Stella Stanislavovna Baranovskaya (nee Kryuchonkova). Born on July 26, 1987 in Moscow - died on September 4, 2017 in Moscow. Russian actress and media person.

Stella Kryuchonkova, who became known as Stella Baranovskaya, was born on July 26, 1987 in Moscow.

Has Russian (maternal) and Georgian (paternal) roots.

Father - Stanislav Kanteladze, lives in the USA.

Mother - Larisa Kryuchonkova.

Grandmother - Lydia Petrovna Kryuchonkova.

Stella grew up without a father - her parents were not married. In fact, she grew up without a mother - literally from the first days of her life, she was raised by her grandmother. Lydia Petrovna Kryuchonkova herself said that her mother gave her Stella right in the hospital, and she herself worked and arranged her personal life.

With her father, who went to live in America, Stella almost did not communicate, although he knew about her existence and came to her funeral.

Regarding Stella's mother, her grandmother said that the woman was "inadequate."

Lydia Kryuchonkova - Stella Baranovskaya's grandmother

Stanislav Kanteladze - Stella Baranovskaya's father

From an early age, Stella had to pave her way in life herself. During her school years she was engaged in choreography.

In her youth she worked as a model. In high school she decided to become an actress, studied in a theater studio.

Filmography of Stella Baranovskaya:

After school she entered the Moscow Art Theater School. However, after graduating from a theatrical university, she did not succeed in making a brilliant career in cinema. She constantly attended auditions, often starred, but she got roles either in extras or in episodes.

The actress was not even mentioned in the credits - in connection with which it is not possible to establish the full filmography of Stella Baranovskaya. The only film where she is mentioned in the credits is the 2006 tragicomedy "The Astronaut's Grandson", filmed. There Baranovskaya is designated as a girl with a foreign car.

Stella Baranovskaya in the movie "Cosmonaut's Grandson"

Personal life of Stella Baranovskaya:

She was married, from her husband she got the surname by which she became known.

Stella's relationship with millionaire Maxim Kotin, an inhabitant of Rublyovka, became louder. Their relationship lasted for several years.

From Maxim, the actress gave birth to a son, Daniel in 2011. Stella decided to give birth even though her boyfriend demanded an abortion and was not going to marry her. When Danya's son was born, he did not help raise the boy.

Maxim Kotin's mother, socialite Irina Winter, also did not want to communicate with her grandson, or help raise him.

Maxim Kotin is the father of Stella Baranovskaya's son

The actress helped the actress to raise Danya her grandmother - Lydia Petrovna Kryuchonkova.

As mentioned above, Stella did not have a chance to play high-profile roles on the screen. She became widely known as a result of a serious illness.

Disease and death of Stella Baranovskaya

On New Year's Eve 2016, Stella felt unwell, her temperature rose, which did not go down for another three days. However, she did not go to the doctors right away.

In early January 2016, American specialists performed all the necessary examinations, diagnosed leukemia, and prescribed chemotherapy for her.

She said: "I had a biopsy. I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. I was prescribed pediatric chemotherapy and was told that there are many chances to be cured, since I am not yet 30 years old."

The terrible news about the diagnosis found Baranovskaya in America with her fiancé. According to Larisa Pokhilchuk, a nurse at the hospital in Minnesota, where Baranovskaya turned, the chosen one turned away from the girl after learning that she was sick with cancer.

"When she checked out with her mother and Danya, they had nowhere to live. They stayed at my house ... At the same moment she experienced the betrayal of a loved one. The groom did not even lift a finger to help her ... We had several long conversations. in the kitchen. What Stella experienced in her 30 years, some do not experience in a hundred years. So many betrayals, so many difficult situations, "- said the nurse.

After a while, Stella stopped chemotherapy courses, as it was very difficult for her emotionally. According to Baranovskaya, she was constantly crying.

