Form fate woman Worried about both men and women. Some entails them, others want to be like them. Few who realizes that times have changed a lot, and the image of a fatal woman today is not exactly the fact that was before. Rock means fate. Rock woman or la Femme Fatale is a woman changing fate. Not just possessing a beautiful appearance, and such a woman, contacting which you can destroy your life. So it is better to bypass it. Now is the only feature that remains inherent in fatal women, the rest looks different. Well, except for the desire of the forbidden fetus.

By the way, the article is not only for women, but also for men. Wives, show her to your husbands.

Fathers in history

Previously, such women were not so difficult to calculate - today you will not recognize it. In former times, a woman had little freedom, so she rarely could do anything in their will and somehow affect the lives of others. The only ones who possessed freedom - Kurtisani. So they could change men, communicate with them relative to equal, subordinate to themselves, etc. There were few such women, and the men looked at them in all her eyes, carried away by their exotic way and unusually bold behavior. For example, Lola Montes, which is considered to be a prototype of Carmen, could take an important unfamiliar man completely naked. In the era, when even the neckline could seem causing and collars fastened to the chin itself, it was the effect of a bomb. Now - in the era of sexual freedom - this is not very surprised by anyone. Start yourself to guide how she will become a laughing. Form women Vamp He was invented by the Hollywood actress Teda Bar in the early 20th century. A vamp and a rocky woman is an image of a call to a patriarchal society, when a woman rushes free. Therefore, the fatal beauties of Hollywood smoked a lot, famously drove the car, shot out of the gun, brightly painted, sexually dressed, etc. Such an image was very effective in the 20-50s. Now he is absolutely outdated, because he became too converted. Rock always lies in what the least is waiting for, and not when everything is written on your face.

About fatal women

In modern life, real fatal women look quite different. If you see a painted brunette with a bright lipstick, in the fascinating dark clothes, you can easily smile - no fatale in it. Maximum can seduce a man for a couple of nights and that if they are alone. Such an image ceases to men, because it is too obvious, and men do not want to show others how easy it can be seduced. He will rather be awkward than excitement. Unless you usually dress like that, but simply we were fine with such an image for a suitable case. Here yes - instincts will work. Otherwise, you are with a lot of probability a polite refusal or the same consent from politeness, in order not to offend. Well, or generally will be perceived too unambiguously and will come as they are spoiled. So, girls, I do not advise you to continue to exploit what has already been soldered asking. When morals are strict, frank outfits have an effect. When you can dress, anywhere and demonstrate everything that you wish, begins to attract closed and underwent. This is the law. The danger is that men have a stereotype of a fatal woman, and everything that does not look like, they do not celebrate and easily fall into the trap. As soon as you noticed that the husband more than a couple of times began to help some "poor acquaintance", the "unfortunate girl" and "His sorry for him" - start to worry seriously.

Rock Woman in Life

But God with him with a way, it is just an external. And the appearance for the fatal woman is only a pleasant bonus - and it is not at all necessary to be beautiful. Today's rocky woman embodies what men are missing. Now sex - bulk, accessibility - above the roofs, beautiful bodies, botox, plastics - wagon. The image is nothing. And lacking another - care, tenderness, skills to praise, support, phrases "You are the best", thanks and other things. Called the image of the appendix? No, everything is not so simple. There is a difference between to look at your man, like on the demigod, fuse and eat, and in order to skillfully use these things for manipulations. Today's rocky woman is a one who suddenly appears in the life of your man, and he speaks about her "We are just friends," "Yes, it is not at all my taste" or something else. And the stranger does not pretend to anything. She uses what you relaxed and begins to get closer to your family. You intuitively feel that in the still waters, devils are found, but you can't convey to the husband. All attempts end in quarrels that you are too jealous, inadequate and unfair to the poor man. And in fact, he begins to spend more time with her, because she tells him pleasant things, thanks and praises. And all such noble "How don't you appreciate!" The nuance is that everyone can say such things, but they will not work far away. Another woman with such a set of techniques a man will perceive as a given, or worse - to cut. And it will pull it to this woman. Because male intuition also has and she tells him that this woman is not like that. She is clean, sincere, she sympathizes him, but does it on an equal footing, without giving up before him. Her admiration does not make it below him.

