To the number rare species fish includes whitefish (nelma). This amazing representative of the ichthyofauna mainly lives in northern rivers and seas. It is highly valued by gourmets for its tender meat. However, now the number of whitefish has decreased significantly, so it is almost impossible to buy it. Yes, and catch this fish - great luck for the fisherman.

Description of appearance

Whitefish belongs to the family salmon fish. But unlike its “relatives”, fish meat is light, and not red-pink. It is considered a semi-anadromous species of the whitefish subfamily, although it is larger than some representatives of this subspecies. Their meat is very similar in color.

There is also another subspecies, - nelma fish, the description of which is almost the same as that of its “sister” - white fish. This commercial fish silver-bluish color. It received its name because of spawning on the territory of Bashkiria in the Belaya River. In some regions it is called differently:

The elongated body of the whitefish can reach a length large sizes- from 1 to 1.5 m. Weight adult reaches 20−50 kg. Despite its large size, the whitefish is distinguished by a relatively small head with a large mouth with small teeth, and a lower jaw - large and elongated.

Another feature of this subspecies is its sharp and tall dorsal. By this feature, nelma can be easily distinguished from other representatives of the species. The fish has a total of 8 fins. The lateral ones are located near the gill covers. The anal fin is located very close to the forked caudal fin. Compared to other fins, the caudal and dorsal fins look much darker in color.

The large scales of the white fish are silvery-bluish, but on the back they are blue, brown or gray-green. There are no dark spots on the body of the nelma.

White fish habitat

Mainly nelma lives in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. Before spawning, it rises to the Volga to spawn, as well as to the Urals. At the end of winter, it begins to move against the current to the upper reaches of the rivers. She lives there throughout the summer..

All this time she is actively feeding and is easier to catch. During the spawning period, whitefish or nelma can be found in the rivers:

  • Volga;
  • Ural;
  • White;
  • Kama;

It can also be found in many other rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, but the whitefish subspecies always prefers cold and clean water. The colder and cleaner water, the better this fish feels. She prefers rivers rather than lakes and avoids salt water. The most common rivers for habitat:

  • Lena;
  • Yenisei.

When it gets into the sea, it sticks to the coast of the Bering Sea or the North Sea. Arctic Ocean. During the spawning season, it often travels long distances up to the south of Siberia. The fish returns back when it grows a little.

Both subspecies do not live on great depth and stick to the water surface, but avoid being in shallow water. Sometimes they can go to a depth, but no more than 2 meters. They like to live on pebble and sandy bottoms. Give preference fast water, excluding rapids areas. Average duration life is 8−10, maximum 12 years.

Lifestyle and diet

The whitefish is a predator, so it feeds on everything, even its small brothers. During spawning, passing up the river, it eats many small fish. At night and early morning hours, she goes to the upper layers of water to hunt. With the help of her tail, she stuns small fish, bursting into the school.

Among the whitefish subspecies, only the whitefish leads exclusively predatory image life. As soon as the body length of young individuals reaches 30 cm, they begin to feed on small fish. The diet of young animals consists mainly of insect larvae and planktonic crustaceans. Adults feed on fish such as perch, carp, and omul. Less often, their diet includes young pike, smelt, grayling, and never mollusks. Nelma does not feed at all from the bottom of the reservoir.

The transition to a fish diet in young animals occurs when they are ready to enter the adult phase of life. This moment comes during the period of migration to big waters. At this time, the juveniles have already grown well, so they may not be afraid of other fish. However, “teenage” whitefish run the risk of becoming food for their adult counterparts or other predators, for example, burbot or pike.

How does the spawning period work?

At 4-5 years of life, the whitefish is ready to reproduce. Males mature 1 year earlier than females. At this time, the body length of the latter reaches 90 cm, and the males - 80 cm. The spawning cycle in this subspecies occurs only twice with an interval of two years.

The optimal temperature for spawning should be 1−8 o C. With the onset of autumn, having reached sexual maturity, individuals enter freshwater rivers. IN coastal areas nelma lives and swims into freshwater bodies to reproduce. For spawning, it mainly chooses tributaries with sandy or rocky soil and spring water. This period begins in October or November.

One female lays 100-400 thousand eggs, and during this time she does not feed. But immediately after spawning, increased nutritional replenishment begins. The larvae begin to hatch from March to May.

