We are all destined to die, this is, of course, a gloomy reality, but there is no escape from it. Depending on your religion, budget or popularity, your funeral can be elaborate or simple. However, most funerals follow the usual pattern, with a few tears shed and a small ceremony held. However, for those people who were incredibly famous during their lifetime, funeral ceremonies can be as strange and grandiose as they are.

10. Tupac Shakur

Tupac Shakur was one of the most famous and influential rappers of all time. Unfortunately, he didn't just rap about a violent existence, he lived it. On September 7, 1996, Tupac and his entourage attended the Mike Tyson fight in Las Vegas and then went to night club. On the way to the club, a car stopped next to Tupac's car and riddled it with bullets. The rapper was hit by several bullets.

He died in hospital six days later and was cremated. The ashes of deceased people can be dealt with in different ways - sometimes the ashes are buried, scattered in a favorite place, or even placed in a vessel next to wedding photos. Tupac's friends decided to do something unconventional to keep their friend with them forever. Members of the Outlaw Immortalz group, which Shakur founded, mixed the ashes with marijuana and smoked it. Tupac died as he lived, in several guises.

9. William The Conqueror

William I is best known for the Norman Conquest of England - he became king in 1066 after winning the Battle of Hastings. He died in 1087 after he fell from his saddle into burning coals and suffered numerous injuries.

By all accounts, Wilhelm was big man, getting fatter in mature age. According to Book VII of the Historia Ecclesiastica, the Benedictine monk Orderic Vitalis argued that the sarcophagus created for the king was too small. They tried to push the body into it when the corpse suddenly exploded. According to Orderick: “the swollen insides exploded, and an unbearable smell was felt by all the onlookers and mourners in last way" It is not surprising that the funeral was carried out as quickly as possible.

8. Abraham Lincoln

Photo: Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site

More has been written about Abraham Lincoln than almost any other person, but there are still confusing features associated with the 16th President of the United States of America. After Lincoln's assassination, his body was sent by train from Washington, D.C. to Springfield, Illinois. Along the way, the train made several stops so that all residents could see off the president on his final journey.

On April 25, 1865, the procession reached Broadway in New York, where this photo was taken. In the ancient photograph, one of the houses of the wealthy Roosevelt family is visible on the left side. Two children leaned out of the window, one of whom, six-year-old Teddy, looked at the corpse of the man whose place he would take 36 years later, becoming the 25th president of the United States.

7. Bruce Lee

Like many other celebrities on this list, Bruce Lee became much more famous in death than he was in life. One of the world's top martial artists, Bruce Lee's career was short but popular. His sixth and final film, Game of Death, was unfinished when he died due to a mysterious swelling of the brain, most likely caused by the medication he had taken.

The filmmakers faced a dilemma. Only a few scenes of Game of Death had been filmed at this point, but they decided to put everything together into a full-length film using various tricks, such as using body doubles - most of whom looked nothing like Lee. These anomalies were explained by a scene in which the main character was described as having staged own death. This was accompanied by footage from Bruce's actual funeral, including footage of his corpse lying in his coffin. Terrible.

6. Genghis Khan

The Mongol general Genghis Khan bloodied the soil of Asia in an attempt to conquer the whole world. He died in August 1227 at the age of 65, in China. The cause of his death is still a matter of debate - according to various sources he either died in a hunting accident or was murdered in cold blood. Most likely, we will never know the real circumstances of his death.

According to the legend, funeral procession transported his body back to Mongolia, killing any person he met along the way - thus, no one would know the commander’s final resting place. The soldiers allegedly even killed everyone who attended the funeral, and then killed each other. After the funeral, many horses were led over his grave to hide his tracks, and then the course of one of the rivers was changed so that the Great Khan could rest for eternity. However, after Mongolia's revolution occurred in the 1990s, several teams of researchers set out to find the nearly 800-year-old tomb.

5. Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin is considered by many to be one of the most bloodthirsty dictators in the world and is a member of the list the worst people who lived on earth. During his reign, he was directly linked to the deaths of a huge number of people. Stalin himself died on March 5, 1953, most likely due to a cerebral hemorrhage - although some conspiracy theorists believe that he may have been given a lethal dose of the poison warfarin by his political opponents, in particular Lavrentiy Beria, head of the NKVD and curator of the NKGB.