How to become a fatal woman

Of course, a rocky woman can be completely different - open, sexy, confident. There are such. But they are good psychologists and quickly understand what their man is interested in, and what is afraid. She knows that one can interest being "sexual cat", another borscht and questioning about her mother, and the third illusion that they can go through life together and deal with one thing. In fact, a woman who is able to engage in his business and is engaged in successfully, rarely needs to take away from a man's relationship, especially if there is no success, but only solid projects. They do not need a Balat, and "Great Love" happens to equal, and not to "incomprehensible geniuses". The purpose of an experienced fatal woman - competently using the image and approach, get certain resources from a man. Therefore, these men are usually several of them - from one one, with another. It happens that they will lead to a man from a family for some purpose. But usually live with him for a short time, switching to the next goal. Or just getting rid of unnecessary.

1 Sometimes consistent with the classic literature, and enjoying the films about the good old days of Tsarist Russia, we quite often meet expressions and phrases, the meaning of which is no longer understandable. Therefore, immediately the question arises where to find answers to your questions? You do not need to go far enough, it is enough to add our popular site site to your bookmarks so that all the decryptions you have in one place. Today we will talk about another obsolete speech turnover, this Femme fataleWhat does you know a little lower.
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So, will continue Rocky woman value? This term was borrowed from French Femme Fatale.

Femme fatale- This is a very beautiful and luxurious woman who is becoming a man with his charms. At the same time playing with him, teasing, and eventually throwing, forcing committing suicide

The origin of the expression Femme fatale It should be attributed to the 1920s, when the ladies of this type have become encouraged in the films everywhere. One famous French director of that time, somehow noticed "a rocky woman is a girl in a beautiful black silk dress, under which a stone heart beats." She will easily destroy the fate of the men. "

In the usual life, such ladies do not have such a strong impact as in those old French cinema. Why is the image of this type of women so popular? It may be her charisma, a malicious body, how she draws with his cavalier. Is this delicate feature, her daily reality?

Rock woman is it?

Some psychologists believe that a similar type of woman concludes a certain mystery. It has a strong attractiveness and radiates light, which makes it extremely charming and mounted for any man. Most likely, it's not only in her tender spirits, a bright lipstick, an open dress, and in her facial expressions, posture, speech, manifeshes and gestures. Experienced men argue that woman does fatal, its unpretentious fantasy, sparkling humor, unsurpassed external data. She is for a moment it turns out in the field of view of a man, and leaves it in confusion, and he is not even able to explain to himself, that this happens to him at all.

Men who met on their life path of fatal women believe that their fatality, this is a real innate, and not acquired trait of character. There are many beautiful and welcome women, and only units of them are suitable for this category of dangerous ladies. Some guys are confident that the rock lady, it is the one that shows real wonders in bed, however, it is not entirely true, because it is only one of the signs of this fatal girl.

However, one should not confuse the fatal woman, with another frightening way, the name to which is a woman vamp. Many people associate these two concepts, however, these are two completely different types. Unlike a hot and passionate fatal woman, Woman Vamp has some detachment, coldness, as it were, pretending to make a favor, spoken with representatives of the opposite sex.

Origins of the image

Cute ladies from prehistoric times began to understand the power and power of their charm. Initially, they used a mirroring of water to correct something in their appearance, and only after the invention of the real mirror, a new stage of biological change began.

It is clear that men always knew how women look like, but only girls did not understand that they see the guys in them, and why some of them likeAnd others are not. Many girls, perfectly seen the appearance of their girlfriends, but the trouble could not see themselves that he added insecurity in their abilities.