Features of catching nelma

Fishermen use a wobbler, spoon, reel or live bait for fishing. Clinging to the hook, the whitefish thinks that it can free itself if it rises closer to the surface of the water. Because of this, the line immediately begins to sag. The fish resists and fights, but often gives up quite quickly, so fishing for nelma is a very exciting activity. The period from April to November is considered the best for catching. The best bite is observed in the morning, but at night it is almost impossible to catch.

The whitefish is very cunning, cautious and shy fish. Now its population is constantly decreasing, so catching is officially prohibited. It is not punishable if nelma is accidentally caught with other types of fish in a net.

White fish meat has a pleasant taste and is well absorbed by the body. This fatty fish, but its meat is low-calorie and suitable for dietary nutrition.

Whitefish - what kind of fish? Often, when answering this question, inexperienced fishermen equate it with salmon. But in fact, nelma is only its subspecies. Stedonus leucichthys belongs to the Salmon family and the subfamily Coregonidae. It is considered rare and is an expensive delicacy. Belorybitsa is considered the most valuable commercial object.

Where does he live?

The main habitat of this fish is considered to be the Caspian basin, but it often enters the waters of the Volga and numerous Siberian reservoirs (Lena, Irtysh, Yenisei, Ob). This representative of the fauna is found in the waters of the Urals, Northern Dvina and other rivers.

Due to poaching and uncontrolled fishing, the number of this species is decreasing every year. In order to preserve the population and increase gross income, white fish are released into artificial ponds and reservoirs.

According to statistics, in the thirties of the last century this fish was caught in tons in the Caspian Sea. In the sixties, the number decreased sharply, and a temporary fishing ban was even established. From the 60s to the 80s of the twentieth century, a total of about seventy million heads of young animals were released into the Volga, Yenisei and reservoirs in the Urals.


What does a whitefish look like? What kind of fish is it and how can it be distinguished from other valuable species? Firstly, it has an elongated but laterally flattened body. Secondly, the whitefish is distinguished by its unusual coloring: the back is bluish, and the sides and belly are gray with a silvery tint. In terms of size, the average length of this fish is about 1.3 m -1.5 m.

We have already noted that it is often confused with nelma. But the latter can reach a weight of up to fifty kilograms. As for the white fish, the largest recorded weight of this fish was 14.5 kg. Representatives of this species usually spawn in autumn period. One fish can lay more than four hundred thousand eggs.

Meat composition

If you ask health professionals the question: “White fish - what kind of fish?”, then the majority will recognize it as one of the most useful. In addition to the well-known calcium, which is found in the meat of all fish, white fish also contains vitamin PP, chlorine, zinc, molybdenum and nickel, which is beneficial for human health.

White fish meat is recognized as the most dietary, low-calorie (110 kilocalories per 100 g of product) and easily digestible. This product is ideal for dietary nutrition as it contains essential healthy fats.

Beneficial features

Because of its qualities and rich vitamin composition, white fish meat is valued by chefs all over the world. Dishes made from this fish are recommended for people suffering from diseases. gastrointestinal tract, skeletal system And thyroid gland. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of this meat reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and the development of problems with the hematopoietic system.


So, we have already dealt with the question: “White fish - what kind of fish?” How to cook? This is the second point that should be given special attention. Like any other fish, whitefish can be baked in the oven, cooked over coals, salted and served with boiled potatoes and fresh green onions.

You can cook more gourmet dishes, baking the product in foil or over an open fire, flavoring the meat with some unusual sauces. And the white fish soup turns out simply amazing. Today we will share with you the most popular and easy-to-prepare recipes that even an inexperienced housewife can handle.


Fragrant white salted fish can be served at the festive table on a piece of black bread with butter- the dish looks impressive. But salted fish in the store will cost a decent amount. It is much more convenient and cheaper to prepare it in your own kitchen.

How to pickle whitefish? To do this you will need:

  • One fish carcass (gutted, cleaned, removed fins and head).
  • 5-7 black peppercorns.
  • Salt or a ready-made spice mixture for salting fish meat.
  • Two bay leaves.

Open the carcass and rub it with salt. Experienced housewives determine the amount of salty mixture by eye. Some people like their fish more salty, while others prefer lightly salted fish. After this, the white fish must be sprinkled with ground black pepper. Place bay leaves and peppercorns inside the carcass. Place the fish in a large container. Choose a smaller lid and place it on top. You will also need to install a bend on the container.