After the autopsy, Stalin's body was embalmed and sent to the Lenin Mausoleum for storage. Residents of the USSR, which had cultivated a cult of Stalin for decades, were grief-stricken by the loss of their leader and headed to the mausoleum to view the body. About 500 people died in the resulting stampede. Even after his death, Stalin did not stop bringing death to the world.

4. Red Baron

The most famous fighter pilot of all time, Manfred von Richthofen, served in the German Air Force during World War I. It is believed that although he was officially credited with 80 victories in aerial combat, he actually shot down more aircraft. On April 21, 1918, in northern France, while chasing a Canadian plane, he was shot in the heart and lung. Vaughn Richthofen was still able to successfully land the plane, after which he soon died.

The Red Baron's skills were so impressive that, despite being an enemy, he was buried by Entente soldiers with military honors, including memorial wreaths, one of which read "To Our Gallant and Worthy Enemy." He was buried in a cemetery in Berlin, which happened to be on the Soviet side of Germany during Cold War. His tombstone was damaged by bullets from those trying to cross into western Germany. Over time, the body was moved to the family cemetery, where it currently remains.

3. Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States, and a war veteran with a fiery temperament. According to legend, his body thundered with so many bullets received in duels that he actually trampled the man whose pistol misfired during the assassination attempt. Jackson seemed almost immortal, but he was in poor health last years life, and he suffered from edema and tuberculosis. He was coughing up blood, the result of a bullet he had received in the chest that could not be removed. Like all people, he accepted the inevitable and died on June 8, 1845.

At his funeral, Jackson's memory was duly honored in an unexpected way. According to the records of one Reverend William Menefee Norment, who attended the funeral, “Before the sermon, and while the crowd was gathering, a possessed parrot, which was the deceased's pet, became agitated and began to swear so loudly and for a long time that that people felt uncomfortable and he had to be taken out of the house.” Yes, Andrew Jackson was such an eloquent devil that it affected his parrot.

2. Alexander the Great

The ruler of the Macedonian Empire, Alexander the Great, was never defeated in battle and his vast territories were constantly expanded. If he had not died at the age of 32, it is unknown what influence he would have had on world history. Alexander died in Babylon and he asked that his body be thrown into the Euphrates River, but his wish was not granted. Instead, legend says that his body was preserved, either embalmed or soaked in honey (this is still debated) for two years. A golden sarcophagus and cart were used to transport his body to its final resting place.

His funeral procession was intercepted by Ptolemy I, one of Alexander's generals, who took his body to Egypt, where he formed his own dynasty. In subsequent years, the body was viewed by various emperors and important historical figures, and it was moved to different tombs at least three times. As with Genghis Khan, the location of Alexander's tomb has since been lost, and is one of the most sought-after archaeological objects, along with such elusive treasures as the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail.

1. Hunter S Thompson

The founder of so-called gonzo journalism, Hunter Thompson, was a hard-drinking, drug-using, gun-toting, and very popular writer. Thompson's most famous work is probably Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, a tale of a debauched journey through Sin City, which was later made into a film and in which Johnny Depp played Thompson himself. Being an actor who dedicates himself to his role, Depp spent some time at Thompson's ranch to study his habits and conversational style, so they became best friends.

When Thompson committed suicide in 2005, Johnny Depp organized a grand funeral in honor of the writer. A 46-foot tower was built for the funeral, complete with a fist clutching a piece of peyote, a symbol Thompson used during his unsuccessful bid for sheriff in Pitkin County, Colorado. In addition, a cannon was installed on the tower. Celebrities who attended Thompson's funeral included Jack Nicholson, Bill Murray, Sean Penn, and Senators John Kerry John Kerry) and George McGovern. As Thompson's favorite songs, "Spirit in the Sky" and "Mr Tambourine Man", were played, fireworks exploded in the sky and a cannon shot Thompson's ashes into the sky.

Celebrities, their lives and even deaths, as we know, always attract attention. Some celebrities understand this and give special orders to hold a farewell ceremony, some don’t want to, forget or don’t think about it and don’t give orders. But in any case, voluntarily or secretly, their latest photographs are circulating among the people. Fans buy them as souvenirs, and someone in the photo of a celebrity in a coffin even does business.

