazing romantic poems, but also his painter friends, among whom turned out to be and gave ...

It was a thunder among clear sky. And for both. Gala became the second woman who appeared on his canvases (was the first native sister Dali - Ana-Maria), while reducing his glory evil Genius. Although it was due to its efforts, they were given among the artists millionaires and remained to them until the end of their days. Probably now there is no area where the brand would not be lit Salvador Dali. - Advertising, theater (together with they created costumes for the ballet "Vakhanalia", to which he was still wrote and libretto), perfumery, cinema, animation, literature ...

Amanda Lir

Amazing person, TV presenter, singer, cult personality of their time. She is a real high-quality product of the PR, the hand to which they put brightest personality: And he - Salvador himself Dali.

An incredible low voice that could easily be confused with a man, which, in fact, was the cause of rumors that Amanda - transsexual. They both Dali, and Amanda - loved provocative trips, so in every way the "yellow press", explaining that the pseudonym of the singer - the game of the words of the French phrase "Mistress Dali" (L "AMANT DALI), and there was a favorite joke:" What a luxurious woman! ... But she is a man!"

And yet ... Amanda Tapp was born on November 18, 1946 in Hong Kong. It blended a cocktail from French and Chinese blood. In the mid-1960s, at one of the techniques, the fate of her brought it with Salvador Dali, who appreciated her unusualness and made his muse. She posed him and participated in all his draws (and Gala, meanwhile, maybe for the first time in Zhzni - perceived Amanda as a serious rival). Dali also taught her painting and invented all new and new pranks.

Nanita Kalashnicoff

Maria Fernandaborn on Puerto del Sol near the Royal Academy of San Fernando (Madod, Spain). Father wanted to call the daughter of the barn due to the color of hair and snow-white leather. But the church gave clearly to understand that it was impossible. Nanita (decreasing from Fernanda) was a daughter of the famous in the early twentieth century of erotic novelist José Maria Carrelero, who published under the pseudonym El Cabaloer Audas. These books, young Dali read in adolescenceAnd the fact that at the Charitable Nicerbrokers Ball in New York who conquered him with one of her kind of blonde in a luxurious red dress - the daughter of his beloved writer, shocked the artist to the depths of the soul.

By the time of the significant meeting, the Nanita was already "deeply married" for Jeweler Mikhail Kalashnikov and the mother of three daughters. Dali seemed to her a funny eccentric, but their further meetings showed that they have a lot in common.

And again, Gala suspected that they gave it ready to leave her. But ... Ninita and Salvador just gladly spent time, because they understood each other with a half-clow. They sowed favorite arias, walked, chatted about everything in the world. The nanice posed Dali, and her husband perceived their friendship as a cute prank.

Nanita became for gave a real outstand, a true friend who remained with him to the very end and which he called just the "king" ...

Leokady Korshunova , website

Photo: Art-dali.com, Maxpark.com, Pinterest.com, Elcultural.com

He loved sex and was a liberated calm-confident woman. They were given and in an intimate life was not like everyone else, but Gala had understood his desire and nature, he entered this world, where he felt with her a real man, without leaving him and the corner of his own soul, where it was not.

Firmly decide to make from Dali the famous artist, Gala made every effort to hear about him. She used all his connections, organized all sorts of exhibitions with the works of Dali, sometimes took his work and went with them to various connoisseurs of contemporary art with them, and soon her efforts were crowned with success and heard the whole world with the artist Surrealist.

Temptation of St. Anthony, 1946

At this time, the husband Gala still continued to hope that she would return to him all the same, and again would be the source of his inspiration, as it was before.

He wrote to her love letters, but he received a response to her, then he began to drink a lot and completely lost the ability to work. From pity for him, and maybe for some other reason the gala did not divorce with her husband and accepted the proposal was given only after the death of Eloara in 1934.

Spouses Dali settle in Paris, where Gala, throwing her husband and daughter, began the main thing of his life, "Creating a brand was given." She did everything to inspire her genius. Was a living embodiment of passion, maternal care and sincere friendship. Dali felt with her protected, could create, and she cared for the rest, his gala.