The container with fish sits in the kitchen (warm) for a couple of hours, and then is put in the refrigerator for 6-10 hours. It is better to salt white fish overnight, then in the morning you will have ready-made, aromatic salted fish on your table.

Stuffed white fish

Now you have an idea of ​​what a white fish looks like and what kind of fish it is. How to cook? Each housewife decides on this for herself. Like any fish, white fish can be baked - it turns out surprisingly tasty.

We clean the fish and remove the fins. Grease the carcass with salt and add ground black pepper. For the filling, take finely chopped carrots, one head onions and finely chopped pieces of bell pepper. You can rub the top of the fish with chopped or dry garlic.

The baking foil should be lightly greased with olive or other vegetable oil. This is done to prevent the fish skin from sticking. Wrap the white fish in foil and place it on a baking sheet. The whitefish in the oven will be ready in twenty minutes. Very quick recipe, but the result is amazingly flavorful and low in calories.

If stuffed fish is not to your taste, then you can bake the vegetables separately, also wrapping them in foil or simply placing them next to the fish on a baking sheet. In this case, cooking the white fish may take a little longer - everything will depend on the type of vegetables you use.


Soups are perhaps the most popular fish dishes. To prepare fish soup, you need a very simple set of products - they can be found in any refrigerator in every kitchen.

  • One large carcass (can be replaced with a kilogram of fish heads).
  • Two small potatoes.
  • One large carrot.
  • Onion.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Salt and peppercorns (to taste).
  • Two liters of water.

First, let's prepare the fish. If it is an uncleaned carcass, then we remove the insides, cut off the fins, and remove all that is unnecessary and unnecessary. It is recommended to cook the fish broth separately, after placing the fish (or heads) in a gauze bag. This way you will have an amazingly clean and clear boneless broth. You don’t even have to strain it after cooking. We just take out the gauze with the fish and that’s it.

When cooking the broth, add black peppercorns, bay leaves and a little salt. You can add one whole onion. This will make the broth even clearer. Cook for about half an hour. Don’t forget to skim off the foam that appears during the cooking process. When the fish is ready and the broth becomes rich, you can remove the bag from the gauze.

While the whitefish is cooling, add diced potatoes and finely chopped carrots into the broth. Cook the vegetables until done. After that, add the fish meat. To make the soup aromatic and have an exquisite taste, you can add a pinch of dried lemon balm, a little fresh parsley, dill or cilantro, as well as a little hop-suneli seasoning to the almost finished dish.

Some housewives sauté onions and carrots before adding them to the fish soup. A kind of soup frying is done. But this method of preparing fish soup is not suitable for those who are watching their figure or cannot eat fried vegetables for health reasons. The dish is served with sour cream or a small piece of butter.

White fish, the recipes for which we have offered you today, is an amazingly tasty and incredibly useful product. Cooking it, as the housewives say, is a pleasure. You don’t need to spend a lot of time, you don’t need complicated and hard-to-find ingredients.

Now you know what whitefish is, what kind of fish it is and how to cook it at home. Whether she was caught with her own hands in the stormy waters of the Caspian Sea or bought in an ordinary supermarket - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to approach the cooking process with soul and add a pinch of creativity and culinary inspiration to the fish dish.

Whitefish is a fish of the Salmon family. It is also called white fish. Habitat: Caspian Sea. There is a subspecies of it called nelma, which lives in northern rivers.

White fish are quite large in size, can grow up to 1 meter in length and weigh up to 20 kg. This fish is a predator, and it feeds on other smaller fish. Today it is considered a delicacy because it does not reproduce as quickly as it is exterminated. The number of whitefish living in nature is rapidly declining. It is grown in artificial reservoirs, however, such fish are inferior in taste to real ones. Therefore, natural white fish is highly valued.

Properties of whitefish

The color of the meat of white fish fully corresponds to its name. In quality it is tender, but fatty, and in taste it is refined and pleasant. Belorybitsa is in second place in terms of nutritional value among fish, however, it does not have many calories - about 90 kcal per 100 grams. Due to this, as well as the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish is considered dietary and is recommended for people who limit their diet. In addition, fish is considered healthy due to its high content of nutrients.

White fish, like others, can be fried, boiled and baked.

The benefits of whitefish

This fish contains vitamin PP, fluorine, chlorine, chromium, nickel, iodine, molybdenum and zinc. The meat itself healthy fats perfectly absorbed. White fish dishes are very healthy when prescribed therapeutic diet, aimed at treating gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland and the skeletal system.