The media is ready to do anything to get special photos - weddings, divorces and even funerals of celebrities.
Many celebrities are buried in open coffins so that fans can say goodbye to them. But even with this, some citizens make their own business - they publish photos without the consent of the relatives of the deceased and make copies of photos in coffins, selling them to fans.

After Elvis Presley's death, a photograph from his funeral appeared on the cover of the National Enquirer magazine. Ian Calder, then a newspaper editor, bribed Elvis' cousin, Bobby Mann, by paying him $18,000 to take the photo.
The photo was taken using a spy camera and is currently valued at $1 million.

Published by the National Enquirer post-mortem photo Whitney Houston outraged her relatives. They considered themselves insulted, because permission for publication was not given.
However, the publication did not say where the photo was obtained from. They also explained their action by saying that “Whitney is beautiful even in death.” The scandal did its job - the publication's circulation jumped sharply.

Even daughter Whitney, who left almost after her mother, was not left alone. Secret photo of her funeral sold for $100,000

After the death of the famous art artist Andy Warhol, he was photographed in his coffin cousin and put the photo up for sale for $900. By the way, the photo was quickly bought

Marilyn Monroe's body was not buried for several days - so many people came to honor her memory. She had to do post-mortem makeup, put on a wig and cover herself with a veil, because... her body was severely damaged during the autopsy

After the death of B.B. King, the question of whether to leave the coffin open was debated for a long time - the relatives were against it, the fans insisted. In the end, after lengthy negotiations, the coffin was opened

Despite the ban, the paparazzi photographed and posted online photos from Mikhail Zadornov’s funeral. Relatives are outraged

Vladimir Turchinsky was buried in closed coffin. And this is most likely connected with the enormous scandal of his photographs taken immediately after his death. got into the network
How exactly these photos taken by the police who arrived at the scene of death ended up on the Internet is still unknown, but blasphemy and online mockery of the photo of the dead person forced the family to refuse an open funeral.

Famous people do not always find peace right away. For example, the body of Abraham Lincoln was sent on a posthumous five-day “tour” so that everyone who wanted to could say goodbye to him
His body was viewed in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois before being buried.

As we all already know, using the example of the Leader of the world Proletariat, V.I. People love to look at Lenin famous person and after his death.

After his death, Joseph Stalin spent 8 years in the Mausoleum with Lenin, but in 1961 he was secretly taken out under the cover of darkness and later buried near the walls of the Kremlin

By the way, we are not alone in our desire
This is the Argentine leader Eva Peron, after her death the body was displayed general public almost 3 years, until the power changed and the new rulers buried it, not wanting to remember their predecessors.

The largest in the world is currently the Mausoleum of the head of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh. In August 1975, the body was placed in a mausoleum built by Moscow specialists in Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi.

Mao (China)
Over 30 years, 158 million people visited the mausoleum. In the first hall, guests are greeted by a huge statue of Mao from white marble. In the central one there is a burial chamber, where the mummified chairman rests in a crystal coffin, covered with a red banner.

Mausoleum of Pirogov (Ukraine)
The crypt with the mummy of the genius is located under the altar of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, in the Pirogov Estate Museum. A surgeon rests under glass in his uniform Privy Councilor. The tomb is not guarded temperature regime supported without special equipment - by the very layout of the tomb.

Mausoleum of Kim Jong Il in North Korea

People even go to the extreme level of obscenity - they take selfies with the dead. In 2015 in social network A group was formed on VKontakte that promised a cash prize for a photo with the deceased and photos poured in from all sides

And photo famous people, the memory of which will remain in the hearts of millions. Vladimir Vysotsky

Vladimir Mayakovsky

B. Yeltsin

Today, funerals take place under the flash of millions of cameras and television cameras. Online broadcasts are conducted and every step is described - from the funeral service to wreaths

What do you think - these photos are blasphemy or the last tribute to the memory of a person?

No matter how much we would like to see our favorite stars always only in the rays of glory, on the pages of glossy magazines or with an award on the red carpet, their everyday life no different from ours - with its everyday worries, joys and sorrows. And certainly popularity has not yet saved anyone from depression, accidents, illness and departure into eternity...

Our selection contains photographs of famous people a week, a day or even an hour before their death. Some of them knew about their imminent death, while others lived to the fullest and did not even allow the thought that life could end unexpectedly and unfairly.

Pictured is Robin Williams on August 9, 2014, at an art gallery event two days before his suicide. He was only 63.