What a successful union, the genius of the artist gave and pragmatism Gala, which not only skillfully managed creative career My husband, but also constantly inspired him, being a muse for him. She always said Dali: "You are a genius, and it is indisputable!" - And soon Dali really believed in his genius.

Dali writes extraordinary paintings one after another, and signs them by the double name "Gala Salvador Dali". Gala did everything to show the pictures of El Salvador to everyone who could appreciate and buy them, ranging from their rich buddies, among whom were Dyagilev, Stravinsky, Aragon, Disney, Hichkok, ending with the owners of art galleries. She fenced her husband from everything that could prevent him from writing paintings, did not allow people to him when he worked or was in thought about a new picture. High to his shoulders of life and production responsibilities, she created all the conditions for what would not distract anything from the creative process.

Now about the pictures of Dali heard the whole world, and about family life An unusual pair is shuffling. Someone called them rich perverts, someone schizophrenic, which was not strange, because they did not cease to shock the public with eccentric outcomes.

Before the gossip and condemnation, they had no matter. Dali constantly paints the spouse, in different images, Elena beautiful, the Mother of God, who are chops on his back, etc. Gradually, interest in the paintings was given to fade and prudent gala prompts him the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating designer things that successfully disagree among the rich-world.

Among these things are sofas in the form of women's lips, strange clock with a bizarre dial, elephants on thin legs and other incarnations of the artist's fantasies. Dali became bolder, there was no longer the need to instill confidence in his genius. As they say now, it was practically star fever, at the time of the "exacerbation" of which, he even quarreled with his close friend Breton, and other surrealists, once stating: "Surrealism is me!".

Gala and Dali often began to spend time separately from each other, she did not get tired of changing lovers who were one more younger than the other. Dali spent time surrounded by young beauties, arranging insane orgies, where he performed by the observer and the descent of a huge amount of money for his entertainment. In 1965, Dali met in the restaurant "At Castel" with a 19 year old Amanda Lir, then the model, singer and artist known as Pekka D'Soslo, who for 16 years will be his friend and the muse. They say Amanda Lir is the game of words L "Amant Dal, that in French means the mistress Dali.

The first compliment of young beauty from Dali was the words: "You have a beautiful skull and a high-quality skeleton."

Amanda is considered the second museum Dali, but the only woman who could have influenced Dali was always gala. Amanda Lira herself remembering the acquaintance from Gala said that he was given before to present her wife nervous and buddy was afraid that she would not like. When Dali introduced two women to each other, Gala looked at Amanda with the square, looking at the girl's makeup, who loved the sequins and bright lipstick, and said "Oh God, what is it?!"

Relationships, where a man introduces his wife and mistress, while waiting for approval from the side of the first - may seem strange, but in a pair they gave and the gala of the oddities were usually. Despite the fact that the initially Gala showed a sharp discontent in connection with the advent of Amanda in life Dali, cut out her face from photos in magazines, threw a sharp statement in her address. After some time, they often saw three of them, while visiting secular parties and other events.

Gala understood how well they gave with his new muse and in this, probably, her genius was. She instructed Amanda and instructed to take care of Dali, while even sponsored a girl. Somehow Gala asked Amanda to give the Word that she would be married after her death. But by the time Gala did not, Amanda forgot his promises being busy with his career and by that time already having a stamp in a passport.

In 1968, Dali gives his divine woman Gala, as he always called her, medieval castle In Polela, which was built in the XI century. Once he promised to give her the castle and fulfilled this promise. Dali himself could attend Gala in Polela only at her personal invitation.

Through the table on the second floor, Gala could admire the white horse, which stood on the first.

Designer outfits Gala.

Gala was very afraid of old age, as, probably, every woman, especially the one that was used to shine and conquer. She spent a huge amount of money on plastic surgery and young lovers, Dali himself was no longer interested in her.

She arranged orgy in his castle, invited young people who entertain her playing on a piano, dances and mercilessly hurt. She was constantly needed by the money was given, and she repeatedly spoke Amanda Lire, which would be better to stimulate the artist for creativity.

She dedicated all his life, all what he wanted to be the center of the universe. Now she be - it wanted to live for himself. Its last passion was the young singer Jeff Fenholt.