Fatty acids help remove bad cholesterol and increase the level of good cholesterol. If you consume white fish regularly, you can reduce the chance of getting a heart attack. Like any fish, white fish contains a lot of iodine, which in turn is very important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The fluorine contained in fish has a positive effect on bone growth, as well as on the entire skeletal system. In this regard, whitefish is especially recommended for children and adolescents as a preventive measure for rickets.

Application of whitefish

White fish is prepared with the addition lemon juice, which is poured over the fish half an hour before frying. But for people watching their figure fried fish It is not recommended to eat it, since the fried crust contains a lot of calories and does not contribute to low weight.

White fish is less often boiled, since many people believe that it tastes inferior to fried fish. However, it is several times healthier and less calorie. You can cook it not with broth, but by steaming it in a double boiler. In this case, it will be even tastier and healthier than with classic cooking.

Baked white fish is also very tasty, and the calorie content of the dish can be varied independently. You can bake potatoes along with fish, which will have a high calorie content, or you can replace it with cabbage or broccoli and sprinkle cheese on top.

It is believed that white fish is best suited for making balyk. Solyanka with the addition of this fish acquires an unusual but pleasant taste.

Harm of whitefish

It should not be eaten if you are allergic to fish or have gastrointestinal diseases, and if you have problems with the liver and pancreas, instead of fried it is better to steam white fish.

This fish is perishable, so purchased stale fish risks poisoning.

With the help of white fish you can both lose weight and gain weight. Therefore, it is important to select the right recipes preparations so that its use does not lead to the opposite effect.

The whitefish lives in the north of the Caspian Sea basin. What kind of fish is this? It belongs to the whitefish group and has two subspecies: nelma and whitefish. On this moment the species is on the verge of extinction. Its permanent habitat is the Caspian Sea, but for spawning it goes to the Volga or the Urals, where it lives for quite a long time.


The white fish is large, more than a meter long and weighing about twenty kilograms. It has a silver color, which turns into dark blue on the back, and silvery-white on the belly. It feeds on small fish such as gobies, roach, and herring. It is ready for spawning already in the seventh year of life.

What does white fish look like? The photo below will help readers figure out about this inhabitant sea ​​waters at least some kind of representation.

Value for the market, types of factory preparation

Its commercial catch is small, so developments are underway to breed whitefish in artificial conditions. Due to its nutritional value, content significant amount vitamin PP, essential fatty acids, high calorie content, this fish ranks second after sturgeon species. Its meat is white, dense, and pleasant to the taste. In stores it can be found frozen or salted, or purchased in the form of balyk. Due to its high fat content, the meat cannot withstand long-term transportation, so fresh whitefish is not found on the shelves. What kind of fish, if not it, should be loved by doctors, in particular nutritionists? Below we will discuss the benefits of this product for the human body.

Irrefutable benefits for the body and nutritional value

Rich in micro- and macroelements such as nickel, molybdenum, chromium, iodine, zinc, fluorine, chlorine, extremely healthy and satisfying fish is dietary product, which can be eaten not only healthy people, but also for those who have digestive problems, thyroid disorders (such as hypothyroidism and endemic goiter), decreased bone density (osteoporosis, rickets in children). White fish will also be appropriate in the diet of pregnant women, because it is an excellent source of vitamins, Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids, which are so necessary in the process of formation nervous system child and maintaining the resources of the mother’s body. Due to its calorie content, it is suitable for those who want to lose weight and who are sticking to proper nutrition. Increased cholesterol and atherosclerosis are also susceptible to this fish, because essential fatty acids regulate the level of low-density lipids (LDL and VLDL) in the blood and prevent it from increasing. With constant consumption of whitefish, the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes is reduced by strengthening the vascular wall and reducing free cholesterol fractions.

Types of culinary processing

So, whitefish... What kind of fish is this: healthy, tasty, and unpretentious in preparation! Its meat is tender, fatty and tasty. It makes excellent balyk - both smoked and dried. You can salt the white fish and eat it as is, or then add it to the hodgepodge to give the dish a spicy flavor. Conventional cooking methods can also highlight the characteristics of the fish. It is good boiled and fried, stewed, smoked, baked, own juice, with and without garnish, in the ear and in fish soup, even just cut into pieces and marinated with onions.

“Whitefish? What kind of fish? How to cook?” the average person will ask. We hope that after reading our article all his doubts regarding the origin and processing of this wonderful representative marine fauna Russia will disappear.