To list the brilliant comedians of our time, just one hand is probably enough, but among them there will always be a place for Robin Williams. He left a mark on each of us, young and old, in our hearts in some memorable and beloved way. Alas, three years ago, on August 11, 2014, his heart stopped beating forever. Forensic-medical examination found that the actor's death was due to suffocation due to hanging from a belt. Well, after a few more days, everything secret became clear - Robin Williams suffered from Parkinson's disease at an early stage, which is why he experienced a pathological feeling of anxiety and depression. By-effect from the medicine that was prescribed to him only worsened the matter - the actor developed a suicidal mood that could not stand the test of alcohol and drugs...

On April 21, 2016, the news about the death of the greatest musician, guitarist and author of hundreds of hits, Prince, came out like a bolt from the blue. It is known that the singer did not sleep for almost a week before his death. The autopsy results showed that the cause of death was an overdose of a powerful analgesic, which Prince used to save himself from severe pain in the hip joint. But that’s not all – six months before his death, the musician was diagnosed with AIDS.

On February 20, 2017, Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain could have celebrated his 50th birthday, but, alas, in our memory he will always remain forever young...

In the photo - Princess Diana remains 36 years old forever. It is known that Dodi al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul died instantly, and Lady Di died 2 hours later in the hospital.

It’s impossible to believe, but August 31, 2017 will mark exactly twenty years since the day Princess Diana died in a terrible car accident, chased by paparazzi in a tunnel in front of the Alma Bridge on the Seine embankment in Paris.

In the photo, John Lennon gives an autograph to that same Mark Chapman a few minutes before his death. But the worst thing is that the killer is standing behind!

It is a well-known fact that John Lennon was killed by US citizen Mark David Chapman at 22:50, when he and Yoko Ono entered the archway of his house, returning from a recording studio.

Pictured is Paul Walker on his final journey.

“...at 3:30 p.m., Fast and Furious star Paul Walker and his friend Roger Rodas attended the event charitable foundation to raise funds in support of the victims of Typhoon Haiyan, which raged in the Philippines. Shortly after, they left in Rodas' red Porsche Carrera GT. On the way, the driver lost control, the car crashed into a lamppost and a nearby tree in Valencia, Santa Clarita, California, and immediately caught fire. The driver and passenger died at the scene of the accident,” this dry and devoid of any emotion line was added to the news feed on November 30, 2013, leaving actor Paul Walker in our memory forever at 40 years old.

In the photo, David Bowie posed for photographer Jimmy King two days before his death to promote his latest album, “Blackstar.”

January 10, 2016 at the age of 69 years after long struggle Musician, actor and artist David Bowie died of cancer. It is known that the brilliant artist not only endured all the hardships of treatment, but also continued to work until his last breath, recording an album and starring in videos.

Pictured is Patrick Swayze two weeks before his death.

When the star of “Dirty Dancing” Patrick Swayze was given a shocking diagnosis of stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was given no more than a week to live, he extended it for another twenty...

Pictured is the greatest guitarist of all time, singer and composer Jimi Hendrix on September 17, 1970, the day before his death.

Jimi Hendrix one of the seven brilliant people of our time, included in the notorious “Club 27” - a club of stars who died at the age of 27. The details of his death are very gruesome and typical of celebrities who were unable to escape the pangs of creativity and the pleasures of popularity without a mixture of alcohol, drugs and barbiturates.

In the photo - the sex symbol of cinema Marilyn Monroe on the weekend exactly a week before her death with jazz pianist Buddy Greco.

It is known that American actress, singer and model Marilyn Monroe was found dead on Sunday, August 5, 1962. The official version of death is an overdose of sleeping pills.

In the photo - the 28-year-old actor is still smiling on the set of the film “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus”, after which he will take an incompatible dose of drugs and die.

On January 22, 2008 at 3:31 p.m., actor Heath Ledger was found dead in his New York apartment in Manhattan. An autopsy could not immediately determine the cause of death, so additional toxicology testing was required. According to the results, the official cause of death was acute intoxication, caused by the combined action of painkillers, sleeping pills and tranquilizers.

Pictured is Elvis Presley a couple of hours before his heart stopped.