In 1980, Dali was placed in the clinic in Barcelona. Dr. Pigutert considers his condition very difficult, and his mental health caused particularly anxiety. Returning home after the clinic, Dali writes the most gloomy picture of "Extra Minounted Angels" from those ever worked.

Gala as before was next to his gifted, even during the strongest attacks of depression, he needed her presence. She was forced to abandon Jeff and devote all his time gave. Run with the last passage of the illusion of his youth, old woman It is angry with her husband, and periodically flows into the attacks of rage. Jean-Francois Fogel journalist who was well acquainted with a couple of Dali, said: "Dali was very severe and cutting from Gala. He always did what he wanted himself, and not what she wanted. "

On January 26, 1981, an article was published in the magazine "ELL" in which Dr. Rumegher, the first psychoanalyst Dali gave an interview: "The truth is that Dali lost the desire to live. What is happening is now suicide just because Gala no longer care about him. She is eighty-six years old. Her mind is clear no more than two or three hours a day; All this time, she devotes thoughts of Jef ... which also calls Salvador ... She scolds gave and scold him as soon as he could. Thus, the whole world around Dali collapses. Of course, you have heard about the babies rejected by the mother because of the war or because of serious illness that die from despair. The same thing happens with Dali. "

In relations, they gave and gala tenderness, which brought them so much pleasure once, now the rarity, old spouses are also attached to each other with fists. In 1982, Gala did not stretch and fell and fell, breaking the femur, with strong pain they were taken to the hospital. Because of the set plastic Operations The leather of a woman cracks, multiple wounds are formed. She slowly flows into agony, occasionally at the moments of clarification, coping to Dali.

Unable to see how his gala turns into a piece of meat, he only once visits her in the hospital. Everything else, he was waiting for her return. In April, she was brought home. Gala is no longer like himself, she almost can not speak. The sisters of mercy care for her, wash, combed, turn over, try to alleviate the suffering of a dying woman. Dali put the bed Gala so that she could see the sea. At night, he comes to her room and falls on the next bed, to be near the dying wife. Between the beds, he ordered to establish a screen, as he experienced strong flour when he looked in what was turned his beautiful Galuchka.

In the afternoon of June 10, Dali shouted broke down. Anxiety rose. Gala with frozen eyes looked out the window: she died.

Dali buried the spouse, in the Polly Castle, in the crypt that she had equipped during his lifetime, and where two places were prepared for her and Dali. Due to the ban on the export of the body of the very ancient Spanish law, acting since the times of the plague, Dali decided to break it for the sake of Gala and, wrapping her body into a blanket, transported a pool in a castle in a limousine, in which they once are young and happy traveled by Italy and France, so family limousine turned into a catatball.

The gala gala galant was dressed up in a red dress and buried in a coffin with a glass cover in a narrow circle of only the closest people. Dali survived his gala for seven years, which he spent in pinching in the castle in Polela, where the woman was lying under the glass lid of his whole life. The death of Gala seemed to be returned to his germinal state, he stopped talking, almost did not move.

Amazing relationships were given and Gala lasted 53 years. The unusual talent of the artist gave and amazing nature, the unusual nature of the female Gala, which is a successful symbiosis of two people fired with vivid success.

Perhaps the most extraordinary couple of its time has become an example of how two frantic and extraordinary natures for more than half a century can coexist, while remaining devoted to each other in a special understanding of this word. Was Gala fatal woman? I think yes. But this is not the most unusual in her, she wanted to be a muse, practically the work of art for her husband, herself became the Creator of his talent.

This woman breathed in an unsure artist faith in himself, revealed the scale of his talent and all his life was his reliable companion, defending and protecting.

A woman who knew some special secret, who managed to become not only a muse of the genius in which he knew.

Until the oldest age, the gala did not lose passion for life, wanting to burn as long as possible and as much as possible. Who knows, but maybe if the gala and young Dali did not meet, the world would not know the great artist Salvador Dali.

This famous couple It is impossible to submit separately. Salvador Dali and Gala forever remained captured in photographs together, and their incredible History Love has become a classic and covered over many years legends. Exactly unusual love And the attachment created from talented, but ordinary people of the Great Surrealist and his great companion Gulu was given.