A huge advantage is that whitefish is very unpretentious in preparation. The recipes are varied, but most of them are simple and do not require lengthy or extensive preliminary preparation, special knowledge or equipment. And this, you see, is important. Among others, noteworthy are those that describe baked white fish in the oven: with a side dish, sauce or in its own juice. So, let's look at the most interesting options.

Whitefish baked in sour cream and garlic sauce with cabbage leaf

In this recipe, by the way, white fish can be replaced with any fish with white fatty meat, but it is better, of course, to follow the original set of ingredients.

For two standard servings you need to take:

  • small white fish fillet, about 400 grams;
  • large leaves of white cabbage - 4 pieces;
  • 200 grams of fat (21%) sour cream;
  • 2 medium cloves of garlic;
  • a little dill, 50 grams;
  • half a beet the size of a fist;
  • 2 teaspoons of red caviar;
  • salt and pepper to taste and optional.

Cooking process

First, to decorate a ready-made dish, we peel raw beets, grate them on a coarse grater, squeeze out the juice and place them on a baking sheet in a thin layer, having previously laid them with baking paper or greased them with vegetable oil. We send the beets to dry in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius for about an hour. Don't forget to check it so it doesn't burn.

The next step is preparing the sour cream sauce in which the fish will be cooked. To do this, finely chop the dill and garlic or pass it through a press. Then pour sour cream into a separate bowl and mix it with herbs and garlic.

Cabbage leaves must be blanched, that is, dipped in boiling water for two to three minutes. The leaves will become soft and pliable. Let them cool a little so as not to burn yourself, and give them a round shape, slightly bending them at the edges, like a cup. One serving will require two of these sheets.

Line a baking dish (baking tray with high edges, glass container) with parchment (if necessary), add cabbage. Place half of the sour cream mixture in the center. Spread it evenly on the baking sheet. Place the fish fillet on top and brush it with the rest of the sauce.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and place our fish there for 20 minutes. You can bake portions separately by covering the fillet on top with another sheet of parchment. Then the fish will be juicier, softer, although not as rosy as when opened.

It should be served sprinkled with pre-prepared beets. For a side dish, it is recommended to take red caviar.

Second baking method

Cooking whitefish can be simpler, faster and without any frills. For example, here's a recipe.

For the dish you need to take:

Fish weighing more than a kilogram (two hundred kilos or three hundred kilos);
- kvass - one and a half glasses;
- cucumber pickle- one and a half glasses;
- 250 grams of pickled mushrooms;
- 100 grams of butter.


Peel the fish, remove the bones and entrails. Then cut it in half to the end and unfold it like a book, back side up. Grease a baking tray with softened butter and place the fish on it. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees Celsius and place the white fish there. The dish is cooked until a golden crust appears. You can check the degree of cooking with a toothpick - the meat should be juicy, but already cooked. Then pour the brine and kvass onto a baking sheet, place the pickled mushrooms on top of the fish and simmer under the lid until fully cooked. That is, another 10-15 minutes.

Before serving, the dish can be decorated with herbs and mushrooms, and topped with kvass and brine sauce. You can experiment with the serving form, for example, in a deep plate. Bon appetit!

And finally...

Whitefish - what an amazing fish! Tasty, healthy, dietary, has value in industrial scale! We recommend that you try one of the recipes and own experience evaluate it original taste and ease of preparation. This would be a great dish for festive table on an ordinary day, both children and adults will enjoy it.

On the agenda is expanding knowledge in the culinary field. Today we will find out what the whitefish fish is. You can often find it frozen (smoked, salted) on sale. This is because its white meat is very tender and fatty and does not tolerate long-term storage chilled.

What kind of fish is it, where does it live, how is it useful?

Whitefish is a large predatory fish, which belongs to the whitefish subfamily (salmon family). This is a semi-anadromous fish with a small head, a large mouth, equipped with small sharp teeth(the lower jaw protrudes noticeably forward), an elongated, laterally flattened body.

The entire body is covered with large silvery scales, the back is darker: from bluish-green to brown, the belly is white. Some adult individuals reach a length of up to 1.5 meters and a weight of 50 kg. On average, the size of commercial representatives of the species is about a meter, and their weight is between 18-20 kg. There are several subspecies of whitefish:

  1. The true whitefish (Stedonus leucichthys leucichthys) lives exclusively in the Caspian basin, spawning in the Volga;
  2. Nelma (Stedonus leucichthys nelma) is the main habitat of the Siberian river (Ob, Lena, Yenisei), the basin of the Arctic Ocean. Found not only in Eurasia, but also in North America(Mackenzie and Yukon river basins).