Nurse Larisa Pokhilchuk explained: Baranovskaya was very upset with chemotherapy and experienced hellish torment, which is why she later refused this procedure. "Stella has a very high pain threshold, she literally climbed up the wall from pain during chemotherapy. She went through six stages, and the last one did not go through, she was in too much pain," Pokhilchuk said.

It is because of this that Baranovskaya turned to alternative medicine. In particular, shortly before her death, the actress was treated by the healer Akylbek from Kazakhstan. Her friend Anfisa Chekhova noted that after the sessions, the healer Akylbek's pains disappeared from Stella, and she could sleep peacefully.

The actress also traveled to Mexico, where she was promised to be given an injection with an injection that would kill cancer cells. The meeting with the doctor did not take place. After that, Baranovskaya tried to be treated by people practicing metaphysical techniques.

Having learned about the terrible diagnosis, Stella asked people for help. Thanks to her friend, a fundraiser for the treatment of a woman was opened. She was helped by many stars of Russian show business.

When, at some point, Stella announced her recovery, she was accused of fraud - people who sent money to the actress's account doubted that she really had an oncological disease and began to demand to show medical certificates.

In December 2016, on the "Live" program, she said that she almost managed to overcome a serious cancer disease - acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and that she was in remission. At the same time, she claimed that she had brain metastases, but she hopes that this is not the final diagnosis.

An imaginary illness or a miracle of healing? The actress is accused of fraud. Live

During the treatment Stella was supported by her son Danya. "My child was with me all this time, and went through it all with me," - said the actress.

In the treatment, Stella was also helped by her star friends - and the singer.

However, the disease progressed and the woman's condition did not improve.

"You didn't believe me, but I died." Let them talk

The illness and death of Stella Baranovskaya were discussed by the public for a long time.

She has a 6-year-old son, Danya, who was looked after by her star friends in the last days of her life.

After the death of the actress, Katya Gordon and Anfisa Chekhova began to prepare documents for recognition of paternity by Maxim Kotin - so that the man would at least pay alimony for the upbringing of his son Dani.

She also expressed her intention to bring up her great-grandson, Stella's grandmother, Lydia Petrovna Kryuchonkova: "For me, he is the last drop of life, I must help him, because my daughter (Stella's mother is site) is inadequate ... About Dani's father, I know that when he was 10 months old, his father did not refuse him. He may have wanted to, but his parents were against it. "

Stella's father Stanislav Kanteladze is also ready to help his grandson. He flew to the funeral of the actress from the United States to Moscow. "I don't know about Stella's mom, but I think that no parent wants to harm their child. We communicate with her. We have a grandson, we must raise him. First of all, we must agree among ourselves how we will do this. to do, this is a very difficult question. Of course, it would be good for a child if he came to America. And there he would be brought up ... I would like to take him, but we'll see how we agree, "he said.

On Monday, September 4, lawyer Katya Gordon announced that actress Stella Baranovskaya had died. A young woman struggled for a long time with a serious cancer - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Zara, Anfisa Chekhova and Lera Kudryavtseva tried to help a friend, but their efforts were in vain. In an attempt to alleviate her condition, Stella abandoned the traditional method of treatment. Baranovskaya thought that he was not good for her.

Social media users express condolences to Stella's family and friends. Many of them cannot believe in the sudden death of the actress, whom the spiteful critics suspected of wanting to cash in on compassionate people. Friends of Baranovskaya tried to support her in difficult times and defended her from cruel accusations.

“My little beautiful girl! Who wanted love so much and to be understood ... She wanted to go her own way and find support on it! Who fought so hard and desperately believed in a miracle. And also in people ... who let her down. Thank you for everything you taught me! Thank you for the love you gave. When there is a lot in my heart, words get stuck in my throat ... I scold myself for not having time to tell you for the last time that I love you. But you, you know, baby, we will definitely meet with you! Until next life, my dear girl! Forgive me for not being able to give you everything I could. Have a nice flight, my angel, "Anfisa Chekhova shared on Instagram.