IN young years Gala was a painful teenager, and in 1912 she was sent to Switzerland to be treated from tuberculosis. In the sanatorium "Clausedel", a Russian girl met a young French poet Eugene-Emil-Paul Grandem. His father, a rich real estate trader, sent his son to a sanatorium so that he herself ... from poetry. Grandel (later he took another name - elolar) from poetry did not heal, but the gala from tuberculosis got rid of, but both defeated another ailment, much more dangerous, they fell in love with each other. It was then that she will call her gala - with an emphasis on the last syllable. Perhaps from a French word denoting "cheerful, lively"?

It was real passionate Romanended with marriage. But first, the in love had to part, Eloir went to France, Gala - to Russia, but they continued their love in the epistolary genre, by sharing letters. "My dear beloved, my darling, my dear boy! - wrote Eluar Gala. - I miss you, as something indispensable." She applied to him as a "boy", and sometimes even as a child - this Freudian appeal said that in Elena, there was a strong maternal beginning, and she always loved himself, she wanted to be not only a mistress, but also her mother. Patronize, instruct, holly ... Elimara's father was categorically against the connection of his son with a sick and a capricious girl from and mysterious Russia. "I do not understand why you need this Russian? - asked the father of the poet. - Do you really have little Paris?". But the fact of the matter is that the Russian girl was special.

In the spring of 1916, Elena Diakonov decided to take fate into his hands and went to the Waited Paris. She was the 22nd year. Because of the service of the bridegroom in the army, the wedding was detained, but still took place (Gala achieved his own!) - In February 1917, in the Church of St. Genevieve, the walls of which were remembered by Jeann d'Ark. Parents of the Eloore field presented to newlyweds a huge, from the moraine oak bed. "We will live on it and die on it," said Eloir and mistaken: they died apart.

Paul Elolar Predanov big influence on the gala. He turned the modest Russian fan of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky in real woman, almost the fatal "vamp" (for this she had all the deposits), and she, in turn, becoming a muse, constantly inspired him to create all new and new poems. And yet the romantic role of the poet's wife is not in the spirit of Gala. She openly admitted: "I will never be just a housewife. I will be a lot, very much. I will do everything I want, but at the same time keep the attractiveness of a woman who does not breathe yourself. I will be like a cocktail to shine, smell spirits and always have Well-groomed hands with macuine nails. "

A year after the marriage, the daughter of Cecil was born. Gala and Paul adored daughter, but still no normal family did not work. The field eloire was not sitting on the spot, separation and trips to her husband did not contribute to home fortunately. There was mutual discontent with each other. Stormy quarrels replaced at least violent recognition in love. "We threw each other" - so thought Elena. But the shooting is still not so strong. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that Paul Elur was a poet, and, therefore, looked at the world with other eyes, rather ordinary people. Let's say this: he looked crazy eyes on the crazy world. And accordingly, the relationship with his wife was so built. He loved, for example, to show photographs of nude Elena to her friends, and she gradually entered the role not so clean, how a sinful muse of the poet. It was not by chance that soon formed love triangle: Elena - Paul Eloir - artist Max Ernst.

In September 1929, in the village of Kadaques, where they were given, Paul Elur with Golau arrives. The first meeting of the 25-year-old El Salvador with 36-year-old halight was like a lightning strike. Dali instantly and passionately fell in love with her. The artist is shocked by the coincidence of her appearance with a invented ideal, which so often came to him in a dream. He always searched around this image and finally met. Dali 6 did not give a damn on reality, in his imagination everything was already decided: from now on, the gala belongs to him alone. Despite the fact that with her there are husband and daughter Cecil, a passionate Spaniard is confident that she will answer him reciprocity.

At first Salvador Dali losing mind in the presence Galy And it broke up embarrassed chichang when they spoke. In turn, Gulu was very confused by this tense, "inadequate" young man. When Paul Eloire returned one to Paris, Gala took this complex sexual intrigue into his hands. "My boy, we will never part" - so reacted the gala on this madness. "The first kiss," wrote Dali later, "when our teeth encountered and intertwined our languages, 6 litter only the beginning of that hunger, which forced us to bite and gnaw each other before the very essence of our being."