The food for both subspecies is smaller fish: young herring, pike, perch, gobies. Does not disdain young animals of its own species. Puberty occurs at the age of 6-7 years (in males a year earlier), spawning once every 2-3 years. Average life expectancy is 12 years.

This excellent product, with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, is characterized by low calorie content, and is recommended by nutritionists for use during weight loss.

Contraindications and precautions

The main contraindication for eating Nelma is allergic reaction on this type or fish in general. Despite the undoubted enormous benefits of the product, you should not abuse it beyond measure. Overeating can lead to problems in the gastrointestinal tract, disruption of the pancreas and liver.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of Nelma. Cordon off appearance, the meaning is:

  • clear sight, smell;
  • the condition of the gills (pink or red), if you can see them;
  • scales and fins (the scales are smooth, shiny, without color changes, and the fins are solid, adjacent to the carcass);
  • Beware of substituting for cheap silver carp, pay attention to the price (the delicacy is never cheap).

Features of preparing whitefish

How to cook delicious whitefish? Nelma is good in any form. It is boiled, steamed, baked, fried, salted and smoked. It is absolutely unpretentious, cooks quickly and at the same time has excellent taste.

The product is rightfully considered a delicacy, which is associated with its high cost and limited presence on shelves. If you are lucky enough to acquire a valuable representative of the whitefish, then, first of all, you must be careful about using all parts of the carcass (if it is a whole fish or a carcass).

From the head, fins, and tail you can cook aromatic fish soup, and tender white meat can be prepared according to the recipe you choose.

Step by step recipe fish soup

Cooking fish soup step by step:

Nelma in foil in the oven


  • 1 Nelma carcass (about 800 grams);
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • seasonings for fish to your taste;
  • a pinch of sea salt;
  • a bunch of parsley.

The total time to prepare the dish is 60-70 minutes. Calorie content: 86 kcal per one hundred gram serving.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Wash and clean the fish carcass abdominal cavity from the remains of the entrails, remove the scales. Dry with paper towels;
  2. Pass the garlic cloves through a crusher, add fish seasonings and salt. Generously rub the mixture onto the fish carcass inside and out. Sprinkle with juice squeezed from half a lemon and leave to marinate for 25-30 minutes;
  3. Peel and wash vegetables: carrots, onions, bell peppers. Cut the onions into quarter rings, carrots into slices, and bell peppers into short strips and sauté in a frying pan until olive oil. Add salt and let cool;
  4. Cut the remaining half of the lemon and the tomato into half rings;
  5. Line a baking dish with 2 layers of foil (cut with excess so that you can fold the edges and cover the fish), grease with olive oil;
  6. Make cuts in the side of Nelma (at an angle), place the carcass on foil and stuff the belly, alternating slices of tomato and lemon, on which, in turn, place sautéed vegetables. Insert the remaining half rings of lemon and tomato into the side cuts;
  7. Finely chop the washed greens and sprinkle them on the stuffed fish carcass;
  8. Fold the edges of the foil and place in a preheated oven to bake for half an hour.

How to pickle

Required Products:

  • 0.5 kg frozen Nelma fillet;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • spices for fish (optional or not);
  • 5-8 sprigs of young dill.

The total time to prepare the fish appetizer will be a little over 24 hours. Calorie content: per 100 grams 78 kcal.

Work progress:

  1. Thaw the fillet at room temperature, rinse, dry;
  2. Peel the onion heads and chop into thin half rings;
  3. Place one onion on the bottom of an enamel (ceramic, glass) form, evenly distributing the slices throughout the container;
  4. Break the dry laurel leaves into 4-5 pieces each with your hands, spread half of the scrap over the onion;
  5. Salt the fillet, sprinkle with spices (optional), sprinkle sugar on top and cover with the remaining onion slices and bay leaves;
  6. Cover the form with the salted fillet with a lid (if possible, put it under pressure) and send it to rest for a day on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator;
  7. A day later, remove the fillet from the salting pan, clean it of all excess (onion, bay, remaining salt, sugar). Cut into small slices, place in a herring bowl, sprinkle fresh dill and serve in this form to the table.

We hope that these recipes for preparing whitefish will be useful to you, and you will be able to please your loved ones with new dishes.