After the mirror has become an inexpensive accessory, women got an extra opportunity to make sure of their beauty, gaining greater confidence. Using a mirror twin, they work out the facial colors and gestures to attract guys. It is this terrible weapon who has a real rocky woman.

After reading this small article, you learned what does rocky woman meanand what it differs from

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about the fatal women. Who is she? What features? Men dream of possessing, but somewhat afraid to meet in their path. Many girls really want to be like it. Especially if they recently comprehended by disappointment in love.

In this article, I will tell you about whether it is a frozen woman's opinion: appearance, image of thoughts, type of personality, quality,. Does this image be brings and many more interesting things.

Let's start.

Fathers in history

We all know examples of fatal women from history: Cleopatra, Mata Hari, Bonnie Parker (which many know on the film "Bonnie and Clyde"). What do they differ from others?

They always achieve their goal with any available ways. Cleopatra seduced men for their own benefit, played with other people's feelings, was a shattering and especially did not give in to emotions. She was able to.

If you are interested in this girl and her story, I can advise you the most interesting novel "Cleopatra" Henry Haggard, telling about her relationship with one of the descendants of the Great Pharaohs, who tried to build intrigues against it, enlisted with the support of all Egypt.

This, and at the same time it will give you a complete picture of the behavior of the fatal women, for which they go to the feats.

The story of another fatal woman, reveals in his work Paulo Coelho, a favorite author of many. "Mata Hari. Spy. What is noteworthy of this work? Philosophical retreats and reflections on life, weak field and men who will definitely like the reader. This is not just a biography, but a useful event. As they say on the Internet - "The next miniature miracle."

Appearance and much more

What does "Rock Woman" mean? The for the sake of which they go on crimes, they forget about everything, they make stupid deeds. Of course, the "fatal" can be any girl for someone defined. Mysterious feeling, under the influence of which everyone is able to behave in the most strange, unusually involved in it.

However, there is a certain type, if you can say "". Being classically fatal, the girl can seduce more men. It is more common to "heroes". This is a thoughtful image, not an accident.

Rocky woman is sexy, but not. She skillfully exposes his strengths to his strengths, knows how to impress and does not suffer from the chandeliness.

A rocky girl always looks superior - dress with a neckline on the back or neckline, decorations that attract the attention of men to the chest, other elements that are advantageously emphasizing her charms.

Such a woman is not too lazy to paint, her hairstyle is always laid in the best form and looks like a girl just left the beauty salon.

Gestures, behavior - everything has sexual subtext and nevertheless, it is not available. She manages to preserve the balance between vulgarity and passion, desire.

Nevertheless, a rocky woman knows its price. She does not tend to fall in love, put out his feelings and emotions to appease, do something for a man. It seeks her attention, and she seemed to do not want it.

It seems that men are not needed at all. She never falls to clarifying relationships, claims or attempts to bring up in a man "right" behavior. Try to sake her. She does not depend on anyone and certainly will not do something for the sake of others. This is how the fatal woman see a fatal woman.

Is it possible to become fatal

You can become a fatal woman. However, for this you will have to abandon love. Hello and for a long time. It's easy to be independent if you do not love a person, but the rocky behaves so even in relation to those who like her.

Love is possible in her life, but it is originally. She is not full and does not allow to give himself a cavity to another person. Becoming such for many women means completely change yourself in all respects.

Do you give this happiness? There are many techniques that help to adjust the identity, you can even change to completely change, but expect a long effect and at the same time be pleased with myself and is simply impossible. You will always be something miss. This leads to a person's disorder and many psychological injuries.

Try, learn how to put and seek your goals inherent only to you, methods, and it will bring much more benefit. This is what will make you truly happy and lucky.

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We continue to disclose Femme Fatale for men. A real rocky woman is not a sultry beauty from movies, but a real destructiveness of lives.

Femme fatale, the portrait of which is described in the first part of this article, seductive and very dangerous. Despite all the romance of her image, it is very expensive to pay for such relationships: destroyed health, broken heart, devastated wallet. Moral recovery after such relations is much heavier than financial.