The husband of Anfisa Chekhova, Guram Bablishvili, wrote that he was grieving over the death of Stella Baranovskaya. The man made public one of the last appeals of the actress when she could no longer walk. In it, Stella thanked loved ones and said goodbye to them.

“My family ... There are only three of us, but I have you so strong ... Thanks to my friends, who are still around. Anfisa, Katya, Anyuta, where would I go without you ... Father and mother, I forgive you for everything and you will forgive me. God is your judge, I thank you for giving me a priceless life. Letting go of you completely. I have no more grudges. I just accepted that everyone has their own way and not everyone knows how to love. May God grant you health and happiness. Now it is incredibly difficult for me, painful and difficult. My legs no longer walk, but my heart is still beating ... "- the husband of the host quotes one of Stella's latest posts on Instagram.

The man also turned to Stella Baranovskaya and wished her to rest in peace.

“You loved life so much, you wanted to live so much ... Now in another world, now on other planets. Fly in peace, little girl Stella. My condolences to your loved ones. First of all, to my son and grandmother, ”said the host's husband.

Lera Kudryavtseva also said goodbye to Stella Baranovskaya on social networks. “The most beautiful, kind, gentle girl has not become. I can't believe and find the right words. How you suffered and tormented, how many trials fell on your fragile soul, ”the TV presenter wrote in the microblog.

Simona Yunusova, the mother of rapper Timati, was personally acquainted with the actress. “Only 30, but what a bright and loving life! I learned from you, girl, wisdom, patience and devotion. You knew how to see beauty and enjoy simple things ... Rest in peace, staunch soldier ... There will always be a place in my soul for your purple heart. You know what I mean, ”said the woman.

// Photo: frame of the program "Live"

Singer Zara joined numerous condolences to the family and friends of Stella Baranovskaya. According to the performer, she was one of the first to learn about the death of a friend, but could not collect her thoughts and write about what happened.

“The last days I have been with her and tried to do everything to relieve her suffering. Stella's son, Danechka, all this time lived in my family. Wonderful, kind, a little hooligan, very loving mom. We went to children's stores, where he chose toys and stickers with images of butterflies, saying that mom would love them. We don't tell him anything yet. He's so small. Today Dani's great-grandmother took him. Heart breaks from the injustice of life. Stella really was like a butterfly - beautiful, fragile, kind, vulnerable ... I really hope that her suffering is finally over. And we will take care of Danechka. Fly, dear, ”- shared the star.

Singer Maria Mia said that Stella Baranovskaya was an example for her. The young woman, who herself faced a serious illness, understood the actress like no other. Despite the fact that at some point, Stella's illness receded, then she again felt unwell. The last days Baranovskaya did not get out of bed.

“A year ago, not knowing about my diagnosis, I saw the post of this sweet and strong girl. She suffered from cancer ... I admired and still admire. It was scary to learn that I myself had cancer. And today I found out that she was gone ... She was in complete remission, but the cancer came back and took her away. It hurts so much, ”Maria said.

Lama Safonova, who, like Stella, told her story on the "Live" program with Boris Korchevnikov, learned the sad news from the editor of Channel One. The singer remembered that she herself had become a victim of cruel persecution. At one time, Baranovskaya, who was accused of self-interest and a desire to "promote" a serious illness, stood up for Safonova. Then Lama was threatened by the oligarch rejected by her.

“Today this girl, who came to the broadcast to intercede for me, is gone ... She died in the process of rehabilitation. I cannot find words, tears are rolling from my eyes ... Stellochka, a brave open man, may it be easy and light for you in heaven ... Kingdom of heaven for you ... Thank you ... You were so bright, beautiful ... She did not want upload documents about your illness. Cancer is the hardest grief. And not everyone is ready for people to read these terrible letters ... She always wanted to look healthy and happy in the photo. Everyone has his own path. And that was her right. Sleep well, ”the Lama said.

Actress Stella Baranovskaya died of cancer 04 09 17: Katya Gordon told about the last days of her friend's life, "spitting in the face" of two people, who, according to her, made the last days of the actress even more unbearable.