The King of Rock and Roll died at the age of 42 on August 16, 1977. According to the official version, the cause of Elvis Presley’s death was “hypertensive cardiovascular disease with atherosclerotic heart failure.” But... even today, 40 years later, few people believe in this, finding new reasons and arguments.

The photo shows the singer one night before her death.

The photo shows Steve Jobs two months before the sad date.

One of the founders of Apple Corporation, CEO and film studio Pixar died at 3 pm on October 5, 2011 at his home in California. The pioneer of the era of IT technologies lost in the war to a serious illness - pancreatic cancer. It is known that Steve Jobs's last words were literally: “Oh, wow. Wow. Wow."

Pictured is Amy Winehouse a week before her death near her home in North London.

One of the most eccentric performers of our time, known for her contralto vocals and entry in the Guinness Book of Records as the only British singer to receive 5 Grammy awards, was found dead in her London apartment on July 23, 2011. Experts determined the cause of death only 2 years later and their results are not surprising - Amy Winehouse died from alcohol poisoning, the concentration of which in the blood exceeded 5 times permissible norm. The singer ended up in the ill-fated “club 27”...

In the photo - Freddie Mercury poses in his own garden with his beloved cat for his latest photo.

The legendary Queen frontman died at the age of 45 on November 24, 1991 from pneumonia that developed as a result of HIV infection and AIDS. By the way, about my terrible diagnosis Mercury openly confessed exactly one day before his death, no longer able to resist the rumors. He once stated in an interview that he had no plans to go to heaven:

“Oh, I was not made for Heaven. No, I don't want to go to heaven. Hell is much better. Think how much interesting people I’ll meet you there!”

In the photo - Steve Irwin a few hours before his departure into eternity.

No, the programs are about wildlife will never again be as interesting and exciting as we are used to seeing them with the main “crocodile hunter”. Alas, Steve Irwin died doing what he loved on September 4, 2006, on the set of the TV show “Ocean's Deadliest”, receiving a fatal blow to the heart from a stingray.

Pictured is John F. Kennedy a few seconds before the first shot was fired.

On November 22, 1963, the 35th President of the United States rode in a Lincoln Continental convertible in a parade through Dallas, Texas. You probably know about the sad events that happened next...

In the photo - Michael Jackson two days before his death at a rehearsal for performances for which every single ticket was sold.

The King of Pop passed away on June 25, 2009. It is known that in the morning his attending physician gave him an injection of profol and left him alone. Two hours later, he found the lifeless singer lying on the bed with wide with open eyes and mouth...

In the photo, the daughter of Muhammad Ali Khan shared the last photo of her father taken during a conversation via Facetime: “This last photo my wonderful father... told him that I love him!”

The health of one of the greatest boxers in world history was undermined by Parkinson's disease for almost three decades. On June 2, 2016, Muhammad Ali was hospitalized due to lung problems, and the next day it became known that the 75-year-old legend had died...

Celebrities and oligarchs prefer to meet death in style: preferably in the same way as the best moments of life were lived. Relatives of wealthy people spend millions to ensure that the deceased's final appearance in public takes place. top level. Organizing a pompous farewell often costs much more than any “Great Gatsby” party. SUPER found out how much they cost strong of the world this place in the churchyard next to folk artists, “six hundredth” coffins with safe locks, Tom Ford funeral suits and other expenses in the name of a magnificent end. Excerpt from the series "Sex and the City"

Place in the cemetery

The first thing that oligarchs stand in a long line for during their lifetime is a place in the cemetery. According to the letter of the law, places in the graveyard are given free of charge, but such “gifts” from the state are located far from the prestigious areas of Moscow. While still in health, many oligarchs take care of a place in the so-called elite cemeteries: Vagankovsky, Novodevichy, Troekurovsky. At the latter, by the way, politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky bought himself a seat for 2 million rubles. A place on the Kalitnikovsky churchyard, in the center of Moscow, can be bought for the same 2 million rubles, but it is worth noting that together with three square meters you will receive the bones of a previously deceased person resting in this place. Many relatives of the deceased, over whom tears were shed decades ago, are selling the graves of their loved ones, offering to bury them directly over the remains. So, for 1 million 300 thousand rubles you can get a place next door to the famous crime boss Yaponchik, who rests in the Vagankovsky churchyard.