Gala was not a beauty, but possessed a big charm, female magnetism, the fluids came from her who were rid of men. It is no coincidence that the French book publishing, a collector of painting Pierre Arvelop, answering the questions of journalists, said: "This woman had an extraordinary attractiveness." The marriage on Gale awakened in giving an inexhaustible fantasy and new unprecedented energy. More no one except Gang, he was not needed. "I I allow Gale to have so many lovers, how much she wants, "said Dali. - I even encourage her, because it excites me. "Dali drew his wife very often, thanks to him she became hardly the most famous model XX century.

This surreal Madonna in everyday affairs was a cold and enough reasonable woman, so they were given two different spheres: Ice and fire. "Gala pierced me, like a sword directed by Providence itself," Salvador wrote Dali. "It was a ray of Jupiter, as a sign of over, indicating that we should never part." See you with Gala, the artist stood only on the threshold of his own glory. This woman helped him to step over the threshold and enjoy the sparkling rooms of world popularity. The appearance of Gala coincided with a gap with a group of surrealists. But it happened not immediately. "Soon you will be the way I want to see you," she declared him, and the artist believed it. "I blindly believed everything that she predicted to me."

But the gala not only predicted, she helped him selflessly and selflessly, looking for rich sponsors, organized the exhibition, sold his paintings. "We never surrendered to failures," said Dali. - We twisted thanks to the strategic agility of the gala. We did not go anywhere. Gala she sewed her dresses, and I worked a hundred times more than any mediocre artist. " Collectors, passionately desired to acquire relics, consecrated by the genius Dali. "Dali and Gala loved to emphasize with the help of photographs shine and the significance of their public Life: This famous beautiful extravagant couple has always turned out to be the focus of photographers and is too often becoming an object of photobot.

In 1934, Chet Dali went to the United States - it was an exceptionally correct course dictated by the striking intuition of Gala, she definitely felt that it was the Americans who would like to give the talent for his pocket. And it was not mistaken: in the US, El Salvador was waiting for sensational success - the country covered the "surrealistic fever". In honor of Dali, surrealistic balls were arranged with masquearas, where guests appeared in costumes, as if inspired by the fantasy of the artist, are extravagant, provoking funny. Spouses returned home rich and very famous: America translated talent was given to highest level - In the genius. The second trip to the United States in 1939 even more strengthened the initial success. The rapid growth of popularity was given over the ocean, two circumstances were promoted - an unsurpassed ability to organize public scandals and a partial revision of the artistic principles that made the works of the Spanish surrealist more accessible to the general public.

In America, the spouses live all the military and the first post-war years. Dali with help, naturally, Gala arranges exhibitions, stands with lectures, writes portraits of rich Americans, illustrates books, composes scenarios, libretto and costumes for ballet and opera performances, drawing up showcases of luxury stores on Fifth Avenue in New York and Pavilions International Fairs Collaborates with Alfred Hitchcock and Walt Disney, tries his strength in the photo and suits surreal balls. In short, fountains might and main! ..

In the late 40s, spouses with triumph return to Europe. Glory, money is all abundant. Everything is fine, except for one: Gala makes up. However, it does not surrender and is still a model for numerous canvases Dali. He constantly painted it in the image of a mythical woman, a "atomic ice" and even with the face of Christ. On the famous picture " Mystery evening"You can find out the features of the gala. And all by the fact that the artist was not tired of being worse. Gala, Gradiva, Galatia, my talisman, my laid, my golden, olive is only small part Names who gave the painter with his muse and wife. Highlighted titles and sophisticated-sensual nicknames were as part of the "surreality" in which the spouses lived. On one of the paintings of the artist Christopher Columbus, stepping on the shore of the new world, carries the stain with the image of the gala and the inscription: "I love Gala more mother, more than my father, more Picasso and even more money.

In 1964, Gale was seventy years old. She painted her hair, sometimes already put on a wig and thought about plastic surgery. But the more she was older, the more love wanted. She tried to seduce anyone who came across her on the way. "Salvador is still, each of us has its own life," she convinced her husband's friends, dragging them into bed.