Russian TV presenter and lawyer Katya Gordon on Monday 4 September reported the death of actress Stella Baranovskaya, who was her friend. According to Katya, the actress died at five o'clock on Monday - what her grandmother Baranovskaya and another friend Olga told her about. In recent days, Stella, who had acute lymphoblastic leukemia, was in hellish pain and could not walk. The actress left a small child - presumably, he is the son of Max Kotin.

It was this man, as well as Madina Tatraeva, that Gordon, after the death of Stella Baranovskaya on September 4, "spat in the face like a kid." Kotin got from Gordon for turning his back on his son in such a difficult situation for Stella. Tatraeva previously accused Baranovskaya and her friends of PR. Allegedly, Stella was not sick, but spent the collected money on the purchase of apartments and cars.

Publication from KATYA GORDON (@katyagordon) Sep 3 2017 at 11:23 am PDT

Stella Baranovskaya, who died today from cancer, was helped by her friends. In addition to Gordon, who recently even took the actress's child to her, Anfisa Chekhova and Lera Kudryavtseva did this. They are now very worried about the death of a friend.

Katya Gordon, in an interview with Starhit, also tried to debunk rumors that Stella had abandoned traditional treatment. This was not the case, the presenter claims. Baranovskaya underwent several courses of chemotherapy, but at some point it stopped helping.

“It is not for us to condemn a person who was in a serious condition and resorted to different methods of treatment,” Gordon said.

She also said that Stella Baranovskaya did not have an apartment in Moscow, and that a childhood friend named Artem gave her a car.

“Stella was never a charlatan and died in the wildest pains. And there has never been any exorbitant money, allegedly collected for pseudo-disease, "Katya told reporters.

Actress Stella Baranovskaya died of cancer 04 09 17- the girl's friends are organizing the funeral, the date of the sad ceremony is still unknown.

Baranovskaya was not known until early 2016. But everything changed when she was diagnosed with a terrible disease - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Many stars appealed to help the young actress by posting on social networks about her serious illness. Thanks to the efforts of Anfisa Chekhova, Anna Semenovich and many others, the whole country learned about Baranovskaya's misfortune. They began to collect money for her treatment, but soon many began to wonder: is the girl really sick with cancer?

Photos of Baranovskaya from expensive resorts around the world began to appear on the network. Yes, and she did not look like a cancer patient: the girl, who was not even thirty, looked very lively and even seductive.

At the end of 2016, Stella took part in the program "Live". There, she explained that chemotherapy had not worked and she had taken up alternative therapies. The audience was divided into two camps: someone believed the actress, and someone just decided that she was a fraud.

But on the morning of September 4, sad news came. Stella Baranovskaya died. She died "in wild agony" - Katya Gordon told about this through tears on her Instagram page:

Probably one of the worst blows for Stella was the fact that some of the closest people turned away from her too.

She " desperately believed in a miracle. And also the people ... who let her down», — writes to Instagram Anfisa Chekhova.

Stella has a little daughter.

In the short creative biography of the actress Stella Baranovskaya, there was only one role, after which the artist was recognized and talked about. This is the role of a seriously ill woman who needed the help and sympathy of others. Some believed Stella, others called the game fake and unconvincing. There is no information about Stella Baranovskaya's childhood.

The future actress was born in 1987, presumably in Moscow. Who her parents are is unknown. The girl's warm and family relationship began not with her dad and mom, but with her grandmother. None of Baranovskaya's relatives are associated with the world of cinema, which did not prevent Stella from entering the Moscow Art Theater School. But fate measured out too little time for the girl to have time to make a career in cinema.


After receiving a diploma of higher acting education, Stella Baranovskaya, like most of her colleagues - graduates of the theater university, starred in episodes of TV series and low-budget films. But the roles she was entrusted with were too small for the viewer to notice and remember the novice artist. Stella does not have a list of filmography because she was not mentioned in the credits.