"Six hundredth" coffin

Another impressive expenditure for the sake of an epic farewell is the so-called six hundredth coffin. For true patriots In Russia, the market for elite funeral services offers the “Patriot” model with the embroidered coat of arms of Russia on inside coffin, its price - 220 000 rubles However, there are also more representative and multifunctional options, for example, the coffin of the American brand BATSVILLE CASKET made of solid cherry. There are two elevators inside to raise the head and lower the legs of the deceased. However, its main advantage is the safe lock, which is necessary to protect the deceased from looters. This often happens when a corpse is buried wearing precious jewelry. The price for a reliable “rest box” reaches half a million rubles


The minds of relatives of the rich simply cannot comprehend the fact that the last car of the deceased, who during his lifetime was accustomed to the smooth movement of a Rolls-Royce, may turn out to be a domestic Gazelle or a budget FORD. Behind 4500 rubles per hour, a Mercedes-Benz hearse with neon lighting along the compartment for the coffin will be provided. By the way, politician Boris Nemtsov made his last trip in such a car.

Urn for ashes

Recently, Russian crematoriums have had no end to customers: more and more people want to rest in an urn on the fireplace. Quite a few followers new trend and among wealthy people: this is how they disposed of the body of the deceased stepson of Sergei Bezrukov. WITH the ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, who recently passed away, also did not want to feed the worm and bequeathed her ashes to be scattered over Russia. However, not everyone wants to end up in dirty gutter near the car wash. However, to store the oligarch’s ashes in an ordinary urn, his relatives have too much imagination, and most importantly, money. When looking into the house of a cremated deceased rich man, be careful with vases: they may contain former owner Houses. Hermes and Versace vases, popular for storing remains, are on the shelves of luxury boutiques with price tags. 40 000 — 150 000 rubles These will help prevent the deceased from entering the food chain.

Stylist for the deceased

According to many oligarchs, guests who come to say goodbye to the coffin should certainly be seized with envy at the sight of the deceased’s outfit. Fashion editors of glossy publications make good money from this by dressing lifeless bodies. For selecting an outfit for a client who is always dead, stylists charge about 50 000 rubles The standard Tom Ford suit for such events costs 300 000 rubles often become a man’s last attire. For a deceased fashionista, stylists often choose a small black dress Chanel. The price for such panache can reach 200 000 rubles

Makeup artist for the dead

Relatives of wealthy deceased people worry about make-up just as much as dressing, especially if the hearse passenger is a woman. The services of the mortuary's full-time makeup artists do not always satisfy loved ones, and therefore they involve famous make-up artists in their work. You will have to pay several times more for a service for a deceased person than for a living person. By the way, the author of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s posthumous makeup was her longtime friend and stylist Aslan Akhmadov. The singer bequeathed that it was he who would do her makeup on her last journey. Akhmadov’s work was then appreciated by the entire show business, which said goodbye to the artist. The deceased even appeared on the cover of one of the glossy magazines in this form. In the case of society lady Yana Prezhevskaya, her Rublev friends, on the contrary, secretly expressed indignation that the woman was disfigured by inept makeup.

Dress code and seating at funerals

The aesthetics of a funeral largely depends on the dress code of the guests. As a rule, black is the dominant color at mourning events. It is considered bad manners to come in light clothes; even in winter, women are not recommended to wear beige fur coats. Also, ladies should give up heels so that their clicking does not disturb the grave silence of the funeral. It is especially important not to appear in church in high heels during the funeral service, when parishioners are concentrated on prayer. A brilliant example of a stylish farewell is the funeral service of designer Yves Saint Laurent. The couturier's famous friends spent a lot of time in front of the wardrobe on the day of the funeral. They came to say goodbye to him in 2008 Chief Editor American Vogue Anna Wintour, actress Catherine Deneuve, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni. When a farewell takes on such a scale, care should be taken about the seating arrangement: under no circumstances should the legal widow or the young mistress of the buried person be nearby. You should also provide pleasant company to the celebrity guests: there are many who want to cry on a celebrity’s shoulder, but you need to choose the most worthy of all the candidates. An example of the right strategy is shown in the TV series Sex and the City.