And yet Gala remains a mystery. In numerous interviews that she gave for half a century, she did not tell his relationship with his relationship with her relationship. All her letters to eloire ex-husband destroyed, asking her to do the same with his own, to "deprive curious descendants to look into their intimate life"True, Gala, according to the artist, left the autobiography, which worked for 4 years. Gala led a diary in Russian. Where now these priceless documents are unknown. Perhaps artistic world Waiting for new finds and new discoveries.

Last years, the gala was poisoned by diseases and rapidly impending senile inflict. "The Day of Death," she said, "will be the happiest day in my life." He came on June 10, 1982. Gala lived 88 years old. Stormy and unique. On the burial 78-year-old Dali refused to be present. Salvador Dali survived Gulla for 7 years.

For each great man stood great woman. For Salvador, Dali was gala, which he idolized. In dedication to the book "Diary of one genius" I will write: "I dedicate this book to my genius, my victorious goddess Galle Gradiva, my Elena Troyanskaya, my Saint Elena, my brilliant, as a maritime surface, Galatee serene." Russian Elena Dyakonova knew that he did when he had taken the name of the gala that translated from French means "holiday". Holiday, fascinated by an insane passion of not one genius ...

September 1929. The small Catalan village of Cadakes, which is a few kilometers from Port Aigata. A novice artist Salvador Dali lives here, famous for its strange paintings and addiction to Nietzsche philosophy. He is 25 years old, but he is still a virgin and even more so - the women are panic. Salvador Dali was afraid of contact with women, but could talk about them from the point of view of a large connoisseur female beauty. Here is one of his reasoning from the book " Secret life Salvador Dali, told them by himself. "

At that time I had an interest in elegant women. What is an elegant woman? ... So, an elegant woman, firstly, you despise, and secondly, purely shaves the armpits ... I have never met a woman at the same time beautiful and elegant - these are mutually exclusive characteristics. In the elegant woman, the face of her deformity is always tangible (of course, not pronounced) and beauty, which is noticeable, but no more ... So, the face of an elegant woman does not need beauty, but her hands and legs should be immaculately, breathtically beautiful and - As far as possible - the gaze is open. Breasts does not have an even account any value. If it is beautiful - fine, if not, is regrettable, but in itself it does not matter. As for the figure, I present it one indispensable requirement for elegance - this is a drawing of hips, cool and suppressed, if it is possible to put it so much. They guess them under any clothes, they seem to challenge. You probably believe that the shoulder drawing is no less important? Nothing like this. I admit any, just to worry. Eyes - it is very important! The eyes must at least seem smart. An elegant woman cannot be stupid expression Persons, as it is impossible more characteristic of beauty and remarkably harmonizing with perfect beauty ...

Neighbors say that a young man "with big oddities", painfully shy, then the nefple will shine, it will pay, fearing alone to move the street. It is very bad, wears long, twisted mustes, lubricates his hair with a broccolin on the manner of the Argentine Tango dancers, dresses in the silk shirts of wild colors, complementing the outfit of ugly sandals and bracelets from the fake pearls ... That autumn Dali invited to himself to swim the artist Magrit with his wife George and spouses eloir. He was already anticipating how she shocks guests, going to them, a bunchy "aroma of a goat", for which in the morning "perfume" from the glue, cooked from fish heads, goat litter and several drops of lavender oil. But unexpectedly from the window, he saw a young woman, who considered his dwelling with interest. She was in a white dress, and her black like Smin hair fluttered in the wind. He immediately remembered the fountain pen from childhood and was amazed by the similarity of two women. Is it really she? ...

He quickly washed off the goat "aroma", put on a bright orange shirt and, having laid the Flower of Gerani, ran out to meet the guests. "Meet, Dali," Paul Eloire said, showing a woman in white. - This is my wife Gala, she is from Russia, and I told a lot about yours interesting work" "From Russia. There is a lot of snow ... Lady in Sanya, "feverishly flashed in the artist's head. Instead of shaking a woman's hand, he only stupidly shuffle, having tightened around her ...

From that minute Dali lost peace - he fell in love with madness. "She had a gentle body, like a child, he will write many years later in his book" Secret Life ". - The line of the shoulders of an almost perfect roundness, and the muscles of the waist, outwardly fragile, were athletically tense, like a teenager. But the bending of the lower back was truly feminine. The graceful combination of a slender energetic cable, an aspen waist and a gentle thigh made it even more desirable. " Dali could not work anymore, he was repeatedly attracted to this woman.