No need to think that meetings with such devastating ladies is a very rare phenomenon. Despite the fact that according to statistics, their minority, and even not every tenth girl is fatal, absolutely every man has every chance to meet the very beauty, because a rocky woman for life has several partners, and many novels flow parallel.

The tragic or simply unpleasant finale can be prevented, if you show initial observation.

So, ten signsThrough which you can recognize the fatal woman before she destroys your life:

  1. You are experiencing opposite feelings. It's hot with her, it's cold. To predict its actions and mood is simply impossible, in its feelings you are never sure. Without it, you are bad, but with her you do not feel so happy.
  2. You do not understand her logic. She swear in eternal love, and in an hour curses you. She says that he will never tolerate a lie, while can fool into something insignificant. She hates noisy parties and walks with a friend at the discos. She says that he grew up in a poor family and saves in trifles, and immediately descends a large sum on something impractical. Do not hurry to explain it with female logic. These stereotypes play a cruel joke with many men. In mentally healthy women, words do not diverge with actions in the fundamentally opposite directions.
  3. You lose friends. At first she tells you that your friend is not indifferent, and then flirting with him in your eyes. Your best friend turns into a male-competitor, and friendship ends. Maybe you think that you have got the most beautiful woman in a competitive struggle. But think about: a peaceful healthy person will not destroy the friendly connections of his partner. If a woman needs sexual excitation of everyone who finds himself next to it within a radius of several meters (I am not talking about women at all, but about the specific seductive "fatal" behavior), most likely she has problems with the psyche. Having such a girlfriend, you will inevitably begin to lose friends.
  4. You invest money in her dating. The girl is so talented that you are big lucky that it was you who fell out to finance the ascent of a new star. The sphere can be any - a beginner singer, poetess, actress, film director or business Woman. The main thing is that the talent at first you see only you. And the world will soon speak about it, it remains to invest only the smallest.
  5. You consider it too thin to understand in kind. Today she may appear in the public in the calling form, and tomorrow we will dress like a nun. She has many roles that she can change during the day. She has sharp drops of mood: now she cries over a photo of an abandoned kitten from the Internet, and after 5 minutes shouting at you, calling for nothing.
  6. You lose other interests. A rocky woman is distinguished by huge egocentrism. You learned about all her talents from her. Your conversations are spinning around her. You are talking about only in the context of its achievements. She is gorgeous, and become her shadow - your honor and direct duty. You gradually forget what was fond of earlier, less time remains on your own hobby. It remains time only to work to ensure your lady.
  7. You need her more and more. She loves you only when you bring trophies, and loses interest when money ends. To get attention and affection, you have to make more and more.
  8. You are afraid to express your opinion. Since you never know how she behaves at the next second, you want to express my own opinion less and less. You are in nervous tension from fears provoke another scandal.
  9. You are dependent on it. Her presence needs you to live. It becomes your oxygen. Only next to her you feel alive. And let in life increasingly there is pain, the thought of parting seems unbearable to you. Read more dependencies Read in my article "Dependence of a man from a woman."
  10. You take a place in the strange row of her men. Among its former and current workers are influential people, sports stars and show business, politicians. From her words, of course. A very disturbing signal is information about the tragic stories related to its former: if someone from her husbands or lovers committed suicide, or spriely, or broke, or got into a psychiatric clinic, and especially if she is no longer a widow - run!

Did you know your girlfriend in the criteria described? Urgently review your place and role in these relationships! If love does not bring you happiness, perhaps it is not love, but skillfully placed networks.

Be vigilant, your Mitravat

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Men love bright, extraordinary, fresh and living women, and their wives choose calm and homely. Due to cowardice. Due to the impossibility of life on the volcano.

Bitch, Woman Vamp, Rock Woman. Is it possible to put all these seductive representatives in one row? Every daughter Eve can and wants to become fatal. What is her rock. Next to her, men lose their heads, other women cease to exist for them. They, as if rabbits, go to the mouth of Rude. They cry and laugh, love and hate, but no one can throw a fatal woman. What is she, rocky?