Elite wreaths

Flower shops offer a variety of luxurious arrangements for funerals - an excellent alternative to carnations, which are popular at funeral events. The relatives of the deceased and his friends try to outdo each other and lay out the composition as luxuriously as possible. Flowers are a kind of last gift to the deceased, so wealthy friends do not count the contents of their wallet before choosing a flower compoposition. Such a sign of attention will cost 25 000 — 45 000 rubles

VIP movers

Loaders are people who are next to the deceased in the most heartbreaking moments, when the coffin is carried to the hearse, then to the grave, and tears flow synchronously down the cheeks of loved ones. To make them appearance not inferior to the image of the bohemians gathered at the elite funeral, the relatives of the deceased order the services of VIP movers. The difference between ordinary porters and elite ones lies in their appearance: for an additional fee, people receive porters in suits and the VIP prefix to the name of the service. Four guys will have to pay 14 000 rubles, however, as a rule, six to eight people carry the coffin, especially when it comes to expensive boxes.


It is no secret that not only friends and relatives of the deceased appear at the funeral, but also many ill-wishers who, for the sake of decency, see him off on his last journey. A ritual orchestra will help squeeze a stingy tear out of such characters: even the worst enemy will secretly cry to their music. The performance of tragic melodies will cost 30 000 rubles In addition, some orchestras offer to play the deceased’s favorite songs with lyrical and tragic arrangements. Such musicians are capable of turning even Philip Kirkorov’s song “My Bunny” into a funeral march.

Ritual elevator

For the sake of aesthetics, wealthy people are required to order a ritual elevator for a funeral. This device allows you to lower the coffin into the grave without the help of loaders smoothly and by pressing just one button on the remote control. This is not only a way to brighten up last seconds deceased in this world, but also to be calm that the coffin will not fall from the hands of the loaders at the most crucial moment. The peace of mind of relatives of the funeral service agency is assessed at 60 000 rubles

Restaurant for funerals

Think about luxurious parties, holidays best resorts, generous gestures and other pleasant moments once spent with the deceased, friends and relatives gather over a glass or two at the memorial feast. Such wealthy people spend their evenings in already favorite restaurants, renting banquet halls or entire establishments so that the tone of the event is not disturbed by cheerful visitors. As a rule, on funeral table There are dishes that the deceased loved during his lifetime, and the taste of oligarchs, as you know, is predictable: oysters, black caviar and foie gras often make up the funeral menu. Such a banquet will cost 10 000 — 20 000 rubles per person.


“None of us will get out of here alive,” Jim Morrison, mentioned here, sang about life. And, sad as it may be, you can’t argue with this.

Memento mori (Remember death) in Ancient Rome this phrase was pronounced during the triumphal procession of Roman generals returning victorious. A slave was placed behind the military leader, who was obliged to periodically remind the triumphant that despite his glory, he remained mortal.

This is exactly what all the photographs of celebrities collected here, taken shortly before their death, are about.

Paul Walker

On November 30, 2013, the actor was riding in the passenger seat of his beloved 2005 Porsche Carrera GT, driven by his friend, former racer Roger Rodas. As the police said, the driver of the Porsche lost control, and the car crashed into a tree at high speed, then into a lamppost and caught fire.

Freddie Mercury

This is the last picture of Freddie Mercury in 1991 before he died of bronchial pneumonia as a result of AIDS.

Tupac Shakur

Rapper Tupac Shakur sits with his manager Suge Knight before he was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting on September 13, 1996.

Vladimir Lenin

One of the last photographs of the sick “leader of the world proletariat” in Gorki, in December 1923. Lenin died in January 1924.

Adolf Gitler

This photograph of Adolf Hitler was taken approximately two days before his death. He emerged from his Berlin bunker to assess the damage caused by the shell. Hitler committed suicide between 15:15 and 15:30 on April 30, 1945.

Abraham Lincoln

This photograph was taken shortly before the assassination of the US President in 1865 and was found in the photo album of General Ulysses Grant.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein poses for a photograph in March 1955 at his home in Princeton, New Jersey. A month later he died of an aortic aneurysm.

Amy Winehouse

A week before British singer Amy Winehouse died on July 23, 2011, she was seen walking near her home in North London.

Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger smiles on the set of his latest film, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, shortly before overdosing on painkillers in January 2008.

John Lennon

The man who shot John Lennon, Mark David Chapman, is seen on the right in last picture musician in December 1980. He asked for an autograph.