Gala quickly learned, which means freedom of love, and immediately took advantage of her fruits. So before meeting with Salvador, Dali Gala was already quite knowing what she needed, a woman. Gala was not a beauty, but possessed a big charm, female magnetism, the fluids came from her who were rid of men. It is no coincidence that the French book publishing, a collector of painting Pierre Arzhlla, answering questions from journalists, said:

This woman possessed an extraordinary attractiveness. Her first husband Elolar wrote her gentle love letters before his death. And only after he died in 1942, Dali and Gala were officially married. Salvador did not finish it. Honestly, she was not so young for the simulator, but artists, you know, the people are not easy. Since she inspired him soon ...

In his book, "Secret Life" Dali writes:

She admitted that she took me for the nasty and unbearable type because of my lacquered hair, who gave me the kind of professional dancer of the Argentine tango ... In my room, I always walked Nagish, but if I had to go to the village, the whole hour led to self in order. I wore immaculately white pants, fantastic sandy, silk shirts, necklace from a fake pearl and bracelet on the wrist. She began to consider me as a genius, - confessed later Dali. - Polusummed, but possessing a big spiritual force. And I was waiting for something - the embodiment of her own myths. I thought that I could be this embodiment.

What happened next? And then Gala allegedly said Salvador Dali "Historical Phrase": "My a little boy, we will never leave each other. " She firmly decided to tie her life with the artist Dali and throw the poet eloara. Essentially, she threw not only her husband, but also a daughter. What turned out to be more in this decision? Adventurism or deep calculation? It is difficult to answer. What remained to do the field eloire? He gathered the suitcases and left the refuge. In 1934, Gala divorced with the Elolar field, but of pity it will officially issue their relations with Dali only after the death of the poet. (The last, by the way, I was hoping until the end of my days that Gala would return to him, and was ready for her to forgive anything).

They married on August 8, 1958, 29 years after his first meeting. At the same time, the ceremony was privately, almost secret. It was, of course, strange marriage In all everyday sense, but not in the creative one. Sensual gala, which and during the time gave not wanted to stay faithful wife- Both the artist's virgin who was panicked by the proximity to the woman. How did they get along with each other? Obviously, Dali turned his sexual energy into creative, and Gala implemented his sensuality on the side. According to the Spanish journalist Antonio D. Olano: "She really was insatiable. Gala pursued the young men who posed for Dali, and often sought their own. Dali was also unsaturated, but only in his imagination. "

In everyday life they turned out to be almost perfect couplehow often happens with quite different people. Salvador Dali is an absolutely impractical, timid, the complex man who was afraid of everything - from riding in elevators before concluding contracts. Regarding the last Gala once said: "In the morning, Salvador makes mistakes, and in the afternoon I correct them, breaking the contracts frivolously signed by him."

"Gala pierced me, like a sword, directed by Providence himself," Salvador wrote. "It was a ray of Jupiter, as a sign of over, indicating that we should never part."

From now on, the fantastic paintings were writes one after another, signing them by the double name "Gala Salvador Dali", as if we are talking About one person. She inspired him that he was a genius. "Soon you will be the way I want to see you, my boy," said Gala. And he, as a child, believed to each her word. Gala fenced from everything that prevented him to work, dragging on his shoulders and life, and produce functions. She offered her husband's work to the gallery, persuaded her rich buddies (and among them there were celebrities such as Stravinsky, Dyagilev, Hichkok, Disney, Aragon) to invest in the work of Dali.

The result was not forced to wait long. Salvador has not yet come worldwide glory, and he has already received a check for 29 thousand francs for a not written picture. And to his wife - the title of the main muse. From this point on, the spouses begin to literally swim in luxury and do not get tired to affect the public with eccentric outcomes. About Dali say that he is a pervert, schizophrenic and caprophage. His famous mustache and wrinkled eyes know the whole world. The gala in the press does not cease to be viciously to justice: "The married couple Gala Dali to some extent resembled the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Dali without tired draws their gala, then in the image of Our Lady, then Elena is beautiful, and even ... Women with chops on his back. When the demand for his painting began to fall, Gala immediately threw him the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating designer things, and "Dalimania" repeatedly new powers: The rich from all over the world began to bump out strange watches, elephants on long legs And red sofas in the shape of lips.