The only picture they remember when talking about Baranovskaya is the tragicomedy "The Grandson of the Cosmonaut" and Tamara Vladimirtseva. The actress starred in a cameo role as a girl in a foreign car. But in the credits of the Stella Baranovskaya comedy you cannot find.

The disease brought fame to the artist. Celebrities learned about the difficult fate of Baranovskaya: the girl's misfortune touched the hearts of the singer, etc. The stars through social networks asked their fans to help Stella, who was diagnosed in America with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

There was not enough money for expensive treatment. Ill-wishers, who accused Stella Baranovskaya of simulating illness and a desire to cash in on gullible fellow citizens, also "helped". Haters even organized groups on social networks where they poured mud on a sick woman.

Skeptics shared rumors, saying that they saw Baranovskaya in different parts of the capital happy and without signs of illness. Citing photos of the woman on Instagram, taken in America and Mexico, she was accused of spending multimillion-dollar donations on clothing and resorts. At the end of 2016, Stella Baranovskaya appeared on Live TV, where she shared the details of the disease and treatment.

The actress had to decide on shooting and revelations because of the persecution and an avalanche of accusations. A certain Madina Tatraeva, who called Baranovskaya a charlatan, was especially zealous in this. Madina's posts on social networks wounded the dying Stella, forcing her to make excuses and refute the lie.

Personal life

According to Stella Baranovskaya's star friends, who helped her with money and collected funds for treatment, the actress had an affair with a certain Maxim Kotin, the son of wealthy parents. Kotina's mom is Irina Winter, interior designer and art director of Gallery on Mosfilm. Photos of the woman end up in the gossip. In Vogue magazine, she talked about her luxurious garden near the house. According to Katya Gordon, judging by the profile on Facebook, Winter has famous and wealthy friends: gallery owner Aidan Salakhova, lawyer, artist.

Igor Kotin, Maxim's father, in the past headed the media department of the Swiss company "Glencore". The man's name is on the list of founders of the capital's energy company. Katya Gordon wrote to Maxim and his parents about the trouble of Stella Baranovskaya, told about her son and grandson, showed pictures of a terminally ill woman and six-year-old Daniel. But there was no answer, the correspondence with Catherine was blocked.

On the social network, joint photos of Stella Baranovskaya with Maxim Kotin have been preserved, but they cannot become proof of his paternity. They did not have time to do the genetic examination and other legal actions. When Stella Baranovskaya was in the hospital, Katya Gordon, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara took him to her. Stella's grandmother is very old and cannot take care of the boy.

Sickness and death

Stella Baranovskaya met New Year's Eve 2015 with her boyfriend in America. I felt unwell on January 1. She went to the clinic with fever and sore throat. Three days later, after making a biopsy, the woman was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis: cancer. The doctors prescribed chemotherapy, but Stella was unable to complete the full course due to severe intolerance.

Stella's mom, Larisa Kryuchonkova, lived in the ward with her daughter when she was receiving chemotherapy and saw Stella's torment. The producers of the project "Live" contacted a clinic in the United States, where they are treated with the detoxification method. The hospital nurse confirmed that Stella Baranovskaya was treated by them. Baranovskaya refused chemotherapy and resorted to alternative medicine. In Mexico, Stella was promised an injection that would kill cancer cells.

For unknown reasons, the meeting with the doctor fell through. Then there were the metaphysical techniques. Weiland Rodd, the singer's ex-husband, treated Stella Baranovskaya with a diet: juices, vegetables and fruits. The woman resorted to treatment with chlorophyll and spirulina. For a while, the patient felt better and it seemed to her that she was cured.

In the summer of 2017, the disease returned. The actress was dying a painful death from leukemia, doctors called her condition hopeless. Stella's kidneys and liver have failed. According to her grandmother, her granddaughter's heart stopped in the early morning of September 4. The organization of the funeral was taken up by Baranovskaya's friends. Who little Danya will stay with is unknown. Stella did not have time to file a lawsuit against the boy's father.