It is impossible with her, without it - in no way.

In a wonderful movie "Men", the hero of Alexander Mikhailov asked the philosophical question: "Why do we love some, and marry others?" Quite often in life this is exactly what happens. They love bright, extraordinary, fresh and living women, and their wives choose calm and homely. Due to cowardice. Due to the impossibility of life on the volcano.

Who is this, rocky woman? There are no clear definitions and can not. For some, she is a sorceress, after meeting with her a man becomes fascinated. He is unable to forget her. The image of such a woman will be carried through the years.

For another, she is a volitional and strong, who knows the price, confidently coming towards their own happiness. Next to this woman, a man feels uncomfortable, he constantly gives the exam for his own compliance with such aphrodite. To calculate the next step of actions of the fatal woman is almost impossible, it is always in the way to perfection.

A rocky woman has a mind and beauty, she is a seducer, chaplain. It is often said that beautiful, but a stupid and capricious - this is a bitch, and that that aims to defeat someone's fate - vamp. The fatal woman has no such life tasks. She is a person, respectfully belonging to other people. It is the inner rod and an irresistible charm make it unforgettable, meaningful. She, like a comet, fluttering, leaves a bright light in the fate of those people who fall in love with her.

Knowing its strength, such a woman never obeys neither male desires or male understanding. A mystery woman, which is not given to a single man to solve. There is no definite type of fatal woman. For someone it is rocky, for someone empty place. However, this can not upset or knock down any such woman from the way. She is internally confident in its strength.

Pros and cons. Historical examples.

Psychologists argue that the fatal women consider themselves that they themselves are struggling with their own complexes, which are frank manipulators of men. A controversial opinion, since the main definition of the woman of Rock is her ability to influence other people's fate. It pulls it, like a magnet, although together with such a woman it is very difficult to live. She is rarely happy, most often lonely. She will not pretend and mannerely, koking and behave in a taller, sincerity is its main quality of personality. It is natural as nature itself. Naturalness and sparkiness, fire and storm - her elements of life.

Such women most often are muses for creative people. Enough to remember Lil BRIC and Vladimir Mayakovsky. The great poet laid his love, painful and passionate to the legs of married. The best poems and poems were written by Mayakovsky during their all-consuming love. He committed suicide in many ways because of this undivided fatal passion.

Living together Galy and Salvador Dali - Another example of life on the edge of the foul. When Gala died, the artist began to fade slowly, life lost all meaning for him. His Russian wife was almost ten years older than Dali. It is unlikely that the artistic genius of the master would be revealed to the world, if in the summer of 1929, there was no rock meeting of these two extraordinary personalities.

"Dangerous" rocky "will slowly grow slowly," Rock Love sings Georgy Leps, a famous singer of Russian chanson in his song. The feeling of such a woman germinates, in fact, slowly and unnoticed. A man defensive in front of such pressure, therefore is looking for an energy outlet in creativity, sex, self-realization, career.

All accelerating life, sex on run, unwillingness and inability to see and understand the near, depreciate individuality. A rocky woman does not go around, today the charming is more often turned into banal branches - the product of modernity. Rock woman becomes extinct, rare view.

Femme Fatale - under this "brand" on the Internet and literature you can find entire galleries of portraits of frank sex hosts and women vamp, nothing to do with a natural fatal woman with no having.

In the ranking of one American agency, the most sexual, deadly and fatal Woman of Hollywood in 2007 is recognized Kerry WashingtonFor the role in the film "It seems, I love my wife." Second place occupied Christina Ricci ("Stone of black snake"), the third - Winon Rider ("Ten").

Rock and Fatum - these words in our consciousness are always associated with some kind of doom. Fate is fate. Because of the attention of the fatal women, men aroused the rivals on the duel, made insane acts. One appearance of such beauty makes you tremble male hearts. Who is she? Unsupported mystery.

Photo: Lora Quinto