Now there was no need to convince gave in his genius, because he never believed in himself. I believed so much that I even disassembled with my friend Breton and other surrealists, readily stating once: "Surrealism it's me!".

"All over the world," Dali writes, "and especially in America, people burn out of the desire to find out what the mystery of the method, with the help of which I managed to achieve such successes. And this method really exists. And it is called the "paranoid-critical method". For more than thirty years, as I invented it and applied with constant success, although to this day it was not possible to understand what this method is. In general, it would be possible to determine how the strictest logical systematization of the very problem of delusted and insane phenomena and matter in order to give the creative character to the most dangerous obsessive ideas. This method works only on condition, if you own a gentle motor divine origin, some live core, some gala - and she is one - the only world ... ".

As for the mother, this is not a molego. Salvador Dali, early lost his mother and having lost her love, subconsciously looking for a mother and found her perfect expression in Gala, well, she, in turn, found her son in him (her daughter Cecile she loved less, and she didn't accidentally raise her grandmother Eloara). Despite the fact that all his life was given to his wife not otherwise as "Divine", she was still an earthly woman. And no one from ordinary mortals managed to avoid old age. After 70 galas began to grow unrestrained. The turn of plastic operations, new-fashioned vitamins, endless diets and young lovers in large quantities.

But the more she was older, the more love wanted. She tried to seduce anyone who came across her on the way. "Salvador is still, each of us has its own life," she convinced her husband's friends, dragging them into bed. Her lover was a young singer Jeff Fenholt, one of the performers leading role In Rock Opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar". They said that it was Gala who was the reason for his gap with a young wife, who had just gave him a child. Gala took an active part in the fate of Jeff, created him the conditions for work and even gave luxury home on Long Island. It was her last love. Of course, love for El Salvador did not count. And yet Gala remains a mystery. In numerous interviews that she gave for half a century, she did not tell his relationship with his relationship with her relationship. All her letters to Elouaru is a former husband destroyed, asking her to do the same with his own to "deprive a curious descendants to look into their intimate life." True, Gala, according to the artist, left the autobiography, over which he worked for 4 years. Gala led a diary in Russian. Where now these invaluable documents are unknown. Perhaps the artistic world is waiting for new finds and new discoveries.

Responding to the unequivocal questions of journalists, Dali adhered to the same "legend": "I resolve Gala to have as many lovers as she wants. I even encourage her because it excites me. " But what did he really feel? No one knew this. Finally, Gala asked Dali to buy a medieval castle in Polela for her, where real orgies satisfied, and the husband took only occasionally, sending a pre-invitation to the infectious envelope ... It all ended in 1982, when the gala broke the neck of the thigh during fall. Soon she died. IN the last days In the clinic, an old woman suffering from strong pain, abandoned by all young lovers, was on the verge of madness and always tried to hide money under the mattress ... Salvador Dali put on the late wife her most beautiful scarlet silk dress, large sunglasses and, settled as living on the back seat "Cadillaca", brought to the place The last shelter is in their family crypt in the polelia. The harnessed body of the gala was put in the coffin with a transparent lid and quietly buried. Dali did not come to the burial, and only a few hours later she looked into the crypt to say only one phrase: "You see, I do not cry" ...

Eyewitnesses said that with the departure of the gala did not and the former gave. He no longer wrote, I could not eat for a long time, I shouted loud hours, I spun into nurses and scratched my face with my nails. Madness finally took possession of his mind. Nobody understood his inseparal feather. He survived the gala for almost seven years, but it was no longer life, but slow fuss. According to the will of Salvador, Dali did not bury, and put the disguised body under the "geodesic dome" in the surname sclepe beside the gala. And a little bit, I installed a yellow boat, wearing the name of the artist's wife. At one time, he brought her from Cadakes, where he first met his "black-haired lady from childhood" and was so surreal happy.

I like 71.

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