Anne Frank

This is believed to be the last photograph of Anne Frank. She stands with her sister Margot in early or mid-1942. The photo was taken before her family was discovered and arrested by the Nazis in Holland on August 4, 1944.

Bob Marley

Musician Bob Marley speaks with family in Munich, Germany, before his death from cancer on May 11, 1981.

Challenger crew

This is the last photo of the seven-person crew of the space shuttle Challenger, which exploded 73 seconds into flight on January 28, 1986.

Jimi Hendrix

Guitarist Jimi Hendrix poses with his favorite instrument, the Black Betty guitar, the day before his death on September 8, 1970.

Yuri Gagarin

On March 27, 1968, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, the first person on planet Earth to be in space, died in a plane crash while performing a training flight on a MiG-15UTI aircraft under the control of instructor pilot V.S. Seryogin, near the village of Novoselovo, Kirzhach district, Vladimir region. This photo was taken just in the cockpit of an airplane for training flights in the spring of 1968.

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley returns to Graceland on August 16, 1977, after visiting the dentist. Died on the same day.

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe visited Frank Sinatra and Buddy Greco the weekend before her death on August 5, 1962.

Mahatma Gandhi

The last photograph of the ideologist of the movement for Indian independence from Great Britain. Five months before Gandhi's death, India peacefully achieved national independence. On the evening of January 30, 1948, he went out onto the lawn in front of the house. As usual, the gathered crowd loudly greeted the “father of the nation.” Adherents of his teachings rushed to their idol, trying, according to ancient custom, to touch the Mahatma’s feet. Taking advantage of the confusion, Nathuram Godse, among other worshipers, approached Gandhi and shot him three times. This moment is captured in the photo.

Keith Moon

The Who drummer Keith Moon died on September 7, 1978 from an overdose of a drug prescribed to combat alcoholism. This is his last dinner with Paul McCartney and his then-wife Linda.

Martin Luther King

On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King, a fighter for the rights of people of color in the United States, stood on the balcony of his hotel room in Memphis. A shot rang out. The bullet went through right cheek King to the spinal cord and came out over the shoulder. This photo was taken on April 3rd. Martin Luther stands in approximately the same place where he will be killed a day later.

Margaret Thatcher

Last public photograph of the first woman to serve as chief European state. Thatcher died in the early hours of April 8, 2013, aged 88, at the Ritz Hotel in central London, where she had been staying since being discharged from hospital at the end of 2012. It was at the exit from the hotel that this photo was taken.

Kurt Cobain

This photograph of Kurt Cobain was taken shortly before the Nirvana leader's suicide in 1994.

Princess Diana

Princess Diana in the back seat looks back at the paparazzi in Paris. Seconds after this, her Mercedes crashed into a pole in a tunnel on August 31, 1997.

Mark Twain

Last thing famous photo American writer Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, in April 1910.


Last known photograph of the Titanic ship , who died in 1912 after colliding with an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean.

Robert Kennedy

He ran for the presidency of the United States after the death of his older brother John Kennedy. Shot to death in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel (pictured) after giving a speech celebrating his victory in the California primary. Died June 6, 1968.

Sharon Tate

These photos of Roman Polanski's pregnant wife were taken shortly before she was brutally murdered by Charles Manson on August 9, 1969.

George Harrison

Since the mid-nineties, one of the Beatles struggled with serious illness. In 1997, he had a cancerous tumor of the larynx and part of his lung removed, and in May 2001 he was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor that could not be operated on. Harrison died on November 29, 2001 at Paul McCartney's house in Los Angeles, where this photo was taken.

Michael Jackson

The last public photo of singer Michael Jackson. In March 2009, Michael announced that he was going to give the last series of concerts in London called "This Is It Tour". The concerts were supposed to begin on July 13, 2009. The tour never took place; Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 as a result of a drug overdose.

Steve Jobs

After eight years of battling the disease, Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer in 2011. Above is the last one famous photograph Jobs, taken on September 27, 2011 near his home. The photo shows Steve Jobs in a chair with his wife Lauren and son Reed.

Jim Morrison

The Doors frontman Jim Morrison and his girlfriend Pamela Courson pose in Paris in 1971. Five days later he was found dead in the bathtub.

Ayrton Senna

Brazilian racing driver, three-time Formula 1 world champion (1988, 1990 and 1991) 15 minutes before his death in 1994 in an accident at the San Marino Grand Prix.